When it comes to politics
Our politicians have made no progress in solving any problems.
They have meetings, but nothing comes out of the meetings.
Give themselves high salaries, perfect medical care, and wonderful retirement accounts.
They have made no progress in trying to fix the fiscal cliff.
What else have they been doing that you like or don't like?
According to me what politicians do is just make profits for themselves in whatever they can use as a method. Be it a big issues like war and war supplies to smallest like regular construction, everything that falls under government's supervision is indeed is in way to get ruined. The old idea of leaders leading a country to success and kings making the kingdom happy and comfort them has vanished from this political world now, all the so called "leaders" now are just leading themselves to success and just satisfying themselves, what even worse is they don't even care about what the common people suffer due to the actions they are taking, day by day I guess the political system of the world is degrading and becoming much of parasite to its own nation.
I agree with you. I does not matter if they are Republicans or Democrats.
It does not matter if its Republican or Democrat as long as there is human with selfish desire involved the progress will be least, the ideology of government rule such that of Democratic government or the Republicans is just dependent on a person in-charge of running it accordingly, maybe the rules and the ideas behind the particular type of government are good and potentially strong enough to create a change in society and way of living but, when the ideas are misused or are not properly used they never bear any fruit, just can be more troublesome.
Almost all politicians are self centered and out to get everything they can from the tax payers. That was why JFK said [a]ask not what your country can do for you but rather ask what you can do for your country[/b].
The presidents and congress are committing treason because they are not working to implement the type government the Constitution's Preamble intended for this nation. If We The People were to band together we would demand their arrest and conviction for not doing it. The Preamble, Article 6 and Amendment 10 gives the people the control over the politicians that Article calls officers or trustees of We The People.
It's easy to blame the politicians. We don't believe their promises and figure they've gotten their money illegally. And yet we still elect them. I've always thought that a people get the leadership they deserve. We ought to be looking for statesmen not politicians to run our country. The difference. Here would be a few things that would be statesmanlike. He would eschew all luxurious perks. I distinguish between luxury and what's necessary to maintain security. He would have shown himself a lover of his country by his personal and quiet commitments long before he campaigned for office. He would stick to the issues in the campaign explaining his commitments but also admitting that he shares power with others and that requires compromise on the wasy to achieving ultimate goals. So I'd be more interested in his ultimate goals than in any specific vote or action. Further, he would invite members of the opposite party to an honest discussion of what can be agreed on and avoid all grandstanding for the media. Further he'd put the media in its place by calling them to follow the truth wherever it leads and not granting any special favors. Further, he would announce that a week before the election he would cease all campaigning of every kind to give the American people time to think free of the sound clutter. He would invite his oponent to do the same, but even if his oponent rejected the suggestion, he'd keep to his week off campaigning commitment.
Yes, I completely agree is why I put http://signon.org/sign/eliminate-capita … by=4033819 in another post. Look at my other posts below and you will see how I b lame we the people.
Sorry for not responding, my computer went down. Just fixed it. I clicked on what you put above and nothing came up. So, I have not had a chance to look on the posts below
Copy and paste it in another browser and it should come up. You notice between the capita and by=4033819 there is the ... meaning they have removed part of the address so it will not come up so unless you directly email me at my pin name without caps at yahoo dot com for me to get you the address.
Ok, got it this time. They are still not going to help the people. They will not do anything to help this country. Even if they get caught with
in bed with a dead hooker
or well I don't know about the live boy thing.
But, maybe when it comes to guns, Now that might start to work.
But as for working on the Fiscal Cliff? They don't give a damn
Even these forums are controlled by the beastly 1% of the 1% who are intent on controlling the world and everyone in it. If we look hard enough above we will find a way around their efforts to block our communicating about how to get rid of them.
It also posted in one of my posts below this and it works so go to it.
I wrote this hub some time ago. It provides the framework for what I wrote above.
http://liftandsoar.hubpages.com/hub/Hum … -Depravity
We allow it to happen, so why are we complaining?
We only allow it to happen if we don't vote.
They haven't done anything with cuts in spending. All this last event did was provide a band aid for a huge wound in our deficit. I think they should all be fired. None of them are doing their job but they're getting paid brilliantly. I think each one of them should have Obamacare and the same retirement plan offered to regular employees. Then maybe they'd do something.
Thank you so much for remembering this. They should all be fired. Republicans, Democrats. They think we should be so grateful because the fiscal cliff has not caused us all to fall and smash our heads.
They get to go home in fancy cars and have nice dinners. Then continue ( not working)
Voting will be coming soon. Not for presidents, Soon we will be voting for Senators, Governors, just make sure you vote for someone else.
I don't know, someone who will actually work.
Maybe a rock, at least you can throw a rock.
Michelle, politics is a game. Politicians are out for what THEY can get. You and I do not fit into their equation. Politics is show business, believe it or not. They are in the game for the fame, not for helping those who elected them and put them in office. We need to elect people who are sincere about improving our sociopolitical environment-real people who actually endured the travails of everyday life and have experience with workable solutions.
They would be concerned about who elected them if we constitutionally politically drafted and then elected them. Because we don't know how the constitution require us to elect them they name themselves as candidates at the urging of the 1% who finance their elections which makes them beholding to them who often times write the laws they pass. Obama was groomed by them, being an 8th cousin of Dick Chaney's. So, what do we expect, we don't know what the constitution require of us and the 1% does and take advantage of our ignorance of the law's electing requirements. Look at my post above with the link in it to see how I'm attempting to fire them. Article 3, section 3 says it only takes two witnesses to fire them and I have over 10 which they ignore. Maybe if I get a few hundred they would take heed.
The constitution has provided us with the means of firing them but We The People will not band together and fire them. Look at one of my posts above this one with a link in it, read it and see how and just how few people are willing to fire them.
Then WE THE PEOPLE need to work together. They do not know, how tired of them, we have gotten. And we have gotten tired. But, why do so many just stay at home and do nothing?????? They can vote, but they do not vote? We can take America back, but we do not. We can, We just need to do, what WE THE PEOPLE CAN DO!!
The main reason is because We the People haven't read and especially understood the Constitution because we foolishly and blindly believe our leaders will always tell us the truth, like Bush saying after 9/11, " go to bed, we've got this." We The People need to be re-schooled as to what the constitution means and not to believe any leaders until they have proven themselves worthy of our obedience, and even then, remain cautious of them overstepping their boundaries.
Our Congress is the best money can buy! The cream of the crop rise to the top to rob, cheat and steal their way through the rest of us. Here is a link to just a smattering of the crooks we have elected to serve our interests:
http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/was … 2087_x.htm
There is something wrong in the American democratic/republic experiment that could not prevent the lawyers and bankers from taking over the reigns much to Jeffersons worries over it happening.
This bunch of slime live in a lifestyle way above what we can afford and rub it in our faces with little care of how it looks. They come up with excuse after excuse as to how the the problem is someone else's fault all the while profitting from it. Rahm Emanuel stated it clearly when he said "Let no good crisis slip by unrewarded".
Term limits, publicly financed campaigns and lobby reform are our only hope.
No elected or appointed official should serve any more than the US president, term limits I agree with.
There would not even be campaigning if We The People "politically drafted" elected officials as the constitution demands, so I agree.
With We The People "politically drafting" our governors there would be no means for lobbyists to even get to the officials.
Amendment 24 require we the people to elect electors after voting for presidents and vices Amendment 12 say are to be on distinct or separate ballots, so, the following is according to what is written in Amendment 12.
The electors, elected specifically for each category, are to interview the people for presidents, vices, representatives and senators concerning their willingness to work to achieve the conditions the Preamble intend this nation by using the Articles and Amendments. They will then present those willing to the citizens of their states, representative districts and senatorial districts, between elections, for We The People to further interview and then elect a senator and representative out right and a presidential and vice candidate for November's national election. That alone eliminates parties. Once the the full congress recount each states votes congress is to notify every resident in the nation of the possible 51 presidential and vice candidates {DC should do the same} including their stand on instituting the conditions of the preamble, their only platform, from which We The People vote our individual choice based on that information which eliminates campaigning for candidates. That would eliminate campaigning, financing and the door through which lobbyists gain access to our elected Officials or trustees (Article 6) to do what has become legal bribery. And it's a done deal!
But, nobody is listening. We are doing nothing about it. Nothing! People do not vote. They are angry, but they do nothing!
They do nothing now, and will do nothing in the future. One or two do not make a difference. Getting enough people to make a difference, is next to impossible.
How well does the lack of signatures on that petition show most people are just not interested is doing anything about corruption is politics, they'd rather just complain about it.
Then we will lose our freedom, step by step. Until it is too late. By then our freedom will be gone.
Unless what's called a miracle happens and, according to my vision, one is on its way.
It's like the story of Israel in Egypt, the people grumbled against their own liberation, that metaphor rings true in today's world.
That is true, but people will ignore it, deny it, then be surprised by it. Then it will be too late. At least for this generation. That is sad.
In Genesis 49:1 & 8-12 we find the prophetic description of the end time praised nation of Judah. It's leaders ethnic group's {brethren} praises it, it uses economic sanctions {hand in the neck} against its enemies and man of most nations {father's children} bows to its demands. It's a young nation and offspring {lion's whelp} of a previously praised nation {Great Britain} acting as a nation of antiquity. Because of her nuclear weapons on ICBMs (Zech. 5:1-4) no nation will arouse it to anger. It makes the laws sceptre} for other nations while walking on them {lawgiver between his feet} until Shiloh {the second son of man or messiah} comes. That description fits only the United States of America, and makes Micah 5:2 to also be, especially since Bethlehem means house of bread and Ephratah means plentiful being the USA is called the bread basket of the world and land of plenty.
Now look at Matthew 24:32-34's Fig Tree parable we're to learn the meaning of that when it manifests that generation will not pass away. The parable is explained by Jesus' entering Jerusalem during Passover week and cursed a fig tree and upon exiting Jerusalem in the evening it was withered and dead, then, on his way up Calvary the girls were weeping and he told then to weep for their children and their children and about 40 years later Jerusalem was destroyed and the people scattered. When Israel became another corporate nation in 1948 the fig tree budded and Psalm 90:10 gives us a maximum of 80 years at a generation's passing, thus, by 2028 all prophecies are to be fulfilled. Read and Weep, there will not be another generation during this civilization, but it's not sad, that's how the world {civilization} is designed to end
That is true, the government is introducing RFID chips, people can buy or sell, the government will be able to track you. They are included in Obama care. The government is going to use it to track terrorists. It is already being used in other countries. Some people do not believe it, but it is true.
But that doesn't happen until the USA is destroyed per Revelation 13:10-11.
10 He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword {nuclear bombs}. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.
11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth {eastern landmass' European area}; and he had two horns {European warring nations} like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
Before the US is destroyed the {son of man} will have brought world peace from the White House (Isaiah 2:2-4) because the US is the topmost mountain {nation} of the world.
They are not held accountable for their actions or their incompetency.
They know that as long as they don't...
A. Get caught in bed with a dead hooker.
B. Get caught in bed with a live boy.
...that they can skate indefinitely.
Why do they know this and take advantage of that knowledge? Because they know that the electorate is as stupid is as stupid gets.
That's only because We the People don't take the responsibility the Constitution gave us. The Preamble, Article 6 and Amendment 10 gives the people control over our officers or Trustees but we will not band together enough to do anything. about their treason http://signon.org/sign/eliminate-capita … by=4033819 is something I began in April 2012 but look at how many people joined me to do something about it.
When I die...
It will either be...
A. Just in time.
B. It wont matter.
It isn't all lost being somewhere over 40,50,60,70, etc.
I'm already over 65 but don't expect to discarnate again, this is my last incarnation from which I become a, what is termed, angel.
<Comment snipped by paradigmsearch. Was not related to thread subject.>
The last sentence on the petition is going to make it hard to sign.
Is that why I get no more signatures? Treason carries a death penalty so why not make them pay something although not with their lives, is my reasoning.
Maybe 50% taxes on their income, that would help our ecomony
Should I have said all congress also should spend their lives on Death Row also?
How about they should all be fired, no pay if they don't show up for work ( a lot of them don't go to meetings) they all need to be in Obamacare, same social security, we can decide what they get paid, we can decide when to fire them. We have more power then they do. We The People are the ones with power! I agree with you.
More of us need to vote.
They are ignoring us, they only care about themselves, but if we are the ones with the power, they would change in an instant.
How dare they go on vacation without solving the fiscal cliff.
They only care about themselves! Why are they going on vacation when THE PEOPLE are going to off the fiscal cliff?
We can use the power the Constitution have given us when only after reading and understand the constitution and stop allowing politicians to tell us what it says.
That petition fires them and should we get the person I suggested in office he will propose an amendment that no legislators can serve any longer than the president's 2 terms for 8 years and they would return to being We The People instead of having a lifetime salary of the people's money for themselves and their spouse when they discarnate.
We wouldn't have these problems if governments were not subjected to the will of the 1% or beast who is intent on controlling the world by dictating to world governments what they can and can't do, what schools and religions are to teach, how to keep man in mass in poverty and who is allowed to earn more than the masses, sell guns to the enemy of the people and almost everything governments do and allow the people. That's why they don't allow the people to choose and elect them but are invited to run by the beast.
Voting alone doesn't do it. If you read the letter included in the petition you saw;
1) Congress, presidents and vices are to be Politically Drafter by the people and not name themselves as candidates,
2) There will be no campaigning,
3) No campaign contributions,
4) No presidential conventions and
5) No parties as everyone's platform will be to bring into being the intent of the constitution .
Maybe the instead of ' Being removed from office due to TREASON they receives no RETIREMENT COMPENSATION rather than the death penalty except the executing presidents, Gorge W. Bush and Barack H, Obama, who will spend the rest of their lives on Death Row'.
They could be forced to spend the rest of their live banished to ANOTHER COUNTRY, AND REFUSED TO BE ALLOWED TO ENTER THIS ONE FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES!
I don't know, the rest of it sounds very good to me.
Bush can't go to another country, Death Row would save his life, and if Obama did what is suggested he would skip out after his appointing making him the scapegoat to the person he appoints like Barabbas was to Jesus.
Just a thought.
But, the others, why don't they do what they Really should do? Why don't they try to help the people? Instead, they just don't care.
Because the beastly 1% are the ones suggesting to them to run, they know they are greedy so they will have them in their money trap once they accepts. That's why they groomed Obama for the presidency following Bush.
Three words. They All suck!
Well, could add a few more, but they would be censored.
I think you are on to something these people sit behind closed doors to just talk about what they have planned to do for their evening, I do not believe their is one out there that can be trusted
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