for the Libya problem. I'm not sure which channel it was on. I'm in the office. If hubby was watching the TV last, it's on FOX. If I was watching last, it's on CNN.
It's on both … -benghazi/
It's not surprising though.
Obama will not take responsibility for any of his actions. The deficits are Bush's fault. The unemployment rate is Bush's fault. The security problem is Hillary's fault. Iran getting a nuke would be Israel's fault. Rising healthcare costs are somebody's fault(weren't they supposed to go down?)... let's blame the insurance companies for those. Unemployment is Wall Street's fault. It's the Bankers' fault. It's the evil greedy CEOs' fault.
I dunno, has Obama ever taken responsibility for something negative?
Normally I do not like such lopsided comments -- But this one is right on no matter your view. Scary
(But Hilary, like her or hate her -- she stands by her man)
I find it interesting that Biden said they didn't know that the Embassy requested more security, they didn't know any information about Libya, but they will know when Iran will have the capability to arm a missile. Democrats, you gotta love their lies!
We said the election is Obama's to lose. I think he may have just done it, and Hillary set herself up for the next cycle.
Obama just took full responsibility! I am proud of my President
Well, I'd like to see some group that actually perpetrated the attacks take the blame -- or would that be the credit? Isn't it odd that there hasn't been more public gloating from the terrorist community on this?
Well, now that Hill has been the good soldier (isn't she a lame duck as SOS anyway -- having announced awhile back she will step down at the end of the year anyway?) aybe people can stop pointing fingers.
In the meantime, while the right politicizes this tragedy, it's not as simple as "Obama failed." Here's a really good article on the sensitivity of the aftermath.
I can guarantee you that Obama will NOT manufacture some bogus excuse like WMD to go and invade Libya (or Mali) in response to this attack. … ction.html
I have answers on your other accusations, too, Jaxson, but gotta go have dinner with my son.
Meantime, here is a piece of positive news regarding JOBS.
Read the story. One of the problems with the unemployment is an American skills gap.
But feel free to blame Obama for that, too. I'm sure it's his fault that jobs today require math and technical skills that we haven't valued enough to teach our young people. … more-vets/
The Titanic suffered a tragedy, the Embassy suffered a terrorist attack!
Someone to fall on Obama's sword for him isn't what people are seeking. IT'S ALL ABOUT THE COVER-UP . Why did the administration proceed to feed the public the BS when they knew full well within a 24 hour post attack period, that the was attack was Al queda terrorist? If there is any political spin being perpetrated here, it's not that Mitt Romney has questioned the administrations failure's in protecting our Embassy and the brave American's slaughtered there. The spin is that alot of folks see the cover-up as a need for the administration to hide the fact that a terrorist attack occurred after the President has proclaimed the killing of Bin Laden and the dessimation of Al queda. And the more compelling question is, Does this president place more value on his public perception during his campaign than he places on his honesty and integrity?
lmao...all these point the fingers, he's no good. Have you researched Romney, or better yet listened to him the past 2 years? He has changed his position on any given issue. And not just once, more then one could count! Even Fox news doesn't know what Romneys plan is if elected? Does he even have one? Or are we to vote for him and then get the details? Would you buy a car sight unseen or not having test driven it? Heck no! So why do you endorse Romney? I keep hearing birther this and that about the POTUS, but defend Romney not giving up details or tax returns. What does this man have to hide? Maybe you know something I dont? Probably because I'm one of Romney's 41%! lol
"Or are we to vote for him and then get the details?"
A democrat is asking this???
Here, this is for you.
Hey I know, under the Morman religion, the congregation has a "living Prophet" who advises and leads the congregation. Maybe if Romney is elected the church Prophet will tell Romney what to do? After all, the Prophet does speak for God!
Movingout, you haven't the slightest idea what Obama has planned for your future. Read a little bit, or watch some videos. "Fool me Once", "Dreams from my Real Father.""2016," The man is a marxist and carefully following the Alinsky program of tearing down the country, increasing the debt, getting as many citizens as possible on welfare, then eliminating everything the country stands for. He is going right down each step of the Marxist doctrine, because that is how he was trained by his Marxist father.
LOL...I put as much value on a manipulated video about the POTUS as I do on Michael Moores documentaries. What is Romney's plan for the future? He hasn't released any details? Oh, that's right, he will tell about them after he gets elected? LMAO Marxist doctrine! LOL Then I should worry about Romney's religeous heritage? That he believe God appoints a "living prophet" to help the congregation make the right decisions! SO if the "Prophet" tells a president Romney to go to war, will he? Or perhaps I should believe their belief in Planet Kolob? Maybe you're the one who doesn't have the slightest idea of what Romney has planned for your future!
AHAHHAAH man you watched propaganda videos and believed them? Really?
How on earth have you reached the conclusion that Marxist theory is about getting as many people as possible on welfare, or destroying the fabric of a country? And Keynesian economics are not about increasing debt for the sake of it, but spending in order to create growth. You may disagree with the principles, but that doesn't make them sinister or make Obama some kind anti-christ. Now that is far fetched!
If Obama had wanted to get all Americans on welfare he had ample chance right after the Wall Street collapse.
That did not happen.
Instead, he has worked tirelessly, and against an obstructionist Congress, to create jobs to rebuild the middle class.
As to your evidence of Obama's Marxist plans... I say, consider the source. The funding source.
It's really comical how many Republicans are voting against Obama and reluctantly voting Romney. Says a lot for your candidate! lol If Romney was running against a white catholic, he wouldn't have a chance of winning!
I'd much rather vote for Reagan but well, you know. And yes, I am voting against Obama isn't that what you do when you don't vote for him?
So you agree with me. So you understand the "Job" of the Prophet and just what Planet Kolob is? As for Reagan, he deregulated and started this spiral falling. And let's not forget Clinton, with NAFTA. This recession is a direct result of 30 years of poor administration decisions. But, then it's easy to blame the guy in office I guess? I voted for Bush, because he said giving tax breaks to the wealthy would create jobs. Did it? NO. He also had a chance to allow business of the same nature (say all painting companies) to pool together and get group insurance rates. Did he sign it? No. Maybe the Prophet and Planet Kolob is the answer to the world's problems?
I have no clue about a prophet or kolob. Vote for whomever you like, you're scaring me.
Scaring you? Not my intent. Research the Mormon Church and how it's followers believe and follow the word of their "living prophet". I don't want a President in office who may follow the words of another from his Church. As for Planet Kolob, do a google search. I was totally shocked by what I found out! Happy voting!
Obama said we weren't supposed to discuss Romney's religion. lol
All I heard during the last election was Obama was a muslim. It's important to know how the candidate stands on religion. Especially one where the congregation believes in the words of the living Prophet and has songs about the planet kolob. That's scary to think this prophet could tell a sitting President to go to war.
I'm not voting for a religious leader, his religion is not my concern unless his religion is to give my money away.
LOL...was an issue during the Obama Presidential campaign for most! And perhaps a little more research is needed on your part as to the power of the church "prophet".
I don't think it was an issue for most. Most people are capable of looking beyond the single issue of religion. Some apparently aren't.
And just for the record, I'm not a Democrat or Republican. I'm known as the Independent swing voter. Having said that, there is no way I would vote for Romney! He changes positions more then most people change their socks! I don't like a lot of Obama's policies, but at least I know for the most part what his plans are. Slow growth is better then no growth. And no growth is what I see with Romney. He boast fair trade with China, but reaps the rewards of "blind trusts with China" (how convenient to say, I didn't know I was making money in China). One has to laugh! l0l
Oliver North, Colin Powell were Republicans and also took the blame for their president's mistakes!
As far as I remember, Powell accepted responsibility for misleading (Lying) to the United Nations concerning Iraq and their WMD. He told absolute falsehoods and had pictures to prove it!
Is it really the American people who are so up in arms about what "really" happened in Libya? And who gets to decide what time period is acceptable to sort out who perpetrated the attack? Is it 1 hour? 24 hours? Is a week too long?
Seems to me we are still waiting for the truth about what happened on 9/11 -- the original one, 11 years ago.
I find it hypocritical in the extreme that the Republicans are turning this into "the" issue of the reelection. Armchair quarterbacking after the fact is as bad as chickenhawking.
More to the point, I wonder what Mssrs. Romney and Ryan would have done differently or what they would do right now in the Commander in Chief's shoes?
Invade Libya? Or how about invade Iran? Makes about as much sense as invading Iraq for the original 9/11.
Iraq was not invaded for 9/11, to continue to spread that lie is ridiculous.
I'm an American and I'm up in arms by this administrations incompetence and willingness to lie about what really happened. If they would lie about something so easily found out what bigger lies have they told us? Four Americans killed and you don't seem to care, whats more is YOU are the one politicizing it,Romney and Ryan are asking questions that SHOULD be asked!
I've never agreed with NATO's role in Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan etc. But it seems ludicrous to me that those who are pontificating about Libya, are more than willing to go to war with Iran, the war that may well end all wars!
I believe its all political , Hillary is an empty" pant suit ", she just happens to be the most rhetorically voiced "leader" to ever come along . So far the closest woman to ever come as close to leading our country and yet , Blah blah blah , she never says anything of substance , merely politi-speak! She knows she can never run now for prez. so shes jumping under the bus .....or sort of jumping ,but not really jumping , 'We'll look into this on many levels ".......kind of jumping.! Obama should crown her for this especially the day before hiis only chance to wake up during a debate !
BTW, I just read that the requested additional security was for the Tripoli, not the Benghazi embassy.
Different requests.
The Tripoli request was to keep security team there, that was already there, for longer. Benghazi requests(multiple) were for additional security, period.
It's irrelevant if it were Tripoi or Benghazi, the Ambassador moves between the two as well as the security force that was pulled out. Ambassador Stephens numerous wire's to the State Dept. admonishing them to address security concerns were by all accounts, ignored. WHY?
Additionally... … 37236.html
They had been attacked twice before, and asked for more security multiple times.
the liberal folks really don't want to hear facts, nor do they care about much beyond their own tomorrow, that is clearly a sad fact. too many libs don't care who is really paying their bills for food and electricity, much less their safety, clearly we will as a country become a Greece long before they give a damn -- when the checks run short for McD's - is that when they'll give a damn about the direction of the USA?
Most of the US debt is accumulated under conservative presidents, the two biggest spending increase presidents in our history are Reagan and Bush 2. Who has been the most debt responsible president in the modern era? Clinton a liberal. What conservatives don't seem to get is investment in the future, spending creates future income and stimulates the economy so sometimes it's necessary, the spending from liberal presidents is doing that instead of being wasted on useless wars abroad.
As for liberals not knowing who is paying their bills if you are referring to welfare, liberals are on average 6 to 7% wealthier and red states have the highest welfare concentrations by far so it appears it's largely conservatives living off others, not to mention that the conservative states are all costing the country more than the produce except for Texas and who is paying for that? The Blue states.
If that were in fact true. . . . the entirety of the 47% comment by Romney would have never made the news, much less been so blatantly politicized by the Obama/Dem Party . . . jeez. If it were mostly rural repulicans on the dole and negatively impacted by this crap economy, you guys would not even care about the dole!!!
by The Frog Prince 12 years ago
Worse? The O not knowing he lost the debate until 24 hours later or two weeks for a terrorist attackObama was walking around thinking he had won the debate with Mitt Romney for at least 24 hours after he got shellacked. It took at least two weeks for him to admit that Benghazi was a terrorist...
by Sooner28 11 years ago … een/194050http://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives. … 913-5.htmlThe right was silent over this. Is this an example of actually holding principles, but only applying them when the opposite party is in power, or pure political nonsense?And...
by Cassie Smith 12 years ago
Why is Hillary Clinton taking the blame on Benghazi?Apparently the buck stops with her and not Obama. She is a good little soldier taking one for the team. Obama must be so relieved that she pulled his ass out of the fire.
by Kathryn L Hill 8 years ago
"President Obama will send up to 450 more U.S. troops to Iraq to step up the training of local forces as they battle the Islamic State, officials said Wednesday.'This training, advise and assist mission builds on lessons learned during the past several months and is just one aspect of our...
by Reality Bytes 12 years ago
No, not another Libya based thread. Let us discuss the incident at Fort Hood that the administration has still failed to call a "terrorist attack"!Why is this important, why is it relevant?Fort Hood Victims Demand Attack Be Deemed 'Terrorism'Survivors of the Fort Hood massacre...
by Jackie Lynnley 8 years ago
Which is worse? Hillary gaining millions from terrorists (they are supporting her candidacy with millions right now even) which has been proven or Obama giving billions to them? (Which has been proven and in cash at that!)How can we put up with anymore of either? To me they are both criminals and...
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