Finnish president denies ever discussing ‘raking’ with Trump
"The leader of Finland denied on Sunday that he’d ever told President Donald Trump that the small Nordic nation relies upon “raking” its forests to prevent wildfires — even though Trump promoted the dubious conservation method during a visit to flame-ravaged California over the weekend."
We live in a reality where our President lies about stupid $h!t and world leaders must correct the record.
Embarrassed yet?
Since we're all on the same team here...
Don't you find yourself infuriated by the Democrats? I can't stand the Democratic Party as an organization. What is their message? What are their goals? This is the perfect opportunity for them to start articulating a coherent message and, it seems, they just don't have one. It's infuriating.
Among other things, they need to have a coherent policy on illegal immigration. It would solidify so much for them, yet they still languish, seeming to support illegal immigration. Why? Because they know those are eventually going to be Democratic votes.
I'm a pretty hard-core liberal on all social issues, but the Dems organization drives me nuts. Are they really going to let Hillary Clinton be their nominee again? Somebody should shut that down.
I think Clinton will be shut down. I cannot fathom why she is making noises about running again, but I really do think she will soon realize the support isn't there.
Yes, the Democrats' inability to sustain a coherent message is frustrating. Liberals, by nature, think and communicate in complex shades of gray. Simple, black and white positions are much easier to explain and promote than complex, nuanced positions.
I think we need to focus on health care, infrastructure, and living wages. Keep it simple and relevant.
Yeah, the Dems are frustrating, but then I wouldn't know how to do it any better.
Here are a couple of ways to make America better:
(1) Cut the government sponsored health care. Health care was so much better before the government interference. Government has NO business being in health care which is a PERSONAL matter. Health care is a person's responsibility, not the government's.
(2) Cut welfare & other inane social programs 90-95%. Only have welfare for those whose disability preclude them from finding employment. For those who have fallen on TEMPORARY hard times, welfare should be for NINE MONTHS at the MAXIMUM.
(3) Create jobs for the solidly middle class. There are RECENT & UNEMPLOYED college graduates who are working Mcjobs. Create jobs for the educated middle class.
(4) DO AWAY w/income taxes. Have taxes incorporated in sales tax. We pay FAR TOO MANY taxes already, mostly for inane & insipid welfare & social programs. I said ENOUGH ALREADY!
Those are not Democratic policies. Talk to Paul Ryan, he's your man.
4) changing the name of a tax (from income to sales) does not reduce the tax paid. We still end up giving government over half our income, one way or another.
(3) I think we need to worry about AI's and robotics eliminating even more jobs for the middle class. Now they're talking about going back to apprenticeships for the blue color workers instead of trying to send them to junior college to educate them to install plumbing or electric wires into a house. That would eliminate a great amount of future student loan debt.
(4) To transfer the taxes to sales taxes would mean that people would not be able to buy many necessities, like replacing automobiles when they wear out. Would the government be willing to build public transportations in areas that have little or no public transportation? This sounds like more government spending to me, and I guess the Democrats would be blamed.
My state offers courses to become a skilled tradesman through local colleges and unions. It is coupled with an apprenticeship program. Costs are high, but working while studying helps, and they are nowhere near a 4 year degree cost anyway.
"To transfer the taxes to sales taxes would mean that people would not be able to buy many necessities, like replacing automobiles when they wear out."
Why not? All one would need to do is save what would have been paid in income tax until the car is necessary. Of course if it is blown on movies and bars there is always a bicycle...
"Transferring taxes." Not really, Wilderness, most people of average to low incomes would not be "saving" toward what they would have paid in income taxes because they would be paying that money daily or weekly in elevated sales taxes for other necessities. We aren't talking about what they used to call "luxury taxes" here; we are speaking of elevated sales taxes on everyday necessities. I wouldn't be surprised if the governments (fed, state, municipal) under this started adding sales taxes to rent, forgetting that the landlord pays real estate taxes on these places already. I still say that it is unrealistic unless you want to live in a socialist society. Now those folks know what taxes are.
Please remember that it was a Democrat, Bill Clinton, who pushed through the law limiting "welfare mamas" to two years. Reagan and the elder Bush had their chance to limit welfare. Not only that, but only then did states start going after deadbeat dads. Some mamas got some surprises when they moved to another state to try to draw welfare after they'd exhausted their two years' welfare in their home state. I agree that two years is a little lengthy also.
I'm more worried about what he is doing to the economy.
Inflation and especially interest rates are climbing in response to the tax cuts. The stock market is declining and looking more unstable.
More sectors of the economy are reporting bad news. … talls.html
Yes, he is toeing the conservative line: tax cuts for the wealthy equals booming economy. History tells us otherwise, but they keep on doing it. Hmmm, I wonder why? In this regard, Trump is no different from any other Republican president, which is why the Republicans in Congress have sold their souls for a few extra dollars for themselves and their donors and a Supreme Court justice or two.
Trump criticizes admiral in charge of bin Laden raid
President Trump took shots at the retired Navy SEAL admiral who led the U.S. operation taking down Osama bin Laden, labeling him a Hillary Clinton supporter and stating it would have been "nice" if the mastermind behind Sept. 11 had been eliminated "sooner."
While McRaven has been vocal in his opposition of Trump stripping past government officials of their security clearances, he never endorsed Clinton for president ahead of the 2016 election. He was reportedly included on a shortlist for national security roles within the Trump administration that was compiled by former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie when he was heading the transition process.
McRaven told CNN Sunday he stood by his remarks, adding that any attempt to undermine "the people's right to a free press and freedom of speech and expression" threatens the Constitution.
"I did not back Hillary Clinton or anyone else. I am a fan of President Obama and President George W. Bush, both of whom I worked," he said. "I admire all Presidents, regardless of their political party, who uphold the dignity of the office and who use that office to bring the Nation together in challenge times."
Are you proud of how President Trump comports himself in this regard? I think Admiral McRaven has earned our respect and gratitude. Do you think Trump has earned our respect?
It's insane the amount of imbecilic behavior that even the seemingly rational thinking Trump supporters condone. Part of it has to be an unwillingness to admit they voted for the biggest embarrassment in American history. Old fashioned stubbornness, not surprising since so many Trump voters are the elderly.
Things will progress in the States, it's only a matter of time.
I can understand voting for the guy but I cannot understand the continued denial of reality by Trumpeters. Just admit he's a liar and an embarrassment and you voted for him anyway. I just want to know if those who still defend and support him have any boundaries left at all. What is their "line"? Do they have one? It appears they don't.
I also understand the wanting to shake things up and see how it goes view for voting for him. But, considering his character hat was made clear before he became President, even that's difficult. However, I know some are saying they voted for him assuming he would be more presidential once elected. I'm guessing some of those people are the one's he lost.
Indeed, do they have a defense of this loss of boundaries?
Trump refers to Adam Schiff as Adam Schitt
"President Donald Trump on Twitter Sunday crudely mocked a California Democratic congressman who will likely be taking over the House Intelligence Committee next year.
"So funny to see little Adam Schitt (D-CA) talking about the fact that Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker was not approved by the Senate, but not mentioning the fact that Bob Mueller (who is highly conflicted) was not approved by the Senate!" the president said in a tweet Sunday.
Schiff has long been a thorn in Trump's side for his work related to Russian election meddling and his assertion that there is "plenty of evidence" tying Trump to their activities.
"Wow, Mr. President, that’s a good one," he replied to Trump's tweet. "Was that like your answers to Mr. Mueller’s questions, or did you write this one yourself?""
This is our President. Do you tell your kids he is a great man?
This and the above two stories are all in current headlines. What will tomorrow bring?
The secondhand embarrassment I feel when I see videos of this man talking is indescribable.
Democrats complain about Trump saying stupid stuff but don't bat an eye when the rising stars of liberalism threaten to nuke gun owners.
And then there's this lady;
Lol, you sure like to distort the truth, don't you? ( … ost4046001
Rep. Stillwell proposes a buyback on assault weapons. Crazy gun owner says he'll go to war with the United States if that happens. Stillwell points out, using sarcasm, that it will be a short war since the government has nukes.
He responded to a nut who thinks a buyback of assault weapons is justification for war against his own government, rightly noting that those AR-15s can't match the government 's arsenal. … ms-control
Gun nut threatens war, but it's the factually accurate response that's offensive. Typical.
And I don't even know why you're telling me you like Coco Puffs, but whatever.
So nuking your own people is a factually accurate response?
Distorting again, I see.
It is a fact that, if a citizen declared war on the U.S. government because of a proposed AR15 buyback, he would be outgunned.
Notice no Trumpster is defending nor taking pride in the outright lies you listed at the start of this thread, PP.
The fact that liberal brains are in melt down phase is the most beautiful phenomena since the invention of plea bargaining .
America , the real one , has essentially elected Uncle Buck to run the country , that guy from within your extended family that most liberals hated spending thanksgiving dinner sitting beside . The one with the rusty Chrysler boat that always starts when your foreign SUV never does to give you a ride to work . That guy that always has the come-back to your snarky media born hate fest . The uncle that you always feel an internal need to hug even though you know he's secretly looking at your friend's breasts ,
It has been a major entertainment factor for Trump electors to have fried the sensitivities of the P.C. crowd , for two years now we have sat back and shook our heads at the crying jags , the media rants , the meltdowns , listed to the angry high heels clacking down the office hallways , watching mama's boys shake and cry like tantrumed two year olds .
And what have democrats done to change the 2020 picture ?
Dropped to the floor in anger ,red faced , thrashing arms and legs , drooling from the mouth , screaming like today's average 22 year old
when told a .........."No" .
It's a beautiful thing !
Um, Uncle Buck was unselfish and kind. I would let him take care of my dog. Trump is mean, selfish, and greedy. I wouldn't let him near my dog,much less my family.
Your entire screed is about your glee over your perceived misfortune and angst of liberals. Yuck. No wonder you worship Trump. Birds of a feather.
In other words, Ed doesn’t care that Trump talks out of his ass because he bugs liberals and what’s more important than seeing people you disagree with upset? Nothing, of course!
Hate dictates all with some people.
No real answers here as to why Trump's clearly embarrassing behavior is acceptable. This isn't about Hillary, or Democratic leadership, which most of us have varied views on. None of us agree on every policy. For example, I think Dems are leading us to be too soft on immigration, but that wasn't Obama.
Policy is policy.
I guess it's rough no longer being able to defend the behavior of a man you thought was our nation's savior and turns out to be a buffoon. All you have left is to revel in your beloved leader's ability to divide our nation and offend people. Wow
Aime , it's your party that invented political hate, remember ? No of course not , you're one from the "schools" , admit it , Uncle Donald has you seething so that you can only see red . You're all in that phase symbolically where mommy and daddy have said .........." Uh, No honey , you can't move back in with us and save for your own house , it's time to actually get a job and pay your own way...."
No ,....... no hate here actually in I'm still in the LMAO as your party still melts 2 years later looking at six more. Even Obama held no such power over the right .
You gotta ' admit , it's a little funny !
I don't think the Democrats are Aime's party, since she is Canadian.
You're something else.
Prettypanther , Exactly , Canadian , liberal , democrat , socialist .......what's the difference ? Apparently Aime is the Canadian diplomatic mission committee speaking for liberals in America ?
"If the shoe fits ..........."
I’m actually not angry at all. I was talking about secondhand embarrassment, remember? I have the advantage of being able to cringe from afar.
You can say you’re not hateful all you’d like but your posts say otherwise. Repeatedly and consistently.
Aime, can you imagine the first hand embarrassment we from the Left in the US suffer on a daily basis from what the cretin in the Oval Office says or tweets?
So let's talk AR 15 government "buy backs" , when AR 15's semi-automatic rifle first hit the streets as a popular sporting "look a like " to the real thing , the fully automatic Colt M-16 military "assault rifle " in the eighties and nineties they basically went for as much or more than $3,000 apiece .
FFW---2018 they are now $500 bucks for an entry level semi -auto AR 15 rifle ! I personally know a man who bought ten of them about 2008 when Obama's people first started talking about ;
-Banning the AR -15 'assault rifle
-Banning Ammo for them
-Limiting ammo for ALL firearms
-Serial numbering every round of ammo sold
-Creating a register of AR 15 owners [unconstitutional ]
Obama ,then creating a massive record gun and ammo rush on the free market thus creating RECORD sales for guns and ammo of all kinds , NOW reverse tape to the guy that I knew who bought ten AR 15's at $2,800 dollars apiece , last year he brought them into my friends sport shop to try to sell them for him at $1,500 dollars apiece , my friend told the guy that he can order AR 15's for about $450 apiece and that he may as well take his $2,800 dollar rifles home and hope that the price rises back up with the next liberal anti-gun president !
Buy Back ? Completely unconstitutional .
How much do you think uncle Sam would pay my friend per rifle ? I will bet anyone that a official US government "Buy Back " would not only never make it through congress , the White House or the SCOTUS to ever hit the streets running in America , BUT would go down smoldering if it was ever seriously proposed .
In the past thirty years anyone who is minimally environmentally informed has listened to the US government and private forestry people discuss the ramifications of poor forestry practices in America's west over the last eighty to one hundred years ! Fact , One , the forestry service people have been allowing the over logging of forests in unmanaged practices ! Two, every time there has been a "forest fire " over this same period the first response has always been to "PUT IT OUT ",
FFW 2000 era , The same US forestry has decided to change tactics and begin "controlled burns " as a tactic to eliminate the extremely flammable undergrowth that is a result of bad forestry practices , Now , everybody knows that the left melt's down over Trumps poor articulation but - he's right about the changing of forestry practices , and he is right about Finland and other countries having smarter forestry practices than in America .
Who is the worst state in the American west as to bad forestry practices and lousy maintenance of national and private forests and private held brushlands ? California ! Take that and add Jerry Brown's illustrious career in wonderful governing and leadership .
Any wonder why more of California burns every single year ?
There's plenty of rakes if you want to once again believe the idiot, ED.
Shall we get you a rake? I'm sure Trump could use some help.
So what? How does that address the subject of this thread?
Some memes are telling him/her that liberal politicians are dumb too so it’s okay that Trump is also an idiot. Duh.
Why is Bloomberg's statement about guns in the house stupid? Data shows that by having a gun in your house it is way more likely to be used to harm somebody in your own family than to stop an intruder.
So, isn't that stupid?
That said, I and most liberals fully support people owning guns for self defense purposes.
Talk about a false statement , What libbies just make up shyte now ? ............Oh of course they do , never mind ......
Look! I found a meme on the Internet. It must be true!
Here's the link to the interview he had with Rolling Stone; … nra-83455/
Tell you what. Want to see the gun control debate turn in favor of gun control? Wait until the poor people who are shooting other poor people start shooting rich people. Right now, poor people generally shoot other poor people. If that changes, you'll see corporate support of massive gun control.
Spoken like a true Marxist.
What you fail to realize is that you are on the side of rich people who are afraid of that very thing.
After all, if poverty stricken minorities can't even afford to get an ID to vote, (and the very notion that they could is racist), then it stands to reason that making weapons harder to purchase will leave all the weapons in the hands of the rich.
Do you know what Marxism is? I have never even uttered the term with regard to myself and as an economic policy, have absolutely no adherence to Marxist thought. And it seems you brought race into it too. Nice job.
And you also proved my point with your last sentence.
Yes, I get it, you only want rich people to have guns.
You may not be a Marxist but you sure do know how to implement his policies. Class warfare, gun confiscation (for the sake of safety). Poor people rising up against the rich.
No again. I'm saying that rich people, who have been making out like bandits through both Democratic and Republican Presidents and Congresses, are more than happy to watch poor people shoot other poor people. When and if you start to see rich people being the victims of gun violence in any meaningful way, you will see gun control suddenly become a calling card for politicians, regardless of party, who are funded by those rich people.
Just like they did during the Vietnam War. Bone spurs ...
Good analogy. The rich are very pro-violence until they're drafted or face the prospect of fighting themselves. Then suddenly... bone spurs. Wars are for the poor.
Yep, my Dad was drafted during WWII by a rich man whose 3 sons were judged to be exempt from service. Farm products prices soared during the war and the man in charge of who went to war owned lots of acreage.
My Dad had to leave already planted crops to fight the war for the rich so they could get richer. Unfortunately, it's the real American way...
WWII - "... fight the war for the rich so they could get richer."
That sure seems like a pretty skewed view to me Randy. Do you really think that's why your Dad was drafted?
So you think WWII was about poor people making rich people richer? This whole time I thought it was about stopping Nazis from taking over Europe.
Apparently you're ignorant of the way things REALLY work during war time, oo. this happened in all of America's wars to date and willmore than likely continue. How do you think your hero skipped service.....bone spurs?
What were their excuses......bone spurs as well?
Don't know, Don't care. Your father is the first I've heard of anyone from that generation complaining about the draft. Most men stood in line to get in, but apparently some yellow bellied loosers didn't care when The Japanese orchestrated the attacks on Pearl.
My dad was a country boy and probably didn't even know why he was drafted at the time. He never complained about his service but was rightfully indignant about those who could get out of it on unscrupulous terms. You really don't know anything about wartime drafts, do you?
And I hope you're not casting aspersions on my father with the "yellow bellied losers" remark or we may have a problem.
Relax, I'm not casting aspersions on your old man. I think you are lying. Nobody in their right mind thinks WWII was about class oppression, and you would have to have been living under a rock not to know what was going on at the time. So the only logical conclusion is that you are a liar.
This from a non-person afraid to be known to anyone...
Once again you're pitting rich against poor. And I think it's a tad presumptuous to think that rich people enjoy seeing poor people shoot each other. And it's not so much poor people as it is gang bangers. And that's not enough of an argument to ban the 2nd amendment. In fact ordinary people in urban areas would be much safer if they were allowed to defend themselves.
Onusonus, do people in your state have to pay for IDs to vote? While I have to pay for a license to drive my vehicle on the road, and I understand that, poor people who don't drive can get an ID from the same state department free of charge. They don't even have to pay for the photo. If that is too much trouble, then maybe they don't have the sense or the ambition to vote.
I do not mind showing the ID that I paid for when I vote. I don't mind the person in front of me or behind me in line showing the ID he/she has received free in order to vote.
There are a bunch of other sources that verify it’s been fabricated as well, would you like those links or are we just gonna dismiss them all as “liberal”?
Better yet, how about you go ahead and find me a link to where she does say that.
The difference between you and me is I am more than willing to say that Trump says stupid things, yet you wont even take into account all the proof that I've provided of Maxine Waters making countless idiotic remarks. Which is how you get idiots like Nancy Pelosi as the Speaker of the house, and she's been endorsed by Trump.
But by all means let them ascend to the highest platform so their stupidity can be on display for all to see.
I’ve not debated anything else you’ve posted as those seem to have actually been said. And yes, some of them are pretty dumb.
I’m debating this particular meme because it’s not true.
There are also plenty of people on these forums who are quick to point out when a liberal says/does something stupid - I don’t see you flying in with a handful of memes to remind them that conservatives are dumb, too. Funny how that works. Perhaps you’re a bit hypocritical in who you want be held accountable for their hypocrisy?
Wrong again. Do you enjoy posting false nonsense? It doesn't make you look very smart. Maybe you should try thinking for yourself instead of posting false and simplistic memes. … rth-korea/
"The quotation is entirely fabricated. The meme does not present a source, and we could find no record of Maxine Waters ever having said this, despite searching the Congressional Record, an archive of her press releases and statements, and Google News.
The obvious logical error (after a nuclear attack, the United States would naturally be at war) also indicates that this is no more than a fake quote designed to harm the Congresswoman’s reputation. "
Onusonus, you do know this meme is false and the quote is just made-up don't you?
Did you search for it to make a point, or did it just come across your news feed?
And you are right, Trump does have his fair share of saying stupid stuff. Any Idea how long liberals have been voting for this lady?
I'm done fact checking your nonsense. It's clear you don't so I'm not wasting any more of my time.
Do you have an original thought of your own, by chance?
Whats the matter? Gave up on trying to prove me wrong?
Trolls have a compulsion to respond, so they will.
Repeat their comments back at them from the opposite side of the fence, so they have to respond to themselves.
It's fascinating to see if their sense of boredom can overpower their compulsion to troll, and how long it takes. The longer the time, the bigger the troll.
In fact I've created a new troll rating framework around this, with a simple formula:
f(x)+T = D
Where T is the amount of time a troll will continue trolling themselves, f is the function of repeating their own comments at them, x is the number of repeated comments. And D is the amount of douchebaggery a troll possesses.
I call this the Don. W - P. Kazinsky troll-rating framework (no idea who P. Kazinsky is but having a co-author called Kazinsky sounds impressive).
Applying the DWPK rating to certain individuals on this forum has confirmed what was only theorized before: some people here possess a very high level of douchebaggery.
This is now scientifically proven.
I look forward to my work being peer reviewed and published soon.
Prettypanther , "shall we get Ed a rake .......?"
So you and like minded partners here are going to deny the facts of a hundred year USFS ADMITTED forestry problem in the western US ? Now you're making sense , ... not! And you can't see just how your Trump Derangement is affecting something like attaining very common knowledge ?
You guys are really getting deep .
Trump's solution of "raking" was based on a lie that had to be publicly corrected by a foreign leader. You don't care? You're proud? You're embarrassed? What?
Oh, wait, never mind. I'm sure it will be just another angry screed against libruls. If you simply addressed the subject, I'd probably fall out of my chair in disbelief.
Typical Trumpeters. Don't address the embarrassing, incompetent, lying bully who sits in the White House. Try to equate the occasional stupid or false remark made by lower-level politicans to the multiple daily lies and stupidity coming from our esteemed President. Make stuff up because the truth about others can never be as crazy or ridiculous as the truth about Trump. Pretend it's all the same.
Excuse and rationalize your support for this idiocy, blame everyone else for pointing it out.
Yeah, same old BS. Y'all are on the wrong side of history. Your grandkids will be appalled to know you supported the unfit loser president.
Of course, sort of like Bush supporters and the Iraq War cheerleaders, in a few years the Trump cheerleaders will magically dwindle. They'll barely exist any more. His supporters will have amnesia about their rah-rah Trump days. "No, I never liked the guy. Thought he was nuts." Just like you now find very few people who admit they thought the Iraq War was a great idea at the time.
Uh huh. Right. Same damned people, pretty much.
Is everything okay over there ladies , sound a little worked up ?
This is kind of fun dodging and diverting from answering to posts of absolutely no point other than nonsensical Trump hate ! Seriously ..........what is anyone supposed to respond to ?
I guess I'll go "rake" some snow .
How is anyone supposed to "debate " those who think Barbara Boxer is brilliant , That Gov. Jerry Brown's an expert forester , and that Bloomberg is anything but another George Soros who want's to buy the USA for their personal kingdom with cash payments ?
Oh ladies , you can't win this one !
Wow ED, I've never actually observed you debating anyone before! Are you gonna do it soon? That will be......something! Let me know when you're actually in the process of debating please...
Refusing to engage in a conversation and explaining it away by saying “I’m too smart to debate with you” ....makes it seem like exactly the opposite.
I wish hubpages would open a special forum for just the TDS people , that way they could commiserate without ever having to account to any reality at all .
I'll go ask .
Please do, that way you and your other two friends can avoid answering there as well..
Live footage of someone trying to have a conversation with Ed:
Well Damn! This turned out to be an interesting thread after all.
Gifs, math formulas, and throw-downs... who knew.
Hell it even prompted a Google search.
"Whataboutism (also known as whataboutery) and for you "Libruls" it is a variant of the tu quoque logical fallacy that attempts to discredit an opponent's position by charging them with hypocrisy without directly refuting or disproving their argument, which in the United States is particularly associated with President Donald J. Trump, and, Soviet and Russian propaganda.
No, but using a person email server for government business sure is, according to you, wilderness, and LtL. Lock her up!
OMG, this is a gift to comedians. Looking forward to Colbert, Maher, Kimmel, Saturday Night Live.....
This has certainly been entertaining.
Interview , ".........Control has the implication that you're going to take guns away ................."
Well, they are Bloomberg.
First 40 years ago , "saturday night specials" ,...." cop killer" bullets.... handgun legislation .... high capacity mags .......shotgun barrel lengths.....rifle barrel lengths ...... military grade ammo ......assault rifles .......national registration lists ........."black guns ..........Now it's AR 15s .......223 ammo .......gun free zones ..........
Anybody see a pattern , besides gun owners ?
No, it's not The Onion.
Social Media Rips Ivanka Trump Over Email Scandal
"Social media users mocked first daughter Ivanka Trump for using a private email server with the same words her father deployed against Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential election — “Lock her up.”"
So "social media " is what , the new DOJ in your world , figures ? Ivanka isn't the head of the State Dept . she's merely a low level councillor to her Father .
Aw, Ed, you have single-handedly given me more laughs in the last 48 hours than any comedian.
Low level, my a$$. Where do you get that? Trump has said that the only advisors he trusts are his family. Are you calling his family low lifes? Now that is funny.
But Trump says that's different when Ivanka uses her private email server. And the Trump supporters probably will back him on that while chanting, "Lock her up" about Hillary. Have you ever seen such hypocrisy? And my Trump supporter friends and relatives will continue to ask, "do you think I'm deplorable?"
Prettypanther ....and an education into common sense politics ?
"Dad" must have been a rich liberal to have to have been drafted .
"It's not too much to ask an ally not to butcher a person in the consulate."-- Senator Lindsay Graham
No, it's not The Onion.
Trump says US stands with Saudi Arabia despite journalist Khashoggi's killing
Yes, I started to make forum topic about this sad decision by the man-child. They should have made Donnie listen to the audio of the torture and death of Kashoggi, but he'd faint dead away at the first scream of terror. Just when I think he can't humiliate himself--or his country--any worse,he hits a new low
My Father always told me that during WW II the only people that had to be drafted into service were liberal /socialist pacifists .......the rest waited outside of Recruitment centers to enlist.
History repeats itself.
Well, now days we assign hero status to draft dodgers and hold them up as symbols of patriotism. If you support bone spurs your credibility when making such statement is zero, nil, nothing.
Now, make an excuse for your beloved hero as to why it doesn't matter or why he is exempt from the standard you hold others to
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