What do you do to decompress and regroup on a day filled with constant coverage

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  1. B Lucy profile image60
    B Lucyposted 11 years ago

    What do you do to decompress and regroup on a day filled with constant coverage of a tragedy?

  2. ptosis profile image68
    ptosisposted 11 years ago

    I turned off the TV early am - didn't want to be brainwashed with fear and despair.
    In the book by Bary Glassner, "The Culture of Fear: Why Americans Are Afraid of the Wrong Things: Crime, Drugs, Minorities, Teen Moms, Killer Kids, Mutant Microbes, Plane Crashes, Road Rage, & So Much More", the author describes how the political uses of generating fear to motivate people into a state of confusion and free floating anxiety. A culture of fear that catastrophizes with worst case slippery slope scenarios with powerfully emotional images coupled with fear mongering journalism creates a constant under siege mentality on the human body that can literally make a person sick with fear." -

  3. Lisa HW profile image62
    Lisa HWposted 11 years ago

    I'll watch coverage of anything as long as it's pretty clear that things are being told once.  When "repeat info" starts to turn the coverage into little but re-hash I turn off the coverage until I think there's been time for some new information/event related to the original event turn up.

    It does victims of tragedy, and anyone else experiencing the sense of sadness and loss, or us; any good for us, as individuals, to let it consume our thoughts.  Taking mental rest from it all (to whatever degree anyone, with different levels of involvement in/exposure to, the tragedy can take that mental rest) helps replenish emotional energy to deal with/process things (but also "the rest of live in general").

    I don't really think how a person takes that mental rest matters much (although I think "mental rest" while awake is a different, and important, thing from just going to sleep and no thinking about anything at all).  Fresh air and a little conversation with someone else (about something other than the tragedy) helps most people, I think.  Something else that I think is important is that anyone (no matter how close he is or isn't to the tragedy) have some "fight" against it, and think, "I'm not going to let this take more away from me than it already has."

  4. Recently Awakened profile image60
    Recently Awakenedposted 11 years ago

    I try not to watch TV at all if I can help it. Anyway, anytime I want to feel better, I meditate, do yoga, or sit outside and connect with nature. This always helps. I focus on the positives of life and try to enjoy it, instead of being bombarded with tragedy while sitting in front of the TV all day. If I had to choose on thing, though, it would definitely be meditation. I find it spiritually uplifting, relaxing, and so good for my health.

  5. yoginijoy profile image64
    yoginijoyposted 11 years ago

    Our culture tries to influence us into becoming "image consumers." The TV, radio, even the internet will try to seduce us into watching violence and negativity.  The best thing you can do is simply choose not to consume these images. They are unhealthy and can literally make you sick.  Turn off the media.  Put on some calm beautiful music and do something that you enjoy. Maybe it is reading a great story to your child or loved one, or gardening, or meditating. Choose all your activities consciously to be healthy and always enjoy life!  Peace.

  6. joanwz profile image81
    joanwzposted 11 years ago

    I turn off the TV, radio, and internet. I don't pick up a newspaper. I go do other things besides pay attention to the non-stop news coverage of the events. With tragedies like this, the news agencies are tripping all over themselves trying to get coverage and they all keep reporting the same things over, and over, and over again. It's too much. I have to go do something - ANYTHING- else.

  7. bravewarrior profile image86
    bravewarriorposted 11 years ago

    I just don't watch the news.  I get my news from what my music radio station reports.  Some say I bury my head in the sand.  I say what I don't know doesn't hurt me.  I'm not a cold person at all, but I refuse to listen to the media because they don't report the good that goes on in this world.  I'd like to think there's a whole lot more good news to report than bad, but I guess that doesn't get ratings....


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