Would The Current Senate Impeach President Trump

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  1. Sharlee01 profile image85
    Sharlee01posted 5 years ago

    Would the current Senate vote to Impeach President Trump?  I would like to hear your thoughts, please share.

    1. Credence2 profile image80
      Credence2posted 5 years agoin reply to this

      The senate wouldn't convict nor  remove Donald Trump even if he were proved guilty of murder. Such is the state of devotion or should I say mesmerization that this man has on the GOP rank and file.

      Quote from Star Wars: yet the Farce can have a profound effect on the feeble minded.

      I resisted, as did Nancy Pelosi, the idea of impeachment because of just such an outcome. Allowing the Dems to have their eyes taken off of the ball in the need to defeat Donald Trump in the general election next year.

      With the Electoral defeat of Donald Trump in 2020, a clear and ungarbled message could be sent to the GOP and rightwing advocates across America. We do not dare allow any distraction  from this important objective.

      1. Sharlee01 profile image85
        Sharlee01posted 5 years agoin reply to this

        Your view makes good common sense. However, I do feel if the Senate see any firsthand proof of a crime they would vote to impeach the president.  it appears the Dem's are taking a big gamble dealing with impeachment with the election looming.

        Perhaps the Dem's should consider beating Trump at the polls with a candidate that promotes a good solid agenda? I have many Democratic friends that are very turned off by all the investigations, gridlock at getting things done and the poor lineup of candidates. Does it seem they are chasing their tails?

        1. Ken Burgess profile image68
          Ken Burgessposted 5 years agoin reply to this

          I think its more about damage control and cover up.

          Clinton had all sorts of issues, from the emails/server to the DNC funds theft, to Ukraine, to Uranium One, etc. etc.

          And a cabal within the Obama Administration, from John Brennan to Susan Rice worked to fabricate a Russian Collusion case against Trump to take down his Presidency (so they hoped).

          The Democrats have been trying to Impeach Trump for one thing after another, because they have so much corruption and criminal activity at risk of being exposed if they don't keep the pressure on him, and do everything within their power to convince the American people that it is Trump, not them, that are the criminals.

          The reason why they cannot convince a majority of Americans that Trump is the evil monster they say, is because the majority of Americans had already figured out that Congress and the halls of D.C. are filled with corruption of the worst sort, and they can't be trusted (nor the MSM)... that is why there is a President Trump in the first place.

          Right now they want to deflect away from Hunter & Joe's criminal activities in the Ukraine and China.  You can't have former VP and current Presidential hopeful front-runner being exposed as a long time sell out of America's interests can you?

          1. Randy Godwin profile image59
            Randy Godwinposted 5 years agoin reply to this

            You are confused, Ken. You know as well as I  that Hillary didn't single handedly vote for the uranium deal. I do believer they're were 7 others who voted the same. Not even a good Fox news try....

          2. Sharlee01 profile image85
            Sharlee01posted 5 years agoin reply to this

            I love reading your comments. Pure common sense. I agree with every word.

        2. crankalicious profile image89
          crankaliciousposted 5 years agoin reply to this

          Just curious what you think is required for impeachment, Shar, because generally it's not limited to criminal conduct.

          1. Sharlee01 profile image85
            Sharlee01posted 5 years agoin reply to this

            Hard question.

            Journalists, as well as media,  are providing their opinions on what constitutes impeachable crimes. To list a few,  treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. High crimes and misdemeanors would work to cover allegations of misconduct, such as perjury of oath, abuse of authority, bribery, intimidation, misuse of assets, failure to supervise, dereliction of duty, unbecoming conduct, refusal to obey a lawful order, chronic intoxication, and tax evasion.  All they are leaving out is "Orange hair", which could be added if needed...  As you see the list is long,

            If one reads the Constitution on the matter of impeachment, it certainly does not include most of the above. It's vague.  So, not sure I could honestly answer your question. I have come up with an alternative. I am willing to put this matter in the capable hands of Cheif Justice Roberts. I have good faith he would follow the Constitution, as well as prior precedent. I also am of the opinion good facts should be available to prove any allegations, not smoke but fire.

            1. peoplepower73 profile image83
              peoplepower73posted 5 years agoin reply to this

              Sharlee: There  are several things that are certain.  Trump tried to get the Ukrainian President to give him dirt on Biden's son by holding back on the funding for the Javelin missile systems.

              Pompeo, Guiliani, and  others who have and are going to be subpoenaed are not going to testify.  They will claim executive privilege or client confidentiality.  The only person in this entire swamp who holds the power is the Inspector General He has corroborating evidence about the whistleblowers claims.

              The only way the GOP is going to allow impeachment is if they start to lose their constituents based on what the IG does and says. Trump's supporters right now could care less about what Trump has done, because in their minds he can do no wrong. So therefore, the GOP senate will keep seats until their base turns against Trump. McConnell has stated he will hold a trial if the house impeaches Trump. But even at that, I think he will just go through the motions. If this goes to the courts, it could drag on for ever and that what Trump and his advisers are banking on.

              1. Randy Godwin profile image59
                Randy Godwinposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                There will be even more Obstruction of Justice during the next few months by Trump's fellow crooks, Mike!

              2. Sharlee01 profile image85
                Sharlee01posted 5 years agoin reply to this

                "Sharlee: There are several things that are certain.  Trump tried to get the Ukrainian President to give him dirt on Biden's son by holding back on the funding for the Javelin missile systems."

                The Ukrainian Government was purchasing the Javelin missiles from us. Trump withheld $400 million in military aid from Ukraine.

                In March 2018, Trump approved the $47 million sale of 210 Javelin anti-tank missiles and 37 launchers to Ukraine. The missiles were the first lethal military assistance provided to Ukraine by the United States in its fight against Russian-supported separatists in eastern Ukraine since that fighting began in 2014.
                https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/javelin … d=65855233

                Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelensky has insisted he was unaware of Donald Trump’s decision to withhold military aid before their now infamous 25 July phone call.
                https://www.independent.co.uk/news/worl … 50356.html

                Although it appears even if Zelinsky may have been unaware funds were being held up.  Mick Mulvaney, acting White House chief of staff did know the funds were being held up and gave a statement on the subject giving his explanation of why the funds were held up. A statement he tried to walk back...

                https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa- … SKBN1WW1BG

                "Pompeo, Guiliani, and others who have and are going to be subpoenaed are not going to testify.  They will claim executive privilege or client confidentiality..."

                I can't comment on due to being unaware of what Pompeo and Guiliani will do. I know Guiliani was subpoenaed to appear, not sure about Pompeo?

                Your assumptions and views make for an interesting scenario, that makes sense. However, we once again play a waiting game, that seems will never end.

                1. My Esoteric profile image85
                  My Esotericposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                  "Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelensky has insisted he was unaware of Donald Trump’s decision to withhold military aid before their now infamous 25 July phone call." - THAT HAS SENSE been proven to be untrue and a desperate statement by Zelenskyy to get his aid. Who can blame him?

    2. profile image0
      promisemposted 5 years agoin reply to this

      Yes. I think the odds are now better than 50/50. I wouldn't have thought so even 10 days ago. Some of the reasons include:

      1. Most Republicans in Congress are deadly silent these days. Only a handful of Trump defenders are saying anything. They want him gone.

      2. Multiple polls are showing a 3X increase among Republicans in favor of impeachment as well as a jump among independents. The total of 47% who favor impeachment is now higher than the 43% for Nixon.

      3. There is no denying that Trump pushed the Ukrainian president to investigate Biden and withheld Ukrainian ad right before the call. Trump admitted it.

      4. Trump is already melting down with calls to arrest Adam Schiff and other bizarre tweets. We should worry about what's next.

      5. Top Republicans are resigning left and right.

      https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4636 … epublicans

      1. Randy Godwin profile image59
        Randy Godwinposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        And now we find out Trump is pressuring Australia to investigate the Pappadopolis claim, hoping to disprove the Mueller report. The right is running scared at this point.  Run and hide little trumpsters!  yikes

        1. profile image0
          promisemposted 5 years agoin reply to this

          "Running scared" sounds accurate. It would explain why so many Republicans in Congress are either silent or resigning.

          1. Ken Burgess profile image68
            Ken Burgessposted 5 years agoin reply to this

            You two (above) seem to  be living in a alternate reality.  Or maybe you just watch to much CNN, you know, the channel that said two years ago that Trump was going to be impeached in a matter of weeks for being a Russian puppet.

            You do know that Impeachment means nothing, other than probably making Trump even more popular.  You must want him re-elected.  In U.S. history, only two presidents have been impeached, Bill Clinton and Andrew Johnson. Neither were removed from office by the Senate.

            1. profile image0
              promisemposted 5 years agoin reply to this

              As always, you can only respond with an unprovoked personal attack.

              Facts seem to scare you.

              1. Ken Burgess profile image68
                Ken Burgessposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                As always you see a personal attack where there is none.

                Of course, when on the losing side of a discussion, complaining that you have been personally attacked is the way to go, right?

                You noted no facts above, just opinions.

                I however did point out a fact, more than one, and you consider that a personal attack?

                I should have expected as much, truth is a lie, criminals like Biden and his son are the victims, asking that they be investigated for their criminal activities is an impeachable offense. 

                I would love to have a reasonable discussion about moving on from Trump, about how Warren or Gabbard would be worthwhile candidates to consider.

                Instead the people who want Trump out, want to get behind Biden, and defend him, rather than seeing him outed for the corrupt politician that he has always been, as big a turd as has ever been in D.C.

                Sad really.

                1. profile image0
                  promisemposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                  "You two (above) seem to  be living in a alternate reality.  Or maybe you just watch to much CNN..."  Blah, blah, blah.

                  Is that your idea of civility? At least you are consistent.

                  BTW, how many times have you been banned on here for personal attacks? I think I have lost count.  smile

                  1. Ken Burgess profile image68
                    Ken Burgessposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                    Oh yeah, I am banned all the time, in fact, other than when correcting you for attacking others I have been banned exactly 0 (zero) times.

                    I recognize that those who are of left leaning persuasion find personal attacks and insults in normal discourse from just about anyone.

                    I'm not sure what is more amazing, the ability to find insult in any form of communication... or the ability to keep on believing that Trump is going to be Impeached and removed as President every time the media says he is guilty of some horrible awful unforgivable crime.

                    After three years, doesn't it get tiresome?

                2. Credence2 profile image80
                  Credence2posted 5 years agoin reply to this

                  "Instead the people who want Trump out, want to get behind Biden, and defend him, rather than seeing him outed for the corrupt politician that he has always been, as big a turd as has ever been in D.C."

                  No, many of us that want to get rid of Trump want to replace him with Liz Warren, a true, not just a pseudo advocate for working people and the middle class. I happen to be one of those.

                  1. Ken Burgess profile image68
                    Ken Burgessposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                    You may Credence, but I don't believe that desire is supported by the MSM or the DNC.

                    As I am sure I have stated before, I expect the DNC to try and ignore her at first, and destroy her if necessary (actually  this goes for Warren and Gabbard both) I do not believe they will allow her to become the nominee, and with SuperDelegates they don't have to worry about what people want, they will ignore your wishes and put up a puppet like Biden whether you want him or not.

                    When you recognize this truth, when you see it play out this election, perhaps you and I will be much more in agreement about who we support and why.

                    You may want different changes for different reasons in our country than I do, but we both want an end to the corrupt government we have today that serves the interests of powerful international corporations and foreign entities at the expense of the American people and the best interests of America.

            2. Randy Godwin profile image59
              Randy Godwinposted 5 years agoin reply to this

              I watch all manner of news sources, even the laughable Fox news opinion heads. They too are running scared and are putting out all sorts of propaganda and conspiracy theories. This in a desperate panicky voice.

              The tide of public opinion is increasingly in favor of kicking this criminal out of office. And then there's Trump's base. Meaning you....

              1. profile image0
                promisemposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                Now, now, Randy, that's the kind of "alternate reality" talk from someone who watches too much CNN. wink

                You need to get with the program and mindlessly support Trump no matter how many laws he breaks.

      2. Sharlee01 profile image85
        Sharlee01posted 5 years agoin reply to this

        Good points. I don't think of this point the Senate would impeach Trump. However, who knows what allegation will surface in days to come. I don't think this Ukranian scandal will lead to Trump being impeached.   Hey, tomorrow's another day...

      3. jackclee lm profile image76
        jackclee lmposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        1. Most GOP are part of the swamp...
        2. Do you trust any polls? Most are agenda driven and wrong.
        3. Trump did nothing wrong with Ukraine. The transcript is published...
        4. I would call for censure of Schiff. He has been lying to the American people for 2 plus years...
        5. Republicans are seeing the writing on the wall and that their corrupt days are over with Trump who will take no prisoners when it comes to draining the swamp...some has decided to quit while they are ahead.

        1. My Esoteric profile image85
          My Esotericposted 5 years agoin reply to this

          1. Agreed - mainly Trump

          2. Yes, and no they are not - just you

          3.  It is legal, moral, and ethical then, in your opinion, for a president to use the power of his office to get somebody else to help him with his next election?  SAD

          4.  I would call for a censure of Meadows, Jordan, Gatz for trying to break the law by outing the whistleblower and taking pictures in a secure facility.  The only person who has been lying for 2 plus years is Trump, Meadows, Jordan, Gatz, and the GOP

          5.  Thank the lord they are leaving, maybe the Ds can get a veto proof majority.

    3. jackclee lm profile image76
      jackclee lmposted 5 years agoin reply to this

      The impeachment of Trump is a political desperate act. It will not work. TDS has driven some insane and willing to commit political suicide in order to get Trump. We have been through much worse as a country. The American people recognize this for what it is - a witch hunt. If anything, the more they talk of impeachment, the more it will help Trump to be seen as a victim. IMHO.

      1. profile image0
        promisemposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        Yes. The entire planet is crazy except for Trump and his supporters.

        Vladimir Putin is delighted.

        1. jackclee lm profile image76
          jackclee lmposted 5 years agoin reply to this

          No, not the entire planet...just the main stream media who acts like they speak for the entire planet...their credibility is at an all time low. Only you and Democrats are still trusting of this corrupt media after they have been lying for 2.5 years about Russian collusion. If I was you, I would reassess the situation and do some deep soul searching before trusting in the media again.

          1. My Esoteric profile image85
            My Esotericposted 5 years agoin reply to this

            Yes, just the main stream media who sees all of the facts, unlike the conservative media who work in a fantasy world of their own making.  And then there are the 60%+ Americans who have already said they want Trump gone.

            The main stream media has just been reporting what out intelligence community and Mueller said.  That mean you are calling, just like Trump does, the ENTIRE American intelligence community liars. 

            Why are you calling these professionals liars while you keep on believing a proven, serial liar like Trump?  Talk about needing some deep soul searching!

            1. jackclee lm profile image76
              jackclee lmposted 5 years agoin reply to this

              No, not the whole intelligence community...just the few corrupt leaders like Comey and McCabe and Brennan and Klapper...who just happen to be appointed by President Obama.
              The truth will come out sooner or later and I do believe the people will be shocked at the depth of the corruption and the illegal activities perpetrated against US citizens.

              1. jackclee lm profile image76
                jackclee lmposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                Your hero Adam Schiff - one of the worst members of Congress...

                https://thefederalist.com/2018/01/30/ad … y-details/

                1. My Esoteric profile image85
                  My Esotericposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                  I'm sorry, I saw who your source was and immediately discounted it as conservative propaganda.  Find an unbiased source that says the same thing, then I will read it.

              2. My Esoteric profile image85
                My Esotericposted 5 years agoin reply to this

                You mean just those patriots who disagree with you - AND the rest of the intelligence community who agrees with them.

                Remember, it is not the whole world that is corrupt except Trump, it is Trump who is very corrupt while the rest of the world is not. 

                Don't you see how silly that is to presume only Trump, who just agreed he committed fraud with his Trump Foundation and is paying $2 million in restitution (or the millions he paid for his corrupt Trump U), is the one that is innocent and that thousands of others who have used their productive years of their life in service to America are the guilty ones???

    4. profile image0
      promisemposted 5 years agoin reply to this

      The lack of defense by Republicans suggests that enough of them in the Senate would vote in favor.

      They will be ecstatic to get rid of him.

      1. Randy Godwin profile image59
        Randy Godwinposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        So will we all! Everyone can agree the daily drama is tiresome in the extreme.

    5. Misfit Chick profile image78
      Misfit Chickposted 5 years agoin reply to this

      No, the Senate has a GOP majority. They may have to 'take it up' when things get through the House, but they won't remove Trump from office.

      Pelosi had the right idea in the first place - leave impeachment alone, no matter how many Trump offenses are brought to light. But, for those of you who believe she's gone off the deep end, she pretty much HAD to take it up just based on the feedback from THE PEOPLE who's votes she is counting on to overturn the Senate next year.

      I'm actually irritated with Trump that he wasn't smarter than this. He just HAD to create a situation that Dems couldn't brush under a committee rug as they have so many other of his shenanigans. We only had ONE MORE YEAR left before we could vote his divisive butt out.

      But, what's even more frustrating is his supporters who STILL can't see (or refuse to see) what he's done wrong. All they can do is talk about Hillary or Obama. But, Conway's hubby was right - if Obama had done what Trump has done, the GOP would not have hesitated to act - and yeah, they would have been right.

      Double standards are currently the theme of the GOP - which is why, no doubt, they are beginning to lose so much ground in the political landscape. They've somehow managed to turn off even their OWN supporters. And, Trump is obviously unaware that when you call members of your own party 'human scum' - as he has his #nevertrump opponents - it just makes things that much worse for him.

      Add to that, Trump was never going to go out quietly... Hell, he has even commented that his supporters probably wouldn't want him to step aside even after TWO terms in office. So you KNOW that was never going to happen no matter what.

      1. My Esoteric profile image85
        My Esotericposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        I would agree, but his crimes are so egregious that ignoring them would basically say the Constitution and what this nation stands for mean nothing anymore.

        Even if the Republicans turn on America and keep in in power to cause more harm, we will look like the third-world nation that Trump has turned America into.

        1. profile image0
          promisemposted 5 years agoin reply to this

          The Senate will convict Trump with GOP votes if the vote is done with a secret ballot, according to multiple reports.

          That's how badly the GOP wants to get rid of him.

          https://www.politico.com/magazine/story … ice-229911

          1. Misfit Chick profile image78
            Misfit Chickposted 5 years agoin reply to this

            I totally believe that. They didn't want him in there to begin with. Trump was not MOST Republican's first choice. But, they certainly have not been acting like it. Enabling bunch of cowards.

            1. My Esoteric profile image85
              My Esotericposted 5 years agoin reply to this

              Thumbs Up

  2. Live to Learn profile image60
    Live to Learnposted 5 years ago

    Most of the ignorance is confined to the House. If facts warranting impeachment are found, the Senate will act.

    As it stands thus far, the House is just showing their ignorance.

    1. Sharlee01 profile image85
      Sharlee01posted 5 years agoin reply to this

      I tend to agree. I believe if the Senate is faced with facts that can be proved with eveidence they would vote to impeach. I don't think second-hand information from the whistleblower in regard to the Ukraine phone call and alligations of  Quid pro quo will result in the impeachment of President Trump.

    2. My Esoteric profile image85
      My Esotericposted 5 years agoin reply to this

      You mean with all of the facts pointing toward Trump's guilt kind of "ignorance"?

      Obstruction of Congress - Slam Dunk for the nonpartisan, but not the Trump supplicant

      Obstruction of Justice - Slam Dunk for the nonpartisan, but not the Trump supplicant

      Abuse of Power - Slam Dunk for the nonpartisan, but not the Trump supplicant

      Extortion - Most would agree except for the Trump supplicant

      Bribery - Most would agree except for the Trump supplicant

      Treason - Many would agree except for the Trump supplicant

      As it stands now, no, I don't think most of the Republicans can overcome their fear of losing their job in favor of doing what is right to save America.

      1. jackclee lm profile image76
        jackclee lmposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        Save America from what?
        America is in danger because of a witch trial using an anonymous whistle blower...
        America has a Constitution and rule of law.
        As long as we follow that, our future is secure. The only people undermining that are partisan politicians who feels they are entitled and they are offended by someone like Trump, an outsider who won and showing them up for the paper tiger they are.

        1. My Esoteric profile image85
          My Esotericposted 5 years agoin reply to this

          From Trump, dummy; from dictatorship; from the rule of Trump rather than the rule of law.  Trump clearly doesn't give a damn about the Constitution since he violates it on a daily basis.

          Trump has conned you.

          Why does truth, patriotism, honor, morality not matter to you Jack?  Your hero has none of those qualities.  Does that mean since you blindly support this demagogue, that you don't either??


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