Despite all the socio-political questions hanging about, how would you picture former president Donald Trump, as a potential candidate in the 2024 piesidentialrace? Can he make it again? Will the GOP give him a second chance?
Great question., and one that we can all sink our teeth into.
Donald Trump’s fate in the 2024 GOP teeters, and in my view will depend on whether he has retained the broad support he secured in 2016 from an unexpected variety of voters that compose his base. If he wins the primary, I feel other more conservative Republican voters will come out and vote for him --- I feel when push comes to shove Republicans will be out in historic numbers. If for nothing else to boot Democrats
out of power.
It will be a nail-biter, down to wire all-out brawl.
The GOP may be forced to give him a second chance if he wins the primary.
Sharlee01, that support the former PONTUS won in 2016 will surely be garner again. Trump lost these bases due to his mismanagement or misunderstanding of the pandemic. Now 'we the people' are worried and baffle about the course and direction of the American nation. So the people will think twice again. Then as you presume should he win the primary, he will surely gain the confidence of the Republicans.
I picture him, PRESENT, unlike the current guy.
abwilliam, my response is coming very late. Despite all the many odds Trump is facing like the Janauary 6, 2022 Capitol Inssurrection brought against him, Trump still bull's on ahead with the Spirit of Apollo. Good for him. Yes, he'll be present in the race to the presidency.
Well, he's lost twice - even before January 6.
Agreed. And he found his way out of the woods twice?
I wouldn't call being indicted several times "finding his way out of the woods".
I remember the quote from Franklin Pierce Adams.
"Elections are won by men and women chiefly because most people vote against somebody rather than for somebody."
Most of the time, we voters get swayed by personal charisma rather than the work done on the ground. So the question should be, who has done better work to win rather than who has done a more shoddier job?
By that yardstick, I agree with Sharlee that it might be a nail-biter finish.
Thank you, ravi. They's great consideration and comparison of works done by Trump and Biden. They will decide well again being now in they right senses. I take it also that the battle royal will be such that the people wik like to severe America from the apdndage of any oriental country.
I don’t think it’s likely that Trump will run again. I think it’s more likely that he’ll end up being indicted for tampering with election results and trying to commit voter fraud in Georgia and of leading a violent insurrection on our capital. In fact, he could end up in jail. A much more appropriate place for such a corrupt man than in the White House! I think that his crimes are finally going to catch up with him.
Does it at all concern you that although he has been accused of many, many crimes for over six years now --- he has not been indicted of any crime? I would feel it should at this point make some that hold on to the hope he will be indicted start asking themselves, why has he not been indicted? We have had many of our best legal minds trying to find chargeable crimes that Trump may have committed.
I can say one thing, the fortitude is amazing with those that hold on to the hope Trump will be indicted.
"he has not been indicted of any crime"
Well, we'll watch and see if you musing comes true. By the way, which American president has land in jail in your life time?
Nixon would have been convicted by impeachment had he not resigned. We had a different GOP in 1974. They were statesmen. They put the law first. We don't have that any more.
I think they believe all of the b.s. Sharlee, because it has been reinforced for so many years {not proven, no smoking guns, no indictments} just reinforcement!
I must agree. I also will admit I find it so odd, almost baffling that some are so obsessed with their hope that Trump is arrested --- for just about anything. The hate is palpable in the country. It is sad to witness. We can only try to keep our heads clear and use good common sense to guide us, and above all not join in the hysteria. I try my best to keep to the facts. They are all out there one only needs to take a bit of time and find them.
Watch Fulton County, GA. It's not over.
Trump has gotten away with so many shady and downright illegal activities even before he served as president. I don’t think people are obsessed with seeing him getting his due desserts, it’s just a matter of justice being served! There were innocent people killed as a result of the Capitol riot he instigated and then taking high security documents and hiding them in his residence! It’s high time that this man is held accountable! If anything, it’s Trump and his followers who are guilt of hate and causing divisiveness in our country.
I must correct you in regard to the deaths that occurred as a result of a 6th riot. I think facts should be repeated more than rumors. Your statement does ring true that all the people were innocent soles, but just not KILLED. We had one person that was fatally shot and killed, a Trump supporter by the name of Ashli Babbitt.
"WASHINGTON – The District of Columbia medical examiner on Wednesday released the cause of death for four of the five people who died at the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol, but results are still pending for Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick.
Dr. Francisco Diaz, the district's chief medical examiner, announced the causes of deaths as:
• Ashli Babbitt, 35, died by homicide from a gunshot to the left shoulder. She was shot by a Capitol police officer while trying to climb through a door near the House chamber.
• Kevin Greeson, 55, died of natural causes from cardiovascular disease. Greeson, of Athens, Alabama, had a Twitter account in which he supported former President Donald Trump and profanely denounced his opponents.
• Benjamin Phillips, 50, died of natural causes from cardiovascular disease. According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, Phillips of Ringtown, Pennsylvania, was a computer programmer who founded a social media website for Trump supporters. He had organized a trip of several dozen people to the district.
• Roseanne Boyland, 34, died by accident from acute amphetamine intoxication. Boyland, of Georgia, wanted to be a sobriety counselor and followed QAnon conspiracies, her family said." … 128040002/
In regard to the fact that Trump did take documents when he left the White House, I prefer to wait and see what the DOJ does with that matter. We have a special counsel investigating the issue.
I prefer to not accuse anyone of a crime before all the evidence is presented by law enforcement.
In regard to your sentiment about "Trump followers" I don't put entire groups group of individuals in any one basket. I will leave that to those that find that kind of mindset plausible.
The fact that those people died after the riot itself and for conditions that already existed relieves the rioters and their instigators of any responsibility for their deaths? Only folks who have embraced questionable reasoning for too long could come to that conclusion. Please don't present questionable reasoning as fact.
Your comment makes no sense. Sorry, you need to follow a complete conversation before jumping in or your comment makes no sense. All that died on that day were there of their own free will, supporting Trump.
Here is the comment that I was responding to --- Note the word "KILLED".
LORI comment -- "Trump has gotten away with so many shady and downright illegal activities even before he served as president. I don’t think people are obsessed with seeing him getting his due desserts, it’s just a matter of justice being served! There were innocent people KILLED as a result of the Capitol riot he instigated and then taking high security documents and hiding them in his residence! It’s high time that this man is held accountable! If anything, it’s Trump and his followers who are guilt of hate and causing divisiveness in our country."
We were discussing who DIED on the day of the riot. I presented the facts.
• Ashli Babbitt, 35, died by homicide from a gunshot to the left shoulder. She was shot by a Capitol police officer while trying to climb through a door near the House chamber.
• Kevin Greeson, 55, died of natural causes from cardiovascular disease. Greeson, of Athens, Alabama, had a Twitter account in which he supported former President Donald Trump and profanely denounced his opponents.
• Benjamin Phillips, 50, died of natural causes from cardiovascular disease. According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, Phillips of Ringtown, Pennsylvania, was a computer programmer who founded a social media website for Trump supporters. He had organized a trip of several dozen people to the district.
• Roseanne Boyland, 34, died by accident from acute amphetamine intoxication. Boyland, of Georgia, wanted to be a sobriety counselor and followed QAnon conspiracies, her family said.
I would appreciate it if you would follow the conversation and the context of the conversation.
Yes correct Lora, one innocent person did die that day. She was a staunch Trump supporter; her name was Ashli Babbitt!! It is a myth that any one else died that day or as a result of that day.
There is no evidence of any incitement by Trump, another myth...but there IS evidence of him attempting to de-escalate the situation.
The last sentence no doubt is corroct, and no person that hate or dislike Trump will admited that.
The lies being written in this discussion give me little hope for America. The fact that they are in the minority gives me hope.
You are responding directly to me. Be specific Kathleen, where's the lie?
Ashli was the only one that died due to the protest. That is just a fact. I just created a thread in regard to the subject. The tape shows as well as an autopsy report showing died of natural causes. Brian Sicknick (a Trump Supporter) was alive and well doing his duty throughout the protest, and was on tape showing protesters out after he was supposed to have been beaten to near death... Yet the lie continues to spread.
Ms. Babbitt was breaking the law when she was killed. She wasn't innocent by any definition.
It funny there were thousands breaking the law that day, and only one unarmed woman was shot. No officers but one found it necessary to use their gun. The video of her being shot was very telling, you can find it on youtube. As she climbed through the window, there were several officers just there behind her within about two feet I would say. They did not find her a threat?
Maybe watch the video. You will see officers behind her, and the ones to respond immediately to care for her.
Thank you, Lora, for joining this discussion. The majority should be heard.
Trump's February bump ... Polls show Trump pulling ahead of Desantis in several polls.
"In regard to your sentiment about "Trump followers" I don't put entire groups group of individuals in any one basket. I will leave that to those that find that kind of mindset plausible."
Whether you like it or not we are all in groups, especially in the political arena. It is human nature to be in groups. You are in a conservative group that supports Trump and hope he doesn't go to jail. I am in in a liberal group that doesn't support Trump and hope he does go to jail. Politics today is very triable.
Problem is that YOU are assigning groups; groups that do not contain the people you put there.
For instance, "You are in a conservative group that supports Trump". The assumption is that all conservatives support Trump for President, which is patently untrue. I would guess that less than half do; that they would vote for Trump only as a vote against another far left liberal like Biden. Certainly that was the case when Trump was elected, and it will be the case if he is elected again.
'I am in in a liberal group that doesn't support Trump and hope he does go to jail'. Yea, my question is 'which American president in your life time has ever land in jail?' I ask this question here 8 days ago. And no answer. Trump said he does no wrong. Why them do certain groups wants him to be committed to prison?
Trump lies to not only protect himself, but to promote himself at the expense of others. Criminal charges should be brought against him for inciting Jan. 6.
Biden won the election fair and square, but Trump tried to steal it from Biden, not Biden stealing it from Trump. Ashli Babbitt was motivated by Trump to break into the house chamber. She was shot and killed right on the spot. If Trump had not created Jan. 6., she would probably have even been there. If Trump and his cohorts had not organized Jan. 6., there would have been no riots and trying to overthrow the government..
'If Trump had not created Jan. 6., she would probably have even be there'. I'm sorry if you own up to the above quote. Sorry again that you deviated or took a detour in answering my simple quetion. Why d'you beat about the busy? While a gal here have answer the question: none has land in goal. A month ago, 3 state governors hnstituted a civil suit against the president of Nigeria, Muhamadu Buhari, Nigeria's Central Bank Governor, and the Minister of Justice for mismanaging the circulation of Nigeria's currency, causing cash crunch in circulation, hunger, and hardship to all the citizens. The Supreme Court has finally ruled in favour of the appallant. The later are now filling another sult against the Min of Justice and the CBN governor to prison. The first suit is a succes. The second must succeed likewise. Critically, Nigerians Courts and Juiciary System are pattern after the British and the USA.
President Buhari will end his term on 29 May 2023. Then, only then he'll be included in the second suit. What ya say? Holy wonder, the stone which the misguided Americans has rejected will again become the headstone.
America is not based on someone saying they have done no wrong. It is based on the difference between right and wrong.
No. No president has ever gone to jail. But we've never had a Trump. He's broken every precedent. He'll break that one too.
My context is clear I, myself, don't put entire groups of individuals into baskets. I try to be specific when pointing a finger. However, I can agree with you, our society here in America is divided into groups. Just do not want to be one that ascribes to putting anyone person in a basket. The Republican party is split into a few " baskets" at this time. All of them support different paths and most certainly have different agendas.
I am a conservative, and I have made it clear it is my hope that Trump does not run. I am hoping for brand-new candidates on both sides. I have been blunt, I hope the candidates are much younger. I do prefer the MAGA agenda, and I am hoping to have a Republican candidate that will also support that agenda or much of that agenda.
I have also been honest and forthright in that I will be voting Republican in 2024. I want the Democrats out period.
I have never made the claim one way or the other in regard to Trump being jailed. I support the laws of the country, if Trump is indicted for a crime, I will consider him innocent until proven guilty. I don't feel it moral to condemn someone and look for evidence after smearing them, and openly slandering them. Thus far Trump has not been indicted, and I think it safe to say that the DOJ would indite him on just about anything if they felt he broke a law.
Do you not in the least find it odd that he is accused of breaking laws, but with some of the best legal brains, he is not indicted? Should this not make you pause?
I am so blessed not to have fallen into a very prevalent mindset of citizens that can accuse someone of a crime without any evidence of a crime.
The evidence is being collected. Wait for it.
l will let you do that ... Myself, I don't dwell on if - comes. Not sure that
is a healthy kind of mindset.
Been hearing that for years and years. Tired of waiting for what never comes.
I am sure you feel the same way about Hunter Biden that he is innocent until proven guilty by a court of law?
Congressional investigations work in just the opposite way. The members assume one is guilty until proven innocent, or they just dry up, like they did with Hillary and Benghazi.
We had a changing of the guard when the select committee to investigate Trump was dissolved by the GOP majority in house.
I don't pause about Trump. He is like a mafia boss, he has others do his dirty work for him. His very high paid lawyers use every tactic in the books to keep him from going to jail.
History shows it takes a long time to get to the point where justice is served to the boss after taking out all the lieutenants. We still haven't heard from the grand jury's final decision and Jack Smith and his Special Council yet.
'I am sure you feel the same way about Hunter Biden that he is innocent until proven guilty by a court of law?"
I feel the same way about hunter as I do Trump. He has not been indicted, he is innocent until proven guilty.
We do need to wait for Jack Smith's report and see if he recommends indictments to the DOJ.
'I do prefer the MAGA agenda, and I'm hoping to have a Republican candidate'. Sherlee, I understand your mindset in the specifics. Is it correct to say that Trump birth MAGA or he's an important figure in it's formation? I'm yet to meet a person like you who, if s(he) (is) a Rep or Dem will vote for the other if that makes sense to rock America to greater heights. Seriously, you'll not know what's in the heart of an old man that he wants to come back. Oddly, take Nigerian's Mathew Aremo Olusegun Obasanjo as a case study. He was a General in the Nigerian Army and a Military Head of State. Having retired he came back in Nigeria's nascent democracy as 2 term civillian president. He attempted a third bid, but the Nigerian Constitution bar him. The question is what made such personalities goes that extra? Popularity? Continuty? No one can tell.
At this time in our history we need to put America and Americans first for a bit. I feel many are being left behind, due to our educational system, and I think generally America is floundering and stagnating. In my view, we are moving away from the very Constitution that helped build this county.
I had hoped Trump would step aside, and let another pick up the agenda he bolstered. I am not at all sure why this man won't just walk away from the turmoil that being president has gotten him. He could be living a good life, without wolves biting at his back.
"He could be living a good life, without wolves biting at his back."
The wolves are not going to stop until he is in prison or dead. Too much hate, too much fear of losing power.
I agree, I see the hatred of Trump as a pure phenomenon. It is downright scary. There is no real foundation to substantiate the hate many have for this man.
The hate they have for all Trump, In my view, seems to shelter them from the mess this Democratic administration and Pupet Joe have made of the Country, actually the world.
I think you're right - there is an inability to see anything but Trump, complete with horns and tail. Biden's massive failures are hidden behind those horns.
So true --- Look here not there. Scary stuff.
Don't you do the same thing about Trump? Look at Biden, not Trump. "Scary stuff."
Awful or funny? The phychology of 'real' Donald Trump is compldx. One trait of this complex is the more he shuttled up, the more the hawks get at him. And as wilderness said, the Dems and like-minds wouldn't give him a respite, I think even in his grave. Poor real Donald Trump, he's a jolly good man.
Why is the "hatred for Trump" any different from hatred for Biden made evident in your posts and that of so many Right leaning posters?
The Right will tell you there is a difference, what is it?
I do offer many threads in regard to current Biden news. As a rule, I offer little to no opinion on my OP. I do join in if comments are posted, and offer my views.
I find Hunpages different than most political chats. Most handle current news, that will touch on news of the day. I have come to prefer this kind of conversation. So, you are correct I do post lots about Biden.
I my view there is a difference, a clear difference that you may not have recognized. We on the right here on HP's forum join in when discussing Trump. The threads that I post on current Biden blunders are either ignored by those that lean left or a quick deflect is projected.
This should make you think. It's very clearly a phenomenon. We conversed about Trump. There is very little conversation about Biden.
Some on the right as conservatives don't delve into bashing either Trump or Biden. And choose to ignore the very current actions of Biden. Some of those on the left just do not want to discuss Biden's blunders, too uncomfortable to pursue.
I don't think posting news about a current president should denote the poster hates him. In fact, I don't think I see any truely hateful words posted about Biden. Yes, derogatory assumptions, and personal views on his actions. But hate oriented, no.
Biden will come and go. He will soon be forgotten, and his mistakes with him. As most presidents. Trump will be hounded and slandered until he dies, IMO.
The funny thing, IMO, is Trump was a pretty good president, for the people, and it went unnoted by half the country. That shows me something, something that I would have preferred never to see.
Credence, you're a Dem, correct? Or you seems to be in their group, right? Do ya like Trump? I've not noted that you've say a good lovely word on Trump life and deed here nor there.
Yes, I am a Democrat.
I don't care for Trump for much of the same reasons explained by People...
There is nothing positive to say about Trump, he is a coward and a fomenter of disaster while absolving himself of blame and accountability.
The Warp Speed program to the level he was involved was a good idea. It was too smart of a creation to believe that Trump had anything to do with it.
Outside of that, his attack on our military and their sacrifices.
Being in Nigeria, you are totally unaware....
'Being in Nigeria you are totally unaware....'
Not true.
I'm aware of Nixongate or Watergate at 17 years. I'm aware of Jimmy Carter and his attempt to rescued the 53 American hostages. Seriously, I'm a student of American history, politics, and government, and current world affairs. That you that much.
I too, am an credited American Historian. It is just more advantageous having similar interests and credentials when you live here rather than not.
Sorry, I don't see this you post but now. But would you say if I side with your like-mind?
Since you people can't understand why Trump is not liked, the following is why:
In my view, Trump is a narcissistic, egotistical master con artist who is obsessed at winning at any cost to himself and others. If you have watched any competitive endeavor, you expect that once a person or persons lose, they accept the loss and go on with their lives. But Trump does not have that capacity.
In his first campaign, he slandered 16 competitors by insulting them and their families. In the debate with Hillary when she was on the stage, he stood behind her and followed her around the stage to intimidate her.
One of the first things he did, by his own admission, as president was to divide the country into us and them by calling the real news the fake news and fake news the real news, so if he was ever questioned about anything he could say that’s just the fake news. When in fact it was the real news. That has now become apparent as we know the right-wing news lies to keep their viewership up.
As president he has lied and/or miss informed over 10,000 documented times. He knew about how lethal the virus was in January, but by his own admission he downplayed it to state it was only the flu or a common cold and it would be gone in a very short period of time. He then solved his own problem that he created by taking credit for Operation Warp Speed months later. In the meantime, thousands of people had died from the virus. His tax relief program for the super-rich is costing taxpayers billions of dollars over the 10-year period of the program. He lied about the tariffs placed on the imports of goods, from China. He claimed we earned 36 billion when in fact as importers we paid 36 billion to China. He blamed Biden for the pull-out from Afghanistan when in fact it was Trump’s binding agreement to bring the troops home.
In his rallies he mocks others for their disabilities and encourages violence, but his supporters love him for doing that. Months before Jan. 6, he started his mantra about if Biden wins, then the election is rigged. When Biden won fair and square is when he started his mantra about Biden stole the election from him when in fact Trump tried to steal the election from Biden. Then came Jan. 6 when he tried to overthrow the government by having select governors submit false voting slates that showed him as the winner. As a result of his motivation, the Capitol was breached, two people died and many were injured.
Kevin McCarthy has now given the video footage of Jan.6 to Tucker Carlson so he can cherry pick scenes to make it look like Jan. 6 was a peaceful gathering of people. This is all done to make it look like Trump was innocent in the whole Jan. 6 affair. Carlson’s viewing audience will believe anything he tells them. However here are the latest statistics on Jan. 6 from Jake Tapper of CNN, a real journalist, not entertainers like Carlson, Hannity, Ingraham, and the likes:
People facing federal/local charges = Over 1,000; Charged with assault or resisting impending officer or employees = 326; Officers who were assaulted at the Capitol on Jan.6 = 140; People charged who have pleaded guilty = 518
Trump resisted for months to turn over the high security documents brought to Mar-a-Lago. Granted Biden and Pence were found to have documents as well but they cooperated with out a problem.
Trump seems to leave a wake of destruction of people and things behind him, because he cannot accept losing. He has intimated the GOP congress by making examples of those who oppose him. His master con-artist mentality becomes apparent when his con is discovered.
Like all good con-artists, he plays the victim to his supporters and attacks those who uncover his con.
I believe in the next election, he will use the same tactics that were used on Biden, no matter who runs. If I lose, the election is rigged and when I have lost, the election was stolen from me. In any competitive sport there are winners and losers, but not when Trump is playing. I hope he goes to jail before he even gets to that stage.
Trump always follows his mentor, Roy Cohen’s advice: Never admit when you are wrong or guilty, no matter how deep you get into the muck.
And this is just a short synopsis as to why I don’t like Trump. … nald-trump
That is a very long list, and I realize you believe all that you shared. I have said I feel such an addiction to thinking about one man is unhealthy. What do you gain from this personal vendetta against Trump?
According to the Cambridge Dictionary, you are using the word Vendetta incorrectly:
a long and violent argument between people or families, in which one group tries to harm the other in order to punish them for things that happened in the past
I am not punishing Trump. There are many Trump supporters who don't have a clue of what Trump is really about, Thanks to Fox and MAGA news for keeping them in the dark. I am trying to keep the record straight. I believe everything I have written is verifiable.
Trump supporters don't have a clue about Fox lying to them by telling them what they want to hear and not the truth. They don't know that Trump made life miserable for the Georgia ballot counters who were accused of stuffing the ballots. They were still getting death threats well after it had been proved that there was not ballot tampering.
"I have said I feel such an addiction to thinking about one man is unhealthy. What do you gain from this personal vendetta against Trump?"
It's not just about Trump. It's about all the people he has affected because of his actions. It's not unhealthy for me to write about Trump. It is cathartic. If I didn't write about him, it would be bottled up inside me and that would be unhealthy. There are those on these forums who tend to just overlook his bad qualities because it would make them think they have supported the wrong person. That is called cognitive dissonance.
What do you gain about writing about Biden and his son?
"a long and violent argument between people or families, in which one group tries to harm the other in order to punish them for things that happened in the past"
In my honest view --- the left will hold a vendetta against
Trump until he dies.
I have offered my explanation of why I posted a thread in regard to Biden and his son. I post on current news reports. I personally don't find rehashing years-old news important to me as an individual trying to have up-to-date conversations.
I gain noting, this is a political chat. What do you gain by continuing to post very old news about Trump? I can answer that for you because it is relevant to you...
It would seem you have a problem excepting what is relevant to me --- current news. It is all that simple.
Bidenm and sometimes his son promote new reports. I like to delve into the present news.
I certainly have the right to discuss the current news, do I not? If not then it would make perfect sense you would have no right to continue to discuss old news.
In regard to overlooking bad qualities. Joe Biden's pasted should truly haunt him. I could dig up many disgusting reports on Biden that go back many years. Very much documented information on his past in his personal life as well as his political life. I don't, it's old news, and does not pertain to the now.
When he campaigned I did offer all that negative stuff... He was running for president, and I always look into candidates' pasts, and you bet, offer it up. It's not pertinent to the now. He won, even though his past was not one he should be proud of --- he did win. No longer did I have the need to talk about a candidate's past?
You have the right as an individual to feel differently than me. I also have that very same right. So when you talk about people that support Trump, just consider they have the same rights as you.
I have overlooked Biden's bad qualities for now. If he runs, I will be talking once again about a candidate, and all bets are off at that point.
As I am sure you will be talking about Trump. The problem I have seen, you just never stopped talking about Trump, and will not address Biden much in any respect. This to me is telling.
Didn't you, Wilderness, and ab Williams question why people don't like Trump? Well in order to answer properly, I had to go back to the beginning and give all the reasons I don't like him.
You try to convince people that Trump is not current news. It turns out Trump and Jan. 6 are still current news. Apparently, it means nothing to you that Rupert Murdoch, the owner of Fox, has admitted under oath in the Dominion law suit that his people knowingly lied about Trump and his trying to steal the election from Biden.
That my friend is currently in the news. You are just hung up looking for anything to get Trump off the hook, including out of context footage prepared by the Fox news "entertainers" who knowingly lied about Jan. 6.
You would rather believe lies that it was a peaceful gathering of people instituted by Pelosi and that the Qanon Shaman was a peaceful guy, even though he is serving time for what he did that day.
But you want me to focus on Biden instead. I don't have a bone to pick with Biden. Therefore, I have no reason to bash him and his son, as you do. You call that current news, but not Trump and Jan. 6 although he is currently in the news with several pending law suits.
As you say, this to me is very telling. My writing is not to please you. It is to give awareness to others to see the other side about Trump. If you take Trump out the equation, you have no story and no Jan.6. By the way Jan. 6 is history, why do you dwell on it?
Trump, no matter how bad one may draw and paint him is a human being. He has a pair of eye, ears, arm, and leg, for example. How come he's being depicted as one legged, one arm guy, and so on? Those here and there that are bad mouthing 'real' Donald Trump haven't an oin of one bad word against old joe biddn? Is that because the later is perfect?
I was going to say something similar; the wolves have his scent, they'll never let up. He upset the apple cart, he interrupted the fundamental transformation, he got in the way...and he'll never know peace again.
Investigations usually dry up when they turn up nothing - like Benghazi. Sixteen investigations and 11 hours of testimony directly from the subject of the investigation should prove that to anyone.
Four American soldiers were ambushed in Niger at the beginning of the Trump years. If there was an investigation - I never heard about it.
I'm not naming names connected with the untruths stated in this discussion. There are too many here who think if you just keep saying something enough it becomes true.
I have no problem with Hunter Biden being investigated. Let the chips fall where they may.
Others have a right to their opinions, as you do. It seems you feel comfortable pointing out what you feel are lies, just because a given statement does not match your own thoughts.
No, m'am. Lies can be confirmed and have been. What is uncomfortable is for people who believed them to face the facts.
Maybe you need to face some facts. The fact that we all have a right to our views. I would agree it is very uncomfortable to deal with people that can't face facts or won't even take a look at facts. Just beilieve what they are being told to belive. Ths is an unfortunate part of our society today.
I stand corrected. "Gallup. On December 17, 2020, Gallup polling found that 31% of Americans identified as Democrats, 25% identified as Republican, and 41% as Independent."
Still it is good to hear other points of view in this discussion.
Do all the Independent 41% join the Dem 31% to vote for biden? Because the votes the puppet old joe received surpass that of Barak Obama.
abwilliams: Sorry for the delay in response.
"It is a myth that any one else died that day or as a result of that day.
There is no evidence of any incitement by Trump, another myth."
Yes, it depends on who you get your information from. The number of news sources that categorize these statements as false widely outnumber the news sources that support them. Five minutes on Google will confirm.
Assuming that I haven't done my homework is your first mistake. Your second, is using Google as a source.
Your point, stating that the "news sources categorizing" my findings as "false", outnumbering those that do not, I've no doubt; we can agree on that.
These search results can help us for informtion?
Yes I agree, Google is an excellent source for information. In fact, all of America's Federal agencies including the White House have websites and provide information. One needs only search out reputable sites.
For example - if one wants to discover what we have left in the National Oil Reserve, one only needs to use their fingertips. If one wants to know how a congressperson voted or did not show up to vote, one only needs to head to their Government webpage; If one hopes to see what our Congressional Juditul body is doing --- yes go right to the source. Google is a great engine that can take you to the most reliable sources. of course, one needs to be careful of sources. Google is most defiantly the best research source we have today. All under one roof.
Shealee, I was asking a question. But not ignorantly. Thanks for all your good answers and tips. From Google results, one can even leverage onto 'google.schoolar' that contained peer review information. The peer review at times can be stuning. … 4-election
From today's Guardian, a British newspaper, July 30, 2023
Google is a great engine that can help research just about anything. It can offer true facts and opinions, to help one come to their own conclusion on any given matter. When researching American politics, I like to use Google to stir me to our government websites. I think in regard to policies, and legislation the Government sites offer the facts.
Interesting interview with John Bolton. I find the insights from those who were closest to Trump to be of value.
“Donald Trump doesn’t really have a philosophy, as we understand it in political terms,” Bolton said in a Thursday interview on The Hill’s show on NewsNation.
"He doesn’t think in policy directions when he makes decisions, certainly in the national security space. It’s all connected with how things benefit Donald Trump.”
Bolton called the deal with the Taliban that led to the U.S. withdrawal a “disastrous mistake”
I found this most interesting:
Much of the credit Trump gets for foreign policy victories in the eyes of Republicans is misplaced, Bolton claims.
“Those who make these claims about what Trump did in his first term don’t really understand how we got to the places we did. Because many of the things they now give Trump credit for, he wanted to go in the opposite direction.” … term-nato/
Also interesting, NBC News reached out to over 40 former cabinet members, finding just 4 publicly endorsed Trump. Many are advocating against him. Notably, Bill Barr stating ,
“I have made clear that I strongly oppose Trump for the nomination and will not endorse Trump,”
Shouldn't we be paying a bit more attention to what Trump's former circle has to say?
Americans can make the decision, whether they want Trump, again or not.
I as an outsider think he has a good lead over his opponents in 2024.
And, it's up to Americans, to choose who should lead the country in 2024.
Those that think Ex-President Donald Trump is always naughty and had no philosophy, should think twice.
Donald Trump reminds me so much of the notorious Public Enemy, No. 1, John Dillinger.
Even though they are both bad guys, they play on a resentment of the system. Dillinger with the banks and the bankers and the idea that the deprivations of the Great Depression were not felt by all, and Trump with the populist idea that the "system", the underlying way Washington operates, is a source of dismay for many. The "system is rigged"!!
Dillinger robbed banks in stark daylight, always leaving his calling card. Trump attempts to undermine our entire political system in the light of day, such gall. Bravado is something that they both had in common and makes them out as folk heroes for many.
We cannot forget the stunts. Dillinger breaks out of an Indiana prison armed only with a piece of wood cut into the shape of a pistol, coated with black shoe polish. Trump is not far behind with his own slight of hand, evading and delaying prosecution with his own version of a shoe polished piece of wood. We all have to ask, how do they get away with that?
There is this deep admiration for this "Robin Hood" style, deep down, many hoping that they would succeed.
But Dillinger found out in July, 1934, that crime doesn't pay. Perhaps, from a political prospective, Trump will experience the same.
It's still Ex-President Donald Trump again! Trump is on course. Trump is in the presidential race, and ahead. Good for him. Seriously, the USA Supreme Court, has settled Trump's immunity question. But it has its drawback in the eyes of certain schools like every good thing. Let Americans pick who they want to be they president. Run, Trump, run!
Yes run as far away as you can. What do you think Trump's philosophy is?
Make America Great. Build up America rather than some other country. Put Americans first on the priority list rather than foreign citizens.
Sadly, Democrats do not share any of these.
wilderness, I'm wondering why I don't get notification of peoplepower response to my post, on my feed. I was about to answer when I saw your reply, and hold my peace. Thanks for giving the same answers that I would have given.
Hi Miebakagh57. Have a great day. Did you get this?
The previous last weekend, precisely on a Saturday evening, they was a failed attempted assassination on Ex-President 'real' Donald Trump life. By last week Monday, Trump, was nominated by the GOP or the Republican Party to run for the Presidency. This my thread is already a year old. And Trump's nomination has answered the question I asked at the end of my post. And seriously, as 'old' joe biden withdraw from the race, Harris Kamala is a potential pick, of the Democrat Party. Significantly, the question is: will Trump win the Presidency? Will Kamala win? Is this a Battle Royal? Come November. I wait.
Would to God Trump win the day, or is it. Kamala Harris? But it's a different thing when it comes to the electoral vote count! Who then won the White House?
Former President Barak Husseini Obama, and his dear wife have wade into supporting Kamala Harris, Ag. USA President, a fellow Democrat at #KamalaHarris. Will Kamala make it to the White House? Or is it Trump? Bets? Put the money on the table!
This is outrageous talk. That Trump will be afraid to show up and debate with Harris Kamala? Because she was a former prosecutor?
Is Trump really afraid to face Kamala Harris in a presidential debate? Who is Trump sayying she and biden are both in the same camp and are defeated already?
The majority knows Biden and Kamala are in the same camp.
The majority are calm intelligent people who know the earth is not flat.
The majority will vote for Trump.
Really? Are these not the Democrat, who will bring more charges against Trump, and prosecute him further?
... are you saying he will not be able to run?
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