List of places or countries where vaccines are mandatory

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  1. Castlepaloma profile image76
    Castlepalomaposted 3 years ago … 021-08-16/

    My province you can't go the school or almost every job is banned without vaccinated

    1. hard sun profile image78
      hard sunposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Very sad. If they mandated kids in our state, they would lose over half the kids to home school groups. There is some good in having a Republican dominated state legislature and Republican governor.

      1. Castlepaloma profile image76
        Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Feels like a step towards the hunger games.
        Not many places that would not allow pharmaceutical and Government dictatorship today. Mexico president and their health administration stopped Pharmaceutical vaccines and testing is not mandatory, their cartels is there  military protection. States like Texas, Florida and the odd other ones can be safe from the lethal injections. The covid protesters is bigger worldwide and continuous than even . Larger than the environmental protests which is our next green freedom passports.

        1. hard sun profile image78
          hard sunposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Even here, most of the large employers are requiring vaccines in accordance with Biden's mandate, even though it has been held up by the courts. They will never admit the shots are just not working very well. You get the feeling here, that people are kind of daring the govt to try something like a lockdown or mandating child vaccines. I've never been to a protest in person for or against anything, but try something like this, and even I'm there. The COVID protestors around the world are being seeing more and more I think. They cannot hide them forever.

          1. wilderness profile image89
            wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Oh, I don't know about that <they won't admit vaccines don't work very well>.  I'm seeing reports on just how effective the vaccines are published every few days on the media.  They (whoever "they" are) seem to be letting the information out.

            On the other hand, the "they" that are the anti-vaxxers and refuse to do their part to kill the disease, never seem to admit that the vaccines DO provide considerable protection even if it is not 100%.  Odd, isn't it, that we all know no vaccine is 100% effective but the anti-vaxxers continue to shout out that it doesn't work at all because, in 10% of cases, it doesn't do much good.

            Just who is being duplicitous here?  The "they" telling us exactly how effective vaccines are or the "they" denying the facts in front of our faces?  Or even the "they" denying that "they" will ever give us the facts even as we receive them?

            1. hard sun profile image78
              hard sunposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              I'm not saying the vaccines don't work at all. But, at this point, you'd have to be blind to not see they are not working as well as advertised. And, no they, meaning the govt and Pfizer/Moderna are not admitting that..not at all. There are several other vaccine candidates that can't get the time of day. Wonder why?

              I know people want to think these vaccines work. I understand that.

              1. wilderness profile image89
                wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                I see them working exactly "as advertised".  Only a fool would ever assume that any vaccine (from measles to flue to shingles) will perform the same on every person administered to. 

                The "as advertised" part clearly shows that they are not 100% effective and gives the statistics about just what they can be expected to do...on a statistical basis.  Never on what it might to for a specific individual.

                You would have to be blind not to see the claims that COVID vaccines don't work - not a single comment from anti-vaxxers will give the truth that they are highly effective for a large majority of people.  Not a single claim from them will indicate that the death toll is near zero for the vaccinated, or that being vaccinated will, with a high degree of probability, keep you out of the hospital if you DO get COVID.

                Why is this?  Do they not wish the public to know and understand just what the jab can do for us?  Or do they live in a fantasy world where whatever they choose to believe is, in fact, true and real?  That the anti-vaxxers put rights and freedom above the health of the general population is a valid concern (though I disagree with it) - that they use that as an excuse to lie about the vaccine is not valid.

                1. hard sun profile image78
                  hard sunposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Do you think these vaccines should be forced on adults? How about children? Do you think COVID is, on average, severe enough to warrant the types of things we see in Germany, Australia, Austria, etc?

                  And. no vaccines are not working as advertised. They keep changing the goalposts. When they first came out they said that, in all likelihood they will prevent transmission, which is what most people expect out of a vaccine!

                  For this particular disease, the measures to cure society scare me more than the disease itself. Period. Honestly,  I don't care how well the vaccine works, I would still feel the same. Klaus Schwab likes the opportunity though.

                  1. Nathanville profile image92
                    Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Yeah, in countries where vaccine hesitancy is high (because of anarchists like Castlepaloma, and anti-vaxxers spreading their lies) then yes covid is severe enough to warrant the tough actions as seen in Germany, Australia and Austria.

                    And yes, the vaccine are working as advertised; the information has been freely available in the UK since before the start of the pandemic, and from what wilderness is saying in the USA as well; but the likes of Castlepaloma and the anti-vaxxers on their web sites will tell you different. 

                    Right from the start the UK Government made it clear to the British Public that, in the trials, the vaccines seemed to be around 60% effective in preventing getting infected and well over 90% in preventing death.  And as circumstances have changed, so the UK Government have kept the British Public fully informed; so nothing’s been hidden from the British Public.

                    No; preventing transmission isn’t what most people expect out of a vaccine; reducing the risk of hospitalisation (serious illness) and death is what most people expect from the vaccines – and that is exactly what they do.

                    In part answer to your question “Do you think these vaccines should be forced on adults? How about children?”  -

                    •    In the UK mandatory vaccination of the general public is not necessary because the vaccination take-up in the UK has been very high e.g. very low level of vaccine hesitancy in the UK.

                    •    And although children above the age of 12 are being vaccinated in the UK, it is voluntary; the law in the UK is that in the first instance it’s the parents’ choice; but the child, if they can demonstrate that they are competent to make the decision has the final say.

                2. Castlepaloma profile image76
                  Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Wilderness usually your are  fair, not this time.

                  Line me up with the fools, if vaccines are working actually as advertised, yet tripling covid death speed in the world since roll out.

                  Biden the top Commander and chief, declared war on covid. (I wish they declared war on poverty.) He has been the most powerful going out to the all the trusting sheep, as advertised.

                  This is a simple, basic proposition: If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be in an ICU unit, and you’re not going to die,"
                  He also said the Vaccines are 100% safe yet 99% covid deaths are all the unvaccinated.

                  It's unfair to call everyone anti-vaxxer, where the vast majority of these westernized people were vaccinated at sometime in their lifetime. These people and most of the world population who are not fully vaccinated , tell them all also they are fools, blind and dishonest.

                  Take this jab and shove it, I'm not giving up all freedoms and jobs in Nova Scotia Canada, no more.

  2. hard sun profile image78
    hard sunposted 3 years ago

    1. Castlepaloma profile image76
      Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Great image, louder than words.

    2. Ken Burgess profile image69
      Ken Burgessposted 3 years agoin reply to this … entnewsntp

      Matthew Walther appears to have lit up the Atlantic's website with his essay "Where I live, No One Cares About COVID." What he writes is quite true about most of America. Nearly everyone outside of a few major cities and, I believe, especially vaccinated people, have decided they have already done their part and the pandemic is over for them. They have made a calculated decision to return to normal life in a world where there is a noteworthy new endemic disease and a slightly higher risk of dying in any given year.

      You don't believe me? Look at footage from any college football game this year. Those people are close together, and they're not wearing masks.

      I got my second Pfizer shot in May. I may get a third shot, now that I can. Vaccines are easy — you get them, and then you can stop worrying. But like most of the people where I live, in Boise, I'm out of the bubble now and not going back in for anything.

      I'm not happy that my state has the second-worst rate of vaccination (last I checked). It means more people are getting seriously ill when they inevitably get infected. But me? I'm vaccinated. I did my part to protect both myself and them. If at any point I had the coronavirus, it was a mild case that I barely noticed. So I'm done. It's someone else's problem now, and I don't have to keep pretending it's mine or living my life with the irrational fear of a completely surmountable problem.

      I'm not a fanatic about this. I carry a mask in my pocket in case I'm around someone inordinately fearful of the virus, or in case it's the polite thing in the place I find myself. There aren't many places left requiring masks, though. My mask rarely has to come out of my pocket.

      It seems that only students at certain schools and employees of certain restaurants and major national retailers are being forced to wear masks around here anymore. I don't even know of any place where customers still have to wear them. And most of the workers are obviously half-assing it — they sling the things around one ear, leave their noses sticking out, or pull them down to talk to you. Everyone nominally complies with company mandates, and everyone turns a blind eye.

      While at an airport over Thanksgiving, one of the last places where masks are truly required for everyone, I reasoned that I should be able to wait for my flight at a restaurant, where I could pretend to eat a meal for a couple of hours and stop pretending that this disgusting, spit-drenched piece of cloth on my face is making anyone healthier.

      Judge me as you will, but for most people outside New York and Washington, it's been like this for the better part of a year. Having been vaccinated, and with my whole family vaccinated, it's just kind of surreal to read New York Times coverage that implies everyone is still in a panic the way they were in March 2020. When I see President Joe Biden on TV wearing a mask, it's like a time machine leading back to last year. In most of the country today, COVID procedures are irrelevant, kind of like the laws against double-parking in D.C. (if you live there, you know what I mean) and "Don't Walk" signals in Manhattan.

      Every indication is that we are all going to get the coronavirus every year from now until the end of time. Better to be vaccinated so as to avoid severe or protracted illness, and let's make those treatments more available for those who get bad cases.

      But beyond that, most people are just done with it. It's time to accept the elevated risk levels of the new world we live in — unless we also intend to stop crossing streets or driving cars.

      -- Very true... having recently visited NY and DC its like time never moved forward from April 2020... unlike elsewhere, such as Florida, where you hardly ever see a mask on anyone (other than the elderly).

      1. tsmog profile image86
        tsmogposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Hear, hear . . . full agreement. Yet, unfortunately, here in Calif today we have to wear masks indoors again.

      2. hard sun profile image78
        hard sunposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Great to see this.

        The kids still have to wear masks at schools here and in the local college. Some big retail employers, like Walmart have all of their employees "masking up" but people are just moving on for the most part. We went to a middle school choir/band concert last night. This is a luxury we have as the virus is just not too severe for the majority of people.

        After 911, I think there was at least a bit of an understanding that if we gave into fear, or allowed the terrorists to alter our lives to much, then the terrorists win. I think the virus already defeated some areas of the globe.

        Maybe someday we will have vaccines that are not so leaky and a risk of causing mutations.

        1. Castlepaloma profile image76
          Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          From my travels to 6 continents Europe has the least light and the most covid death's. European are in more trouble to come from covid because the earth radiation light is in a diming down  stage as we move on to year 2025. I have much evidence of this light Cyle and one on the main cause of covid deaths. Of course they won't tell you that, be your own saviour.

          I'll be growing lower light plants from now on.

 … Hus7I,st:0

      3. Nathanville profile image92
        Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Yep, I’m with you Ken, as you said “Vaccines are easy…., and (when you get them, including the booster) you can stop worrying”; that’s how most people feel.  Everyone I know is fully vaccinated, and going about their normal lives, and getting into the Christmas spirt.

        Mask, they are mandatory again in ‘some’ settings in the UK; but it’s not a great deal, most people in Britain don't mind wearing them anyway.

        1. Ken Burgess profile image69
          Ken Burgessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          I think the mask type has a lot to do with comfortability, and hence, one's willingness to use.
          I came across a disposable mask that extends out away from the mouth and nose (tent shaped) and it has made masks more tolerable for me.
          But unless in close quarters with others I do not believe they have much to offer.

          1. Nathanville profile image92
            Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            I fully agree.  When masks first became mandatory in the UK my wife made loads of cloth ones which she and our son love, they find them very comfortable; but I didn’t and I didn’t like wearing them.

            However, when I was rushed to hospital in January with kidney problems, for the three weeks I spent in hospital the hospital gave me a constant supply of the PPE masks used by the NHS, which I love e.g. lightweight and comfortable, and with a metal strip along the top can be moulded to fit the profile of the nose; but neither my wife nor son finds that type comfortable. 

            Since I’ve come out of hospital my wife has bought me a 100 pack of the same type of PPE that the NHS uses, except in black, specifically for me.  So now we’re all happy with which type of masks we use.

            Neither my wife nor son finds the NHS PPE masks comfortable, they prefer the home-made cloth ones, whereas I find the home-made ones uncomfortable but love the NHS type of mask; so yes, as you said, the mask type does have a lot to do with comfortability, and hence, one’s willingness to use.

            1. CHRIS57 profile image60
              CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

              This mask issue is undergoing evolutionary changes over the 2 years of the pandemic.

              At first, no specific mask type was required. So last year i reused my old bandanas from motorcycle times. Then in summer of 2020 mask types were mandated ( either surgical masks or PPE masks). Was convinent over the summer, because surgical masks are light and bandanas tend leave you with a hot face.

              Then with the 3rd wave the state of Bavaria mandated PPE masks for customers  in shops. And that swept over to overcautious shop owners so by now most people in all over G. are wearing PPE in closed public spaces.

              There is one issue with surgical masks. As they are open towards you eyes and forehead, exhaling breath streams over your eyes. All year long i had problems with eye lid infections (we call it barley grain). Got better by only using the PPE masks.

              1. Nathanville profile image92
                Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                That’s interesting and certainly health wise better in Germany in that the PPE masks and surgical masks do give a higher level of protection.   

                The only place in the UK where they insist that you must wear PPE masks is in hospitals.  Anywhere else in the UK and you can wear any type of mask, or face covering, you wish.

                1. Castlepaloma profile image76
                  Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Masks work if your sick and spitting out from coughing and sneezing. Other wise the tiny covid droplets are 5000 time too small and go through the masks like nothing there to stop the vast majority of droplets. Mainly they are spreading covid more effectively throughout dragging their masks from table and desk wail touching their face from the itching. Then landfill spread out throughout nature.

                  Dr Evil is very Cunting.

                  1. Nathanville profile image92
                    Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Castlepaloma, where you say “the tiny covid droplets are 5000 time too small and go through the masks like nothing there to stop the vast majority of droplets.”  That’s where your complete lack of understanding of science lets you down. 

                    Yep, some types of masks, cloth masks included, are better at blocking dust than moisture particles; but PPE & Surgical masks are designed to be quite effective in blocking moisture.  Although no mask is 100% effective in preventing moisture particles, any mask is better than no mask; and when used properly, they all help to reduce the transmission of covid, reduce infection, reduce hospitalisation and reduce death.

                    Testing face masks: Lab tests reveal the safest and most effective:

                    How effective are face masks in stopping the spread of viruses:

      4. wilderness profile image89
        wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        I concur with this.  I, too, am in Boise (ID) and find only a few places requiring masks.  Several request them, but do not demand - even my doctor only "suggests" a mask.

        And like you I am vaccinated, plus a booster for me.  Like you, I'm through with the panic and go where I wish without worry and without a mask...except that, like you, I carry one if those around me seem upset or for the few places that still require it.  Our local library does, for instance, although I cannot for the life of me figure why.  Interestingly, I had occasion to call the local Social Security office today and the recording said the office is still closed to visitors or appointments; the only contact will be by phone.

        I also believe that COVID is going to be a part of life for many years to come.  Two of my sisters got it - both were vaccinated and one got it from her (vaccinated) doctor while both wore masks.  It's here to stay - get a vaccination and live with it.  And if you don't want a vaccination, that's fine - just don't require you and I, who have done our part to the best of our ability, to cooperate with further measures.  If you get sick, and it's a tough case, don't whine about it - you could have gotten a vaccination, too.

  3. hard sun profile image78
    hard sunposted 3 years ago

    Mark Dolan: The Omicron variant has all the makings of an omni-con and an omnishambles

    1. Castlepaloma profile image76
      Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Well done in detail and reference. O-mi- con.

  4. Readmikenow profile image96
    Readmikenowposted 3 years ago

    biden's attempts at a vaccine mandate have been voted down more than once.

    "Senate votes to block Biden vaccine mandate, which has already hit roadblocks in court" … -rule.html

    1. hard sun profile image78
      hard sunposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      America is exceptional. The freedoms we've maintained, relative to Europe and Australia, over the "pandemic" prove it. Come to the Midwest US if you don't want to live in paralyzing fear.

      1. Castlepaloma profile image76
        Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Mass Psychosis fear is more harmful than any virus, disease, and any natural disaster.
        It stops the ability for us to think for ourselves and to tolerate others indifferences.

        1. hard sun profile image78
          hard sunposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Yes. So many ailments caused by the anxiety, depression, anger, etc. Then you have the Us vs them. You would think Europe would have learned a bit about the dangers of those tactics. And, don't get me wrong, this has shown its head in the US. However, compared to the UK, it seems nothing, and the state I live, sometimes you forget COVID exists. You get to go  out, have fun, live a little. We had a few months of lock down and no school at the beginning. That is it. No mask mandate. The death rate is no different than states that have done the opposite. We should invite tourists to play in our parks and video arcades, lol.

          1. Nathanville profile image92
            Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Sorry to disillusion you hard sun, but as I said, contrary to the propaganda by the anti-vaxxers, and by anarchists like Castlepalom, people in the UK do NOT “live in paralyzing fear”; come and spend some time in the UK and you will see for yourself that life carries on as normal, and thousands of lives are being saved because of the highly successful covid vaccine rollout.

            FYI covid restrictions were lifted in England on the 19th July so that just like you in England we can and do “get to go out, have fun, live a little.”, and over here also “tourists play in our parks and video arcades”.  Since July I and my family have taken three staycations (Holidays in England) e.g. in American language three vacations, each a week long.

            So we have just as much freedom in England, and live a lot safer e.g. a lower death toll and currently half the death rate than in the USA.

            So don’t get sucked in by all the lies spread by the anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists on their websites.  Life over here is a lot different to the lies you’ve been fed.

  5. hard sun profile image78
    hard sunposted 3 years ago

    So you don't have a vaccine passport and cover your face everywhere you go. That is what the "science" is recommending right? So, you want to say you are following all the recommendations and losing no freedoms? Come on man.  I watched Boris Johnson spew his, will see if you can have Christmas nonsense...while he has a Christmas party. I sense that you have a need to consistently degrade the US. The best always gets the best criticism.

    1. Nathanville profile image92
      Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Ref your statement “I sense that you have a need to consistently degrade the US.” I have nothing against American’s per se, but when you deliberately degrade Europe in your comments, as you have been doing, then don’t be surprised if Europeans have a pop at America.

      Yes, you are right, the science does recommend tough restrictions like vaccine passports and mandatory masks etc., but at this time the UK Government is taking a ‘soft approach’; although the latest opinion polls show that 60% of the British population expect another lockdown within three months.

      And in answer to your first point, in spite of additional covid restrictions imposed in England this week, bringing it more in line with the other three nations in the UK, no we don’t have vaccine passports and mandatory masks everywhere.

      The current (latest) covid laws in England are:-

      That face masks are mandatory:-

      •    On Public Transport
      •    Shops
      •    Cinemas
      •    Theatres
      •    Places of Worship

      However, you are exempt from wearing a face mask in public for

      •    Gyms
      •    Pubs (Bars)
      •    Restaurants
      •    And when singing e.g. it’s legal to sing in shops and not wear a face mask, as confirmed by the Government when queried!!!!

      And subject to Approval by Parliament on Tuesday, vaccine passports will be required in England from Wednesday for the following venues only:-
      •    Nightclubs
      •    Indoor unseated venues with more than 500 people
      •    Unseated outdoor venues with more than 4,000 people
      •    Any venue with more than 10,000 people

      Parliament is likely to pass the covid passport legislation on Tuesday, but not with the support of the Government’s own politicians (Conservative MPs).   Over 50 Conservative MPs (and the number is growing by the day) have declared that they will vote against their own Government on Tuesday.  But Labour (the main opposition party) does support Boris Johnson’s (Conservative Prime Minister) covid restriction proposals, and will therefore be supporting the Government in the Tuesday vote.

      With regard to your point “So, you want to say you are following all the recommendations and losing no freedoms?”

      The simple answer is yes:-

      •    Wearing a face mask is no hassle; Asian countries have been doing it for years.

      •    And our whole family are fully vaccinated, so we’ve all got our covid passports already anyway, for if and when we need them.

  6. hard sun profile image78
    hard sunposted 3 years ago

    Here they come:  "The British government may need to introduce tougher restrictions to slow the growth of the omicron variant and prevent a new surge in COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths, British scientists said Saturday." … uxbndlbing

    Plus, you are bragging about getting restrictions lifted that we never had here. Fingers crossed, I know of NOT ONE PERSON personally who has passed from COVID here in the "dangerous" US. Maybe you should get out of the UK media bubble? Take care. Midwest Americans don't ask permission to have Christmas parties.

    1. Castlepaloma profile image76
      Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Please please pleeseee Mr Prime Minister can we have a Christmas party, or how about a wedding. Omicron won't kill anyone until next year. Please please please. Lol

      1. hard sun profile image78
        hard sunposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Ha ha. Really though, the possibility of this kind of thing makes me sick in my gut. I said it from the beginning, I don't care if I'm vaccinated or not, I'm not showing a passport, and I'm not asking permission to visit family.

        1. Castlepaloma profile image76
          Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          After each individual freedom is most important,  to be with our family is next.

          Relationship is more important than food.
          Only if I catch a nasty flu covid, then
          I would stay at home.

          1. hard sun profile image78
            hard sunposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Family and individual well-being are tops. For sure, if I'm sick, I don't share my germs. I'm about to have a day of mini-golf with family. Put put put for the fun of it! lol.

    2. Nathanville profile image92
      Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      An interesting article, if rather blunt, but good to see that the last sentence in the article reads “The study by the scientists, who help advice the British government, has not been peer reviewed.” which puts it into perspective.

      Currently, there is not enough known about the Omicron variant to make accurate predictions; all that is known at this time is that Omicron is far more infectious than the Delta variant, and early indications is that it might be less lethal; but it’ll be another week or two before sufficient data is gathered to give a clearer picture.

      Therefore, at this time the scientific advisors to the British Government are unable to give clear advice; all they can do for the moment is to warn the Government of what might happen if tighter restrictions are not introduced soon.

      As with last year, the UK Government (Boris Johnson, Prime Minister) is loath to cancel Christmas, so at this time the covid restrictions he’s reintroduced this week are rather soft (not anywhere near as harsh as they were back in July), so soft they make little difference to daily life, and certainly, at this moment in time Boris Johnson has NOT cancelled Christmas for everyone, yet; although if the situation deteriorates over the next week, or compelling evidence comes to light from the scientists to warrant it, like last year, the situation could change at the last minute!!!!!  We’ll have to wait and see.

      I’m not bragging about the UK lifting covid restrictions for the sake of it, it’s in response to the constant attacks that Castlepaloma makes on the UK; and highlighting the point that contrary to the false claims made by some that Brits are cowering in their homes, afraid to go out and enjoy life, that in Britain at this time life is normal and that Brits are not running scared.  Frequent claims that the British population are afraid are all just baloney, propaganda (lies) by the likes of Castlepaloma.

      Good for you that so far you haven’t known of any who has died from covid; you are lucky.  I’ve known people who have died of covid, before the vaccination rollout, so they were unvaccinated; and I’ve known people who have suffered the unpleasant illness ‘long covid’; but I haven’t seen any covid deaths or serious illness personally since the vaccination rollout.

      Although with the Omicron variant sweeping across Europe, and no doubt the USA as well, hospitalisations may well become a big issue this winter, even in the USA.

      I very much doubt that Christmas Parties would become a political hot potato in the USA; because Americans and Europeans have different mentalities (mind-sets) – cultural differences.  That’s not to say one is superior or better than the other; just different.

      As regards the Christmas Parties fiasco, as a Socialist it’s good to see the Conservative Government in disarray, and a good laugh; so I shall take great delight in covering that point in a separate comment.

    3. Nathanville profile image92
      Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      In answer to another point you raised recently.

      ONS data 4th November – no deaths in England and Wales under the age of 35 resulting from covid vaccines; whereas in contrast as at 26th November, 25 children in England alone have died from Covid.

    4. Nathanville profile image92
      Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Hard sun, you took great delight in highlighting the absurd fiasco over Boris Johnson (the UK’s Conservative Prime Minister) and his Christmas Parties.  And as a socialist I shall take great delight in highlighting Boris Johnson PM (Prime Minister) as the ‘bumbling fool’ that he is.

      First, some background to put it into context:-

      Back in 2016 Boris Johnson employed Dominic Cummings as his ‘personal advisor’; nothing wrong with that per se, many leaders employ personal advisors – but where it goes wrong is when a leader listens to their personal advisors to the exclusion of their own party and the civil service; as Theresa May discovered to her cost e.g. it cost her the election in the 2017 General Election.

      However Dominic Cummings is a nasty piece of work who idolises dictators like Hitler and in Russia, and he has a thirst for power and control.  Dominic Cummings is a very intelligent, devious and manipulative individual who, through his skills, made it possible for Boris to win the Brexit vote, become Leader of the Conservative Party and win the General Election in 2019.  As Prime Minister, all of Boris Johnson’s policies were Dominic Cummings e.g. Boris Johnson was Dominic Cummings puppet.

      However, the relationship between Dominic Cummings and Boris Johnson began to fall apart when Britain was hit by the covid pandemic in March 2020.  At that point Boris Johnson ceased to listen to Dominic Cummings and started to listen to the scientists instead. 

      That accumulated with Dominic Cummings resigning in November 2020, in a big public showdown where he made a series of serious allegations against Boris; all of which had to be investigated.

      Dominic Cummings resigns from Downing Street role with immediate effect:

      Anyway, with Dominic Cummings, Boris was invincible, without Dominic Cummings, Boris, who is impetuous, is vulnerable to be shown the bumbling fool that he is; hence the current pickle he’s in – and if he doesn’t pull up his socks soon his own party will most likely dump him and pick another leader who stands a better chance of winning the next General Election e.g. following this week’s fiasco opinion polls put the Conservative Party in a weak position, so a lot of Conservative MPs are getting rather jittery; for example:-

      After a series of scandals over lobbying, a Peppa Pig World speech, the Downing Street flat refurbishment and reports of Christmas parties during last winter's lockdown, more and more Conservative MPs have voiced their disquiet with the Prime Minister (Boris Johnson).  The Conservative Government now has over 54 Conservative Rebels, and growing e.g. Government own politicians who don’t support the Government.  Under the Conservative Party Rule, in order for the party to dump the Prime Minister, 15% of Conservative MPs have to submit a letter to the 1922 Committee stating that they have no confidence in the Prime Minister (calling for a vote of no confidence); currently 15% IS 54, so if all the Conservative Rebels wrote to the 1922 Committee then Boris Johnson’s position as Prime Minister would become very precarious.

      It’s not just one illegal Christmas Party that Boris Johnson is currently being investigated for, it’s seven.

      And last week the Conservative Government was fined £17,800 ($24,000) by the Electoral Commission for illegal funding of the refurbishment of the Boris Johnson’s (Prime Minister) flat (apartment) at 10 Downing Street.

      The Prime Minster lives in a flat (apartment) in 10 Downing Street; just as the President of the USA lives in the Whitehouse.

      Under British Law, the Prime Minister is entitled to spend out of public funds (Government Money) up to £30,000 ($40,000) per year on refurbishing his/her flat (apartment) in 10 Downing Street.

      Last year Boris broke the law by spending £112,500 ($150,000) on refurbishing his flat, with the excess being paid for by a donation of £52,801.72 ($70,000) from a Conservative Supporter; which is illegal e.g. bribery and corruption – which means that the Conservative Party will be forced to return the donation by the Electoral Commission, and think themselves lucky as one Conservative MP who overspent in the 2017 General Election campaign was imprisoned for six months.

      Anyway, all this is making the Conservative MPs jittery, as opinion polls are reflecting support for the Conservative Party drain away.

      Some of the results in the opinion polls this week include:-

      •    Only 9% of the British Public thinks that Boris didn’t know anything about the illegal Christmas parties in 10 Downing Street last year.

      •    57% of the British Public thinks that Boris Johnson should resign.

      •    Only 32% now support the Conservative Party, and 41% support Labour; which under the British voting system is more than enough support for Labour to win a landslide victory if a General Election was to be held tomorrow.

      Off all the resent scandals to the Conservative Government this year; the top three that the British Pubic think is most important are:-

      •    51% of the British Public thinks the illegal Christmas Parties in 10 Downing Street last year is the most serious.

      •    28% of the British Public thinks the Dominic Cummings allegations on his resignation is the most serious, and

      •    21% of the British Public thinks the Matt Hancock resignation is the most serious scandal.

      Matt Hancock (a married man) was the Health Minister until he was caught on CCTV intimately kissing an associate; which caused him to resign in shame:-

      Matt Hancock affair video kissing Gina Coladangelo in his office:

      1. Castlepaloma profile image76
        Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        I wish everyone able to kiss and hug freely as we always have throughout human history. As each time passes our viruses and disease shared make our Immune system  practice to grow stronger. Love conquers all and distancing realationships divide all and weaken our immune system.

        Most misconception about me is I belong to the right wing nut job group of thinking. I repeat, only belong to love/work and optimist club of individualism sharing. I find both sides more extremely one-sided than ever in my lifetime. Maybe you sense the same situation an outsider left like myself. Underneath it is all, the humanity side is within us all. I may joke , yet in reality I don't want to dehumanize or demonize anyone. I find better answers are on the middle ground of both the extreme sides. The world leaders always fall into the extreme of us against them which is always the biggest part of the problem. If family must stay away from each other and infant have to wear a mask ritual will destroy our nervous system and realationships. With human society, personal growth and relationships growth.

        1. hard sun profile image78
          hard sunposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Good way of looking at things. I understand the value of close family and friends more now, gaining on 50, than I ever did. Nothing can keep me from my close family short of a jail celI maybe, lol. I can be a bit gruff or blunt at times but, my close family and friends know why. Dehumanizing is too common. You say one thing about the vaccine not working, or maybe the NRA has things a bit wrong and "the other side" loses their marbles. Gotta fall in line these days. Fascists on the right of me and Nazis on the I am stuck in the middle again. Individual people are fine. It is when they get in groups that the problems come in.

          Apologies for interrupting. Boring Sunday morning here.

  7. hard sun profile image78
    hard sunposted 3 years ago

    This is getting a bit redundant. This is this conclusion I've come to: I cannot believe any statistics from any government at this point. It is all too fast and furious. Car wrecks down as covid deaths--this is true in at least one case, cancer but got a bit of covid, etc. etc. Right now, the best evidence I have is anecdotal. To this day, If I had no tv and no internet, I would of heard of about ten people getting COVID and recovering. The Great Reset, or whatever is going on right now, is a bunch of weirdness. The scientific community may figure it out once it is allowed to perform and speak freely. Until then...let freedom ring.

    1. Nathanville profile image92
      Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      The great reset is one of Castlepaloma pet theories; one which I don’t prescribe to.

      Yeah, well, if you don’t trust the facts, then that’s your choice. 

      As you surmise, personal experience carries a lot of weight; and while you’ve personally haven’t seen any deaths and crippling illnesses caused by Covid; I have.

      If our paths don’t cross again on HP then have a good Christmas.

    2. Nathanville profile image92
      Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      With reference to comments you made above, namely:-

      •    “…. I cannot believe any statistics from any government at this point.”

      •    …. The Great Reset, or whatever is going on right now….”

      •    “…. The scientific community may figure it out once it is allowed to perform and speak freely…..”

      I’m not talking about the USA; I’m not qualified to judge how reliable American Government Statistics are.

      However, in the UK, having been a civil servant all my working life I know from the inside how the British Government machinery works.  Unlike the USA, in the UK the civil service is ‘apolitical ’, and I know that when it comes to statistics Government Departments like the ONS are not answerable to the Government, they are answerable to Parliament only; specifically so that the Government of the day cannot influence or censor public data.

      So in that respect I do have faith in what the ONS, and other Independent Government Departments in the UK publishes. 

      That’s not so say that you can trust or believe what the Government say itself; and if and when it does overstep the mark, as happened yesterday, the British TV News Media (which is heavily regulated to provide balance and unbiased news) will fact-check – hence yesterday, after fact-checking the British TV News Media did highlight the fact that the British Government where making false claims about the rate of infection of the new Omicron variant.  So the News Media in Britain are not in league or gagged by the British Government.

      Likewise, claims by antivaxxers and conspiracy theorists that the scientists are either in league with Governments or gagged by them is pure baloney.  On at least two occasions during the pandemic the UK Government’s own Scientific Advisors (SAGE) when in disagreement with the Government have published their own reports directly to the Press (News Media) for maximum publicity; and undermining the UK Government sametime.

      Which all leads onto the ‘Great Reset’ crap – An insinuation that the world’s Governments are just puppets of a group of billionaires who want to control and rule the world:  If you believe that then you’ll believe any crap spouted by conspiracy theorists.

      A good example of democracy in play yesterday when a third (over 30%) of the Government’s own politicians (Conservative MPs) voted against the Government last night; and the only reason that the UK Government’s proposed stiffer controls were passed into law (in line with public opinion) is that Labour (Socialists), who are the main opposition party, fully supported the Conservative Government in introducing more stringent covid regulations.  If you bothered looking at politics of other countries outside of the USA bubble then you might realise that the ‘Great Reset Conspiracy Theory’ is nothing more than a figment.

      1. Nathanville profile image92
        Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Further to my comment above:--

        "That’s not so say that you can trust or believe what the Government say itself; and if and when it does overstep the mark, as happened yesterday, the British TV News Media (which is heavily regulated to provide balance and unbiased news) will fact-check – hence yesterday, after fact-checking the British TV News Media did highlight the fact that the British Government where making false claims about the rate of infection of the new Omicron variant.  So the News Media in Britain are not in league or gagged by the British Government."

        Here is the video from yesterday where the UK TV News debunked the UK Government's claims on rate of infection of the new Omicron variant:-

        Omicron: We delve into the data -

        1. Castlepaloma profile image76
          Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Posted a

          So you think you know the truth.

        2. hard sun profile image78
          hard sunposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Fact checkers make themselves look silly trying to defend so many govt claims about COVID. They twist themselves into all sorts of knots. The more I read the fact checking statements the less I believe the "facts."

          1. Nathanville profile image92
            Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Of course you would.  I would expect nothing different from you as you are so obviously obsessed with the conspiracy theories rather than solid facts, even though they are so easy to debunk.

            1. hard sun profile image78
              hard sunposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              I don't believe much. Have a good day.

              1. Castlepaloma profile image76
                Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                I believe Nathan's tin hats looks good on him. Greed and politicains are goooodd.

  8. hard sun profile image78
    hard sunposted 3 years ago

    The Great Reset is a book by Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret. Merry Christmas

    And...we can all find the "facts" we want: … uxbndlbing

    Most reported U.S. Omicron cases have hit the fully vaccinated -CDC

    Meanwhile, while they are paying hospitals extra for each COVID patient, the vast number of people dying prematurely around here continue to be from cancer, car wrecks, and drug overdoses.

    The world has bigger problems than COVID.

    1. Nathanville profile image92
      Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Yep, the Great Reset philosophy by the World Economic Forum is just a guise for plutocratic goals; something which I don’t prescribe to, although as an anarchist it gets Castlepaloma excited.

      Yeah, there is evidence emerging that the current vaccinations are less effective against infection from the Omicron variant, but evidence emerging from Britain is the booster jab offers 75% protection against infection from the new variant.  And more importantly, all the evidence so far suggests that the vaccinations still offer a high level of protection from serious illness and death from the new variant; but it is too early to draw any concrete conclusion.  We should have a much clearer picture within weeks, and drug companies are confident that the can tweak the vaccines to give good protection against the new variant within months.

      I’ve heard many times the claim that hospitals in the USA get paid extra for each covid patient from anti-vaxxers and conspiracy sites; but I’ve seen no reliable data to back that up; unless that is you have links to the information from a ‘reliable source’; and I mean a reliable source, not just another anti-vaxxer or conspiracy website.

      Anyway, in the UK the NHS does NOT get paid extra for treating covid patients.

      As regards covid death rates in context with other forms of deaths; in 2020 and in January 2021 the biggest cause of death in the UK was Covid.  In contrast, in October 2021, covid accounted for just 5.6% of all deaths in England in that month, and in wales covid accounted for 9.5% of all deaths in October 2021.  So it’s not the main cause of death now (thanks to the successful vaccine rollout) as it was at the beginning of the year - which is good.

      As regards your previous comment “I cannot believe any statistics from any government at this point. ….. Car wrecks down as covid deaths--this is true in at least one case, cancer but got a bit of covid, etc. etc.”

      I understand what you mean, the main method of calculating covid deaths is “dying of covid within 28 days of testing positive”, which unfortunately will include people dying in car accidents, and people dying of cancer etc.  Albeit the greater majority will be genuine covid deaths because most people who die from covid die in hospital on ICU beds, although some die in care homes, and some at home.

      And for that reason the ONS (Office of National Statistics) in the UK use three methods of calculating covid deaths, as follows:-

      1.    People who die within 28 days of testing positive with covid.

      2.    Where covid is mentioned on the death certificate; which will exclude people who die in a car accident or from cancer, and

      3.    Excess deaths compared to the average five year death rate over the previous 5 years.

      Obviously the three methods never totally match, but providing they are all similar one can assume a high level of confidence in the figures.  And using the three different methods is a triple check e.g. in the Spring of 2020 the data using the 1st method in the UK was obviously grossly wrong when compared to the other two methods, so after some investigation the ONS discovered a computer error in the NHS’s data base which was inflating the figures – which was quickly corrected, and the data recalculated correctly.

      You can compare the data from the first two methods in the link below, which is updated daily; data from the third method is published by the ONS separately in their monthly report.

      1. Castlepaloma profile image76
        Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Nathan, if I go to hell for eternity.

        I will be giving birth to triplets
        Nathan fact checker, an accountant and a Lawyer

        Just kidding you buddy.

  9. hard sun profile image78
    hard sunposted 3 years ago … provisions

    Paying 20% more for Medicare COVID patients was part of the CARES Act.

    Anyway, once again, I work 40 hours a week sorting through data, from MSM to 5g kicks off the virus. Get 1000 boosters if you want, just don't tell others they have to.

    As far as car deaths. If this happens in the US, seems likely happening everywhere. I have links to a couple more confrimed cases of this as well. NO I don't trust the UK or the US stats on this. … ta-1518994 … ida-report
    "According to NBC affiliate KGW in Oregon, if you die in a car crash in that state and previously tested positive for COVID-19 that's automatically considered a COVID-19 death." … d-19-death

    Once again, we have much bigger problems than COVID.

    1. Nathanville profile image92
      Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the link, greatly appreciated; different to the NHS in the UK where neither our doctors or nurses, nor the hospital, get paid extra for treating covid patients.

      Albeit, after public outcry that the Government wasn't going to award NHS staff adequately for all the hard work they've done during the pandemic the UK Government did recently concede and have now awarded NHS staff a 3% pay rise, back dated to 21st April 2021 - which seems a bit of a kick in the teeth when the annual rate of inflation in the UK is 4.2%.

      I've never told anyone that they should get vaccinated, but I do object when people like Castlepaloma is consistently trying to persuade people not to get vaccinated. 

      It should be a personal decision.

      1. hard sun profile image78
        hard sunposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        "It should be a personal decision."

        We absolutely agree here.

        In fact, I have one shot. If I were older, I may get more shots. But, for now, not yet.

        My point about the vaccines is that these things are not as good as they wanted them to be. Also, there are vaccine injuries being downplayed, and there are other vaccines in the making that could be much better.

        However, world govts, guilt trip and make laws stating you must get the shot, instead of admitting the issues with them. It is strange...and it does lend itself to NWO Great Reset theories.

        Everyone must weigh the pros and cons and not be shamed for deciding not to get a vaccine for a disease that does have an approximate 1% Case fatality rate...lower Infection fatality rate, (over all age groups). And, giving them to kids should not even be considered in my, and my physician's opinion.

        Basically, the vaccine brigade is just too damn much. In their need to push the leaky vaccines for a not so often deadly virus, they are facilitating conspiracy theories. Maybe the likes of castlepeloma provide much needed balance at this point.

        1. Nathanville profile image92
          Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          #1:  On your first point “My point about the vaccines is that these things are not as good as they wanted them to be.”

          From our discussion I can only conclude that that is your perception presumably because of the way the American News Media presented the news to the American Public?  Whereas, in the UK when the vaccines were under trial (Phase I & II) the British News Media did stress that to be acceptable the vaccines would have to be at least 50% effective in preventing death, pointing out that the flu vaccines are only ever 40% to 60% effective.   

          Therefore, when at the end of phase III trials it was announced through the British News Media that the vaccines were over 90% effective at preventing death, but it was unknown at that point whether they would prevent infection; the British Public was under no illusions. 

          And ever since as the situation has changed the British Public has always been kept informed; so our expectations have never been raised to unrealistic levels. 

          #2:  On your second point “Also, there are vaccine injuries being downplayed”.

          Again, it seems that may be down to how the American News Media presents the News to the American Public?

          In the UK the information is freely available from the ONS and other Sources, and not that difficult to find; and the British News media does cover this point as and when appropriate.

          To date, 51,254,510 people in the UK have had at least one vaccine dose, and in the UK from March 2020 to August 2021, so far there have been 9 vaccine related deaths (none under the age of 35); 4 deaths in England, 4 deaths in Scotland, 1 death in Northern Ireland, and 0 deaths in Wales. 

 … 9-vaccine/

          #3:  Where you say “and there are other vaccines in the making that could be much better.”

          There you have the advantage over me, because it’s one area that I haven’t bothered keeping tabs on.

          However, this does lead nicely onto your next point “However, world govts, guilt trip and make laws stating you must get the shot, instead of admitting the issues with them.”

          Every Government have made mistakes, with some being deliberately negligent, and the British Government is under investigation for its bungling of the crisis during the first six months of the pandemic (full independent inquiry to start next spring).

          However, the British Government isn’t above admitting to its mistakes.  The prime example being that the AstraZeneca vaccine developed by Oxford University (a virus vector vaccine e.g. similar to the flu vaccines) was the UK’s Government’s flagship (pride vaccine) that it used to vaccinate all adults over the age of 40 with both doses.  But as that vaccine has been linked with a small number of vaccine related deaths (less than 1 million) and as it has proven to be less effective than mRNA vaccines like Pfizer and Moderna, then since the summer the UK Government has switched to using Pfizer and Moderna.

          #4:  As regards your comment “….and make laws stating you must get the shot….”

          Nothing sinister about it; Governments have in general only made vaccines mandatory where and when necessary, and as a last resort.  For example:-

          •    The UK Government has not made vaccines mandatory for the General Public because of the mass uptake in vaccination voluntarily, which has reduced our covid death rate significantly.  The only area in the UK where the vaccine is mandatory is ‘front line health and care workers’ for the obvious reason that for them not to be vaccinated would put patients at risk.

          •    Austria has made the vaccine mandatory simply because vaccine hesitancy is so high in Austria that their covid death rate is high and rising sharply. 

          #5:  Yeah, everyone should be able to make an ‘informed decision’ on whether they get vaccinated or not; but basing your decision on ‘disinformation’ spread by antivaxxers and conspiracy websites doesn’t allow you to make an ‘informed decision’, it deceives you into putting your life and the lives of others at risk.

          #6:  Where you say “…..a disease that does have an approximate 1% Case fatality rate….”

          Yeah, 1% doesn’t sound much, and if it’s a low infection rate then 1% isn’t a high number; but 1% of just 1 million infections is a large number; and enough to start overwhelming the heath service in any country.

          It might be just 1% fatality, but that represents a much higher percentage of hospitalisations and an even greater percentage of people suffering the nasty long term illness called ‘Long Covid’.

          Whereas where people are fully vaccinated, as in the UK that 1% (1 in a 100) becomes 1 in a 1,000; much better odds of survival and far fewer serious illnesses.

          #7:  and your comment “And, giving them to kids should not even be considered in my, and my physician's opinion.”

          I understand you sentiment, and especially more so in that I understand children from the age of 5 in the USA are eligible for the vaccine?

          Currently in the UK only children from the age of 12 are eligible, and even then its voluntary; in the first instance it’s the parents’ choice, but under British law the child has the final say if they can demonstrate that they are competent enough to make the decision.

          The decision by the UK Government to vaccinate children from the age of 12 was not taken lightly, and they hesitated for two months before making the final decision; and then the Government only made that decision because back in September in the UK children (unvaccinated) was by far the biggest spreader of the virus.

          #8:  Reference you last paragraph:-

          “Basically, the vaccine brigade is just too damn much. In their need to push the leaky vaccines for a not so often deadly virus, they are facilitating conspiracy theories. Maybe the likes of castlepeloma provide much needed balance at this point.”

          Castlepeloma tried to make out that you have ‘vaccine brigades’ in Canada and Australia, but the video evidence he produced were ‘faked’. 

          This is where we obviously disagree.  In my view the vaccines are not ‘leaky’; apart from the J&J vaccine, the others approved for use in the UK and across Europe have saved tens of thousands of lives, while the risks from the vaccine is miniscule.

          So, in ignoring the ‘disinformation’ and in weighing up the ‘risks & benefits’, it should be a ‘no brainer’

          #9:  Your last point:  “Maybe the likes of castlepeloma provide much needed balance at this point.”

          Seriously?  If castlepeloma could debate the issues seriously, then yep, fine.  But he doesn’t, all he does is to regurgitate ‘disinformation’ found on any anti-vaxxer and conspiracy website, that’s frequently debunk by fact-checkers.  Fact checking isn’t that difficult to do, most British News Media prides itself in ‘fact-checking’ its stories so that it doesn’t print false stories; which Boris Johnson (current UK Prime Minister) found out to his cost e.g. Prior to becoming Prime Minister Boris Johnson was a journalist, but he’s been sacked twice as a journalist by the British Press for lying.

          1. Castlepaloma profile image76
            Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            My presentation has given many proffession doctors and scienctist point of opposing views on the this site. It course many of these are banned or blocked and careers assassination by technocrats beurocrates and powers to be. I'm not religious, yet I was shocked about one pastor predicted In 2013 this Totalitarianism vaccines lockdowns, vaccines genocide and quarantines , protesters everything happening down to a tee today. And of course he was killed. Today majority are not fully vaccinated yet, the push back is working to delay the greater depopulation process.

            The medical model for vaccines is harming and killing far greater than even the triple speed of the Vaccines directly are causing in covid deaths.

            Nathan would be the category of 30% totalitarianism. Sun or Sharlee Readmikenow would in the category of the 40 to 50% going along with the narrative of vaccines yet open. I would be in the category of 10 to 20% strongly independent with ability to reject vaccines and continue to live my life well being without the totalitarianism force.

            Of all the clips I've presented this is the best explains the medical model of what is happening in our society of mass Psychosis.


            1. hard sun profile image78
              hard sunposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              I am not going along with the narrative. I'm  just thinking that maybe the shots can do  something good for older people or people with compromised immune systems. Just not sure . That is  the only place where I am indecisive.

          2. hard sun profile image78
            hard sunposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Of course I understand the, "A lot people with a low percentage" argument. That's why I say, make a few more ICU rooms. Making my decision based on misinformation spread by propaganda factories silencing any doctors that suggest things be done different is not good. I know that.

            The vaccines are described as leaky by most everyone. They "evade immune systems." Leaky. And, they COULD be causing more variants.

            "Fact checking isn’t that difficult to do, most British News Media prides itself in ‘fact-checking’ its stories so that it doesn’t print false stories;"

            Fact checking is not easy in any way. The fact checking sites all have agendas as does virtually each and every media outlet. They have to have an agenda or they get taken offline (FB, INSTA, TWT, Youtube, censor them). They twist themselves into knots trying to justify censorship sometimes. Only a few are able to make money outside of these platforms. ALL of them are considered conspiracy nuts by people who take the MSM spoon fed info. This is why you seem to just repeat the MSM story. Because you believe everything it says, you take the same angle on the facts you are told to take, etc.

            It is convenient to label anything that goes against the narrative as misinformation. However, a bit of real digging, and it is easy to see that misinformation originates from the top of the media dogpile. believe the vaccine death numbers without question. I see the reports and understand that there is no way only that number of deaths correlate to the shots. Many trained statisticians and physicians come to the same conclusion but they are all automatically "misinformation." No questions asked. Most people don't have time to sort through the mess.

            I'm going back to sorting through this mess in my daily work grind and forgetting about it in the rest of my life. Cheers.

            1. Castlepaloma profile image76
              Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              It would be worth your wail to look through my last clip. He is a clinical psychologist and a degree in statistician. I grow, produce and sell directly naturalpath medicines, foods and whole lifestyle of housing and Urban farming. I can afford anything against my will to be received as unhealthy for my well being. I understand why people must take the jab to survive or else. You and Readmikenow seem to be more on the edge of rejecting the narrative as a healthy practices that fits all.

              1. hard sun profile image78
                hard sunposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                I listened to the entire interview. It was nice to get an educated take on some why's. Academics most compliant with the ideology is very interesting. I'm a redneck academic so maybe this is why I share the intuitive feel of something is just not right here. Something is definitely not right here.

                1. Castlepaloma profile image76
                  Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  The only redneck academic I can think of is Jethro of Beverly Hillbillies. Yet I think your smart.

         … YtoM22vHpM

                  1. hard sun profile image78
                    hard sunposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Oh yes. Jethro, because it is still okay to make fun of white southerners, lol.

                    I heard they were going to just put IV Catheters in the veins of everyone in the UK so they can get their artificial immune system enhancement whenever they want. That will most assuredly end the pandemic.

            2. Nathanville profile image92
              Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Firstly, in the UK the UK Government built 7 Nightingale Hospitals (covid hospitals) in April 2020 in just two weeks, with a maximum bed capacity of 20,000 ICU beds; but they still have to be staffed, and there are limits on what any healthcare system, anywhere in the world can cope with.

              At the peak of the last covid wave in the UK, on the 18th January 2021 there were 39,254 covid patients in hospital.  The NHS did cope, but it was challenging, and if the situation had got must worse the NHS would have become overwhelmed putting other people’s lives at risk as it was forced to introduce triage.  Fortunately we didn’t reach that point, but Germany is beginning to think in those terms.

              Currently there are 7,356 patients in hospitals in the UK with covid, a 5th of what it was in January; thanks to the vaccine programme e.g. infections from covid is just as high now as it was in January, but covid hospitalisations are a 5th of what they were at that time, and covid deaths a 10th.

              So no, “making a few more ICU rooms” is not the answer; other means need to be found to keep hospitalisation from covid down e.g. covid regulations, lockdowns and vaccination etc.

              The idea that vaccines could be causing more variants is just baloney, high infection rates increases the chance of more variants; basic science.

              Yeah, the new Omicron variant does evade the immune system to a larger extent with the current vaccines; and that’s because the current vaccines were engineered specially for the original Wuhan variant; so it’s going to take a few months before the current vaccines are tweak specifically for the new Omicron variant.

              But for the Delta variant all the vaccines were very effective; and even after six months offered a good level of protection; far more protection than no vaccine.

              With the Delta Variant, in the UK:-

              •    2 doses of the Pfizer vaccine reduced the risk of infection by 73%
              •    2 doses of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine reduced the risk of infection by 76%

              •    2 doses of the Pfizer vaccine reduced the risk of hospitalisation by 96%
              •    2 doses of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine reduced the risk of hospitalisation by 92%

              And after six months the vaccine effectiveness did wane, but it was still around 40% effective in preventing infection, and still gave a high level of protection against hospitalisation and death from the Delta variant.

              So not the vaccines are not ‘leaky’; they have done what they were designed to do; that is against hospitalisation and death, which they have done rather well.

              Sorry, but fact checking isn’t that difficult; I was taught how to do it at college and work, and for those who are not that familiar with it, there are plenty of YouTube videos and websites giving guidance.

              Where you say “fact checking sites all have agendas as does virtually each and every media outlet” that’s your opinion; I disagree.  At its very basic level ‘fact checking’ is common sense e.g. if you read an article in a publication that also includes news stories such as ‘the President is an alien from Alpha Centauri” then it’s a clear sign that the publishers specialise in fake news. 

              Yeah, News on British TV is heavily regulated to ensure it reports are balanced and unbiased, and that in my view is a good thing; it cuts out all the crap and fake news.

              Your comment “It is convenient to label anything that goes against the narrative as misinformation.” Tell that to Castlepaloma when he dismisses all the scientific evidence because it goes against his beliefs.

              Your comment “However, a bit of real digging, and it is easy to see that misinformation originates from the top of the media dogpile. believe the vaccine death numbers without question. I see the reports and understand that there is no way only that number of deaths correlate to the shots. Many trained statisticians and physicians come to the same conclusion but they are all automatically "misinformation." No questions asked. Most people don't have time to sort through the mess.”

              I was trained at college and work (as a civil servant) to dig (research and source), so I know how to determine what is misinformation, and FYI I do not accept the death numbers without question.  As civil servant I know from the inside how the Government machinery in the UK works, and as previously explained the UK does not just publish one set of figures but three different sets of figures from three different sources to derive at a number of covid deaths that one can take with reasonable confidence:  The critical checker being comparing excess deaths in any given month the average of the number of deaths in the previous 5 years – an exercise which I have done personally myself, and I can personally verify that what the ONS publishes is correct.

              Well, while you’re get back to your daily work grind, I’ll be getting ready to go out to the pub (bar) with old friends this evening to celebrate Christmas.

              1. Castlepaloma profile image76
                Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                People care more of what friends think of them at a bar than what than what they think of themselves or what they really think.
                I don't hold any doctrine believe system so free as a bird to say what's on my mind. I am what I thinks, not a belief system. Do have human right, contitustioal and personal right as long as I harm no one.

                If hospitals and prisons cells have not increasing enough over college dorms. Then UK people must build all these mega prisons and hospitals they can get to support the dying from vaccines and it's control or esle. Omicron has killed no one, why fix if it isn't broken. Because it's about control and money. Not first about the health first..

  10. Sharlee01 profile image85
    Sharlee01posted 3 years ago

    Oh Yes -- agree

  11. Readmikenow profile image96
    Readmikenowposted 3 years ago

    These documents from the FDA document adverse reactions during the initial months of the rollout of the vaccine.  There are no follow-up numbers on the web anywhere.  I've looked.  Why are these numbers not kept current?

    "Documents released by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reveal that drugmaker Pfizer recorded nearly 160,000 adverse reactions to its Covid-19 vaccine in the initial months of its rollout.
    The documents were obtained by a group of doctors, professors, and journalists calling themselves Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency, who filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the FDA for their release.

    The first tranche of documents reveal that, as of February 2021, when Pfizer’s shot was being rolled out worldwide on an emergency basis, the drugmaker had compiled more than 42,000 case reports detailing nearly 160,000 adverse reactions to the jab.

    ....These side effects were previously known, and have all been logged on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database, which as of Sunday has tracked 3,300 deaths following vaccination with Pfizer’s vaccine, a figure broadly in keeping with the company’s own data." … e-effects/

    Here is a link to the PDF documents referred to in the article. … rience.pdf

    1. Nathanville profile image92
      Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Yep, the UK keep’s a similar register to the ones you’re referring to in America.  In the UK it’s called the ‘Yellow Card Scheme’; a public website where any member of the public can report an adverse reaction to the covid vaccine, including death.

      From the 9th December 2020 (when the first vaccine was given in the UK) to 8th September 2021, recorded on the ‘Yellow Card Scheme’ there were 1,645 deaths where the person died shortly after receiving one of the covid vaccines e.g. the number of deaths reported as possibly linked to a vaccine.

      So 1,645 possible ‘covid vaccine’ related deaths from the UK is in line with the 3,300 possible covid vaccine related deaths which you cite as being reported in the USA.

      However, it is important to note that at the time of reporting the deaths will not have been fully investigated, and that a report is not proof of causation.

      All cases reported are investigated, and the reality is that people die all the time, and are just as likely to die after a vaccination as before, but that doesn’t mean that the vaccine killed them; the cause of death has to be investigated and ultimately it’s the doctor or coroner who will determine the cause of death. 

      Therefore, at this time, the actually number of deaths in the UK related to the vaccine, as determined on investigation by doctors and coroners is not the initial 1,645 deaths recorded in the ‘Yellow Card Scheme’, but just 9 deaths. … 9-vaccine/

  12. Nathanville profile image92
    Nathanvilleposted 3 years ago

    As of yesterday (13th Dec) 41% of adults in the UK have voluntarily had their booster jab; currently half a million adults a day are getting the booster jab voluntarily, but the UK Government wants to ramp that up to 1 million a day over the next few days so that virtually every adult over the age of 18 in the UK will have had a chance of getting their booster jab by the end of the year.

    So that whatever the Omicron variant brings, good or bad, the UK will be well placed to fight it come the New Year.

  13. hard sun profile image78
    hard sunposted 3 years ago

    And...even though many Americans may want to move on, are they going to let us? I've seen first-hand the impacts of traditional college students having to stay at home all semester. Bad for learning, bad for socialization, etc. But, who cares right? All the old people could maybe perhaps be a bit safer.

    "Some universities have already announced a move to online classes as case numbers have surged, while professional sports league and Broadway theaters have canceled games and performances. " … d=BingNews

    1. Castlepaloma profile image76
      Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      CDC says 34 out of 45 Omicron Cases are on the vaccinated, who is going to show up at the Christmas table this year?

      I don't own a TV programming people device. So my family are free and full of loving in our circle at this Christmas.

      Much more of our youth is on this garbage mild Omicron. I hear from many youths, this covid war is over. They are the future and the old trillionaire world order type are dieing off quick now.

  14. Readmikenow profile image96
    Readmikenowposted 3 years ago

    "Highly vaccinated countries thought they were over the worst. Denmark says the pandemic’s toughest month is just beginning." … mp;pc=U531

    1. Nathanville profile image92
      Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Yep, the Omicron variant is far more contagious than the Delta variant; which is what is causing the surge in new cases.  That’s why the UK Government’s current target is to give 1 million booster jabs per day so that most adults over the age of 18 will have had the booster jab by the end of this month, to help mitigate against the impact of the Omicron variant during the expected peak in January.

      Yep, hospitalisation in the UK has risen 8.1% in the last 7 days, but at 7.697 it’s still just a 6th of what it was last January when hospitalisations peaked at almost 40,000.  And covid related deaths in the UK are still just a 10th of what they were last January; in spite the infection rate being 50% higher than it was last January.

      1. Readmikenow profile image96
        Readmikenowposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        "Two doses of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine appear to be ineffective at neutralizing the Omicron variant, increasing the risk of breakthrough infections. A booster dose, however, restores antibodies to protective levels, according to a preliminary study shared publicly on Wednesday." … on-5213567

        Guess what?  Since this is a virus and it has proven its ability to mutate, there will be another variant after Omicron, and then one after that and one after that.  Like the flu it will continue to mutate.  So, what's the solution?  Non-stop boosters?  Masks, social distancing and lockdowns for eternity?

        It's now to the point where you are going to die from something and Covid is one of the many things.

        It's time to stop living in fear of every new variant.

        1. Nathanville profile image92
          Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Guess What:  We are not living in fear; that slur is just propaganda spread by anti-vaxxers such as Castlepaloma.  Contrary to what you might believe, life continues pretty much as normal in England.  In England, because a high percentage of the UK population is vaccinated we don’t have at the moment social distancing, nor a lockdown, and face masks are only required in some settings. 

          Yeah, the flu jab is annual; so what’s the difference if the covid jab turns out to be annual too; no great deal – unless you’re telling me you’re scared of needles?

          Yeah, everyone dies of something, but I’d much rather reduce the risk of dying from covid right now and live another 20 years; and neither do I want to be the cause of someone else’s covid death because I’m too pig headed or too ignorant to wear a face mask when required.

          1. Readmikenow profile image96
            Readmikenowposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            'too pig headed or too ignorant to wear a face mask"

            I think you mean too informed and knowledgeable of the most recent science to understand that face masks do not make any difference whatsoever and don't need to be worn. 

            "Here are key anchor points to the extensive scientific literature that establishes that wearing surgical masks and respirators (e.g., “N95”) does not reduce the risk of contracting a verified illness:"

            Jacobs, J. L. et al. (2009) “Use of surgical face masks to reduce the incidence of the common cold among health care workers in Japan: A randomized controlled trial,” American Journal of Infection Control, Volume 37, Issue 5, 417 – 419.

            N95-masked health-care workers (HCW) were significantly more likely to experience headaches. Face mask use in HCW was not demonstrated to provide benefit in terms of cold symptoms or getting colds.

            Cowling, B. et al. (2010) “Face masks to prevent transmission of influenza virus: A systematic review,” Epidemiology and Infection, 138(4), 449-456. … ystematic- review/64D368496EBDE0AFCC6639CCC9D8BC05

            None of the studies reviewed showed a benefit from wearing a mask, in either HCW or community members in households (H). See summary Tables 1 and 2 therein.

            bin-Reza et al. (2012) “The use of masks and respirators to prevent transmission of influenza: a systematic review of the scientific evidence,” Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses 6(4), 257–267. … 11.00307.x

            “There were 17 eligible studies. … None of the studies established a conclusive relationship between mask/respirator use and protection against influenza infection.”

            Smith, J.D. et al. (2016) “Effectiveness of N95 respirators versus surgical masks in protecting health care workers from acute respiratory infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis,” CMAJ Mar 2016

            “We identified six clinical studies … . In the meta-analysis of the clinical studies, we found no significant difference between N95 respirators and surgical masks in associated risk of (a) laboratory-confirmed respiratory infection, (b) influenza-like illness, or (c) reported work-place absenteeism.”

            Offeddu, V. et al. (2017) “Effectiveness of Masks and Respirators Against Respiratory Infections in Healthcare Workers: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis,” Clinical Infectious Diseases, Volume 65, Issue 11, 1 December 2017, Pages 1934–1942,

            Radonovich, L.J. et al. (2019) “N95 Respirators vs Medical Masks for Preventing Influenza Among Health Care Personnel: A Randomized Clinical Trial,” JAMA. 2019; 322(9): 824–833. … le/2749214

            “Among 2862 randomized participants, 2371 completed the study and accounted for 5180 HCW-seasons. ... Among outpatient health care personnel, N95 respirators vs medical masks as worn by participants in this trial resulted in no significant difference in the incidence of laboratory-confirmed influenza.”

            Long, Y. et al. (2020) “Effectiveness of N95 respirators versus surgical masks against influenza: A systematic review and meta-analysis,” J Evid Based Med. 2020; 1- 9. … jebm.12381

            “A total of six RCTs involving 9,171 participants were included. There were no statistically significant differences in preventing laboratory-confirmed influenza, laboratory-confirmed respiratory viral infections, laboratory-confirmed respiratory infection, and influenza-like illness using N95 respirators and surgical masks. Meta-analysis indicated a protective effect of N95 respirators against laboratory-confirmed bacterial colonization (RR = 0.58, 95% CI 0.43-0.78). The use of N95 respirators compared with surgical masks is not associated with a lower risk of laboratory-confirmed influenza.”

            Conclusion Regarding That Masks Do Not Work
            No RCT study with verified outcome shows a benefit for HCW or community members in households to wearing a mask or respirator. There is no such study. There are no exceptions.

            Likewise, no study exists that shows a benefit from a broad policy to wear masks in public (more on this below).

            Furthermore, if there were any benefit to wearing a mask, because of the blocking power against droplets and aerosol particles, then there should be more benefit from wearing a respirator (N95) compared to a surgical mask, yet several large meta-analyses, and all the RCT, prove that there is no such relative benefit.

            Masks and respirators do not work."

            1. CHRIS57 profile image60
              CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Isn´t the purpose of masks or distancing or handwashing or.. to prevent spreading from one household to another? I don´t understand what in-household studies would get to.

              My personal experience with masks and distancing is quite clear: For 2 years i didn´t get a cold or anything comparable. And i didn´t change my way of life, from restaurants, cinemas, parties, theaters.. Apparently this whole concept works. This is my "one participant study".

              The professional in me (mastered in fluid dynamics) has an explanation available why masks do work. But the same explanation also hints that it does not really matter, what type of mask you use, as long as you don´t get too cozy.

              This is why i don´t support the mask type mandate of our government in G. But that is only a sidenote, because in general all masks work to fight the spreading, even my old bandanas.

              1. Readmikenow profile image96
                Readmikenowposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                I see your point.

                As with all things, I believe it should be up to the individual to determine if they should wear a mask.  Too much proof that they don't work on a wide scale.

                It comes down to it being politicized.  People with power will ignore the science and exert their power over others using reasoning that is not backed by science.  This is what has happened too many times during this pandemic.

                1. CHRIS57 profile image60
                  CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  If you have many people running around like you without masks, then of course you will have people get infected. Not necessarily by you because you may never have been infected, but others who were infected and wear no masks can do.

                  Masks keep your breath in close vicinity to your body only. They are not airtight, but ventilation is restricted to your own body. That is why you need masks AND distancing. If someone is not masked, he/she is just closing the distance and then it depends only on the mask wearing person to inhale what an infected person is spreading.

                  I remember in middle school we had a teacher with a very humid articulation. Us nasty kids in the first row made fun of this by camouflaging with all kinds of self built protection masks. Not very nice, only demonstrates what is happening with masking. And back then nobody got hurt, except the mind of poor teacher.

                  This is different with Covid19. An infected may hurt others if not masking and thus not protecting from "humid articulation".  ALL have to wear masks. So far i am with mandates.

                  I am not with restrictions outdoors. Virus loads immediately disappear in fresh air thus no masks required. And as i said before, it doesn´t really matter what kind of mask you wear, they are all not airtight.

                  In numbers: If a mask reduces virus load to 10% (inhale and/or outhale)  then likelyhood is 10% for you opponent to feel your "bad breath" if you are unmasked. If both wear masks, this reduces to 10% of 10% = 1%.

                  Simple maths. To follow the history of this pandemic: Alpha required some 66% (2/3) of population to be fully protected. Delta already required some 83% (5/6) and Omikron will possibly require higher than 9/10 = 90% protected. It does not really matter (statistically) if you achieve protection by vaccination, recovery or simply mask/distancing mandates.

                  But efficieny of vaccination wears over time. For example in the UK if 80% are vaccinated that relates to possibly 60% of full protection (statistically) or close to 70% if you include all recovered this year. Delta already requires more than 83% and the protection difference causes the active case load to blossom. Now there is Omikron and the protection gap is even larger, thus giving the active case number an extra kick.

                  Then social group dynamics kicks in. To me it is not clear if politics react first or people simply get scared and rush to get vaccinated/boostered or simply stay home in order to be protected.

                  Some of the protection gap is closed by wearing masks. But not all, especially not, is some people refuse to wear them. So masks in closed public places are a must, not something to be left for personal decision.

                  What is this worth for those individuals, who have to shop for groceries? Is it their personal freedom to not go shopping and starve to death because some individuals think they have to insist on their personal rights?

            2. Nathanville profile image92
              Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Yep, excellent research Readmikenow; and yes, at the start of the pandemic there was insufficient evidence that face masks were beneficial or effective; which is why at the time WHO did not recommend the use of face masks.

              However, by June 2020 WHO changed its stance on masks because of ‘new research’.  All the studies you highlight are pre-pandemic:-

              •    The 1st study in 2008 was inconclusive, and their conclusion was “A larger study is needed to definitively establish noninferiority of no mask use.”

              •    The 2nd link doesn’t work.

              •    3rd link (2012); very comprehensive, but did you read the conclusion in the last two paragraphs on page 265 which read:

              “In conclusion, there is a limited evidence base to support the use of masks and⁄or respirators in healthcare or community settings.  Mask use is best undertaken as part of a package of personal protection, especially including hand hygiene in both home and healthcare settings.  Early initiation and correct and consistent wearing of masks⁄respirators may improve their effectiveness. However, this remains a major challenge – both in the context of a formal study and in everyday practice.  Continued research on the effectiveness masks⁄respirators use and other closely associated considerations remains an urgent  priority”

              •    4th link (2016) does not dispute that face masks works; it was a study to compare the effectiveness of the N95 respirator in comparison with surgical masks; and the conclusion of that study was that there is no significant difference between the two in their effectiveness in protecting against airborne viruses.

              •    5th link (2017), as with the above link, does not dispute that face masks work, it also compares the effectiveness of the N95 respirator in comparison with surgical masks. 

              But did you read the penultimate sentence in the opening (Abstract) paragraph to the article; which reads:

              “This systematic review and meta-analysis supports the use of respiratory protection. However, the existing evidence is sparse and findings are inconsistent within and across studies.”

              •    6th link (2019).  Again (as with the previous two links) this study is NOT comparting the effectiveness of wearing a face mask with not wearing a face mask in protecting you against airborne viruses; this study (like the two above) is comparing the effectiveness of the N95 respirator in comparison with surgical masks. 

              And if read the ‘Findings’ and ‘Meaning’ in the ‘Key Point’ at the top of the page they read:-

              “….there was no significant difference in the incidence of laboratory-confirmed influenza among health care personnel with the use of N95 respirators vs medical masks….. As worn by health care personnel in this trial, use of N95 respirators, compared with medical masks, in the outpatient setting resulted in no significant difference in the rates of laboratory-confirmed influenza e.g. the study compared the effectiveness of one type of mask against another type, it did not compare the effectiveness of mask wearing vs wearing no mask.

              •    7th link (2020).  As with the above; not comparing the effectiveness of masks vs no masks; but comparing N95 respirators with surgical masks. 

              And if you read their conclusion, they say:-

              “The use of N95 respirators compared with surgical masks is not associated with a lower risk of laboratory confirmed influenza”

          2. Castlepaloma profile image76
            Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            I'm not Castlepaloma of work/love/peace. Just the opposite
            My real name is Dr. Evil
            A propreganda machines to take over the world MOO HAHAHHAHA MOOO HAAA
            Got sandcastles waiting for tides to destroy them by the sea.
            I got imagination castles in the sky that totally surrounding the globe pointed right at you.
            I got artist influence to remove masks of toxins shame to replace with real fresh air oxigent for immune system.
            I stop lockdowns for hugs and kisses
            I bring people together rather than keep people 6 feet apart or 1000,s of km. Apart by air
            Able to take their needles and shove up their backsides.
            Build snow playground to show the meltdown of the earth
            I'm So hideous I break hearts.


    2. Castlepaloma profile image76
      Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      You would think people would see the Vaccines are the covids. Or the Vaccines definition has changed and it's not a vaccine.
      OR we are not going to get the facts or evidence from CDC for the next 75 to 100 years. Extremely Cunting DR. Evil billionaire operations

      The dark winter and covid coming says Biden and scienctist back him up. I've been ball park correct about vaccines will cause triple the covid deaths this year from last. After this winter there will be the biggest jump of covid again.

      Biden? What scientists, I trust in science not always scientists. It's like scientists are next to God. That would be the Government. Scienctist  ARE not cut from a finer cloth than anyone else. Many scientists will down right lie, or cheat and steal for money prestige and advancement like anyone else. They are not any more special than the rest of us. If scienctist started flying around a room by the body only, that could change my mind.

      Really don't pay attention to politicains, they are an delustion of freedom and human rights.
      It's a fairytale game of cry wolf, chicken Little and jumping sheep.

      I'm working and living more under the radar with more direct trading and cash or crypto currency in our tiny house green community.

      What action are taking for this robot/zombie apocalypse?

  15. Nathanville profile image92
    Nathanvilleposted 3 years ago

    A Big Blow to Anti-Vaxxers:-

    Trump reveals he received his COVID booster, gets booed by supporters:

    1. Castlepaloma profile image76
      Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Trump and his wife and recommend the vaccines to Americans. That is how all Presidents are deeply full of dodo cockca crap and all Governments are corrupted in degrees.

      1. Nathanville profile image92
        Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Really?  It shows that you haven't been following any of the 'News' on TV; FYI Trump was one of the biggest anti-vaxxers in the USA, which is why its most of his supporters (Republicans) and not the Democrat supporters who are unvaccinated, falling ill and dying from covid in the USA.

        1. Castlepaloma profile image76
          Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this
          1. Castlepaloma profile image76
            Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

   … o-him.html

            Trump got his booster. Now he is a complete verified puppet, full of bs and a world champion liars. Not in the 10% of integrity type like myself and he is not thinking for himself. He even paid a doctor to say he isn't obese.

            1. Nathanville profile image92
              Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Yep, I would fully agree with your sentiment "....[Trump] full of bs and a world champion liars."; that's always been my view; but don't let American pro Trump, anti-vaxxers, hear you say that.

              1. Castlepaloma profile image76
                Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                If they are anti anything then they are too extreme for my individual freedoms and human rights Trump being one example. Unless we all agree by ethics like example of rules theift and murder. Which top politicains are the most horrible examples of  honesty and integrity. Don't know why anyone would want to be a President.

                I care much more for the better answers and solutions of balance between the two extremes.

                1. Nathanville profile image92
                  Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Hark who's talking, you’re anti-vaccine, anti-governments, anti-democracy; and you’re anarchist views are far too extreme for me.  One thing we do agree on is our dislike for Trump, which should come as no surprise as I’m both British and a Socialist.

                  But really, pretending you stand for a balance between the two extremes, when as an anarchist you’re so extreme yourself.

                  1. Castlepaloma profile image76
                    Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    I am the king of my own domains. The only group I claim to belong to is the work, love, peace and optimistic club. Everything else if in degrees. I experienced great ideas from the Anarchist group and Anarchist don't think in the form of heirarchy slavery. They have family like Governments, or limited hired Government. They have gathering and festivals and conferences. Strong independent individual , well being and balance They team up together with democracy decisions based on ethics and good sense.

                    About 80% of the general public dislike their own Government and their own jobs which is the most wasteful thing in life. Plus public servants have the most dissatisfied jobs within their nations. A horrible axamples of a good human beings, I certainly have absolutely no inspiration to be.

                    Yet live and let live, so leave my work, my art industry and my family alone to our own choices of freedom and choices in life. I and family have no slave masters or boss to force against our will especially myself. Let them have their Totalitarianism members and slave regime as far as I care. You will always find me on the brighter side of life. Even if they nail me to a cross. I'm sure I'm smarter than them and able to excape and live on an island.

  16. Nathanville profile image92
    Nathanvilleposted 3 years ago

    For the benefit of Castlepaloma, where on Christmas Eve he stated that covid deaths are skyrocketing; I’ve opened this comment at the root level to allow images maximum clarity, and attached a screen dump from the worldometers website showing him that since the vaccine rollout that the death rate has steadily declined, and is still on the decline.

    And for even more clarity, in case you need glasses, same image below, but zoomed in on this year:-

    1. Castlepaloma profile image76
      Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      It was written and I did say it's probably a mistake, and now I found out it was. 43,000 new covids, highest it's been since the panedemic began in cases. It just ruin my Christmas this year. All because one person had Omicron, that were in the same building my daughter was in. By law it cost 1000s in fines if we're caught being together at all.

      This show spike higher in UK than ever before. … p;ie=UTF-8

      1. Castlepaloma profile image76
        Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this … s-12503513

        A report of 122 thousands new Cases.

        1. Nathanville profile image92
          Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          See below, record high new cases in the UK, and across the world, because of the Omicron Virus - so what? 

          The important thing is that covid related deaths are now a 10th of what they were in the UK last January because of the successful vaccine rollout:-

      2. Nathanville profile image92
        Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Castlepaloma, be more specific; 43,000 new covid cases where????  Across the world it’s over 700,000 new daily cases, in the UK it’s over 100,000 daily new cases; so that figure are you looking at????

        Yeah, the spike in the UK is the highest it’s ever been (because of the new Omicron variant); double of what it was last January – I keep telling you that, so tell me something that’s new!

        But also, the point you are missing, or choosing to ignore, is the FACT that covid related deaths are a 10th of what they were last January, because of the successful vaccine rollout – as can be plain to be seen by all but a blind man or an idiot:-

        1. Castlepaloma profile image76
          Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          I'm not going to keep repeating covid deaths worldwide have nearly tripled this year since vaccines. Vaccines has mainly pushed Mutations and virants covid cases to record skyscrapers highest ever since the panedemic began. The billionaire won't admit they are depopulation the world and destroying small businesses.
          Since I am for depopulation I posted on 9 tips on how athourities totalitarianism can improve their game, as you might be keen on.

          1. Readmikenow profile image96
            Readmikenowposted 3 years agoin reply to this


            I saw this and I thought it would be something you would appreciate.


            1. Castlepaloma profile image76
              Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Sweet, thank you.

              I saw another song. It's beginning to look like genocide. It's a films of where people dropped dead to their deaths after vaccines. I don't hate anyone , yet there is plenty a people from here who hate me , and don't want to be banned. Not until at least many are moved into fema camps.

          2. Nathanville profile image92
            Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            As blind as a bat are you - look at the chart below; the covid death rate has declined since the vaccine rollout - only a blind person or an idiot can can't see that:-


            1. Castlepaloma profile image76
              Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Not blind at all from December 31st. 1.93 million to nearly triple covid deaths by Worldometer 5,415,223 millions now as holiday continue. World wide, Over 5 million covid cases in the last week with many record highs in many countries since the planedemic began.

              It's must be all the innocent unvaccinated fault because it's never the mass psychosis from billionaires fault in your world.

              1. Nathanville profile image92
                Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Yes you are blind Castlepaloma; if your theory was right then the death rate would have been increasing since the vaccine rollout, but as you can see from the above chart, the death rate has steadily decreased (fallen) e.g. fewer and fewer people dying monthly now than in January.

                And yeah, covid cases are high at the moment because of the Omicron variant; so what?  The death rate is NOT because of the vaccination programme.

            2. Readmikenow profile image96
              Readmikenowposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Whenever someone shares a chart like this, I always ask if the number of people who recovered from Covid and have natural immunity factored into the chart.  The decline in numbers may not only be due to the vaccine, but also because of the number of people who have recovered from Covid and have natural immunity has increased.

              Then I ask what would be the reason for the number of people recovering from Covid and having natural immunity not being included in the numbers?

              Can we agree that if this was done, it may show a very different picture?

              1. Castlepaloma profile image76
                Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                It's makes more sense for me to catch the common cold Omicron and then get my freedom passport. Where by according to CDC, I'm 13 times better protected than the Vaccines.

              2. Nathanville profile image92
                Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Readmikenow, at least you do raise sensible points; and yes, like the vaccines, people who recover from Covid do have a natural immunity for a while, and also as with the vaccines that immunity obtained from getting infected does wane overtime.

                Yeah, the UK Government, Scientists and NHS want to know the same thing as you’re asking, which is why there is constant data gathering, surveys and studies in the UK; with the ONS publishing weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual reports containing that information. 

                In the ONS’s opening statement on ‘Antibodies’ they state:-

                “The presence of antibodies to COVID-19 suggests that a person has previously had the infection or been vaccinated.” 

                In the week beginning 29th November 2021, the percentage of adults in the UK who have anti-bodies because of either infection or vaccination was:-

                •    95% in England
                •    93.6% in Wales
                •    95.3% in Northern Ireland, and
                •    95% in Scotland

                As at week beginning 29th November

                •    51,118,226 people out of a total population of 67 million had been vaccinated; just under 90% of the adult population.

                •    10,464,389 confirmed Covid cases up to that date from the start of the pandemic.

                UK studies have shown that the natural immunity from covid infection wanes after 9 months. 
                The total number of confirmed cases within the last 9 months e.g. those people who will still have natural immunity from infection is 10,464,389 - 4,207,304 = 6,257,085

                This period was before the Omicron variant so the fully vaccinated still had a high level of immunity, and besides, by this date 35.8% of the adult population had already had the booster jab anyway.

                So yes, although there will be a certain amount of natural immunity from those who have been infected within the previous 9 months; far more people are protected because of a far higher number of people that have been vaccinated compared to immunity because of natural infection.

                In answer to your last point; the simple answer is that before the vaccination rollout there was a strong link between infection/hospitalisation and death e.g. when infection rates went up it would shortly be followed by a corresponding rise in hospitalisation, then deaths.

                However, since the vaccination rollout that link between infection and hospitalisations/deaths has been severely weakened so that a sharp rise in infections is not followed by a sharp rise in hospitalisations/deaths.

                The chart below clearly shows this link between infection rates and hospitalisations/deaths being weakened in wave 3.  Wave 2 was before the rollout of the vaccine; wave 3 was after the rollout of the vaccine in the UK:-

                And there’s plenty of bedtime reading in this link:-
       … s/Overview



              3. CHRIS57 profile image60
                CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Covid deaths can only come from the cohort of those being actively infected.

                And who has a good chance of getting infected? Answer: The people not vaccinated in the first place and with some breakthrough infections in the group of vaccinated AND the people who had recovered. This explains how the people recovered are included in such charts.

                Would it give a different picture if the number of recovered were left out?
                Answer: No, the US had some 30 mill. recovered in 2021 alone. At the same time period more than 200 plus mill. were fully vaccinated, not counting the single shot or boostered people.

                Deaths are mostly attributed to the unvaccinated. I have numbers available from Germany where only 10% of deaths were due to breakthrough infections. Assuming that the US behaves similarly, the 13% (30/230) share of protected people by recovery does not change the picture. Picking out those people who recovered and then died from second infection would be some 10% of 13% = 1,3% change in deaths count. That is what i mean by "does not change the picture".

                1. Readmikenow profile image96
                  Readmikenowposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  "Covid deaths can only come from the cohort of those being actively infected.

                  And who has a good chance of getting infected? Answer: The people not vaccinated in the first place and with some breakthrough infections in the group of vaccinated AND the people who had recovered."

                  I completely disagree with you.  Many people not vaccinated have survived Covid and have natural immunity.  There are many cases in the United States where places with the highest vaccination rates also have some of the highest rates of infection and hospitalization. 

                  So, your theory doesn't appear to be too true in my eyes.

                  1. Nathanville profile image92
                    Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    What Chris says holds true for the UK too.  So likewise, "I completely disagree with you."; take or or leave it, but the fact remains that currently around 80% of those in hospitals with Covid in the UK are the unvaccinated - If you want to believe different (which you obviously do) then that's up to you.

                  2. Nathanville profile image92
                    Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    Readmikenow, where you say:

                    “Many people not vaccinated have survived Covid and have natural immunity.  There are many cases in the United States where places with the highest vaccination rates also have some of the highest rates of infection and hospitalization.”

                    Firstly, the natural immunity that people get when they catch covid, does not last; it wanes after 9 months.  Secondly, as with the vaccines, people with natural immunity from the Delta variant do not have any immunity against the Omicron variant.

                    Finally, you may wish to re-examine your concept that “There are many cases in the United States where places with the highest vaccination rates also have some of the highest rates of infection and hospitalization.”

                    If you actually cross reference vaccination status with the covid related death toll pro-rata per State, you’ll find that your above statement doesn’t hold water.  For your benefit, I’ve provided the cross-referenced data below, so that you can draw your own conclusion; but a few observations I’ve made from it includes the following…..

                    •    Six of the top 10 States with the highest death toll pro-rata are amongst the 10 States with the lowest vaccination.

                    •    Conversely, 3 of the 10 States with the lowest death toll pro-rate are amongst the 10 States with the highest level of vaccination.

                    •    Mississippi is the 48th least vaccinated State, with just 48.05% of the population vaccinated; and they have the highest death toll pro-rata @ 3,348 covid related deaths per million of population.

                    •    Conversely, Vermont is the highest vaccinated State, with 76.76% of the population vaccinated; and they have the lowest death toll pro-rata, at only 739 covid related deaths per million of population.

                    See the data list below:-

                    USA States ranked by percentage of population fully vaccinated: 23rd Dec 2021

                    1. Vermont = 76.76% of population fully vaccinated:  51st highest death toll e.g. lowest death toll = 739 covid related deaths per million of population.

                    2. Rhode Island = 75.87% of population fully vaccinated:  15th highest death toll = 2,849 per million of population.

                    3. Maine = 75.32% of population fully vaccinated:  49th highest death toll = 1,097 per million of population.

                    4. Connecticut = 74.23% of population fully vaccinated:  28th highest death toll = 2,546 per million of population.

                    5. Massachusetts = 74.1% of population fully vaccinated:  11th highest death toll = 2,913 per million of population.

                    6. West Virginia = 71.63% of population fully vaccinated:  10th highest death toll = 2,935 per million of population.

                    7. New York State = 71.22% of population fully vaccinated:  6th highest death toll = 3,064 per million of population.

                    8. New Jersey = 70.02% of population fully vaccinated:  4th highest death toll = 3,250 per million of population.

                    9. Maryland = 70.01% of population fully vaccinated:  37th highest death toll = 1,862 per million of population.

                    10. Virginia = 67.57% of population fully vaccinated:  41st highest death toll = 1,795 per million of population.

                    11. Washington = 67.53% of population fully vaccinated:  46th highest death toll = 1,294 per million of population.

                    12. District of Columbia = 67.03% of population fully vaccinated:  43rd highest death toll = 1,713 per million of population.

                    13. New Hampshire = 66.5% of population fully vaccinated:  44th highest death toll = 1,403 per million of population.

                    14. Oregon = 66.14% of population fully vaccinated:  45th highest death toll = 1,333 per million of population.

                    15. New Mexico = 65.81% of population fully vaccinated:  20th highest death toll = 2,754 per million of population.

                    16. Colorado = 65.74% of population fully vaccinated:  40th highest death toll = 1,817 per million of population.

                    17. California = 65.63% of population fully vaccinated:  35th highest death toll = 1,934 per million of population.

                    18. Minnesota = 65.01% of population fully vaccinated:  38th highest death toll = 1,861 per million of population.

                    19. Illinois = 64.03% of population fully vaccinated:  31st highest death toll = 2,462 per million of population.

                    20. Delaware = 63.78% of population fully vaccinated:  33rd highest death toll = 2,332 per million of population.

                    21. Pennsylvania = 63.39% of population fully vaccinated:  17th highest death toll = 2,817 per million of population.

                    22. Hawaii = 63.06% of population fully vaccinated:  50th highest death toll e.g. 2nd lowest death toll = 764 per million of population.

                    23. Florida = 62.58% of population fully vaccinated:  13th highest death toll = 2,905 per million of population.

                    24. Wisconsin = 61.58% of population fully vaccinated:  36th highest death toll = 1,894 per million of population.

                    25. Nebraska = 59.43% of population fully vaccinated:  42nd highest death toll = 1,715 per million of population.

                    26. Iowa = 58.59% of population fully vaccinated:  29th highest death toll = 2,472 per million of population.

                    27. Utah = 58.27% of population fully vaccinated:  48th highest death toll = 1,176 per million of population.

                    28. South Dakota = 56.63% of population fully vaccinated:  18th highest death toll = 2,791 per million of population.

                    29. Arizona = 56.57% of population fully vaccinated:  3rd highest death toll = 3,295 per million of population.

                    30. Texas = 56.57% of population fully vaccinated:  26th highest death toll = 2,617 per million of population.

                    31. Kansas = 56.56% of population fully vaccinated:  32nd highest death toll = 2,390 per million of population.

                    32. Michigan = 56.44% of population fully vaccinated:  14th highest death toll = 2,868 per million of population.

                    33. North Carolina = 56.33% of population fully vaccinated:  39th highest death toll = 1,834 per million of population.

                    34. Nevada = 50.06% of population fully vaccinated: 21st highest death toll = 2,716 per million of population.

                    35. Alaska = 56.02% of population fully vaccinated:  47th highest death toll = 1,292 per million of population.

                    36. Ohio = 54.93% of population fully vaccinated:  30th highest death toll = 2,457 per million of population.

                    37. Kentucky = 53.91% of population fully vaccinated:  23rd highest death toll = 2,703 per million of population.

                    38. Montana = 53.72% of population fully vaccinated:  22nd highest death toll = 2,717 per million of population.

                    39. Oklahoma = 53.11% of population fully vaccinated:  12th highest death toll = 2,907 per million of population.

                    40. South Carolina = 52.79% of population fully vaccinated:  16th highest death toll = 2,868 per million of population.

                    41. Missouri = 52.75% of population fully vaccinated:  27th highest death toll = 2,589 per million of population.

                    42. North Dakota = 52.21% of population fully vaccinated:  25th highest death toll = 2,619 per million of population.

                    43. Indiana = 51.78% of population fully vaccinated:  19th highest death toll = 2,787 per million of population.

                    44. Tennessee = 51.06% of population fully vaccinated:  7th highest death toll = 3,018 per million of population.

                    45. Arkansas = 50.91% of population fully vaccinated:  8th highest death toll = 3,009 per million of population.

                    46. Georgia = 50.64% of population fully vaccinated:  9th highest death toll = 2,943 per million of population.

                    47. Louisiana = 49.96% of population fully vaccinated 5th highest death toll = 3,220 per million of population.

                    48. Mississippi = 48.05% of population fully vaccinated:  1st highest death toll = 3,494 per million of population.

                    49. Alabama = 47.28% of population fully vaccinated: 2nd highest death toll = 3,348 per million of population.

                    50. Wyoming = 47.2% of population fully vaccinated:  24th highest death toll = 2,637 per million of population.

                    51. Idaho = 46.07% of population fully vaccinated:  34th highest death toll = 2,313 per million of population.

  17. Readmikenow profile image96
    Readmikenowposted 3 years ago

    Interesting article I recently read.

    "NY Times: Up To 90% Of People Who Test Positive For COVID-19 No Longer Contagious, ‘Don’t Need To Isolate’" … to-isolate

    Maybe the world needs to keep in mind exactly what testing positive means.  The majority have no symptoms and are not contagious.

    1. Nathanville profile image92
      Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Good try Readmikenow, but the link you’ve provided is NOT to the New York Times, it’s to the Daily Wire; which according to Wikipedia is “an American Conservative New Website and media company” that “Wire stories repackage journalism from traditional news organizations while adding a conservative slant.”; and according to “Fact checkers” the Daily Wire “share some stories that are unverified, and it often misstates facts to advance a partisan view.”

      Also, if you actually follow the source link from the Daily Wire to the New York Times actual article, and read the source article, then you get a completely different picture to what the Daily Wire are insinuating e.g. the Daily Wire has taken quotes from the New York Times out of context; for instance, in the source article in the New York Times, it clearly states, to quote:-

      “….but researchers say the solution is not to test less, or to skip testing people without symptoms….”Instead, new data underscore the need for more widespread use of rapid tests, even if they are less sensitive.”  The New York Times, in the same article, goes on to say “In fact, we should be ramping up testing….”

      But getting back to the main point itself, yeah, just because you test positive doesn’t necessarily mean that you are automatically infectious.  FYI, the link you post is over a year old (but in principle still has a valid point), however, the authorities do know that testing positive does not automatically mean you are contagious at that point; FYI studies have shown that people are most contagious shortly after they become infected, often before they even show any signs of being infected; hence by the time they develop the symptoms, or fall ill, and get tested, they may not be so infectious; hence the need to test and isolate quickly and more often, to limit the spread of the virus.

      1. Readmikenow profile image96
        Readmikenowposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        “Fact checkers” the Daily Wire “share some stories that are unverified, and it often misstates facts to advance a partisan view.”

        That's good because the same thing can be said of the New York Times.

        "but researchers say the solution is not to test less, or to skip testing people without symptoms….”Instead, new data underscore the need for more widespread use of rapid tests, even if they are less sensitive.”  The New York Times, in the same article, goes on to say “In fact, we should be ramping up testing….”

        Yeah, that's an opinion.

        "the authorities do know that testing positive does not automatically mean you are contagious at that point; FYI studies have shown that people are most contagious shortly after they become infected, often before they even show any signs of being infected"

        Excellent.  You've proven the headline of the article to be true and accurate. 

        "Up To 90% Of People Who Test Positive For COVID-19 No Longer Contagious, ‘Don’t Need To Isolate’"

        1. Nathanville profile image92
          Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          No, you are reading too much into the headline; you need to read the whole article to put it into context, and then ‘as you said it’s only an opinion’ by one News Paper, you need to do further research/reading from reputable sources.  If you did then you would know the folly of taking such a headline so simplistically.

          Yeah, typically you are most infectious on the 4th day of infection, and by the 10th day hardly any sign of infection.  But the whole point of ‘isolation’ is to slow the spread of the virus, and a blanket isolation of anyone who maybe still be infectious is the most assured way to do that.

          You’re asking the wrong question “how many people are still infectious when they test positive”, because, when they test positive a number will be infectious, and should be isolating to limit the spread of the virus.

          The question you should be asking is “what are the ‘risks & benefits” of ‘isolating’ vs ‘not isolating’:-

          •    With Delta, and during the vaccination rollout, the benefits of isolating out-weighed the risks because Delta was a dangerous virus, especially to the elder unvaccinated population.

          •    However, although the Omicron variant is far more contagious than the Delta variant, the early data suggests that it’s less deadly and that the booster jab is quite effective against this variant; giving greater scope to relax the rules as more people get the booster.

          That’s why in the UK restrictions were lifted on the 19th July, because almost 90% of the UK population were vaccinated; thus the ‘benefits’ to the economy and society outweighed the ‘risks’ by relaxing the rules.

          As with Omicron variant, as it’s less deadly, and with more and more people having had their booster jab; ‘risks vs benefits’ has been a deciding factor in the UK to reduce the isolation period just before Christmas from 10 days to 7 days; and in the USA, now down to 5 days. 

          In the UK, currently, if you can’t work because you have to isolate the UK Government is automatically paying you a £500 ($700) one-off payment to compensate for lack of earnings, for the 7 days that you’re isolating e.g. so that the employer doesn’t have to pay sick-leave.

          1. Readmikenow profile image96
            Readmikenowposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Thank you for always providing the UK view of things.

            I've spoken with my friend in the UK and he is happier with how things were handled there with the virus than I am here in the US.  We see many things very different.  We were raised in two very different countries.

            The only thing we agree on is that British television is better than American television.  I seldom watch American television, but I regularly view Britbox.  But that is an entirely different discussion.

            I'd like to point out one thing you do.  If I post facts from a magazine that is classified to the will point it out.  In our past exchanges, I've purposefully cited left wing leaning publications and provided links.  You've never pointed out that any of them are classified as a left-wing magazine.

            Is this your bias showing?

            1. Nathanville profile image92
              Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Fair point Readmikenow.  American Politics does play a role in that many right-wing American publications are pro-Trump and tend to be anti-vaccine; and most of the right-wing American publications I’ve seen have tended to include too much ‘disinformation’.  That’s not to say that left-wing magazines aren’t necessarily biased the other way; but I do fact-check what they also say, if it too looks contrived e.g. claims that state vaccines are 100% effective.  But generally, they don’t need to spout ‘disinformation’ about the pandemic because they’re not disagreeing with what the science and the data is saying.

              But notwithstanding the above, yes I am a ‘socialist’ and therefore do have a natural bias towards favouring left-wing publications to a point e.g. I’d not pay much attention to publications in the ‘Mirror’; the Mirror being a British left-wing Newspaper that thrives on propaganda.  Instead I’ll pay more attention to the ‘Guardian’, another British left-wing Newspaper, but one that prides itself on reporting facts rather than propaganda, and likewise I have a lot of respect for the Telegraph (nicknamed the Tory Graph by the left) and the Times (two British right-wing Newspapers that also prides themselves on reporting facts rather than propaganda.  In fact our current Prime Minister (Boris Johnson) was a journalist for the Times before he became a politician, but the Times sacked him in 1988 for lying as it tarnished their reputation of being a ‘quality’ publication.

              Besides, in Britain (as with Europe in general) politics doesn’t come into it with regards to the pandemic e.g. our Government in the UK is right-wing, yet it’s as pro-vaccine as the left-wing opposition parties in the UK; which is why all through the pandemic the right-wing Government has had full support from the left-wing opposition in fighting the pandemic.

              1. Readmikenow profile image96
                Readmikenowposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                "pro-Trump and tend to be anti-vaccine"

                Isn't it interesting?  President Donald Trump is pro vaccine.  He had been booed at several public events for saying how he's gotten the vaccine as well as the booster and advices everyone to get vaccinated.

                I like British we could just get you guys to speak English correctly.  My attempts to correct the British have not gotten a warm welcome.  The Aussie simply laugh at me.  Only trying to help.

                1. Castlepaloma profile image76
                  Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  It is funny how many Republicans still think Trump is an anti Vaxxers.

                  What kind of person really wants to be a President anyway,?

                2. Nathanville profile image92
                  Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Yep, I know that Trump is fully vaccinated and recently had his booster jab, but as Castlepaloma says above, due to his shenanigans when he was President many Republicans in the USA have considered Trump to be the vanguard of anti-vaxxers.

                  1. Readmikenow profile image96
                    Readmikenowposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    As a Republican I can say that's not true.  His pro-vaccine stance is accepted but not really liked.

        2. Nathanville profile image92
          Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          It’s a shame you can’t get BBC iPlayer in the USA, because on TV this year the annual ‘Christmas Lectures’ at the Royal Institution is all about the pandemic; 3 x 1 hours (3 hours in total), one hour per day this week on British TV.

          If you could get BBC iPlayer in the USA you would learn a lot about the pandemic by watching this year’s Christmas Lectures.

          The Christmas Lectures is a popular annual TV programme with the British Public; entertaining and educational.  I’ve watched them every year on TV since childhood.

          And in the first episode, the very question of how infectious you are, and when, was fully covered e.g. most people are most infectious on the 4th day of infection. 

          This year’s Christmas Lecture:- … by-lecture

 … s_Lectures

  18. Nathanville profile image92
    Nathanvilleposted 3 years ago

    You like to keep things simple Castlepaloma e.g. using the calendar year as a cut-off point, even if it’s not logical to do so, and you prefer to talk about ‘death tolls’ rather than ‘death rate’!

    Well for your benefit Castlepaloma, I’m keeping things simple by using the 5th March e.g. the anniversary of the first covid death as the cut-off point in my representation below; and for your benefit, included in the representation below, I’m using the UK’s covid death toll rather than the death rate.

    1.    The first chart below shows the UK’s vaccination rollout programme by date, and as you can see from the chart below, on the 5th March 2021 (the anniversary of the 1st Covid death in the UK) there were just over 1 million people in the UK fully vaccinated:

    Just 1.62% of the UK population were fully vaccinated on 5th March 2021.

    2.    The second chart below show the UK’s death toll by date; and as you can see, on the 5th March 2021 (the anniversary of the 1st covid death in the UK) there were 124,297 covid related deaths.

    3.    You will also, see that as from around that date, as more and more people became fully vaccinated in the UK, the death toll curve levelled off, so that now (9 months later, when 90% of the UK population is vaccinated) the current covid related death toll is 148,021, just another 23,724 deaths in the last 9 months (after the vaccination rollout), compared to 148,021 in the first year without the vaccination.

    So as I’ve said before, looking at the charts below, you either have to be blind or an idiot not to see that the death toll has flattened (death rate fallen) since the vaccination rollout in the UK.

    Latest UK Update (Percentage of UK population over the age of 12 now vaccinated):

    •    89.9% = 1st Dose
    •    82.2% = 2nd Dose
    •    56.9% = Booster Jab

    1. Castlepaloma profile image76
      Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      No matter the booster shot will spike it  up again in 4 to 6 months, then dropped again and repeat. Spike again unless they can switch the blame to 94% of the covid death certificate to the real cause of death of two or more health condition that actually killed in those 94% assumed grey area. Which also cancer and heart disease are skyrocketing anyways. They got us coming and going in sicko nationalism. When ever I look a person or group road record criminals rap sheet, that  being the state, banks and big pharma I won't trust
      Them with my life or family,  ever .

      Overall UK is second highest death toll in Europe. And Europe is the highest death toll of all 7 continent and near tripled deaths and highest covid cases ever since the Vaccines rolled out.   That is the worst covid model of health related to covid world order vs Africa is the best model of covid health at no brainer or contest. No matter how many strains and variants they created in mutations in MADD pharmaceutical sciences and MADD Lads of destruction. Depopulation is at work

      1. Nathanville profile image92
        Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Castlepaloma, in your ramblings, what spike; look at the above chart again, there’s been no spike in the death toll in the UK due to the vaccination; on the contrary (unless you are blind or stupid) you can plainly see that the death toll has levelled off in the UK since the rollout of the vaccines; so stop trying to argue that ‘black is white’.

        Also Castlepaloma you’re telling lies, lies and more lies again, and you know it:-

        1.    As you know, Europe is NOT the highest death toll in the world, population adjusted (pro-rata); the death toll in the USA is higher.  So stop telling such fibs all the time.

        2.    As you know, the UK does not have the second highest death toll in Europe, population adjusted (pro-rata) its 20th worse out of 47 European countries.  So stop telling such fibs all the time.

        The table below, European countries sorted by covid death toll, pro-rata: -

        Below, same table as above, but zoomed in to relevant columns for greater clarity. E.g. to view column that reads "Deaths 1m pop" showing that UK is 20th worse and not 2nd worse as you keep falsely claiming.

  19. hard sun profile image78
    hard sunposted 3 years ago

    In France, where nearly 90% of the eligible population is fully vaccinated, from Jan. 3 there will be an obligation to work from home for three days a week and mask mandates in outdoor city centers. Several countries announced prior to Christmas that they would be introducing restrictions for after the holiday weekend."

    How could anyone read this and think the "jabs" are working as advertised. This is what we expected so long after they were first unleashed? Insane. … us_4"

    1. Castlepaloma profile image76
      Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, Dr. Evil Fauci, 3 jabs and  3 strikes and your Out!!

      Give peaceful Superior immunity a chance.

    2. Nathanville profile image92
      Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      And yet for England, the UK Government has stood steadfast in its faith in the booster jab, and has so far resisted such restrictions.

  20. Nathanville profile image92
    Nathanvilleposted 3 years ago

    The UK has the 4th highest number of confirmed covid cases in the world; the USA the most – See first chart below.

    However, the UK does the 10th highest number of covid tests in the world, at almost 5.8 tests per person; the USA comes 33rd, at just 2.4 tests per person see 2nd chart below.

    The more tests done the more asymptomatic people can be detected and isolated.

    1. Castlepaloma profile image76
      Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      It's beginning to look a like USSR across Canada for long lineup for testing. Instead of for bread and toilet paper in USSR. Here it is for covid tests and the Dollar is turning into toilet.

      It's like most people have no ability to think for themselves. Like robot and zombies, the rumor that they have been micro chipped through the Vaccines is gathering more evidence.

      1. Nathanville profile image92
        Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Canada is 66th most vaccine test in the world per capita; just 1.37 tests per person in total since the start of the pandemic; so I think you are somewhat over exaggerating.

        1. Castlepaloma profile image76
          Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Oh no I've check it out all over every city.
          They are pulling out all the stops to get everyone vaccinated. It's Tyranny stepped up to a new level again. And  lying every step of the way.. it's all plandemic well out. They only tell what they want you to know. Like CDC holding back record studies for the next 75 years

        2. CHRIS57 profile image60
          CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

          i think it is always a little misleading to take numbers from the past 2 years to reflect on the current situation.

          Just looking at test numbers Germany is even worse off than Canada, placing itself alike Cuba at 80th something. This might suggest low testing, but at least from the situation here G. i found that tests were ramped up or down as it was necessary. A drawback is that testing is always a little behind development. If positivity rate goes up then more tests are comissioned and the other way around as it was during last 2 summers. Also test resources lag behind and that leads to similar "long lines" on test cites as in Canada.

          If we look at fatal outcomes, there is absolutely no correlation between testing and mortality. F.e. Austria has a 10 fold higher test per person than Germany, but also has higher population adjusted mortality. Denmark on the other hand has half the mortality of G., but needed 15 times as many tests. These kind of test rankings lead us nowhere.

          We have a lot of discussion about the "booster gap" and Omicron. It is known that vaccine efficacy wanes over time and this "booster gap" is the difference between overall estimated efficacy of vaccination and the containment factor (R-factor) for different variants.

          If overall vaccine and recovery efficiency is some 70% and Delta requires 5/6 = 83% then the gap is 13%. Same calculation for Omicron 9/10 = 90%, leading to a widened gap of 20%. Kind of explains why Omicron takes over easily. Omicron has statistically more prey (in the gap) available.

          People understand the dynamics of the pandemic. In December we had/have the highest number of vaccine doses administered since the beginning of vaccination in G. By now we have waiting lines for vaccination, not for testing.

          1. Nathanville profile image92
            Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Yep, you’re right, comparing data over the past two years doesn’t reflect what is currently happening.

            I found your comment interesting - 'testing in Germany is ramped up or down as necessary'.   In the UK, the UK Government screwed things up big time at the start of the pandemic so testing didn’t really get off the ground properly for the first six months.  But by September 2020 the Government had the infrastructure in place, and since then have expanded upon that infrastructure and the resources so that by March 2021 we reached the position of ‘Test, Test, Test, and more testing’. 

            Since March 2021 every adult has been encouraged to take two free lateral flow tests a week; and add the results ‘positive, negative or void’ to the national NHS database, and anyone who gets a positive lateral flow test, or any covid symptoms, have been able to get a free PCR test within 24 hours, and the results back within 24 hours.  So in the UK testing has become one of the main strategies for fighting the pandemic.

            Currently because of the surge of Omicron cases there are bottlenecks in the PCR testing, temporarily delaying appointments and test result by a few days; and the demand from the public for free lateral flow tests has surged due to Omicron so the UK Government is increasing the manufacture of the lateral flow test kits from 100 million a month to 300 million a month to meet current demand.

            Since March 2021 the UK have consistently done typically over 1 million PCR tests per day; enough PCR tests to test half the British population every month.

          2. Nathanville profile image92
            Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            The UK’s Government’s strategy in ‘Test, Test, Test and Test again’ (widespread free PCR & Lateral Flow Testing) alongside the very popular NHS Covid App (launched September 2021) which tells you if you need to isolate because you’ve been in close contact with anyone who’s become infected; and the ‘Track and Trace’ teams who follows up on anyone who’s been in close contact with anyone who tests positive on a PCR test; it’s all part of a strategy to find and isolate as many contagious asymptomatic people as possible, as well as symptomatic people.

            NHS Covid app tweaked so fewer contacts told to isolate amid 'pingdemic':

            1. Castlepaloma profile image76
              Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Vaxxers seem like they are more and more unable to think for themselves.
              More they get vaccinated the more they are mind controled and most unhumane and uncompassion towards unvaxxers . It's like each vaccines adds more computer chip in them and the more they act like zombie/ robot repeating back everything they have been programmed to say. Maybe some day their masters will with a flip of a switch, tell the vaxxers to eat all the unvaxxers.

              1. Nathanville profile image92
                Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                From what I can see it ‘seems that anti-vaxxers are more and more unable to think for themselves’.  The more you ‘resist the vaccination, the more you are mind controlled and the more inhumane and uncompassionate you become towards those vaccinated.’  It seems like the more you dig your heels in the more you act like zombies/robots, repeating back everything you have been programmed to say.  Maybe someday some of your masters (those running the anti-vaxxer conspiracy websites) will realise the errors of their ways, when they’re in hospital dying of covid because they didn’t get vaccinated.

                •    Husband Films His Regret For Not Getting Vaccinated:
                •    Dad says he regrets not getting vaccine: 'Nobody wants to die':
                •    Louisiana man regrets not getting vaccinated:
                •    COVID-19 survivor regrets not being vaccinated:
                •    Hospitalized COVID-19 patient says he regrets not getting vaccine:
                •    Mom regrets not getting her kid vaccinated for COVID:
                •    Hospitalized Cape Coral woman regrets not getting vaccine:
                •    After COVID-19 puts him in ICU, Minnesota man says he regrets not getting vaccinated:
                •    Two Arkansans regret not getting vaccine after contracting COVID-19:
                •    Las Vegas father dies from COVID, regrets not getting vaccine:

                1. Castlepaloma profile image76
                  Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

         … nr-vpx.cnn

                  Perhaps to 2025 , they are playing for keeps.
                  Seems like the other band wagon train is progressing also, They have boil it all down to vaxxers totalitarianism God's and anti-vaxxers Gods or spiritual agers. Looks like most of the others label groups join into the mass conflicts just to add more divide and conquer cluster freak.

                  Sometimes will come out of the world wide wash.

                  1. Nathanville profile image92
                    Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    I don't understand your ramblings? 

                    But did you follow the link on the right hand side of the video for the link you've given above.  On the right hand side of the above video is a link that reads:- 

                    "Find out more about these debunked Covid-19 vaccine myths"; and you should read that associated link: … index.html

  21. Nathanville profile image92
    Nathanvilleposted 3 years ago

    Wow, Covid related deaths in the UK the lowest they’ve been since the 1st August; down 34.1% since this time last week. 

    Albeit, with confirmed cases up 41.4% in a week, hospitalisations up 13.2% in a week (over 80% of those seriously ill in hospital with Covid being the unvaccinated), but hospitalisations are still much lower than they were at the peak of the pandemic last January.  Also, over 10 million Covid Tests carried out over the last 7 days, enough tests done to have tested 5th of the entire adult population in the UK in just one week.

    1. Castlepaloma profile image76
      Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Most people are already deeply programed mentally to comply with there slave master from starting a 100 years ago.

      There is metals in the Vaccines, the more they inject into you, one  becomes more like a robot from the inside out. I'm ready for the meat puppet and their zombies. I got the farm animals.and 30 members here trained to attack the robot/zombies when the switch to kill mode to eat the unvaxxers. There is plenty of hunters, cops and military troops with be joining us. Remember how the right loves their guns.

      1. Nathanville profile image92
        Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Don't be so ignorant, and get your facts right:-

        1.  I don't live in the USA so your statement "Remember how the right loves their guns." is irrelevant in the UK.

        2.  Your claim that there is metals in the vaccines, and then insinuate that somehow it's dangerous, shows your ignorance, if you read the list of ingredients and converted their scientific names into layman's terms you'd see that the vaccines are nothing more than the vaccine itself in a saline solution (salts and sugars).  In fact you'll find more metals in your cereal breakfast and green vegetables (iron).   

        The rest of your ramblings is just your usual scaremongering anti-vaxxer propaganda nonsense.  And anyone who believes it deserves to be taken in by your deception.

        1. Castlepaloma profile image76
          Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Propaganda and mass psychosis is base on the powers to be, claiming they have all the answers. When in reality nobody does have all the answers to life. Best off think and find what works best for yourself. What powers to be do have,  is strong influence on the mass fear mongering. And mass psychosis, more dangerous than all natural disaster and diseases.

          1. Nathanville profile image92
            Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            That's BS and you know.  Why don't you try to argue and debate rationally, using proven facts, rather than in parrot fashion, like a broken record, keep regurgitating the same nonsensical debunked 'disinformation' slogans and phrases of your 'masters' on their conspiracy websites.

            For example, no one claims to have all the answers, so your 2nd statement above is just more propagandarous slurs.  The reason the scientist do studies, surveys and research, and gather information and data for analysis etc. is because they don't have all the answers - but by researching and analysis they learn a lot more about the pandemic than you'll ever understand.

  22. Nathanville profile image92
    Nathanvilleposted 3 years ago

    A New Year - New Hope:

    World Covid Deaths daily average at just 5,978 is now the lowest its been since Oct 2020 (over 15 Months), and still falling by the week; the death rate is now less than half of what it was this time last year. 

    A good indication that the vaccines are doing their job of reducing deaths and hospitalisation.

    1. Readmikenow profile image96
      Readmikenowposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Here's an interesting article from the UK Mail about over vaccinating.  The SAME information can be found in other publications. … tless.html

      1. Castlepaloma profile image76
        Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Are we on the brink of OVER-vaccinating in the fight against Covid? Experts warn dishing out fourth jabs in spring may be unnecessary - and Omicron may be world's 'natural' vaccine that finally ends pandemic.

        Even the 3rd booster in UK had a football stadium set up hoping 10,000s of people would come for free booster.  Very few came. I said a year ago , I give this covid war 2 to 4 years. They are not done with us yet, green passports are next garbage train of insanity.

        It's obvious the most vaccinated countries in the world, have the worst covid deaths and cases in the world.

        1. Nathanville profile image92
          Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          For once we agree on something, yes experts are currently warning against dishing out fourth jabs in the spring as they may be unnecessary as while the Omicron is more contagious, it appears to be less deadly.

          However, you revert to your lies and deceit in your following two paragraphs:-

          1.    To claim that “very few came” for their booster jabs in the UK is a lie (propaganda).  For the best part of the last month (December) nearing 1 million people a day were volunteering to get their booster jab; with the outcome that almost two thirds of the adult population has had their booster jab in just two months (see image below).

          2.    Your last paragraph is just more propaganda;  you ignore the fact that those very same countries that you reference had the highest death toll in the world before the vaccines were rollout out; and what you choose to ignore is the fact that the death rate in those very same countries has plummeted since the vaccine rollout.

          Above:  UK Vaccination Rollout (as at 1st Jan 2022)

          1. CHRIS57 profile image60
            CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            It looks like a further booster jab may not be necessary.
            German RKI has published numbers that allow comparison of Omicron to Delta.

            While it is clear that Omicron is much more infectuous and creates many active cases, the numbers on hospitalization and deaths are really promising.

            Numbers relate to active cases:
            Delta hospitalization: 1 out of 40
            Delta deaths: 1 out of 140
            Omicron hospitalization: 1 out of 90
            Omicron deaths: 1 out of 3000

            Looks like the Omicron variant is 20 times less deadly than Delta. That would leave the occurance to statical white noise. Lets hope for the best in 2022.

            1. Nathanville profile image92
              Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Yep, early research in the UK is indicating a similar picture; so it does look promising for 2022.

      2. Nathanville profile image92
        Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Firstly, a warning to you:  The UK Mail is renowned for ‘fake news’, and in Feb 2017 Wikipedia banned the UK Mail as a ‘source’ on the grounds of its “reputation for poor fact checking and sensationalism’: … or-website

        And although the UK Mail article in your link is generally factually correct in what it says (if you read it all carefully), its focus is ‘sensationalism (that’s how they make their money) e.g. on a casual read, the newspaper gives a ‘false impression’ that Governments of the UK and other wealthy nations are intending to dish out a 2nd booster jab to the whole population; while if you read the full article carefully you may release that is not the case.

        Israel is planning do so, but neither the UK nor USA Government is plaining to issue a 2nd booster to the mass population:-

        Deep down within the UK Mail article in your link, the article reads, to quote:-

        “Currently, the US has not indicated any plans regarding additional boosters, with health officials saying more data is needed on the protection improvement potentially offered by a fourth dose.

        Professor Anthony Harnden, deputy chair of the JCVI, said: 'We need to see more data.”
        The JCVI is the UK's Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation, and is the body that advises the UK Government on such matters.

        The good news is deaths are down and falling (thanks to the vaccination programme) and with the Omicron variant being far more contagious, yet looking as if it’s less deadly, then as I sais above “A New Year – A New Hope”.

  23. hard sun profile image78
    hard sunposted 3 years ago

    CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky told ABC's "Good Morning America" that newly updated guidelines don't require testing at the end of isolation because PCR tests can remain positive for up to 12 weeks after infection.

    Then the doctor goes on CNN and says cloth masks don't work.

    The story is falling apart. The world health organizations have had not much of a clue this entire time yet we are supposed to put the pick line in and let the boosters flow.

    1. Castlepaloma profile image76
      Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      All this insanity of vaxxer and unvaxxers separating us around the world. Could have been cured by everybody being tested for every job, event and place we go. Because the fact is, that countries with the most vaccinated generally have the most covid cases and deaths and they still have to wear masks, distance and spread covid even faster by statistical analysis.  Doctors , scientists and health organization have no answers and hidden studies. The truth always flows down river.

      1. wilderness profile image89
        wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        How would testing "cure" anything?  Would you have quarantined anyone testing positive?

        1. Castlepaloma profile image76
          Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          No you test every day, test kits are at the pharmaceuticals stores. Vaxxers and unvaxxers spread the same. In fact the largest half of the world is not fully vaccinated with many times less covid deaths and cases.

          1. Readmikenow profile image96
            Readmikenowposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            What is the rate of false positives and false negatives from these tests?  I understand they're pretty high.

            1. Castlepaloma profile image76
              Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              I know from Africa results from a few of their remedies work better than our vaccines. Yet the powers to be are not interested in our health. There Interesting mind control, which they have been doing well at.

              Home tests will miss some infections and in rare cases mistakenly indicate an infection. One popular test misses around 15 out of 100 infections — these are called “false negatives” — and gives a false positive result in about 1 in 100 people. We can train dog for finding cancer far better than the machine we got today, yet still power to be are not truely Interested in our health.

              Then we have 99.89 survival l rate from covid. Much better from Omicron, maybe nobody has died yet in North America.

              Every thing esle is pure complete BS.
              The fourth jabs is got to be the turning point.

          2. wilderness profile image89
            wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            You didn't explain how a test will cure anything.  It doesn't, has far as I know - a sample is take and a test made, but no effort is made to cure anything at all.

            1. Castlepaloma profile image76
              Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              There is no such thing is cure for covid, anymore than a cure for cancer. We all will learn to live with covid and our immune system that gets  practice and strengthen fight off to less virus cells. Like we have developed for centuries as evolution like all 100s of trillions disease in each one of us have in our bodies.
              We can go on a bus or plane showing our test, so simple.

              I know billionaire profiteering and state will hate it.

              1. wilderness profile image89
                wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                As far as I know you are correct, although the new drug may cure individuals.  Which means that testing will NOT cure COVID in spite of you saying it will.  "Could have been cured by everybody being tested for every job, event and place we go." was your statement.

                1. Castlepaloma profile image76
                  Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Testing is the closest thing we got for safety measures from the covid viruses. Because unvaxxers and vaxxers don't make a difference.

                  Which is more from political  and media hype and fake science bs anyways.  Since the world hasn't changed in population growth around the world. It's not about health, it's about mind control and profiteering for wealthy.

      2. Nathanville profile image92
        Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Actually no Castlepaloma, it is not true to say “Because the fact is, that countries with the most vaccinated generally have the most covid cases and deaths…..”

        Below the 1st list is of the top 12 most vaccinated countries in the world.  And the 2nd list is the top 12 countries with the highest covid related death toll (per head of population) pro-rata.

        You will see that the two lists completely different, dispelling your propaganda that it’s the vaccine that kills rather than the virus.

        Top 12 vaccinated countries in the world in order of most vaccinated first:-

        1.    Gibraltar
        2.    Pitcairn
        3.    UAE
        4.    Portugal
        5.    Brunel
        6.    Singapore
        7.    Chile
        8.    Cayman Islands
        9.    Cuba
        10.    Malta
        11.    China
        12.    South Korea

        Top 12 countries in the world for the highest covid related death toll pro-rata e.g. adjusted for population size, in order of the highest death toll first:-

        1.    Peru
        2.    Bulgaria
        3.    Bosnia and Herzegovina
        4.    Hungary
        5.    Montenegro
        6.    North Macedonia
        7.    Georgia
        8.    Czechia
        9.    Croatia
        10.    Romania
        11.    Slovakia
        12.    Gibraltar

        With regard to your other parts of your statements:-

        “…. that countries with the most vaccinated ….. still have to wear masks, distance and spread covid even faster by statistical analysis.” 
        Yep, in many countries, but not all, masks are mandatory, and social distancing is imposed; but you need to check the current status of each country, because policies do vary around the world, and are always changing – so it’s dangerous to generalise e.g. in England we do NOT have ‘Social Distancing’ covid rules (they were abolished on the 19th July), and mandatory masks are only in ‘some’ in door settings, not a universal blanket mandate.

        FYI Omicron is spreading fast around the world, it started in Africa, which has a low vaccination level; dispelling your propaganda that covid is spreading faster in highly vaccinated countries.

        And your last comment “Doctors, scientists and health organization have no answers and hidden studies.” Is just a lie; there is plenty of scientific research material with ‘Findings’, ‘Conclusions’ and ‘Recommendations’ published on line; and I’ve given you links to many sources in the past – But of course, you just turn a blind eye to it all because the evidence proves you wrong.

        1. Castlepaloma profile image76
          Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

 … in-europe/

          Vast Majority highest covid death countries on your list are from European countries with the highest vaccinated rate and highest death rate. Bulgaria has the lowest Vaccinated in Europe and yes a high rate of covid death, yet recently one of the greatest drops in covid deaths.

          Peru is 74% fully vaccinated.

          Africa continent beats them all, with 1/8th the vaccinated rate of Europe. By nearly twice the population and Making 1/12th per capita covid deaths.

          Africa are way too sick and tired of being guinea pigs for Europe and America vaccines. Having stealing their land resources.  The typhoid shots we were told in school that a Rusty nail could get stuck in your foot that will cause death within that day. Is a total lie, it's not ever happened that rusty bs . The Vaccines are used to sterelizr pregnancy in Africa and Asian nations. Now Africa is too wise to covid vaccines and AIDS vaccines are refusing to allow criminal greedy elitist their game of chess of destruction of depopulation the world.

          1. Nathanville profile image92
            Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            You didn’t check your facts very well did you.  If you cross reference the list of European countries in the EEA (European Economic Area) that you provided in the link for percentage of fully vaccination against covid related death toll by country you will discover that:-

            A:  the 10 countries with the highest death toll are amongst the 13 least vaccinated countries, and
            B:  the 10 countries with the lowest death toll are amongst the 16 most vaccinated countries.

            So, as you can see from the compiles list below:  your concept that the higher the vaccination rates the higher the death toll is debunked.   In fact it’s quite the reverse, the higher the vaccination rate the lower the death toll tends to be.

            1.    Denmark = 96.2% fully vaccinated:  26th highest death toll in EEA – 5th lowest death toll.
            2.    Ireland = 93.4% fully vaccinated:  24th highest death toll in EEA – 7th lowest death toll.
            3.    Portugal = 92.4% fully vaccinated:  16th highest death toll in EEA.
            4.    Malta = 92.3% fully vaccinated:  25th highest death toll in EEA 6th lowest death toll.
            5.    Iceland = 91.8% fully vaccinated:  30th highest death toll in EEA – 1st lowest death toll.
            6.    Norway = 89.1% fully vaccinated:  29th highest death toll in EEA – 2nd lowest death toll.
            7.    Belgium =87.7% fully vaccinated:  11th highest death toll in EEA.
            8.    Finland = 85.3% fully vaccinated:  28th highest death toll in EEA – 3rd lowest death toll.
            9.    Spain = 84.7% fully vaccinated:  14th highest death toll in EEA.
            10.    France = 84.5% fully vaccinated:  15th highest death toll in EEA.
            11.    Sweden = 84.2% fully vaccinated:  19th highest death toll in EEA.
            12.    Germany = 83.3% fully vaccinated:  22nd highest death toll in EEA – 9th lowest death toll.
            13.    Italy = 83% fully vaccinated:  12th highest death toll in EEA.
            14.    Cyprus = 82% fully vaccinated:  27th highest death toll in EEA – 4th lowest death toll.
            15.    Netherlands = 81.6% fully vaccinated:  23rd highest death toll in EEA 8th lowest death toll.
            16.    Luxembourg = 78.5% fully vaccinated:  21st highest death toll in EEA – 10th lowest death toll.
            17.    Austria = 78.2% fully vaccinated:  18th highest death toll in EEA.
            18.    Lithuania = 75.7% fully vaccinated: 7th highest death toll in EEA.
            19.    Greece = 74% fully vaccinated:  13th highest death toll in EEA.
            20.    Liechtenstein = 73.2% fully vaccinated:  17th highest death toll in EEA.
            21.    Latvia = 72.4% fully vaccinated:  10thth highest death toll in EEA.
            22.    Czechia = 71.2% fully vaccinated:  3rd highest death toll in EEA.
            23.    Estonia = 69.3% fully vaccinated:  20th highest death toll in EEA.
            24.    Hungary =68.3% fully vaccinated:  2nd highest death toll in EEA.
            25.    Stovenia = 66% fully vaccinated:  8th highest death toll in EEA.
            26.    Poland = 63.4% fully vaccinated:  9th highest death toll in EEA.
            27.    Croatia = 60.3% fully vaccinated:  4th highest death toll in EEA.
            28.    Slovakia = 55.8% fully vaccinated:  6th highest death toll in EEA.
            29.    Romania = 47.4% fully vaccinated:  5th highest death toll in EEA.
            30.    Bulgaria = 31.9% fully vaccinated:  1st highest Covid related death toll in European Economic Area.
            Yeah, Peru (which is not in the EEA) is 74% fully vaccinated, the same level of vaccination as Greece; and if you look at the above list, that’s quite a low level of vaccination by European standards, which is why the death toll in Greece is also relatively high, just like Peru.

            And as Chris has explained to you several times, you cannot compare Africa with Europe in the way that you do, because it’s like comparing chalk and cheese.

            1. Castlepaloma profile image76
              Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Europe is All in similar ballpark for covid deaths and vaccinated per capita which is highest covid deaths in the world of all continents @. 1,530.000 million deaths. Nothing to learn about  covid from here.

              Where Africa near twice the population has only 222.000 covid death. We can learn much more from Africa and their jadded experience from failed typhoid, and Aids guinea pig vaccines experiments.
              Are you saying African people are less human than European? That is how many European are treating them now, because African have started to think for themselves by refusing vaccines.
              Least covid is good for Some silver lining forceing greater independent and individual growth. Wail the evil wealthy get found out.

              1. Nathanville profile image92
                Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Your same old lies, as full well you know:- Chris and I have pointed out to you numerous times now that per capita (population adjusted) the covid related death toll in the USA is higher than in Europe. 

                So why do you keep telling the same lie?

                Really, you say “Europe is All in similar ballpark for covid deaths and vaccinated per capita”; how do you make that out?

                For example in Bulgaria only 31.9% are fully vaccinated, while at the other extreme 96.2% of the population in Demark are fully vaccinated.  That doesn’t sound like similar ballpark vaccinated per capita to me!

                Also, the covid related death toll in Bulgaria (the least vaccinated EEA country) is 4,516 deaths per million of population; while the death toll in Denmark (the most vaccinated EEA country) is 565 deaths per million of population.  That doesn’t sound like similar ballpark covid deaths per capita to me!

                As regards Africa, Chris has explained this fully to you several times; it just shows that you don’t bother paying any attention to anything that you don’t want to hear.  Put into simple terms, one major factor is that covid kills the elderly at a far greater rate than the young, and while the Western world (USA & Europe included) has an ageing population, Africa doesn’t.

              2. Nathanville profile image92
                Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                And for your information, the covid death toll in South Africa is 1,510 per million of population.  So considering the average age in South Africa is much lower than in the Western World, South Africa isn't doing as well as you keep making out.

                FYI South Africa has the 56th highest covid death toll in the world; far higher than the death toll in Norway for example.  So South Africa isn't doing as well as you keep making out.

                1. Castlepaloma profile image76
                  Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Already said Bulgaria is exceptional high covid deaths and low vaccinated. After that, the countries of Europe are from five to ten times adverage higher vaccinated rate than African countries. Plus 12 times the covid deaths when compared population total of the two continents. On the same platform, South Africa is exceptional for the Continents of Africa. Vaccinated four time, higher than the adverage African countries and carry 40% of the total covid deaths of the entire continent. Number don't lie , even though they were corupted in the first place. Whites Nations represent fire and creation use it positively not negatively. Black is water and soul. The truth runs down the river and is found out. Over all Africa continent is going in a better direction than we are right now for North America and Europe which both have far greater covid death. Must be horrible for their planedemic depopulation aims. Funny the world hasn't changed in population growth much. Even with mass Psychosis fear mongering. Try the green passports fear mongering next , or turn on micro chips for robot control as it has worked on you excellently.

                  1. Nathanville profile image92
                    Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    •    The Average life expectancy across Africa is 63 years.
                    •    The average life expectancy across Europe is 81.3 years.
                    •    The average life expectancy in the USA is 78.79 years.

                    Worldwide: 73.6% of Covid deaths are in the age group over the age of 64.

                    Therefore, as covid kills predominantly those over the age of 64, and the average life expectancy in Africa is 63, then it’s not rocket science to release that the vast majority of covid deaths are going to be in the wealthy countries where the average life expectancy is around 80 years or higher.

    2. Nathanville profile image92
      Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Do you have a link to the video hard sun about the PCR claim?  All I can find on Google search are conspiracy theory websites that makes the claim and then provide links to other conspiracy theory websites as their source information, and those other conspiracy websites also make the same claim; but none of the ones I’ve looked at actually provide a link to the video itself.  Therefore, I would be interested in seeing the video, in full and in context, because I am sceptical of the claims being made in that what is being claimed isn’t the experience in the UK e.g. in the UK people who catch covid and who recover quickly (without falling seriously ill) do normally get a negative PCR result by the 10th day; which is backed up by the ‘Human Trails’ conducted in the UK during the summer, which shows that most people are most contagious on the 4th day of infection and by the 10th day are infectious free.

      Human challenge trial to study immune response to COVID-19:

      1. hard sun profile image78
        hard sunposted 3 years agoin reply to this … /11402303/

        ABC local news channel. At about the 1:37 mark. She said what she said even "in context", and I assume she means what she says? Also, a video clip is the same no matter the site, unless it is altered. Big MSM sites stop carrying these stories so much once they understand the gravity of what was said. Been this way since the beginning of the pandemic.

        Your link is about one study April 2021 and really says nothing about the efficacy of forensic DNA PCR tests applied to COVID 19.

        1. Nathanville profile image92
          Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks hard sun, greatly appreciated.  I watched the whole video with interest; and to be Frank all she said was “PCR tests can remain positive for up to 12 weeks after infection.”  No great deal when said in context, and no government secret e.g. this website which I found, dated July 2021, covers the subject in detail:-

 … ctable-pcr

          And I say it’s no ‘big deal’ in that it hasn’t been an issue in the UK, because the rule here in that UK was that if you tested positive then you isolated for 10 day before returning to work; in the week before Christmas that isolation period in the UK was reduced to 7 days.

          So in other words the PCR tests do their job in detecting people who could be infectious so that they can isolate for the required period.

          True, my link was about just one study in April 2021, and it doesn’t say anything about the efficacy of forensic DNA PCR tests applied to Covid-19, simply because the video was prior to the study itself.  But the ‘findings’ of that, and similar studies, were given in some great detail in this year’s Christmas Lectures.  But of course, if you don’t have access to the BBC iPlayer then I can’t share the link with you, unfortunately.  The Christmas Lectures at the Royal Institution have taken place annually since 1825, and was first televised in 1936; it is a popular annual series with the British Public, entertaining and educational, which I’ve watched every year since childhood.

 … by-lecture

 … s_Lectures

          Below is more about the Human Challenge Trials in the UK:-

          Such trials are controversial because it involves deliberately infecting healthy people with a deadly virus, and the UK is the only country in the world conducting such human trials on covid; albeit each volunteer gets paid £4,000 ($5,400) for being a guinea pig for a couple of weeks.

 … e-covid-19

          1. hard sun profile image78
            hard sunposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            If it was no big deal, why ask about it? Why try to find the video?  I think it clearly the big deal that you proved it to be. This was the topic I chose to write about as I felt it was a decently big deal. Millions of people have been put into quarantine over a test that they know is highly flawed for the purpose they are using it.

            1. Castlepaloma profile image76
              Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              This covid has turned the world upside down, for what?

              For the world population growth has remind the same.

              The power to be aim to depopulation the earth, has failed. They are not done, yet

              1. hard sun profile image78
                hard sunposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                For what? Exactly. The curtain is coming down and at least a few more people are being forced to see how much mumbo jumbo is involved here. Kids with broken legs counted as in hospital with COVID according to Fauci himself. Anything to ratchet up the fear and the Pfizer/Moderna stock here in the US.

            2. CHRIS57 profile image60
              CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Don´t know how this false positive testing is handled in other countries.
              My personal, anecdotal experience:
              In April 21 tests were mandatory for all kinds of activity here in Germany.
              I had received my first shot of AstraZeneca back then and tested positive (rapid antibody tests) at least 3 times. First time i went to the doctors to get the full blown PCR test done. That turned out negative. The next false positives i didn´t do a thing. The test facility only told me to come back in half an hour and repeat the test. Then they were all negative.

              I didn´t spend a single day in quarantine. Only always worried about getting late for my scheduled activities because of the hassle of having to repeat the test.

              There is certainly a difference between rapid antibody testing and PCR tests. PCR prooved to be very reliable. And then there are countries (like Denmark) that do PCR tests with 100% genome sequencing. Should be  zero % PCR false positive there.

              1. hard sun profile image78
                hard sunposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Cool. How again did you tell which tests were real positives and which ones were false positives. Voodoo?

                All I'm pointing out is that the tests are assuredly not as accurate as they would like just like the shots are not as useful as they would like. Just as "Follow the science" is not as clear as they would like you to believe.

                1. CHRIS57 profile image60
                  CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  ... How again did you tell which tests were real positives and which ones were false positives. Voodoo? ...

                  Not voodoo. The paper tissue index. :-)

                  Since March 2020 i never caught a cold, never got a fever, never lost my taste.., so i knew i was healthy.

                  And as i said, this anecdotal. None of my family, friends, relatives, collegues, aquaintances experienced anything similar. However some did catch Covid. So my pseudo statistical conclusion: If is more likely to catch Covid than to get a false positive test.

                  As old grandma used to say:
                  Don´t pay for blood analysis, just pee under a tree.
                  If ants come, then it is sugar,
                  If mosquitos come, you have high blood pressure,
                  If it easily evaporates, too much salt
                  If it smells like meat: high cholesterol
                  If you don´t get your pants down fast enough: Parkinson
                  If you forget to pull up your pants: Alzheimer
                  If you don´t smell anything: Coronavirus.

                  But no - tests and analysis are not overrated. They do their job to contain /limit the spreading, how questionable results may be anecdotaly.

                  1. hard sun profile image78
                    hard sunposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    "Not voodoo. The paper tissue index. :-)"

           you are not "following the science."

                    No, I understand what you are saying.

                  2. GA Anderson profile image81
                    GA Andersonposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    That was funny. Check out the Indian/Boy Scout Weather Rock instructions. That old grandma might have had something to do with it too. ;-)


            3. Nathanville profile image92
              Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Hard sun.  Why shouldn’t I want to learn the actual facts about something; and the video helps to verify that it is actually factual (science) and not just more disinformation from the conspiracy theorists?  Unlike some I could mention (not mentioning any names) whose username begins with ‘C’, I’m not fixed in my views; I follow the science.

              Getting on to your second point; maybe it’s a big deal in the USA, I don’t know how they do things on that side of the pond – But here in the UK the PCR test’s primary function is detecting who may be contagious so that they can isolate for the required period, which in the UK was originally 14 days back in April 2020 (when the scientists didn’t know so much about the incubation and infectious periods), reduced to 10 days as the scientists learnt more about the disease, and just before Christmas (because of the Omicron variant) reduce to 7 days isolation.

              So no, in the UK it is NOT a big deal, the PCR does its job of detecting who may be infectious so that they can isolate for the required period.   

              In the UK, the fact that the PCR can give a false positive up to 12 weeks after infection does not alter the fact that it correctly identified that you are most likely to be infectious during the first week or so of becoming infected.

              1. hard sun profile image78
                hard sunposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                What is a big deal on a national level seems to be determined by the media on both sides of the pond.

                I was asking you, as an individual human, why would you search for something and then ask for proof of something, and when given that proof, simply state "no big deal." If you can't see why quarantining the wrong people at the wrong times is a big deal, then you must not be taking COVID too seriously. However, your other comments show this is not the case. So, is this really not a big deal to you because you are not being told it is a big deal by your media or your government, and you are very fixed in your views? That seems a logical conclusion. My kid lost 10 days of school, with no symptoms, due to this "no big deal" flawed test.

                The US is counting kids in the hospital with a broken leg, who test positive for COVID, as a COVID hospitalization. I would post the video of Fauci stating this, but I am sure this is also no big deal.

                1. Nathanville profile image92
                  Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  No, you were the one stating that the “wrong people are quarantined at the wrong time” because a PCR test ‘can’ give a false positive 12 weeks later.  While in my view (in the UK) the PCR test is used primarily to establish who may be infected shortly after they’ve been in close contact with someone (and might have caught it from them) or showing signs of having covid. 

                  People are most infectious in the first week of infection, the PCR test carried out in the first week of infection identifies them when they are most infectious, so that they can isolate; that it how it should be, and that is how it is in the UK.

                  You’re the one that is making a big issue of it by saying that it’s a big problem that some people still test positive 12 weeks after they caught covid, when in fact they were only infectious for the first week.   In contrast, I pointed out that in the UK that it’s not an issue, because when people become infectious (verified by a PCR test at the time) They then isolate for the required period, which is currently 7 days in the UK; end of story (no big deal).

                  As regards your other point, it seems to me that you’re telling me that somehow it’s wrong for me to want to know what the facts are, and that I shouldn’t bother trying to verify facts that are ‘new’ to me? 

                  FYI the only way people learn (expand their knowledge) is by learning new facts to them.  And if they take those facts at face value (as many anti-vaxxers do) without validating the source then they end up stuck deep down the conspiracy theorists rabbit holes.

                  I’ll not even bother debating your last point because you have no understanding on how covid death rates are calculated, and why they are calculated that way; in spite of the fact that I’ve explained it all in detail to Castlepaloma, because I know that like Castlepaloma, you are not interested in knowing the truth.

                  1. Castlepaloma profile image76
                    Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    I guess Nathan is a truther,  a know it all , a fix all and be all.

                    It's what one learns after they know it all, that counts.
                    I trust science, not the onesidedness scientists.
                    There won't progress in science unless both opposing sides are presented. Not a bombardment of political and media options , that creates harm of skyrocketing crime, suicide, poverty far beyond just another viruse to live with.

  24. Readmikenow profile image96
    Readmikenowposted 3 years ago

    1. Castlepaloma profile image76
      Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      It could of been the mask of shame
      Or distance relationship from each other
      The greatest poverty and homeless ever
      Or vaxxers against.unvaxcers  breathing the same air
      Or cancel freedom passports for unvaxxer fun, work or living existence.
      Could of been the three jabs, I don't know!!!
      My head is like a football.
      Think I'm going to die

    2. CHRIS57 profile image60
      CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      In many countries restrictions are in place to fight the virus. It is obvious that measures have impact on making personal choices, on personal inconveniences like wearing masks or distancing. I am not even talking about vaccine mandates, but only refer to restrictions in travel, in access, in gathering.

      In my country we have a very distinct difference in accepting restrictions between West German  and East German states. The refusal to get vaccinated (even though vaccination is only a recommendation in G., not a mandate) is very high in East German States. With consequences: In December new cases in Saxony were a magnitude higher than in my state in West G.

      In the USA there is also a visible difference between blue and red states.

      Question is why?

      Let me try an explanation: Imho this hesitance is linked to the confidence in the Democratic system. In the confidence that the system will return rights, freedoms after the pandemic is over.
      This confidence is based on experience. An example: I have seen strict travel restrictions in the 70ties and 80ties due to smog and air pollution (before introduction of catalysers for cars..). After the situation had relaxed all restrictions were lifted.
      On the other hand someone from East Germany, formerly behind the iron curtain has no such experience. Where are those people to take the faith that their administrations will return all freedoms?

      May be i am wrong on this, but isn´t the US also divided into those with more faith in institutions and those with less faith, the party colour only reflecting this?

      Mike, your cartoon is funny, is exaggerating. I understand that some see it this way. I do not, my background experience allows for more faith in institutions.

      1. Readmikenow profile image96
        Readmikenowposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        History is filled with examples of governments being given temporary power by their citizens over them and never letting go of that power.

      2. wilderness profile image89
        wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        I think you are spot on - this country has a long history of creating "temporary" laws and rules that never go away and people are rightfully concerned about it.

        In addition, there is a reaction to almost any law removing freedoms in this country.  Partly because it will be forever but also because we hold our freedoms in such high regard.

  25. Readmikenow profile image96
    Readmikenowposted 3 years ago

    1. Castlepaloma profile image76
      Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Love it

    2. wilderness profile image89
      wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Nice meme, but until you can statistically show that the unvaccinated are no more likely to spread the virus than the vaccinated, and no more likely to require more resources to fight their illness, it has no truth in it.

      So far everything I've seen shows that the unvaccinated ARE more likely to contract (and spread) the virus, and ARE more likely to require hospitalization (resources) it would seem to be completely false.

      1. Readmikenow profile image96
        Readmikenowposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        "So far everything I've seen"

        What have you seen and who showed it to you?

      2. GA Anderson profile image81
        GA Andersonposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        It appears the transmission rate of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated is controversially arguable. Arguable because the difference in those rates is not greatly significant, (or the significance is not really clear yet), and controversial because of the political component of the argument.

        My shallow look-around failed to find anything that would make me think that the unvaccinated are greater transmitters than the vaccinated in degrees that would support what you say has been shown to be true.

        My perception, now, is that vaccination status is more relative to the severeness of illness than the transmission of it. The vaccine doesn't kill the virus on contact so it seems logical that it doesn't affect transmission rates.


        1. wilderness profile image89
          wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          I question whether the transmission of the unvaccinated is the same as the vaccinated.  From what little I see (most reports do not indicate, perhaps because no one knows where they got the virus) it appears that somewhere near half the cases come from the unvaccinated.

          But the unvaccinated only comprise some 30% of the population.  If half the cases come from them it means they are considerably more likely to pass it on.  Whether because it is because they are more likely to get it or whether it means that once they have the virus they are more likely to transmit it to others is unknown.

          There is a real dearth of information on the topic.  Or maybe I'm just not seeing it.  But I will certainly agree that the vaccine shows every sign that it helps considerably with the severity of the illness, meaning that the drag from being unvaccinated on society is very real.

          1. Readmikenow profile image96
            Readmikenowposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            "IF...half the cases come from them"

            "until you can statistically show... it has no truth in it."

            1. wilderness profile image89
              wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Right.  Until we can know it cannot be said to be true.

              1. Readmikenow profile image96
                Readmikenowposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Good.  Then you agree we don't know if the vaccinated transmit Covid at higher rates than the unvaccinated.

          2. GA Anderson profile image81
            GA Andersonposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            I think you are right about the benefit of vaccination. I also think you are right about the lack of information about the degree that it helps stop transmission. Using the public information it seems logical to draw the assumption you have, I did too. But it feels like a fragile assumption.


          3. CHRIS57 profile image60
            CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

            If i look at the Omicron surge all over our planet, the issue of being vaccinated or not may no longer be of importance.

            It looks like Omicron has less impact on health but much more an impact on the economy. Looking at statistics currently some 5% of the total population of the USA are active cases. 1 out of 20 on sick leave?? Not to mention those who are not in the workforce for other health reasons. This causes problems for the economy. You won´t need little chip shortage any more to explain problems.

            How is this handled practically? I heard quarantine period is reduced to keep essential services operational. But this only the beginning of Omicron. Today the UK has already twice as many new cases as the US, population adjusted. And there is more to come.

            At the same time servere and fatal outcomes are retreating. Is Omicron the "natural" vaccinator/immunity provider for all? Eventually nobody will talk about vaccinated or not vaccinated. All that will be important is that people are immune, by whatever means that immunity was achieved.

            1. wilderness profile image89
              wildernessposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              16 million active cases at this point?  That's at least 10 times what I'm hearing on the news.

              1. CHRIS57 profile image60
                CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Well, worldometer says something like this.

                The USA takes almost half (45%) of active cases on this planet. 15,258,323 was the number i copy/pasted in now. At the end of the day it will be even more.

                And by the way, population adjusted, the UK is at the same level with almost 5% of population being currently infected.

                May well be numbers are wrong and recovered drop out of the counting months too late in the USA or the UK. Death to active case ratio somehow suggests that US and UK numbers are too high. Deadly outcome is 0,4% for the US and UK, but 1,0% for Germany. Probably some overcounting in the US / UK and undercounting in G. and other European countries.

                Anyways in Germany we have the same discussion going on about drastically reducing quarantine to protect production and services. Too many on sick leave now.

        2. Nathanville profile image92
          Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this


          Pre Omicron e.g. the Delta variant, in the UK the late summer:-

          •    The vast majority of people getting infected with Covid were those under the age of 16, and pregnant women.

          •    At that time the two groups in the UK who had not yet been vaccinated where those under the age of 16, and pregnant women.

          Thus, a strong indication suggesting that the unvaccinated were more transmissible which is backed up by all the studies, worldwide.

          Numerous studies in the UK and across the world, including the ‘Human Challenge Trials’ in the UK, have been continually carried out over the past two years to gauge the transmissibility of people who have had the different vaccines, comparing the different vaccines with each other and with those unvaccinated. 

          Although not advisable for bed-time reading!  There’s lots of data to be gleamed from websites such as this: … s/Overview

          As a general role (although it varies dependent on which vaccine you had), against the Delta variant, the vaccines typically reduced your chances of becoming infected by about 60% initially, waning to about 40% after six months.

  26. hard sun profile image78
    hard sunposted 3 years ago

    You won't bother debating my last point as the last time you debated my point, I gave you proof. Then you said, ah "it is no big deal." You are right in that debating is pointless.

  27. hard sun profile image78
    hard sunposted 3 years ago

    I work fact checking these statements. I do know a bit about them.

  28. Nathanville profile image92
    Nathanvilleposted 3 years ago

    How Are Covid Deaths Calculated?

    Although I and others have given this information a number of times in these forums, there are still people (anti-vaxxers) who continue to deliberately discredit the validity of the covid deaths data with disinformation e.g. claiming that the data is inflated because it includes for example people who are run over by a bus, or die of cancer etc. within 28 days of testing positive.

    1.    Yes, in using this method to gather the statistics, anyone who tests positive of covid who then dies of another cause within 28 days will be recorded as dying with covid.

    2.    In using that same method, people who die of covid 29 days or more after testing positive are NOT included in those stats; so it is swings and roundabouts.

    However, the above method for estimating the number of people who die of covid isn’t the only method used.  In the UK, and other countries, there are three separate ways of gathering the data; and as long as all three ways broadly agree with each other, especially with trends, then it helps to verify that the data is ‘ball park’ right.

    The three methods used in the UK, and other countries (including the USA no doubt), are as follows:-

    Method 1:  People who die with covid within 28 days of testing positive; will include someone who dies from a fatal road accident within 28 days of testing positive, but will exclude someone who dies of covid over 29 days or later, from when they tested positive.

    Method 2:  People who die where covid is mentioned on the death certificate.  This will exclude someone who dies in a fatal road accident within 28 days of testing positive, but it will include people who die 29 or more days after testing positive.

    Method 3: Excess Deaths; measured weekly, on a five year average for every week from 2015 to 2019 (pre pandemic). 

    •    The official data that’s used by governments around the world, and by the worldometers website, because it’s published daily, is method 1.  In the UK method 1 produces the lower covid death rate, method 2 produces a higher death rate, and generally method 3 is often the highest death rate e.g. for the last week on November 2021 (week ending 26th Nov) excess deaths in England & Wales was 1,087 of which only 817 mentioned covid as a cause of death.

    The actual current covid death toll in the UK, using each of the three methods is:-

    •    Method 1 covid death toll in the UK e.g. people who die with covid within 28 days of testing positive = 149,515.   

    •    Method 2 covid death toll in the UK e.g. where covid is mentioned on the death certificate = 173,248 (this data is published weekly).

    •    Method 3 covid death toll in the UK e.g. excess deaths in England and Wales since the start of the pandemic in March 2020 until 26th November 2021 = 128,740.  This data (published weekly) excluded Northern Ireland and Scotland.  The excess deaths in the UK last winter were depressed because we didn’t have the usual flu deaths, but inflated because we had the much higher covid deaths.

    The figure quoted by worldometers and governments is the method 1 figure (because it’s published daily).

  29. hard sun profile image78
    hard sunposted 3 years ago


    The second interviewer challenges Dr. Malone.

    If you think that repeatedly sticking ourselves with these vaccines is the best direction to take at this point...

    I've read the Denmark study that demonstrates negative efficacy that Dr. Malone refers to about 1:08 in the second video. They clearly state the results and must point out that another study found something different. Do you think the other study referenced the vaccine negative efficacy study? Nope. Why? Because ANY study that goes against the narrative at all is pulled back for some reason, even after peer review, unless maybe the study authors go out of their way to dampen the impact of the conclusions. It is scientific censorship run rampant.

  30. hard sun profile image78
    hard sunposted 3 years ago

    At least in the US, anyone hospitalized or dead, who had a positive PCR test is listed as a COVID hospitalization or a death. So, got over Covid three months ago, and now passes away. But, COVID on that death certificate.

    Aaron Rodgers shuts down vax-obssessed MVP voter with brutal line … voter.html

  31. hard sun profile image78
    hard sunposted 3 years ago
    1. CHRIS57 profile image60
      CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

      hard sun, over Covid three months ago, and now passes away. But, COVID on that death certificate...

      Don´t think this is the case. If you compare USA numbers with other countries there is no overcounting of deaths to be detected. On the contrary: Death over infected ration is very low in the USA, more suggesting undercounting.

      ... Response worse than the virus?...
      Why should the virus behave differently in the USA than in other countries? In Germany we have statistics on deaths and hospitalization with or without vaccination. Numbers are stunning. You are some 10 times more likely to end up in a hospital if unvaccinated and 25 times more likely to die if unvaccinated.

      In G. we have 25% of population unvaccinated, but that includes 11% of kids and juveniles up to 12 years old and another 3% of teens 12..18 not yet vaccinated. Leaves adults unvaccinated to some 10% of population. And those 10% make up 60% of hospitalized while the 75% account for remaining 40%.
      Do the maths yourself and you get (60%/10% / 40%/75%) = 11,2 more likely for the unvaccinated to be hospitalized.

      All numbers add up, in Europe, in Germany, in the UK - and in the USA. I don´t understand where you are trying to get at.

      1. Castlepaloma profile image76
        Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this … -countries

        Updated in Canada is 71% hospitalized covid cases are vaccinated. Why don't we reverse the greatest decrimation in Human history to the vaccinated for a Change. Let's take away their jobs, their small businesses, any social freedom and their children too. Just because we have all have become world criminals of humanity. Give all the benefits to our wealthy owner, as it's been going so far. Keep giving them more and us less. As most of us will own nothing and be happy according to our WEF. WEF are Most loveable and kindest trillionaire, billionaires, millionaire and world leaders collectively organization on the planet.

        Just don't include me.

        1. Castlepaloma profile image76
          Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          In Canada

          In Denmark 90% hospitalized covid patients are fully vaccinated. Then there is Israel or isrealhell don't get me started. The countries with the highest vaccination general have the highest covid cases and covid deaths
          Even just compare North America and Europe covid deaths to Asian and Africa add in six times the population and percentage vaccinated rate

        2. Nathanville profile image92
          Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Up to your old tricks as usual:  According to Wikipedia Steve Kirsch, the author of the article in your link, is an anti-vaxxer; to quote Wikipedia:-

          a)    In June 2021 Kirsch makes several false claims, including that spike proteins used in COVID-19 vaccines are "very dangerous".

          b)    In May 2021 Kirsch makes an unfounded claim that COVID-19 vaccines affect fertility.

          Steven Todd Kirsch is an American serial entrepreneur, not a scientist, and an anti-vaxxer who makes false claims; so you can take his article with a ‘pinch of salt’ e.g. it’s BS.

          Another one of your broken promises that you made just a few months ago was that you would apologies, and stop promoting the anti-vaxxer campaign, if the covid did not reach 10 million this winter.  When you made that promise the death toll was 5.3 million, now several months later it’s still on 5.5 million; a far cry from your predicted 10 million.  Your promises aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on.

          1. hard sun profile image78
            hard sunposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Watch both videos I've linked to, twice now above, and pick apart Dr Robert Malone with all the "facts." Four or five hours of time to watch but, you know, if you really want to know what may be going on here.

            Some of the thins Kirsch says, are verifiable. Simply dismissing him off hand is biased.

            But, I understand NOTHING will change your mind at all. The UK govt response is perfect and COVID would have killed most all of us without the vaccines.

            History repeating itself on a grander scale?
   … -injuries/

   … ar-AAQvxnc

            1. Nathanville profile image92
              Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              You say “Some of the things Kirsch says are verifiable. Simply dismissing him off hand is biased.”

              I say:  “Why should I trust someone who deliberately fabrics false information about the covid vaccine”

              Especially as Kirsch is an American serial entrepreneur, who in May 2020, founded the Covid-19 Early Treatment Fund (CETF) to fund research into off-label treatments for Covid-19.  Therefore he has an interested financial incentive in people not taking the vaccines, because it means that he can make more money by selling pharmaceutical drugs to people as part of his research into off-label treatment for covid.

              Sorry hard sun, but I look for reputable sources, not sources where you have to pick through all the lies to try to find what you think may be the truth; I’ve got better to spend my time.

              1. Castlepaloma profile image76
                Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Unless something is takes more than 10 minutes . Or the person extremely nonsense and lies. I'm always open to all side and base my decision of good sense.

                Nathan anything opposing your narriatives is a conspiracy theory.
                Although plenty of conspiracy have come true in fact, evidence and in reality.

              2. hard sun profile image78
                hard sunposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Hard sun looks at ALL SOURCES everyday while working and follows evidence. Your conviction is strong, that is for sure. No comment on the Robert Malone videos. He is not a reputable source in your mind? Nothing will get you to even consider that mass vaccination with these shots may have not been the best route to take huh.

                1. Nathanville profile image92
                  Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  No Robert Malone is not a reputable source in my mind; not just because Wikipedia highlights the fact that he promotes misinformation about the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines, but also in listening to just the first few minutes of the videos he comes across as promoting misinformation:-

                  For example in his comments in just over 1 hour into his video interview the Joe Rogan it’s littered with misinformation e.g. the fact that Hospitals and doctors get paid extra for covid patients, firstly, the financial sums quoted seem to be exaggerated based on previous info posted in these forums by anti-vaxxers, and secondly, he ignores the fact that that is only in the USA – In the UK and the rest of the world hospitals and doctors do NOT get paid extra for treating covid patients.

                  No, there has been no better route than mass vaccination, and that fact is strongly supported by the evidence e.g. prior to the mass vaccination in the UK there was a strong correlation between ‘Infection, hospitalisation and death’; since the completion of the mass vaccination in the UK the link between infection and hospitalisation & death  has been weakened: 

                  For example, on this day last year in the UK:-
                  •    Fully vaccinated = 0.58% of the population.
                  •    Covid Infection = 53,539 cases per day on 10th Jan 2021.
                  •    Covid Hospitalisations = 35,286 people in hospital with covid on 10th Jan 2021.
                  •    Covid patients on ICU = 3,274 ICU beds.
                  •    Covid deaths = 1,092 deaths per day on 10th Jan 2021.

                  While currently (a year on – 10th Jan 2022) in the UK:-
                  •    Fully vaccinated = 90.3% of the population over the age of 12.
                  •    Covid Infection = 173,871 cases per day.
                  •    Covid Hospitalisations = 18,454 people in hospital with covid.
                  •    Covid patients on ICU = 868 beds.
                  •    Covid deaths = 137 deaths per day.

                  So the plain facts are that in one year, in the UK:-
                  •    Fully vaccinated has increased from 0.58% to 90.3%
                  •    Infections are more than three times higher than they were 12 months ago, but
                  •    Hospitalisations are almost half of what it was 12 months ago.
                  •    ICU beds used are a quarter of what it was 12 months ago.
                  •    Covid related deaths are currently just an eighth of what it was 12 months ago.

                  1. hard sun profile image78
                    hard sunposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    You are repeating yourself and basing this off "the first few minutes."

                    Just one quick example of your misinformation:  Hospitalisations are almost half of what it was 12 months ago."
                    Omit the fact that hospitalizatons are now on the rise big time in England Winter hit and COVID came back despite the jabs!

           … admissions

                    The vaccines are not as advertised. The world governments may have to all but admit this at some point as the pandemic drags on despite 100% vaccination rates in some areas. Why is this so hard to come to terms with?

          2. Castlepaloma profile image76
            Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            I said I bet when it get pass 5.4 million your predictions that is close enough as a ballpark figure to 5.86 million. That is what happened. Likely it will hit around 10 million deaths by the end of winter, it may or it may not. Because most of the vaccinated have the covid..That changes the game where we should be decrimation against the
            vaxxers which is the source of the problem.  The Evil overlords would have it that way or start green passports mandates bs or some other wacko ritural Insanity.

            1. Nathanville profile image92
              Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              Don't tell porky pies, you said 6 million by the end of 2021, when the death toll was already passed 5.2; so you can't say 5.5 (which it is now) is ball park 6 million.

              1. Castlepaloma profile image76
                Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                I know what the context of what I said ballpark figure of covid deaths and is solid bet. Until I offer to these eight questions. From 4 people tried from other forum and all failed all questions, so don't feel bad.
                Give the same respect to change.

                1. Nathanville profile image92
                  Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  You might fool people like hard sun with your lies and deceit, but you don’t fool me.

                  1. Castlepaloma profile image76
                    Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    That is my purpose in life is to go around and fool people and make no money from it.
                    Since I've spent so much time with you, may I ask you for a donation in pounds.?

            2. Nathanville profile image92
              Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

              No you didn't Castlepaloma; this is what you actually said at the time - see screen dumps below:-



              1. Castlepaloma profile image76
                Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Thought I better repeat so you don't twists my words into a delusional liar.

                I also said ball park triple 5.86 million and deaths can go pass 6 million. Indirectly people have died in the 10s of millions from Covid already. I didn't put a bet on it because the grand corruption of centralisation can change stats to what ever they want you to believe, and  anytime.

                I won't ever force your will against anything you want to do, just don't hurt anyone. Respectfully do the same.

      2. hard sun profile image78
        hard sunposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Really CHRIS57 "is it really that hard to comprehend?"

        There is an excess of deaths in 18 to 64 year olds not accounted for by COVID. … e1bkk6ruU4 … jxj_dpxTKo

  32. hard sun profile image78
    hard sunposted 3 years ago
    60 Minutes Mike Wallace Exposes the 1976 Swine Flu Pandemic Vaccine Injuries

    1. Castlepaloma profile image76
      Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      Very good information.
      Robert Malone has probably the strongest background of anyone in vaccines.

      1. hard sun profile image78
        hard sunposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Yet, there is absolutely zero room for his voice in the discussion.
        I am certainly thankful for the over 13, 000 thousand doctors collectively speaking out against COVID vaccination of healthy children.

        "If your child does experience one of these events, you can't fix them."-Dr Robert Malone

        1. CHRIS57 profile image60
          CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

          When you go to the link you provided, first headline is:
          ...Working together to STOP COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates for Healthy Children K-12...

          Is there a vaccine mandate for kids in the USA? I don´t think so. I also didn´t hear from a general vaccine mandate in the USA. So why this headline?

          1. hard sun profile image78
            hard sunposted 3 years agoin reply to this

            Yes. There are vaccine mandates for kids in some areas of the USA and there are ongoing discussions about more areas adding them.

            There is also an adult vaccine mandate in place now for employers that have 100 or more workers. It is being debated in the Supreme Court, but is in effect right now. My daughter was force vaccinated to go to the local university. She's been sick on and off since, not sure if vaccine responsible, but not good.

            One example of area in US with kid vaccine mandates and the backlash: … -children/

            The majority of Americans are covered by some sort of vaccine mandate. Why would you not think so?

            The headline is absolutely relevant and appropriate.

            1. CHRIS57 profile image60
              CHRIS57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

              hard sun, you are right. I read a little more about vaccination mandate for children. Apparantly it is California and Louisiana that have mandated vaccination from the coming school year on. From what age on?

              As much as i think vaccination is good for all adults, i think it is not necessary for children. However as much as vaccination has little impact on personal health of the kids, it is very much affecting the overall spreading of the virus through high case loads among school kids.

              Different countries, different laws, different culture.
              In Germany school attendance is mandatory. So you can´t exclude a kid from school if not vaccinated. Different situation for public and private employers, who can impose vaccine mandates.

              And i am not sure if protests aren´t exaggerated in the media. Can´t speak for the USA, but here in G. we do have Covid protests, but they are mostly targeting restrictions and not necessarily vaccine mandates, simply because we don´t have a mandate law. And protests are quite small in size. a couple of dozen to hundred people showing up at weekly events.

              Omicron will most likely take care of the pandemic. Highly contageous with lower health risk it may make vaccinations unnecessary to achieve some kind of herd protection. Not herd immunity but herd protection, because vaccines and recovery not necessarly prevent spreading but do prevent serious health consequences.

              1. Castlepaloma profile image76
                Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                That sounds more reasonable to coming down to protection rather than mandates.

                I like Germany workers , work  being 4000 hours less a year than US. That's working smarter, not harder and longer.

              2. Nathanville profile image92
                Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                Yep, as you said “Different countries, different laws, different culture.”

                In the UK the ONLY area where the vaccine is mandatory is for ‘Front Line Social and Care Workers’ (Care Homes and the NHS); and done purely for health reasons e.g. to reduce the risk of your doctor or nurse passing covid onto you.

                As regards vaccination of children:  In the UK children are vaccinated only from the age of 12, whereas I believe it’s from the age of 5 in the USA; and none of it is mandatory in the UK – in the 1st instance it’s the parents decision, but under British Law, the child makes the final decision if that child can show that they are competent to make the decision.

                1. hard sun profile image78
                  hard sunposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  Why are the two UK guys always going out of their way to defend the UK here?

                  1. Nathanville profile image92
                    Nathanvilleposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    I guess you are referring to Chris as being the other UK guy.  Well, for your information Chris isn't in the UK, he's German.

              3. hard sun profile image78
                hard sunposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                "Omicron will most likely take care of the pandemic."

                Let us hope. Yet, somehow, I think they will find a way to keep it going. The end of this "pandemic" has been just over the horizon for over a year now. We cannot rest on our laurels and wait for them to try to force vaccinate our children.

                1. Castlepaloma profile image76
                  Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                  We are in the eye of the crap storm. It will slow down now that the majority that are vaxxers who have the covid. There has not been scientific proof the unvaxxers carried most of the Covid. By world wide stats(corupted in the first place)shows opposite. The world population growth hasn't changed, so their depopulation attempt has failed. Also  showing mainstream medical and hospitals make little different. people were forced to look for food and medicine solutions elsewhere , which is a good thing.

                  The overlords evil have something else for us, maybe bigger.

                  1. hard sun profile image78
                    hard sunposted 3 years agoin reply to this

                    They already have Deltcron on tap. Do you think they will stop the boosters? Stop the clamoring to vaccinated all children? I hope so. My daughter is going to college to be a dietician. She says not going to get another shot, but if they change the definition of fully vaccinated she will be forced to if she wants to continue on her career path. Insane.

  33. hard sun profile image78
    hard sunposted 3 years ago

    Is it okay to talk about the opiate/drug crisis again?

  34. hard sun profile image78
    hard sunposted 3 years ago

    Even Jake Tapper and Dr Gupta are admitting this is misleading: … ation.html

    1. Castlepaloma profile image76
      Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

      In my Maritime area.  In a year 10,000 people die of heart disease. Only a hundred debatable die of Covid. Meanwhile heart disease deaths are skyrocketing for lack of treatment and surgery.

      1. hard sun profile image78
        hard sunposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Good, but sad, point. I do believe it very possible that the  response is worse than the disease.

        1. Castlepaloma profile image76
          Castlepalomaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          That just one health condition worst than covid,. I would be max pev,  if I died from a sky diving accident and they put died of omicron only on my grave

          Want to be known for being dangerous free, not  a whip with a common cold.


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