Hello Dave Letterman,
Congratulations Dave you have hit a home run with your
commentary about Sarah Palin. It's about time that males
in America stood up and finally declared publicly our superiority to women. You so eloquently put Palin and her daughter in their place. Great to see a man of such importance on our side, MSSOA, Male Superior Society of America. And make no mistake Dave, you are an important man! One anonyms charter member, a retired MLB player,
said it so well about twenty five years ago. I want my wife to be a perfect cook in the kitchen, a perfect lady in the living room, and whore in the bedroom. Now that's a man that knows a woman's place. Wow, but to have a new member of such prominence and visibility as you is just more than we could have ever hoped for. So welcome to the club Dave, we will watch with new enthusiasm each night for the new gem that falls from you lips letting women know their place.
Dave, you know what would be really great? If you would
require all of your female guests to wear Burkas. Now that would be sending the message.
Al Girolamo
So why dont you tell us how you really feel
David Letterman is a comedian. He gets paid for laughs and controversy. Sarah Palin on the other hand is a dominionist who believes that you can fight invasive wars in the name of God, you know, sort of like the crusades.
Only problem was that Christ said his kingdom was not of this world and that his servants would not fight for him. Sarah Palin has not figured that out and that makes her a very dangerous poltician.
I agree! I hated Letterman to begin with and now won't permit him to be aired in our house!
Hahaha....well done. Satire is awesomical.
I'm not much for Letterman,to begin, and to be honest...I do find this type of joke to be morally obscene.
But, gotta keep the Democractic Republican National Convention on the airwaves some how!
See you in the future, Mrs. Palin.
That would be "Air America" liberal radio, not the DNC.
You are correct we need them to stay on. I would even be in favor
of the RNC funding them. We need people to continue to hear just how ridiculous they are. I'd sign the petition---keep Jeneane Garofolo on the air at all costs---please.
The Shark---taking a bite out of liberalism
Hey Lumberjack Dude, I think you missed the point. I hope you are more accurate with that ax. You could have a tag line: Making the liberals crazy, taking down one tree at a time.
Wishful thinking. Behind every man there is a dominent woman who makes the rules. LMAO
Hes the type that defends the liberal side of America...or as I like to call them, the IDIOTS
I find it sad that Republican "leaders" have to pick fights with late night talk show hosts in order to get media coverage.
Sarah Palin has exploited her children for political gain.
Dave Letterman apologized - it's over. We all misspeak once in a while, even comedians sometimes have to swallow hard over something they've said.
Sarah Palin didn't surprise most of us. If she had said something simple like "Shame on you, David Letterman, leave my kids alone." The world would have loved her - well, ok, not LOVE, love....but maybe a bit of understanding, respect.
But, the lady couldn't shut up. Which is her problem, the more she speaks, the more stupid she sounds. It's a shame. I think it's obvious her family needs her....she needs to re-focus.
Using family for political gain? What are you smoking?
No, its not Palin that wont shut up, its those dang comedians who just keep popping jokes on innocent Republicans.
It's both hysterical and very sad to me when people don't see that she uses her family. Yes, liberal press picks on them too much, but it's only because she drags them into the limelight. I'll give you two examples that, literally, you cannot argue with (though I would like to see you try).
1. She repeatedly flaunts her son Trig and his Down syndrome like a trophy. She is now being interviewed by everyone on what it's like to have a "special needs" baby, and she's become something of a posterchild for parents of handicapped children (or so she would like to believe).
But handicapped people in Alaska are saying, "...what??" because Palin repeatedly turned down legislation that would help them get access to education and better resources. It's fine that having Trig has opened her eyes, but she pretends like she is some sort of hero.
But what really pisses me off the most about her is that she knows absolutely nothing about having a disabled child. Over the weekend, I was watching videos of the first few years of my sister's life. She is severely handicapped with cerebral palsy (and just turned 13), and yet for the first few years we had no idea what the rest of her life would be like. Would she walk? Would she talk? There's no way of knowing. All babies are useless; they eat and poop and cry. Sarah Palin can talk to me when her son can't find anyone to be his friend in elementary school or gets asked on a date as a joke and everyone laughs at him in middle school.
She will get my respect as someone who knows what my family goes through after Trig is just another baby. Until then, she needs to stop acting like a hero and just be a mother. Parading her son around may win favors with idiots, but it's pushing intelligent people further away.
2. If she had been elected VP, she would have forced her daughter to get married! She wasn't, so they didn't get married, and they broke up four months later... Here's a little secret: High schoolers are not supposed to get married. She was willing to ruin her daughter's life (quite literally) to look better in the eyes of conservatives in this country. Despicable.
So you would be ok with vulgar jokes about the president's daughters?
Did Limbaugh ever apologize for calling 13 year old Chelsea Clinton the "White House dog?"
Ah yes, it was all a grand scheme to have an old hack comedian make a joke about raping her daughter so she could 'gain' from it. I'll bet somehow she is getting oil from all this too!
Marisue does have a point though, Palin went out of her way to put her kids in the spot light. She went on SNL looking to gain sympathy votes, just as Reagan did back in 84. Whereas I think it is pretty crude for a comedian to make those types of jokes, I really think some people are very misinformed about comedy if they do not realize this goes on all the time. Letterman did apologize, and I am sure Palin will get over it too. Why is there a concerted need for conservatives to band together and tell anyone with divergent opinions that they have occult leanings, or multiple personalities. These comments are not helping your cause.
If this passive-aggresive comment was 'sort of' not really but kind of directed at me, I don't know how I became a "band" of one, but what would YOU call the ability to know "certainly" what 'would' happen in alternate realities that haven't come to pass? Guess? Suppose? Imagine? Believe? Speculate? Ok. Know for sure? Simply irrational.
Now I know are baiting me, and are being quite rude. Please do not respond to me anymore in the forum. I am not passive-aggressive and have every right to participate in the forum. You inferred I have occult like sentiments, but not once have I said anything rude about you. I do not even call you names, so please stop! You and several other conservative commentators have been posting around each other all day. That is fine, but do not put others down.
I never said or implied that you didn't. Responding to comments you made that were clearly about an exchange we had (on another thread no less!) is not baiting. If you can explain how you can know "certainly" about alternate realities I would love to hear it. As for rude, if I told you I could fly like a bird by flapping my arms real hard would it be "rude" of you to point out to me that I can't really do that?
Conservatives banding together, are you joking??? In case you didn't notice the Liberals have the House the Senate and the White House. We don't depend on banding together and having the RNC put a conservative network together. The conservative talk shows are all independant and sell themselves to stations based on their Ratings. Air America couldn't get an audience or a paying sponsor. It might be anecdotal, but most liberals I meet watch MTV and are fans of Rap and Hip Hop. I am sure this is all very eductional, but most conservatives I know listen to Laura Ingram, or Sean Hannity, Or Rush or local conservative talk. Many also read conservative periodicals, magazines or books. Unfortunately we are just out numbered. Our government run schools have turned into factories turning out little liberals.
The Shark---taking a bite out of liberalism
What are you talking about?? That is the weirdest generalization I have ever heard. Literally. How about the vast number of insane, uneducated conservatives in the middle of the country? How's that for anecdotal?
I hate to break it to you, but money makes people conservative. Education makes people liberal. http://answers.google.com/answers/threa … 84143.html That doesn't bode well for your wildly off-base argument, does it? Just because you know a couple intelligent conservatives doesn't mean you can make a rule off of it. Correlation does not equal causation.
Are you insulting and dismissing your fellow Americans because of where they live or because they don't agree with your politics?
So how do you explain all the rich liberals and educated conservatives?
You know whats funny? You never proved any of this. I want to see some proof, then Ill believe.
You got it.
On her daughter's (forced) wedding:
This article clearly is against the wedding and its pathetic rush to make Palin look better. I have no doubt that Palin's entourage would have made that wedding happen if McCain had been elected President.
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/w … 2634752822
This article is a little less critical of the forced marriage itself, but still has my same basic points.
http://www2.canada.com/vancouversun/new … 624aebee31
Sarah Palin being a Down syndrome posterchild:
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/08/2 … 22474.html
Support and skepticism from handicapped community:
This article does a great job of decanting the issues at hand... namely, yes she's a parent, so what? That doesn't make her magical.
A very one-sided (but true) dissection of Sarah Palin's usage of Trig to her advantage:
http://www.projo.com/opinion/contributo … 5a2f5.html
If you read nothing else, read this (from the last link):
"the 'Special Schools budget in Alaska isn’t very special. 'We add 20 percent to the school districts’ funding to account for the extra costs of spec ed, voc ed, bilingual ed, and gifted ed,' a state spokesman, Eric Fry, told the group MOMocrats. 'They can spend any part of their budget on spec ed, as needed.' Oh, 'gifted and talented' kids are special ed, too. And as I read it, nothing is guaranteed for the neediest kids with the most severe learning disabilities. Meanwhile, their exhausted and demoralized parents have to compete for resources with the pushy parents of kids deemed too smart for regular education."
You should be ashamed of yourself from posting bologna like this
I would like a point-by-point response if it's so absurd. I took a lot of time finding those sources and writing that post. Why, exactly, should I be ashamed? If anyone should be ashamed, it's Sarah Palin for using her family for political gain.
I explain them with human psychology...? Of course not everyone who is educated will become liberal and not everyone with money will become conservative. There is no way you think I actually meant that, so why even say it? Of course there are exceptions to every rule.
Has David Letterman ever come out and stated his political leanings? I'm just curious.
I find it hard to imagine anyone watching that program even a few times and not being able to tell.
A good article about the motivation behind Ms. Palin's "outrage"
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/shannyn-m … 15468.html
Read the facts. Disregard the messenger.
I dont like it how all Politicians sling dirt at one another (during campaigns) then complain when others joke about them on tv shows , newspapers etc.
I have always enjoyed Lettermans shows , hes made fun of my Countrys leader political leader ,other countrys leaders, actors ,musicians ,anyone is fair game.
He does it to get a rise ,and is effective
(even on here)
The kind of person ya like or loathe I guess.
And thats exactly why he rakes in the big money ,not unlike our Politicians I might add.
Most liberals I know watch daily doses of CNN, read the NY Times, The Atlantic, The New Yorker, Huffington Post, Politico, local papers, regional papers, Time, Newsweek, US News and World Report, Architectural Digest, Art News, PR today, Glamour, novels, books by Obama, books by Thomas Frank, books by Al Franken, books by Anonymous, (lol), short stories, poetry, essays, and anthologies of American and British Literature. Sometimes, when they get bored, they write stuff that others read.
RE: HelentheGreat's Post:
The Times, The Vancouver Sun, Huffington Post, and Newsweek (considered to have a slant to the right) are generally considered to be quite reputable mainstream publications and sources.
The Projo.com piece is mentioned as an opinion piece.
Rush Limbaugh is not a journalist, .
Liberals can be located in the middle of the country--especially in University towns, like Iowa City, IA. (*Edit-just a fact.) Thomas Frank wrote an interesting book called "What the Hell is the Matter with Kansas."
"Correlation does not equal causation" probably doesn't make sense to some. I've never heard that Rush ever talks about stuff like that.
It's not political bias. Are you kidding? Everyone knows that if you interviewed 500 phD candidates (assuming your sample was identically, independently distributed), the vast majority of them would be liberal. And if you interviewed 500 people who had only graduated from high school, you would get the opposite result. Of course they would not be clear cut, but the trend would be obvious.
I'm looking at results of studies about this, but unless you have paid subscriptions to these journals there's no point in me linking them.
Again, I am not saying that correlation equals causation here. The fact that they are educated does not necessarily make them liberal, no more than being liberal makes them educated. I am merely saying that, statistically, people who are more educated tend to be more liberal. That may be a difficult nuance to grasp, but it's a pretty significant one.
It's not a bias; it is a point that my highly educated, extremely conservative father would happily concede. In saying that more education tends to make people more liberal, I am not including a judgment about more education being better. You are. That's the difference.
PhD candidates in what field? At what college? How old are they? What is their background?
High school grads in what part of the country? In what kind of community? Is it a community where a large percentage of the working population is unionized and working for a large manufacturer? Are these people from a suburb in the northeast or a rural community in Texas?
See where I'm going?
Yes, that's why I said "identically, independently distributed," which means that it takes all of those things into account. It's the same thing as generalizing that one ethnicity is more likely to vote in one way or another. It is just a statistic.
I notice, though, that we have completely veered away from the concrete points I made several posts ago. I will, thus, try to bring us back to them:
Is it right that Sarah Palin uses Trig to look compassionate?
Was it okay for her to force her 17-year-old daughter to get married just to save face in her own political career?
Is it right for you to assume you know a motivation that you could not possibly prove and then to base a very cruel conclusion on that assumption?
Is it ok for you to claim she did something that she obviously did NOT do? More mind reading at work...
Okay, fair enough. I didn't mean that I know her motivations, and I certainly do not doubt that she loves her son and feels differently towards people with special needs than she did before she had him.
That said, the fact that she is suddenly the posterchild for being a parent of a handicapped child is insane, but no one points it out. Somebody point out that all children who are Trig's age right now are pretty much the same if they're breathing on their own! Why is nobody saying this? She doesn't know, yet, what it's like to have a handicapped child because so far Trig is the same as any of her other children.
She talks about handicapped rights like she is so compassionate, but what, exactly, does she have to say about them? Saying, "You will have a friend in the White House" is a cheap ploy to make anyone with a handicapped friend/relative like her better. Luckily (if you read the article), it didn't fool everyone.
Her daughter was going to get married if she was elected. She, her daughter, and members of her press adviser team all said so. The daughter broke up with the boyfriend five months later so clearly the marriage shouldn't've happened and/or wasn't really wanted. Those are the facts.
There are obviously constraints on children of public figures (Rush Limbaugh would never call me the White House dog because no one knows who I am), and they need to uphold a certain level of viewable moral fiber. But to make your child feel like she needs to get married so you can look like you have raised a "good" child seems to cross a line. Sarah Palin might not have ordered her daughter to marry that boy, but the daughter certainly felt undue pressure to help her mom look good, and I didn't hear Sarah Palin say, "No, don't marry him, you will ruin your life" as I know my parents would have said to me if I had tried to get married when I was 17 (!) years old.
That is astonishingly mean spirited. You don't suppose that a lot of parents 'suddenly' become more aware and involved in issues relating to the handicapped when they have children with special needs? You attitude there is borderline inhuman.
You said she "forced her daughter to get married" but clearly she did not. Hoping, expecting, encouraging the unexpectedly pregnant daughter to get married is as old as humanity. Hoping the child would be born to a family and not a single teen mother is not negative or contrary to the 'values' previously espoused. You want to see it that way because you don't like the politics of the grandmother. It is not uncommon that the mother and father invovled would initially react by agreeing to get married for the good of the child as well. Happens all the time. If they later figured out they weren't going to do that - well, that happens all the time too.
Beyond this you are just speculating about election outcomes and personal motives you CANNOT know.
Interesting that you neglected to quote the part where I conceded that you were right, that I was not denying that surely she has the best intentions for her child. I'm sure that most parents of handicapped children -- as was the case with my family -- have a sudden shock when their child is born and quickly change their entire attitude/understanding towards people with special needs.
Are you even reading what I'm writing anymore? Your responses seriously look like you're just seeing what you want to see. My point (as I have said) is that there is a steep learning curve. Sarah Palin is still at the bottom of it, so she cannot suddenly pretend to know everything about having a child with special needs.
She may have added compassion for people who have handicapped children, but that doesn't mean she knows anything about what those children need. She acts like she has more experience with this than she does. That is the point.
So just like I have more foreign policy and economic experience than Sarah Palin does, I also have more experience with children with special needs. Add it to the list of the many reasons I am more qualified to be Vice President than she is.
Helena, talking to trolls is not beneficial to your health
Do you have a link to where she is quoted as stating she knows everything about it?
What economic and foreign policy experience do you have that more qualifies you? In what other ways? That is sort of a large boast. What office have you been elected to?
Don't be offended, I'm just curious.
"'I want my wife to be a perfect cook in the kitchen, a perfect lady in the living room, and whore in the bedroom.' Now that's a man that knows a woman's place."
what about barefoot and pregnant?
seriously tho, as a mother I can understand why that kind of a joke would make you mad. But you have to figure that in the TV world, people are going to say shit. You sould have thought of that before you joined up. To David Letterman, keep the jokes coming man. If people dont like it, dont watch it, simple as that. It was a joke. COME ON. rude? sure. inappropraite? sure. if someone said that about my one of my kids, I would punch them. But im not out there, putting my kids in the public scrutiny. When something on tv happens that I dont like, I turn it off. My views are not easilly swayed. AND im a damn good cook.
to helen the great, I am sorry for your pain.
Just wondering when the late nite hosts will have the cohonies to make fun of Obama? I'm guessing if he was to do something to affect TV or movies, they would be on him like a pack of wolves. Until then, its kid gloves.
All politicians should be fair game, regardless of their party. Their families should be left out of it though.
It's true, someone needs to tell them the Dem's have the House, Senate and the White House. But these so called comedians are in
the tank to the point that they don't even try to cover it up anymore. The same with these so called news outlets, can someone tell Charlie Gibson that Obama wants a cheese burger, (no pickel please), when he shows up to do the ABC adore Obama reality show on Monday night.
The Shark---taking a bite out of liberalism
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