"The truth has no agenda", agree or disagree?

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  1. bankscottage profile image89
    bankscottageposted 12 years ago

    "The truth has no agenda", agree or disagree?

    In general and particularly in the current political season, everyone seems to have an agenda.  The truth has no agenda.  Do you agree or disagree?

  2. gclitty profile image77
    gclittyposted 12 years ago

    Agreed.  Although, the truth can be misleading sometimes, especially when isolated from other truths that put that first truth into context.  Statistics are notorious for being true but misleading because people (usually politicians) give only the good statistics.  For example, if I tell you that I created three million new private sector jobs but didn't tell you that before I created three million new private sector jobs I lost five million private sector jobs, I wouldn't be lying but I would certainly be misleading you.  That's my take on your question.


  3. Clive Donegal profile image67
    Clive Donegalposted 12 years ago

    I suppose that it depends on whose truth.

  4. davenmidtown profile image70
    davenmidtownposted 12 years ago

    I disagree: To agree means is to say that "truth" never has an agenda and usually when we use the words always, all, never we have succumbed to flaws of logic.

    1. bankscottage profile image89
      bankscottageposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I agree.  Always and never, absolute extremes, that can rarely be used.

  5. lifelovemystery profile image70
    lifelovemysteryposted 12 years ago

    People believed the promise of 'Transparency in Government' from Obama's 2008 campaign. They also believed the sound bite called 'Hope and Change'. The truth was hidden in both circumstances.

    Truth has an agenda. It just depends on who's version of 'truth' that you choose to believe.

    1. gclitty profile image77
      gclittyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      except that there can be only one version of truth...i see what your saying though

  6. madmachio profile image60
    madmachioposted 12 years ago

    True truth can't be disputed. I guess it depends on how true the thing you believe in is.

  7. Josak profile image60
    Josakposted 12 years ago

    There is no such thing as truth, it is always subjective, millions of factors influence how we remember an event, two people can see the the same event and describe totally different things, our minds are not recorders they store information imperfectly and tinged by our opinions and views.

    1. gclitty profile image77
      gclittyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Wow.  This is like a summary of my hub on Aquinas.  You should check it out Josak.  It talks about the philosophy of reality.  Namely, that there is no reality but only interpretations of one's own experiences. You took this question to a new level

  8. Attikos profile image80
    Attikosposted 12 years ago

    Solipsism isn't truth, it's perception. Truth has objective existence regardless of opinion. It therefore has no agenda. The problem arises in determining what truth is, a human thought process that invariably introduces agendae, but that isn't the topic in this question.

  9. swordsbane profile image59
    swordsbaneposted 12 years ago

    Truth doesn't have an agenda.  It isn't subjective.  It either is, or it isn't, and it can either be demonstrated to be true or it can't be.  If it is true and it can be demonstrated, then it's true regardless of anyone's opinions or agenda or who has the most money or who has the most power.  If it can't be demonstrated, then it remains a mystery and again, it doesn't matter how much money or power anyone has.

    Now you can distort the truth, mislead people, lie, cover up the truth, and the more influence you have, the more people you may be able to mislead... but that doesn't change what the truth is.  If you convince everyone in the world that something untrue is true, it is still untrue.  You can't change that.

  10. mintinfo profile image64
    mintinfoposted 12 years ago

    Truth has no agenda. People have agendas therefore they hide or manipulate truth to suit their agendas. For instance, people lie about their age depending on the circumstance but medical records will show the truth of their age unless manipulated by themselves through extraordinary means.

  11. TIMETRAVELER2 profile image77
    TIMETRAVELER2posted 12 years ago

    I think truth does not have an agenda.  It is what it is.  Some truths can be "spun" by people with agendas, but in the end, the truth is the truth.  For example:  If the truth is that a man is a man, there is no disputing it.  People can put forth all kinds of arguments about what a man is or is not, but in the end, physiologically...a man is still a man.  This is a simple example, but it makes my point.  Excellent question, by the way!

  12. Rodric29 profile image79
    Rodric29posted 12 years ago

    Truth is relative. It is true that what goes up must come down unless you are an astronaut and are in a shuttle orbiting the earth. The truth is different in that situation. By taking part in a agree or disagree situation we limit ourselves to be baited into some agenda.

    If I agree to what goes up must come down, then I am promoting a perspective that is based on one assumption that does not apply everywhere. My agenda will be to promote what happens on earth is paramount and more true than what occurs in the heavens or on the moon.

    Unless the truth is absolute like gravity exists, yes truth has an agenda. Gravity is not something that can be twisted because it exists all over the universe. Gravity holds Earth to the sun and our solar system in the Orion's belt and holds the belt to the Milky Way galaxy.

    1. swordsbane profile image59
      swordsbaneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      No.  The "truth" isn't: What goes up must come down.  The truth is that gravity pulls us down at an acceleration of 32ft/second per second.  That doesn't change if you're in orbit.  It doesn't change if your a Republican.


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