It certainly is not being reported frequently by major networks. One can find examples of protests going on across the US online just search local state newspaper outlets. It is clear today the media report only what suits their narritive.
Michigan --- … k-mandates
Atlanta --- … 16391.html
Califonia --- … 0approval.
New York --- … -york-city
New Jersey -- … or-oct-18/
Seattle --- … 7HUDWGOPM/
Portland --- … st-oregon/
Just Google a given state or city, so many are out protesting mandates of the vaccine, and more...
The US media makes out they are small evil groups who ultimately want choice for their own bodies. Also based on their alternative science they research, not from the pharmaceutical paid scienctist, a great conflict of interest. Who are making a killing by no tax, no responsibility, no liability, shut down industries who ever they choose. Shove they toxic coded products. Then put a monkey wrench into every person's life on earth for control, money and depopulation.
The same reason we don't see the hundreds of thousands of reported statistics on the vaccines if they could even marginally influence public reluctance.
Ressell Brand
Pope said where are these vaccines for the poor? Lucky them, they are doing better without it.
Is it really working for the westernized countries who are 70 to 85% vaccinated? They are super spreader with their majority of the covid deaths.
No wonder the billionaire Shut up, banned and block on every Media who ever oppose the Vaccines and lockdown.
Billionaire are making 60% more profit and best ever. Even when countries stop work , like Italy. The wealthy don't care because poverty killed most for their depopulation plan here on earth.
Correct, covering such protests would inform others of like-minded beliefs that they are not alone. Such beliefs would gain support.
People need to realize all news exists to frame what you believe, what you see going on in the world. Leaving out what they don't want you to know about.
The days of fair and impartial news, unbiased reporting, is long gone.
That is how the kids are thinking today.
They say covid world order is over.
Shove it up their greedy butt holes.
Because he has no resources to back up his ridiculous statements. When there is no defense, resort to vulgarity and/or profanity.
Scientist can be wrong. Generally Real scientists exspeically want criticism from their peers to test their theories.
These are pharmaceutical ass-u-me scientists are always right according to mainstream media. Then hooks the mass for the Greatest profteering ever in their history.!!!
Nice gig,
No responsibility
No liability,
Very low taxes
Fee media everywhere
Police and troops fight to the death, for you.
Greatest lawsuits in human history, no matter they have political immunity.
No refund if your dead from vaccines. Westernized world is 70 to 85% and hold most of the covid deaths. I think most of the nonvaxxers world population will catch on that the true superspreader by logic and numbers is the vaxxers.
What's next.... the red pill or blue pill???
Yeah, the more densely populated areas got hit the hardest by covid; and is it any surprise when covid is a contagious disease that's is passed on by close contact. Generally, the population is far more densely populated in the westernised world, so it should be no surprise that such diseases can spread more easily in the more densely populated communities in the westernised world.
But what is more important, is that the death toll has since tumbled in countries where the vaccines have been successfully rolled out to most of the population.
China have more population than North America and Europe combined. China has far less covid deaths 4,636.
compare to their milllions and they blame them like they do with unvaccinated people for covid death with no proof, other than Fauci playing and funding the covid experimental.
Technocrats, Pharma and beurocrates have us by the balls.
Ah, but China clamped down on any outbreak, complete lockdown and isolation (preventing the virus to spread, and stamping it out before it gets a grip); with far more covid restrictions than you’ll ever see in the West. Although, not having a TV I guessed you missed all that?
Why would I use a propaganda TV about China. When I can be a major feature with 8 million attentance in one sandsculpture contest. Been to China several time, have you?
US is ground Zero in all of this covid Maddness. They put far more money and control into a war against covid
More than they they spend on the second world war combined.
China has not had a major war since 1979. China will be the superpower of the 21st. century.
Western world, the war now is against the public using covid for the record breaking collective monopoly of magalomainic tag team wealthy.
China and how does their Sinovac vaccine work? The Beijing-based biopharmaceutical company Sinovac is behind the CoronaVac, an inactivated vaccine. It works by using killed viral particles to expose the body's immune system to the virus without risking a serious disease response.
If you've been to China then you'll know its not a democracy, but a regime; so they can and do impose covid restrictions far tighter than any westernised democratic country.
Besides, our neighbour and close friends are Chinease, so I know a lot about China from them.
And like any totalitarian regime, China doesn't always tell the truth. We really don't know how many people have died of covid in China.
If anyone tells you, they Never lie, you know they are a liar. Everyone lies, it just into degrees. From my general experience the Chinese are highly honourable people. In general every government are the most dishonored group in the world in degrees also.
Its the now westernized mass psychosis from government and their puppet masters like Nazis and USSR style. Who are the greatest liars and are the ultimately criminals against humanity.
...From my general experience the Chinese are highly honourable people...
From my experience all people on our planet are honorable and must be treated with respect. Having said this, you have to ask yourself, how much this honorability and truthworthyness is really worth?
If people have restricted or tightly controlled access to information (in China), if people are uneducated or kept away from education (USA??) to process and evaluate information, then how much is honorability worth?
Then honorability has the status of an innocent child who looks at the world with its mouth wide open.
China is one of the most restrictive countries on our planet. No wonder information about Covid in China must be treated very carefully. I tend to rely on personal contacts, not official channels to get info. Summarizing the information i got, it reflects the highly competitive situation between cities and provinces. Local authorities get incentivised by showing effective measures to keep the virus down while at the same time pushing economy. This is why lockdowns are kept local.
There is always an intense fight between provinces and sometimes even against central government. Actually that caused the delays in January 2020 and the deployment of troups to Henan province (where Wuhan is). In early 2020 there was a powerplay going on between Henan and Wuhan local administrations and central Beijing government.
I was personally involved in these kind of quarrels while teaching at a university in one province and being employed in a company that was aquired by a Chinese corporation in another province. Eventually a professional ban was imposed and i had to refrain from teaching.
Back to my home situation in G. and the topics of this discussion. This weekend we will have another (probably very small) protest march in our city. This time the purpose is camouflaged by the anti vax organizers to be about child abuse, obviously to attract more attention. As Arthur said, in Europe we have demonstrations all over the place and about everything. Anti vax is just a sidenote.
I respect everyone too, just not how far beurocrates , technocrats, and big pharma has gone. China has changed a great deal, I find the middle east still is most restrictions area in the world.
I can say that, because it's called freedom from 17 year old that said it. What words here, I can't say on TV. While the most Evil technocrats and beurocrates scammers that have ever lived, causes this mass psychosis wider then ever before on planet earth
With the mask of shame, home prisoners and their poverty causing far more harm than any virus or disease in such a short time frame.
Well perhaps if you got yourself a TV it might help!
In Europe we hardly ever hear about protests in the USA unless they are significant enough to hit the headlines e.g. the BLM protests of last year.
However, in Europe, including the UK, on the local and regional news we do hear of all the protests taking place locally and regionally e.g. in the UK we often hear of all the various protests taking place in Paris, France. And I’m surprised if in the USA (for those who have TV’s) if you don’t hear of the protests taking place in your area!
France’s Yellow Vest Protesters Just Won Against Macron (2018):
The other thing to bear in mind is that protests are common place in Europe, across Europe (including the UK) there are always protests taking place about something or other; it’s the norm. But whether those protests are significant or not depend on whether they carry pubic support or not e.g. the BLM protests did carry public support, but the anti-lockdown and anti-vaxxer protests in Europe are organised by fringe bodies that don’t carry public support.
Climate activists from across Europe gather in Glasgow ahead of COP26:
Why would I get a TV and listen to uninteresting garbage and proganda programing and harmful social media. I trust the people on the internet when it is base on good sense and they have a strong background on what is said.
Like for example like this psychoist how he explains the mass psychosis where the Government and Elite system is more harmful than the covid Viruses. A great break down of how Psychosis is more deadly than all natural causes and disease.
Covid is turning rapidly into days of Hitler and witch hunts psychosis. Not to totalitarianism yet. Yet my life fell like Halloween every day for the unvaccinated. It's like public enemy number all repeatedly like witch hunts and Hitler. Actually saw a kid dressed up like Hitler, trick and treating. … CFV_s,st:0
Can technocrats and beurocrates be the new witch hunt?
Castlepaloma, you state “I trust the people on the internet when it is based on good sense and they have a strong background on what is said.”?
Really? Most of what’s on the Internet is “garbage and propaganda programing and harmful social media”.
You’ve repeatedly claimed on these forums that the covid protest are the biggest protests ever in history. Well, for your information, below are the 10 biggest protests in modern history; as follows:-
#1: Hong Kong ‘Hong Kong Autonomy Protests’ started April 2019 and lasted 1 year, 4 months = 2 million protesters.
#2: Bolivia ‘Wildlife Protests’ started October 2019 and lasted 1 week = 1.5 million protesters.
#3: South Korea ‘Candlelight Demonstrations’ started October 2016 and lasted 5 months = 1.5 million protesters.
#4: India ‘Farm Bill Protests’ started September 2020 and still active = over 1 million protesters.
#5: Lebanon ‘October Movement’ started October 2019 and still active = over 1 million protesters.
#6: USA ‘BLM’ started May 2020 and lasted 15 months = over 1 million protesters.
#7: Algeria ‘Protests against Le Pouvoir’ started February 2019 and lased 1 year and 2 months = over 1 million protesters.
#8: Chile ‘Subway fare protests’ started October 2019 and lasted 14 months = over 1 million protesters.
#9: Colombia ‘National Strikes’ started November 2019 and lasted 4 months = over 1 million protesters.
#10: UK ‘People’s Vote Protests (Brexit)’ started June 2018 and lasted 1 year and 4 months = 1 million protesters.
In comparison the largest Covid protest in the world was in France in July 2021 and lasted 1 day only, with just 150,000 protesters.
So when making bold claims you should put things into perspective, which you might find easier to do if you kept in touch with world events by watching TV!
No protest in history have been more blocked, banned and lied about than covid.
No protest are more worldwide accept possibly Greta for one year. Although covid been running for nearly two years and wider audience. Now they getting very physical worldwide about it all. .
The greatest protesters ever has been in India government connect over Bill Gates posion foods hidden non direction of vaccines. It was 250 million protesters, beat that.
Gate, I did watched on Ted talk 10 years ago, where his aim was to reduce the world population by 10 to 15% by vaccines. Had nightmare since then and today they are becoming reality. Mainly I Dream for a living and they have all come true.
From a link above, you are the type who are totalitarianism 30% extreme followers. The other 40% want social connections which after suffering masks lockdown and mandates vaccines, they will do anything to be social even sacrifice their freedom. Good news is the ones who don't accept nonsense mass psychosis, the penuudum swings the other way from totalitarianism even guicker from than ever before. The last dictatorship totally own the media and minds of the People,.. Hitler.
Castlepaloma, you say “No protest in history have been more blocked, banned and lied about than covid”; really, how would you know, as you don’t watch TV to see what protests are being reported and which one are not being reported, and to what extent the reports are on the protests?
True, protests and demonstrations on environmental issue, which have been ongoing around the world for year, and ongoing, is probably one of the biggest single issue worldwide resulting in protests, and it’s not just Greta, there are numerous groups involved, one of the biggest at this time being the ‘Extinction Rebellion’ Group: Some footage of the Extension Rebellion I caught on camera in Bristol last week -
Therefore, claiming that Environmental protests lasted for just one year, and that the covid protests have been running for nearly two years and to a wider audience; is a clear demonstration that you don’t watch TV. Environmental protests have been running for years, and years, and years, and is still ongoing; and for your information to a far wide audience than covid.
You say the greatest protesters that there ever has been, was in India over the Bill Gates foods etc. involving 250 million protesters. Sorry Castlepaloma but you are exaggerating (inflating) the facts, and factual wrong in that the India protests are not the biggest ever: The biggest ever protests in modern history was the Hong Kong ‘Hong Kong Autonomy Protests’ started April 2019 and lasted 1 year, 4 months = 2 million protesters. The Indian protest, to which you refer is the 4th biggest ever, and not 250 million protesters but over 1 million protestors. But of course you don’t watch TV, so you wouldn’t have seen much of all these other protests.
Yeah, that claim that Bill Gates made, if you do the research will discover that his statements have been taken ‘out of context’ by conspiracy theory websites. What he actually said at the time, in context, is completely different to the claims being made by conspiracy theorists.
As regards you last statement; ‘that I am either a totalitarianism extreme followers or someone who craves ‘social connections’ after suffering masks, lockdowns and mandate vaccines’: You couldn’t be more wrong.
• Firstly, I am a ‘socialist’, so the last thing I would do is worship totalitarianism.
• Secondly, I don’t crave social connections following the lockdown and covid restrictions. Yes it is nice to be able to socialise again, but I kept myself busy during the lockdown, and kept in touch with family and friends, and since the lockdown has ended, and covid restrictions were lifted in the UK on 19th July I’ve have three staycations (the last one being to Kent); but I’m not socialising any more than I did before the lockdowns. So I don’t know what you are rabbiting on about?
Our latest post pandemic staycation:
• Thirdly, to-date, in the UK vaccines have not been mandatory; and if the UK Government does decide to make them mandatory, it will only be for front-line medical staff; so it doesn’t affect the masses. And before you ask; NO, covid passports are NOT used in England.
You also state that people like me “will do anything to be social even sacrifice their freedom”. Not true, and I’d like to know what ‘freedoms’ you think I’ve sacrificed. I’ve asked you this question before when we’ve had similar discussions in these forums; and you’ve never given me a sensible answer as to what ‘freedoms’ you think I don’t have?
You don't have a TV, yet you are protesting that protests aren't being shown. That really doesn't make sense. I see them daily on my TELEVISION SET. CNN runs them daily. I googled "anti vaccine protests" and three came out on top: Washington Post, Mother Jones and New York's ABC channel, plus many others below them.
You can't hide under a rock and then protest that the world is hiding public information from you.
Don't own a TV myself. Yet many of my family and friends own TVs and we talk about all the media and all about the programing that hypnosis with repeated actually the same one-sided propaganda. Have not experience this nonsense since cannabis propaganda films in health class in school, also saying tocbacco was healthy. Plus draft dodgers are criminals. Nonsense evidence and facts are the same, just at far greater dangerous levels world wide.
Look at me, no criminal record not harmed anyone physically in my life. Only serious complaints was a divorces.
Now I am public enemy number one, just like weed. Gotta love the Kill Gates and Rothschilds.
by Castlepaloma 2 years ago US hears verry little about.
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