bgpappa profile image79


Joined 16 years ago from Sacramento, California

  • 195
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  • 63
  • How BJ's Brewhouse Went Out Of Its Way to Ruin a Prom Night

    How BJ's Brewhouse Went Out Of Its Way to Ruin a Prom Night

    6 years ago

    Come learn how a restaurant went out of their way to ruin a Prom Night and then did nothing about it!!!

  • 4

    Trump's America: This Is Who We Are

    2 years ago

    Donald Trump is the President-Elect of the United States of America. Many are shocked that such a man could win the highest office is the land. But Trump exemplifies America. This is who we are

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    Thank You Arco Arena

    8 years ago

    Sacramento's Sleep Train Arena is closing its door to make room for a State of the Art Entertainment and Sports Complex in Downtown. As much as a new arena was needed, the old barn will be missed.

  • The Race Double Standard - Why the Oregon Militia Was Treated Differently

    The Race Double Standard - Why the Oregon Militia Was Treated Differently

    9 years ago

    Armed terrorists take over a federal building in Oregon and the government does nothing and the media calls the "protest" peaceful. Why? The answer is as simple as you think.

  • Sacramento Kings Fans - Maloofery Still Exists

    Sacramento Kings Fans - Maloofery Still Exists

    7 years ago

    Bad customer service can ruin what it is supposed to be a good time. The new owners of the Sacramento Kings promised the service of the past is gone. They were wrong.

  • Survival Guide for Unarmed Black Teenage Males in Florida.

    Survival Guide for Unarmed Black Teenage Males in Florida.

    10 years ago

    The State of Florida has decided that scaring middle aged non-black men is a worse crime than murdering the black teenage males that make the non-black men nervous. Satire, but sadly truth.

  • Best Movies to Watch on New Years Eve

    Best Movies to Watch on New Years Eve

    8 years ago

    Staying home on New Years Eve doesn't have to mean a boring night. There are great movies that you can watch. The following is a list of the some of the best movies to watch on New Years Eve.

  • Sacramento Kings Fans: We Aren't In Kansas Anymore

    Sacramento Kings Fans: We Aren't In Kansas Anymore

    11 years ago

    On Monday the NBA Relocation Committee voted 7-0 to reject the Maloof family's application to relocate the Sacramento Kings to Seattle. While this is certainly not a done deal and there is more work to do, this means that the Sacramento Kings will...

  • Sacramento Kings Fans:  It's Time To Come Home

    Sacramento Kings Fans: It's Time To Come Home

    11 years ago

    It is time for Sacramento Kings fans to come home and forget about the Maloofs

  • A Letter to Joe and Gavin Maloof - Former Owners of the Sacramento Kings

    A Letter to Joe and Gavin Maloof - Former Owners of the Sacramento Kings

    12 years ago

    To Joe and Gavin Maloof, former owners of the Sacramento Kings and enemy number 1 of the City of Sacramento, California. I am nobody. I am just a Kings fan. When the Sacramento Kings moved to Sacramento I was 10 years old. Immediately upon...

  • Best Animated Films of the 1990s

    Best Animated Films of the 1990s

    10 years ago

    Come take a look at some of the best animated films of the 1990s

  • Disneyland Resort - Starting to Lose The Magic

    Disneyland Resort - Starting to Lose The Magic

    11 years ago

    The Disneyland Resort in Anaheim is known as the "happiest place on Earth." Built by Walt Disney in the 1950's, Disneyland is one of the most visited theme parks in the world. Part of the appeal of Disneyland is that it is an escape from the reality...

  • The 2nd Amendment

    The 2nd Amendment

    10 years ago

    In the aftermath of the massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, there is much debate about guns rights filling the airwaves these days. Anti-Gun advocates are stressing that there needs to be limits on what type of guns should be allowed in the United...

  • Democratic Campaign Strategy - Grow a Backbone

    Democratic Campaign Strategy - Grow a Backbone

    12 years ago

    On the first night on Democratic National Convention, First Lady Michelle Obama gave an inspiring and heartfelt speech in support of her husband. Her speech focused on the family values she grew up with and how she is trying to pass those values on...

  • Republican Campaign Strategy – The War on Women

    Republican Campaign Strategy – The War on Women

    10 years ago

    Missouri Senatorial Candidate Todd Akin is in hot water for statements he made regarding his views on abortion. For those who do not know, the summary of the statement was: It seems to be, first of all, from what I understand from doctors, it’s...

  • Republican Campaign Strategy:  Voter Supression

    Republican Campaign Strategy: Voter Supression

    10 years ago

    Through various articles and amendments in the United States Constitution every American citizen over the age of 18 generally has the right to vote in elections. Generally, voting rights are determined on a state to state level. The right to vote is...

  • Guns Don't Kill People, People with Guns Kill People

    Guns Don't Kill People, People with Guns Kill People

    12 years ago

    In the wake of the horrific shooting in Aurora, Colorado where 12 people were killed and over 50 people were injured for the crime of seeing a midnight showing of the new Batman movie, Americans are again discussing gun policy. It seems Americans...

  • Mitt Romney's Tax Return Folly

    Mitt Romney's Tax Return Folly

    12 years ago

    During the 1988 Presidential Election cycle, Saturday Night Live did a skit with Jon Luvitz playing Governor Michael Dukakis and Dana Carvey playing George H.W. Bush. During the skit, after one of Dana Carvey's perfect impersinations of George...

  • Joe McCarthy 2.0 - Michele Bachmann's Witch Hunt

    Joe McCarthy 2.0 - Michele Bachmann's Witch Hunt

    11 years ago

    Is Michele Bachmann this generations version of Joe McCarthy? It appears that Representive Bachmann is on a witchhunt. Read about who she is targeting and share your thoughts.

  • By Any Means Necessary - Republican Campaign Strategy

    By Any Means Necessary - Republican Campaign Strategy

    11 years ago

    In this election year, it is perfectly natural for supporters of both Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama to zealously advocate for their candidate. Presidential campaigns are supposed to be heated campaigns about the future of the country. No...

  • President Obama: The Radical Moderate

    President Obama: The Radical Moderate

    12 years ago

    With the general election coming up in November and the Republican Party finally selecting its candidate in the form of Mitt Romney, the rhetoric has already started. Actually it started long ago during the Republican Primary with every Republican...

  • The Right Wing Excuse on Racism

    The Right Wing Excuse on Racism

    12 years ago

    On February 26, a 17 year old African American male named Trayvon Martin was shot and killed as he walked to a family member's home from a convenience store where he had just bought some candy. The man who shot him, George Zimmerman, admitted to...

  • Mitt Romney – The Presumptuous Presumptive Nominee

    Mitt Romney – The Presumptuous Presumptive Nominee

    11 years ago

    Former Massachusetts Governor and Republican Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney won the Iowa Caucus by a commanding 8 votes and the New Hampshire primary by some 15 percent of the vote. In response, Mitt Romney has taken on an interesting campaign...

  • Loss of Liberty:  Detaining Americans Without Trial

    Loss of Liberty: Detaining Americans Without Trial

    11 years ago

    The Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution provides, "In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been...

  • Occupy Freedom

    Occupy Freedom

    12 years ago

    Davis, California is a sleepy little college town about 11 miles west of Sacramento. It is home to one of the University of California college campus, namely UC Davis. UC Davis is known as a great agricultural school with a high reputation for its...

  • Sacramento's Arena Crisis - Here We Stay

    Sacramento's Arena Crisis - Here We Stay

    10 years ago

    Sacramento, California is the capitol of the 7th largest economy in the world. And if you have never been to Sacramento, it has a lot to offer. Sacramento is close to rivers, mountains, oceans, wine country and historical landmarks. One of the...

  • How to Enjoy the Holidays in the Sacramento Area

    How to Enjoy the Holidays in the Sacramento Area

    10 years ago

    California’s Capitol City, Sacramento, is a City rich in tradition and history.  Surrounded by rivers and lakes and found in a valley, Sacramento is a beautiful place to live and enjoy.  And there is no better place to enjoy the holidays than...

  • 5 Helpful Tips When Dining Out With Children

    5 Helpful Tips When Dining Out With Children

    12 years ago

    With everyone so busy these days it is hard to find the time to cook a home cooked meal every day. And at the end of a hard work week, sometimes you just want to go out, have a good meal, and have someone else deal with the mess. But when you have...

  • Witches, Nazis and Whores, Oh My

    Witches, Nazis and Whores, Oh My

    14 years ago

    In the wake of President Obama's drastic moderate political agenda, the right wing of the Republican Party has banded together to form the Tea Party Movement. Dubbed the teabaggers by Bill Mahr, the Tea Party movement insists that they want their...

  • Why Democrats Will Lose The Midterm Elections

    Why Democrats Will Lose The Midterm Elections

    11 years ago

    Anyone who follows politics knows that the midterm elections are coming in November. Almost every political pundit, and everyone on Fox News, predicts that Democrats will lose a substantial amount of seats in November. They are predicting that the...

  • The Republican Fear Machine

    The Republican Fear Machine

    9 years ago

    President Franklin Roosevelt said that "we have nothing to fear, but fear itself."  Since September 11, 2001, the Republican Party has done everything in its power to make sure that Americans have feared fear itself.  Right after 911, there was...

  • Separate But Not Equal

    Separate But Not Equal

    11 years ago

    The separate but equal doctrine arose out of the Supreme Court case of Plessy v. Ferguson. The Plessy case upheld the practice of segregation in private businesses stating that if separate services were provided to white and blacks, it was legal so...

  • A Brief History of Labor Day

    A Brief History of Labor Day

    14 years ago

    On the first Monday of September every year workers across the United States celebrate Labor Day.   Labor Day was created by the labor movement and its purpose is to celebrate the social and economic achievements of American works.  Labor Day is...

  • Historical Sites of Interest in Sacramento, California

    Historical Sites of Interest in Sacramento, California

    10 years ago

    Found in 1849, Sacramento, California enjoys a full and rich history.  Founded at the start of the California Gold Rush, Sacramento quickly became one of the most important cities in the West.  Since the Gold Rush, Sacramento became the hub of the...

  • Hotel Review - Anaheim Desert Inn & Suites - Not A Magical Place

    Hotel Review - Anaheim Desert Inn & Suites - Not A Magical Place

    8 years ago

    So the family decided it was time for a nice little vacation. Why not take the kids to Disneyland? We go to Disneyland almost every year and have our plan in place. We do not stay at any of the Disneyland resort hotels because they are way too...

  • The Best Pizzerias In Sacramento, California

    The Best Pizzerias In Sacramento, California

    10 years ago

    California’s Capital City, Sacramento has a rich and diverse history.  Founded during the beginning stages of the California Gold Rush, Sacramento became home to thousands of people from around the world.  With these people from every corner of...

  • A Guide To Sacramento's Gold Rush Days

    A Guide To Sacramento's Gold Rush Days

    10 years ago

    The City of Sacramento, California was founded in 1848 right before the height of the California Gold Rush. Few people outside California know that the original gold discovery in California was made in the foothills outside of Sacramento at Sutter's...

  • Walmart Hates You

    Walmart Hates You

    12 years ago

    Arkansas based Walmart has become a huge worldwide corporation with stores in nearly every city and small town across the United States. Walmart prides itself on its low prices and its corporate philosophy "based on the simple idea of making the...

  • Republican Oil Slick

    Republican Oil Slick

    11 years ago

    On April 21, 2010 and oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico exploded in a great ball of fire. Since then, an estimated 200,000 gallons of oil have been pouring into the Gulf. Eleven men aboard the rig died. The Coasts of Louisiana, Alabama and Florida are...

  • Where to Get Great Burgers in the Sacramento Area

    Where to Get Great Burgers in the Sacramento Area

    12 years ago

    Sacramento, the Capital of California, is known for many things.  It is known for a temperate climate, lots of trees and parks, and for great food.  And for the locals one of Sacramento’s greatest treasures is the availability of great places to...

  • An Overview of Stagflation

    An Overview of Stagflation

    12 years ago

    With so much emphasis being placed on the state of the American economy on news channels and at dining tables across the nation, it is important to understand what specific economic terms mean.  One such economic term that is said repeatedly is...

  • Racism In America: Brown is the new Black

    Racism In America: Brown is the new Black

    8 years ago

    Many ask whether racism still exists in America. The answer is yes. But it has taken on different forms and has its scope has grown.

  • The Best Chinese Food Restaurants in Sacramento

    The Best Chinese Food Restaurants in Sacramento

    11 years ago

    California’s Capitol City, Sacramento, is well known for its historic role in California’s Gold Rush.  Founded in 1848, Sacramento has become a City full of history, culture and arts.  Out of its history came great cuisine, especially its...

  • World Water Day

    World Water Day

    14 years ago

    March 22 has been declared as World Water Day, also known as World Day for Water.  This day grew out of a 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Brazil. The first World Water Day was observed in 1993 and has grown every...

  • Read Across America Day

    Read Across America Day

    10 years ago

    Read Across America Day is an annual motivation and awareness program run by the NEA.  The day is marked by school children around the Country reading and celebrating the benefits of reading in their schools and communities.  The purpose of a...

  • God Hates America

    God Hates America

    7 years ago

    There is a group in America that protest the funerals of the brave men and women who return from Iraq and Afghanistan in a casket. This group holds up signs in front of the grieving parents, children and spouses that claim to "Thank God for Dead...

  • The Ides of March

    The Ides of March

    14 years ago

    Idus Mortias, Latin for the Ides of March, is the name given to March 15 on the Roman calendar.  However, the term Ides of March is well known for its more forbidden meaning as March 15 was the day that Julius Caesar was assassinated.  For anyone...

  • Evacuation Day

    Evacuation Day

    13 years ago

    In Suffolk County in Massachusetts on March 17, the local schools in Cambridge and Somerville close in celebration of Evacuation Day.  This unofficial holiday commemorates the British Army’s evacuation of forces from Boston during the...

  • The History of International Women's Day

    The History of International Women's Day

    14 years ago

    Every year on March 8 countries around the world celebrate the economic, social and political achievements of women of the past, present and the future.  This day is known as International Women’s Day.  The purpose of International Women’s Day...

  • The Story of Purim

    The Story of Purim

    15 years ago

    Purim is a Jewish holiday that commemorates the deliverance of the Jewish people of ancient Persia from the Persian Haman’s plot to annihilate them.  The story is told in Biblical Book of Esther.  Although not an official holiday as proscribed...

  • The Best Family Restaurants In Sacramento

    The Best Family Restaurants In Sacramento

    7 years ago

    Going out to dinner is a favorite and fun family activity.  Sacramento, California’s capitol city, offers many great restaurants for families. From restaurants for those special occasions to restaurants for some good clean fun, Sacramento has it...

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    National Sorry Day

    11 years ago

    On May 26, there is an unofficial holiday in Australia called National Sorry Day.  The day commemorates the day a national report called “Bringing Them Home” was official handed to the Australian government in 1997 after a two year inquiry. ...

  • Ego And Late Night Comedy

    Ego And Late Night Comedy

    10 years ago

    Unless you have been away hibernating you are aware of the current controversy regarding the Tonight Show.  A few months ago Conan O'Brien took over the reigns of the most coveted late night talk show on television.  His ratings have not been very...

  • Progress We Can Believe In

    Progress We Can Believe In

    11 years ago

    Think back to October 2008.  If you remember correctly the world was ending. The American financial system was f.ailing and near total collapse.  Half of the homes on your block were in foreclosure.  Americans were losing their jobs left and...

  • Solar Cookers

    Solar Cookers

    10 years ago

    Solar ovens, also known as solar cookers, are cooking devises that use sunlight as its main energy source.  Generally, when you use a solar oven you do not have to use any other energy source.  Because no other energy is used, solar ovens are a...

  • An Opportunity To Rid Ourselves Of Senator Harry Reid

    An Opportunity To Rid Ourselves Of Senator Harry Reid

    11 years ago

    Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is under fire for remarks he made a few years ago regarding then candidate Barack Obama. As reported in the new Washington insider book, Game Change, Reid is quoted making, in essence, racist remarks. He is under...

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    Tu Bishvat

    11 years ago

    Tu Bishvat is a Jewish Holiday that celebrates the New Year of the Trees. Come learn about its significance and customs

  • The Traveling Wilburys

    The Traveling Wilburys

    12 years ago

    The Traveling Wilburys were an all star band in the late eighties consisting of the likes of George Harrison and Bob Dylan. The band only recorded two albums and were together for only two years. The name Wilburys comes from George Harrison and it...

  • Best Christmas Children's Albums

    Best Christmas Children's Albums

    9 years ago

    Need some music to brighten your kids' Christmas holiday. The following is a list of some great Children's Christmas Albums

  • Consequences And Credibility

    Consequences And Credibility

    15 years ago

    During the administration of former President George W. Bush, the United States was led into a war in Afghanistan.  The war was a direct result of the September 11 attack on the United States by Al Queda.  When President Bush announced that the...

  • Worst Plays To End A World Series

    Worst Plays To End A World Series

    12 years ago

    At the end of October every year, the baseball fans around the world are glued to their television sets watching the World Series. The best of seven series between the two best teams brings drama, excitement and some of the greatest moments in...

  • Sixty Votes - Make Republicans Filibuster

    Sixty Votes - Make Republicans Filibuster

    12 years ago

    When Barack Obama was elected President in November 2008, the American people also elected democratic majorities in the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate. The reason for this was two-fold. First, President Obama ran...

  • Supporting Halliburton's Rape Clause

    Supporting Halliburton's Rape Clause

    12 years ago

    Former comedian and current Senator from Minnesota Al Franken introduced an amendment to a defense appropriations bill prohibiting the United States Government from giving funds to contractors who include clauses in employment contracts that...

  • Best Thanksgiving Movies For Kids

    Best Thanksgiving Movies For Kids

    9 years ago

    Looking for something for the kids to do while dinner is cooking on Thanksgiving? These classic movies may help.

  • A Rush To Judgment

    A Rush To Judgment

    11 years ago

    In Rush Limbaugh's attempt to buy a NFL franchise, liberals began acting like conservatives and conservatives started acting like liberals bringing out the worst in both

  • The Emperor of San Francisco

    The Emperor of San Francisco

    11 years ago

    In 1859, the growing metropolis of San Francisco, California became the capital of a new empire that changed the governmental and political structure of the United States. No longer would there be a democracy. No longer would there be the founding...

  • The Controversy of Columbus Day

    The Controversy of Columbus Day

    15 years ago

    The second Monday of October is celebrated in the United States as Columbus Day. The holiday was officially proclaimed by Richard Nixon in the 1970s to honor the man who sailed the ocean blue in search on a new world. The new world found by...

  • Non Candy Treats For Halloween

    Non Candy Treats For Halloween

    14 years ago

    Halloween is one of the best times of year.  It is a time when children and those young at heart can let loose and have some fun.  And who can forget the candy?  Of course, Halloween is not the greatest time of year for teeth.  It is also not...

  • Republican Patriotism

    Republican Patriotism

    14 years ago

    Senator John McCain and former Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin Presidential campaign slogan was "Country First."  At every rally for the Republican presidential and vice presidential candidate giants signs were everywhere claiming that Republicans put...

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    Top Ten Halloween Costumes For College Students

    10 years ago

    Many people believe that Halloween is just a kid’s holiday and that adults should not be dressing up.  But why should only kids have the fun?  And where do college kids fit in all of this?  The answer is simple: college kids have the best of...

  • Common Superstitions Regarding Numbers And Dates

    Common Superstitions Regarding Numbers And Dates

    13 years ago

    Human Beings are odd creatures sometimes.  For some reason, every culture on Earth has its own sets of superstitions.  In every culture around the world there is a set of beliefs held by the people that have nothing do to with reason or knowledge...

  • The Mediocrity of the Democratic Congress

    The Mediocrity of the Democratic Congress

    14 years ago

    President Barack Obama was elected by a majority of Americans last November. In 2006, Democrats gained majorities in both houses of Congress and last November was awarded a "super majority" over the Senate thus stopping any feeble attempt by...

  • Art & Craft Ideas For Columbus Day

    Art & Craft Ideas For Columbus Day

    14 years ago

    Columbus Day is a day to remember Christopher Columbus’ voyage across the Atlantic in search of a new world.  This time of year is also used to raise awareness to the accomplishments of the Native Americans found by Columbus when he landed in the...

  • Indigenous People's Day in the US

    Indigenous People's Day in the US

    15 years ago

    October 12 is generally recognized as the day that Americans and those in the “new world” celebrate Christopher Columbus’s landing and discovery of the Americas.  For many, this day marks the beginning of the discovery era wherein Europeans...

  • Origins Of Columbus Day In The United States

    Origins Of Columbus Day In The United States

    15 years ago

    “In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue” is a common rhyme spoken by schoolchildren in the United States in early October.  The reason is simple; October 12 marks the date of Christopher’s Columbus’ arrival in the new world.  The day is...

  • A History Of Soft Drinks

    A History Of Soft Drinks

    15 years ago

    On a hot summer day, nothing can be more refreshing than an ice cold soft drink.  From Pepsi to Coca-Cola, from Orange to Root Beer, sparkling water to seltzer, there are numerous soft drinks to choose from.  Soft drinks are sold in every gas...

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    Strange But Fun College Mascots

    12 years ago

    A lot of thought goes into where a person goes to college. A prospective students considers their major, reputation, school rankings, extracurricular activities and many other factors. One thing that student probably does not consider is the school...

  • Jesus Killed Mohammed

    Jesus Killed Mohammed

    10 years ago

    Today's media is simply asleep at the wheel. In America's fight to defeat terrorism it has resorted to tactics that invoke religious hatred. Come learn more about how Jesus Killed Mohammed

  • The Best Romantic Restaurants In Sacramento

    The Best Romantic Restaurants In Sacramento

    13 years ago

    When one thinks of the most romantic cities in the world quickly images of Paris and New York enter the mind.  However, the Capital of California, Sacramento, is an unknown gem of romance. Sacramento offers beautiful scenic views of rivers and...

  • Racial Undertones

    Racial Undertones

    12 years ago

    Former President Jimmy Carter is being blasted by Republicans for stating that much of the opposition to the policies of President Barack Obama is based on race rather than policy. While certainly not everybody who opposes the policies of President...

  • Great Sitcom Final Episodes

    Great Sitcom Final Episodes

    8 years ago

    Throughout the history of television there have been hundreds of sitcoms.  Those funny little shows that bring twenty two minutes of laughs and memories.  Most sitcoms do not have a long shelve life.  Most were simply very bad.  But for a chosen...

  • The Origins Of Grandparents Day In The United States

    The Origins Of Grandparents Day In The United States

    10 years ago

    Grandparents are wonderful people.  To a little kid, grandparents are wise and all knowing and love unconditionally.  Generally, they do not set the same amount of rules as the parents and are not above spoiling their grandchildren at every...

  • The History Of Motown Records

    The History Of Motown Records

    14 years ago

    Do you like good music?  Without a doubt, some of the best music that has ever been produced came out of a small little recording studio in Detroit, Michigan.  What started as a small loan to a barely known songwriter became known as Motown...

  • A Guide To Baseball Statistics

    A Guide To Baseball Statistics

    15 years ago

    Baseball players tend to be an interesting bunch. First of all, they are very superstitious. One of the game’s greats, Wade Boggs, ate fried chicken before every game because he believed it helped him get hits. Other players have been known to not...

  • The Best Baseball Movies Of All Time

    The Best Baseball Movies Of All Time

    14 years ago

    The movies can capture moments in time that can stir an audience to excitement or fear. A well made movie can make an audience laugh or cry. This is no more apparent than in the way the movies can capture the feel of a baseball game. From the...

  • The History Of The Little League World Series

    The History Of The Little League World Series

    15 years ago

    Every Spring and Summer, young boys and girls around the world put on new uniforms, oil their gloves and head out to the local baseball field. On baseball fields all over the world, young people learn about teamwork, personal achievement and...

  • Farrah Fawcett - Charlie's Bravest Angel

    Farrah Fawcett - Charlie's Bravest Angel

    11 years ago

    With the death of Michael Jackson on June 25, 2009, a lot of the news of that day was lost. One important story was the death of Farrah Fawcett after a long battle with cancer. While Farrah Fawcett was not the world known icon that Michael Jackson...

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    Understanding the Hearsay Evidence Rule

    10 years ago

    Generally speaking, hearsay evidence is an out of court statement used to prove the truth of the matter asserted. Put simply, hearsay evidence is when a person testifies as to what someone else said in order to prove that what was said is the truth....

  • Hybrid Golf Clubs

    Hybrid Golf Clubs

    11 years ago

    In theory, golf is a very simple game.  A player using a golf club to hit a ball along the golf course.  The clubs are composed of a shaft with a grip and a club head on the bottom.  Woods are used for long distance shots off the tee, irons are...

  • Detained In Iran: American Tourists Shane Bauer, Sarah Shourd and Joshua Fattal

    Detained In Iran: American Tourists Shane Bauer, Sarah Shourd and Joshua Fattal

    13 years ago

    With the celebration of the American reporters Laura Ling and Euna Lee being pardoned and released just starting, it is important to remember that Ling and Lee were not the only Americans detained across the world.  In the last few days three...

  • Memorable Scary Movie Moments

    Memorable Scary Movie Moments

    9 years ago

    There are certain moments in movie history that are remembered for being frightening. Come share some of your favorites

  • An Overview Of Proper Golf Etiquette

    An Overview Of Proper Golf Etiquette

    10 years ago

    Golf is an old and traditional gentlemen’s game. As such, there are two different sets of rules of golf. There are the rules of the game itself and the rules that govern proper golf etiquette. The Golf etiquette rules are there to keep the game of...

  • How To Calculate A Golf Handicap

    How To Calculate A Golf Handicap

    10 years ago

    A Golfer’s ability is a hard thing to measure. Some Golfers drive the ball well but cannot putt. Others do not drive the ball very well but have great short games and putt well. Besides the score of a single round, it is hard to tell how golfers...

  • 17 Mile Drive

    17 Mile Drive

    14 years ago

    Just outside Monterey, California in Pacific Grove lies 17 miles of the most beautiful real estate in the world. Known as 17 Mile Drive, this two lane highway winds its way through beautiful rows of trees and around some of the worlds most famous...

  • The Human Development Index

    The Human Development Index

    10 years ago

    The Human Development Index ranks the countries of the world in terms of its human development. The Human Development Index implies whether a country is developed, developing or underdeveloped. The Human Development Index sets a standard means of...

  • The NBA All Star Game

    The NBA All Star Game

    15 years ago

    The National Basketball Association first featured its best players in a single All Star Game on March 2, 1951 at the Garden in Boston, Massachusetts. From that date forward, every year the NBA has matched the best players of the Eastern Conference...

  • Great Labor Day Movies

    Great Labor Day Movies

    10 years ago

    The Labor Day holiday was formed in 1882 in New York City to create a day off for the working class. Since the 1880s, Labor Day is celebrated on the first Monday of September and for most Americans is a symbolic end of the summer. Most Americans...

  • Great War Movies

    Great War Movies

    10 years ago

    Nothing can emulate the the terror and horror soldiers face in the midst of a battle.  Many can only imagine what war is like.  For most people, the only experience of war comes from the movies.  Many movies try to capture the experience of war...

  • 1990's Ska

    1990's Ska

    12 years ago

     Ska is a music genre that originated in Jamaica in the late 1950s.  Ska was the precursor to reggae and combined elements of Caribbean mento and calypso with Jazz and Rhythm and Blues.  The current version of ska music is known for its high...

  • The Doolittle Raid Of Japan

    The Doolittle Raid Of Japan

    11 years ago

    On December 7, 1941, the island nation of Japan conducted a surprise attack on the United States at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The attack sank four U.S. Navy Battleships and severely damaged four more. The attack sank or damaged three navy cruisers,...

  • Republican Sour Grapes

    Republican Sour Grapes

    14 years ago

    President Obama's candidate to be the next Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, Judge Sonia Sotomayor, has been grilled recently by Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee about a comment she made nearly ten years ago. The irony of the...

  • The History of Ten Cent Beer Night

    The History of Ten Cent Beer Night

    11 years ago

    Come learn about the historic 10 cent beer night in Cleveland

  • The Disco Demolition

    The Disco Demolition

    15 years ago

    Disco Demolition On the night of July 12, 1979 at Comiskey Park in Chicago, White Sox fans stormed the field and caused their team to forfeit the game. The crowd did not storm the field because of a bad call or because the Sox lost. They stormed...

  • Michael Jackson The Humanitarian

    Michael Jackson The Humanitarian

    13 years ago

    The death of Michael Jackson on June 25, 2009 reminded the World of Jackson's amazing talents. Michael Jackson once again was the King of Pop and celebrated for his singing, dancing and live performances. But now that the funeral is over, and now...

  • Great 1980s Music Videos

    Great 1980s Music Videos

    10 years ago

    The 1980s saw an explosion of new technology and new ways for Americans for entertain themselves. The 80s saw the introduction of the computer into everyday lives, the Rubik's Cube and Transformers. The 1980s were also the highpoint of the music...

  • Celebrating Bastille Day

    Celebrating Bastille Day

    15 years ago

    Bastille Day is a National Holiday of France celebrated on July 14thevery year. Bastille Day commemorates the anniversary of the day the French people stormed the Bastille Fortress in 1789. This event serves as a symbol of the French Revolution and...

  • The Attempt To Kill Theodore Roosevelt

    The Attempt To Kill Theodore Roosevelt

    15 years ago

    Theodore Roosevelt was the 26th President of the United States. Known for his bold personality, Roosevelt was a myriad of contradictions. While Roosevelt was a Republican, he was also a Progressive Reformer who took on special interests and...

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    Great Patriotic Movies

    11 years ago

    The Fourth of July in America celebrates the day that America officially broke off from England to become its own Country.  It celebrates the day a certain document was passed by the Continental Congress that laid down the values and principles of...

  • NRA and Conservative Support of Arming Terrorists Legally

    NRA and Conservative Support of Arming Terrorists Legally

    8 years ago

    Recent reports claim that known and suspected terrorists have been legally buying guns in the United States. Under the Bush Administration, those that are found on the terror watch list that have tried to buy guns or explosives where not stopped a...

  • The 1st March On Washington

    The 1st March On Washington

    15 years ago

    Everyone is familiar with the picture of Martin Luther King Jr., giving the I Have A Dream Speech in front of the Lincoln Memorial during the March on Washington in 1963. However, many would be surprised that the march of hundreds of thousands on...

  • An Overview Of Boxing Weight Divisions

    An Overview Of Boxing Weight Divisions

    15 years ago

    Boxing is an exciting but brutal sport. Two men stand in a ring, toe to toe, and fight until one of them either is lying on the canvas or the fight ends and three judges decide the winner. Bigger fighters have more weight behind the punch and...

  • Memorable Olympic Boxing Moments

    Memorable Olympic Boxing Moments

    13 years ago

    Boxing made its debut in the Olympics in 1904 at the games in St. Louis. Americans won all seven possible gold medals and 19 of  21 medals overall. Since its debut, Boxing has become one of the main attractions at the Summer Olympics. Olympic...

  • PETA Takes On President Obama

    PETA Takes On President Obama

    12 years ago

    The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is at is again. A few months ago PETA attacked the Vice President for purchasing a puppy from a breeder and not getting a dog from a shelter.  For weeks, the news media reported the story.  Wolf...

  • The Dragon Boat Festival

    The Dragon Boat Festival

    11 years ago

    The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional holiday that celebrates Chinese cultures and in celebrated all over Asia. Known as the Duanwu Festival in Mandarin and the Tuen Ng Festival in Cantonese is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month on...

  • Traditional Shavuot Dishes

    Traditional Shavuot Dishes

    12 years ago

    Shavuot is a Jewish Holiday that celebrates the day that God gave Moses and the Jewish people the Torah on Mount Sinai.  Every year in late May or early April, the Jewish people celebrate what is considered the spiritual event where the Jewish...

  • The Shavuot Holiday

    The Shavuot Holiday

    15 years ago

    Shavuot is a Jewish Holiday that occurs in late May or early June. Historically Shavuot falls on the sixth day of the Hebrew month of Sivan. Shavuot celebrates the anniversary of the day God gave Moses the Torah at Mount Sinai. The Bible states that...

  • The Story of John Lothropp

    The Story of John Lothropp

    14 years ago

    Throughout European History, Genealogy played an important role in shaping the Europe we know today. The Kings of England, Germany and Russian were related by marriage and blood. Wealth and power were passed down from generation to generation and...

  • Memorable Movie Quotes

    Memorable Movie Quotes

    11 years ago

    Come enjoy some of the most memorable movie quotes ever spoken on the big screen

  • Great Gift Ideas For Dad

    Great Gift Ideas For Dad

    10 years ago

    It is that time of year again. The time of year where Dad's around the world get a day of appreciation and love from their children. But the question always arises, what does Dad want for father's day. Most Dads are hard to shop for and are...

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    Memorable Saturday Night Live Skits

    10 years ago

    Come view some of the best skits ever to air on Saturday Night

  • World Refugee Day

    World Refugee Day

    11 years ago

    One of the main purposes of the United Nations is to encourage solidarity between the different countries of the world and to bring these nations together to defend against common threats to mankind.  To that end, the UN General Assembly adopted...

  • The Monopoly Secret Weapon

    The Monopoly Secret Weapon

    14 years ago

    Almost everyone has played Monopoly, the game of financial domination. Most people are familiar with Park Place and Boardwalk, the two most expensive properties found on the Monopoly board. Today, there are numerous versions of the original version...

  • Sacramento Summertime Activities

    Sacramento Summertime Activities

    14 years ago

    The Capital City of the Great State of California, Sacramento for those who do not know,  is not a well known destination spot. It is not even the most well known destination spot in California. Despite many people not knowing it, Sacramento...

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    Why Is Sacramento the Capital of California?

    15 months ago

    Ask any grade school student in America what the capital of California is, and most would likely say Los Angeles or San Francisco. As shocking as it may seem, however, the capital of California is Sacramento. How come? Read on for the full story.

  • Cesar Chavez Park In Sacramento

    Cesar Chavez Park In Sacramento

    15 years ago

    Cesar Chavez Park sits in the middle of the expanding metropolis of Sacramento, California. Located in the heart of the City on J Street, Chavez Park provides some greenery and a place to relax in the center of California’s Capital city. Named...

  • The First Presidential Assassination Attempt

    The First Presidential Assassination Attempt

    13 years ago

    Through the course of American History, there have been four confirmed Presidential Assassinations and two more rumored assassinations. There have also been over 90 confirmed Presidential Assassination attempts on sitting presidents. As with all...

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    The Real Uncle Sam

    14 years ago

    Who is the real Uncle Sam?

  • The Loss Of Civil Discourse

    The Loss Of Civil Discourse

    14 years ago

    Civility refers to the behavior between members of society that create a social code and is a foundational principle of a civilized society. The Romans in creating an empire that expanded around the world put great emphasis on civil virtue. The...

  • Great Movie Scores

    Great Movie Scores

    14 years ago

    The movies appeal to our sense of sight with lights and imagery. They appeal to our sense of hearing with explosions and boom. Movies appeal to our hearts with dialogue and feeling. But all of senses and emotions are enhanced by beautifully written...

  • Best Arguments In Baseball History

    Best Arguments In Baseball History

    14 years ago

    Every sport has rules and those rules are enforced by objective referees, umpires and judges. During every game and match, someone disagrees with a call made by these objective observers. Sometimes these arguments become legendary. The following is...

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    Benedict Arnold: From Founding Hero To Traitor

    13 years ago

    The name Benedict Arnold in American lore is synonymous with being a traitor to the United States. And with good reason. Benedict Arnold for his own personal reasons and benefit committed crimes against the American Cause in the Revolutionary War...

  • Santa Barbara: The First Hollywood

    Santa Barbara: The First Hollywood

    15 years ago

    The name Hollywood is known the world over.  The name signifies the movie industry and represents the dreams and hopes of thousands of aspiring actors.  However, many do not know that the Hollywood of today, which is located near Los Angeles, was...

  • Mississippi Burning Comes Full Circle

    Mississippi Burning Comes Full Circle

    13 years ago

    The small Mississippi town of Philadelphia has a notorious and sordid past. Fifty years ago the town of only seven thousand was in the middle of the fight for civil rights and stood for the South’s continued resistance and reluctance to move the...

  • The Sir Francis Drake Hoax

    The Sir Francis Drake Hoax

    15 years ago

    Sir Francis Drake was an English Explorer that was the first Englishman to navigate around the world. He was known as Queen Elizabeth’s Pirate and in recognition of the riches and fame he brought to England Drake was knighted by Queen in 1581....

  • Best Sports Movies

    Best Sports Movies

    12 years ago

    Movies can capture moments that make the audience feel excitement or agony, fear or fun, happy or sad. The sounds, lights, music and action of movie can move the audience in a way that still cannot be captured on television. This is no more apparent...

  • Torture Is Not Apple Pie

    Torture Is Not Apple Pie

    12 years ago

    When I was in Law School I was asked by a group of conservative students whether Islamic Fundamentalism was the greatest threat to Western Civilization. My answer shocked them. In my opinion the greatest threat to Western Civilization was not...

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    The First Capital of California: Monterey

    14 years ago

    American elementary school students learn each of the fifty State Capitals within the United States.  Many are shocked to learn that Albany is the State Capital of New York.  Many more are shocked to learn that Sacramento is the State Capital of...

  • Max Cleland - Targeted For Destruction

    Max Cleland - Targeted For Destruction

    15 years ago

    Max Cleland is an American Hero.  A decorated Vietnam war veteran and former United States Senator from Georgia, Cleland was targeted by and defeated by the Republican Spin Machine in favor of Saxby Chambliss.  Instead of using debate and...

  • The Republican Spin Machine

    The Republican Spin Machine

    14 years ago

    When one thinks of spin, the first things that come to mind tend to be Lawyers and Used Car Salesmen. However, everyone must stand in awe of the power and determination of the Republican Party spin machine. In the last twenty years, the Republican...

  • Worst Sequels Ever

    Worst Sequels Ever

    10 years ago

    Sometimes there are movies that come out that make people laugh or cry.  The movie does really well financially at the theatres and gets nominated for Awards.  Instantly, the movie becomes a classic. Undoubtedly, if a movie does well at the box...

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    Robert Todd Lincoln's Reluctant Place In History

    11 years ago

     Robert Todd Lincoln was the first child of Abraham and Mary Lincoln and the only Lincoln child to reach adulthood.  However, being President Lincoln’s son is not the reason why Robert Lincoln has an odd and dubious place in American History. ...

  • Best Bond Girls

    Best Bond Girls

    15 years ago

    There are certain roles in the movies that bring with them a certain mystic, history and tradition. One of those roles is the Bond girl. The women who have played the sinister female counterparts to James Bond through the years have been beautiful,...

  • In Defense of Lawyers

    In Defense of Lawyers

    12 years ago

    William Shakespeare suggested that the way to improve society was to "kill the lawyers." Many Americans today believe that Shakespeare was right. There is a sentiment by both Republicans and Democrats that lawyers are greedy crooks who manipulate...

  • The Best Of Weird Al Yankovic

    The Best Of Weird Al Yankovic

    13 years ago

    Nobody likes to admit it. It is a secret that for some can be embarrassing. It is something you only tell your closest friends. You think Weird Al Yankovic is funny. For those who don't know, Weird Al Yankovic is a well known musical artist known...

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    The Story of Tellico Dam and the Snail Darter

    2 years ago

    The snail darter is a tiny little fish that is native to the waters of Tennessee. In 1975, the snail darter was placed on the newly created Endangered Species List, and in 1978, it stopped the construction of the Tellico Dam. Learn more about this interesting environmental case.

  • Memorable Television Sitcom Theme Songs

    Memorable Television Sitcom Theme Songs

    10 years ago

    Music is a funny thing. Some songs you hear and no matter what you do you can't seem to get them out of your head. All day long you find yourself humming the song over and over again. The worst is when you think you are alone humming through your...

  • The Environment Versus Off Road Vehicles

    The Environment Versus Off Road Vehicles

    15 years ago

     In Sierra Club v. Clark, (9th Cir., 1985) 756 F. 2d 686, the United States Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals  affirmed the Secretary of the Interior’s decision to allow the use of Off Road Vehicles (“ORV”) in Dove Springs Canyon (“Dove...

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    The First Female Lawyer

    10 years ago

    The first female attorney in the United States was Arabella Mansfield. Mansfield was admitted to the Iowa State Bar in 1869. Despite an Iowa State Law that only allowed white males over the age of the twenty one to take the bar exam, Mansfield was...

  • The Party of No

    The Party of No

    11 years ago

    President Obama just passed a major milestone in American Politics: the first 100 days. In just a little more than three months, the President has passed an Economic Recovery Plan and a Homeowner Foreclsoure Plan. The President has signed executive...

  • The NBA Three Point Contest

    The NBA Three Point Contest

    11 years ago

    The NBA’s All Star weekend showcases the leagues best talents. The Three Point Shootout allows the best long range shooters in the league to face off to determine the best three point shooter. The three point shootout is held the Saturday before...

  • Nerf Herder: The Kings Of Nerd Rock

    Nerf Herder: The Kings Of Nerd Rock

    12 years ago

    Nerf Herder is a pop punk band from Santa Barbara, California. The band was formed in 1994. The original members of Nerf Herder were Parry Gripp (vocals and guitar), Charlie Dennis (bass) and Steve Sherlock (Drums). The members of Nerf Herder...

  • The Masters Green Jacket Tradition

    The Masters Green Jacket Tradition

    12 years ago

    The Masters is an annual golf tournament and is one of four major championships in Professional Golf. The Masters is held at the Augusta National Golf Club every year in April. Augusta National is a private golf club in Augusta, Georgia. Augusta...

  • Rewriting California's Constitution

    Rewriting California's Constitution

    14 years ago

    There is a movement in California to rewrite its State Constitution. What was once considered a gimmick or political ploy is now picking up steam. There is now a legitimate movement within the State of California to scrap its current Constitution...

  • Great Music Moments In Movies

    Great Music Moments In Movies

    12 years ago

    Movies are great. A well made movie can make you laugh and it can make you cry. And sometimes there are those moments in movies that just make you smile. Some of those moments are created by the combination of the movie and the music the movie uses....

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    Eureka - The State Motto Of California

    13 years ago

    The State Motto of the State of California is “Eureka.” Eureka comes from the Greek and means “I have found it.” The California State Motto is the only State Motto rendered in Greek. The term Eureka is found on The Great Seal of...

  • Handshake Diplomacy

    Handshake Diplomacy

    14 years ago

    President Barack Obama attended the Summit of the Americas last week. The Summits of the Americas are a series of summit meetings between the leaders of countries in North America, Central America and South America. The purpose of the meetings is to...

  • The NBA Slam Dunk Contest

    The NBA Slam Dunk Contest

    10 years ago

    The NBA Slam Dunk Contest is an annual competition held during NBA All Star Weekend where the best dunkers in the league are chosen to show off their talents. The contest did not start in the NBA however, as it originally developed in the American...

  • Governing Principles Of The Burning Man Art Festival

    Governing Principles Of The Burning Man Art Festival

    15 years ago

    The Burning Man festival is an annual event held in the Black Rock Desert in Northern Nevada. The event is named after its Saturday night ritual where the participants burn a wooden effigy. The event is described by its participants as an experiment...

  • Why Didn't I think Of That?

    Why Didn't I think Of That?

    13 years ago

    Have you ever wondered where the idea for little plastics umbrellas in your fruity drink came from? Is the guy who invented this a millionaire? Or, how about those little plastic things at the end of your shoes? Did someone just think that up and...

  • Maria Montessori

    Maria Montessori

    15 years ago

     Dr. Maria Montessori was the first female physician in Italy and revolutionized how children are taught in school. Born in Chiaravalle, Italy in 1870, Dr. Montessori graduated from medical school in 1896. She began a traditional medical practice...

  • Famous Mistakes In Baseball History

    Famous Mistakes In Baseball History

    13 years ago

    Baseball has a long and rich history. From Babe Ruth, Mickey Mantle, Pete Rose through today, Baseball is rich in tradition and nostalgia. With this long history comes a rich tradition of horrible mistakes that have cost games and even careers. The...

  • PETA Versus Vice President Joe Biden

    PETA Versus Vice President Joe Biden

    14 years ago

    In this time of economic turmoil, pirates holding Americans hostage and the other pressing issues of the day, I appreciate that PETA has focused attention on what is truly important: Vice President Joe Biden bought a puppy from a dog breeder instead...

  • The Founder Of New Orleans

    The Founder Of New Orleans

    9 years ago

    New Orleans is a City of history and life.  Sitting at the Gulf of Mexico, New Orleans has been one of the most important cities in the history of America.  What creates such an interesting city?  Perhaps it founding. New Orleans was...

  • Origins Of The Easter Bunny

    Origins Of The Easter Bunny

    14 years ago

    Happy Easter to everyone, or Happy Passover, or Happy Sunday, whatever your particular leanings may be. For my family it is Happy Easter. Easter is a time when we think of going to Church and usually don't, except for this year where my wife and...

  • Jackie Greene

    Jackie Greene

    13 years ago

    Jackie Greene is an American songwriter and musician from Northern California. Born in Salinas, California in 1980, Greene showed an interest in music at an early age starting with the piano. Greene began playing the guitar while still in High...

  • Our Love Story

    Our Love Story

    10 years ago

    We met in college. She was a beautiful sorority girl and I was a fraternity guy. She actually dated one of my brothers months before we began seeing each other. We were friends that had started spending a lot of time together. One night, yes after...

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    George Carlin: The Loss Of Comedic Genius

    10 years ago

    George Carlin was one of the most celebrated and long standing comedians in American History. Born in New York City in 1937, Carlin was a stand up comedian, author and actor. During his long career, Carlin won five grammy awards and was recenlty...

  • Detained In North Korea: American Reporters Laura Ling and Euna Lee

    Detained In North Korea: American Reporters Laura Ling and Euna Lee

    12 years ago

     North Korea admitted that it has seized two American Journalists, Laura Ling and Eunu Lee for "illegally intruding" on North Korea's soil.  North Korean soldiers abdubted the reporters on the Chinese and Korean border.  The reporters were there...

  • Tips For Writing Good And Memorable Thank You Notes

    Tips For Writing Good And Memorable Thank You Notes

    15 years ago

    The thank you note is a lost art in American culture today. Former President George Herbert Walker Bush was famous for his short handwritten notes he would write to foreign leaders and members of Congress for the nice things they would do from time...

  • Richard Jeni - A Big Steaming Pile Of Me

    Richard Jeni - A Big Steaming Pile Of Me

    14 years ago

    Richard Jeni was a talented comedian who left this world too soon. Known best for his HBO comedy special Platypus Man, Jeni was an American stand up comdedian and actor. Born Richard John Colangelo in 1957 in Brooklyn New York, Jeni began his career...

  • The Four Greatest Movies Of All Time (at least to me)

    The Four Greatest Movies Of All Time (at least to me)

    10 years ago

    The Godfather is on almost every list of "best movies of all time" and for good reason. Released in 1972, The Godfather had an amazing cast featuring Marlon Brando, Robert Duvall, James Caan,Talia Shire and a young Al Pacino and Diane Keaton. And of...

  • Bill Maher Must Run For Congress

    Bill Maher Must Run For Congress

    12 years ago

    Bill Maher is the host of HBO's "Real Time With Bill Maher." I have been watching him for years. I love his political humor, his show on ABC and now the current version on HBO. Watching him during this economic crisis and his analysis of the...

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    Odd Coincidences in American Presidential History

    9 years ago

    Come learn about strange coincidences in American Presidential History

  • Bail Out The People, Not Corporations

    Bail Out The People, Not Corporations

    15 years ago

    Over the last several months, our Government, both led by Republicans and Democrats, have dished out tax dollars to financial institutions, car makers, and insurance companies. Because of this, the deficit has ballooned and there appears to be no...

  • Which Republican Can Challenge President Obama in 2012?

    Which Republican Can Challenge President Obama in 2012?

    11 years ago

    A little over five years ago, very few people in American knew who Barack Obama was. It wasn't until the Democratic convention that nominated John Kerry as President that Obama was introduced to America. At that convention, Obama burst onto the...

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    The Rolling Stones - The Greatest Rock & Roll Band of All Time

    10 years ago

    When I was a kid, I used to cringe when my hippie father would blast his music on Sunday mornings. My mother only let him play his music on Sundays, so we would have to spend the whole day listening to Neil Young, The Grateful Dead and the Rolling...

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    When Did Being Liberal Become A Bad Thing?

    13 years ago

    I am a self described Liberal. I believe in the power of government to do good without infringing of individual rights. I believe in protecting our environment, regulating the market and defending a woman's right to choose. I believe in equal...

  • Roland Burris

    Roland Burris

    13 years ago

    The election of President Barack Obama ushered in a new era of politics into America. The new tone was to be transperency and openess. With the selection of Roland Burris to the United State Senate in President Obama's former seat by disgraced...

  • Economic Turmoil and Failed Leadership In California

    Economic Turmoil and Failed Leadership In California

    14 years ago

    For those of us in California, today was a very important day. After months of negotiations and threats, California finally passed a budget today. The Governator is expected to sign the bill into law later today. The passage of the budget is an...

  • The Octo Mom And The Religious Right

    The Octo Mom And The Religious Right

    12 years ago

    Watching the news these days, there appears to be no more important story that the woman who gave birth to eight children. Really, no wars, economic crisis, political divisions, millions losing their homes; alright, then let's talk about Nadya...

  • The Father of the Beat Generation - Jack Kerouac

    The Father of the Beat Generation - Jack Kerouac

    15 years ago

    Jack Kerouac is best known for his work On The Road. Kerouac was one of the influential writers of the Beat Generation that ushered in an era of individualism and rebellion from conformity in the early 1960s. Strangely, in writing works that taught...

  • Newscasters Are Too Opinionated and Biased

    Newscasters Are Too Opinionated and Biased

    13 years ago

    Once upon a time, Americans sat in their living rooms and listened to a newscaster report the news over the radio. The entire family would sit and eagerly listen to the facts of the day. The facts of the day dealt with European battlefields and...

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    Protecting The Environment: NEPA v. CEQA

    7 years ago

    I. INTRODUCTION The late 1960’s and early 1970’s were a revolutionary time for the role of government and the protection of the natural environment. For perhaps the first time in the nation’s history, the general public became aware and...

  • David Letterman: The Toughest Interview On Television

    David Letterman: The Toughest Interview On Television

    13 years ago

    David Letterman: The toughest interview in town. The fall of the contemporary journalist. I was watching David Letterman last night and his main guest was former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich. Dave started the interview asking Rod Blagojevich "why...

  • The Roots of Al Qaeda: Review of Brotherhood of Terror by Paul WIlliams

    The Roots of Al Qaeda: Review of Brotherhood of Terror by Paul WIlliams

    14 years ago

    Williams, Paul L. Al Qaeda: Brotherhood of Terror. Alpha Publishing, 2002. Paul Williams' book Al Qaeda: Brotherhood of Terror is an interesting look into the origins of the world's best known and infamous terrorist network. Williams uses many of...

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    Sacramento's Tower Bridge

    15 years ago

    On a cold December day in 1935, thousands of the citizens of Sacramento, California gathered at the end of M Street to celebrate the dedication of their city's new landmark. An accumulation of sixteen months of hard work, almost one million dollars...

  • The General Mining Law

    The General Mining Law

    3 years ago

    An exploration in the doctrine of Pedis Possessio using an Arizona case as the example. In Geomet Exploration, Limited v. Lucky McUranium, (1979) 124 Ariz. 55, the Arizona Supreme Court reaffirmed the doctrine of Pedis Possessio.

  • Restaurant Meals At Home

    Restaurant Meals At Home

    13 years ago

    Have you ever gone out to eat and wished you could make that meal at home?   With the economy hurting right now, spending a hundred dollars at a five star restaurant may not be in the cards.    There are many websites on the net that provide...

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    The Legacy of Harry Truman

    13 years ago

    Presidential history differs from the other disciplines of history in that from the moment a president takes office his legacy and background are under scrutiny. As soon as a president first walks through the front door of the White House, scholars,...

  • Capital Punishment in America - Issues Surrounding The Use Of The Death Penalty

    Capital Punishment in America - Issues Surrounding The Use Of The Death Penalty

    9 years ago

    The Sixth Commandment States, "Thou shall not kill." However, in our society this value is not always followed. There are times when killing is validated. War is a classic example of this. However, in our society, killing is also validated when we...

  • The Fair Credit Act

    The Fair Credit Act

    11 years ago

    Come learn about the Fair Credit Act so you know how to protect yourself from illegal debt collection practices.

  • The Reality of Perception

    The Reality of Perception

    13 years ago

    There is an old saying in politics: perception is reality. It is this old adage that forces politicians to give speeches at schools, wear jeans while helping out Habitat for Humanity and eat Cheesesteaks on the Fourth of July. The reality is that...

  • Gas Prices And Deregulation:  George Bush's Legacy

    Gas Prices And Deregulation: George Bush's Legacy

    10 years ago

    Someone asked as a request whether the rise of gas prices is tied to a Bush being into office. The simple answer is yes, but not for the reasons that you would think. Politics aside, there appears to be a connection with a Bush being into office...

  • The American Healthcare System - My Personal Story

    The American Healthcare System - My Personal Story

    10 years ago

    For the past few decades, Healthcare has been a national issue. Every election year, politicians promise to fix the heathcare system to ensure that everyone has good and reliable health coverage. There can be no doubt that affordable healthcare is...

  • President Obama and the Spirit of Hope

    President Obama and the Spirit of Hope

    3 months ago

    January 20, 2009 saw the swearing in of President Barack Obama, the first African American President of the United States.  This was a momentous occasion for many.  For many others, the swearing in of President Obama was a symbol of defeat of a...


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