A question for straights vs gays

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  1. brimancandy profile image78
    brimancandyposted 11 years ago

    Ok straight people. I hear a lot of you complaining that Gay people have far too many rights these days, and are asking for too much when it comes to their rights. Yet, I wonder, have you ever asked yourself what rights you have achieved in your right to be straight? Have you, as a straight person ever had a right taken away from you? as gay people have? If so, I would like to hear what they are.

    As a side note, here are a few things that you have achieved that you probably don't even notice.
    These are things that gay people do not currently have.

    1. Sexual freedom. Even though it is quite annoying, you think you have the right to make out in public any where at any time, with anyone. If it's the line at the supermarket check out, the beach, the theater, or in line in front of me at an amusement park. You seem to not care who is watching, or viewing what you are doing, even when there are children around. Not all of you do this, but there is a growing number of people that do. 50 years ago, this would have been seen as indecent exposure.

    VS gay. Gay people do not feel that they have the right to make out anywhere with anyone, and a majority of us would not, out of respect for those around us. Very few of us have the balls to make out in public, and the only places you will see it is in a major city with a large gay population. Not everywhere like it is for straight people. And, in a lot of places, we can still be arrested for it. Even just a kiss.

    2. The right to marry and divorce anyone you chose at the drop of a hat, and then sue your ex husband or wife for a share of the assets, no matter how long you have been married, with all kinds of legal loopholes, and new ones added to save your ass-sets at every turn. Yet, a majority of you think that marriage is sacred, and it should only be your right. But, find it shocking when someone in another country marries a nine year old, and has ten teenage brides. Is that marriage still sacred?

    VS gay. Only in the last decade or so, have gays been allowed to legally marry, and it is only in so many states in the US. And, groups across the country are constantly fighting to have those rights taken away, and try to get people voted into office, just to keep gay people from getting more rights. How would you feel on a daily basis that your marriage rights could be taken away at any moment?

    3. The most important. You do not have to worry about being beaten to death, murdered, or sent off to prison for being straight. You don't have people going around the world protesting your events because you are straight. You don't have to wonder if everyone around you knows you are straight, and is out to get you, or find a way to ruin your life. Only ex's do that! LOL!! And, you don't have to worry if your own family will hate you for being who you are. (Some exceptions I'm sure)

    vs gay. This is something gay people have to worry about every day. Kids who are just discovering who they are have the hardest time with this. Some kill themselves, which is a huge tragedy. Gay people have to constantly watch their backs, as there maybe someone with a baseball bat or a gun just waiting for their chance to act out their hatred. Lucky for us, the numbers of gay bashings have greatly decreased, but it still happens. And it shouldn't.  Do you as a straight person, ever have to worry about being beaten or killed for being straight?

    4. What questions do you ask yourself about being straight? Do you ever ask why?

    VS gay. We ask ourselves why we are gay every minute of every day. And there are still morons out there who think that some day there will be a "Cure" for gay. I say, find who those nuts are, and who supports them and yank their funding. I'm sure they are laughing all the way to the bank.

    1. Repairguy47 profile image60
      Repairguy47posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      You have just the same right to marry as I do. So no, you have not had any right taken from you! If you want to use the "I can't marry a man/woman that I love " stance, well, you never had that right so it wasn't taken from you.

    2. ElSeductor profile image59
      ElSeductorposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Gay people should have the same rights as straights to get married, be miserable, and lose half of their possessions.  Why not?  If you ask me, the fact that you do not have the legal right to be married to somebody of the same sex should make you jump for joy.  Marriage is not all that it is cracked up to be.  Marriage sucks.  You are blessed that you cannot be married.  Trust me.  You are not missing anything.  If you love your partner enough to want to get married and give him/her all of your possessions, then have a ceremony with a minister in front of all of your loved ones.  That covers the marriage part.  In terms of legal possessions, all you have to do is create a will and make your partner the sole heir.  As for taxes, well, create a partnership (business), and you can get your tax benefits that way.  smile


    3. profile image0
      Sophia Angeliqueposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I honestly think that government should butt out of personal affairs. I don't even think they should be legislating tax breaks for married people or anything else.

  2. Repairguy47 profile image60
    Repairguy47posted 11 years ago

    Oh yeah, you can marry a man/woman of your choosing my niece married her girlfriend in D.C. a couple of months ago. You do not have more rights or less rights than I, and you certainly do not have a monopoly on being beaten and killed, we all take that chance everyday!

    1. brimancandy profile image78
      brimancandyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Everyone can be beaten up or killed, that's not the point. The point is there are people out there who's sole purpose is to kill or beat up a fag.  Usually those people hang out in groups. have you ever heard on the news of a person beaten to death for being straight? I killed him because he liked girls? Or I killed her because she kisses guys? Or the poor kid who gets the shit beat out of him in high school because he likes girls? Maybe for a certain girl, but not all girls in general.

      I had a friend who was beaten up by a group of kids walking out of a gay bar for the sole purpose of beating up the fag. He did nothing to them, he was just minding his own business, and they selected him because he was alone, but they were just waiting for someone.  Have you ever heard of someone walking out of straight bar being beaten up by a group of people just because they are straight? There is always a motive, and I guarantee you that the average straight person walking down the street does not have to worry about being beaten for being who they are. The motive is usually robbery, or someone who they have enraged, not just because who they want to date. There is a difference.

      The sad thing is, I see your point. Another sad thing is, those crimes are largely a hatred played out by men. Thought the number of crimes by women is greatly increasing. Men are still the main assholes in society, Like rape for example. When was the last time you as a straight man had to worry about being raped? Something gay men do worry about.

      1. Repairguy47 profile image60
        Repairguy47posted 11 years agoin reply to this

        No, there is not always a motive other than to beat someone up. You said it yourself "they were waiting for someone". Your entire rant of gays have less rights is just factually wrong!

        1. brimancandy profile image78
          brimancandyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          They were waiting for someone outside of a gay bar. Did you read the whole comment? There were no straight people in the bar, just gay men. They were waiting to beat up a gay man, my fried just happened to be the unlucky one.

          Worse that that, when the police showed up, we pointed out the kids who beat my friend, and they refused to make an arrest. Even though the kids were right there in plain sight. Then tried to tell us that they would arrest us for bothering an officer on duty. They took a report and left and did nothing. Do you think the same thing would have happened if this occurred outside a straight bar? I highly doubt it.

          I have never in all my years heard of any group of people waiting outside of a straight bar just waiting to beat someone up. especially a stranger. I have heard of people waiting outside a bar to beat up an ex boyfriend or a revenge fight. But, the average person walking out of a straight club does not have to worry about a group of people waiting outside just for the sole purpose of beating them up, never heard anything like that.

          yet, outside of gay clubs it happens quite often.

          1. Repairguy47 profile image60
            Repairguy47posted 11 years agoin reply to this

            And? What right has been stripped from you or your friend? You realize I cannot strip you of your rights don't you? A group of thugs outside a bar cannot strip away your rights. Government in its many forms is the only entity capable of doing that.

      2. abbykorinnelee profile image59
        abbykorinneleeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Okay, look....I grew up in the Los Angeles County area and I will tell you I could have been attacked for being white every day of my upbringing...you can hide you are gay and we can't hide we are white.

        1. abbykorinnelee profile image59
          abbykorinneleeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Do you research, there is increasing evidence that men are just as much likely to be a victim of domestic violence than women are but they are less likely to report it.  Same with rape.  Men are raped too but are less likely to report it because it would demean their manhood.  So please, stop generalizing and making gay people the only vicitms in society and if you bring something up check the facts because you are wrong there.  Men are raped, Men are beaten.  Women are beaten up for being a slut, for sleeping with the wrong man, for sleeping with a married man,

          1. brimancandy profile image78
            brimancandyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            If you have read all of the comments, you would notice that  I did mention rape. And, men being raped. One of the questions I asked repairguy, was if he feared being raped. This is a crime that is not only man on man crime, it is also a women on man crime. Though less likely.

            I read a report in time magazine about a pair of women who were arrested for multiple rapes of men. Somewhere in the area of 12 different men. a couple of them teenage boys. Robbery and rape were apparently their thing. And, yes, women are just as violent when it comes to spouse abuse as men. Gay men are also physically violent with their partners.

            I actually knew a couple like that. If his partner so much as peeked at another man, he would beat the shit out of him. I finally had to stop being friends with them because I could not stand to watch the abuse.

            1. Hollie Thomas profile image61
              Hollie Thomasposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              Correct, and studies undertaken in the UK, suggest that the worst domestic abuse occurs between two women, not two men or a hetro relationship.

              1. brimancandy profile image78
                brimancandyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                Funny you should mention that. I camp at a seasonal gay camp ground, and they had to call the police and an ambulance, to break up a fight between two women, as the one found the other other cheating on her. All I know is a couple went to the hospital and the rest to jail. All women.

                Also seen a lesbian bar fight, involving pool sticks and thrown balls from the pool table. The only thing you can do is get the hell out of the way!

                1. Hollie Thomas profile image61
                  Hollie Thomasposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  I don't know the reasons why such violence occurs to be greater with same sex female relationships, but I've often wondered if it is because gay women tend to be subjected to a dual discrimination. In the town where I live, we have a thriving gay community, lots of places to socialise and find support etc. However, there are a number of bars and clubs which are exclusive to men ( sometimes that's just a room, or on a particular night etc) However, for women, there is only one club which is exclusive to them. I think, although I don't know, the female gay community is a bit tighter, even more close knit, so any actions that can be perceived in any way as a betrayal, are punished really severely,

  3. abbykorinnelee profile image59
    abbykorinneleeposted 11 years ago

    Who cares what our sexuality is...a human being is a human being and everyone should be treated equally in this country founded on freedom (not religion).  Therefore, LGBT indivduals should have the same damn rights that I do.

    1. Repairguy47 profile image60
      Repairguy47posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      They do!

      1. brimancandy profile image78
        brimancandyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Name one example of nation wide rights we have the same as straights. Someone who has the right to marry in a single sate, does not equal the rights to those who have the right to marry everywhere.

        There are still places where just a homosexual act leads to jail time. If we jailed every straight person for some of the acts I have seen daily from straight people, we would need a whole state just to hold the prisoners.

        1. Repairguy47 profile image60
          Repairguy47posted 11 years agoin reply to this

          You have the same right as I do to marry in every state! Prove me wrong.

          1. brimancandy profile image78
            brimancandyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Legal marriage really? If that is the case, my partner and I should be able to go to our local church in Michigan, get married. And receive all of the tax benefits that a straight couple has. Claim each other on our taxes. And if one of us gets sick, we could get insurance so that our care would be covered, and actually be able to say I would like to visit my husband when at the hospital, and be able to talk to a doctor about his progress if he is gravely ill?

            If I wanted to divorce I could claim half his assets or he could claim mine under our legal marriage? Oh hurray! I can't wait.

            Of course I am being sarcastic. We do not have equal marriage rights in Michigan. There are only a couple of states were gay marriage is legal. You can say you are married to your partner and have a ceremony, but none of the benefits that a normal straight couple has would be included. Just getting married in a church, blows in a storm of fire and brimstone.

            1. Repairguy47 profile image60
              Repairguy47posted 11 years agoin reply to this

              Once again, you have the exact same right to marry as I do whether you are in Texas or Michigan!! If you want to be treated the same as I then maybe you shouldn't classify yourself as different from me! You started this entire thread with this "Ok straight people", I will never treat you the same as I because you do not treat me the same as you, make sense?

              1. abbykorinnelee profile image59
                abbykorinneleeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                It feels like a personal attack against all straight people, its not my fault your gay and its not my fault that I am who I am...jesus christ already

                1. Repairguy47 profile image60
                  Repairguy47posted 11 years agoin reply to this


                  1. abbykorinnelee profile image59
                    abbykorinneleeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    To the guy posting....its not our fault who we are just as its not our fault who he chooses to be.

              2. Hollie Thomas profile image61
                Hollie Thomasposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                Only you have the right to marry someone you love. Forget it, penny will never drop.

            2. Uninvited Writer profile image78
              Uninvited Writerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              He means you have the same right to marry someone of the opposite sex. That is the argument they use, ridiculous as it is.

              1. Repairguy47 profile image60
                Repairguy47posted 11 years agoin reply to this

                It isn't ridiculous, its ridiculous to claim I have more of a right to marry than he does! I wonder is gay marriage legal in Canada?

                1. brimancandy profile image78
                  brimancandyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  The question isn't meant to be mean spirited. When it comes to legal marriage, gays do not have the same rights as straights. If we did, it would be legal to marry anywhere in the country for everyone, and for gays that is not the case. So I am talking about equal rights, not my rights over yours.

                  This is the argument the church people spew, that somehow allowing gays the right to marry will somehow change what they have always had. That my rights are suddenly going to make yours different.

                  And you are still confusing a right to marry with what is legal. I am talking about legal marriage rights, not a wedding ceremony. My friends David and Tim had a wedding ceremony, but that does not make their marriage legal in the state of Michigan. It is not legal. I'm not even sure if we have  domestic partnership laws in our state.

                  As for Canada, their society is very gay friendly. They allowed gays to serve in the military long before Obama over turned don't ask don't tell, and their gay communities are very open and lively. I Have been to both Toronto and Montreal, and the difference between Canada and the US is amazing. Not only for gays, but a lot of other groups as well.

                  1. Repairguy47 profile image60
                    Repairguy47posted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    You have the exact same right to marry as I do! Nothing else needs to be said.

      2. abbykorinnelee profile image59
        abbykorinneleeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I think this is more of a bitterness rant than a factual one, because they have even gained the right to serve openly in the military and I know my cousin recently married her girlfriend in Wisconsin so I know they have rights

        1. Repairguy47 profile image60
          Repairguy47posted 11 years agoin reply to this

          My Staff Sergent niece married her girlfriend a few months ago in D.C. as well. Want to be treated the same then quit alienating yourself!

  4. abbykorinnelee profile image59
    abbykorinneleeposted 11 years ago

    No one should wait outside any bar to beat up anyone but the fact the police failed to make an arrest is something to be acted upon.  It seems that if the victim wished to press charges than they would have had no choice but to arrest your friend.  The police than should be held accountable.  The perpetrator of the attack should be reported again, but perhaps to a higher authority than those officers.  I would even go so far as to look into legal rights and responsibility and action that an be taken.  Waiting outside a gay bar is a hate crime.  The man should have been charged with such.  I did read the entire question and comments but wasn't going to further respond as I felt that I might come across as being abrassive at first.  I think that you are kind of directing this at every single straight person aggressively and combative.  I understand the frustration that you feel, and the difficulties that you go through and I am empathetic and believe that a gay person should be treated just like a straight one.  I don't see though that you can say every straight person isn't walking around in fear of being beaten up...maybe not for their sexuality but what about their race, ethnicity, their religion, gender, for having biracial children, for being in a biracial relationship, for being a white girl in downtown Los Angeles at midnight, for being too poor or too rich.  What about all those fears?  Other groups have struggles too and I think that gay rights are coming along finally and it should be something that we all strive to accept. 

    You have sexual freedom.  You can choose to have a sexual relationship with whoever you want to.  No one is stopping you from making that choice.  You have the freedom to kiss and hold hands in public just as a straight person can.  I understand people don't like seeing it or it makes them uncomfortable, and I understand that it can come at a price like gay bashing, but you still have that right.  I can get kicked out of Disneyland for making out with a man in public their just as you would be kicked out of the park so in that regard, we have the same rights.  Who is going to stop you from gay sexual acts my friend?  In the privacy of your bedroom?    We don't think anything, if someone believes in PDA and makes out in front of you that is their right, you can't take that away from them but hello, don't generalize as the majority of the population of straight people don't condone inappropriate display's of affection.  In fact, I am really uncomfortable with it myself.  I think its rude.  So I don't do it so I would be offended yes, if you did it in front of my but not cause you are gay, because its not respectful of those around you and I would feel the same if straight people did it.  You sound very bitter and angry.

    Now you are going very far when you say we can marry whoever we want and gain assets but have the gaul to be appalled that a nine year old girl is married off to a grown man.  That is something that IS a global social issue and I suggest you read the book Half the Sky.  I will tell you that the nine year old girl didn't have a choice in the matter the child was probably sold off.  She isn't even physically developed as a women yet and that is a cultural issue and problem that has nothing to do with our rights or your rights.  That isn't even being judgemental that is being a concerned member of the human race that is worried about another child that isn't in their country because of practices that strip that girls rights.  You kind of sound like a hypocrite here.

    I worry about being beaten to death by my ex-husband who was abusive and wants to kill me, or of walking in the wrong neighborhood in the inner city all the damn time because I have bi-racial children so that has nothing to do with anything.  Do you go around advertising you are gay or something?  I don't advertise my sexuality.  In fact, you have no idea what my sexuality is and you wouldn't guess correctly anyway.  I don't go around screaming my identity...but I do seem awfully white and my kids awfully mixed in a community that doesn't condone that and would beat the piss out of me if I ran into the wrong group so I beg your pardon at least you can hide your identity for safety...we can't.  So that is a bit offensive.

    I think I made my point and I am not angry, bitter or judgemental of you but you questioned if I read the comments and question...that is my true opinon and I hope this doesn't cause any hard feelings and I wish you the best of luck

    1. brimancandy profile image78
      brimancandyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      My comment about the nine year old bride was mainly to point out that people are more ok with that kind of marriage in this world, or people having more than one wife. But, when it comes to gay people getting married we will get the bible thrown at us. And, it was a comment more about what is legal, than what is right. But, having known some people from those parts of the world, having a child bride is the start of that girls transformation into being a woman, and having a husband is part of that, some of those girls are prepared to be wives because they are told that is what they need to do. Not all of them a bought. A lot of it has to do with money and social acceptance in a male dominated society, were women are viewed more as possessions then a person.

      As for your fears. I am not saying that straight people don't fear being beaten or killed. I am just saying that it is more likely for a gay person to be beaten for his sexuality than a straight person, and the average straight person does not have to worry about being beaten because they are straight. Do you fear being beaten because you are straight?

      Racism is another hate crime. And I agree with you that if someone beats you because of your situation it would be the same as being gay. But, for a majority of straight people that is not the case. Like I mentioned a persons motive for beating someone up is the key. Straight people do not get beat up because they are straight, gay people get beat up just for being gay. To not see the difference is beyond me.

      I am also not saying that all straight people are violent. That's the same as saying all blacks are rappers, and so on, and so on. But, there are people out there no matter what their race, sex, or background. Who's sole purpose in life is to inflict pain and suffering on others. Gay people just happen to be a easy target, and it has only been in recent years that laws have been passed to protect gays. 30 years ago there were none.

      And, I am not bitter. I merely making a comment. Hoping for a normal hate free discussion. I liked your reply. Sorry, if I offended you in any way.

      1. Repairguy47 profile image60
        Repairguy47posted 11 years agoin reply to this

        "My comment about the nine year old bride was mainly to point out that people are more ok with that kind of marriage in this world, or people having more than one wife."

        Really? Just because you said it its true?

        1. brimancandy profile image78
          brimancandyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Go back to the guy who talked about soddom and gommorah. And ask him which group of people are going to burn in hell. The straight guy with the nine year old wife, or the two gays that want to marry.

          The Married couple is hetrosexual. that would be an interesting conversation, again it is about what is legal, and not what is right.

  5. abbykorinnelee profile image59
    abbykorinneleeposted 11 years ago

    And to the last point.  I do question my own sexuality; straight people do too sometimes when every man or women they meet has hurt and abused them.  They have chosen to become gay because they feel safer with someone of the same sex.  I believe most don't choose to be gay they just are so stop questioning or asking yourself why.  There are things in this life we can't control.  You sound more hateful of straight people because of an act of few, stereotyping and generalizing.  I think you need to find some inner peace first and than start dealing with this issue because if you approach it negatively and angrily you are no better than those that are hateful against you.

  6. abbykorinnelee profile image59
    abbykorinneleeposted 11 years ago

    When in doubt move to an accepting and diverse area....California is a great diverse place that I grew up in and you might be happier.

  7. abbykorinnelee profile image59
    abbykorinneleeposted 11 years ago

    good luck to you....

  8. profile image52
    Jim Cancelposted 11 years ago

    I guess God got it wrong when He destroyed Sodom and Gommorah by fire and brimstone as a reminder for people to come as to howHe felt about the danger that reprobate ness posed to His creation. The Apostle Paul used a reference to being gay to describe reprobate ness(being rejected by God and left to our own will and devices). For most descent people, the thought of two men lying together is disgusting and vile and there's an intrinsic reason for this. I hope you and others like you seek repentance because I don't think your reasoning or logic will stand in the coming kingdom and as a matter of fact there will not be any homosexuals, cowards or effeminate allowed as the scripture states. Maybe you should think on the implications of an eternity spent with God and His light as opposed to a short lived time fighting for the right to be a reprobate behavior and civility.

    1. Repairguy47 profile image60
      Repairguy47posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      And then there's this guy.

      1. brimancandy profile image78
        brimancandyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Exactly my point. There are people who will assume you will go to hell, because of what they have learned from people who want a controlled society. Any, thoughts other than the word of God, are a sin, except for the ones that they have set aside for themselves in their ever changing views  of what God actually says. Or do we forget some Christians burning woman at the stake because they thought they were possessed by the devil, owning a slave was a man's god given right, and the black man was Satan's spawn. 1,000 years and the people in Israel are still fighting.

        I was wondering when the Sodom an Gommorah BS would start. I'll save you some time. God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve, and God said Blah Blah Blah. I've heard it all. But, the whole sex before marriage sin, adultry, and though shalt not kill stuff, and all those other things that will get you banished to hell is above the good christians.

        Did you know that in some religions eating pork on the wrong day is also a sin? Drinking alcohol? eating shellfish? Is there anything on this earth that isn't a sin. Please. enlighten us more.

        Oh, and lets not forget masturbation. Self love is a one way ticket to Satan Land. Curious. when a man pleasures himself, he's touching a penis, sounds kinda gay don't you think? Think about that! LOL!!!

        1. Repairguy47 profile image60
          Repairguy47posted 11 years agoin reply to this

          I'm not sure if you are accusing me of being some religious fanatic or what but let me clear this up for you. Not all heterosexuals are waiting outside of bars wanting to kill you! As a matter of fact the number of people doing that is so small its not worth mentioning. If you want homosexuality to be accepted then my advice is to not get hysterical and think everyone is out to get you. I have gay friends from both sexes and the reason that is is because I accept them and they accept me for who we are not what we are.

          Trust me, you catch more flies with honey than you do with shit!

          1. brimancandy profile image78
            brimancandyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            I was referring to the post from Jim Cancel. And, I never said all straights were out to get gays. I was pointing out an example of what gay people fear, from people who will go out of their way to unleash their hate on fags.
            And, the relation to that with straights, that they do not have to fear being beaten over their sexuality. If they do, then that is sad, but, it is less likely to happen among straights. That's all I am saying.

            Our government did not create the new hate law because a small portion of the gay community was being targeted for beatings, they did it because it was becoming a wide spread problem. Look up Matthew Sheppard on line. He was a 16 year old kid who was beaten to death because he was gay. A 16 year old kid. One of many killed just for being gay.

            But, obviously trying to explain the pain of that, felt by a community will not make sense to you. Because obviously you won't understand.

            1. tussin profile image57
              tussinposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              I'm sorry to hear that you have been put through ordeals because of your sexual orientation.  Nothing a straight person says will make you feel better about it, so why are you picking a fight here?

              1. brimancandy profile image78
                brimancandyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                I'm not picking a fight. And this is not just my ordeal. My comments include a majority of the gay community. Read my original post again. I am merely comparing the rights of straights to gays, and how those rights differ. I did not mean to start a war. But it seems like any discussion on homosexuality has to be met with opposition, and hatred. Also I'm sure that not everything I said was historically accurate, I was merely making a statement. And, did not mean to offend anyone.

                One topic I thought about including in this discussion is women's rights, and the rights of black people, and other minorities who faced the same kind of hatred gays are facing today. One person brought up inter-racial marriage, which was once treated with the same kind of hate and bible thumping gay people are facing today.

                The rights of those groups has thankfully changed. I don't understand the hostility to the idea that gays should have the same chance for their rights to improve as well. Why is everyone getting so bent out of shape?

                My original hope was that straight people would share what they think about their rights vs gay. What rights can you say you have gained or lost over the years. I was pointing out some things that are important to gays. What in your straight life is important to you?

                Name a law that in any way conflicts with your sexuality. In the gay community, there are more laws against than for. My comment was that you have some but probably don't even notice.

    2. ElSeductor profile image59
      ElSeductorposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Jim Cancel,

      Where was God when a friend of mine was being raped by his neighbor as a child?  My friend is now gay.  He has told me that he doesn't know if he is gay because he was raped, or if he was born gay.  I don't know either.  What I do know is that God wasn't there to stop his neighbor from raping him.  So, please..... save your fire, hell, and brimstone rant.  As this gentleman has already experienced hell on Earth.

      I'm sure most religious nuts will now say, "God works in mysterious ways." 


      1. brimancandy profile image78
        brimancandyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Another question I always ask of the fire and brimstone folks. If god hates gay people so much, and he created us in his image. Why are we gay? And, if he created us in his image, would that not also make him gay as well?

        You should see their heads spin! LOL!! It's a riot!

        Sorry to hear about your friend. I'm sure he's not alone.

  9. LilithSelke profile image59
    LilithSelkeposted 11 years ago

    What hole has 'Repairguy47' been living in? Homosexuals have the same rights as Heteros to marry in any state they want? Are you kidding me? No, unfortunately, not everyone is open-minded to gay marriage or the rights of gays. Proof? Look at Prop 8 in California. Homosexuals used to have the right to marry, and remain so, until a 'law against gay marriage' passed in 2008. That law was passed because 52% of people (heterosexuals) voted against gay marriage. Gays wouldn't get "hysterical", as you put it 'repairguy47', if heterosexuals weren't helping form laws against their freedom. Gays wouldn't get "hysterical" if people weren't actively voting against their freedom. No, not all of us are 'making' the laws or are 'voting' against homosexuals; but too many are lending a hand in it, whether or not they like to admit it. It takes one man to make a law, and takes 51% to make his herd of sheep. I'm NOT a homosexual, but I sure as hell won't pretend that things are okay. If you truly have friends who are gay, you'd be more sensitive to how the country 'really' is, not what you wish it was. Gays wouldn't have to get "hysterical" if assholes didn't exist that called them "wrong", or "stupid", or "evil" for being 'who' they are. Gays are not a what---they are people! It's a shame, too many people can't treat them like so. Don't waste your time arguing with me, because, there won't be anything 'you' can say 'repairguy47', that will phase me or change my opinion!

    1. brimancandy profile image78
      brimancandyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Right on! But to be fair, a lot of people like Repairguy47 do not know the great lengths of those against gay rights have gone to to set back not only gay rights, but a lot of other civil rights back to the 1950s. Like getting their officials elected into office, with specific agendas. Mainly squashing gay rights, abortion, women's and certain minorities rights.

      Did you know that there is some moron in Wisconsin that wants to jail single parents, accusing them of child abuse because they are not married? What happens if a person becomes single over the death of a spouse? Is the person suddenly guilty? These are the kinds of people we are electing in office folks.

      And, now there are people in power, like the governor of Michigan, who want to take control of a city that is not up to the states standards, and replace it's elected officials with their own people. Not people elected to office, usually those that have the kind of views that are geared toward squashing civil rights. The big agenda is to squash unions.

      It may seem like a stretch from gay rights to unions. But, it is all controlled by the same folks. It's only a matter of keeping the haters out, and the people looking out for the good of the nation in power. One reason why I was so glad Romney lost the election, was because his group was full of nutjobs.

      Like the senator who endorses "rape therapy" to cure gays and lesbians of their homosexuality by forcing them to have sex with the opposite sex. The most idiotic thing I have ever heard in my life.  I have had sexual encounters with women...nope still gay. doesn't work.

  10. abbykorinnelee profile image59
    abbykorinneleeposted 11 years ago

    Its horrible to witness that is for sure

  11. abbykorinnelee profile image59
    abbykorinneleeposted 11 years ago

    That's because woman get into it too emotionally I think

  12. Robikan profile image68
    Robikanposted 11 years ago

    Well said. LGBT people face a ridiculous amount of discrimination in this allegedly enlightened age. The fact that anyone thinks it their business, or their legal right, to prevent two consenting adults from happiness or marriage is, pardon my English, a fucking moron, and a bigot. End of. There is no other way to view it.

  13. brimancandy profile image78
    brimancandyposted 11 years ago

    Just a comment about the violence against the gay community. If you want an example of such, watch the movie "Torch Song Trilogy." The movie is a love story, and stars Matthew Broderrick, and Harvey Firestein. It's an older film but, you will see exactly what I am talking about when I say gay bashing.

    This is the same thing that happened to my friend, that I mentioned in an earlier post. Luckily we were able to get my friend to the hospital, carrying him four blocks on foot, with the gay bashers still free to hang out and wait for someone else. If it had not been for me going out to look for him, they probably would have killed my friend. One reason why I do not trust the local police.

    I could tell you stories about the local police that might blow your mind.


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