As I was gazing at the sky, I couldn't helping counting the chemtrails. TOO MANY! Now given that their chemicals composition varies however with a constant that are barium, aluminum, arsenic and boron and that we breathe, eat, drink them. Is the government poisoning us?
And, since it's no news what is the people doing to ban their spraying?
I look up and see 'em too. It is very angering.
The "chem trails" are targeting just you and other who think the gov't is trying to poison us. As for the rest of the people with common sense, they're nothing but the exhausts from high altitude aircraft that has been going on since the invention of high flying aircraft. Sad that this has to be explained to an adult. It's very angering.
The exhaust of high altitude. It is BS since the ones I saw were not in high altitudes. Furthermore in a French website French and American pilots are stating that they are spraying unknown chemicals.
No, it's been going on since the sixties. The ones you're talking about didn't leave such trails...
Why would the government try to poison us? I would think there would be easier and less expensive ways to do it anyway.
Max, the topic of this thread is chem-trails that you say you observed seven days ago over Los Angeles.
However, you will not, you have not, you can not produce any proof that what you saw were not actually harmless contrails.
You claim that the trails you saw contained barium, aluminum, arsenic and boron but you did not test the trails and you can not possibly know if they contained toxic chemicals.
[color=red][i]"Is the government poisoning us,” you asked. Another meaningless question you can not answer.
The OP statement is simply an excuse to attack a government that you love to hate with accusations you can not prove. There is a huge difference between proven facts and baseless accusations. This post reveals again that you do not understand that accusations are NOT facts.
Furthermore, neither one of the YouTube presentations you posted prove that the trails you observed were not contrails. In fact, nothing you have said so far supports your assumption that you saw chem-trails.
We are all waiting for you to end the verbose rhetoric and to furnish the proof.
Indeed I lie but if I do so as the "critical" thinker that you are you have to prove to yourself that I am wrong for that you have to place yourself to my position and experience what I experienced then you can talk.
No, I didn't claim it contained those chemicals I paraphrased scientific data and read an article that stated those findings. But I will definitively analyze the next rain that will come. It is my goal, to see for myself.
If those chemicals are in the rains, yes it would be proven.
Does it mean that those Italian scientists don't hold credit?
if they have to get rid of the chemicals or whatever why don't they just take the stuff really far away?
First you need to prove there really are chemicals in "chemtrails"
well, you really do see these trails here. They are black and they don't disperse naturally. The planes wander overhead, creating criss crossing trails all over the sky. What are they doing up there making trails and what are they making them with? I have heard they are getting rid of all the chemicals Maxo mentioned.
Since when governments act for our well-being? And, especially at this cost...
Questions (ignorance of the correct answer) is never a reason to make up a reason just to satisfy yourself. And certainly not a reason to make up a negative reason that angers you.
It was proven already. We passed this stage. If you are dragging don't blame it on the informed...
They are nothing but the exhausts from the jet engines of airliners and the occasional military aircraft. No more harmful than road traffic exhausts.
Then why many leave tracks and others don't? Further more much more realistic than your point of view, why military French pilots had opened a website stating their deliberate spraying of chemicals over populated areas. Most of them fear to lose their jobs if they open their mouth.
A documentary was made by Italian scholars that proved the conscious poisoning of populations. Furthermore, can someone explain me why those planes run parallelly? Yesterday while I was watching, I couldn't help noticing the pattern. The plane was lower. And I notice that at least three chemtrails ran parallelly. Especially at such a low altitude. Now, can you explain me why? Another question, it is said that the spraying obeys to climate change modifications. Since according to them, the earth is warming up, why are those planes targeting also humid and cooler regions than California? If they are supposed to bring clouds and therefore rains why those planes are everywhere Washington DC, California, Paris... ?
First you say the government is deliberately trying to poison us. Now you say they are trying to change the climate.
Which is it?
Had you had a little bit of knowledge you would not ask such a question. Since you are uninformed, it isn't me that stated that the government is fighting global warming with chemtrails but the presstitute.
Where do you get your information? Above Top Secret? YouTube?
Produce a few links to real scientific studies, and maybe someone will take you seriously.
What is real scientific studies, the one that will fit your mold. No, I won't. The subject interests you, go and search but don't come here and bash reality. For the ones that are interested in the problem of chemtrails I will advise you the Italian documentary "chemtrails the secret war" on YouTube.
How do you justify that the chemtrails in the sky I saw yesterday were running parallel with a short distance between each other? Which commercial plane would do that? Especially at a low altitude?
And for the laziest of us that don't like like to read English I advise
A litany of questions is just that. Questions, not evidence of wrongdoing. Find the answers and you may have something to complain about, at least if you can show them to be true.
Indeed, I found Italian scholars that studied the problem, therefore you are wrong in your assumption. My questions assert their findings. You are the one who is doubting not me. You are the one lying to us by stating, as if you were a scholar, that it is mostly water. Which idiot will believe that? That the combustion of kerosene in the sky produces water. I guess if kerosene produces water in the atmosphere, gas produces oxygen in the air, logically?
I'm complaining because they found those chemicals in our water. It means that all the sources are polluted. When the rain comes down, it irrigates our ground. This polluted doesn't avoid our cultivable areas, does it? Given that California has a diverse agriculture, given that it supplies the country, given that you are a consumer, what are the chances for you to be hence poisoned?
No you didn't; you found a site (you claim, without providing links) with French military pilots claiming they sprayed chemicals.
No, your questions ask for answers (that's what questions do, you know) in a transparent effort to be convincing without data or information. It is a useful trick, but doesn't work very well with people that actually reason.
Yes, burning kerosene (or any organic material) produces both water and CO2. A basic fact of basic chemistry - the hydrogen on hydrocarbons combines with Oxygen to make water (H2O, you know?) while the carbon in hydrocarbons combines with oxygen to make carbon dioxide (CO2). Chemistry 101, taught in any school.
Is it your only line of argumentation? Quite weak!
Argument about what? That you're trying to raise emotions about a claim you decline to prove?
The reason some leave chemtrails and others don't depends upon the atmospheric conditions. Water in the exhaust will condense out, and water in the atmosphere will form around soot particles. There has to be sufficient moisture in the air and the temperature must be low enough. As for parallel tracks, airliners follow route corridors which they require permission from air traffic control to deviate from. This is all basic stuff.
Chemtrails are nothing new. In WW2 they were a dead giveaway for the location, height, and direction of bombers over Europe. That's why the RAF preferred night bombing, whereas the Americans flew their missions in the daytime and so needed fighter escort.
To suggest chemtrails are about deliberate chemical spraying requires collusion of the airline industry with the government, and why would they agree to this? It suggests chemicals must be added to the fuel,which would reduce combustion efficiency, increasing consumption, why would airlines agree to this. It suggests active chemicals would still be active after being through a combustion chamber at over 1000 degrees C. Does anything make sense to you? Why not use logic and rain rather than follow conspiracy theories?
Why did Blackwater work/is working with the government? Are you real? Is it a joke?
Then, why don't you answer my other questions?
In Vietnam, we used geo-engineering to change the climate to our favor, and it worked so well that it backfired at us... It is not new. It is the same principle and it works with chemicals.
If you understood anything about basic science you'd know why.
Though I know it's not worth debating this with you, since people who would rather believe conspiracy theories than facts are not swayed by logic.
+++++ . It's the same ole ' conspiracy theory stuff . Much like in medieval times when those being "lorded over " looked up at the lightning and predicted that the gods of the sky were coming to destroy the kingdom.
Conspiracy theorist's never seem to be able to explain how the big bad wolf can keep a silence over those who conspire together - quite simply , It can't happen .
Indeed, I am not a scientist however in the documentary chemtrails, the secret warfare, I will assume that they are. Will you refute it too?
You said mostly water. What does that mean? That you lied since you omitted co2. And why, because it is toxic. It means that you lied intentionally to mislead us.
But had you been interested to my assertion, you would have tried to challenge it with facts. No, nothing of the sort meanwhile you're battling on rhetorical ground because you know that those planes do spray toxic chemicals to poison us. Now, since you seem to be interested, would you challenge both links that I copied or will you keep on lying to us?
To your contrary, I question myself whereas you seem to accept what you are told...
Co2 isn't toxic. You breathe it or for one and you don't die, and it's the Co2 that makes your coke fizzy and you don't die from drinking that either.
Do I? What is its percentage in our atmosphere? Now, if we add more of Co2 won't it change the composition of the atmosphere? However, it was not the problem, the problem was Italian scientists found by analyzing rain coming from geo-engineered clouds, barium, aluminum... What is your rational explanation?
When you watch them working away on a clear sunny day weaving patterns like little spiders in the beautiful blue sky and the very next day it is cloudy and dreary, it really makes you wonder…(Especially when it happens over and over.)
Unless you watch the spectacle of smallish planes flying overhead… not jetliners... and see the dark lines that get wider and wider after they are laid down…You will not be suspicious.
It also helps to listen to "Coast to Coast."
P.S. I would rather believe they are not chemtrails!
Maybe thats why some atheists don't believe in God.
They would just rather not.
If you would rather believe they are not, then other millions will do so and planet earth as my second link is stating, will die. Did you check the links? If we open our eyes we can impact it.
No atheists don't believe in god because he doesn't exist however chemtrails do. I am not the one stating, I observed them. However I can't help questioning myself.
So you do not believe there are aliens living underground in Colorado?
I hear they are going to take over the world. Someone ( just this morning) told me they learned this on You Tube.
(I did have a dream about a nuclear explosion occurring in Colorado. I actually perceived my life was over.
Bad dream. Yikes! )
You know, given that the US experienced so many nuclear incidents linked to "negligence", given that our foreign policy, especially the one aimed at provoking Russia with Ukraine, the likelihood for you to die from a nuclear mushroom is more realistic than any other death, now. Who knows maybe it is ominous. After all, all our attempts to drag Russia in a nuclear conflict failed miserably (war is the only solution for the thugs in our government to avoid the blame of a future economical collapse), therefore the next is a false flag attack on the American soils and a nuclear attack will be welcomed for the psychopaths we elected.
No you don't. You have nothing of knowledge to bring in this forum. You live in total denial, it is your choice however for me to believe your false allegation for the sake of believing. I am sorry, but I prefer to believe someone that goes against the main stream versus the majority. as I stated precedently French pilots blew the whistle on the website" ciel voile".But, unfortunately, for you, it is substantiated by a whole scientific community. Now, you can understand why the little "information" you're giving us will have no value since, and especially you, I already dealt with you, and you don't appear to know more than I do, therefore as a natural way to eliminate the weakest on earth, you will lose credibility to me.
I prefer to believe scientific evidence, not YouTube or Godlikeproductions.
Sure. You are telling me that you can differentiate fox scientific studies and independent studies, sorry but your numerous interventions proved me right about who you are. You are not a serious debater. And your only objective is to ridicule people. Unfortunately for you, I am not the right victim for you.
Sorry, I don't ridicule people. I like to point out flaws in their reasoning to help them figure out REAL facts for themselves, and what information is appropriate to rely on to figure things out.
How do you think I already know I all the names of the conspiracy sites?
Been there, done that, got duped into thinking nonsense things. That's why I am very skeptical about things lately.
Conspiracy theorists... Oh, really... That's exactly what I ,meant about you. No rationality at all. Why would you associate one of my link to god if I'm an atheist?
And why would you assume that they are conspiracy theory, the same one who gave an explanation that defies rationality. Have you checked the link? Let me answer. No. Why? Because of hard evidence that you can't refute. It is exactly what I meant. If it is out of your league, it is fine with me. But don't assume that I will lower myself to your levelAnd the only risk would be me ridiculing you because you seem to relish to provoke thinkers. The difference between you and I is that you accept as factual what you hear and see from the media, I don't.
You and Kathryn have fun saving the world from the chemtrailers.
Given you bring nothing constructive to the plate where is the interest of your intervention. At least Kathryn checked the link and therefore can object but you, what is your role exactly? None. Indeed, it is better that you don't interfere at all.
The problem is that no one is going to believe you without evidence.
If there really is a problem, how do you propose to fix it when no one believes it?
I sat through that whole (first one... by the Italians) You Tube video and here are my notes:
1.) Chemtrails are used for many purposes:
managing radar.
climate manipulation.
weather warfare.
mental stimulation.
illegal geo engineering.
2.) Effects:
unbalanced whether patterns cause extremes in whether.
altimerz disease rate is up due to increased aluminum being distributed into environment, effecting people as young as 45.
respiratory infections.
metals/chemicals found in environment/water supply.
crop destruction through weather manipulation.
ecologists, biologists and chemists need to get on board and reveal the truth to us.
Conclusion: Not a pretty picture. Must be faced, if true. Sooner the Better.
Indeed. Harmful for the planet and for humans. That's the reason why we should confront the government hidden behind those military planes. In the second link, the manipulation of the weather is disrupting the former climatic patterns. Apparently, California is being sacrificed. They are imposing a drought that would have been impossible had the sprayings stopped. Earth cures itself normally however with our control it can't react. The oceans are warming up, getting more acidic, lacking oxygen, plankton is dying, algae are invading shores...
"They are imposing a drought that would have been impossible had the sprayings stopped."
"That's the reason why we should confront the government hidden behind those military planes."
I would agree.
We need the research of scientists, biologists, marine biologists, ecologists and chemists to alert the public about the truth.
Thanks, Maxoxam. It might be a job for the kids. Maybe they will care when they just can't seem to stay healthy anymore.
Everybody should be on it. Where are all the Californian, American moms? Having their nails done? Nobody can see the imminent danger heading towards us? We should be out there protesting because our health is jeopardized. No, women blog on cookies, the elections, their children's health is secondary apparently. Why do they feed them organic food if it is constantly sprayed with barium, aluminum, arsenic, boron...
Maybe they're not protesting because there is no indication that they are being sprayed with "barium, aluminum, arsenic, boron". And certainly no indication that the drought is government caused.
Indeed, like they kept silent while our government said that there were weapons of mass destructions in Iraq whereas Susan Lindauer asserted that Iraq did enormous concessions to the US before their attack. So you are telling me that the link that I downloaded with Italian scholars stating the presence of those dangerous chemicals in the clouds and our atmosphere is irrelevant?
That you consciously are refuting scientific evidence? Or are you waiting for a US report on the subject as I am still waiting for the US report concerning the Malaysian airplane destroyed by the Ukrainian government?
But there's a drought in California, isn't there? Now... Cui bono?
Yes, there is a drought in California. Which is enough reason for the conspiracy advocate to automatically assign the reason to the US government. Anything and everything bad that has ever happened, from 911 to St. Helens to the drought has been brought about by that evil entity. We know.
Ever read the story of the boy who cried wolf? Well, you're the wolf, always crying conspiracy but never managing to produce any evidence of your claims. (And no, Italian pilots who claimed they were spraying chemicals over Italy does not mean US pilots are doing the same).
No, the US loves its people. Let's start with its eugenic policy against the poor, what about the use of depleted uranium in their weapons in Iraq (many soldiers are still suffering from it) and let's finish with what Dtroit is experiencing (total abandonment of the US citizens).
And it is only the tip of the iceberg.
What our government does impact us, doesn't it seem obvious?
Why can't we talk openly on this subject? Simply because it is damaging us. Why doesn't the government pressure corporations to label the contents of their products? Because it will damage their market? Transparency is the key.
What does it take to gather at a point p somewhere and protest, isn't the health of our offspring worth it?
I believe you people all have Cataracts in your eye's , dog , cat or pet pig hairs or some such nonsense , however , a government conspiracy of poisoning by airliners , please ! More like man made polutions galore . , don't like looking at them , stay on the ground , stop polluting and living in La La Land in order to deny it !
As does the caliber of the question have much to show about the seriousness of your belief .in boogy -men , Paul Bunyan and Peter -Pan.
<"Why do they feed them organic food if it is constantly sprayed with barium, aluminum, arsenic, boron…">
- testing is done on the organic farms, I hope… it seems the organic farmers would be yelling the loudest if they detected these all chemicals in their vegetables...
Why would farmers analyze their produce if the majority isn't aware of geoengineering? You speak as if we were informed.... How many of us made serious researches about those planes? Why is it that some have smoke and others don't? As I was watching the sky yesterday around 5pm, I couldn't help thinking that I could visualize horizontal layers of clouds? Why? Since when layers of clouds form horizontal layers? Secondly, this morning, I had this thought, where were those planes if they were part of regular traffic? I saw regular commercial planes (the ones without smoke) but none of the others, why was it? Could it be because they are not part of air traffic?
And, miraculously, it rained today...
Now, what is the chemical amalgam that will allow this chemical reaction? The h bomb founder stated it.
"There has been absolutely NO PUBLIC DISCUSSION about Chemtrails! Over the past 10 years, not one public official has replied to the countless concerned citizen phone calls or letters. That's due to these "programs [being] secret because the Federal EPA and State Environmental Quality Agencies need to ‘not know’ about the by-products of the metabolites of biological, illegal, and [extremely] harmful agents are. It is for that reason the projects [have] been declared secret from citizens. It is all illegal under federal and state law."(2) Congress is complicit in this cover-up. So, we are the unwitting guinea pigs in a now global military assault of such magnitude that they are massive war crimes. Federal agencies may deliberately want not to know, but, nevertheless, Chemtrails continue to affect us detrimentally." … counts-on/ … ology.html
Where do you suggest finding reliable sources of information regarding chemtrails??
The library?
Honestly I don't know. But I know for a fact that Rense isn't a reliable source. The other two look shady to me as well.
And, why do you think those are not? It is easy to play this game. Now, why don't you answer the question for once?
Indeed, and nobody seems alarmed. When I watch the sky, it is done EVERYDAY. We are poisoned everyday. Breathing, eating, drinking... Where the fcuk are the people?
Maybe it is so we will be forced to NEED Obama care health Insurance!!! Hah ha ha ha Lol hee he he…
I listen to Coast to Coast. I can't help it. So, when I look up and see the planes, (not jets) I watch them going back and forth for no apparent reason / destination. The next day without fail the skies are cloudy.
The trails turn black as they expand. I have heard there are two different types of trails and you can observe the difference. The natural exhaust/condensation trails do not become dark as they expand.
I would rather believe they are natural exhaust trails.
I have heard it discussed on AM radio, YouTube, and on-line sources which say otherwise and list the chemicals being released.
So, do I just believe what I want to believe?
Thank you.
No. After 9/11 when all the passenger flights were grounded across the US, people commented on the amazingly clear skies.
Indeed, the sky was clear since the government controls it.
Indeed Kathryn. Why would they be right and you wrong knowing that, to their example, your knowledge is scientific too.
I'm all for a good conspiracy theory but just a few questions -
Which government is behind it? Italian, French, American, another or all governments
If its all governments, are you saying that the politicians both in government and in opposition are keeping silent about it?
Its just I haven't seen anything about it in Wikileaks or in Snowden's reports. So have the governments managed to keep this a secret, and just been careless about everything else that has been leaked?
Two documentaries were made about this issue and are available on YouTube. They are titled: "What are they spraying?" and "Why are they spraying?"
No, apparently, we are only allowed to research the matter at the library.
Woo and fear are easily sold to the gullible. All you have to do is look at religion to figure that one out.
Apparently, we are not to refer to the Bible / New Testament either.
Apparently, Jesus never existed / there is no proof.
Best to believe in nothing.
Who is gullible? The one that believes everything his/her government is saying or the one that criticizes it? What about the atheist, can he/she believe it or is it proscribed?
The most ridiculous of ALL conspiracy theories having to do with the "Big Bad US Government Is that there could possibly be any and, certainly enough , of an element of secrecy inside the confines of any department of our government - That Could Possibly Even Hint at Keeping Anything Secret for more than two entire moments !
its not a secret. Isn't that why we are able to discuss it? You think the govt. would admit to it? There is plenty of evidence. Did the Italians just make it all up?
hi Kathryn, I believe than any" conspiracy" like chem- trails would be so outed by simply any ONE of the actual conspirators in such a short time that the proof , the real proof would be right in front of us ! - There's an old saying " Two people CAN keep a secret - as long as one of them is dead !" applies here . The amount of people needed to be involved in something so sinister would be countless ! ........... Do you honestly believe in Chem -Trails ?
Examples - of outing ;
A disgruntled airline employee
A disgruntled gov. worker
A disgruntled pilot
A disgruntled anybody !.....:-}
I guess I only know what I imagine to be happening over head. I would have to get a blood test and test for all those chemicals in my blood to be sure. I would rather think all is well.
So thanks, ahorseback.
And then you would have to test everything you eat or drink to verify it came from the air. And if it does, you'd STILL have to verify it came from those planes - seems easier simply to follow a plane and see if those chemicals left residue in the plane anywhere. And if it had equipment on board to disperse it while flying.
Odd that no one seems to have taken that simple step...
I am. So are you. We are ALL detectives, solving the problems of life.
No, you are a denier. A detective questions, you accept. Big difference.
Nope. A detective answers his questions. You just ask, in the hopes of scaring people.
Not in the hope of scaring people but of opening their eyes. If I want to scare them, I'll tell them that the Third World War is at our door step, that NATO is preparing drills in Eastern Europe against Russia. The problem is that it is REAL. Chemtrails are REAl, they are not fictional. Again, when Obama and the elite have bunkers what do you have? Will you survive 30 years minimum in your "bunker"? If the US is hit, so will its nuclear power stations, so will its numerous warheads and atomic bombs stored in our territory. And I forgot Yellowstone, what will happen if one hits its crater? Have you ever thought about it? Do you wilderness really believe that we are the good guys? In Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Palestine, Syria, and now Yemen we are killings civilians, am I scaring you because if it's the case you deserve it, isn't it the result of the men we elected?
On which front is Russia positioned?
While Russia is alerting us of NATO dangerous maneuvers on the eastern front what is our media doing? Throwing at us sleeping pills? I refuse to live in denial.
To your contrary, I try to come with all possible hypothesis, as you remain with the assumption "detective", I'll propose you the variables "good detective" and "bad detective". As the bad detective or bad journalist will be in collusion with the authorities, the good one, a scarce commodity today, will refute their assertions.
No, you just need to analyze the rain because if we analyze our blood, it would be scary... After all, we're been receiving Fukushima"s radiations for a while now...
Thats what I've been wondering. Yikes. Geiger counters are found no-where here is So Cal. Some of my neighbors including myself have lost up to twenty pounds for no reason. They keep coming down with coughing/throat illnesses. I had the worst cold of my life about a month ago. It hit my throat, nose and lungs instantly. Its still hanging around in my nasal passages. Ive always been able to kick a cold in three days. it been more than a month. Same with my neighbors and other friends in my neighborhood So many kids are coughing in schools. and teachers are very often out.
Just Wondering...
Wondering is a beginning. Questioning with answers is the next step. Protests, the last resort, I guess. Since the CDC controls viruses, since it is a for profit private entity and since I'm wondering how Ebola appears at will, if I may say, what is the likelihood for a government to use its services conveniently? A more dangerous strain of sore throat, influenza... may be created and set free in the wilderness... Who knows? Our health lays in their hands.
Many children in Fukushima have been diagnosed with cancers since the catastrophe but our media is silent. In fact, maybe we should analyze our blood. If you can't find Geiger counter it says it all, either a majority of Americans like you bought one and the demand exceeds the offer, either they control the source in order to avoid the truth to come out. I would tend to believe that the main buyer of Geiger counters is the military, and if I follow my reasoning, what will be the likelihood for the military to pressure its source or to monopolize the market? Just a thought...
Are you on planet earth? And, you vote don't you?
I am from earth ! And what are you using to stay high ?
It is hopeless. This kind of person feeds off perpetual denials.
How much are you paid to spread lies? That's what I meant about your interactions. What do you bring to the plate? Not even a rational thinking.
Obviously governments are bad. The debt is in trillions. Unemployment is at its highest ever. Corporations get away with looting people's pensions, with African American murders, with bailing out the financial sector, with polluting the sky (geo-engineering, nuclear energy, genetically modified seeds...), with destroying Detroit...
The government is spreading chemicals over our heads. If you follow those chemtrails for at least 30mn, you will see formations of clouds. As I said you are not a debater, you are here to fuel antagonism and that's it. I am the wrong prey. You are not at my level.
A condensation trail (contrail) that stretches out behind a jet aircraft flying at a high altitude is a scientifically explained occurrence. It is the result of warm, moist exhaust from the plane's engines mixing with the extremely cold temperatures of the upper atmosphere. The principle is very similar to seeing your breath on a cold morning. How contrails behave depends on the moisture content of the air through which the plane is passing. Very moist air will leave a contrail that could last hours and spread out into a deck of cirrus. Extremely dry air might not leave a visible contrail at all.
Chemtrails, however, are unproven misperceptions that circulate among paranoid conspiracy theory advocates. To this group, the contrails are not normal condensation of water vapor from the aircraft’s hot exhaust gases but, rather, chemicals that are being deliberately sprayed on the population by government agencies for inexplicable dark and sinister reasons.
As we have seen in this thread, when asked to provide proof of their claims, chemtrail advocates nearly always produce a link to a video, a blog, or an anti-government web site making the same absurd, unsubstantiated claims.
Data derived from soil and air samples are never directly connected to aircraft overhead. After decades of spreading suspicion, innuendo and distrust, not one person has ever produced a single verifiable fact that connects their theories to actual aircraft.
Photos offered as proof show straight contrails at many different altitudes, some parallel and some intersecting, but all usually stretching from horizon to horizon. You never see a photo showing the contrails turning 180 degrees and heading back in the reverse direction.
Neither scientific evidence nor logic will sway a person who is already convinced that his government is trying to kill him. Conspiracy theorists work hard at trying to justify their own paranoia. They desperately need to convince the world that pilots, petroleum engineers, jet-fuel manufacturers, aircraft mechanics, airline executives and government employees at all levels are conspiring to poison their own children, their own families, themselves and the rest of the world.
You can lead mules to water but you can’t make them think.
And blah, blah, blah... The same mule will believe whatever its government will say for its elite's interests. To your contrary, I believe that mules are smarter than most of the homo erectus of this platform. What will be your scientific data that will contradict the study made by those Italian scientists? It is interesting to see that to the example of the sept 11 attack, the truth started with European analyses not American ones... Are there independent scientists on the American soil?
For the lazy homo erectus to verify the inexactitude of your assertion, it is only required to look at a plane spraying those chemicals. Haze and clouds will appear invariably. Why if they don't affect our environment therefore us?
Then what are they doing in the sky? Why do they run parallelly, which logic are they following?
Max, “parallelly” is not an English word. Perhaps you intended to use the adverb “in parallel” (en parallèle).
Aircraft flying at very high altitudes are restricted to narrow flight lanes that are usually defined as a specific vector and altitude between two navigational waypoints. Typically, they fly in single file one behind another separated by three miles or more depending on the current volume of traffic.
When conditions favor the formation of contrails, they will form behind the plane as visible exhaust vapor. The next plane in the designated flight path can also leave contrails but they will be parallel to the previous trails that have gradually drifted away in the direction of the prevailing winds. Eventually, after a number of planes have passed overhead, the pattern of contrails appears as if it was created by a number of aircraft flying parallel vectors when actually they were flying in a single file. The more frequent the planes pass, the closer the parallel contrails will be to each other. Also, the older trails will have descended to lower altitudes but this is usually undetectable from the ground.
I thought that parallelly existed. Thanks.
The chemtrails were at a lower altitude.
How do you explain the formation of clouds in a very clear sky after their passage?
Hello, Max.
Contrails, not chem-trails.
You saw ordinary condensation trails over L.A.. In order to claim otherwise, you have to produce proof that the trails you observed contained toxic chemicals surreptitiously planted by evil government agents trying to poison and kill their own children.
Low altitude? So what is your point?
Contrails form naturally at any altitude given the right conditions and, typically, they begin to descend immediately. Regardless of their altitude when you saw them, they were most certainly formed at a higher altitude.
Clouds form in clear skies all of the time.
The explanation for the formation of clouds in a clear sky after a plain passes is exactly the same as the explanation for the formation of clouds in a clear sky before a plain passes.
As warm air rises, it cools and expands. Cool air can not hold as much water vapor as warm air. The vapor in the cooling air mass condenses and forms water droplets that clings to particles floating in the air. The gathering of these droplets become a visible cloud. {1}
Please notice that planes do NOT form clouds.
{1} … -form.html
Exactly, ordinary planes don't form clouds but those do, why?
And, yes, the clouds were formed at a low altitude. I saw them. I followed them for at least 30mn.
Indeed, clouds do form in the skies at all time but not each time those chemtrails appear. What I mean is that each time those chemtrails are the sky haze and clouds appear. What is the probability for a cloud to appear in the sky simultaneously?
Max, let us keep this simple.
Nine days ago you claimed you saw chem-trails in the sky over Los Angeles.
You would like to convince us that you saw something other than normal condensation trails but you can not prove your claims.
You implied that the exhaust vapor you saw contained barium, aluminum, arsenic and boron but you have no evidence to support that claim either.
You asked, "Is the government poisoning us?" But, it turns out, you have not offered any valid reasons to justify the question.
Because you are unable to support anything you wrote, the OP statement resembles an elaborate hoax designed to accuse the government of crimes you can not prove. Of course, you are free to express your suspicions and distrust. It is one of the benefits of being in America. You can even promote your paranoid conspiracy theories using innuendo and illogical claims but most perceptive Americans will demand verifiable facts. Do you have any?
I wasn't claiming, I was observing.
Normal condensation that ends up forming clouds. When condensation is formed at my human level in my house for instance, it never materializes in clouds, does it? When the majority of regular planes have no trails. Few of them have one, and, when they have one it becomes either haze, either clouds.
Barium, aluminum, arsenic, boron were found by scientists after analyzing the rain triggered by those planes spraying chemicals.
Italian scientists made a documentary correlating those military planes, not commercial at all, with the results of their analyses. Furthermore pilots of those planes are opening their mouths and are blowing the whistle as for the governmental involvement in poisoning the sky. They are the living witness of a secret military geo-engineering operation on a French website called ciel voile "veiled sky".
So far, the only explanation you gave me was a regurgitation of Wikipedia, when it came to bring data opposing the Italian scientists' allegations, you kept silent. You understand now that you are not an authority in the subject for me to believe you.
When I stated that the trails were in a low attitude you eluded the problem. Do you understand that I personally observed it? And you had no rational explanation. If I remained watching the sky for aat least 30mn, it was to verify whether the trail would form as a cloud or not and to verify at the same time the allegation that those trails are the result of geo-engineering. If they evaporated and left no cloud, you would be right. But you were not. Those Italian scientists were right. I observed, I saw. My next step is capturing some rain water and have it analyzed. That would be a scientific approach, not like your denial behavior.
Max, you posted that you saw vapor trails over Los Angeles that were not ordinary condensation and I asked if you have proof. Your reply consists of more unsupported assertions (“I was observing”) but no proof. The more you post, the more the OP statement looks like a fabricated hoax.
Cloud formations result from temperature, water vapor and airborne particles reacting under the right conditions. Clouds can be created in a bell jar at ground level and they never require a plane passing over head. Particles that happen to be toxic do not change the process at all. They are simply a solid surface on which the ice crystals form. The ice crystals make the cloud visible. Any one who has studied high school physics knows this without my having to tell them.
You also said “I observed, I saw” a cloud forming as the result of a plane passing overhead 30 minutes before. This conclusion is logically invalid. You can learn about invalid post hoc fallacies by clicking on link {1}.
Suppose the cloud you claimed you saw formed an hour after the plane passed overhead or, perhaps, four hours, or eight. You would still have no evidence that that cloud was caused by the passing plane.
Allow me to wander briefly from the sublime to the ridiculous. Using your faulty logic, had you seen a second plane passing overhead 30 minutes after the cloud formed, you would be telling us that the cloud caused the second plane to appear based on your logic that the second event followed the first. At some point, it should occur to you that you need to produce physical evidence before you connect that cloud to a passing plane.
As a result, your reply did not verified the allegations of "those Italian scientists", who were not in Los Angeles that night. It did, however, prove you believe that paranoid conspiracy theories built on unsupported accusations should be treated as if they are facts. Accusations are charges that need to be proven and you have yet to prove one allegation in the OP statement.
"My next step is capturing some rain water and have it analyzed. That would be a scientific approach, not like your denial behavior.” Thank you for sharing your plans with us. I will certainly believe your next step when I see the results.
In addition, be sure that your results include hard physical evidence that the water collected and tested was caused by an international network of evil conspirators trying to poison their own children and all of their living relatives. After all, that is your definition of Chem-trails.
For reality seekers , There are from 3,000 to 4,300 airline , military , and private flights in the air over America at any given time . Take fifty states . that's about eighty = 80 , flights over each state right now ! Now , take major airports and the fight path's between them ? The differences in flight path's from east and west , north south , landing and take- offs . Pretty confusing and polluting ....No?
You should be more concerned with the pollution of petro- chemicals , of noise and of people pollutions , parts , pieces and planes falling from the air . Here's my question , Where the hell are you all going ?
I often imagine how much or how many of our illness' , cancers , birth deformities , flu's ,bug's and illness' come from this alone ! WHY would the big bad American government have to alter our behavior with your conspiracies , we do it all so well all by ourselves 1 How many times have you flown this year ?
Who's really at fault for such air pollution ?
Very cold water creates visible trails in the sky, plane engines emit water vapor into very cold atmospheres. Normal water-based contrails are visible in the sky on a routine basis.
I wonder why the mood of the forums has changed so drastically.
One can really determine it is because of how vicious people have become in denying possibilities.
So cut. So dry. So un-humuorus. So…
Did you see how people bantered about so casually and so kindly four years ago?
Go through and see for yourself!
No one was scolding or cutting another down at all!
Maybe not in that thread, but they sure did in other threads. In fact, it's not as bad now as it was before. Less people now. Less drama and excitement.
I do wonder where everyone went. Many of the naysayers are gone too. Maybe it was a New Year's resolution to stop wasting time on the HP forums. Or are there other places to hang?
A lot of the usuals with big personalities are gone for some reason, I've noticed. I miss them, even the ones I don't like.
This is still my favorite place, but I also hang out at sometimes. Not as fun as Hubpages. But I had to find somewhere else to go when I got booted for three months.
Not really. I don't think what I said warranted three months. I would tell you what I said, but I don't want to get kicked off again. I mentioned someone's pretentiousness in a not so nice way. Wasn't that bad though.
Direct criticisms/insults are big no no's. You have to work around it by making impersonal comments.
Such as, "People who watch TV and think it is reality are deluding themselves." Rather than, "If you think what you see/hear on TV is real then you are a blankety blank…"
I got kicked off for telling someone they were like those in the story of the king with no clothes. I went into great creative detail about what the king was (not) wearing…. That cost me seven days.
(You are right about not wanting to get kicked off again… so, right now I am shaking.)
It's helped me learn how to control my potty-mouth I suppose:)
by Steve Andrews 13 years ago
I am former chemtrail believer but am amazed at how many people do believe in their reality. This conspiracy theory is spreading fast! If you are a chemtrail believer please say why and if not like me, please explain your reasons for not believing in them!
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We always impute global warming to the excess of carbon monoxide in the atmosphere. My theory is the following one : the Vietnam war extended from 1954 to 1975, if I refer to this event in our history is because it is now acknowledged that weather geoengineering was implemented during this period....
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