Body - Mind - Spirit .....are all one. Do you agree?
If you agree or disagree, please give the reason there of.
No, I do not think they are all one. This is how I feel inside. It seems inside me that my mind orders my body, but my spirit is independent of the two. For instance, I am 50 yet my spirit is still 19-20 (hasn't changed). However, my mind (conscious and subconscious) rule completely differently from the essence of my spirit. In the end it's a bit sad because my spirit is more like Scarlet O'hara yet I function more like hardened cement. How do you view the body-mind-spirit?
Very interesting question by the way.
Thank you for finding it an interesting question. For me it all are it functions as one for a more enlightened life. I hope to write a hub on this topic and want your permission to quote your view in the hub, if you think so. Waiting reply..
Of course, no problem. I'll be looking forward to your research, because that's why I consent. It's not enough to make your own assumptions. You need to include research by the experts, right?
You are right...but I intend to compile a generalistic purview on the topic and for a lighter read only. Not looking forward to go in depth as it is a very researchable topic so far.
the matter or truth doesnot awaits the question of agree...
and some truth are being known after deep studies, science, maths, etc..all are perfect science where miracle happens syntifically but a person knowing it smiles.
same way the uniquiness or the difference is known after the through study, research and practical approach to know it....
I agree with Garifalia it is true how one feels is different to the other two,
Yes in a way.
When we are living (alive) then it is a combination of 3 in one. But when we are in death, then it will be spirit.
With our living body, we need our mind and spirit to keep us going.
Thank you for your kind reply. I quite agree with you.
Amazing what so few words can communicate when I had to use a big paragraph. Thanks, edhan.
What about incureable Mad persons Mind how does it work normally with what you call Spirit( the Soul ) is the spirit is of any use.
Dear skgrao,
I'm no expert nor can I claim to know. But because I recently had a terrible experience of the mind, I believe if the mind is not well, it may influence the spirit. In my view, the mind is stronger than the spirit. Do I make any sense?
The body is a tool, like the physical computer. The mind is a program, like Adobe or Microsoft word..The spirit is the operating system, like Linux. There is an intelligence that runs all those, the level of which can be likened to the degree of aptitude of a computer programmer.
Thanks, I had to rewrite it for my programmer friend as this..
The body is a tool, like the physical computer (except it is organic). The mind is a program, like Adobe or Microsoft word (more like the collection of programs/softwares)..The spirit is
No. Body is like a lamp. Mind is like oil and the spirit is like the flame.
If you are walking in the light, then you are One as you were created to be. But if doubt, guilt, shame, or any other of the defeating emotions have a controlling in road to you, then you are divided, or full of confusion. On of the definitions of doubt is to have a double soul. If your eye be single, you are full of light, if your eye be evil (or double) then great is the darkness.
Awesome question by the way.
since spirit isn't even a thing i disagree. where people get the idea we have a spirit is beyond me.
On this side of time I would say that they are three in one most definitely. How could it be otherwise?
Entirely disagree. The mind and body are entirely two different things. Those two are the easy ones to notice. However, the spirit is still up for debate. Mainly because the mind and the spirit could be the same because the mind is not the brain.
You can treat mind but spirit?
thanks anyway for your response.
The mind can be changed, morphed. But the spirit cannot be touched by man.
thanks dear, very well said. i truly agree with you.
many animals have brains; some of them have minds; a rare few have a self -- but when any of them die, the entire system disappears; no evidence to the contrary
They are connected, but not joined. When I stub my toe, it's only my toe that hurts. My mind and spirit may notice the flash of pain but they move on to something else.
No. I think they are all different. My body is aging, but my mind and spirit are ageless. Many times my mind is willing, but my body is not and it is my spirit that says keep trying.
No more than your hand, your watch and the glove you are wearing are one. They all appear to be one, but we have a total of 7 different bodies.
Physical body
Mental body
Etheric body
Astral Body
and three more that are too sacred to mention online. Each body resides in a different plane, but they are all attached to the physical body while it exists.
This is very very interesting! Would you mind explaining Eheric and Astral?
Very interesting indeed. Shall we wait for an upcoming hub here?
hope to get an update for sure.
Perhaps I can write a quick hub on it. :] However, if you want all of the details to their finest extent, I recommend checking out a book called Astral Physics by Robert Bruce. He recaps it all in very deep detail there.
Many thanks @jaredbangerter .....i am looking forward for your hub. sure gonna check the book you said here.
@Garifalia - Sure thing. :] The etheric realm is the frequency range between the physical and astral realms. The astral realm is where dreams take place and where people go in the period immediately after death.
Even I am greatful for the explanations put forward for Garifalia.
Thanks and regards.
Thank you Jaredbangerter for the info. I had not read anything like that before. I plan to look into it. Take Care.
I believe body, mind, and spirit are all connected - three parts that form a whole, but also have some individual functioning. In the body you have the brain, heart, and lungs for example - all depend on each other, all will die without the other - but they also perform separate, important functions.
You want the body, mind, and spirit to be as one. I believe that this is something that we earn over time instead of something that we already have. Finding the perfect combination of all three is where one would want to be. When you find that in your life, then I would agree that they are all as one. I believe in faith, you can find all three.
msorensson said it best..... now the question is are you ready to develop your God self to be the intelligence to master your world -- I'm working on it but still can not walk on water
thank you for your response.
wish you all the very best on your work. amen.
Bless you Neal, "Miracles are not the exception to the rule, they are the natural true order of things" -Bashar ~ from my blogspot UFOAliensRevisited.
Not in that particular order, but I agree. And even if I or anybody disagrees, it still is the case for as long as we are on this spaceship called Earth, or Terra. See my poem ~ going to Church?
It is my belief that the body is a product of the mind and the spirit is a product of both, working in conjunction. The essence of life, or spirit, is given at birth and improved upon as time moves on, within the mind and body that holds it in place. What we call genetics may be a little too simplified in defining the spirit. It is more, and is witnessed by others when they see and hear another person in their humanity, be it in goodness or in wrong doing. Spirit comes from deep within the recesses of the mind and body, to form the whole of each being that walks upon this earth. When we die, our spirit remains and will join the others in one great spiritual light. This is my personal belief. When we speak of the soul, I believe it is one and the same, as the spirit.
Without meaning to offend anyone, I'm not entirely certain that the spirit exists? And if it does, I don't really know how it's any different from the mind? My mind is who I am, my thoughts, personality etc.
I think that the mind and body are very much connected, but the mind is the more powerful of the two. If you are upset or stressed then you can also become physically ill, but if you are physically ill then you do not normally become unhappy. (Obviously I don't mean terminal illnesses or disabilities here, of course they are upsetting. I think they're not upsetting in themselves though, but they can depress you because you know they might kill you or radically change your life.)
Soul not Spirit.
Brain not Mind
Humans not Body.
If I say so if you will allow me to say so because Spirit is not the word for Soul,Soul is eternal and spirit exists when soul enters the womb and spirit comes later.The Soul does not do anything it exists as per nature law as per your Karma it leads you,and goes away when the time comes.
Your Brain controls your Body if your Karma allows it.
Your Body is human and behaves as per your Karma as per nature law.
Karma is what you carry from your past,if you carry good deeds you do good and other way also.
I sleep in my a/c room while my security keeps vigil near my gate.Why should it be so,it's on account of our Karma.
So may i ask for your view ......Human, Brain and one or separate ? I will come to the other later.
Human & Brain is one,Soul is not in our body it comes in to the body when the womb is 5 months.Human & Brain remains when Soul goes away we bury or burn the dead body and the brain.
Dear friend (skgrao), I find all that you say fascinating. But how do you know? Is this information passed on through your religion or something else? I'm asking from genuine interest and not to contradict.
Quite precise reply.
Really interesting analysis. Well said anyway.
Now mind, body and spirit...what is your take on that? same or different?
We are not one mind and body - but we all share the same spirit.
For me, each is a facet, and what we truly are is the gem. Each face shows what is inside, and whatever is inside is visible in each facet. So what we are shows up one way in the body, another in the emotions, another in the thinking mind, another in our energy, another in our Soul, and another in Spirit. Both the pure and healthy, and also the cracks and flaws in us, inside the gem, show up in each of these facets.
My feeling is that the spirit is manifested in the mind and the body. You can have the spirit without either one of the former, however they are connected. How connected depends on your acceptance or allowance to spirit in your being. For those that doubt their is a spirit, I ask you to consider the moments I think everyone has experienced of the first time you felt awe or wonder or deep love or even expansive peace. These things cannot come from the "little" mind, unless there is a pre-existence of the experience before. Your mind and a brain, neurons, etc - does not fabricate emotions of bliss, love, connections beyond being. Yes, there may be a God gene, but if science ultimately proves this to be true, is the gene the reason we can sometimes experience God or is the gene the conduit for God to be experienced through us.
For me, there will always be different ways of looking at things - but the things that really resonate with us, these are the things that will impact our lives. If you don't believe there is a spirit, your experiences in life will support this belief, and so on. I believe there is a spirit because I have experienced it's presence in my life. I can't prove it or even adequately describe it, but I know it nonetheless.
Without wishing to get into any form of religious discussion, my opinion is that the three forms are simply interpreted as:
Body - Our physical form who's existence is transient and flawed.
Mind - Our mental form which cannot be influenced by outside sources and where our innermost thoughts and dreams exist.
Spirit - The very essence of our being, the form that could be carried forward indefinitely and perhaps be part of our re-birth.
I'm sure there is no right and wrong answer - what you feel is what you are.
kind regards Peter.
mind and spirit are artifacts of biochemical processes of the body -- when we die, the mind and spirit cease - there is no scienific evidence of any persistence beyond that - it would require a supernatural effect that cannot be measured as any form of natural energy. so any other claim is an irrational one based on religious/superstitious beliefs. it's much more comforting to believe there's a difference, but entirely without sceintific basis
I contend there is no scientific evidence there there isn't either. Science cannot explain intuitiveness, epiphany, sixth sense, awe, yet they exist. Who said science is the authority anyway? There will always be a cause that cannot be explained.
Science is the best way to explain something, it goes on proof rather then random guessing. It is not a fact for lack of evidence, to believe in something with no proof whatsoever is beyond crazy.
joleen -- lack of evidence is not proof of existence -- in terms of reality, science is all we have. the perceptions you mention are within the realm of science to explain - none require supernatural events. a nondetectable spirit would be
Many thanks @Cascoly, @Joleenbridges and @Dantes460 - the insightful discussion here.
It does not matter whether scientific proof is available or not but then how one is living here? no intention to hurt any belief but wish to have your view, thanks.
of course it matters whether there is a way to validate a claim [aka scientific method] anthing else is just superstition/religion. funnt how the religious demand a scientific proof w/o actually showing any evidence FOR their position
Disagree, my body is just a tool that my mind controls. As for spirit, I am yet to have proof that something like that exists.
or, your mind is just a tool that your body uses to survive and evolve
Thank you very much.
Please explain.. may be your mind is young and body ageing, how?
Comment on the same is most welcome from @cascoly also:-)
"my body is just a tool that my mind controls" very clever wording Dantex460; it often is that way. My dear boy your spirit is that little voice besides your mind, the one that tells you "go on, you can do it!" or "you've got the talent, flaunt it"
They all complement each other. Without the mind, a human being is lacking the machinery to drive its internal processes. Without the body, a human being is not existing physically, and the spirit is the driving essence through eternity which is needed in every human being in order to propel their advancement to a higher degree of understanding.
When it comes to mind and body both are different in the sense you have to take care of your body and mind as individual elements....Just because one is not happy starts punishing the body by refusing food why should you do that....If body collapses and mind is active whats the use its like two different people so u need to take care of it. Spirit is connected to both like joy thats put smile on your face and make your body jump on the air.
All in one and yet separate, body is the first gift we realize we have got when we are born and we spend the first twenty years to use it and live in it and with it. Mind is another gift on which we rely mostly in our adulthood, in our most productive years. Spirit is the last gift we are keen to acknowledge in our last senior years when we are slowly loosing the two gifts mentioned above and suddenly we realise it is the best gift of them all and we try to keep it...alive as long as we can....
When you are self possessed, the body dominates. When you are asleep , imagining or concentrating on something that is removed from the reality of your immediate being, you are in the mental state or your mind is doing all the work. When you are able to decide where you are in relation to both these states , then your spirit is at rest.
Spirit need not be at rest, because it may be on a quest. The mind does not know about it. So, it is peaceful. When the answer is revealed, the mind at once realizes that some force (spirit) has moved his being to some new point in space and time.
So, in that respect it is all one.
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