What is your stand regarding the war between Israel and Palestine?

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  1. allelsematters profile image57
    allelsemattersposted 12 years ago

    What is your stand regarding the war between Israel and Palestine?

  2. mintinfo profile image63
    mintinfoposted 12 years ago

    Spousal abuse designed for sympathy on Israels part. Their father Abraham would be appalled at the conduct of his children.

    1. safiq ali patel profile image66
      safiq ali patelposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I think the world has made a habit of hating and blaming Israel. That is what anti sematism was all about. I don't like the constant blaming of Israel. The political state of Israel was set as a homeland for jews after six millions were exterminated.

    2. mintinfo profile image63
      mintinfoposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      The worlds 4th largest military and perhaps the top brain power to go with it. Surely the mechanisms of war, covert or otherwise are not a mystery to Israel. Drones that can track ants on the desert sand but miss missiles  being stockpiled.

  3. Tusitala Tom profile image68
    Tusitala Tomposted 12 years ago

    I'd like to think I have a neutral stand on this issue but, unlike so many others, I probably have a bias hidden from my conscious mind.

    I see a people displaced by hoards of 'outsiders' because the rest of the world would not accept those outsiders.  How would you like to be pushed off your land by a people who vacated it - under duress from the Ancients Romans - 2000 years earlier who still claimed the place as their own?

    That's one side.

    On the other we have a people who had between 1936 and 1945 been systematically put to death (genocide) who jumped at the chance of at last having a country they could call their own.   And you can well understand why they became so military-minded.  No one was going to place them in Auswich and similar-type places ever again.

    What's the big problem?   The huge reluctance on both sides to admit that their religions (and all religions, really) are just ideas in their minds.   What is needed, is goodwill and a fair dose of Spirtuality WITHOUT religion.   In a sentence.  A choice for human belongingness rather than separation.

  4. safiq ali patel profile image66
    safiq ali patelposted 12 years ago

    This is one of those questions that can come up over dinner or it can come up in a serious conversation. I've always found it hard to answer. I come from a mixed family of Israelis, Palestinians, Briton, Indians and more.
    On a deep emotional level I believe we are all brothers. And so too are the Israelis and the Palestinians. So I regard the war to be an error. A product of bad thinking, hysteria, brainwashing and all in all some dark powers and even darker tactics. As a political solution perhaps the Israelis should allow Palestine to send members of Parliament from Palestine to sit in the Israeli Parliament. Perhaps the overall solution would be a brotherhood, shared politics, shared sovereignty, shared power under one state. The state of Israel and Palestine together. United not divided.
    But Allelsematters I think you will find that the reality will be more hate, more division and more violence between the two sides.
    And Integrated state of Palestine and Israel is unlikely. But in philosophy the two sides are from common and shared history. The Islamic holy book does NOT condemn Israel. The Quraan speak of God's love for the children of Israel. The Quraan also speaks of god (allah's) many favors to the children of Israel.
    But philosophy and the message of the Quraan is distorted especially inside Palestinian camps and the muslims of Palestine are instead fed a message of hate towards Israel. This hate is kept alive sadly in many cunning and masked ways.
    I'm not one for blaming America on this issue either. The Quraan and the Bible, the old testament and the new testament all speak of unity. The Israelis and the Palestinians must make this unity and common heritage real.   Till then and for as long as this war continues both sides are violating the call of God (allah) which in the gospel, the old testament (the book of jews) and the Quraan (Koran) say your god is a god of love who hath made you brothers and descendants of one another.
    In short they are gods children both sides spending over 54 years blowing one another up. Both sides can be said to be far from the message of their true faiths until the establish connections of love and peace between them.

    1. Mash 99 profile image38
      Mash 99posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      If some one will try to cornered the cat, a very gentle and loving mammal, and will not let her pass through then she will have no option but to attack. The same happens with Palestinian people. They are the most oppressed nation in our world.

    2. allelsematters profile image57
      allelsemattersposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I agree with you when you said that we are all brothers and sisters and that since the beginning of thew war it was totally an error, a misjudge by the leaders. And the leaders should be the one to talk on having peace talks.

    3. safiq ali patel profile image66
      safiq ali patelposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      mash 99. I still believe that unity and peace are the answer. In the real world it is probably forbidden for Israelis and Palestinians to be friends. But both sides must accept they are brothers. One nation not two divided nations.

    4. Mash 99 profile image38
      Mash 99posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I personally hate the wars but to resolve the disputes like this one all players of the game are needed to sacrifice many things. I also endorse your answer as the best one

    5. safiq ali patel profile image66
      safiq ali patelposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Love and Peace to you Mash 99. In abundance. Suraih Bakarah...."Your god is a god of love...." tells us mighyt Allah is a loving creator.

    6. James-wolve profile image79
      James-wolveposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Well,when you mentioned the Bible God,you put it in capital letter butwhen you came t mention the Muslim God,youdidnt put it in capital letter.What was in your mind?God's love for the children of Israel was before they get cursed.Sorry if offended u.

  5. profile image0
    CJ Sledgehammerposted 12 years ago

    Do to chronic disobedience, the land of Israel was handed over to its enemies, by the Almighty Himself.

    Titus, the Roman General who sacked Jerusalem in 70 A.D., said that he would accept no glory from defeating a foe that had been abandoned by their own God.

    The State of Israel today is the brainchild of rich Jews and Freemasons. It has nothing to do whatsoever with Biblical prophecy. The Almighty divorced the Jews, ended His covenant with them...and moved on. So should we.

    I do not mean to sound callous, but I would end all foreign aid to those middle-eastern countries and let them slug it out. May the best man win.

    1. safiq ali patel profile image66
      safiq ali patelposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      God did not expel Jews. He expelled those who were occultist Jews. In real terms those who were willing to eat human flesh and drink human blood in search of power were expelled. The first chapter of the quraan confirms gods love for Israel.

    2. profile image0
      CJ Sledgehammerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Perhaps reading the Holy Bible will give you a clearer view. :0)

  6. wba108@yahoo.com profile image81
    wba108@yahoo.composted 12 years ago

    I see the fault clearly with the Palestians and thier sympathizers. At no time since the birth of the Jewish nation 3000 years ago, were the Palestinians the majority poeple in the present nation of Isreal. The UN had divided up Palestinian and Isreali areas  in 1947, the Palestinians and thier enablers decided to wage a full scale war of the Jews in the area. They lost fair and square. Any additional territory taken by Isreal was and is necessary for their very survival because of fact that thier surounded by hostile neighbors, whose stated aim still is to wipe Isreal off the map.

    1. allelsematters profile image57
      allelsemattersposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      By your statement does it mean that the Palestinian wanted to take the territory of Israel?

    2. wba108@yahoo.com profile image81
      wba108@yahoo.composted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Certainly they wanted to take the territory of Israel but even more they wanted the Jewish people gone or dead, I'm not sure which.

    3. allelsematters profile image57
      allelsemattersposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Wow!that is a major problem if they seek for more territory and power and the war between the two I'm afraid that it will continue.

  7. allelsematters profile image57
    allelsemattersposted 12 years ago

    Thanks for all your comments, but do you think that the war between the two
    will end?I am worried by those children who are still growing and their future ahead
    is on hold due to the war and at an early age they experienced so much anger and hate from each opposing parties that could affect them emotionally and psychologically.

  8. James-wolve profile image79
    James-wolveposted 12 years ago

    There is no “Palestinian-Israeli conflict or war” that suggests some sort of equality in power, suffering, and negotiable tangibles, and there is no symmetry whatsoever in this equation. Israel is the Occupier and Oppressor; Palestinians are the Occupied and Oppressed. What is there to negotiate? Israel holds all the chips. They can give back some land, property, rights, but even that is an absurdity what about everything else? What about ALL the land, property and rights? Why do they get to keep anything :how is the appropriation of land and property prior to 1948 fundamentally different from the appropriation of land and property on this arbitrary 1967 date?
    I think Israel fears delegitimization more than anything else – Hamas Missiles are not that big deal in comparison to the damages that Israel has done in Gaza – Behind the velvet curtain lies a state built on myths and narratives, protected only by a military behemoth, billions of dollars in US assistance and a lone UN Security Council veto. Nothing else stands between the state and its dismantlement. Without these three things, Israelis would not live in an entity that has come to be known as the “least safe place for Jews in the world.”

    1. wba108@yahoo.com profile image81
      wba108@yahoo.composted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Wasn't their a significant amount of Jews in British Palestine prior to 1948? Why do the Palestinians claim rights to the land in the current state of Isreal, isn't it the traditional Jewish homeland?

    2. James-wolve profile image79
      James-wolveposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Historically,it  is not their land and British colonized it.

    3. allelsematters profile image57
      allelsemattersposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Oh, so what do the bombings and the killings in both parties means?if the problem is territorial, how can they resolve it without killing people and destroying their properties?

    4. profile image0
      CJ Sledgehammerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Where Palestine sits today, is where 10 of the 12 tribes of Israel belonged. But, they displeased the Almighty and He gave them over to the Assyrians in 725 B.C. The Jews lost the rest of Judah in 70 A.D., so for 2,000 years it hasn't been their home

    5. James-wolve profile image79
      James-wolveposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      They moved from northern Mesopotamia(Iraq nowadays).As they entered Ancient Palestine, the Phoenicians in the north and the Philistines in the south occupied definite areas.

  9. profile image67
    Jmiller17posted 12 years ago

    Short and to the point, i strongly support Israel. First, because as a Christian I believe in the right of Israel to have that land. But 2nd, what has the Palestine population done to deserve that land? Today, most of the world's violence is caused by Islamic Extremists, including the Hamas group that reigns in the Palestine part of Gaza and is strongly supported by many Palestine's. Instead of being productive and working peacefully, they tend to use force and terror, then try to get everyone to feel sorry for them. Until they can be peaceful and act like a civilized people, they don't need a country of their own. I fear if they were to get this land, terror based camps would have a new home.


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