Please post below something President Trump has said that's untrue about the Coronavirus or anything to do with it.
Please provide a link to the statement.
Here's a fun video detailing Trump's misinformation about the Coronavirus. From a liberal source, but disagree if you want: … virus.html
Another completely misleading statement by the President about masks: … ip-vpx.cnn
President Trump lies about shaking hands in India. … ue/380650/
Transcript of the lie: … ource=link
President Trump insists testing is going great on March 7: … tlanta-ga/
Trump says FDA approved drug treatments exist for Coronavirus: … n-covid-19
But they don't: … quine.html
Trump touts a drug that hasn't been approved. Man tries it and dies. … index.html
Trump says Ford and GM making ventilators: … riefing-7/
Not actually true:
"General Motors and Ventec Life Systems said Friday they have agreed to build critical-care ventilators at one of the automaker’s components plants in Indiana.
The deal, which includes FDA-cleared ventilators shipping as soon as next month" … icism.html
I am glad it is true now! Wasn’t when he said it.
Don't know that they have constructed even one yet - if they have it was completely by hand. But they are re-tooling in order to start production and expect to produce 10,000/month in full production.
Is it worth the effort to bring up that while the process of constructing a production line has begun, not a single ventilator has been actually made, just in order to nitpick the label "LIAR" again? Do you ever wonder why no one, that is not already on the Bash Trump bandwagon, doesn't pay much attention to such claims?
Do I ever wonder why no one who supports Trump doesn't pay attention to his lies?
I guess. It's clear to me that they're brainwashed by Fox News. I have been reading Fox News regularly and they're Trump sycophants. Breitbart is undoubtedly worse. Yet, independent research has shown that Fox News spews more lies than other networks. So I can see how those who have been watching Fox News, not bothering to check their facts independently, would get behind their support for Trump. Having followed Fox News, almost everything on Hubpages in the forums of a conservative bent is a parroting of Fox News.
Right-Wingers, you being an exception on this point, come from a highly religious background where facts matter little generally. It's faith that matters. Faith matters more than science. God matters more than science. Faith matters more than facts. This background does not comport with truth-seeking. Religion is the most important thing and anybody who doesn't believe as they do goes to hell. That view is being reflected in their politics and always has.
Another good article compiling Trump's lies: … d80959966f
Unfortunately, Matt Margolis is clearly not trustworthy in any way. Many of Trump's lies are direct quotes.
Just as an example, the disintegration of the pandemic team is an example of something that happened under the Trump administration. He doesn't want to take responsibility for it, but it still happened under him. In fact, John Bolton was the person who disbanded the pandemic team. And it wasn't really that he disbanded it, but clearly a lot of people left or were pushed out. Trump hired Bolton. To say that he knew nothing about it or had nothing to do with it is a management style called "passing the buck". Most Presidents in the past have taken responsibility for implementing their agenda whether directly or through subordinates.
The mortality rate is another thing. I'm not sure I've seen that, but I have heard him saying that it would all be over soon and downplaying the seriousness of the virus many times.
LOL Of course he isn't trustworthy; he isn't on the bash Trump bandwagon. Yes, may of the "lies" are direct quotes...shortened to give a false impression and taken out of context.
So the disintegration of the pandemic team didn't happen, yet you say "the disintegration of the pandemic team is an example of something that happened under the Trump administration". Again, only a part of the story, as you continue on to explain. Which was also in the link I gave; that the team was down-sized as it was top heavy and needed pruning.
Yet everything we hear is that it was disbanded. Not pruned; disbanded. Ended. Disintegrated (your term). Gone. No longer in existence.
All of which is totally false; a part of the story is given, spun and used to give a totally false impression. Which is what I have often said about the news we hear, and specifically about the so called "lies" of Trump.
Trump predicts a quick end to the outbreak, attempting to calm the population and prevent a complete meltdown of the economy. While I disagree with him (I think the worst, much worse, is yet to come), isn't that the the task of the politician? To calm the population and maintain a semblance of order? He's been taken to task for fear mongering over the outbreak, now he is taken to task for calming words? Is there nothing he can say or do that would be found "right" somehow?
You are correct about the pandemic team issue and I've had to correct a number of people who have simply repeated the content of a meme that went around.
The accurate thing to say is that the pandemic team was severely reduced in size under the Trump administration's leadership. That is accurate. We don't exactly know why, but it appears that most of the team was given an ultimatum where they could quit or be fired. It's also consistent with Trump's overall strategy of reducing government entities he doesn't believe serve any purpose. Also, Trump doesn't trust science. How can any legitimate scientist work for him? This is the crux of pretty much everything with Trump - he doesn't believe science or understand it - a huge failing that deserves unrelenting criticism.
This is just where we are as a society. To explain the complexity of why the team shrunk requires more than a headline's worth of words, but most people simply do not have the patience or intelligence to engage with the overall explanation, so headlines are used to distill the essence of the issue. Most often, they are not entirely accurate no matter who writes them. They're intended to get people to read an article or engage with the issue. They don't. They just regurgitate the headline.
Trump is bashed because most people, at least the ones I know, judge him to be a bad person. He has said himself that he knows more than the experts. Anybody who would say such a thing is stupid, mean, ignorant and many other things. So this is why he's bashed, among other reasons. He treats people like disposable pieces of garbage and he's treated like he treats others.
If you want me to compliment him for doing something right, I can easily do that. His decision to let Dr. Fauci take the lead during his press conferences has been a great decision. It's tragic that Trump feels the need to get up and talk and undo the information that Dr. Fauci provides though.
Here's a fun tweet from Rudy Giuliani courtesy of some right-wing bloggers. Not sure if this whole thing is true or if Rudy really did tweet it, but here it is:
And here we go again, bashing Trump without any possible supporting evidence. "We don't exactly know why <the pandemic team was downsized>." So you will speculate, using your opinions as factual to make up an answer as degrading as possible. Shame.
"Trump is bashed because most people, at least the ones I know, judge him to be a bad person." And why do they judge him to be a bad person? Because he has suffered the biggest pogrom in the history of our country to debase and denigrate a single man. Not because he is actually bad, but because so many thousands of people, with the power to communicate and convince, have told you so.
If the quality control department of your business fell apart under your leadership, resulting in costly time delays and dangerous procedures would you take responsibility?
Fortunately, that did not happen, so is an irrelevant question, designed to do nothing but produce another opportunity to bash Trump without any supporting evidence at all. Shame.
Wow. I have taken responsibility for serious problems that occurred under my leadership even when I wasn't directly involved in the immediate situation. A leader is responsible for ensuring employees are competent and properly trained. A leader monitors all aspects of their organization and is alert to weaknesses, responding and shoring up people or processes as needed. To me, this is a no brainer.
Edit: If you gave me that answer in a job interview, I would not hire you.
C'mon, Wilderness. He's judged to be a bad person because of what comes out of his mouth - the constant lies and the horrible things he says about people and the way he treats women. Lies and cruelness are the hallmarks of bad people.
And Bolton downsized the pandemic team. There's no question about that. The team resigned in mass. You're talking about an administration that doesn't believe in science and a President who believe he knows more than the scientists. If you're a scientist, could you work for somebody like that? Experts across government quit when Trump became President because he doesn't fundamentally believe in what they're doing and he didn't want them around.
A waste of time arguing with Dan, Crank. He's invested in Trump, like others on these political forums. Hear no evil...and all that shit!
Conversely, I see him "invested" in accuracy. I have had several doses of the same criticisms he is receiving, so I think I can understand his perspective.
Contesting false or misleading or inaccurate statements is not the same as defending the object of those statements, yet that is the go-to assumption and claim of those making the criticized statements.
I frequently see the, (unmet), challenge of; "Show where I defended . . . " or, "Show me where I said . . . " But instead of showing the actual defense that was claimed, the criticism of a statement is declared as proof of that defense.
Yep, his is an investment I can agree with. And speaking of a "waste of time arguing with . . ." Did you know that a pigeon can look at a coin—edge-on, and see both sides at once?
So, this is accuracy?
"Trump is bashed because most people, at least the ones I know, judge him to be a bad person." And why do they judge him to be a bad person? Because he has suffered the biggest pogrom in the history of our country to debase and denigrate a single man. Not because he is actually bad, but because so many thousands of people, with the power to communicate and convince, have told you so.
He also called licensed medical professionals "quacks." Is that just as accurate as Trump accusing first responders of theft?
It doesn't matter what Trump says. He's the Right's Messiah and can lie at will with no chance of his base caring in the least.
Well, yeah. Which part of it do you think is not accurate?
But, to continue from my earlier response, neither that statement nor my agreement with its accuracy is saying that Trump is not a bad man.
Although many declare it to be a fact, it, at this point, can only be an opinion.
So give it a shot; Which part of that statement do you think is inaccurate?
"Because he has suffered the biggest pogrom in the history of our country to debase and denigrate a single man."
Islandbites might see something different, but I do not think this is true.
Okay, I agree that is surely an opinion, but what president do you think has been attacked as roundly as Pres. Trump?
Which POTUS deserved it as much? Do you disagree Trump is the most dishonest--as far as the untruths he tells--POTUS in history? If not, name some....
Are you answering a question with a question Randy? Don't you usually rag on folks that don't answer your questions?
The context of the original question—the one you chose to respond to, was about the accuracy of the statement. Do you want to give that one a go?
This time yes, Gus. I can't think of any POTUS who should be criticized as much as Trump for his dishonesty and arrogance.
So I asked you if you could. Good enough?
No, what about the question of which president has received the same barrage of attacks as Pres. Trump?
I have no idea. I only know that no president in my lifetime has done more than Trump to warrant that criticism.
That may be true, (the deserved part), but it has nothing to do with the accuracy of the statement being discussed. Which is the point of my comments in this thread.
To be clear, we are talking about this sta tement: "Because he has suffered the biggest pogrom in the history of our country to debase and denigrate a single man."
You say this is accura te?
Yes, I think it is accurate. I won't declare it a fact, but I do think it is accurate.
Although many declare it to be a fact, it, at this point, can only be an opinion.
When is "bad"or "good" not an opinion?
You think is accurate. So, of course, you know the intentions and reasons of a lot of people (most?), because... that's your opinion. And you know better? Ok.
See? You want to think you're so objective... Only when is to your side. There's always another explanation, another reason, the benefit of the doubt.
Then you ride that horse hard.
But whatever, if that makes you happy. You're a seeker of accuracy and truth! Yay!
Are you having a bad day IslandMom? You seem a bit worked up.
So . . .
"Although many declare it to be a fact, it, at this point, can only be an opinion."
The "it" obviously refers to any of the many charges leveled to confirm their 'opinion' that it is a fact that Pres. Trump is . . . (pick a charge)
Have you not seen the "opinions" that Pres. Trump is mentally unstable, and then offer experts' opinions to prove their opinion is fact?
Of course, good or bad is an opinion, I agree with you, and so does Wilderness—judging by your chosen quote, but surely you have seen the many times it has been stated as fact on these forums. So, was Wilderness' statement inaccurate?
Up here from the saddle of Truth and Accuracy, (he's a black stallion, by the way ;-) ), it looks like an accurate statement to me.
Nah, Im chill. Im joining the accuracy movement.
Of course it looks like an accurate statement to you. That was my point.
I got that point. But considering the charges in these forums—which I think was the context of the original question, I am still unsure why you feel it is inaccurate.
Do you not think there were comments that have declared it a fact, (not an opinion), that Trump is mentally unstable? Do you not think that comments have expressed that it is a fact, (not opinion), that Trump is a bad man?
Maybe you are right, maybe I have a bias that is blinding me, but considering what I have read in these forum topics, I think I am right—the statement being discussed is accurate.
Ahem. Citing the opinions of experts to bolster one's own opinion is not the same as saying your opinion is fact. It is, however, at least showing that your opinion is based on something more than just your personal whimsy.
Okay, I will give you that wiggle room. It is not worth the effort to comb through past threads to cite you chapter and verse examples of just what I have said. But they are there and I am confident you have read them stated as "fact" also.
Well, okay but facts and opinions are often stated in the same manner.
"Trump is a liar" Documented fact.
"Trump is a lying POS." Opinion
"Trump is a narcissist." Documented opinion of a considerable number of mental health experts.
"Trump's every action is designed to make himself look good." Opinion, even though that is what narcissists do.
So, I suppose one could say these opinions are stated as fact, but so what? They are just opinions stated like everyone states an opinion. Do we really have to precede every opinion with "in my opinion...." ?
Well, if you are stating your opinion as fact, then yes, you do need to preface it with an 'I think'.
One can be adamantly confident that their opinion is correct, (fact), and be equally confident that other data supports their opinion, but, it is still just an opinion, and to state it as fact is inaccurate.
I get your point, and I could pass on most such statements, but the comments I have seen, and am referring to, unequivocally state that their opinion is a fact—and that is wrong.
I think your bias is causing you to see one side more critically than the other.
That may be true. I try to be an equal opportunity criticizer, but we all have our weaknesses. ;-)
Nope. But if one is presenting opinion as fact they should be prepared to support it.
So can a fence rider, Gus. It's what you really see that counts, not what you want to see in your and Dan's case.
You are wrong again Randy. I jumped off of that fence quite awhile ago, but because I didn't jump onto your bandwagon you still see only what you want to see.
Trump knows more than the experts. He has a natural ability. He basically said those two things, correct?
There really has been quite a bit written about Trump and a lot of first-hand knowledge of his habits and behaviors from people who have worked with him. Then there's the direct evidence most of us have watching him daily lie and, at best, riff and speculate.
Yet, it's his supporters who claim this is all opinion and it's their subjective version of his genius that's really the truth.
When historians write the history of our time it should be called "The Age of Gaslighting" because what's really true now is that there is no truth.
Crankilicious, I have to direct you to the fact that I have not argued such generalities as are in your comment. I have only argued the declaration of opinions as fact when they are solely opinions.
I think it would be surprising to many of just how many of their opinions I share.
Fair enough. I try never to be somebody who thinks his opinions are facts, but usually my opinions are either based in fact or experience. Still, I realize that people have different experiences that form their opinions.
Trump quote from March 16:
“This is a very contagious — this is a very contagious virus. It’s incredible,” he said. “But it’s something that we have tremendous control over.” … al-moment/
Here are Trump's responses to the virus in his own words: … Fstory-ans
Good link, Crank. the graphics of the virus was kinda scary though.
You know, Randy, as much as Ken's self-righteous news sourcing leans toward right-wing conspiracy theory web sites, I do happen to agree with him that CNN is absolute garbage along with most TV news.
So I paid for a Washington Post subscription and am trying to reconfigure my other online news sources.
A news source is only as good as the one who reads it, that is, able to cut through all of the BS and get to the facts.
Oh, sure, but the more BS, the harder it is to get to the facts.
It's easy enough to fact check any sites reporting, or compare it to other reporting sources. It's a chore, but well worth the time, no matter where you get your facts.
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