Donald Trump donations are small so being from many to make this much!

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  1. Jackie Lynnley profile image88
    Jackie Lynnleyposted 8 years ago

    Doesn't this say something to the Republican Party leaders who are trying to turn their back on him? I mean this is a lot of people and look at the crowds he draws, literally thousands while Hillary is lucky to get 50 people!
    Don't you think Republican leaders should be paying attention to what the people want instead of worrying Trump may rock their steady political boat? Sure he has his foot in his mouth a lot of times but he has ideas to stop erosion and corruption which many are aware of not wearing rose colored glasses and ready to be pushed off the cliff! He says what many, many want desperately and it will be in just a few weeks that the people will have their say and won't they remember the people who turned their back on Republicans even to the point of voting for someone so against what the Republican people want that they may not soon forget what they did and who they were traitors for?

    1. Jackie Lynnley profile image88
      Jackie Lynnleyposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      (financial erosion!)

    2. gmwilliams profile image81
      gmwilliamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

  2. norlawrence profile image68
    norlawrenceposted 8 years ago

    Trump has some good ideas but he always puts his foot in his mouth.  The Republicans in politics are afraid of him.  Hillary can not be trusted.  She has done things that show she does not care about the American people.  People will still vote for her though.  This country will have a repeat of the last four years only worse.

    1. Jackie Lynnley profile image88
      Jackie Lynnleyposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I don't know. I think the media and Republican leaders are trying to make us believe Trump is falling but I just don't think so and I think the millions that many gave of what they could spare tells how much hope there is yet for Trump. True though, we all know what a crook Hillary is and then her health lately is making it look pretty iffy for her. Can she hold up the next several weeks? If she would win then wouldn't that leave a vice president as president probably that nobody knows when she cannot do her job? Pretty scary stuff she is facing.

      1. norlawrence profile image68
        norlawrenceposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        If she wins and is unable to do the job Bill might be the one running the country or trying to.

        1. Jackie Lynnley profile image88
          Jackie Lynnleyposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Could be, lol.

      2. gmwilliams profile image81
        gmwilliamsposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        It is obvious that there is poor analysis  & comprehension here.  The polls shows that Donald Trump is WAY BEHIND Hillary Clinton.  It was verified that major Republican players want nothing at all to do with Trump & are distancing themselves from him like the plague.   Reality shows that Trump doesn't have a chance in hell of becoming President.  Hillary is strong & will be the NEXT PRESIDENT of the United States.  No matter how you try to deny the situation, Trump is losing & losing big time.   It isn't doctored by the news, it is REALITY that Trump has becoming more bombastic with quite disastrous results.  Hillary is showing that she is a professional who can hold her own.  If you can, face the facts-Hillary is going to .......WIN, like it or not!

        1. Jackie Lynnley profile image88
          Jackie Lynnleyposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Of course they want nothing to do with him because they are as corrupt as Hillary and Obama and they want nothing to change but most of the American people do and there are more of us out here than any of you know about. Why you want a crook that has people falling dead all around her beats me but that is your right.

        2. blueheron profile image87
          blueheronposted 8 years agoin reply to this
        3. blueheron profile image87
          blueheronposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          Bill Still pulls social media stats showing overwhelming support for Trump. Have a look at those figures! MSM polls, as with all else the MSM spits up, are pure fabrications. You would have to be brain dead, or very brainwashed, to believe anything coming from the MSM.
 … redirect=1

  3. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 8 years ago

    Trump is blowing right through the media bias , he is blowing through the political correctness , He is  pushing aside the GOP that is our real enemy on the right , Paul Ryan  and his  minions  are losing their influence and  following of the whole American right  , those who are shifting towards  Hillary are  and were already leftists  who ran on the republican platforms in their own states  !

    He is  teaching a much needed lesson to the media !
    To the leftist politically  correct machine !
    To  all Americans  who are ill informed !

    1. colorfulone profile image78
      colorfuloneposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      "Americanism, not Globalism." ~ Trump

    2. norlawrence profile image68
      norlawrenceposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Everyone seems to be afraid of him.  They now want to declare him unfit to run for president or be president if he gets elected.  Trump does hurt himself when he says some of the things he says.  It seems he does not think before he opens his mouth.

      1. Jackie Lynnley profile image88
        Jackie Lynnleyposted 8 years agoin reply to this

        I will tell you honestly when I first saw he was running for president I could not believe it but I started listening to what he said and he was speaking my heart as well as many others apparently.
        How on earth can we keep letting millions pour into our borders and support them and while we are not taking care of our own veterans or homeless? It is outrageous  and everyone knows it is not something nice of the Democrats, they are simply using our tax dollars to buy these people for their vote and they want to choke out or get rid of any of us who have a mind of our own! If democrats take office again we can just kiss America as we have known it goodbye and God only knows how many refugees that are terrorist the Dems have let in while trying their best to take away any protection we may have to defend ourselves from them. If Dems get this election I think we can just kiss our @## goodbye!
        I wish more could see what they are up to! Hillary just said if she is elected all of the illegals will become citizens along with their families and she will use her executive action if she has to and congress does not go along with it. They have given millions drivers licenses to illegals for the sole purpose of voting and since Obama did not get as many done that way as he wanted now they have ruled out voter ID! They plan to steal this election!
        I cannot stand the thoughts of 4 to 8 more years of a dictator, but this country will not last that long. Even if Trump gets it I am sure the Dem have something going to cause trouble and to have race wars and anything they can to get martial law. I don't know the whys but it does not take much to see they are up to no good.

        1. norlawrence profile image68
          norlawrenceposted 8 years agoin reply to this

          I think they will do something to stop Trump if he wins.  Hillary was with the UN on one world government and I believe that is still what she wants. The UN also wanted to disarm everyone.  They said it would stop terrorists and crime.  How dumb can you be.  The terrorists and criminals will always have weapons.   It have been proven that people to not need guns to kill people but they do come in handy if you want to defend yourself.

          1. Jackie Lynnley profile image88
            Jackie Lynnleyposted 8 years agoin reply to this

            Crooks will always have guns, they know that and Obama sold them many and they were the high powered ones by the way! I hope someone does step in to stop them but yes they are determined and I do think Hillary is run by someone who feeds her millions to do as they say. Only her health could stop her now that is not looking too good...and her mind seems to be affected. Guess we will have to wait and see. I fear for trump too. I saw a video tonight where she seemed to be threatening Obama back when they were running against each other with Bobby Kennedy being shot...that you didn't know what might happen. ?

  4. blueheron profile image87
    blueheronposted 8 years ago

    I'm sorry to have to say this, as I am a Trump supporter myself, but please edit. Your title doesn't make sense. You say that "he has ideas to stop erosion." I was not aware that Trump had a position re agricultural policy.

    1. Jackie Lynnley profile image88
      Jackie Lynnleyposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks, I will check my notes and fix it!


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