WHY On Earth Are A Few IMMORAL, Heathen Women Turning Roy Moore Into The "Poster

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  1. Alternative Prime profile image58
    Alternative Primeposted 6 years ago

    WHY On Earth Are A Few IMMORAL, Heathen Women Turning Roy Moore Into The "Poster CHILD" For Alabama?

    Talk about TOTAL Destruction of Mr. Trump & Republicans ~ Trump's Ratings SINKING 2 the LOW 30's, Cancellations at "Hurricane WHIPPED" Mara-Lago by the Red Cross & other Entities while it appears as if "White Nationalist" R increasing their presence ~ Not 2 mention he & family members should be "Adorned with "Big Beautiful INDICTMENTs" soon ~ The "Charlatan Trump CHARADE" has ENDED & some women in Alabama R STILL Peddling Roy Moore?? REALLY?? Can U see the TV ads? " VISIT Alabama.. just keep your children AWAY from the MALLz & Creepy PUDGY Old Guys TWIRLING pea shooters in cowboy costumes....


  2. Misfit Chick profile image75
    Misfit Chickposted 6 years ago


    Correction: Heathen women don't support Moore. Most women who are supporting him insist that they are 'Christians'.

    1. Alternative Prime profile image58
      Alternative Primeposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      CORRECTION Misfit ~ A few “Heathen Women” including Roy's WIFE & a few "WOMEN 4 Trump" who "CLAIM" 2 Be Christian Support Roy ~ “Christian Roy Moore Supporter” is an Oxymoron, It’s IMPOSSIBLE 2 Vote 4 Roy & be CHRISTIAN symultaneously

  3. Austinstar profile image84
    Austinstarposted 6 years ago

    I never knew how low Republican people would go to "support" their candidates until Trump and his buddies came along. It's all so disgusting that I try not to think about it anymore.
    The Republicans have turned my stomach forever. I voted for Reagan because I didn't do my research. I will always look at individual candidates, but I am no longer seeing anything worthwhile on the alt-right/conservative side. They have all ACTED in the worst interests of America for some time now.
    Our infrastructure needs to be rebuilt from the ground up to get all the stupid out of our lives. (Hoping it is just all the lead in the water).

    1. Alternative Prime profile image58
      Alternative Primeposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Amen AustinS ~ “Delusional" Donald/GOP PEDDLE Sabotaging ObamaCARE/ACA/HealthCARE, Drastic CUTs 2 Medicare/caid, Environmental DESTRUCTION, Corporate WELFARE Tax Cuts 4 Mnuchin’s instead of a Pay RAISE 4 Workers ~ aka Putin's Anti-USA Agenda

  4. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image81
    Wesman Todd Shawposted 6 years ago

    It's really all very simple, if disgusting persons who deem themselves liberals dislike a person, then it would appear obvious to persons with a decent intelligence quotient, and an ability to type in proper English, that such a person is then an upstanding person, and not what the hateful leftist media portrays them as. But you wouldn't understand anything like that, it's far, far beyond the range of your ability.

    1. Austinstar profile image84
      Austinstarposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      We are not disliking the "person", we are disliking his actions - to whit - being accused of sexual harassment of minors, and of being banned from a shopping mall for those actions. How do you get confused about this?

    2. Ralph Deeds profile image66
      Ralph Deedsposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      Aside from the accusations of sexual misconduct Moore is the least qualified of any Senate candidate in my memory. The GOP is in real trouble for supporting his candidacy.

    3. Alternative Prime profile image58
      Alternative Primeposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      AMEN Austin ~ A DISTINCTION between Moore/Trump allegations is that Roy's VICTIMs were 14, 15, 16, 17 & 18 Yrs Old ~ Agreed Ralph & An IRREFUTABLE case of Dreadfully Unqualified Incompetent “JOKERs” can also B made 4 Trump’s entire GOP Admin

  5. Alternative Prime profile image58
    Alternative Primeposted 6 years ago


    WHY have some Alabama Christians apparently moved  “One GIANT Leap” toward the “DARK Side”???? I think we can all agree that this state has always been a symbol of Racism, Bigotry, Intolerance of Human Diversity & Vile Suppression of its Residents, but now, it appears as if there are actually some “Self-Proclaimed” Christian Women within the boundaries of this controversial southern region who may actually VOTE for Alleged PEDOPHILE Roy Moore to represent them in the United States Senate!! REALLY???? One Woman is a WACKY Leader of the “Women for Trump” idiocracy!!

    Is this INDICATIVE of “Alabama VALUEs & How on EARTH did their Christianity Morph into a “Demonic SPIRITUAL Exercise“ ????

    Has the entire State of Alabama succumbed to a “Complete Mind Control COMPROMISE" at the Evil Hand of Satan???? What else could possibly explain the MADNESS of a person willing or in this case perhaps “DIRECTED & Compelled” by Unseen Sinister Forces, to actually hand over POWER to a Little Creepy Elderly Man in a COWBOY Costume who has been painted as a person who has Allegedly Committed CRIMEs so Despicable that even Confined Prisoners find it APPALLING ???? Not to mention his DESIRE to "TAKE" from the People" & "GIVE to Corrupt Corporations"~

    The question now must be asked ~ Just how safe is Alabama for the Children or even adults???? Schools, Churches, Malls, Parks? Are they all COMPROMISED by the Roy Moore’s of the world & more importantly, are the Roy Moores of the WORLD now Weclome in Alabama????


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