The Weimar Republic after World War II was a very liberal society. The society has excesses & unheard of decadence. Also, there was hyperinflation. People began to rebel against the culture & yearning for some type of order then came Hitler.......Is America become a second Weimar Republic? Will the next president be an ultraconservative who will take no prisoners? Europe is turning to the right because of leftist excesses. Will America & Europe turn conservative, even ultraconservative in response to the current leftist excesses?
I just think we are being invaded. I think we were fine. I think the world wants what we have and those that choose to trespass against us are jealous. They just want to destroy us because they can. Now, Biden and his weak and pathetic administration gave the Taliban the ability to do whatever they want. Why do you blame the people who're just living their lives?
We are not decadent. We do not deserve any of this. It is an evil invasion by forces we do not understand. Maybe its the New World Order group, or maybe aliens. We do need to know what's really going on.
The Weimar Republic after WW one was very liberal indeed. But financial circumstances (high war reparations and huge loans from US banks) made the system very fragile.
Moreover the party system knew no boundaries. This enabled dozens of different parties to participate in elections and almost a dozen parties always made it to parliament.
The rise of Hitler and the National Socialists was strongly connected to the economic trauma post 1929 and the subsequent withdrawel of US loans from the economy.
Having said this - no there is no similarity of the USA of today with the perils of the Weimar Republic in 1933.
About conservative leaning politics: Much of ultra conservative movements in Europe is attributed to the uneasiness about global interaction. People simply don´t comprehend their personal consequences from world trade, global player economy. This grows nationalist feelings and feeds the neo- or ultraconservatives. With the current pandemic this global outlook has become less frightening and thus the right wingers lost support, at least in Europe
In the USA there is a similar situation like in Europe, but with the extension that the white, conservative core voters are shrinking. Makes the Republican party cling to questionable methods like resizing voting districts, this Gerrymandering stuff.
While this may help for a certain period of time it will not be enough to push right wing politics back into office. I think the Trump election in 2016 already showed how a minority could win an election. Now even this minority is shrinking. Some of the Biden win has to be attributed to this demographics.
Summary: The USA of today are not like the Weimar Republic. America will not turn ultraconservative, the conservative, white, rural politics will not survive if they don´t open up to more liberal agenda. Gerrymandering does´t work forever.
Just a thought.
I agree with much of this.
Some of the issues America may be facing may be similar, such as an economy that spirals out of control where the dollar becomes worthless.
Others issues are not, one such being Race, Germany was 98% Germans, you can play that card when the population is an overwhelming majority of a particular Race. America is more likely to shift to a Latino outlook and adopt Spanish as its main language than it is to have a "White" or "Conservative" rebellion.
A "Workers" rebellion against the government, or a "Socialist" one-party revolution is more realistic, should the economy falter as it did in Germany post WWI.
A "Workers" rebellion would resemble the "Trumpers" and "Teaparty" types swelling in numbers enough to threaten the government and force politicians to actually do what is in the best interests of the people.
This is almost certain not to happen, the corporations, MSM, and politicians all work in conjunction to keep people separated into Race, Sex, Religion, Regions (Bible Belt, West Coast, Southerners) so that there never will be a unification of people large enough to threaten the government's control.
The real threat we face today is a "One Party" socialist style take-over, this is very possible in today's climate, we see this encroachment especially in the past few months.
Biden calling on FB openly in a public address to silence others, something we had been aware was going on, but it hadn't been so glaringly apparent.
Emails that have become public showing Biden ordered Facebook to censor President Trump before the Election are one thing, the President coming out in broad daylight in front of the media requesting opposition be silenced is another.
I believe we are a "two party" system in name only right about now, with one party slowly shutting down the pockets of resistance remaining throughout America (States like Florida and Texas).
The Pandemic will be used as one tool to force the American people to accept this, a collapse of the economy may be another tool used, the divisiveness of CRT and racial divide will be another tool, the people of America are primed to turn on one another... they are the least united people in the entire world.
And that makes them susceptible to a One Party System where as Biden and his sycophant Gov. Agencies said the biggest "terrorist" threats to America are:
1 - White supremacist terrorism - which is clearly what we saw rioting through the streets nationwide throughout 2020.
2 - The Republican Party - its escalating assaults on American democracy and its attacks on the valid election results of 2020.
Those Americans that turned on the Democrat Party, complaining it no longer fought for them, saying the Democratic Party abandoned the American workers and American interests have been conned and mislead by false news outlets like FOX and Blaze... such sites encouraged the vile degenerates that became TeaParty racists and Trumpsters. They are more reprehensible than any Taliban, they are more dangerous than any ISIS threat out there.
"....the people of America are primed to turn on one another ... they are the least united people in the entire world. And that makes them susceptible to a One Party System where, as Biden and his sycophant Gov. Agencies said:
the biggest "terrorist" threats to America are:
1 - White supremacist terrorism - which is clearly what we saw rioting through the streets nationwide throughout 2020.
2 - The Republican Party - its escalating assaults on American democracy and its attacks on the valid election results of 2020.
3 - Those Americans that turned on the Democrat Party, complaining it no longer fought for them, saying the Democratic Party abandoned the American workers and American interests have been conned and mislead by false news outlets like FOX and Blaze... such sites encouraged the vile degenerates that became TeaParty racists and Trumpsters. They are more reprehensible than any Taliban, they are more dangerous than any ISIS threat out there."
This is what Biden and his sycophant Gov. Agencies said ... right, Ken?
not you, I hope. !
The question was: Is America to become a second Weimar Republic?
The answer is: No.
For explanation it doesn´t make much sense to look at the Weimar republic, but to look at the political system of the USA of today.
Firstly, i was always amazed of the supposed stability of the bipartisan system, stable for ? how many centuries?
I believe this is not natural. In a true democratic system, the issues and problems of a society manifest themselves in the rise and fall of political parties. Not so in the USA. The USA society faces the same issues from technology, from gains in productivity (needing less people to do more), from environmental problems as all countries and societies on our planet do.
To me the political system in the USA is too much commercial. It is formed by those who offer money and request influence. How can a politician function in the name of his voters, if he/she has to commit half of the time to raise funding?
There is no democracy, no system to represent and govern in the name of the people, if the representatives and administrations are moved into office by money from not democratically elected donors ( the corporate America).
It is almost as if there is a Teflon (attention trademark) shield between the parties and the people. Apparently this became obvious when people began to understand this and formed bizarre "clubs" like the TeaParty or Trumpism. The Democrats also have their "club" with AOC and Warren and Sanders.
In Germany through technological transformation, there are less and less blue collar workers. Lead to the decline of the SPD (Social democrats: no workers, no party). In the late 70ties environmental problems became eminent: The Green Party came out of nothing. 15 years ago the problems with the EU and the Eurozone monetary union surfaced: Now we have a right wing, conservative party, the AFD.
Something similar happened all over democratic Europe. Why not in the USA?
I think the real problem in the USA is that the privately funded party system does not allow any of these new parties to develop. By the way, I may be wrong, but aren´t there already 4 political orientations visible:
- center conservative with humanistic approach
- left progressives
- center conservatives with humanistic approach
- right wingers with their "clubs"
Both the left progressives and the right wingers unite, that they do not support the corporate influence in their system.
Democrats have no problem with this, because the left progressives are a minority that needs some food once in a while (recent financial packages in congress).
For Republicans this is much more of a problem. The right wingers with their "clubs" are strong. There is a fierce fight within the party on who is in control.
Please forgive my simplified view as an outsider. But i am very convinced that there is a solution to all this:
- Make corporate funding illegal.
- There is so much tax payers money spent on all kinds of stuff. Why not spend another half a billion and fund the election campaigns. To allow new parties to emerge, this funding must be aligned with election results. More votes, more money.
At least in Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Scandinavia and may other European countries this is state of the art. Not perfect, still a lot of lobbyism, but it does a decent job, imho.
I would say you have a keen eye... it is true that America was established as a Democratic Republic of unique and successful concepts as well as those borrowed from history.
America, as Rome and all other nations do, has changed over time.
A big step in that change came in the Civil War, this was the first step, this made the Federal Government (Central Government) all powerful over the States and State's Rights.
Even though there is some struggle today between States and Federal Authority, ultimately, eventually, the Fed will win over the State... there is limited autonomy within the constraints that the Fed allows.
The next big step was the Central Bank system, the creation of the IRS, and a few other major steps taken during the Wilson Administration, he was the biggest traitor to this nation, to freedom and liberty, to our Republic that there has ever been and ever will be.
Once Wilson was done making the changes to the country that he did, the countdown to America's eventual demise and fall to being nothing more than a footnote in history began.
The final stage to the collapse that we are in the midst of today was begun by Nixon and Kissinger (who is still alive today almost 100 years old), getting off the gold standard and making the dollar nothing more than fiat, giving China Favored Nation Status, joining America's fate to OPEC, etc.
Today's two party system is a sham, it is a parody put on so that people still believe there is a difference to be made in "picking sides" and believing the rhetoric the politicians spout.
The exception to this was Trump... he was truly an Outsider with no ties to either party or the DC establishment... it was interesting that they suffered him for four years, I was certain he was going to catch a bullet, like JFK... I guess they didn't want to make a martyr out of him, or maybe they felt humiliating him and de-platforming and arresting his supporters was a better way to go.
This will never happen because the system is a completely corrupted one.
This is why when the Supreme Court hands down a decision, the President ignores it and issues another mandate continuing the Eviction Moratorium... as one example.
This is why we are now following the edicts of the CDC and WHO, why we abide by the UN's Global Compact on Migration, our government no longer serves the interests of the people of this nation. These are examples of how National interests are now subject to International Agencies.
The Supreme Court is ignored, Congress doesn't act, other than to give away more money and fund more corruption. And the President follows the guidelines set by International 'Authorities' such as the WHO, WB, UN, etc.
That may be true, I wouldn't know.
But I thought the EU and Brussels ultimately controlled your nations, when it comes to the big issues anyways.
"... the system is a completely corrupted one.
This is why when the Supreme Court hands down a decision, the President ignores it and issues another mandate continuing the Eviction Moratorium... as one example.
This is why we are now following the edicts of the CDC and WHO, why we abide by the UN's Global Compact on Migration, our government no longer serves the interests of the people of this nation. These are examples of how National interests are now subject to International Agencies.
The Supreme Court is ignored, Congress doesn't act, other than to give away more money and fund more corruption. And the President follows the guidelines set by International 'Authorities' such as the WHO, WB, UN, etc".
Can we afford to keep compromising?
I would say we need to become conscious of where it could lead us:
toward less and less independence.
and curtail the practice.
easier said than done?
.... because of MONEY talking.
But I thought the EU and Brussels ultimately controlled your nations, when it comes to the big issues anyways.
Yes, you are right. The EU does a lot of decision making. France is always trying lead the EU, but doesn´t have enough economic firepower to succeed.
All of this EU stuff is related to very undemocratic processes. The EU commissioner (German conservative Ursula von der Leyen) was appointed by membercountry leaders, not by election. EU central bank president (French Christine Laguarde) was also appointed and not elected. Both ladies come with a corrupt and criminal (Lagarde) background, to say the least. Imho they are simply incompetent.
This kind of gets us back to the US situation, where democratic processes are also close to being a farce. However the system of checks and balances seems to be functional. Again - no Weimar Republic double.
As I tried to explain the "system of checks and balances" no longer truly functions.
Your situation sounds similar to our own, the big decisions are being made by people who were not elected, and they in turn are corrupt as they come.
Trump was the people's hand grenade thrown at DC in response to the ceaseless assault by the uncaring ruling elites on America, their efforts to undermine our society, our industry, our liberty, in pursuit of their Globalization NWO agendas.
It was never going to last, but the hope that it would lead to a strong leader with some moral fiber arising to take control on the Left never materialized.
Instead the DNC/Party proved it was corrupt to it's core, it destroyed anyone within it's ranks with a shred of independence and backbone, and pulled Biden out of his basement and handed him the nomination.
The Democratic Party SHOWED its TRUE COLORS regarding Trump. They were bullies. Trump did the best he could but the Democratic Party was AGAINST him from the inception. Pelosi had a great animus against Trump. The ultimate act of disrespect( such immaturity) was when she tore up Trump's speech. Pelosi is a SNAKE. Biden was chosen because he is malleable, docile, & can be PIMPED, eh CONTROLLED by the DEMOCRATIC POWERS THAT BE. You couldn't control Trump & THAT WAS WHAT THE DEMOCRATS DETESTED.
You couldn't control Trump & THAT WAS WHAT THE DEMOCRATS DETESTE
Yes, like a bull in a China Shop....
Trump was his own person unless Biden who is a......PUPPET, SYCOPHANT.......SPINELESS like a jellyfish. Trump had a SPINE & wasn't afraid to BE ASSERTIVE. Biden is just an amoeba.
As you play with the comparison to the Weimar Republic:
Biden is the Papen, Schleicher, Brüning (the last democratic chancelors)
Trumps is an infantile version of Hitler
You brought up the comparison, not me. I think the comparison of Weimar to the USA of today is way off, but if you start characterising people, i can add my piece.
'Trumps is an infantile version of Hitler'
Would love to hear you explain that one.
A teaser:
Hitler was dominating dictators like Mossulini
Trump was ducking from dictators like Kim Yong Un or Xi Jinping.
another teaser:
Hitler wrote a book (even though terribly bizzare and totaly boring for literate people) while imprisoned before coming to power.
Trumps already had problems when the Twitter text limit was extended beyond 140 characters.
You have failed to either make your point by providing examples or you think this is a joke and you are just having some fun.
In either case...I can't take what you are alleging as serious.
The Weimar Republic refers to a period in Germany from 1918-1933, not after WWII.
It is ludicrous to compare the Biden administration with the Weimar Republic. What kind of mindset must you have to believe that a Hitler type authoritarian dictatorship will be an improvement over the present time?
We will FiGHT the rise of right wing oriented tyranny, tooth and nail. Most voted for sanity last fall and they will not allow that to be undone.
I meant WW1, not WW2. That was a VERY GRIEVOUS error. I know better. Biden with his usual ineptitude is embarrassing America. He is letting illegal immigrants in who are unskilled & have covid disease which explains the upsurge of covid. The Democratic Party is turning America into a cesspool. America has become WORSE under Biden instead of better.
Every discussion on political/social issues in this forum starts with some more less innocent and serious question and ends in skirmishes with namecalling and throwing dirt at politicians.
Who can take this serious? And yes - immediately someone will jump on provocative statements.
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