The Economy Can't Get Restarted Because of Trump

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  1. crankalicious profile image89
    crankaliciousposted 4 years ago

    Despite the protestations coming from the GOP and the right-wing about the necessity of getting things back open, restarting the economy, and returning to normal, the reason America can't get moving is because of the very man who so wants it to get moving: Donald Trump.

    Already hundreds of thousands of people have lost their jobs and more will lose theirs and as much as Trump would like things to go back to the way they were, they can't because of him. The very distrust he's sowed in the government is causing the right-wing not to trust what's being said while the left-wing, having heard Trump's repeated lies about virtually everything, don't trust him.

    Take the promise of a vaccine, for instance. Even if one was available before the election, nobody would take it. If it's Trump's vaccine, nobody will believe him that it works or that it wasn't botched. If it comes out as normal, Trump's supporters won't take it because they don't trust scientists and the government. Even the emergence of a vaccine is not going to change this mess unless there's a consensus on its effectiveness from both sides. Trump has made that all but impossible. I haven't heard a single Trump supporter who is going to take the vaccine. Hmmm, I wonder why. Even they don't believe him.

    So when you scream for the economy to re-open, for businesses to return to normal, just look at President Trump and you'll be looking at the reason why they can't. Chaos, distrust, incompetence, lack of leadership. All of it lies at his feet.

    1. wilderness profile image91
      wildernessposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      It's interesting to watch you project your own feelings onto everyone else.  The virus for instance: we've seen people on these forums say they will take it, and so will I (as soon as it is available to me, which is rather down the list).

      Not everyone has your intense distrust of Trump and certainly not all Trump supporters has that intense distrust of science that you assign to them.  Both are a minority, not the general consensus.

      1. crankalicious profile image89
        crankaliciousposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Well, I am using this forum as the data for my conclusion with many people saying they won’t take a vaccine, mostly Trump supporters.

        I will take it when there is data that shows it is effective.

        Will you take it based on Trump’s word? There is mounting evidence that he has pressured scientists to release one before it has been fully tested.

        Frankly, I hope you are right about Trump supporters believing science, but it certainly doesn’t seem that way.

      2. crankalicious profile image89
        crankaliciousposted 4 years agoin reply to this


        Trump says Regeneron is a cure. Is that what you will be taking? Or will you be taking hydroxychloroquine? If you have the opportunity to go have a meal with Trump today, would you? He says he's not contagious.

        He and his supporters won't even follow the guidance on masks. Why would they take a vaccine?

        Also, I think you're confusing my "personal feelings" with deductive reasoning. I'm just using factual information to draw conclusions. The above sentence covers one example.

        1. wilderness profile image91
          wildernessposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          "Already hundreds of thousands of people have lost their jobs and more will lose theirs and as much as Trump would like things to go back to the way they were, they can't because of him." is hardly deductive reasoning.  It is a false and untrue statement (Trump didn't shut the country down, didn't create the virus and didn't bring it to the US) that comes solely from an opinion based on dislike of the President.

          1. crankalicious profile image89
            crankaliciousposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            Sure, it's an opinion. Here's what's deduction:

            Trump has created distrust in government and encouraged people not to wear masks. People also do not trust Trump because he lies so much.

            You need leadership to promote the behavior we need to get out of this thing. We have none of that. Chaos will not solve our issues.

            We need a working vaccine to get back to normal. If you won't wear a mask, why would you take a vaccine? If too many people don't take the vaccine, we can't get back to normal. Can we?

            The right-wing sees some left-wing boogeyman preventing us from getting back to normal. Such does not seem to be the case and what I've presented is another, more rational explanation for what's going on.

            To be fair, I see what you're focusing on - the virus part. Trump is not responsible for the virus, but he is responsible for his response to it. He's minimized its seriousness at every turn. He's dramatically lengthened the time it's going to take to "get back to normal".

            1. wilderness profile image91
              wildernessposted 4 years agoin reply to this

              "He's dramatically lengthened the time it's going to take to "get back to normal".

              He has...if you assume that people won't wear masks because of something Trump said or did.  He has...if you assume that people (say, those partying on the beach or rioting in the cities) do so because of something Trump said or did.  He has...if you assume that people opening their business in violation of "close" orders do so because of something Trump said or did.  He has...ifyou assume that people suing state and local governments for making rules about masks and opening are doing so because of something Trump said or did.

              These are not deductions, not when they depend on opinions without facts.  Personally, my opinion is that there would be millions of people angry about all of these things (and acting on them) whether Trump supported them or not: my deduction then is that it isn't from Trump at all.  And it is based on opinion just as yours is, making any deduction worthless.  Just as yours is.

              1. crankalicious profile image89
                crankaliciousposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                Do you really believe that the President does not significantly influence behavior with how he behaves? Is he not an example for others? Do they not follow his lead?

                I think there has been substantial evidence that his supporters model his behavior and believe what he says. So when he belittles masks, they do so too.

          2. crankalicious profile image89
            crankaliciousposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            If Regeneron is a "cure" as Trump states, wouldn't it be immediately prudent for us all to contract COVID and then get treated with Regeneron? Would that not get us "back to normal"?

            Deductive reasoning.

            How many will follow that advice, do you think?

      3. MizBejabbers profile image91
        MizBejabbersposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        But Wilderness, the biggest Trump supporters are the conspiracy theorists who spout QAnon's propaganda. At the  top of that propaganda is that injecting a vaccine into "sheeple" is going to be the method of putting in nanotechnology that is going to control the people. Then they go on to again emphasize that trite old theory that chemtrails are poisoning us and fluoride is making us stupid. (Is there a poison made that can withstand and won't burn up in the heat of a jet engine?)  I don't know where you stand on this, but Trump quoted Q and publicly said he supported Q's theories a month or two ago. That sounds like a conflict in the WH to me.

        The reason I know about the conspiracy theorists who support Trump and QAnon is because I've been following one of them who used to be on HubPages. I joined his Facebook group just to see what kind of ridiculousness he was going to come up with next. This bunch of conspiracy theorists are one of the most adamant groups of anti-vaxxers in the country, yet they seem to believe that Trump is going to be the savior of the world.
        Just axin' how you can support Trump and be pro-vax when this group of Trump supporters are so anti-vax? It is my guess that you aren't a conspiracy theorist. Am I right?

        1. wilderness profile image91
          wildernessposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          And because you joined the FB group of a rabid conspiracy theorist it makes conservatives (Trump supporters almost by definition) all like that?  You know better.

          I live in an area, and most of my extended family, is conservative and not a single one espouses the nonsense you are talking about.  Don't make the center of the country (politically) the far right any more than you would declare that all liberals are slavering socialists wanting communism for everyone.

          1. crankalicious profile image89
            crankaliciousposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            Given what you are saying, how can otherwise straight shooters and sensible people support a man like Donald Trump? Is really the biggest thing on people's minds out there in Idaho (Idaho, right?) is too much government cheese?

            1. jackclee lm profile image77
              jackclee lmposted 4 years agoin reply to this

              How can anyone support Biden who seems to be in a downward spiral of mental acuity. How can you trust him with the nuclear button?

              1. Credence2 profile image80
                Credence2posted 4 years agoin reply to this

                Based on Biden's temperament, a lot more than I would trust Trump.

                Nice to see you back, Jack.

                1. jackclee lm profile image77
                  jackclee lmposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                  I never left. I was banned temporarily for a few weeks unknown to me as to why but that was a few months ago.
                  I was busy writing articles and working on my new hobby of woodworking.

                  1. jackclee lm profile image77
                    jackclee lmposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                    By the way, I just reached a new milestone recently of publishing my 800th article on HubPages.

              2. crankalicious profile image89
                crankaliciousposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                If you haven’t noticed, the one with the mental acuity problems is Trump. And the one with the major health issues is Trump.

                1. jackclee lm profile image77
                  jackclee lmposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                  That is your bias speaking, not based on objective evaluation. Trump may not be a saint but he is one of the hardest working president. He has accomplished more in 4 years than many past president in 8. You may not agree with his policies but he truly have America's best interest at heart. The media has been very unfair in dealing with Trump and the American people sees it. That is why his popularity is gaining and he will be re-elected with a bigger margin than 2016.
                  As for Biden, he missed his chance. He might have been president today if he ran in 2016. His mental acuity has declined since and I don't trust he will serve out the next 4 years if elected. How the Democrats picked him out of 20 better alternatives just boggled my mind.

                  1. crankalicious profile image89
                    crankaliciousposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                    Trump is one of the least intelligent Presidents we have ever had. He can’t produce a coherent sentence. He thinks he is smart because he can identify an elephant. He has played more rounds of golf than any other President, making him one of the laziest. He is, objectively, among the worst Presidents in the history of the country.

                    He has accomplished more in 4 years than any President in 8? And I am biased? That is a propaganda statement right from Trump’s mouth.

                    The idiot walked right into COVID like a deer walking into the mouth of a lion. Has an IQ of about 90.

            2. wilderness profile image91
              wildernessposted 4 years agoin reply to this

              Perhaps they support him because he is actually doing something about the invasion of our southern border rather than simply grant citizenship to anyone that sneak in.

              Perhaps because he understands the needs of business, and just how important business is to the nation.

              Perhaps because he will take on foreign interests (China) that have been stealing from us for years and years.  Along with others that got superb deals in trade arrangements for themselves...while giving up nothing.

              Perhaps because he supports law and order rather than anarchy.

              Perhaps because those "straight shooters and sensible people" look beyond today and look beyond a single event or policy.

              1. profile image0
                PrettyPantherposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                Perhaps. big_smile

              2. crankalicious profile image89
                crankaliciousposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                Obama also did quite a lot to stop immigration to the United States. Did they also support Obama?

                As for law and order, his reaction to the Whitmer kidnapping plot was interesting. I think his law and order only applies to certain kinds of order.

                1. wilderness profile image91
                  wildernessposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                  "Obama also did quite a lot to stop immigration to the United States."

                  He sure did.  He created a second class of people, neither citizens nor aliens, that can neither become American nor go back to their homeland.  And he presided over a period when it was no longer economically a good idea to enter the US illegal, reducing illegal border crossings, for which he was lauded.  A good job!

                  1. crankalicious profile image89
                    crankaliciousposted 4 years agoin reply to this

                    This is actually a subject we agree on. We should not allow illegal immigration into the U.S.

                    The easiest way to stop illegal immigration into the U.S. is to punish businesses that employ illegal immigrants because that's the central reason so many people come to this country.

                    However, Republicans quietly promote illegal immigration by allowing businesses to employ illegal immigrants without penalty. Republicans have pushed for open borders for many years with this method. These workers are also badly exploited by those businesses.

                    Unfortunately, actually keeping people from coming into this country is a pretty difficult issue to solve. People are already getting around the parts of the wall that have been built, so I don't think that's probably the answer. Ultimately, the whole endeavor on that end is just too expensive.

                    However, if you eliminate the reason for immigrants coming to this country, then they'll stop coming. Make sure there are no jobs for them. Since they're illegal, they can't get services and they can't vote.

                    Of course, the result of these businesses having to hire citizens and pay fair wages and benefits is increased prices to the consumer. Traditionally, the consumer has not been willing to pay these prices, which is the reason there's a symbiotic relationship between illegal immigration and the American consumer and the American consumer and China.

                    Americans love cheap stuff.

    2. jackclee lm profile image77
      jackclee lmposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Wrong, it is not Trump's fault. The problem lies with the Democratic mayors and governors. They are the ones keeping America from re-opening.
      Here is how you will know that this virus has been politicized.
      Right after the election, regardless of who wins, everything will be open.

      The reason is very simple. We cannot keep our country shut down indefinitely.
      Not the schools, not businesses, not churches and not restaurants...
      With or without a working vaccine, the country will reopen after November.

      1. crankalicious profile image89
        crankaliciousposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Then perhaps Trump supporters should wear their masks. Their behavior is what is keeping the country from re-opening, along with their distrust in science. Most of them will refuse the vaccine.

        1. wilderness profile image91
          wildernessposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          In my area (highly conservative) they are (wearing their masks).  I haven't made a strict count, but my impression is that well over half of them are.  And I haven't spoken to a single person that will refuse the vaccine, although I assume the anti-vaxxers will.

          1. crankalicious profile image89
            crankaliciousposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            That's heartening, actually.

        2. jackclee lm profile image77
          jackclee lmposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          I am a trump supporter and I wear masks. One has nothing to do with the other. I bet I can find Never Trumpers also not wearing masks. In fact, didn't Nancy Pelosi was caught not wearing a mask in a hair salon?

  2. Darwiish Waddani profile image61
    Darwiish Waddaniposted 4 years ago



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