Rachel Maddow reports Trump's leaked 2005 tax returns. Can bad news by the media

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  1. Misfit Chick profile image78
    Misfit Chickposted 7 years ago

    Rachel Maddow reports Trump's leaked 2005 tax returns. Can bad news by the media also be good news?

    Media seems to have tainted many things about the 2016 election from beginning to end. ALL news is written to 1) make most money & 2) reflect the view of the person writing it - meaning 'manipulation' comes by ALL. Most people can spot manipulation - such as this 'report' by Rachel (a liberal) on Trump's tax returns: 1) Makes The Donald look GOOD; and 2) its too old or doesn't have anything to do with how his bankruptsies have been processed. My question isn't easy: Do you think manipulative and/or fake news should be dealt with - or should we let peeps navigate thru it as 'free speech'?


  2. lovemychris profile image82
    lovemychrisposted 7 years ago

    of course we have to let free speech stand! we're not america if we dont.
    however, we may need to make better use of libel laws...as i just read: "if its a crime to committ a felony, falsely accusing of a felony is a crime as well"
    speech that defames is not free....there should be a cost for that.

    1. lovemychris profile image82
      lovemychrisposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      i will add that we live in parrallel universes here, based on what we see and hear.
      i never ever watch or  listen to the hard right, so when they say cia hacked dnc, its a whole other reality.

    2. bradmasterOCcal profile image50
      bradmasterOCcalposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Freedom of speech doesn't mean we can defame and tell lies about people. Truth is a perfect defense against defamation. Freedom of speech has boundaries, fabricating news is not the truth,nor is it News. Leaking fed classified info is a felony,

    3. lovemychris profile image82
      lovemychrisposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      sorry, fox news went to court and won the right to lie. believe them at your peril.and leaking classified info is a crime? so is colluding w a foreign gvt. and what should happen to trump, who defamed a prez by accusing him of a felony?

  3. lions44 profile image90
    lions44posted 7 years ago

    Based on my absolutist approach to the first amendment, I used to say that the average viewer/reader can spot when they are being manipulated, so let them decide. Just put everything out, no filter needed.  But now, I'm not so sure.  My reasons:

    1. The Birther movement -  The amount of fools that fell for this crap went beyond anything I could possibly imagine.  Now, one of the leading purveyors of that theory is our President. 

    2. Wikileaks -  Assange has everyone fooled that he is some free speech martyr fighting the intelligence industrial complex,  when he's just a tool of the Russian government.  RT News announced his "findings" before he even released them. Even Fox News has become a vassal of this idiot. It's making people paranoid. 

    3. Maddow  (even the filters have problems) -  She got punked last night by Trump's team.  No other way to say it. I have no idea how she didn't figure that out before she went on air. 2 pages of a 1040 is not a scandal.  Where's the schedules and business data?  Embarrassing. 

    How to deal with it?  Follow Jake Tapper's lead. Call it out.  Stop having folks on the extreme ends of the spectrums or those who just BS such as Conway and Roger Stone.  There are some of the left as well (some of Bernie's supporters take it too far on air as well).

    1. bradmasterOCcal profile image50
      bradmasterOCcalposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      CJ your comment falls into the same bs,only you don't think it does because you believe it to be gospel. but, there aren't facts that assist it. birther, being a citizen is a requirement for the presidency. It s b ?d if there is doubt, then ? it.

    2. lions44 profile image90
      lions44posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      1. Obama was born in Hawaii in 1961. Period.  Fly to Honolulu and request a copy. 
      2. Trump was not bugged by Obama. Period. Chairman Nunes, a big Trump supporter, stayed there was no evidence to back up the claim. 

      These are facts.

  4. profile image0
    Hxprofposted 7 years ago

    No, we can't "deal" with any of it except to seek the truth ourselves.  We're absolutely in a time when good is called evil, and evil good - and sorting through it is the job of each person.

    1. Misfit Chick profile image78
      Misfit Chickposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I like this answer, but I have never doubted the ability of my fellow humans to intelligently sort thru it since Trump came along. When both sides practice manipulation & accuse each other of it & there seems to be no end in sight, its madden

    2. lovemychris profile image82
      lovemychrisposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      what manipulation are the dems practicing here? they want to see his tax returns as a matter of national security. hes accused of nothing. its true that he refuses to release his tax returns.its true that an audit wont prevent it.its true hes hiding

    3. Misfit Chick profile image78
      Misfit Chickposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      In this case, its like Rachel jumped on a 'hot story' about Trump's tax returns without really knowing the scoop - because its such a hot topic for us. It twists the knife on emotions & doesn't add substance - similar to other manipulative news.

    4. lovemychris profile image82
      lovemychrisposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      i dont find it manipulative at all. it was honest. he should release his returns. good, bad and ugly. and since hes refusing...and lying about it (nobody cares), anything is better than nothing. and this goes for sanders, too. should he run 2020.

    5. Misfit Chick profile image78
      Misfit Chickposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I agree, he should release his returns - after all, he said he would if he won. But manipulating at any cost isn't cool. It just gives the right 'real' fodder to throw at us which of course makes ALL their accusations true in their eyes.

  5. wpcooper profile image94
    wpcooperposted 7 years ago

    I don't think "most people can spot manipulation" as you put it....unfortunately there are too many people who base their information and knowledge from what they see on television.  They don't see news as entertainment, propaganda, or other people's opinions.  The news and news shows such as Maddow's ( I honestly have not watched her) need to keep people not only entertained, but to keep them watching.  They need to do things that get people's attention or affect them emotionally.

    Now as i said i haven't watched her show but I have heard talk about the released tax forms - i don't even know what this really means to be honest with you.  i gave up on television years ago and am better for it mentally i think.

    i just saw this post it looked interesting and was on the top of my page so i thought i would answer it

    1. Ken Burgess profile image69
      Ken Burgessposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I agree with you, what 'news' I get is through commentary and releases found on YouTube (as you can see from my post in this thread)... you can find out more about what is going on in the world by perusing youtube for 15 minutes than hours of MSMnews

    2. Misfit Chick profile image78
      Misfit Chickposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I don't watch TV, either. YouTube is a great info source, but not always reliable - I've seen lots of ridiculous conspiracy theories. Peeps will literally believe in or become fascinated with anything - especially what puffs up their view. smile

  6. peoplepower73 profile image83
    peoplepower73posted 7 years ago

    First off, what is fake news?  If you believe what Trump says, fake news is all the mainstream media outlets.  According to him, they are also the enemy of the people.  According to Trump, real news is Fox, Breitbart, and Alt Right.  I believe when it comes to news, there are two social -political  realities. 

    When I watch CNN or other major outlets, I get one reality.  At the same time, if I watch or listen to  Fox news, I get another reality.  Liberals seem to live in the reality of major news outlets.  Conservatives seem to live in the reality of Fox news and their cohorts.  Therefore fake news is in the eyes and ears of the beholder. 

    The only real news are indisputable facts of processes and their outcomes.  For example, Trump was turned down again by a federal judge for his "Travel Ban."  That is indisputable; that is a fact.  Trump says he will appeal to the supreme court.  That may or may not happen.  That is not real news and not fact until it actually happens.

    Fox news has a completely different stage for presenting the news.  Their panels are typically setup with attractive people sitting at couches.  The major news outlets typically have their panels behind desks or standing.  They may or may not be attractive people. This all plays into your likability factors.   If you go on line, you will find anything that you want that fits your values and belief systems and consider it real or fake news.

    1. lovemychris profile image82
      lovemychrisposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      fox is trump tv.just as its always been a political arm of the republican party.they have plenty hard right websites.but main thing is their ownership of hate-talk radio.this insidious push to hate liberals and dems has been ongoing since billclinton

    2. Misfit Chick profile image78
      Misfit Chickposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I don't watch TV & I flip flop between 'left' & 'right' media and everything else. But, some people choose a station to become obsessed over like they choose to follow a celebrity. I think they get hooked on a feeling it inspires, like anger.

    3. lovemychris profile image82
      lovemychrisposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      unfortunately, there is no left radio, unless u pay for it. our public radiowaves are right-wing only.(at least where i live) and anger is the goal.(hatred) if u watch cnn, u dont hate republicans, do u?fox and talk radio?you hate dems w a passion.


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