Many US people won't say Uncle to Uncle Sam, where Canadain will to va

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  1. Castlepaloma profile image75
    Castlepalomaposted 3 years ago

    Posts  Politics

    Many US people won't say Uncle to Uncle Sam, where Canadain will to vaccines and homelessness.

    Not often do I give praise Americans resistance to Uncle Sam.
    Per capita US has 5 time less homeless than Canada. Keep it up, also don't say ‘uncle to vaccines. Uncle is an old-school expression to beg your opponent to stop resistance, still don't tap out. As to the like of Uncle Joe Biden, or Fauci dictatorship or everywhere in the world, especially in Australia right now. When one says Uncle, they shoot you up and let you go, yet less free than ever before. So don't submit to anyone or anything that can force you to do this against your will. Don't submit to a police state or into a nanny state or govern me harder Daddy. Government is not my parents, and this wealthy and Government mafia is not my Family. They serve the small stuff, not my life.

    It's tough I know it's your choice to choose between your job and the jab, or seeing your granny in the nursing home before she die guicker from lack of present love. Anyone who supports vaccine mandates, your a sissy. Its better to “die on your feet than to live on your knees”. Live constantly surveilance and under most dictatorship in modern times or in part the world has ever seen. I want to die as a slave to principles and ethics rather than to men of greed , and very loose morals too complex to understand.

    1. Readmikenow profile image96
      Readmikenowposted 3 years agoin reply to this


      You make a valid point.  Here is an article from Tucker Carlson.  He makes the point the biden administration is pushing unvaccinated Americans a bit too far.  The administration is getting push back from the military, air lines and more.  I know many nurses and other healthcare workers have been fired.  These are not the uneducated, criminal, lower echelons of society.  These are highly educated and skilled health care workers, pilots, some of America's elite military as well.  These are not the people you want against you.  Yet, the biden administration is completely unable to see what they're doing.  Is it stupidity, ignorance, or part of a grand scheme to take down the country?  Maybe a mixture of all of it.

      "JOE BIDEN: These requirements work, and as the Business Roundtable, others told me when I announced the first requirement that encourage businesses to feel they could come in and demand the same thing of their employees. More people are getting vaccinated, more lives are being saved. Let's be clear: when you see headlines and reports of mass firings and hundreds of people losing their jobs, look at the bigger story. … Over the past week we've seen American, Southwest, Alaska, JetBlue Airlines all announce requirements.

      Yeah, there have been mass firings, the president said. But when you see reports of mass firings of law-abiding American citizens, Joe Biden told us, what you're really seeing is progress. You should celebrate.

      Think about that. No American president has ever made a statement like that, cheering the firing of law-abiding Americans in the multitudes. But Joe Biden did. He didn't even pause. He says things like that regularly. Now that's fine if you're on Joe Biden's side, apparently. 

      Were these also protests against the Biden shot mandates? We can't say for certain. It certainly wouldn't surprise us, because that's our future. Thousands and thousands of Americans, the best among us in many cases, will be stripped of their livelihoods, of their lives by the Biden White House's mandates.

      This is not a small thing. As of tonight, more than 50,000 U.S. Marines still have not received the shot, as well as a large percentage of the Navy SEAL teams. What will happen when these people are gone from the force? Who's going to protect this country? Who's going to protect our cities?

      In Seattle, to name just one example, the city is moving forward toward firing fully 40 percent of the entire police force over the Biden shot mandates. Good luck getting your emergency calls answered after that, and so on." … will-to-va

  2. abwilliams profile image69
    abwilliamsposted 3 years ago

    We are on the same page Castle.
    This is my current status on FB, it is what's on my mind:

    "I do not post about or write articles about the things I do because I want to be right. I do so because I want us all on the same page when it comes to this Country. We are losing this Country as we've known it.
    I cannot and will not be silent about something so important!
    I refuse to step aside to make more room for tyranny!"

  3. abwilliams profile image69
    abwilliamsposted 3 years ago

    Not just in the States, but all across this planet, I hope this sticks:


  4. profile image0
    ValKarasposted 3 years ago

    Every government in the world has a special department that monitors -- and manipulates -- via mainstream media -- the mood of their masses. That's because in the past, kings could easily control their masses with a brute force -- whereas these days masses are potentially dangerous to the institution of government due to their guaranteed freedoms and their education.

    What those departments across the globe fail to understand is what happens at the "boiling point" when masses JUST HAVE ENOUGH. No, it won't be "pitchforks against the well armed police", but massive strikes, quitting, and refusal to obey the covid regulations. Remember the "passive resistance" strategy of Mahatma Gandhi, that kicked the British out of their country?

    The rich elite behind this all crap will be forced -- by losing millions each day -- to order their political puppets to announce "pandemic having downsized to endemic", like yearly flu, with "everything getting back to normal" -- since the "abnormal" that they created couldn't work for them indefinitely.

    Even those loyal vaxxers are bound to go nuts over having to repeat their boosters every few months -- while hearing more and more stories about those fully vaccinated ending up in hospitals or in morgues.

    Some of them have enough brains to already secretly wonder about this temporary nature of vaccines, when compared to vaccines against polio or tuberculosis which last for a lifetime. Because of our biological individuality, even flu vaccines don't work on everybody, and I personally know quite a number of people who got sick like dogs after getting a flu shot.

    These vaxxers just might see the truth that it's not the vaccines giving them protection against the covid -- but placebo effect which TEMPORARELY strengthens their natural immunity after months and months of fear mongering which weakened it. ("Coincidently", these vaccines work only temporary, just like placebo does.)
    If they want to follow TRUE science -- adrenalin is given to organ transplant patients to SUPPRESS IMMUNE SYSTEM WHICH IS BOUND TO REJECT THE NEW ORGAN -- and that same adrenalin is also our main stress hormone, beside cortisol.
    So, how much brain does one need to see how persistent stress caused by highly propagated danger of covid did a number on their immunity, making them more susceptible to even a weaker nature of this virus.
    AND THAT'S THE TRUE SCIENCE. not the crap we are hearing from the mainstream media and dr. Fauci.
    Masks never worked, social distances never worked, lockdowns never worked -- BECAUSE AFTER MORE THAN A YEAR AND HALF WE STILL HAVE UNVACCINATED AND VACCINATED SPREAD THE VIRUS.

    Are Norway, Portugal, Iceland, and the UK some village idiots for having removed all restrictions? Are all doctors and nurses who refuse taking the vaccine some moronic individuals? Are all those teachers and cops and firemen some imbeciles for rather losing their livelihood than getting vaccinated?
    How much brain does it take to think it over in a rational way?

    1. Castlepaloma profile image75
      Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      On aTED Talk show Bill Gates said 10years ago That I wrote about it and have had nightmare of it, til now, living it.

      Gates “The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent. But there, we see an increase of about 1.3.”

      Less than two years ago he said the covid will get 10 times worst than it is. How is he always correct? Gates vaccines is the best investment he has made most profit on. Gate promises his investors 20 times their investment on vaccines.
      Such a nice guy.
      The bad people are running the world and most of the lock up people are good

  5. Rupert Taylor profile image96
    Rupert Taylorposted 3 years ago

    "Per capita US has 5 time less homeless than Canada." I have no idea where you found that statistic but homelessness in Canada is 10 per 10,000 people (Statistics Canada) while in the United States it's 17.7 per 10,000 (Dept. of Housing and Urban Development).

    Although I fail to see what your inaccurate homeless statistics have to do with COVID vaccinations.

    1. Castlepaloma profile image75
      Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      I build tiny houses for homeless so I know the real factual numbers for homeless for in Canada and US for the pass 15 years.  Homeless show a countries weakest link when its against international law not to provide basic living for every human being. Vaccines also breaking constitutional law and international law as it's force upon everyone and person body. This is tyrrany not being a servant for the public doing their job. My job is what I choice to put into my body.

  6. profile image0
    ValKarasposted 3 years ago

    It seems like I have an inexhaustible inspiration to keep mentioning new and new things about this pandemic racket. Like, financially struggling hospitals are more than happy to report practically every incoming patient -- regardless of the health issue -- as a "covid case", EVER SINCE THEY ARE RECEIVING $50,000 FOR EACH COVID PATIENT, AND $75,000 IF THE PATIENT IS PUT ON OXYGEN FOR SHORTNESS OF BREATH.

    Now, it's a common knowledge that shortness of breath is one of the classic symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks -- and I hope no one is wondering why many folks are suffering from that at these insane times.
    Statistically, one in every five Americans has some mental health issues, and it shouldn't be hard to figure how many of those rush to the hospital believing it's "covid", when they suddenly feel tightness in their chest -- while it's merely their sympathetic nervous system causing a slight spasm in diaphragm and rib cage muscles which do the breathing action.

    Then, it's truly amazing how highly suggestible people become with an overactive amygdala, that part of the brain that's the site of our existential fear serving our survival instinct.
    That persistent fearmongering has put them into a hypnotic state, and it's well known how hypnotic convictions make people rationalize those irrational convictions.
    Talk to any, and I mean ANY religious, political, and now -- covid -- hothead, and you see how mind can be tricked into a selective reasoning.
    Just like a hot Republican, or a hot Democrat always have a lot of "proofs" for their arguments against each other -- so a covid-adept will rationalize their   convictions ad nauseam, calling anything else a "misinformation", "conspiracy theory", if not a sheer nonsense.

    If you tell them that the UK, Iceland, Singapore, Portugal, and Norway, dropped all covid related restrictions, and just decided to LIVE WITH COVID -- they will quickly say that's because "their people got vaccinated to a good percent", so they could afford to do it.
    They will deny that, say, Singapore had over 80% fully vaccinated, and double number of deaths, at time when they made that decision. Most of Israelis  got their third shot, and the infections got some crazy spikes with massive hospitalizations.
    Norway said that "people are exhausted" by living unnatural lives, and they prudently realized that the solution was in strengthening their natural immunity by removing the fear from their lives.

    The science of psycho-neuro-immunology clearly states that stress is enormously detrimental to our immunity -- along with all other vitality markers, like blood pressure, sugar metabolism, digestion, endocrine name it.

    Let's play dummies enough to simply remember the household truism that "stress kills" -- and if those constant reminders of "tested positive and dead of covid" haven't made our amygdala trigger-happy, then what will. Along with masks, lockdowns, and financial worries.
    Does it really take so much smartness to see how "tested positive and survived" means all those folks who developed antibodies after having covid?
    Indeed, instead of being happy for them, people fall for the "official" meaning attached to it -- a "massive danger" scaring us shitless.

    All those testing positive don't need a vaccine, and if you are still kicking after year and half, that means that you don't need it either, because what are really the chances that you have been spared by this "highly transferable, air borne virus", as they describe it during all these months?

    Here, you haven't read about a single conspiracy theory, blaming this or that "sinister group" -- just some pure logical reasoning.
    But, could there be quite some truth in any of those prevalent theories?
    You bet.

    1. Castlepaloma profile image75
      Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Mass psychosis is more dangerous than any disease or virus.


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