Love or hate Hillary Clinton, she is leading significantly in the polls for Democratic presidential candidate. She has the political smarts & experience to led this country. She also have a huge & influential following of people from celebrities to everyday folk. She is very vocal regarding concerns & issues of women, the LGBT community, Blacks/non-Caucasians, & the poor & disenfranchised. She also has experience interfacing with foreign dignitaries & heads of state in her job as Secretary of State. Do you believe that Hillary Clinton will be our next president? Why? Why not?
No. Because I think the people are sick and tired of the same-o same-o politics and we're going to find more voting Republican this time around then last, and that means Trump. Clinton is just another politician, perhaps a little worse than most or perhaps a lot worse, and that isn't what people are looking for this year.
With her as the nominee, I really don't know for sure. Trump has a highly motivated following and the danger is that some Dems and independents having the mood of working with people 'outside the system' will sit it out or vote for Trump.
That is an outcome that would be anathema, but.....
Read "Trump has a small, highly motivated following ..."
Unless the email thing blows up in her face, my state-by-state electoral count has HRC getting between 320 and 370 votes,
While HRC may be damaged goods, Trump is self-destructing. His only real following are those who are tone deaf to what he is really saying today, saying differently tomorrow, say yet another way the next day. To vote for Trump, you must disparage women, hate Muslims, think Hispanics are criminals, and doesn't care that he knows crap about domestic and foreign policy.
Trump will not be playing to his narrowly focused crowd come the general election; he will be playing in the big leagues where being a bully won't play.
It sure would seal the deal if Hillary took on Elizabeth Warren as a running mate, It might satiate some of us Bernie supporters.
It might, but think of the uproar it would cause from two women running the country; it was terrible enough when a black man was elected. The Right promised to stop PBO in his tracks, and was probably 70% successful; can you imagine what they might do if two liberal women (granted they are white, but their gender makes up for that) got elected? My guess is shut-down government for eight years.
I hear you, ME, but H. Clinton has got high negatives and this seems to be the era of the populist. There are many on the populist end that at best will not vote for HC, and at worse, in protest against 'the machine' vote for Trump. We are on a tottering precipice. We all assume that only madmen would vote for Trump, but with HC dallying in everything Wall Street, colluding with the big money people, I am not so cock-sure anymore. Too many people are asking questions and you bet that the 'Right' will be on her vulnerabilities like white on rice.
With all this transgender bathroom stuff, I think that society can handle a female POTUS and VP. The problem is that Hillary needs someone like Warren whose credentials as an advocate for the common man are impeccable, and she has the character and personality to be more than just Hillary's rubber stamp. It would allow more of us to see that Hillary 'can work' in the general election.
HRC actually had high positives for a long period of time, until the email thing broke and the Sanders-Rightwing propaganda mill began their attack ads. (I do have to applaud Sanders on being essentially a positive focused candidate, which allow HRC to be the same during the primaries; nevertheless, where he did attack, it was on her trustworthiness and character). There is no good reason, when and if she is cleared by the FBI (although she is not actually being investigated) that she can't regain some positive views.
Trump, on the other hand, has always had high negatives and I can only see them getting worse as he ramps up his childish bullying method of campaigning.
There are probably more #NeverTrump people that will not vote or vote for HRC. I don't worry too much about losing them on the Left because Sanders has already shown he will Actively back HRC and do his best to get his followers to vote Democratic.
Personally, I would like to see Sanders see the advantage of being VP and Hillary to see the same in asking him. Sanders has many good ideas, but he has no chance of ever getting them through Congress should he win. As VP, I think Hillary is smart enough to let him help shape the narrative while she works with Congress to get some compromise passed.
Trump is not self destructing - hillary is
I stopped adding to this list because that is all I would be doing - … GRACE-2801
I think it is not likely that Mrs. Clinton will win a general election for president this fall against Mr. Trump. She is winning the primary only because so many of the important ones are closed to independents. Mrs. Clinton is despised by the Democrat party base, except among older women and older African Americans. All of the political energy and excitement in the Democrat party is with Senator Sanders this year, and his supporters are adamantly opposed to Mrs. Clinton and her transactional brand of pragmatic politics. I do not believe she will win them over, no matter how much she tries to sound like Senator Sanders after the convention. And of course, the more she pulls left to bring in the progressives she needs to win, the more Mr. Trump will slaughter her with moderates and center-left voters.
She claims with a smug pretense at being wearily accustomed to the worst possible attacks that she is ready for anything from Mr. Trump. She is not. She is totally unprepared for him, and he will have her badly off balance from the outset.
I think the Sanders revolution will sadly refuse to follow Senator Sanders into the Democrat longhouse after the convention, loudly boo both sides this fall, find and promote the leaders it needs for 2018 & 2020, and set its sights on taking back America's broken political process from its parasites and usurpers.
No chance - she can't even put Bernie Sanders away....
Unlike Mrs. Clinton, Senator Sanders would destroy poor Mr. Trump in the general election.
It would be interesting - unless Hillary gets indicted then no one will ever get the chance to find out for real.
Newt Gingrich pointed out the pay disparity between male and female executives at the Clinton Foundation, where men earn 38% more on average, ... before telling viewers that Donald Trump is more pro-woman than the former secretary of state Hillary Clinton.
This will likely come as a "shock" to many voters because they listen to or read liberal news. Wake up people, the truth is coming out!
lol ~ Liberals don't necessarily "Listen to or READ Liberal News", in REALITY, we listen to or READ "Drumpfy" Trump's OWN Racist & Misogynist WORDs ~ There is NO Doubt, this Strange Lookin' Sickly Orange Dude has serious problems with Women of ALL Shades & Colors, hence his UNFAVORABLE Rating of 70% and SINKING ~ The Vast Majority of Women can't Stomach the guy for OBVIOUS Reasons ~
Plenty of DIRECT Evidence of Trump's Astoundingly OFFENSIVE & Dangerous Rhetoric & Ideas on YOU-Tube etc ~ If of course your interested in Discovering the FACTs ~
Newt Gingrich? REALLY?? Isn't he the Corrupt & Crooked Speaker of days gone by?? ~ He'd be PERFECT for the "TRUMP Prison Parade" ~
Man you are going to suffer a mental breakdown when President Trump takes office - 8 years will be a long time
I certainly hope not. Especially after he new FBI findings - All good things come to and end... I believe Hillary's political days are numbered. Her game is getting old, and very predictable. I actually do'nt have a friend, relative or acquaintance that has one good thing to say about her. She is done, And what will take her down? The simplest scam she has tried to pull off - lying to congress under oath.... "Perjury". They got her, shes in the trap, and even if she chews her leg off it will do her no good.Her act of Perjury will legally prevent her from having security clearance, this will be the end of her political career. Thank You Jesus! One good thing she can finally dump Bill. Won't need him around anymore...
Well, NOT SO FAST now. Hillary has FRIENDS in VERY HIGH places, including the good old President. The Democratic POWERS THAT BE will make sure that Hillary WINS the Presidential election. The highest media celebrity in the land (Madame Oprah) ENDORSES her. With the Os endorsing her, SHE'S IN LIKE FLINT, BABY! Hillary is a political gameplayer, she knows the game.....WELL.......... It is like the favorite child in the family who gets away w/murder & can do NO WRONG......... There is the golden child (Hillary) while there is the scapegoated child(Donald). The American political world is like family-there are favorite children who can commit proverbial murder & get away w/it while scapegoated children commit slighter offenses & are castigated or worse.
I guess you haven't been listening, have you, GM. 1) Had HRC lied to Congress in her testimony, they would have been all over her since she testified and 2) Charging perjury is a far cry from proving it, and proving perjury is very hard to do. See - … 092498.htm
HRC can win the election with no help from anybody given who her opponent is, but do you find it surprising the Democratic Party, who is in business to make sure a Democrat becomes President, would NOT do everything they can to get her elected ... that is just common sense.
If the Democrats elect Hillary my vote will go to Donald, if the Republicans nominate him. Not the choice I'd prefer but anything, anything, anything is better than the thought of Hillary in the White House. Trump falls on the tail end of the third anything.
+1 That's about where I come from as well. With the caveat that Trump is going to leave an impression of DC behind him - an impression that "business as usual" isn't good enough any more when it comes to our "representatives".
gmwilliams, since you've started so many of these political threads i think it's only fair that you tell us whom you'll be voting for.
Really doesn't matter WHO I vote for, HILLARY is going to win big-time. Influential Democrats are behind her. After all she is a Clinton and has YEARS of political experience. She has the pulse on what people want-equality for women, minorities, & LGBT people. Forget Bernie, he is a lost cause & is so far to the left-Americans clearly aren't ready for far left people who spout socialist rhetoric. The Donald-well, although he is a very strong contender- & has supporters en masse- the Republicans are becoming slowly unhinged at what the Donald has to say. Many Americans are in agreement with his sociopolitical stance. He will probably win but won't- there are too many behind & supporting Hillary to allow that to happen.
Mark Zuckerberg is posting on Facebook in support of her!
… who would you vote for, if you lived here, Rodeon?
Mark my words, It is IMPOSSIBLE for Hillary to make it in. But, I have been wrong a lot on this matter.
I have voted only once. There was a button on the voting-machine here, with a label on it, which was similar to this: "I reject all the aforementioned Candidates". I pressed that.
If I were in America, I might have tried hard to form and build a third political party. And then I might have run for President myself, or encouraged someone else that I should have found worthy of the post, to run for the same. It's difficult to establish a new political party because it requires investment. But I guess it's not impossible.
Qualifications for the Office of President
Age and Citizenship requirements - US Constitution, Article II, Section 1
No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States
Term limit amendment - US Constitution, Amendment XXII, Section 1 - ratified February 27, 1951
No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once.
There are elections where we have a third party, and I think we need that, or even more parties. But only a small percentage of the people vote for their candidate, so it takes votes away from one of the other people running for the Republican or Democratic parties.
Trump is beginning to scare people, he's too much of a loose cannon. Hillary doesn't generate much excitement, although mature women who want to finally see a woman President will vote for her. I think she has the most experience and will vote for her.
Sanders is well liked, but people are worried that since most of his supporters are young, they like the rallies, but won't get out to vote. He also has ideas that are expensive and doesn't seem to have plans to finance them. Actually, that's true of all three of them. They all say they will do wondrous things, but not how they will pay.
Hillary should have been indicted already, but her emails no doubt would implicate Obama. I think she will get a pardon from the 'president' (tongue in cheek) before November. Is it possible the USA could have their "first female pardoned president"...this should be a part of the script in "Hillary The Movie", where New Gingrich, Ann Coulter and other political conservatives discuss Hillary Clinton's career.
She is so arrogant.
Why Bernie won't hit her hard on her long record of targeting women because of Bill's sexual abuse history is beyond belief. He could knock her into the lake of the forgotten from the race. She must have the dirty on Bernie, or its just the same old same old politics, power and the almighty dollar. I'm all in favor of Bernie hitting a hard-ball. I hope Trump gets his chance to make a home-run! .. even if they steals the election from him. This isn't about Trump, its about America.
Why do you blame Hillary for Bill's bad behavior? I agree other women probably would have left them, but their marriage is obviously a political one, and that's what it's driven by. Also, conservatives talk about "family values" all the time, and it's better to work out your problems and stay together than to get divorced. Very contradictory as usual.
"Why do you blame Hillary for Bill's bad behavior?"
WHAT? - Why do you do ask me questions that you make up out of thin air? I didn't blame Hillary for Bill's she forced him to rape those women.
How about you do some research for yourself instead of asking me about something I didn't say? I don't think you are unable at all.
Hillary Clinton's Long History of Targeting Women
The Secret Sex Abuse Victims of Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton Sexual Assault Victim: Hillary Destroyed My Life
Bill 'rapist,' Hillary 'enforcer,' new book charges
The Clinton's War On Women
While president Bill lied saying..."I did not have sex with that woman"
Well, his cum stain on the dress proved different.
I don't ask you questions made up of thin air. You and I post on several political forums, and I can recall what you said but not always which thread it was on. They are usually comments that don't seem very intelligent, like making a big deal about Bill Clinton's affairs and why Hillary didn't leave him. Only the two people in a marriage really know what's going on in it. I will refrain from commenting in the future. Why don't you just write a hate hub about Hillary?
Your recollection is false. The fact is I would never be so ignorant to make statements like you question me on having made. Thank you! I am glad I will not be bothered with such going forward, I will appreciate that. You go ahead and support the Clinton Crime Family if you wish, but you won't get a supporting reply from me... On a realistic note you might.
There is now a high probability that Hillary will be criminally charged. … mere-days/
"While Hillary Clinton fights for the Democratic presidential nomination, law enforcement officials tell Al Jazeera America the Federal Investigation into her personal email system while she was Secretary of State has reached a critical stage.
The FBI, led by Director James Comey, has now finished examining Clinton’s private emails and home server. And the sources add that Comey’s FBI team has been joined by the Justice Department prosecutors. Together, they are now examining the evidence, analyzing relevant laws, and attempting to arrange interviews with key figures in the investigation.
Those interviews, according to attorneys, will include former State Department aides Philippe Reines, Former Clinton Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills, and Clinton herself.
Soon after those interviews — in the next few days and weeks — officials expect Director Comey to make his recommendation to Attorney General Loretta Lynch about potential criminal charges...."
From being a World class strategist in athletics and sculptor. I would study more what the judges wanted than the public.
It feels Trump is being setup for Clinton to win.
Trump being a former illuminati, who knows if he is still an agent. Who knows how much Trump is a 2 face. He is saying everything obviously most people already know as a mistakes. Like 9/11. I was saying 9/11 was a lie the day it happen, today most people believe it was a con job. Even GW Bush state on youtube it could have been an inside job.
About 25% of the richest people in the world are Jewish. About 8 out of 10 richest Jews live in America. About 80% of Israel is owned by the Zionist/Jews. Most of the wars are around Israel. How often dose US or Israel get totally invaded.
Where the money is and numbers add up are your best bet of telling who and where are the extemist liars. Presidents are selected not elected, speak out and take action. Or we will be censored to death on google, for the final nail to our one world order coffins.
"It feels Trump is being setup for Clinton to win."
No doubt about it.
"Trump being a former Illuminati, who knows if he is still an agent."
Do you have evidence of that? I am interested.
"Like 9/11"
"Over A Year Before 9/11, Trump Wrote Of Terror Threat With Remarkable Clarity" … anLkMjxzQk
"Even GW Bush state on youtube it could have been an inside job."
GW Bush knows it was an inside job, what else is he suppose to say.
"About 25% of the richest people in the world are Jewish. About 8 out of 10 richest Jews live in America. About 80% of Israel is owned by the Zionist/Jews. Most of the wars are around Israel. How often dose US or Israel get totally invaded."
Honestly, I have no idea about that, but would love to read the facts. But, I don't believe you would make something like that up.
"Where the money is and numbers add up are your best bet of telling who and where are the extremist liars. Presidents are selected not elected... we will be censored to death on google, for the final nail to our one world order coffins."
I would say that is accurate. I love freedom of speech.
Trump has hired a Top Gun attorney to fight the election fraud.
There aren't going to be any criminal charges against Hillary. The FBI cleared her of he Benghazi incident. Do you get all your information from hate blogs?
Oh please show me where the FBI cleared Hillary Clinton. Please!
Do you get your information from second grade blogs?
Maybe try reading the links to these article.
Oh, this is going to be good!
No, I don't read hate speech blogs.
There is now a high probability that Hillary will be criminally charged. … mere-days/
The Clinton Investigation Enters a Dangerous Phase … g-trouble/
I'm not sure who I'm going to vote for but I'm sort of leaning towards Bernie. If Bernie doesn't win however my vote is going to a party other than republican or Democrat not because I'm throwing my vote away but because I want to make sure that there is a third-party come next presidential election. Republicans and Democrats both need competition. Just like in business when you include more competition, You get better product and results.
So far, Hillary said she would tell us all about UFOs if she is president. Whoopie! If she is able to steal the nomination from Bernie and beat Trump by hook and crook, I would look forward to hearing about that topic. Otherwise, I don't care to listen to her because she is a pathological liar who has been bought by Wall Street Banks, special interest groups and foreign governments, etc..
If, Bernie the socialist (communist, same thing) protects our 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms to protect ourselves from gangs, terrorist and thugs...communism can work in a community, but not if people are un-protected. There is a communist commune south of the Mexican border that is surviving because they will fight to the death, so the drug lords, gangs, etc. leave them alone, while unprotected communities are getting wiped out.
Trump is for the 2nd Amendment, Hillary is not.
Rand Paul would be have been ok, but he is out of the race.
Wow, if you think Hillary is a "Pathological Liar" I'd hate to think what your opinion of "Hair PLUGz" Trump is ~
Moreover, in addition to releasing more information pertaining to UFO's, Hillary will fight for the FOLLOWIG:
* Raising the Minimum WAGE ~ Trump will LOWER Wages
* Fight for Gay Rights ~ Trump will Obstruct the same
* Fight for "Health-Care for ALL Americans ~ Trump will STRIP Health-Care
* Fight to ENHANCE Social Security & Medicare ~ Who knows what "Drumpf Trump" would do with these Entitlements, but given his Incompetent Business Record it would be DISASTEROUS
* Hillary will champion a "Reasonable Path Toward Citizenship" for ALL Un-docummented Individuals ~ Trump would "Round Up & DEPORT" MILLIONS of Hispanics & other Minorities Documented or NOT ~
Just a few IMPORTANT Differences between Hillary and "Drumpf" ~ JUST the FACTs ~
More like "sociopathic" stance, wouldn't you say? Trump is one scary dude. Fortunately there will be Congress, regardless of which Party controls, and the Supreme Court to stymie him on domestic issues. Unfortunately, foreign policy wise will make it look like W did a stand-up job there.
Where is my war on poverty or our war on the natural environment . By far it our greatest threat to humaity and the planet.
Canel that war part, it solves nothing.
"Where is my war on poverty or our war on the natural environment."
Median household income grew by only 1.5 percent, while median expenditures increased by about 11 percent … portation/
There are a lot of graphs and statistics. Its sad.
That is not so bad compare to pass 40 years ago where basic cost of living has gone up over 10 time and wages lower.
What is very bad is Obama's nation debt grown greater than all president in US history. He was Satan sent for bankers.
Even though I don't believe in Satan or God would have saved Satan as God loves everyone.
Obama has been bad news for America, still is. Geeze, that guy!
His actions speak volumes. Hillary would be more of the same because she says she agrees with his policies, but can we believe her.
Muslims killing America for burning their village to the ground. When they are still doing it in silence. Obama's words mean nothing and wars never solves nothing.
The probability of former Secretary of State, HR Clinton, becoming the president of the United States is... low. The reasons are stacking up quickly.
First, and most recent, is her losing massive ground in New York and Pennsylvania where, less than a month ago, she carried a 40 point lead in all the polls. That lead has shrunk to single digits or evaporated. New York and Pennsylvania could very well be a huge upset for her. The majority of the remaining states are shoe-in for her opponent -according to nearly every pundit.
Second, people realize as SOS she was responsible for what is called the Arab Spring, which has seen half a dozen stable countries turned into war zones, as well as the Ukraine split -like her hubby did with the Balkan countries. She, admitting stated her people -both sides of the aisle- created al-Qaeda, originally dubbed the Afghan Freedom Fighters, who have since morphed into the Islamic State and a hundred other factions now rampaging -literally- across Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Europe. Apart from that her message is dry, rehearsed -for lack of a better word: outdated, old.
Third, her support for the Wall Street bailout put 200 million people in a state of financial ruin, or near ruin, even with Obama's stimulus -which has since run out. She plans to further assist in deregulation.
Fourth, her domestic policy is absolute rubbish. The entire American infrastructure is archaic -bridges, tunnels, roadways, railways, water/sewer, electric grid -even parks and recreation -you name it. Her plan is to push that agenda back for another 4-6 years. This means the working-class, blue-collar folks again take a hit, and the environment gets further contaminated. Add to that her energy plan is more of the same oil/gas because her super PACS are all about fossil fuel profits -which is controlled nearly entirely by Wall Street and lays the course for how the global Markets -be it industrial, currency, etc- will go. The menial injection for alternative energy is smoke and mirrors. The global economy is still heading for collapse with no plan on how she will attempt to fix it, sans more sticky tape.
Fifth, her production plan is more off-shore, non-domestic trade agreements. Agreements from manufacturing to food supply, that will cripple american workers yet again, and continue support for Monsanto, etc while expanding NATO powers with further "regime changes" to complete the Western hegemony colonization agenda. Only 4 countries left - Iran, North Korea, Syria and Russia. (Cuba and Libya recently caved by force or dialogue).
Of course there are more points to be added, but why shoot a dead duck, right?
In opinion, I believe most Americans, at least under 55 have awakened to the reality of the last 70 years -or possibly as far back as Hooverville- and what the establishment has done domestically and internationally. Hillary represents that generation, which is now fading out. The young, especially, are revolting en-mass because of the volume of information at their fingertips and serious concern over the state of the entire planet, from practically every perspective imaginable -human, animal, plant, water, food, technology and on and on. Likewise working class men and women in their mid to late 30's living paycheck to paycheck, still in debt from college, no retirement ability, no liquid assets and mortgage payments three times their income.
What is surprising is the fellow -who I believe will be elected- leading this progression, Senator Sanders. He has out done Obama, Hillary -even Reagan- in spite of his age (and part of the Hillary generation) and his Brooklyn-ese accent. In all my meager 27 years of voting, or political engagement, have never seen such a person with such consistency in politics and success in law making for that amount of time. And, his message resonates from coast to coast, as well as abroad. Nearly 100 sovereign countries are in agreement with his approach. Less than two dozen support Hillary's. That's not something scoff at.
However, if -and that is a very small if- the former SOS does make the nomination and the Sanders massive base supports her, then yes she could win the general election. Because, as we all know, Cruz, Rubio and Trump will not be elected. If fact, it was stated before Bush 2.0 left office that America would not see another Republican president for a least 20 years.
Because Sanders is a true champion of real change he is running into resistance by the hidebound satisfied in offering a green M&M over the red.
While Clinton is preferable to any Republican, I think that we can do so much better, having someone like Bernie hit the ball out of the park with his uncompromising committment to reform.
I don't count Sanders out and I am definitely feeling the "Bern'.
And, the momentum is on his side.....
RealClearPolitics has recent polls for 13 states spread all over the country. The result, so far is, 146 for HRC and 30 Trump.
Hillary says she is for equality for women and women's rights...
Pay Gap Alert: Clinton Foundation Male Execs Earn 38% More Than Women
Read more: … z48TMOL000
That number "38%" is really going to hurt Hillary's support from women once the word gets out to the public...and it will. Let's see if MSM covers the story or not.
The Clinton Foundation is a SCAM...and Trump has 'standing' for a federal court case against Bill, Hillary, and their daughter for FRAUD. Well, she isn't Bill's biological daughter. It would open up a whole can of corruption and lies!
Pretty funny how her lies are catching up to her...but what difference does it make now! She is sinking her own campaign. Wait till Trump gets started on exposing her and the Clinton Crime Family.
Shall I go on...I could.
Instead of reading Trump's words on some sight, I go listen to what he actually says. Which can be a hole different story and meaning than what someone who leans left has to write, AP. Kind of what you write is a great example if you know what I mean.
All too often I have believed the lies,...instead of finding out for myself what was actually said and meant. We're only human.
I already told you we evil "LIBERALs" get OUR Information directly from the SOURCE, either You-Tube or a LIVE Feed from "Drumpf" Trump's Racist High Pressure Sales Meetings which are completely Un-Filtered nor Modified in anyway ~ Unfortunately, to stay "Current" I'm forced to ENDURE his Pathetic Racist Rhetoric on Television ~
Here's a good example of his OWN Misogynist WORDs and WHY the Vast Majority of WOMEN will NEVER Vote for this CON-Man ~
Remember , when it comes down to Trump v-s Hillary , that there is no way Hillary can once again kill the will of the voting public by using her democratic super -delegates ! That only works within the slippery socialistic ideals of the DNC . I think the only way Bernie can win enough votes for office is if Trump picks him for a VP.
Poor Prime - he's gonna have a long 8 years in explaining to his propaganda crowd how the upcoming successes of President Trump are bad. I'm not sure how he's going to spin high employment, strengthening cultural values, a fixed immigration system, and the house cleaning of corrupt bureaucrats from their perches in Washington as bad for America.
lol ~ "Drumpfy" Trump Managed to CON about 35% of Republicans into VOTING for his Racist Agenda, which isn't really that difficult a task considering that's about the same number of "Numbskulls" who still think President Obama is a Muslim from Kenya ~ ~ That leaves a BALANCE of Approximately 65% of R*E*P*U*B*L*I*C*A*N*S who REJECT Trump ~ NOT Good for the "Swindler Extraordinaire" ~
Sorry RJ, but even if the "DONALD" Manages to EVADE Prison before we reach November, 35% of the Right WING Nut Jobs ain't even enough to get him ELECTED Prez of the KKK, which is actually what I believe he thinks he's RUNNING for ~ ~ CONservatives would have had a better SHOT at Winning if they ran the "Ghost of BERNIE Madoff", at least he never Painted his FACE Orange ~
What language are you speaking - can you write anything without a bunch of sophomoric techniques? You aren't texting on your iphone, you know. Y
Trump will be the next President - guaranteed - you on the other hand will still be here writing hieroglyphics to you minions.
lol ~ C'mon RJ ~ ~
The Language is ENGLISH my Friend & My READERs Enjoy my Imaginative Creativity ~ "BORING" is Not my STYLE, Never was but if you think "Sophmoric Techniques" are Offensive or Childish, how could you possibly support "Drumpfy" Trump ?? ~ ~ Just Curious ~ ~
I guess you gotta go with what works for your audience. I like Trumps style - He isn't afraid to "bring it" - can it be considered a bit childish, yes I'd say so, but I can overlook it since he has the best interest of America as his platform. Your girl Hillary is too tied to overseas money, open borders, and giving our Uranium away to Russia.....just saying
Your ORANGE Boy Trump has the BEST Interest of DONALD Trump in mind NOT America ~ He has PROVEN this Unfortunate FACT Time & Time Again ~ INVESTIGATE his Past ~
When you Swindle MILLIONs of Dollars from 1000's of HARD Working Americans as Trump is accused of, your TRUE Colors & Character are on Display ~ Just one Enlightening EXAMPLE of WHY Trump is "Unfit" and will NEVER become President ~ ~ Try DIGGING Up Bernie Madoff next time, Republicans might have a much better chance with him ~
I'm not one of your propaganda monkeys Prime - Your girl Clinton has more baggage than American Airlines and you have the nerve to attack someone who is a proven job creator and builder. If he's such a criminal then why is he walking around free?
Hillary Clinton has NEVER had to "Settle FRAUD Law Suits" for attempting to "SWINDLE" OUR Precious Senior Citizens out of their Hard EARNED Money as reportedly CON-Man Trump was FORCED to do ~ He NEVER "Settles" Law Suits RIGHT? Just MORE Lies ~
Obviously many Republicans are UNAWARE of the "DONALD's" Checkered Past ~ INVESTIGATE and you'll be Enlightened ~ Mexico REAL Estate DEALz, or should we say "BAD Trump Fraudulent DEALz"
Google Trump's FRAUD in Mexico ~ Pretty Bad Stuff ~ And WHY is he Walking around a FREE Man? according to reports, It's just a matter of time......
"And WHY is he Walking around a FREE Man?"
Because he has not been convicted of a crime. That should be apparent even to a Democrat, right - after all, it's certainly why Clinton is doing the same and Democrats seem to applaud avoidance of justice there...
Orange, is that not the colors they dress up criminal in, to make them more attractive for sex?
I guess that's why Hillary has been wearing that orange pantsuit so much lately - getting ready for her stretch
FBI Director James Comey calls it an "investigation" and said that's what the FBI does. He said he has no idea what a "security inquire" is. That is a term Hillary came up with to down play the FBI investigation into her email server and practices. Another one of HC's fabrications.
The FBI investigates crimes and this is a law enforcement proceeding.
The media does not portray reality the way it really is.
Only 6% of Americans say they trust mainstream media.
That is good only 6%, many are really waking up.
Hillary Clinton keeps losing as Bernie piles up more wins state after state.
So, how is it that Hillary is winning?
Hillary 45% Bernie 29% in the polls.
I take no sake in the outcome.
by Grace Marguerite Williams 8 years ago
her? Why? Why not? Ms. Clinton seem to have the best qualifications for president. She also has political experience and is a quite savvy person?
by Grace Marguerite Williams 8 years ago
What is YOUR ASSESSMENT of Hillary Clinton as a presidential candidate & a....PERSON?
by Sharlee 15 months ago
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton railed against supporters of former President Trump during a new CNN interview, comparing those who still support the former president after the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection to members of a cult.“Maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult...
by Faith Reaper 8 years ago
Just curious. Who would you trust to defend our country against our enemies- Hillary or Trump?I am conducting my own little poll here of sorts, as I am just curious who would you trust to defend our country against our enemies and why - Hillary or Trump?
by Catherine Mostly 8 years ago
I am really curious about what other women think; because I've only recently started paying attention to politics since the media is ramping up Trump so much, lately. Before that, I'm sorry... I was not even SORT of paying attention to any other candidate from any party. Hillary is my girl, and she...
by Credence2 8 years ago
Be it not for me to speak ill of a fellow Democrat, but Hillary Clinton disappoints. Please read the articles, I confess that Salon is a left leaning publication, but I have included the article placed by H. Clinton in the Times of Israel to provide a little heft to my position.Bernie has courage...
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