Euro-American Terrorist's Pose The Greatest Threat Here In America. Do U Agree?
This man just killed one person and injured three others at a bar in Olathe Kansas. On the upside, Adam Purinton will only have to make one phone call from jail when he talks to his wife, his sister, and his mother. There is never a shortage of outrage and chest beating here on Hubpages when a Muslim ,or so-called illegal immigrant kills someone, or when a black person steals a box of Pampers during a riot. However, terrorist acts against people of color by Euro-Americans has been commonplace in America for over 500 years. This is what a real terrorist looks like.
"get out of my country", he screamed.
now, where would he get that idea?
another white boy tried to pull a dylan roof on some muslims....trump supporter in canada shoots muslims while they pray.
ill say one thing: this president and his radical islam propaganda, his muslim ban, and his stupid racist wall IS the most dangerous terrorist on earth.
that is my opinion!
I didn't know about the one in Canada, but I'm not surprised. Sean Spicer, White House Press Secretary, said in other words, that it was too early to tell whether or not the shooting was racially motivated. Of course he did!
way way back when trump was first starting out,he had a fundraiser somewhere near day, two white guys beat up an hispanic man "for trump". his rallies? violence encouraged by the maniac.imagine if obama told someone to punch a tea party
Over the years, I've seen quotes by FBI officials, saying the biggest threat to the US isn't state-sponsored terrorism, it's the lone individual who attacks with no apparent warning. That kind of terrorism can't be easily predicted or tracked, because it's just one person, going about his daily business.
Sadly, this kind of crazy knows no ethnicity. It could be anyone.
I agree. But Trump's popularity is due in large part to his Nationalist rhetoric, and his Archie Bunker definition of the bogeyman. I suggest we will be seeing more of this kind of crazy, since he has given them wings to fly.
How stupid. Ask any Muslim whose family has been beheaded, raped, tortured or burned alive, why they want Isis out of their country. Isis does not reside here. That is why you have the luxury of focusing on home grown terrorists who do not affect you
I have no doubt that when children are murdered by racist cops it doesn't bother you, or that when 9 people were murdered while praying in a church it didn't make a blip on your radar. But I am affected by 500 years of Colonialist Terrorism
yes, when people are safe in their skin and their pc religion, they cant see that the police and the church in america are the terror that other people face. on a daily basis. now, as you said, this terror has the green light from trump. hideurkids
As a CATHOLIC, it brings me no pleasure to RECITE the FACT that Christian Citizens living in the USA, Commit far more Violent Crime than any Muslim or "Terrorist" could ever DREAM of ~ I'm not sure what the exact odds are, but if U live here in the United States it's an EXTREMELY Rare Event in the big picture, to have a CRIME Perpetrated against U by a NON-Citizen ~ However, the HARDCORE Facts will certainly not DETER the most Corrupt, Crooked & Mentally UNHINGED Putin-POODLE Pseudo-President from attempting to once again to BAN individuals from countries which have a Track Record consisting of "ZERO Terrorist ACTs" against the USA, while Unilaterally Exhonerating Countires which have a PROVEN TRACK Record of Incubating "BAD Dudes" who have ALREADY ATTACKED US ~ Say that a few times in your own head ~
No Business DEALz for Drumpf & his Grifter Family? BANNED ~ Business Dealz? Exhonerated ~ As usual, Drumpf has it Insanely BACKWARDs, in REALITY, Saudi Arabia & UAE should be BANNED ~
The Global RESISTANCE Against Trump, Bannon, Ryan, McConnel & Complicit Repugnantkins has already reached ENORMOUS Proportions & Growing by the second, the GOAL is to BEAT Down Drumpf & MITIGATE the Damage he can achieve until he and his Dangerous CLOWNs are ultimately REMOVED from OUR White House ~
They do give Jesus a bad name. But as you know, a racist could care less about the facts and the figures. It's all about the money and who you are sleeping with. Allegedly, the mastermind behind 9/11 was Bin Laden from UAR, which was "not" banned.
AGREED ~ Moreover, as "Delusional Donald" LIMPs along until he's REMOVED, he's BOGGED Down in another DILEMMA ~ Considering Canada will RECEIVE ALL Refugees, does Drumpf ADAPT & Build the "GREAT Useless WALL" along the NORTHERN Border NOW??
Seriously? Illegal immigrants commit tens of thousands of crimes in the United States EVERY year. … nts-crime/
Readmikenow ~ AVERAGE 16,000 Homicides Annually in the US, the VAST Majority R COMMITTED by American Citizens, not Undocumented Immigrants or "PHANTOM Foreign Terrorists" or BIGFOOTs ~ U can believe FACTs or a DELUSIONAL Fool Named Donald
There are terrorists of all races & ethnicities. THEY are ALL to be feared. I fear ALL TERRORISTS. I fear the Black terrorist as I fear the Caucasian terrorist, & Asian terrorist. By the way, what is composed of Muslim terrorists are from ALL racial categories-Caucasian, Asian, & Black.
Caucasian American terrorists exist. Oftentimes, they are more dangerous than other terrorists, especially to non-Caucasian people.
According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, there are Euro-American terrorists more dangerous & lethal than any Muslim terrorist group. Such groups include Christian Identity Group, Radical Traditional Catholicism, American Promise Ministries, Aryan Nation,
American Nazi Party, American Vikings, & Vinlanders. The Southern Poverty Law Center has reported the rise of Caucasian hate & nationalist groups since Obama became president in 2008.
and lets not forget operation rescue. terrorists extraordinaire.
Dangerously Delusional BOZO Clownish Lookin' Elderly White Dudes like Drumpf, Bannon & Paul Ryan are Runnin' around Pretending they're the THIRD Reich ~ But, as usual, they R HISTORY Ignorant & Fail 2 Reckognize how NAZIS were EVISCERATED
Yes, they exist in all flavors. But it is quite popular among racists to highlight the handful of Muslim Terrorists and not speak a word about the far greater incidence of Euro-American terrorist acts against people of color.
the terrorists to fear are those who hold seats in the govt. they have the power to take away our rights with the stroke of a pen. right now we can bear arms to defend ourselves against hate groups if keep your guns oiled, your eyes open
This is supposed to offset the millions of people around the world that have been killed, beheaded, tortured and blown up by Muslims. Yes, a single incidence what a threat?
Why are so many people worried about non Americans while doing nothing for the Americans. Worried about water boarding terrorists, while having no consideration for the victims of these terrorists.
Simply cause other lives matter too. Do you think these guys that this fanatic shot were terrorist including one humane American that jumped in for rescue.
Someday OUR "Technological Wizards" will CONJURE a Twilight ZONE "BAN" which is Retroactive 2 OBSTRUCT, Block & STOP the "REAL THREAT" which is Delusional Donald Drumpf's Filthy ANCESTORs who Entered the USA with Intent 2 PILLAGE & STEAL
U do not know history. The genocide of over 100 million Indigenous. 20,000 freed slaves murdered in one year by Union Soldiers in the "Devils Punchbowl". The Red Summer of 1919. The list goes on and continues unto the present.
This is 2017, the terrorists of today will kill you not dead ones from 1919? These terrorists have been killing for centuries.
They are Muslim Terrorist and they are killing innocent people all around the world.
lol@brad ~ These "PHANTOM Terrorists" your JACKass Pseudo-Pres claims arrive here from 7 MIDDLE-Eastern States that account 4 ZERO Murders have some catching Up 2 do ~ "MURDERs" in the USA Perpetrated Annually by NON-Terrorists? 16,238
Brad, The shooting in Kansas was only a few days ago. The Charleston church shooting was less than 2 years ago. This Euro-American terrorist threat has been active for over 500 years. If U considered people of color as human U would understand.
they have the 9/11 audio...this-guy thought he was killing iranians for a second amendment solution?
It's obvious the concept of a "terrorist" is beyond many of you. A terrorist is a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. What was the political motivation of the man you mention? Was his goal to cause fear and terror within a specific population? I question if you are able to understand this concept. Adam Purinton is just a stupid ignorant man who professed no political agenda. He acted alone. He had no idea what he was doing. A person stealing something during a riot is not a terrorist. A criminal maybe, but no terrorist. Muslim terrorism is based on a a worldwide Muslim caliphate. Their goal is a one-world single government run by Muslims. Read Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi. That is why Muslim acts of terrorism happen all over the world. There is NO equivalent with any other religion. When you try and make such a point, you don't look too bright. So, if any of you can grasp the concept of terrorism and understand the idea of the worldwide Muslim caliphate, you may be able to comprehend the situation in the world.
al baghdadi was trained by mossad: snowden docs. isis is there to make islam enemy #1. lone shooter told 9/11 he was killing iranians for trump. seems pretty clear to me. "take our country back" he screamed "get out of my country" before killing him
Mossad? Fake news. … n-elliot/. The rest you're making up. Good try.
Readmikenow ~ Your "DEFINITION of Terrorism" Perfectly Describes Donald DRUMPF & Repugnantkins ~ We must PURSUE the Removal of "DELUSIONAL Donald", Weirdo Paul Ryan & Half Cocked Mitch McConnel before they Completely Decimate "WE the PEOPLE"
Fascinating how U described Manifest Destiny. Christianity is exactly the equivalent. Read The Dum Diversas. Purinton is the inbred legacy of Colonialist Terrorism. "Get Out of "My" Country" he said. White Supremacy feeds on fear and intimidation.
Is there anyone on the left capable of a coherent conversation? I'm waiting. The rest of you need to made sure you have taken all of the medications prescribed to you by your therapist. It's obvious when you don't.
more than just one source-judge for yourself … baghdadi/. “He said he shot and killed two Iranian people in Olathe,”the bartender said. witnesses said he screamed "get out of my country". and?
SOS...They Syrian Free Press...from a Wordpress account? A blog? I'll be kind and say your source is questionable and that is being kind. Again...nice try. I appreciate the effort. If that's all you have, you have nothing.
lol! whats your source?? and i have the number one test: qui bono? who is benefitting from isis? islam??just the opposite. and u need to distinguish
isis, isil? daesh....isis feeds warmongering, not islam. war profiteers luv isis.
RMN, Like many here on Hubpages, when U cannot challenge an argument U ignore the argument and respond with vitriol and childish cliche's. Being my subordinate, I find your good measure of disrespect quite remarkable.
I just can't take what has been written here seriously. It seems these posts often evolve into a fun game to see who can be more bizarre. There is no points being made. Nothing from viable sources. This is just entertainment.
Truth does not fit your narrative, and so U claim there are no viable sources. Yet, the historical record of the last 500+ years substantiates my assertion that Euro-American's continue to pose the greater terrorist threat here in the United States.
well gawl dang,if national vanguard is the new woodward and bernstein lets drop all other sources!! i mean your source must be the right one,right?i mean,because it fits your narrative and all.pffft.ill bet you googled subject and looked for rebuttal
SOS & guys are fun. I enjoy your responses. You may not realize this...but your most recent responses made my point. You guys are great.
but you dont consider a man who screams "get out of my country" and shoots to kill a terrorist..or a group of menacing crazies who post doctors addresses and where their kids go to school on line..or a kkk cop whos over a black neighborhood.terror!
SOS, Over 500 years of terrorism against people of color is not considered terrorism to a racist. We can agree that Middle Eastern people in Kansas will think twice about going out in public, or even living there :The desired effect of terrorism.
yes.and until things equal up,it will never end.and of course,who cares how many stochastic terrorists like trump are out there, riling up nutjobs with guns.cause they care about keeping america safe,dont you know. watch keith olbermans latest video
"Muslim terrorism is based on a a worldwide Muslim caliphate."
no it isn't. it's based on the teachings of the Qur'on, their holy book. i guess some things are "beyond" you as well. but don't worry, ignorance makes the world go 'round.
There are times in our history domestic violence has been pretty awful. The U.S. has many psychologically disturbed minds that have perpetuated heinous crimes. Different terrorist groups around the world are as capable of atrocious actions as anyone else. And of course, personal motives, and group religion terror differ by leaps and bounds.
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