Why doesn't the Republican Party allow the voters to decide whether they want Tr

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  1. bradmasterOCcal profile image51
    bradmasterOCcalposted 8 years ago

    Why doesn't the Republican Party allow the voters to decide whether they want Trump?

    Shouldn't the goals of the party reflect the goals of the voters?
    We have seen from the last 100 yrs that both parties have failed the US, and the people.
    Otherwise, how did we get to where we are today?
    Maybe the parties, should listen to the voters and adjust to their will, rather than impose the party will on them.
    The Super Pacs are spending millions of dollars against their own party to take down Trump.
    Without Trump in the race everyone in both parties are at the same level, low to the ground.
    The voters are the prey and they act like a herd, with the exception of those for Trump.


  2. Alternative Prime profile image60
    Alternative Primeposted 8 years ago

    because Bigot Trump is a Racist, a CON-Man, a Fraud, he's ANGRY, Indignant, Mentally Un-Stable, Mentally Incompetent, a Chronic Liar, an Egotistical MANIAC, Un-Patriotic, Un-American, He has THOUSANDs of Pending FRAUD Law Suits, He was already FOUND Guilty of running the now DEFUNCT "Trump University" without a License, he had other Fraud Law Suits Filed Against him in the Past, he started numerous FAILED ventures, he has willfully and deliberately ALIENATED Mexicans, Hispanics, Asians, Muslims, African Americans, Women, the Disabled, American Workers, WORLD Leaders etc, and that's just what I can think of at the MOMENT ~ ADD it  ALL Up and Trump is Disqualified ~ But as Sinful & Disgraceful as the preceding is, there is NO Way Americans can possibly ALLOW a Human Being of his Psychologically Flawed & COMPROMISED Temperament anywhere NEAR the "NUKE Button" ~  It does look like he'll be the GOP Nominee though ~

    1. lovemychris profile image82
      lovemychrisposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Did you see that cowboy Trumpster? He hit a black man that was at a Trump rally, and said next time we may have to kill him. K k k. No doubt about it.

    2. Alternative Prime profile image60
      Alternative Primeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Trump is Psychologically DISTURBED ~ If he's NOT in Prison Before NOV 2016 I'll be surprised ~ The ONLY way to STOP disgraceful violent incidents like the one you mentioned is to CHARGE the "Donald" with "Inciting Assault & Battery" ~

    3. lovemychris profile image82
      lovemychrisposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, for him to say he "hopes" his rhetoric has not led to violence is TOTAL bs. Very early on,2 Boston guys beat up a Mexican man citing Trump!

  3. lovemychris profile image82
    lovemychrisposted 8 years ago

    Oh. So we're all a herd, except for you Trumpsters?
    Have you seen the rallies? You want to talk herd. Raise your hand for me, assaulting people who are there--black people, Muslims and reporters. Trumpzilla saying he wants to punch someone...big tough guy huh? That might impress Trumpsters, to me it makes him a bully, and his crowds the herd. The same herd we see over and over again: I am better than you, now step aside. Otherwise, they would not react with malice to someone whos different, or asking questions. Sanders people are the same. (On twitter, anyway) Calling people who like Hillary stupid and brainwashed.
    Oh yeah, Sanders and Trump have all the answers. Congress will let them do anything they want.
    Pie in the sky. It's actually to our benefit that Hillary has made some alliances over at Repub central.
    It's called the ship of state, not tugboat Annie.

  4. tamarawilhite profile image84
    tamarawilhiteposted 8 years ago

    To the Republican party elite, losing yet another election to a Democrat is no big deal - they've lost with Romney, McCain and Dole.
    But losing control of the party base - the Tea Party and Evangelicals - is terrifying, because it costs them their position. They've made promises to these groups for years that they've mostly abandoned, but it didn't matter because those groups had no where to go. Now they have Trump to tap into, the no way politically correct and close the borders and everything else they say, and he taps into the fears of the union Rust Belt Democrats, too, about economics and unfair world trade and jobs.

    If someone like Rubio won, they'd have a candidate that might win, and if they lost, oh, well, be the Democrat-lite leadership again and get kudos for giving in to the Democrats periodically.

    So to the Republican party leadership, Trump is worse because they lose the party if he wins. It is rather telling that they care more about keeping control than they do saving the country given the downward slide it is on.

    1. lovemychris profile image82
      lovemychrisposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Have really been impressed with Rubio lately.Not his politics,but his INTEGRITY on Mr Donald Trump.He is spot on in his assessments,imo.But if course, gets dismissed as "establishment", or "pc". Meanwhile, ole Trump falls back on tried and true fear.


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