Michael Flynn is a retired United States Army Lieutenant General who has just resigned for lying to VP Mike Pence about his conversations with Putin concerning lifting sanctions. He is also the one who at the GOP convention rallied Trump supporters to shout "lock her up" about Hillary Clinton and then followed that by she should be put in front of a firing squad. Now he stands before congress and the American people with the possible charge of treason and could possibly be locked up himself.
So when does the intelligence committee investigation start? As someone who takes national security very seriously, surely he would welcome an in depth investigation into his ties with the Russian state, to see if any crimes have been committed.
He also is the same guy (with his son) who promoted the rumor that Hillary Clinton was involved in child sex trafficking and claimed Obama laundered money for Muslim terrorists.
"U decide - NYPD Blows Whistle on New Hillary Emails: Money Laundering, Sex Crimes w Children, etc...MUST READ! https://t.co/O0bVJT3QDr
— General Flynn (@GenFlynn) November 3, 2016"
http://www.politico.com/story/2016/12/m … ump-232227
Jason Chaffetz and Trey Gowdy, as heads of the GOP investigative committees raked Hillary over the coals for years about Benghazi and the emails. Now Jason Chaffetez says he is not going to investigate Michael Flynn. He would rather refer it to the House Intelligence Committee. Chaffetz told reporters. "I think that situation has taken care of itself. I know that the Intel committee is looking into the hacking issue," Chaffetz told reporters.
Before you jump the gun, I as a conservative, would like to get to the bottom of this. There needs to be an investigation by Congress to find out what was said and whether a crime was committed. Moreover, I want to know who in the intelligence community leaked this information to the press.
Was there laws broken there as well? We can't have our leaders and political appointments spyed upon by our own intelligence without due cause. That is what happens in Soviet Russia and Dictatorships like Cuba...
Don't dance in the street just yet. These events are common among any new administration including Obama's. It is sad how a public servant, a general, can be disaparaged in the media, because you disagree with his politics. If he broke the law, I have no problem with penalties including prison. Can you be as honest and open about some of Obama's appointees?
Good luck thinking about that.
Jack: All you have to do is read my latest reply to Kathleen. Flynn did work for Obama and was fired by him. The "leaking" is a deflection that Trump is setting up to to take the spotlight off of Flynn and himself. He is very good at distraction and deflection and bald facing lying, like he did on Air Force One when asked if he knew about Flynn's Russian involvement. I'm not dancing in the street. I'm actually terrified about Stephen Miller and his rants about "This president is to never be questioned." As you said "That is what happens in Soviet Russia and Dictatorships like Cuba..."
So, where were you during the Obama years? The IRS investigation of conservative outfits...
The NSA illegal spying..., the EPA that over reached and shut down the coal industry costing thousands of jobs... the debacle at the VA...
It is good to keep an eye on our government, regardless which party is in power.
Remember, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
At this point, how productive is it to discuss Obama, Bush 43, Bush 41, Clinton, George Washington, etc.?
We are talking about the future and safety of the US. There should be no argument about that. Whatever the past presidents did is "DONE!"
What is Trump capable of doing? Is he in the pocket of Putin? What is on his tax returns? Is he mentally stable? This is NOW needed.
There is NOTHING common about this administration!
Explain...what is not common?
What is not common is for a previous President Obama to stay in Washington DC and create a shadow government that is undermining the new Administration. can you point to any example of this in the past 200+ years of American history?
Jack lee, you're sounding hysterical. What is the proof behind your incredible assertion that Trump's mishaps are Obama's fault?
1. Not providing tax information
2. Colluding with Russia to manipulate election
3. Posting ridiculous stuff on Twitter @ 3 am in the morning
4. Steve Bannon/Breitbart
5. Discussing top secret information @ dinner at Mira Lago with wives at table in open where anyone can hear
6. Bannon being placed over security council (a political operative)
7. Wife not staying in WH because she knows her husband is nuts
8. TRUMP trying to have his children help him be president
9. TRUMP kissing Putin's behind while putting down leaders of friendly countries
10 Publicly requesting that Russia find HRC's 33K emails
If that is not enough for you, you are in over your head.
A pundit on TV recently said that Trump has been more critical of the federal judges who stopped the travel ban than he has been of Vladimir Putin, a dictator and murderer.
That says a lot.
Jack: Please enlighten me and others. Where are you getting your information from that Obama is creating a shadow government?
Jack: Never mind. I did the research myself. Here it is for the world to see. http://mm4a.org/2lHoIZ9
Peoplepower, the problem is there are political appointees at all level of government who is leaking the information. Whether you support Trump or not, this is a problem. No administration should have to deal with unlawful leaks by political motivated hacks. Don't you agree?
What Obama is doing is un-precedented. Why is he staying in Washinton DC?
If the information is on the level of watergate, yes, I want to know it. That is the job of an unbiased press, to keep an eye on people elected to power? Don't you agree?
I find it troubling with the in consistency of some people here on HubPages...
They as so one sided, it makes my neck hurt...haha
Look, we all want what is best of our country? Right? I hope we at least agree on that point.
What we need is an honest government, and an honest press who keeps a watchful eye on the administration. Other than that, let the government do its work...
You will have 4 years to vote again...
Many of the leaks are coming from the top of the Trump administration. They are revealing things that only people at the highest level of the administration would know.
My bet is on the staff of Pence and Priebus.
Besides, Trump fired all of the top Obama officials on day one of his reign.
promisem: That's an excellent point. He "drained the swamp" of all of Obama's experienced staff members and filled it with billionaires who have no experience in geopolitical foreign affairs. Now we have Iran, North Korea, and Russia all testing Trump and his cohorts with missile tests, because they know his staff is vulnerable and we are vulnerable at this point without a qualified NSA chief. Russia even has an intelligence gathering ship right off our east coast.
You know better than that. There are appointments and there are career positions in all forms of governmemt including in the CIA and the FBI...These are the sources of leaks I suspect because they don't like an outsider coming to Washington shaking things up. I included both Republicans and Democrats in these groups because they are part of the ruling class for 50 years...I also include some Senators and Congressmen who has been in Washington a very long time. They are part of the problem and not the solution...comprende???
Jack: You are talking about leaks, like Trump, looking for someone to blame. Flynn did this to himself. They have recorded messages between Flynn and the Russians about lifting sanctions. He lied and so did Trump, plain and simple. Now they need to investigate how many of Trump's people were in contact with the Russians during his campaigns. It makes sense, because knowing how Trump operates, he wanted to get ahead of the game, but what he didn't realize is they were being recorded. And like I said before, one president at a time.
For eight veeerrrryy long years the jackal media essentially hid under their community cribs gorging on Obama's and Hillary's P.C. candy white the Obama administration , the Clinton administrated state dept. , the Clinton foundation destroyed the American public trusts !
That cannot be denied ! ....... And , the real American people spoke loudly in this election .
And since Trump became the nominee , The media has re-awakened from its collective stupor and gone on a feeding frenzy , My hope is that Trump essentially kicks the media out of white house press conferences and even if he tweets to the media , the American people would be far , far better off without THIS news media !
Welcome back Horsey: I was wondering how long it was going to take you to get back in the loop. You are right the real American people did speak loudly in this election by 3 million votes. Controlling the news and the reporters pretty much smacks of the guy in 1933 wearing the swastika arm band. His name was Joseph Goebbels, the Minister of Enlightenment and Propaganda.
The media was on the nazis side. Now isn't that embarrassing.
PhoenixV: There was no other side. The media and the NAZI's were one and the same. The media was controlled by Hitler and Goebbles. Of course media consisted of the news papers, the radio which was still a new technology, and loud speakers that would broadcast propaganda where ever people gathered.
Exactly. I dont know why msm doesnt just run cokie roberts or andrea mitchell and cut out the middleman like hillary. They probably could have won. Plus there wouldnt be any need for feeding hillary any debate questions. Theyd already have them. In your analogy the Nazi propagandists are on the lefties side, not Trumps. Heil Hillary.
As I'm sure you know the Popular Vote essentially means ZERO in the presidential election system . The constitutional origins of our country , our election system EVEN TODAY was and still is based on states rights and viability in federal elections . The electoral system is like a road map for America , don't use it and you are lost !
We have to agree on something P.P. , ----that the mainstream media is horribly skewed !
Although it is so in the light of your favorite ideology and opinions.
Simply resorting to the popular vote would totally diminish , in fact abolish the rights and say of rural American voter ALL across this country , even you wouldn't want that .
You're right, all three of those countries are testing us, even to the point of Russia violating a major treaty that goes all the way back to Reagan.
And don't forget Australia. They're ready for war with us too.
Think we should blow that ship out of the water? Is that what you want Trump to do? Remember, it IS in international waters and has every right in the world to be there.
Are you suggesting that these countries have developed new missile tech in just 30 days, put it into production and tested it, all in one month?
Or is it all just something more to scare people and increase their distrust of the President?
It could be a ploy by Russia to bolster Trump. It might show that Putin and Trump are not as close as some believe.
Could be. Might be manned by Martians that stole it from a Russian dock, too.
Your point?
Maybe they are there to laugh at us or try to intimidate us?
By shadow government, do you mean the entire intelligence community he repeatedly insulted in public?
Most interesting though how the House GOP has been doing their best to ignore all of this and sweep it under the rug?
We all must insist upon answers, so let's keep the pressure on....
No Kumbaya!!!
Trump may be blackmailing GOP congress. Thank God some of them will NOT be blackmailed. GOP leadership is waiting for Trump's base to erode before they take action. Shame on Chaffetz. Do your Job!
Fortunately, the GOP-controlled Senate is showing more responsibility and concern than the House.
Kathleen and what goes around comes around. Also, my saying is, when you are an extremists, you can't help but be a hypocrite, somewhere along the line.
Peoplepower72: And we're surprised - why? And they are considering Gen. Petraeus for a position in this administration - with a conviction on his record. You'd think they'd have a scintilla of shame. That's politics.
Kathleen: Flynn was Obama's Defense Intelligence Director from 2012 to 2014. According to Colin Powell Flynn was fired for the following reasons: "He was "abusive with staff, didn't listen, worked against policy, bad management, etc." And according to The New York Times, Flynn exhibited a loose relationship with facts, leading his subordinates to refer to Flynn's repeated dubious assertions as "Flynn facts."
This is what you get when Trump's appointees are just rubber stamped through the vetting process by a controlling republican congress. Checks and balances mean nothing. It is all political theater at this point. Petraeus' convictions mean nothing to the republicans and Trump. He has to fill the position immediately. Again, he will be rubber stamped through, just like the rest of his cabinet.
Jack: Are you trying to take the heat off of Trump, by looking back on Obama? In my opinion and just common sense, the EPA didn't shut down the coal mines.The VA has been corrupt since the Bush years and still is. There is no longer a demand for coal because of natural gas and technology being in demand.
If you think Obama caused all those things, do you think that makes it O.K. for Trump and his adviser's involvement with the Russians while he was president elect? Last time I looked, we are supposed to only have one president at a time.
This is what happens when reckless people are in charge and are trying to get too many things done too fast. Now he is making it O.K. for mentally ill to buy guns. Isn't that wonderful?!!!
No, I have a problem when our intelligence community if focusing more on our administration officials than the enemy of our country, like ISIS and Iran and North Korea...China...
I think Trump needs to clean house and replace all these intelligence heads who has not done their job well...they have in the past spyed on the American people and had to be stopped by the courts...
These career workers are playing a dangerous game with our lives. They did not like the results of the last election and is now acting like children...throwing a tantrum.
I had trouble with the FBI and how they handled the whole Hillary server affair. They are amatures and chose to look the other way and now they are spying and leaking to embarrass a new admin.
So sad for our country...
Jack: So if I show you the sources for the information, you still want to believe that Obama is staying in Washington DC so that he can set up a shadow government of 30,000 liberals to undermine the Trump administration? You and your conservatives just can't accept the fact that he is staying there for his own personal reasons other than setting up a shadow government. What Trump is doing is unprecedented and "un-presidented."
I believe the purpose of the unbiased press is to present the unbiased news, not to keep an eye on people elected to power. The government has it's own oversight apparatus that is supposed to do that, but in this case it refuses to do just that. You are just as one sided as the people you say are one sided. God help us if this impostor is in office for four years.
PhoenixV: You got it wrong. All you have to do is pay attention. Steve Bannon, and Stephen Miller, Trump's Propaganda Ministers, ordered the media to "shut up and listen and Trump is not to be questioned. Trump said he wants to pick and choose who attends his press conferences," Heil Trump. In Trump's own words, sad, sad, really, so sad.
The rules of media access needs to be asdressed. When you have a biased media who is willing to create news instead of reporting on it, we have a problem.
Under Obama, the media fawned over the administration and had no critical questions...but under Trump, they have gone over board in IMHO.
There is noting wrong with allowing a different mix in the press pool. One that is more diverse and less hostile.
It only becomes a problem if the access is restricted to only one political branch...
That is not what is happening.
To compare this to fascism is grossly unfair.
It is fascism. When you combine lefty propaganda with chicago union thug politics you get riots and burning cars.
The media is only biased when they report on things that Trump and his circus clowns don't want to hear. You are so transparent in your obvious bias, Jacklee.
Diversity is not the same as exclusion.
What if he decided to exclude all Asian reporters?
Why would he do that? Did asians news reporters make up bad things to say about Trump?
Everybody: I have started a new thing. I switch between CNN and Fox news during breaking news. It is incredible to compare the difference in what they are covering and how they cover it. As an example when CNN was covering Flynn's resignation, Fox was covering what a great job Defense Secretary Mattis did with demanding NATO pays more for their defense spending. When Mattis was questioned about Flynn, he said, "It has no impact on this administration." They made is sound like NATO was a done deal and very successful, when in fact they didn't even talk about specifics and that Flynn's resignation was no big deal, when if fact it is a very big deal.
Give it a try, you will see that people are living in two different worlds depending on whether they watch CNN or Fox news. The emphasis is in different areas and presented differently. Right now Fox is placing their emphasis on what Trump is saying about the leaks. While CNN is placing their emphasis on what the Trump team was doing with Russia during the campaign. So if you are not a Trump supporter, it is all about Trumps concerns about leaks, which to me is a distraction, compared to what the Trump's team was doing with the Russians. But if you are Trump supporter it is about how unfair CNN is treating Trump.
P.P. you should have said the difference between Fox news and ALL the REST of mainstream media .
Obvious to most who feel Fox is the only right media on TV.
I was just reading a poll research on who is more likely to unfriend or block someone on social media because of a difference in ideology.
I will give you one guess.
( it was a poll on how untrustworthy the Clinton News Network is)
ahorseback: Are you saying Fox news is the only right wing media on TV or the only correct media on TV? If it's right wing, there is also Brietbart and Alt Right. And of course there is Fake Dangerous Lying News, that Trump pontificates about. I think the right wing created the term Mainstream media to separate themselves and their right wing brethren from the left. Of course it makes it very easy for them to call it the Lamestream media as promoted by Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh et. al. What should the right wing media be called, any ideas?
How about "extremely endangered" . You now as well as everybody that mainstream media used to symbolize the " main " outlets , ABC , CBS , FOX , CNN etc. , That is until liberal ideologies bought there way into the mainstream television media , social networks , and The Obama White House .
Problem; - Liberals have long forgotten that there is one" truth "! And there is . Again you are just "rolling in it" knowing full well that most of the mainstream media IS owned by you .They're VERY MUCH an entity of the liberal ideology . Brietbart is a fringe alt right or - whatever .
And so , Fake News is the new norm .
No, remember Kellyanne Conway saying "There are alternate facts."
I just switched between CNN and Fox news. CNN is talking about Trump's speech saying he is still in campaign mode. Fox news is talking about how Obama Care is in a death spiral and falling apart. Two different realities are being presented at the same time. That is what is wrong with this country. Part of the country is living in one reality while the other part is living in another reality. As far as Fox news goes, it is owed by an Australian Rupert Murdoch. According to USA Today, this what Rupert Murdoch controls today. It looks to me that Rupert Murdoch is more of the mainstream media than what you people are calling the mainstream media. Who do you think has more influence in the world? This guy or the network channels (mainstream media)?
Fox News (Fox News Sunday, Fox News Edge, Fox News Radio Network)
Fox Business Network
FSN – Fox Sports Net Inc. (National Sports Programming, Yankees Entertainment, Fox Sports Go)
Fox Sports 1
Fox Sports 2
Fox College Sports
Fox Soccer Plus
Big Ten Network
FX (and FXnow online)
National Geographic U.S.
FIC (Fox International Channels) (including Fox Channel, Fox Life, Fox Crime, FOX Traveller, Voyage Channel, STAR World, STAR Movies and Chinese channels, National Geographic HD, Nat Geo Adventure Channel, Nat Geo Wild, Nat Geo Music, NGC Network International, Elite Sports Limited, Baby TV, Fox Sports Latin America, MundoFox Broadcasting, Eredivisie Media and Marketing, Channel V Thailand, CJ E&M Korea, Fox Sports Japan)
STAR India (International Cricket Council matches, Asianet Communications, Vijay Television Private Limited, Balaji Telefilms Limited)
Rotana (operates in the Middle East)
Moby Group Holdings
Fox Sports Asia
Phoenix Satellite Television Holdings (operates in China)
PT Visi Media Asia (operates in Indonesia)
FOX Broadcasting Company
MyNetworkTV distribution service
Twentieth Century Fox Film (Fox 2000, Fox Searchlight Pictures, Twentieth Century Fox Animation, Fox International Pictures, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment)
Twentieth Century Fox Television productions
Fox 21 Inc.
Twentieth Television
FtvS (Fox Television Studios)
Shine Limited
All films in the Fox Library
Sky Italia
Sky Deutchland
BSkyB (U.K.)
Hulu (30% stake)
Tata Sky
Bona Film Group
CMC-News AsiaVice Holding (Vice News)
News Corp.
News and Information
Dow Jones (Wall Street Journal, CIO Journal, CFO Journal, CMO Journal and international WSJ editions, Wall Street Journal Digital Network, Factiva, DJ Risk & Compliance, Dow Jones Newswires, Barrons, MarketWatch, Dow Jones Private Market, DJX)
News Corp Australia (The Australian, The Daily Telegraph, Herald Sun, The Courier Mail, The Advertiser, taste.com, CareerOne.com, Busienss Spectator, Eureka Reports, carguide.com, FOX SPORTS PULSE, and local dailies)
News UK (The Sun, The Times)
New York Post
News America Marketing (SmartSource inserts)
Cable Network Programming
Fox Sports Australia
Digital Real Estate Services
REA Group (digital advertising, international versions of Realestate.com, Realcommercial.com, myfun.com, AtHome.com, Atoffice.com)
Book Publishing
Digital Education
Amplify (Amplify Insight, Amplify Learning, Amplify Access)
So what do you considers honest news, the NYT and CNN?
Jack: I read the news online from MSN.com. It has a compendium of many news outlets. I like the following on there:
New York Times
USA Today
The Financial Times
AFP (Agence France Press)
Associated Press
Fact Checker.org
U.S. News and World Report
On TV - I watch CNN and CBS News with Scott Pelly. To me he is one of the most trusted men in the news world.
On Sunday morning, I watch HBO GPS360 with Fareed Zakria- He is also one of my most trusted news men, because he always has people who are dignitaries from other countries, including our own.
Brain Stelter of Reliable Sources, also HBO
CBS Sunday Morning with Jane Pauly host. It is 120 minutes and covers many topics more like a magazine format.
For Political Satire, I watch the Daily Show with Tervor Noah and Bill Maher of Real Time.
Those are the sources I trust. Who or what are your sources?
I watch Twitter headlines and follow the tweets. I watch most of those you reported and others.
I don't watch political satire. I do LOVE the SNL clips that comeo on news programs. McCarthy and Baldwin crack me up. Then they keep playing the clips over and over. I thought the Jake Tapper/Kellyanne skit was over the edge until she started begging to be on shows. Morning Joe refuses to have her on because she lies like a rug.
Diane, Thanks, I forgot SNL, one of my favorites. I can't wait for Rosie O'Donnell to play Steve Bannon. That might send him and Trump into a twitter meltdown.
The comedians are saying there's a lot of rich material these days.
I like the O'Reilly Factor on Fox News, One America News from San Diego, with an International bent.
I also like Drudge Report for the latest hot items...
I read Newsmax, and Breitbart on occasions...
I also like Mornings with Maria on FBC on business related topics.
With regard to other sources, I like Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage on talk radio...also Mark Simone.
For things related to climate change, I trust wuwt.com
Ocassionally, I will check in on the NYT, time magazine, and CNN...just to get a biased view...haha
My news sources are Conservative because, over many years, I trust them more and they have been right most of the time...
I also do a lot of reading of various non-fiction books and on technology...
I spent most of my time publishing here on HubPages.
I have over 300 featured hubs as of now...
Thanks for asking.
Well there you have it Jack. You just proved my point. We live in different realities. Our realities are function of what news sources we trust. I can say the same thing. I'm a liberal because they have been right most of the time.
The rightness and wrongness of things is based on our perception, which is based on our values and belief systems. Here is an example. Trump is deregulating the dumping of coal waste into 6,000 miles of streams that are used for drinking water. He thinks this will bring back thousands of jobs to the coal miners. I believe he is going to contaminate the drinking water and create health problems. You probably think it is the right thing to do because it is an effort to bring back jobs to the coal miners. What is right and what is wrong?
You make a good point but I have to challenge you when has liberal policies been right?
I really mean it and not just being facetious.
I will debate you point by point if you like.
As far as I can tell, all liberal progresive policies were good intentioned by ended up failed or wasted...
Proof me wrong...
I can give you a long list just under the Obama years...
Jack: First answer my question about the coal dumping in the streams and then I'll answer your question. You are deflecting my question just like Trump does.
No, I did not react to that story because I did not hear of it. I'll have to research it a bit and get back to you. However, I do in general thought the Obama EPA over stepped their authority and hurt the coal mining industry... I am going be be coming at this from an another direction. If there is environmemtal hazards of course I would not support such an action.
Is this the ruling your are referring to?
http://thehill.com/policy/energy-enviro … ining-rule
Black lung disease is not related to that ruling I don't think. Maybe your are addressing something else. There are coal miners with black long disease. A lady was on television was concerned that if ACA goes away her husband might not have insurance.
Jack: You never answered my question about deregulating Obama's law about dumping coal waste into 6,000 miles of drinking water streams. So I will answer your question. You claim all liberal policies are well intentioned but ultimately they all fail. Well here is a list of liberal progressive policies and acts that didn't fail. The conservatives would love to deregulate and/or repeal all of them.
The GI Bill
Endangered Species Act
Environmental Laws
The Space Program
The Peace Corps
The Civil Rights Movement
Earned Income Tax Credit
Family & Medical Leave Act
Consumer Product Safety Commission
Americans With Disabilities Act
Freedom of Information Act
Women's right to control their reproductive future
Allowing citizens to view their own credit records
The Internet
Balancing the federal budget
The Brady Bill (5-day wait on handgun purchases for background checks)
Lobbying Disclosure Act
"Motor-Voter" Act
The Voting Rights Act
Unemployment Insurance
Food Stamps/WIC
Social Security
Peace between Israel and Egypt
Peace between Israel and Jordan
The Department of Education
The Department of Energy
The Department of Transportation
The Department of Housing and Urban Development
Labor Laws
The Marshall Plan
Winning World War II
Food Safety Laws
Workplace Safety Laws
The Tennessee Valley Project
The Civilian Conservation Corps
The Securites and Exchange Commission
Women's Right to Vote
Universal Public Education
National Weather Service
Product Labeling Laws
Truth in Advertising Laws
Morrill Land Grant Act
Rural Electrification
Public Universities
Bank Deposit Insurance (FDIC)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Public Broadcasting
Supporting the establishment of Israel
The United Nations
That's quite a list and some of it is not a liberal progressive program, such as winning WWII...
The few I would support is the GI Bill, the Space program - only apollo moon missions,
The peace corp, FOIA, TVA, and Some Public University since I was a product of one CCNY,
The failures are many including the UN and Public Broadcasting...
Just because I am against these programs does not mean I don't have alternative solutions. For example, I would much preferred a different pension system than Social Security which as you and I both know are running out of funds very soon...
I can't go into details on every program you listed but they are not the optimum solution for the problems at hand.
I will be happy to debate specific programs you have in mind but creating a long list is not ideal.
Pick one such program and I will debate you on a better Conservative alternative solution.
How does that sound?
Who started NASA and NACA and what was their political affiliation. Who are considered the father and mother of the GI Bill and what is their political affiliation?
It doesn't matter to me who does it. If it is a good policy, I will support it and don't care who gets the credit. That was Ronald Reagan's position and my as well. This in fighting between the parties are not helping the people. Again, I will defer all to the Constitution as the guide. Somethings may not be solved and just passing a bill would not solve it. I will use the Israel palestinian conflict as an example. No among of outside influence or political will or wrangling will solve this conflict that has been going on for thousand of years. What makes some people believe it can be solved? The peace accord is a joke. It just delay the inevitable...
Our Consitution is a very good guide. Thise powers not enumerated belongs in the State and local levels. It makes perfect sense to me. The federal government is a bureaucracy. It should be the last resort and not the first. Limited power of government should always be the goal. What can be done in the private sector will be more efficient in general...
PhoenixV: I hate to pop your bubble, but NASA was created under LBJ because of the threat of Sputnik. The GI Bill was created under FDR for Vets returning home from WWII. I can give you proof if you want. The last time I looked they were both democrats and therefore liberal. Please give me proof of those listed items that were obstructed by democrats.
December 1912, President William Howard Taft (Republican) had appointed a National Aerodynamical Laboratory Commission chaired by Robert S. Woodward, president of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. Legislation was introduced in both houses of Congress early in January 1913 to approve the commission, but when it came to a vote, the legislation was defeated.( Democrats)
President Dwight D. Eisenhower established NASA in 1958.
One of your liberal claims is even named after a Republican.
Your list is liberal fake news. It is so inaccurate that I was waiting for Rick Astley to pop up singing "Never Gonna Give You Up
PhoenixV: This is from NASA website: Already on Nov. 25, 1957 Senator Lyndon B. Johnson began hearings on American space and missile activities in the Preparedness Investigating Subcommittee of the Senate Armed Services Committee. This led on Feb. 6, 1958 to the establishment of a Senate Special Committee on Space and Aeronautics, with the goal of establishing a space agency, and Senator Johnson as its chairman. On the House side of Congress the Select Committee on Astronautics and Space Exploration was created on March 5, chaired by House majority leader John W. McCormack.
Meanwhile, in the Executive Branch President Eisenhower had asked his science advisor, James R. Killian, Jr., to convene the Presidential Science Advisory Committee (PSAC) for deliberations on the subject. By March 5 Eisenhower had approved a memorandum, dated the same day and signed by Nelson Rockefeller, chairman of the President’s Advisory Committee on Government Organization, on which Killian also served. It proposed a civilian space agency built around the NACA, which by this time spent about half its total effort on space-related projects, including the Vanguard, X-15, and Defense Department missile programs. In the following weeks legislation was drafted by the Bureau of the Budget, NACA and Killian’s office. One of those Bureau of Budget drafters, Willis H. Shapley (son of the famous Harvard astronomer Harlow Shapley), later became a Deputy Associate Administrator of NASA. Another drafter, Paul G. Dembling – general counsel for the NACA during the crucial 1957-58 period and later the NASA general counsel – recalled that it was a high pressure situation “because other agencies [than NACA] were seeking the mantle, and we didn’t know exactly where we all stood.” Dembling, who is still alive and well today, recalls there was no one source for drafting such legislation, and he relied on past decisions by the General Accounting Office. The legislation that emerged called for a new agency rather than a strengthened NACA, responding to the criticism of some that NACA had become too lethargic to deal with the onrush of events, and that a new start was needed.
On April 2, Eisenhower sent the draft legislation to Congress establishing the "National Aeronautics and Space Agency." At the behest of Eilene Galloway, who worked for the Congressional Research Service and served as a consultant to both Senator Johnson and Congressman McCormack during the drafting of the final Space Act, the name was changed to "National Aeronautics and Space Administration." It was her belief that an "Administration" with an "Administrator" would be vested with more power than a mere "agency" with a "director," and in fact that the new institution would need that power to coordinate with many other agencies. Galloway, too, is alive and well today, still offering her reminiscences at age 101.
Your claiming it is inaccurate is a gross generalization as you cherry pick two things. Please give me specifics of the entire list of inaccuracies. Other than that, it is gross generalization on your part, which is fake news.
O.K. people we have gotten off track as far as the topic of this forum. Thanks to Jack Lee wanting to debate me on liberals and Obama's failures and PhonixV wanting to invalidate my list of liberal accomplishments. So let's try to keep this forum on topic. I agree with Jack, this arguing isn't going to solve any problems.
Probably best because it was going to get embarrassing. (Even more so) But it was you that went off topic and posted the bogus list.
PhoenixV: Of course it was me. I posted that list because Jack wanted a list of liberal accomplishments that he could debate as being failures.
I just wanted to correct the misinformation or disinformation on the list of alleged liberal claims of accomplishments that in 2 cases were accomplishments and named after the "founder of the republican party" and while LBJ was rigging elections in Texas, Ike was pushing Explorer and Vanguard, amongst all the other inaccuracies, too numerous to mention.
Jack: How has the UN failed? We use it to levy sanctions on other countries and to form coalitions. How has PBS failed? The conservatives want to cut funding for it. Social Security is not running out of funds. They are solvent until 2037 and then they will still be able to payout 75 percent of their benefits.
This is easily remedied by removing the max $118,000 cap that everybody pays into. The rich reach that cap in no time, therefore they don't pay anymore. I don't reach that cap in a year, so therefore I have to pay all year long. By removing the cap, the rich will pay into it all year long and therefore make social security solvent again. If social security is privatized as a pension, it will open the door for all kinds of scams exploitation for those who know nothing or very little about investing.
Here is a list of conservative acts.
The Wheel
Sliced Bread
Nothing major, In the Los Angeles area KTTV is the FOX Affiliate, KCOP, independent 13 in the LA market, is not Fox. Don't forget KDVR Fox 31/Denver
peoplepower73, you have been reported!
You are giving facts that don't comply with what Donald Trump says, and will report to the nearest enlightenment centre for re-education immediately.
You know the rules. If you can't find facts that support President Bannon's administration, you must either create alternative facts, or pout and scream "the media is being unfair!" Failure to do so is unpatriotic.
Oh no!, that means they are going to lock me up with a TV and make me watch Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Tucker Carlson, and Bill O'Reilly for 24/7 to bring me into compliance. The good thing is I get to look at all those short skirted bimbos sitting on the couches who know nothing about journalism.
While the msm was celebrating hitlarys win the night before the election on their twitter accounts, all President Trump has is a twitter account. You are obviously wrong in your analogy. The media is so obviously antagonistic to President Trump, that even a blindfolded Hellen Keller on a moonless night could see that. The msm has been biased for years. The msm is the enemy of the American as described by others. The reason is they are propagandists of the lefty kind. From ABC to SNL. Liberal msm make Nazi propaganda look like chump change compared to the equivalent of billions in air time. Its lefty propaganda. Itsa machine. Its undeniable and its manifestly conspicuous.
Here is link to one such page -
http://spicyhit.com/en/literature/my-li … -a-hubbook
What is this about? I see it's your bio but what is this in response to?
This was a mistake posting. You can ignore it.
I tried to open a question regarding plagerism of my hubs and it was taken down by the moderator at HP...this link was an orphan. Sorry for the confusion.
This website copied many of my hubs and I need to report them.
Warren Atherton(Republican), as one of the "fathers of the G.I. Bill." One might then term Edith Nourse Rogers, Republican-Mass, who helped write and who co'sponsered the legislation, as the "mother of the G.I. Bill"
Both the EITC and the CTC were initially proposed, supported, and expanded by Republican policymakers with broad bipartisan support.
Justin Smith Morrill
widely remembered today for the Morrill Land-Grant Colleges Act that established federal funding for establishing many of the United States' public colleges and universities.
He was one of the founders of the Republican Party.[3]
If you think Flynn should be locked up but Hillary shouldn't, you're a special kind of stupid.
Onusonus: Thank you so much. I really appreciate the compliment. I think you are a special kind of ___________ as well.
The FBI has just announced that there will be NO investigation of Flynn ! What does THAT tell the establishment left Or the divisive and completely biased media .
So much for" Fake news "
I Wonder if THAT will make a headline ?
ahorseback: This is from the Hill None of these is fake news. It is all verifiable facts.
"House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) said Tuesday that his panel won't investigate the circumstances that led to Michael Flynn stepping down Monday as President Trump's national security adviser. Instead, Chaffetz deferred to the House Intelligence Committee, which is already investigating Russia's attempt to influence the presidential elections, a scope that includes campaign communications with the Russian government.
"I think that situation has taken care of itself. I know that the Intel committee is looking into the hacking issue," Chaffetz told reporters.
"I think he did the right thing stepping down."The Washington Post reported Monday night that then-acting Attorney General Sally Yates had warned the White House counsel before Trump fired her last month that Flynn had misled the public about his communications with the Russian ambassador after the Obama administration announced sanctions in response to election-related hacking."
Talk about hypocrisy, He and Trey Gowdy spent years and million of dollars investigating Hillary Clinton.
Comey briefed the Senate investigation committee yesterday. Marco Rubio, after hearing Comey, said he thinks the committee is going to be able to investigate in a productive manner.
It's good they aren't focusing on Flynn. They got information from him that will help their investigation.
The sad thing is that people can't respectfully disagree. I don't understand it People.
Smerconish was talking about the need for more people "in the middle" for us to get to the point of bipartisanship. Right now we have Hard Right and Hard Left. Supposedly the millenials are going to change that trend. We will probably be dead by then.
Have you heard of the "Whole Foods v.s. Cracker Barrel" book and theory.
The country is divided and for good reason. I do blame the media for not reporting the news but spin it to their liberal agenda. We will all be better informed and less polarized if the media was truly un-biased. It is ok to have opinion articles appearing on the editorial pages. That was always the case. However, with the decline of ethics on the part of journalists, and the editorial room, we see these conflicting opinions played out in hard news. Let the reader beware.
The format that I see on most media is
1. Report the new (show clips, quotes, etc.) This should be inarguable
2. Panel discussion (there are conservatives and liberals taking turns and addressing each other)
You don't think that brings balance
Jack: What do you call Fox news, Brietbart, and Alt Right spinning it to their conservative agenda?
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