How do you evaluate present India political system? I would like to know the fee

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  1. icv profile image48
    icvposted 8 years ago

    How do you evaluate present India political system? I would like to know the feeling of non Indian?

    The present government in India comes with huge majority support. It completed almost three years of five years. People trusted with the present government. And they are waiting to see development. How do you evaluate the present condition of Indian politics?

  2. lions44 profile image90
    lions44posted 8 years ago

    I only have a cursory knowledge of the situation based on reading the Economist, etc.  Nothing appears to get done on time. It's the same probably in this country, but we have the mechanisms in place to get things accomplished, although sometimes issues get delayed due to politics.  That political infrastructure is lacking in India, at least from the outside. 
    But as an American, it seems very chaotic and the size of your country (diverse population), makes cohesion seem almost impossible.  The U.S. is diverse, but noting like India.   I've always thought we have a common culture in the States.  We're a lot younger too, which helps.

    1. icv profile image48
      icvposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for your comment. But you missed to evaluate the present condition.

    2. profile image0
      jonnycomelatelyposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I am currently reading an article by  roger darlington, … ystem.html
      Most interesting.  I will get back to you when I have read right through.

  3. profile image0
    jonnycomelatelyposted 8 years ago

    Irshad, thank you for this question.

    It is not easy to evaluate from outside of your country.  We don't get a lot of information regarding your Government system, much less of the local, provincial governments.  It's a common problem around the world, that we only get sensational news reported, anything that will either cause a riot (if one was not present to begin with) or feed the coffers of some media mogul.

    However, from a personal view point, only having visited India 3 times in my life, and having enjoyed those visits, there are a couple of aspects which might help answer your question.

    First, I suspect there is a strong influence felt from India's brush with British Colonialism.  That did give a great education to India by way of keeping records and a fairly consistent bureaucracy.  But it also brought with it a distorted sense of morality and superiority.  I am thinking specifically here about laws relating to homosexuality.  I feel India should discard the prudish remnants of old British attitudes where they are inappropriate and unreasonable.

    Secondly, the habits of "Western" culture have seeped into India's life, with an emphasis on what is seen as "modern," "respectable," and "keeping up with the Jones's."  One example here is substituting the Sitting Toilet pan, which is far, far less healthy on our human body than the traditional "Squat." 

    India is a very resourceful and innovating nation.  The rest of the world will benefit from this, in my opinion.

    1. icv profile image48
      icvposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for your comments. Mr. Alan did you read anything about current Indian condition relating to governance.?;

    2. profile image0
      jonnycomelatelyposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Sorry I have not.  Would like to.  Have you any suggestions for links?  Have just looked up "Current Indian Government Trends."

    3. icv profile image48
      icvposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for sharing the article which you read. It is nice and true article....

  4. alancaster149 profile image76
    alancaster149posted 8 years ago

    Irshad, economically you're in an enviable situation.
    India's trade books are pretty well balanced and you have a nuclear capability like your neighbours China and Pakistan.
    However you have a yawning gulf - worse than ours - between the 'haves' and 'have-nots', and a poor record of safety on your raílways. For example, within Mumbai the rich in their walled and gated mansions live cheek-by-jowl with the poor and homeless and don't seem to want to address the problem. Your industries do well, manned by those who don't share in the boom - often the so-called 'untouchables'. Do they have a say in which way the country goes, and do they even have a vote?
    When the social ills have been addressed you might find India's 'voice' being listened to as more than a 'card-carrying democracy'.

  5. Nathanville profile image93
    Nathanvilleposted 8 years ago

    A hard question, I know very little about India’s political system.  I’ve just read about the ‘Politics of India’ on Wikipedia; but of course although Wikipedia can be a good source of reliable information (as biased articles are discouraged) it can sometimes get facts wrong or miss out vital information. 

    And besides, just reading about something is a poor substitute for personal knowledge, which you can only really gain through personal experience.  I find listening to someone who has first-hand knowledge, or corresponding with them, a far richer source than just ‘cold’ reading.

    From what I’ve learnt from Wikipedia I understand that you have a multiparty system but in practice it tends towards a one party system e.g. a single party in power for decades with little real political change.  I understand that currently the Bharatiya Janata Party (a right wing party) has an overwhelming majority.

    As an outsider I don’t have a clue on whether the present Indian government is good or not for India and its people.  Popularity in a government isn’t always a reliable gauge e.g. the voting public can sometimes get mesmerised by a strong leadership, even when that leader is ruthless e.g. Hitler being a prime example, and the Iron Lady (Margaret Thatcher) as the British Prime Minister from 1979 until her resignation in 1992 following mass demonstrations against her attempt to introduce the poll tax (one step too far).

    All I can say is that Britain and the rest of the European Union benefits from multiparty systems (and the occasional coalition government) e.g. we have five major political parties in the UK.  Therefore, as an outsider I would like to see the other political parties having a bigger influence in your political system e.g. the Green Party in the Bristol City Council (local government), which is where I live, power share with the Labour Party so local policies are heavily influenced by Green Issues.

    However, you have a far better understanding of the current India political system than I do and therefore you’re better placed to know what’s best for India.

    In that respect I’d be keen to hear your views.


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