Are we closer than ever of the WW3?

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  1. pimentelteixeira profile image60
    pimentelteixeiraposted 13 years ago

    Are we closer than ever of the WW3?

    For the past few months we have seen countries in the Middle East rising against its leaders, and once again Western countries are involved in Middle East affairs; with the Arab League control being question day after day, and the tension rising minute after minute, will this events lead all of us to a third world war, the first religious one?

  2. Credence2 profile image80
    Credence2posted 13 years ago

    Based on the scope and scale of WWI and WW II, probably not

  3. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image74
    Wesman Todd Shawposted 13 years ago

    According to scripture, Gog and Magog is an unrealized event on the charts - but this is not the third world war.  You won't see that, if you see it at all, until the one world zionist government is in place.

  4. GeneralSkeptic profile image60
    GeneralSkepticposted 13 years ago

    I'd venture to say there will be some kind of world conflict in the next few decades as a result of the scarcity of a resource such as freshwater or energy, though I agree with credence that the scope could not possibly rival either of the previous world wars.  Expect it to more more of a localized conflict that most countries are involved in one way or another.

  5. DonDWest profile image71
    DonDWestposted 13 years ago

    I'm sorry to dissapoint you, but WWIII being declared on May 20th 2011, causing the world to end on May 21st 2011 in a nuclear hailstrom, won't be happening. I guess this means you can throw away your Scofield Bible.

  6. Pollyannalana profile image60
    Pollyannalanaposted 13 years ago

    You ask are we closer than ever, well of course we would have to be, every day a little closer. War and fighting all around us, here in America with open borders and drug lords and on the brink of depression with no one even allowed to protect themselves. You would have to blind to not see all that is happening in the world is not for something. There will be so much bad if one thing don't get us the other will. All the fools say 'don't worry, be happy.'

  7. someonewhoknows profile image73
    someonewhoknowsposted 13 years ago

    I'm not sure what will happen as far as war is concerned .
    I only know what I research for.
    Like the two video links here ---

      AGENDA 21 … r_embedded

    Ex-New World Order Banker Tells ALL
    GEORGE GREEN … re=related

  8. Apostle Jack profile image59
    Apostle Jackposted 13 years ago

    There will come a time of trouble such as was not since the beginning of the world.

  9. mintinfo profile image62
    mintinfoposted 13 years ago

    All those political events are serving to do is heighten the anxiety of those with no knowledge. When the world as we know it will begin to crumble it will be by natural causes. By mid century those changes will begin to manifest themselves.

  10. thelilgrant profile image60
    thelilgrantposted 13 years ago

    If there ever is a world war 3, it won't be an ongoing struggle for power. It will end with one stupid country launching a nuclear strike, and the other countries following suit, ending in a nuclear holocaust.

  11. WindMaestro profile image59
    WindMaestroposted 13 years ago

    Of course not. Not any of these nations have any substantial military force or biochemical weapons, and countries that do, with the exception of North Korea, have not intentions of using them. We were closer to having a third World War during the Cold War between the United States and Russia than in any recent time. Two extremely suspicious adversaries with the largest possession of nuclear arms.
    Fun Fact: Had we done anything but successfully blockade Cuba during the Cuban missile crisis, Russia was planning on releasing its nuclear missile barrage on all major cities on the East coast of the United States. Isn't history fascinating?

  12. Phil The Gain profile image58
    Phil The Gainposted 13 years ago

    We might be getting closer but I wouldn't say closest ever.  I thought we were closer during the Cuban missile crisis back in the day.  Probably as soon as some country decides to invade or attack Israel is when WW3 will go down.

  13. truthfulee916 profile image60
    truthfulee916posted 13 years ago

    I have to agree with Pollyannalana everyday we get closer and closer to an early death..(the death of a superpower) with no one else to blame but ourselves..I'am a fifty one year old man and i can honestly say i've seen some things, from Ku Klux Klan and Black Panther rallies in the sixties to cable and even color tv..And the drug scene has gotten 100% worse than the Pollyannalana says the open borders drug lords, outside and for sure inside of this country..All i see is something is on the horizon and it aint killing their parents, their parents killing their kids..The way we live, most of us only take instead of give..Tonight is my first night on this site..thankyou all..remember the four horsemen ride..

  14. profile image0
    Kieran Gracieposted 13 years ago

    We seem to be heading towards some sort of disaster, probably economic, but I don't see it turning in to WWIII. Instead I think we will continue to 'little' wars in different areas of political, economic and religious conflict - nasty for those involved but not on the scale of the previous world wars.

  15. Vegas Elias profile image62
    Vegas Eliasposted 12 years ago

    World war I was a random war in which countries involved without much thought and planning. World war II ended after well planned countries like the U.S. and U.K. of course with the resources at their disposal involved actively in the war.
    I don't think WW3 will ever be a war like any of the other two wars. Mature and technologically well developed countries know very well the dangers involved in Nuclear Weapons (During world war II Hiroshima and Nagasaki) the negative side of Nuclear weapons was amply demonstrated by the U.S. At the most WW3 will be a low profile war involving only countries of the Third World and the developed countries will take care not to face each other in it.


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