Third World--will be lagging forever? in Globalization Era? solution?

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  1. pramodgokhale profile image38
    pramodgokhaleposted 12 years ago

    Third World--will  be lagging forever? in Globalization Era? solution?

    I am an Indian, India a member of third world nations group. HDI and other parameters, these nations are way behind and in 21st century how they are going to stand? There is list of  Failed nations. We discuss fundamental weakness, communities across third world are feudal by nature , then except India, undemocratic regimes rule there, corruption and nepotism is a part of system.
    Religion is a important factor in these nations , though religion has become poor institution but it's hot cake.brings political dividends. Economy, education, media are controlled.
      No free flow of Knowledge

  2. SidKemp profile image72
    SidKempposted 12 years ago

    You ask an extremely complicated question, and you ask it well.

    I am looking ahead not decades, but more like half-centuries or centuries.

    I believe that the first world and second world nations will continue to falter, but remain strong in some ways and dominant internationally.

    I believe that, in 50 years, we will see the global population start to decline. This will include massive die-offs of people - a million or more in single events. Global climate change and a toxic global environment together with increased human population will create untold challenges that few are willing to look at.

    China will probably remain steady and continue to grow in strength for about a century. But, unless it changes direction on environmental destruction and internal corruption, it, too will fall.

    This is the context which India, and each nation, faces, the world in which each hopes to succeed. And every nations issues are complicated. In India, yes, religion is key. In the U.S. and Europe, multicultural and multiracial integration or tolerance is key.

    I don't have any predictions specifically for India. But I do know that India has a solution. Every nation does. It's own great leaders and visionaries point the way towards success. The US should look to Martin Luther King, Jr., Jimmy Carter, Thoreau, and Lincoln. India should look to Gandhi, among others. He proposed solutions for religious strife and sustainable economics. His solutions would also prevent environmental degradation and destruction. Do not idolize him - renew and improve upon his work.

    If you go to my profile, then select topics - Politics and Social Issues (click on All to find the options), you will see 8 articles addressing these issues.

    Let's build a better world - one person, one nation at a time.

  3. AlexK2009 profile image76
    AlexK2009posted 12 years ago

    In a book called "East and West" C. Northcote Parkinson noted that global domination tends to swing  between East and West.  In Why the West Rules for now Ian Morri notes that various factors make one side dominant for a long time, some of these being accidental.

    I think we will reach a point where all nations are  roughly equal, except perhaps militarily. What happens then  is anyone's guess.

  4. juneaukid profile image71
    juneaukidposted 12 years ago

    I agree that 3rd world nations will lag behind for ever under the present circumstances. But here is my humble solution. Each UN first world power nation shall within the next calendar year adopt one third world nation as its sister nation and develop a special trade partnership with this nation and develop a special tourism relationship that fosters travel to this adopted country. For instance China could adopt Peru or United States adopt Ivory Coast.

  5. Doc Snow profile image83
    Doc Snowposted 12 years ago

    I disagree.  Economic growth across much of the 'developing world' is far exceeding growth in the developed world--as in several multiples (say 2-5 times greater)--and it appears likely that this trend will continue for quite some time.

    Poverty reduction in your country and others--Brazil, Mexico, a surprising list of African nations--has been pretty remarkable over the last decade.

    Yes, many of the factors you mention are very real challenges--you know that better than I, I'm sure.  Yet slowly they are being met.

    And, on the other side of the coin, in the developed world we do not necessarily have such things 'figured out.'  Our media may be free, largely, of direct government control, but that does not mean that they necessarily do a uniformly good job of providing the information, discussion and context that we need in order to make the best decisions.  Nor are our political processes--democratic though they may be--necessarily functioning optimally (or even adequately.)  In the US, partisan gridlock is paralyzing action on climate change and threatening fiscal ruin.  In Europe, says one prominent politician, "We know what must be done, we just don't know how to get re-elected after we do it."

    And, speaking of climate change, that is a very big joker in the deck.  Many of the less-developed nations are tropical or sub-tropical, and though warming is less in the tropics, the temperature ceilings for good health for humans (and our favored commensal species) are much lower.  For example, Indian rice and wheat yields could be reduced quite substantially with even small additional amounts of warming--particularly since they are sensitive not so much to the average (which is less changeable) as to the extreme heatwaves (which will increase more markedly than the mean will.)

    Thus, if climate change is allowed to continue to worsen, it will be a comparative disadvantage to the developing world, both because the problem is intrinsically worse, and because fewer economic resources are available to help adaptation efforts than in the developed world.

    1. SidKemp profile image72
      SidKempposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      A very good analysis. We can't however, consider climate change alone. We also have to consider destruction of farmland through agribusiness practices. This is a major issue for India's rice crop.

    2. Doc Snow profile image83
      Doc Snowposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you!

      Yes, land use decisions of various types will certainly be important as well.  (And, for that matter, also impact climate!)

    3. SidKemp profile image72
      SidKempposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks back, Doc Snow. I'd be really interested in your thoughts on my hubs on ecology. Go to my profile / content / and at the Show: ALL, hit the drop-down and select Politics and social issues. I hope to see you there!

    4. Doc Snow profile image83
      Doc Snowposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I will check them out!

    5. Lions Den Media profile image60
      Lions Den Mediaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      This climate change argument lacks serious credibility. Climate - by definition is ever changing. It is irresponsibly naive to place such emphasis on an unproven theory that has relied on excessively impractical models and using false data.

    6. Doc Snow profile image83
      Doc Snowposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Lions Den, you are quite incorrect.  Yes, climate changes, but what humanity is driving with its greenhouse gas emissions is problematic for our well-being.  Climate models have a strong record, and there's no 'false data.'

  6. Funom Makama 3 profile image66
    Funom Makama 3posted 12 years ago

    I totally disagree with you when it comes to India... Asia has woken up and there are lots of Nations rising up to the Ocassion. Is it the 4 Tigers (South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and singapore)? Or Japan? Or China? With such an influence, countries like India will definitely do something.... The main issue is the black continent... Africa in particular and then the densely populated Black Nations (especially those in the Caribbean), I really do not see them catching up any time soon cos of the level of selfishness, childish mentality, greed and the worship of the self... So, even though your question is quite ambiguous, I think I have found a way to answer it from my own perspective...

    1. Doc Snow profile image83
      Doc Snowposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      On Africa, there are 'outsiders' who have really changed their minds, and see a more hopeful future than you.  For a couple of examples: … -cover/223

  7. Lions Den Media profile image60
    Lions Den Mediaposted 12 years ago

    Hello pramodgokhale - hope you're well.
    As for the Third World lagging forever, I believe that yes these countries will continue as third world countries unless they adopt and embrace political, educational, and economic change.
    Certainly a democratic Republic based on constitutional principles of individual freedom is critical as the initial reform necessary for any third world country to unshackle human creativity.
    Within the context of a Constitutional Republic form of government, a country's leaders can then begin to implement a sound legal system and begin the reforms necessary to create economic growth and reform education and the media.
    The primary problems however, that I've seen with governments attempting to model themselves after a country like the US is the mistake in believing the US political and economic model is flawed. This thought process leads countries to believe that increasing the content of (i.e. the number of laws and rights) takes precedent over quality of content.
    All political documents are flawed in some fashion, however the American Constitution is concise focusing on fundamental individual rights and limiting the reach of government. However, all too often there is a perception that there are inherent rights for everything, which essentially limits individual freedom, while unintentionally expanding government power. Since the US Constitution is the longest standing most enduring political document ever devised.
    Then of course there is the economic system - which in order to succeed must above all else protect "private property rights" and contract law. Also adopting a capitalist economic model is essential to long term viability, growth and success.
    Without these fundamental elements - third world nations are destined to languish. Freedom, which necessitates removing the sense of entitlement, is the key to any successful government, especially in a global environment whereupon capital flows to countries that provide economic freedom and the political and legal systems in place to protect those freedoms. This in turns protects investment capital, which drives economic growth.
    As for religion - it must be protected, yet there must also exist some tolerance, but not to the point of the detriment to society. For example, the religion of Islam is perfectly fine, however radical Islam based on Sharia Law is contradictory to the tenants of Liberty and capitalism.

  8. yoginijoy profile image66
    yoginijoyposted 12 years ago

    I have two answers for this question. 1) As individuals we must develop spiritually to understand that we are all one. When we see that we are all connected and that if one of us is struggling, we are all struggling we will learn to act for change.
    2) Business needs to invest in social change. I believe an Economics Professor from Bangladesh won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006 for this idea (Gameen Bank). The idea is that larger companies (not nations) must invest in the people of the planet, perhaps through microlending to women in underdeveloped nations or in the environment (such as Coca-Cola and their efforts to aid Polar Bears). When there is a benefit for social improvement rather than just financial profit, we will improve greatly.

    When you mention religion or feudalism, we must look at the underlying poverty within those regions. If poverty were wiped out, there would be lots of opportunities and less anger, less feeling devalued as individuals or groups.

    We must learn to live as one and celebrate each and every one of us!

    1. SidKemp profile image72
      SidKempposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks, Yogiinjoy. I always appreciate your insightful comments. I hope you'll stop by my latest Hubs on Go Green and take a look.

  9. pramodgokhale profile image38
    pramodgokhaleposted 12 years ago

    SidKemp ,
    Sir sorry to reply you late
    I think you are optimistic about third world.For your information India is surrounded by failed nations and millions of immigrants illegally enter our country, India already has partition wound and in future more shocks in waiting. yes India absorbs shocks but it is not our business to act as a shock absorb-er, we engaged in development
    India will become multi-cultural nation but we do not need these unskilled people or a raw labor , they can not benefit our economy at all.
    I think USA is facing similar problems on Mexico border.
    Pramod gokhale

    1. SidKemp profile image72
      SidKempposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Yes. The Gandhian solution is to accept that these are tribal peoples, and not try to "civilize" them fast. Instead, build villages using the latest green technologies and nourish self-governed, slow growth.


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