Austria in Lockdown and mandatory vaccines. Is US next?

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  1. Castlepaloma profile image75
    Castlepalomaposted 2 years ago

    Is it criminal tyranny to mandates anything world wide? Like Vaccines.

    1. Castlepaloma profile image75
      Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

      Do you honestly feel that unvaccinated people should be totally isolated from society?

      1. Castlepaloma profile image75
        Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this … -protests/

        10s of thousands take to the street over mandatory vaccines.

        Over a year ago most people told me, they can not make mandatory vaccines. I said they can and they will try in every way possible to make them mandated.

        I've been right About everything this last year. Wish I would be wrong, This the greatest Scam in modern history, yet love will prevail.

        1. MizBejabbers profile image91
          MizBejabbersposted 2 years agoin reply to this

          "Love will prevail."? Real brotherly love would be trying to protect your neighbor and your family by getting vaccinated and wearing masks. We could stamp out this virus just like we did smallpox, polio, measles, mumps, etc. until the antivaxer movement brought some of them back.

          But I don't think that the Biden administration will ever require any of the preventatives to be mandatory to the general population. They know that the anti-vaxers, Trump supporters, and "my Freedom to hell with yours" proponents would mean another Trump victory. By the way, Trump is a turncoat who is now telling his followers to get vaccinated. He is being booed for this.

          1. Castlepaloma profile image75
            Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

   … 5c41ec3f0f

            Here is two Doctors who sum up this mess better than most and a short history

            The buearocrate, technocrats and Big Pharma would be my evil brothers. My family don't wear masks at work or be fully vaccinated, they are the love of my life.

            I serve natural remedies medicine, organic food and affordable housing that can be for 90% of the population. What has the wealthy drugs cartel done for us other then make our bodies numb and minds in a fog from doctors who live well below average life expectancy. I won't be chained to a cave by those extremely wealthy drug pushers.

            Why would I care about Trump or why do people even now care? he is not in power.
            Trump and his wife got vaccinated and he tells other to get vaccinated because all the Presidents are horrible.
            Exspeically when one is an anarchist.

            1. Nathanville profile image90
              Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

              Sorry Castlepaloma, but Dr Tenpenny is a well-known American anti-vaxxer who is well renowned for spreading covid-19 misinformation (lies); as explained here: -

              Furthermore, Dr Sherri Tenpenny has a doctorate in Osteopathic, which many considers is a pseudoscientific, and it’s only in the USA that it’s recognised as a doctorate!

              So, in spite of your desire to give readers the impression that she’s speaking as a ‘scientist’, to berate the pandemic and vaccinations, Dr Sherri Tenpenny isn’t scientifically qualified to speak on the subject.

              In answer to your forum’s question:-

              •    Austria is one of the lowest vaccinated European countries; so no wonder they’re in such a pickle over the pandemic.

              •    While in contrast the UK is one of the most vaccinated European countries.  I can’t comment about the USA, but in the UK there will be no mandatory vaccines for the mass population, as it’s not necessary, because almost 90% of the UK population over the age of 12 are already vaccinated anyway.

              1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                Everyone who opposes the billionaire evil juice is dead wrong in your matrix snythic world. Now they got the vaccine pills and they want to put vaccines into our vegetables. These are not Flintstones vitimims.

                Per capita Austria is close to half of UK covid deaths. UK is 30 times PC covid deaths of Australia. These two countries are one step away from the hunger games.

                1. Nathanville profile image90
                  Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                  Actually, if you didn’t exaggerate so much, and stuck to the facts Austria’s covid death toll is not close to (half) 50% less per capita than the UK, that you state; but is actually only 36% (one third) less.

                  And that’s predominately because Britain had a much higher death rate during the peak of the pandemic in January than Austria, which was before anyone was fully vaccinated. 

                  Also, if you look at the current trend you will see that currently (population adjusted) that the current death rate in Austria is double the UK’s, and in Austria that death rate is on a sharp rise; whereas in the UK the death rate is currently slowly falling.

                  COVID-19: Why isn't the UK suffering a European-style surge in cases?

                  COVID-19: How many more Britons will die?

                  1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                    Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                    The first news is a military conflicts between China and Australia

                    The other news shows UK raise in covid death now and a big drop projected in December. Amazing what a group can accomplish with complicated lies and graphics.

                  2. Castlepaloma profile image75
                    Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                    Austria has 1/3 the unvaccination locked down.
                    Although they allow pior infected covid victim same freedom as vaccinated.
                    US Biden gives no mercy to all 16 type of person who should not be  taking the vaccine during  Congress courts. They are trying the best to mandates vaccines to the whole world.
                    Over my dead body and most of the world dead bodies who are not fully vaccinated.

              2. Readmikenow profile image95
                Readmikenowposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                Just an FYI...I've had more than one of the places I write for refuse to let me use Wikipedia as a source for articles I submit.  Its information is often considered questionable.

                1. Nathanville profile image90
                  Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                  Yeah, I’m sure that many conspiracy sites would have that attitude about Wikipedia, as Wikipedia is a factual source of information that is factual and objective, that’s backed by credible sources, and scrutinised heavily by facilitators.  That’s why Wikipedia is accepted as a credible source for use in articles by HupPages.   Whereas many links you and Castlepaloma provide are all too often ‘subjective’, with dubious sources.

                  That’s not to say that Wikipedia is always flawless in its information, I have on occasions found omissions of details, and incomplete data, in Wikipedia articles; but generally, it is recognised as a good source of information; albeit, you should never rely on just one reliable source of information, you should always cross check your facts with other known reputable sources.

    2. jwashington profile image59
      jwashingtonposted 2 years agoin reply to this

      I feel it's nazish to tell you honestly. Protecting the vaccinated from the unvaccinated by segregation via mandate. I don't know of other countries population but US is huge and we're not faced with it as one would the black plague. People take the vaccine just in case. Those who don't are ostracized. Survival is higher than death and there's no life expectancy. It's based on too many factors.

      1. Castlepaloma profile image75
        Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

        Yes, exspeically when there is no solids proof that vaccinated and unvaccinated are any difference in spreading covid. Mainly political power grab and media feeding frenzy, and world record profiteering for pharmaceutical. Technocrats are making the best killing over this total maddness.

        In modern times it's the greatest discrimination I ever seem. Since most of the world is not fully vaccinated.

  2. Live to Learn profile image59
    Live to Learnposted 2 years ago

    I’m vaccinated but I will, honestly, go to the streets in protest if they do such. It is wrong and I would never stand by and not fight against it.

    However I wouldn’t put anything past Biden and the authoritarian left. I foresee an attempt to try.

    1. Castlepaloma profile image75
      Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

      Vaccinated or unvaxxers, choice is the most important.

      If I had my choice, there would not be borders and Presidents.

    2. Readmikenow profile image95
      Readmikenowposted 2 years ago Australia

      "Australia has recorded 11 times more Deaths in 8 months following Covid-19 Vaccination than it has Deaths following every other Vaccine combined in over 50 years"

      Serious questions have been raised as to why medicine regulators have not pulled the Covid-19 vaccines from distribution to the general public after data on the Australian Government site revealed that there have been eleven times as many deaths reported as adverse reactions to the Covid-19 vaccines over a period of 8 months than deaths reported as adverse reactions to every other available vaccine combined over a period of 50 years." … syndicated

      1. Castlepaloma profile image75
        Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

        What ever country around the world has the hardest lockdown has the highest raise in covid deaths. They are really getting physical in Australia in protest everywhere. It seems nearly half the people in Queensland are in protest. Funded alot by American in conflicts with China.

        I think Australia and Austria are experimental for a model for the rest of the world. Good luck.

        Much push back from Americans of the Biden Mandated vaccines. Pfizer and Biden blame the unvaccinated for all the destruction. What GALL and how unamerican they are, for caring about what goes into their own minds and bodies

        1. CHRIS57 profile image61
          CHRIS57posted 2 years agoin reply to this

          .... It seems nearly half the people in Queensland are in protest...

          How come if 80% are vaccinated?
          This is all not to be taken seriously. Not your statement, Castle, and not this silly link and quote from Mike.

          The same website (run by quote ...extremely ordinary, hardworking people who are sick and tired of the fear-mongering, lies and propaganda perpetuated by the mainstream media..) does these kind of claims for quite some time now. Well - always debunked.

          Even for a layperson it is easy to debunk the nonsense. In Australia this year until November some 800 people died from Covid after vaccination started. Pretty much the same number of deaths that was cited in a diagram to be "adverse reaction". Does not make sense. No excess death in 2020/2021 to be found. Where are the Covid vaccination "adverse reaction" deaths hiding? It takes 3 minutes of checking to find the flaws, why should anyone read this junk.

          Ah -yes, they need funding. May be you are easy prey for the grifters??

          1. Castlepaloma profile image75
            Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

            Most people are not prepared for this because many think their government would not harm him. Yes they will!!!
            No group has genocide and mass murderers more people in the last 100 year than the governments.

   … p;ie=UTF-8

            Plenty of vaxxers will protest for choice, only 30% of totalitarianism or globalist are really this extreme forcing others against their will vaccines.

            When I first showed Australian protests months ago, their were only around 800 covid deaths, today nearly 2000.

            It's my duty from preparing 10 years ago for this mass democide to make aware of the writing on the wall and the greatest genocide in our lifetime. I have no interest in fear mongering coming from the source of being fearless.

            1. Nathanville profile image90
              Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

              Why don’t you do a bit of genuine fact checking; if you did you will find that vaccination programme started late in Australia.  UK started to rollout the vaccine in earnest in January; Australia didn’t start it rollout properly until July, and as recently as October less than half the population over the age of 16 were vaccinated; but since then the covid death rate has been slowly falling.  See Australian vaccination chart below:-


        2. Nathanville profile image90
          Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

          FYI  vaccine hesitancy in Australia is now only 6.4%, compared to 11.5% two weeks ago, so your claim that nearly half of Australians in Queensland are in protest is an over exaggeration; and just wishful thinking on your behalf; albeit vaccine hesitancy remains high in Queensland at 11.1%, but still far from half the local population.

 … ion-report

          Yep, you are right when you say “What ever country around the world has the hardest lockdown has the highest raise in covid deaths.” and the reason they currently have the hardest lockdowns, and the highest rise in covid deaths, is preciously because they have the lowest up take in vaccination due to the high levels of vaccine hesitancy in those countries.

          1. CHRIS57 profile image61
            CHRIS57posted 2 years agoin reply to this

            I noticed a sharp rise in vaccination in Germany (and Austria).
            Since last week in our city some vaccination centers reopened and there was a run to get the jab.

            Imho Germany and Austria did not go through the real hardship of high infection and fatality rates in the 1st to 3rd wave. So over summer the attitude was very relaxed. Even after first signs of the 4th wave showed up, people just ignored it until even the 1st half of November.

            But now Germany, Austria, Netherlands are in a real mess. Fairly low infections until November and moderate vaccination rates made population vulnerable.

            And now people don´t ignore any more. Even with a non functional "lame duck" government transition in Germany and no real administrative pressure (except some additional testing rules for unvaccinated) people rush to get the vaccines.

            People simply see what is happening in real life. Their neighbours have to quarantine, school classrooms get empty because kids do the spreading, elderly get infected because vaccine protection is running low. 

            The time of "it is such a hastle, too inconveniant, let others get the shot" this time is over. Only a few hardcore antivaxxers are left over.

            It is interesting to see how social dynamics work in this situation. Not by media influence, but by personal experience of every individual.

            1. Nathanville profile image90
              Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

              Thanks for the update.

      2. Nathanville profile image90
        Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this


        Your link is to ‘The Exposé’, which blatantly obviously prints ‘fake news’.  You only have to do a ‘fact check’ on ‘The Exposé’ and the Google search list is packed with numerous ‘fact-checker’ websites that debunk the numerous false claims being made by ‘The Exposé’.  And you only have to read the opening paragraph in the ‘About’ page on ‘The Exposé’ website to see that it’s intent is to ‘fake news’; to quote it states “The Exposé was set up due to a lack of alternatives to the lying mainstream media, and alternatives which report only the facts” If you believe that, then you’ll believe anything!

        Anyway, I've checked out the claims being made by ‘The Exposé’ that the covid vaccine deaths in Australia are unacceptably high, and claiming that vaccine related deaths in Australia is between 59 and 656 (citing false source links to appear to back up their false claims). 

        The actual facts, as at 17th October 2021, are:-

        •    32.7 million covid vaccine doses have been given in Australia.

        •    Of which there are 9 vaccine related deaths (all in people over the age of 65), 8 were TTS cases, and 1 was ITP.

        In contrast there have been 1,997 covid related deaths. … 21-10-2021

        1. Readmikenow profile image95
          Readmikenowposted 2 years agoin reply to this

          "Why you should trust us…
          The No.1 reason you should trust ‘The Exposé’ is that all our investigations are based on official data such as the Office for National Statistics, the NHS, and the UK Government, and we link back to all our sources within every article.
          We aren’t paid by authorities to advertise propaganda on their behalf, instead we are fully funded by you, our readers, via voluntary support, which means we are only accountable to you.
          We are only interested in bringing you the facts, especially the ones that the mainstream refuse to.
          Who we are…
          The Exposé is run by extremely ordinary, hardworking people who are sick and tired of the fear-mongering, lies and propaganda perpetuated by the mainstream media. We felt it was our duty to bring you the facts that the mainstream refuse to, and now here we are.

          We believe our work speaks for itself, and we hope you do too."

          1. Nathanville profile image90
            Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

            Yeah, and if you try to follow those so called 'official data to sources such as the ONS and NHS, and UK Government etc. you will find them either non-existent (fake links) as I discovered when I tried to follow through to the false sources; or the information is 'faked', as I discovered when I double checked (fact checked).  Their false (fake) claims are so easy to debunk, so of course you can't trust them.

            1. Castlepaloma profile image75
              Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

              Only easy to do, by so called debunking by political flying by nights and pharmaceutical lying by sciences..

              I'm not a legal scientists or doctor. Still in the business of Heath foods and medicine, arts and Economy substainable lifestyle. Most common  thread to greatness is 10,000 hours of  practice and that in each of these topics. I don't need no stinking greatest mass murderers in history, tell me what health is.

              1. Nathanville profile image90
                Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                Castlepaloma, I was trained at college and at work to 'fact-check', so I can assure you that the scientist know what they are talking about, and its the conspiracy websites that are spreading the lies.

                1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                  Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                  The college and pharmaceutical fact checking. Means your well indoctrinated  the by your snythic Globalist masters. Not thinking for yourself first. Plus not experienceing first hand successful results like through my self govern substantialble food, medicine and affordable living.
                  The one world order is not substantialble for the majority. Unless your willing to WEF billionaire be happy , don't worry own nothing program. I'm staying dangerous free for the rest of life and not a good safety slave.

                  1. Nathanville profile image90
                    Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                    Au contraire, we were taught to think at college, and I was paid to think at work; so I’m no one’s slave; I have freedom of thought, where I don't assume anything but verify the facts before accepting anything.

                    And although I’ve asked you many, many time in these forums to state what ‘freedoms’ I don’t have because (unlike you) I am not an anarchist, you’ve yet to give me a sensible answer.

                    Unlike you, I believe in democracy, which is something you’ve previously made clear in these forums on more than one occasion that you abhor, because in your view democracy infringes the freedoms of anarchy?

                    1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                      Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                      Democracy works when your group is all in for agreements that the ruled by the majority. Anarchist are most agreement with each by ethics and no one above me or  below me rule. Democracy doesn't work for US corp after Lincoln death Martial law ever since. Democracy doesn't work for gays as it's illegal in 80 countries and some with death sentence.

                      With Global world order has slowly canceling free speech, humans rights will be all taken away by the wealthy greedy. The mafia monopoly will at least have everyone poor will be happy on their funny farm.

            2. Readmikenow profile image95
              Readmikenowposted 2 years agoin reply to this
              1. Nathanville profile image90
                Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                Nice link Readmikenow, it’s the Australian Regulatory Body on Health (every Industrialised country has one). 

                If from your link, you:-

                1.   Go to their ‘Home Page’ and follow the ‘Covid Vaccine’ links, it will take you to their latest “COVID-19 vaccine weekly safety report - 25-11-2021”;

                2.  Then if you scroll down to the heading “Reports of death in people who have been vaccinated”, under that section it will clearly state that:-

                *  Up to 21st November 2021, about 38.5 million doses of the covid vaccine have been administered; yet there has been 9 vaccine related deaths; 8 were TTS and 1 was ITP – which debunks the claims made by ‘The Exposé’ that according to that same source there have been up to 656 covid vaccine related deaths in Australia – a complete fabrication by ‘The Exposé’.

                A copy of the report that you directed me to, which debunks the false claims of ‘The Exposé’ is below:-

       … 25-11-2021

                1. Readmikenow profile image95
                  Readmikenowposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                  Glad you like the link.  It was from the Expose article.

                  1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                    Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                    Oh My God , it was expose! better get the Feds on to it.

                  2. Nathanville profile image90
                    Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                    Yep, and as I said, the link (if you read it) debunks the 'false' (fake) claims that the Expose article were making; which proves my point that if you try to follow such links to the so called 'official data to sources' you will find them either non-existent (fake links) or to false sources, or (as in this case) the information published on the Expose article is 'faked', when you double check it with the actual facts published on the official site that they provided the link for. 

                    A classical example of where Expose provided a link to a genuine site in the belief that if gullible people bother to check the link, they will not bother to read what the link says, and just take the Expose authors at their own word that what they say on their site is based on the facts on the link; when in actual fact its not. 

                    Thus the false (fake) claims made by Expose are so easy to debunk; so as I originally stated, you can't trust what is printed on the Expose site.

                    1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                      Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                      World order can debunk anything thing they want, with lawyer like gargon. It doesn't make it true.

    3. Nathanville profile image90
      Nathanvilleposted 2 years ago

      As from tomorrow (30th Nov) everyone in the UK over the age of 18 will now be eligible for the booster jab just three months after their 2nd jab.

      Currently in the UK (as from 4pm today) the percentage of everyone over the age of 12 who have had their covid vaccines are as follows:-

      •    1st Dose = 88.6%
      •    2nd Dose = 80.6%
      •    Booster jab = 31.1%

      Also, as from 4pm today in the UK:-

      •    Covid hospitalisation has fallen by 11.2% over the last 7 days, and
      •    Covid deaths have fallen by 18.4% over the last 7 days.

      1. Castlepaloma profile image75
        Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

        Sorry to hear that, exspeically kids

        1. Nathanville profile image90
          Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

          The vaccines in the UK for the general public (including kids) are voluntary not mandatory; so its good news as its saving lives without the need to impose mandatory restrictions e.g. social distancing.

          1. Castlepaloma profile image75
            Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

            I like anything without mandates.

            That's that come without brainwashing innocent children?

            1. Nathanville profile image90
              Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

              As you like anything without mandates, then you should like the covid vaccine programme, and booster programme in the UK then, as it is without mandates for the general public, including the vaccination of children e.g. all voluntary.

              1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                Not for my circle. Freedom is the spirit and salvery safety is the fear  of extreme athourities.

                As I've always said. I'm all for freedom without harm to others. If people want to drill holes into their own heads and call it holy, or jab 100 needles right into their vains, they are free to do so.

                In fact I'm for depopulation, get rid of weak and old if they are that ignorance. I love more parking spaces and less lineups.

                1. Nathanville profile image90
                  Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                  Your belief in geronticide (in your last paragraph above) explains why you don’t want the covid vaccines to work e.g. covid is more fatal to the elderly, and without people getting vaccinated more elderly people will die, which is in accordance with what (by your own words) you want to see.

                  That sentiment of yours, I find heartless and callous, and contradictory to your 2nd paragraph where you claim “I’m all for freedom without harm to others”.  That claim is also false in that by discouraging people from getting vaccinated (in the name of freedom) you are assigning ‘others to harm’, especially the elderly who are more likely to die of covid if they don’t get vaccinated.

                  Slogans like “Freedom is the spirit and slavery safety is the fear of extreme authorities.” Doesn’t cut any ice because although I safer than you because I’ve had my booster jab, and you haven’t even had your first jab, I do NOT live in fear of extreme authorities;  Firstly it was my freewill choice to get vaccinated, and secondly the UK is a free democratic country, not a regime or dictatorship as you seem to think it is.

                  1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                    Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                    I have this very intituvive ability it's like extreme logic. Don't understand why the last 40 years of predictions of all world's event have come true. I know the Vaccinated will cause mass genocide, not the unvaxxers. Nothing I can say to a totalitarian globalist or nationalist will change their mind any more than a Christian about the Bible. Only great abuse on all levels will change their mind. As history repeats itself like the Governments of world mass democide of 100s of millions  of mass murdering, in the last 100 years.

                    Tragedy is often comedy. When I say please take the jab. Knowing I can't just leap over this fire with faith this time. I must go through the fire like everyone else. The time, for the first time in my entire life. I must wait for a couple of years for this third world war to finish. Then go back to my life of fearless world class successes in actually what I want to do and do best.

                    World Centrolatized organization requires slaves by fear mongering. I do the opposite offering freedom and choices it's as simple as that. I don't have the absolute superpower to change anyone's minds or bodies like Globalist Government and their puppet master.

                    I do have myself and circle as an ample of healthy and successful lifestyle as of an alternative choice.

                    1. Nathanville profile image90
                      Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                      That is not true, and well you know it:-

                      •    Last spring you predicted that the world financial exchange market would collapse because of covid:  That didn’t happen.

                      •    Just two months ago, you were predicting that the death toll from covid would be 10 million this winter:  That is not going to happen.

                      •    More recently you revised down that figure to 6 million covid deaths worldwide by the 31st December (just 30 days away); and with the current death toll standing at just over 5.2 million with daily worldwide covid deaths having been stable at around 7,000 a day since mid-October then clearly even that more modest prediction by you isn’t going to happen.  The actual figure is likely to be closer to 5.4 million by the end of the year.

                      •    In the summer, you predicted that the covid vaccines will kill hundreds of millions of people:  That is not going to happen.

                      You can boast as much as you like; but so far most (if not all) your predictions I’ve seen have been false prophecies.

                      Oh, and by the way, your statement that “the Vaccinated will cause mass genocide, not the unvaxxers.” is just a fabrication, because it’s the vaccines that are saving lives, while people like you, advocating people don’t get vaccinated are responsible for the vast majority of new covid deaths in countries where the vaccines are freely available.

      2. Nathanville profile image90
        Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

        The UK Government's Press Conference to the General Public on Prime Time TV Yesterday, about the expansion of the Booster Jab Programme:

        1. Castlepaloma profile image75
          Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

          Not satisfied at all with pharmaceutical sciences, political promises and media broken parrots.

          Dec 31st 2020 1.9 million covid deaths, now 2021: 5.24 million (not finished) covid deaths globally. Show me a decreased chart of covid death from any global disease or virus control organization or continue without evidence or facts that prove vaccines are working well

          Nearly 60% of hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Israel fully vaccinated,
          Singapore 85% Vaccinated skyrocketing covid recently.
          Ireland 83% fully vaccinated skyrocketing covids too.

          1. wilderness profile image95
            wildernessposted 2 years agoin reply to this

            You appear to be counting total deaths since the pandemic started.  The number will never go down as the dead will not suddenly spring back to life, decreasing the count of dead.

            There is lots of evidence vaccines are working (the death rate per day continues to fall), but the total number of dead cannot decrease.  Only the number of people dying per day, which is already falling.

            1. Ken Burgess profile image70
              Ken Burgessposted 2 years agoin reply to this

              If you do research on how previous pandemics worked through the human population IE:

     … e-1918.htm

              You will see that this occurs naturally without the benefit of vaccine.

              The waves of virus mutations come hard the first couple of years, and those that survive seem to build up the ability to survive future encounters with it.

              What the vaccine does is increase the ability of the person who contracts it to survive it.  It does not prevent that person from getting the virus or from spreading the virus, it only increases chance of survival.

              The number of people dying per day would fall either way, the virus will run its course and years into the future will be no more deadly than the flu.

              The Flu still kills people today, despite vaccines.

              1. Nathanville profile image90
                Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                Yep, seems a fair assessment; although the Bubonic plague (Black Death) came in three deadly waves:-

                •    1st wave lasting two centuries (from the 6th to 8th century) killed an estimated 75 million people.

                •    2nd wave from 1346 to 1353 (7 years) killed at least 75 million people minimum.

                •    3rd wave 1855 to 1960; with an estimation of about 15 million deaths worldwide.

                Also, smallpox was a fatal disease with a 30% mortality, which plagued mankind from before the Egyptians thousands of years ago, until its final eradiation by vaccination in 1977.

                So it’s not a forgone conclusion that covid will necessarily follow the same or similar pattern to the 1918 Spanish Flu.

                But, yeah, as some point it’s likely that covid may mutate into a less harmful form which can either be controlled by vaccination (just like the annual flu jab), or mutate to be completely harmless like the common cold.

                But until that day comes, in the meantime, the death rate and ultimately death toll, can be reduced through a comprehensive vaccination programme.

                1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                  Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                  Elon Musk said more of the problem in the future. Will be depopulation. It's the aim of every billionaire I've heard to depopulation the world a great deal. Mass Psychosis is much greater killer than any disease, virus or natural disaster.  Man could be living 100s of years longer. All we really need to do is control the amount of birth. Which in my lifetime we already have cut it to 1/3 member per family. When WEF dies, many of us will thrive even better.

            2. Readmikenow profile image95
              Readmikenowposted 2 years agoin reply to this

              What role to you believe that natural immunity plays in the death rate decreasing?  Do you think it does play a role?

    4. theraggededge profile image89
      theraggededgeposted 2 years ago

      Nightingales - never used. Complete waste of money (£220 million) and resources. Especially as the govt knew they didn't have the numbers of trained personnel to staff them. There's no point having beds with no staff to treat patients.

      Mothballed... or totally dismantled?

      How many staff could that money have trained? How many cancer patients treated? Elective surgeries carried out?

      Personally, I question everything. Here we have a variant that scientists are unsure if the current vaccines will be effective against... so, 'let's have more vaccines!'. Common sense, logic, and money are chucked in the same direction as the Nightingales. Crazy.

      Only one person in my immediate family is/was double vaccinated. And she died of a heart attack in October.

      1. CHRIS57 profile image61
        CHRIS57posted 2 years agoin reply to this

        Decisions are always made to be questioned afterwards. I guess i understand your point. How good is equipment if no trained personnel?

        Here in Germany we have it somehow the other way around. Some 10.000 ICU beds with equipment were declared "reserve" and moved to warehouses because no qualified staff available and no resources set aside for training and wages.

        Now there is complaint about running out of ICUs and triage (an expression i had to learn).

        Whatever administrations do, it will be wrong. But if administrations do nothing, that will be catastrophic.

        1. theraggededge profile image89
          theraggededgeposted 2 years agoin reply to this

          Germany's going full-on mandatory, I just heard.

          1. CHRIS57 profile image61
            CHRIS57posted 2 years agoin reply to this

            A lot of talk about mandatory here in G. But it is not about people to get vaccinated.

            It is to keep the unvaccinated away from the public. No shopping (except for groceries and personal belongings), no access to public transport, restaurants, gyms, no parties, public gatherings for the unvaccinated.

            For the vaccinated or recovered life gets harder also. Looks like you will need a recent and certified antibody quicktest in addition to the vax certificate to get into restaurants and places. Now there is a shortage in testing sites and material.

            This mandatory testing makes sense, because an increasing number of vaccinated people are running around with the virus but without symptoms.

            Anyways the new rules are kind of a lockdown for the unvaccinated. The anouncement alone was enough to let vaccination numbers surge. A lot of people apparently had the attitude: If others are vaccinated, i don´t have to. This is changing now.

            1. Castlepaloma profile image75
              Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

              Austria has been the test model for this action. About 1/3 of Austrian are unvaccinated in lockdown to similar laws. It's almost like Nova Scotia Canada's lockdown where our leader said  he is going to make it possible for unvaxxer to live.

              Only very few people know how to use their radar and grey area to struggle around this ultimately greatest descriminsatiom ever experienced in my lifetime.

              1. Readmikenow profile image95
                Readmikenowposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                Europe doesn't have a good track record when it comes to dealing with dictators. 

                "For the vaccinated or recovered life gets harder also"

                This makes absolutely no sense.  If you've recovered from Covid, you have much less chance of getting the virus than someone who is vaccinated.

                "increasing number of vaccinated people are running around with the virus but without symptoms"

                The same thing can be said about vaccinated people.

                What's next?  People without the booster won't have access to restaurants or food stores? 

                This issue is NOT the vaccine.  This is the behavior of a dictatorial regime.  It is what governments do when they want to have total and complete control every aspect of the lives of their citizens.  It is George Orwell's "1984" coming to life.

                I also don't believe the behavior of our neighbors to the north.

                1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                  Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                  This makes absolutely no sense.  If you've recovered from Covid, you have much less chance of getting the virus than someone who is vaccinated.
                  What's next? 

                  Yes, beyond insanity

                  People without the booster won't have access to restaurants or food stores?

                  That is already happening in my province, shut down from gyms, swimming pools, dating online sites, no group more than 5. Authorities are afraid we will talk about covid. Covid meetings have to be talked in code or be attested.

                  Nobody can guess what they will do next. They are starting with the old, obesety and unhealthy in depopulation.

      2. Nathanville profile image90
        Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

        The sea defences built along the southern coast of Britain during the 2nd world war, in the event of Germany invading Britain, were never used; but few would say they were a complete waste of money.  The same goes for the Nightingale Hospitals, I’d much rather have the security of the facilities, even if they are not fully utilised rather than end up like Italy did in the 1st wave because (although they are one of the best health services in the world) they didn’t have enough ICU beds.

        Yep, I know Brexit has left the NHS with 100,000 staff shortages; in spite of that the NHS has coped remarkably well during the pandemic, even during the peak last January; which I know first-hand because that was when I was rushed to hospital in an ambulance, and spent three weeks recovering, because of a kidney infection. 

        When the Nightingale hospitals were built the Government did not have a crystal ball, it was best endeavours at the time, and although they never reached full capacity most were put on standby in October 2020 and some utilised during the peak e.g. the Bristol Nightingale hospital had 300 ICU beds out of the maximum 1,000.

        The Bristol Nightingale Hospital was built in the grounds of the University of the West of England (on the outskirts of Bristol) and all buildings and car parks required for the hospital have been leased to the NHS by the University for a fee of just £1 ($1.32) for as long as it’s needed.

        The main thing NOW, is that the Bristol Nightingale Hospital has now been converted to a massive vaccination centre (repurposed, for very little cost), specifically to significantly speed up the rollout of the Booster jabs in this part of the country.

        The Government did at the time try to recruit an army of volunteers to help the NHS, encouraging anyone to come forward (typical British wartime spirt); their campaign was splashed all over the TV at the time.  Details can be found here: - … -volunteer

        I can understand you being sceptical of the current Government; as a devout Socialist I'm usually very critical of a Tory Government; but ‘credit where credit due’; apart from the bumbling errors and delays during the first six months of the pandemic in particular, the Tory Government, in my view, have in general made a good job of fighting the pandemic, especially with the vaccination rollout.

        As regards vaccinations, everyone in my circle of family and friends are fully vaccinated, and those in my age group have all now had their booster jab, and our son is looking forward to having his booster jab at the earliest opportunity.

    5. Nathanville profile image90
      Nathanvilleposted 2 years ago

      Covid related deaths in the UK has fallen 30.59% since 8th November, and fallen 3.6% since this time last week.

      •    88.8% of the UK population over the age of 12 have now had their 1st dose.

      •    80.8% of the UK population over the age of 12 have now had their 2nd dose, and

      •    34.4% of the UK population over the age of 12 have now had their booster jab

      1. Readmikenow profile image95
        Readmikenowposted 2 years agoin reply to this

        How much of that decrease is due to people recovering from Covid and having developed natural immunity?

        1. Nathanville profile image90
          Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

          Prior to the vaccination programme there was a strong link between infection rate an death; since the vaccination rollout that link has been broken so that covid deaths are now a 10th of what they were relative to the level of infections.

          As of the latest report published three days ago ‘COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report (week 48) UK Government’ 98.1% of the adult population now have antibodies to COVID-19 from either infection or vaccination compared to just 20.2% that have antibodies from infection alone.

    6. Readmikenow profile image95
      Readmikenowposted 2 years ago

      1. Nathanville profile image90
        Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

        FYI the vaccinated can get infected as well; so the above statement is just another attempt by the anti-vaxxers to undermine the effectiveness of the vaccines.

        The vaccines do not stop you from getting infected; they just reduce the chances of you getting infected.  More importantly the vaccines dramatically reduce the risk of you being hospitalised or dying of covid, which obviously is far more important.

        The latest UK studies, including the ZOE COVID Study, show that:-

        1.    Natural Immunity from covid: - Varies hugely between people, Many factors impact on immune response effectiveness e.g. age, and some people do not have a long-term immune response.  Also tends to be linked with disease severity e.g. people who have more severe covid illness tend to have a stronger long-term immune response (up to nine months), and people who only become mildly ill with covid tends to have a lower long term protection.

        2.    Vaccination Immunity:  Varies, but most people, even older people, produce a strong immune response and immunity to the virus from natural infection is boosted after vaccination.

        The ZOE COVID Study, last month, found that vaccines offer greater protection against COVID-19 than natural antibodies; it found:-

        •    That immunity in an unvaccinated person is around 65%.

        •    People who had two doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine (the main vaccine used in the UK) have a 71% protection against infection, and

        •    People who had two doses of the Pfizer vaccine have a 87% protection against infection.

        The Zoe Covid Study also found that:-

        •    The initial protection against infection a month after the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine was 88%, while after five to six months this fell to 74%.

        •    For the AstraZeneca vaccine, there was around 77% protection a month after the second dose, falling to 67% after four to five months.

        The booster vaccination in adults aged 50 years and older indicates that after a booster dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, vaccine effectiveness increases to:-

        •    93.1% among those who received the AstraZeneca vaccine as their primary course, and

        •    94.0% among those who received the Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine as their primary course.

        Remember that we are not talking about immunity from hospitalisation or death in the above; we are talking about immunity against infection.

        1. Castlepaloma profile image75
          Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

          Let's see what kind of covid will break out trying to vaccinate 90% of the entire world  for which Fauci 's aims to do for the assume vaccines to work.  Like finally the USSR the US troops will refused to kill their your own people if they don't comply. Vaccines tyranny is over. The fighting and mostly hardship poverty will do far more killing than the covid.

        2. Readmikenow profile image95
          Readmikenowposted 2 years agoin reply to this

          "FYI the vaccinated can get infected as well; so the above statement is just another attempt by the anti-vaxxers to undermine the effectiveness of the vaccines."

          Anti-vaxxers can't undermine the effectiveness of the vaccines because the vaccines do that all by themselves.  In some cases, up to 85 percent.

          "As the Delta variant became the dominant strain of the coronavirus across the United States, all three COVID-19 vaccines available to Americans lost some of their protective power, with vaccine efficacy among a large group of veterans dropping between 35% and 85%, according to a new study.

          Researchers who scoured the records of nearly 800,000 U.S. veterans found that in early March, just as the Delta variant was gaining a toehold across American communities, the three vaccines were roughly equal in their ability to prevent infections."

 … 01001.html

          So, then, why on earth would any government require people get a vaccine that could lose 85 percent of its effectiveness within a year?  Why would any government force its citizens to get a vaccine where people who take it can still pass it on, die from it and catch it?

          Because the vaccine isn't the real issue.  Governments have seen this as an opportunity to impose its will on its people.  Many citizens around the world don't have the ability to fight back against their government like we do here in the United States.

          European governments and even Australia have shown their desire for power and control over their citizens.  They don't care about vaccinating their citizens, their only concern is to impose their will on their citizens using the vaccine as an excuse.

          1. Castlepaloma profile image75
            Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

   … 0847813516

            10s of millions protesters of vaccines manadtes and lockdowns around the world, that mainstream cannot totally ignore. It's seems the professional athletes from North America got the safe vaccines. Butt the Europeans got the usual vaccines.  A raise of a 100 athletes serious damaged or dropping dead on the playing fields, especially European fans, got their attention.
   … the-field/

   … the-field/

            1. CHRIS57 profile image61
              CHRIS57posted 2 years agoin reply to this

              The links are related to what??

              They are from last summer. At that time we had an 7 day new case count of 15/100.000. Concidering the long preparation of the demonstration in Berlin, only 20.000 showed up.

              Today we have 450/100.000 new cases per week and now nobody is demonstrating any more.

              Concerning the athletes: What do athletes who dies almost 20 years ago have to do with the vaccine and Corona stuff? Nothing.

              1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

       … 3Z-wA,st:0

                When they said 56% germans approved restrictions. It's generally takes 80% to change law like this.

                A gave a link above of 5 athletes.. Everything is so extreme under cover the Governments just says anything they want regardless of constitutional and human rights laws and always screwing around with statistics.

                1. CHRIS57 profile image61
                  CHRIS57posted 2 years agoin reply to this

                  ...When they said 56% germans approved restrictions. It's generally takes 80% to change law like this....

                  Don´t know where you took that statement from. The issue in Germany is the transition of power to a new administration. There is a lot of inconsistency associated with restrictions, the old administration (Merkel) didn´t and doesn´t really do much any more. The pandemic control bill expired in November and the new administration is not yet in office. A mixture of do nothing, do to much, and enforce restrictions without looking at consequences is causing doubt in the people´s mind.

                  Example: Until recently you needed only to be fully vaccinated (2 jabs registered in your phone app) and you could do everything.
                  Now you need 3 jabs (booster) to get access and clubs, bars are closed now anyhow. By now even the fully vaccinated need a certified antibody quicktest to do something as simple as getting your hair cut. Consequently people don´t do this, shops have to close.

                  Last weekend i was out shopping. Happens rarely and this time i was with my sister. We are both in our 60ties and are vaccinated. Only, my sister gor her first shot in April, just 1 week after mine, but she got mRNA and i got Astrazeneca vector vaccine. So my sisters fully vaccinated status was active in May (after 2nd shot), while i had to wait until July to get my 2nd shot crossvax BionTec. 

                  According to German rules, you are eligible for a booster shot after 6 months. My 6 months are not over but my sister´s were over and she already got her 3rd shot. Consequence: She was admitted to a restaurant, i was not. Kind of a weird situation if we consider that i was vaccinated first, but had to wait longer.

                  This little anecdote is only to show that politics in G. is totally failing now. Restrictions, mandates are put in place rapidly (in panic mode) without thinking about consequences.

                  I don´t question the necessity of vaccination. I am pro vax.
                  I don´t question the necessity of testing. Can do data analysis myself and i recommended this on Hubpages multiple times many months ago.

                  What i do question is the panic reaction of the administration. Kind of destroys my confidence in decision making processes of those in power. And our federal system puts a lot of power to the states who deal with the matter quite differently, making things even more complicated.

                  At the end of the day Germany is now in the same situation as the USA and UK, only with a higher vaccination rate than the USA but a much lower infection number than both USA and UK.  As infections add to the immune group, this gives the UK an advantage and indeed weekly death rates in the UK are now considerably lower than in the US or Germany, population adjusted.

                  1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                    Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                    You know my view, like the native American, never trust the Government. They have been worst the last 100 years for theiving and murderous against everyone. We need people power back they should fear us, not the other way round.

                    Why ruin my health and affordability lifestyle and having privatization. Don't want anyone underminding my mind and body by dictatorship of the Government. Scary and funny seeing protesters wearing Nazi helmets during March.

          2. Nathanville profile image90
            Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

            Readmikenow, yeah right; you either didn’t read the whole article in detail, or chose to ignore that in the article which reinforces the effectiveness of the vaccines in saving lives.

            Yeah, if you read the article fully, then as it says:-

            •    If you took the J&J vaccine then it did lose 85% effectiveness in preventing you from getting infected, but

            •    For the older veterans who got a single jab of the J&J vaccine they were 52% less likely to die than their peers who didn't get any shots, and

            •    Younger veterans inoculated with the J&J vaccine were 73% less likely to die of COVID-19 than were their unvaccinated peers.

            As regards the other two vaccines, the article states:-

            •    That the Moderna dropped its effectiveness in preventing infection from 89% to 58% after six months (but 58% is still a high level of protection, better than having no protection);

            •    Among veterans 65 and older who were inoculated with the Moderna vaccine, they were 76% less likely to die of COVID-19 compared with unvaccinated veterans of the same age.

            •    Older veterans who got the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine were 70% less likely to die than were their unvaccinated peers.

            •    For veterans younger than 65, the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines provided the best protection against a fatal case of COVID-19, at 84% and 82%, respectively.

            I think 70% to 84% protection against covid death if you are fully vaccinated, compared  to the unvaccinated is a good level of protection; far more effective than the flu jabs which are only ever between 40% & 60% effective.

            So it’s nothing to do with the conspiracy theories that Governments want to impose their power and control over their citizens; that’s just all hogwash.  The Government doesn’t control me just because I volunteered to get vaccinated.

            1. Castlepaloma profile image75
              Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

              Volunteer my backside. Here they have taken my lifelong work away from me and then any jobs one can have. Then force your children who can't go to school without a mask and Vaccines.
              Now their mandating around the world.
              This force will have people staying away from trusting the Government moreso than ever in a few years. More Privacy owned bussinesses and more smaller countries will be more fashionable than one world order in the future.

              1. Nathanville profile image90
                Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                Sorry Castlepaloma if covid restrictions are tighter in Canada than in England, but you do have a habit of exaggerating and fabricating the facts so your comments do become a bit of a ‘cry wolf’ situation – I assume you are familiar with the ‘cry wolf’ fairy-tale?

                But what you say does not alter the fact that in the UK the vast majority of the population are more than eager to volunteer for their covid vaccinations; so much so that currently demand for the booster jab is far greater than the NHS can deliver, in spite of the fact that the NHS is currently achieving almost half a million booster jabs a day e.g. yesterday 448,975 booster jabs were given.

                Wandering to get my booster vaccine:

                1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                  Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                  Game magazine said sandsculptors is in the ten top best jobs in the world. Many tell me it's Fairytale job to have.

                  The Government tells fairytales and is the only true God in our daily lives. Covid restrictions is like a recycling yo-yo and all over the map. These are the crying wolves and panic chicken Little extremes beyond insanity.

                  As two cases of the new Omicron variant of the COVID-19 virus have been detected in the U.K., England has mandated a return to mask wearing and PCR tests.

                  Addressing a nationally televised press conference on Saturday afternoon, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that face coverings will become mandatory again in shops and on public transport across England.

                  While England had relaxed mask requirements in July, they remain mandatory on public transport and most indoor areas across Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, which have devolved administrations separate from England

                  Booster shot is the biggy test of lethal injection to come.  Mass Mooo  moooo ha ha mooo ahhmoooo ah ah like the MADD Cow disease yet on humans.

                  1. Nathanville profile image90
                    Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                    Yeah, I’ve already stated in this forum (several times recently) that last week mask became mandatory again (as a temporary measure) in shops and on public transport only (don’t you read my replies in this forum?).  The only area where the UK Government has switched from Lateral Flow tests to PCR tests is with International Travel (as a precaution, until we know more about the new variant).

                    You’re a bit out of date with the news, it’s not just two cases of Omicron in the UK, as of yesterday there were 336 confirmed cases in the UK.

                    Wow, have you only just released that the UK is not one country but the union of four separate countries by Treaty, and that each of the four nations has its own democratically elected Government.  And FYI, I have in this forum frequently referenced England specifically, rather than UK, as and when appropriate, which you would know if you bothered reading things properly.

                    Yep, the booster shots will keep us safer and save thousands of lives.

                    1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                      Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                      I read until I feel my stomachache. To read a mountain of propreganda makes me turn into a comfortable numb zombie/robot.

            2. Readmikenow profile image95
              Readmikenowposted 2 years agoin reply to this

              You volunteered....or will face consequences from the government.

              1. Nathanville profile image90
                Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                FYI ‘ALL’ Covid restrictions in England, including ‘social distancing’ and ‘mandatory masks’ were abolished by the UK Government on the 19th July, and the UK Government never introduced covid or vaccine passports in England either; albeit mandatory masks were temporarily reintroduced in England this week for public transport and shops only (not required at any other venue).

                And in the UK there is NO mandatory vaccination for the General Public.

                So there is NO ‘…..or else….’ in the UK.

                In the UK vaccines are completely voluntary for the General Public, and the vast majority of UK citizens are more than eager to get vaccinated because we know it makes sense.

                As of yesterday (5th December) the percentage of UK citizens over the age of 12 vaccinated now stands at:-

                •    1st dose = 88.8%
                •    2nd dose = 80.9%
                •    Booster = 35.2%

                Therefore, at this time - Life in England carries as normal, as if there was no pandemic.

            3. Readmikenow profile image95
              Readmikenowposted 2 years agoin reply to this

              " it did lose 85% effectiveness in preventing you from getting infected"

              So, those who take this vaccine will believe they are protected.  Others who know they took the vaccine will believe that person is protected.  The reality is they took a vaccine that has lost 85 percent of its effectiveness.

              They are pretty close to not being vaccinated at all after having the shot.  So, people with a 15 percent effective vaccine in their system will get the benefits of being vaccinated.  The reality is they have almost as good of a chance of getting the virus, passing it on and dying from it as a non-vaccinated person. 

              This is called hypocrisy.

              1. Nathanville profile image90
                Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                Sorry to disappoint you Readmikenow but it's only the J&J vaccine that has lost 85% in effectiveness in preventing you from getting infected; but it still provides 52% effectiveness in preventing you from dying of covid if you are over 65, and 73% effectiveness in preventing you from dying from covid if you are under 65:  A clear message that getting vaccination dramatically reduces your risk of death from covid.

                Besides, the J&J vaccine was never used in the UK.  So it's immaterial to the situation in the UK.

                In the UK:-

                *  Almost everyone over the age of 40 were given the AstraZeneca vaccine for their first two doses.

                *  Most people under the age of 40 were given the Pfizer vaccine for their first two doses.

                *  People who had the AstraZeneca for their main vaccines in the UK have been given the Pfizer vaccine for their booster, and

                *  People who had the Pfizer vaccine for their main vaccines in the UK are being given the Moderna vaccine for their booster jab.

                1. Ken Burgess profile image70
                  Ken Burgessposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                  Either way, a good article on the whole ordeal:

         … ar-AARvuyy


                  1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                    Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                    A good read


    7. Kathleen Cochran profile image74
      Kathleen Cochranposted 2 years ago

      Yes, if folks keep refusing to get vaccinated. To volunteer in a hospital, you are required to get an annual flu shot. To be sworn into the military, you are required to get at least 10 vaccinations. This resistance is ridiculous, not to mention ignorant.

      1. Castlepaloma profile image75
        Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

        Only got sick from vaccines growing up or on tours. Same with 100s million of vaccinated people around the world. Only proof I see is covid deaths triple in speed since vaccines.

        Billionaire and trillionaire are making a killing. At least the 1% are loving their money to death.

        This can't go on for forever when the most vaccinated countries mandates and lockdowns have the worst cases of covid deaths.

        Now they have a skyrocketing bussinesses for underground bunkers and space living for the wealthy.
        That's a good start.

        1. Nathanville profile image90
          Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

          You know Castlepaloma what you say is just all propaganda from the anti-vaxxers and conspiracy websites. 

          You should also know that trying to use death toll instead of death rate in your arguments will be blatantly obvious to anyone who knows even just elementary maths that you are trying to hoodwink people.

          Only three weeks to go the end of the year and the death toll hasn’t changed much since you boldly stated a few weeks ago that you would apologise if your prediction of the world covid death toll didn’t reach 6 million by the end of the year.  When you made that prediction a few weeks ago the death toll was around 5.3 million, the death toll still stands at around 5.3 million; so are you ready to apologise and to stop spreading lies as you promised.

          1. Castlepaloma profile image75
            Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

            Anti-vaxxer is not the correct term, since majority of westernized people have been vaccinated in their lifetime. Everyone conspire, some conspiracy are obviously true and other lack evidence and facts. Majority of the not fully vaccinated of the world Don't trust their absolutely power government who ultimately most corrupted, murderous and income tax theiving.

            I'm into science and medicine as it is more my professional business these days. I look for best veterans to hire or study by.

            I will apologize to everyone if numbers don't pass  your predictions of 5.4 million. Which you are going backwards of vaccines decreasing covid deaths, and starting to agree with me more.
            I said triple the covid deaths would be 5.86 million it can ballpark pass 6 million or after your predictions is in the ball park range.

            1. Castlepaloma profile image75
              Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

              At the ceiling of art animation schooling, I found the teachers who could not do, teach.  Not all teachers not can do. I teach sculpture worldwide, it's just the vast majority of sculptors can't make a living from it.. It takes 12,000 sculptors for one to be able to make a living at it. My math had to be excellent to do it for 45 years and hire 1000s of artist.

              My family artist skills of communication are beyond words. I admit my forte in not in English probably my Spanish is better. My father was a music artists, I'm a world renowned sculptor and my daughter is even more famous in 3d animation , comics and games. Both of us have been touring every continent. Visuals appear in our minds first then comes the words second. Our artists pictures we make are like a thousand words . Too bad most of our art industry is wiped out because of the corruption of covid wars. Our family tree commucation skills are top level possible with top client like Walt Disney, Nelvana, and top museum, films , stage and hundred of others for decades. Everyone in the world is effected over one stinking nasty flu called covid. It's unbalancing the world entirely. Nothing beautiful or intelligence about greedy bastards owning our lives.

              Just wait, like my hardship as a sculptor and math skill know the planedemic pendulum must swing the other way.

              1. Nathanville profile image90
                Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                If your maths skills are so ‘excellent’, as you claim; how come you don’t know the difference between ‘death toll’ and ‘death rate’?

                1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                  Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                  I know the death toll of Europe is the highest death toll of all continents. The highest death rate country in Europe is UK per million.

                  1. Nathanville profile image90
                    Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                    Castlepaloma, as I said, you don’t understand the difference between ‘death toll’ and ‘death rate’, and don’t even understand what ‘death rate’ means.

                    Firstly, the death toll is only higher in Europe because the population is higher.   The actual death toll in various parts of the world (shown below) shows that it’s not a great deal of difference throughout much of the world:-

                    •    World Total deaths = 5.3 million
                    •    Europe covid death toll = 1.457,085 million (population = 748,280,385)
                    •    North America covid death toll = 1.211,304 million (population = 595,752,578)
                    •    Asia death toll = 1.2 million
                    •    South America death toll = 1.1 million

                    However when you adjust for population you get a different picture:-

                    Death Toll Europe vs North America (population adjusted) e.g. if North America had the same population level as Europe, then the equivalent death toll in North America would be 1.521,428 million:-  Thus the death toll (population adjusted) in North American is actually higher than in Europe.

                    As regards your understanding of what death rate is, your last comment shows that you are confusing death toll with death rate again.

                    The actual Death Rate As At Now (11th December) in just a few European countries that I took at random shows that at the moment Germany has the highest death rate in Europe, not the UK as you claim.

                    •    Germany Covid Death Rate = 375 daily average (population = 83.24 million)
                    •    UK Covid Death Rate = 119 daily average (population = 67.22 million)
                    •    France Covid Death Rate = 101 daily average (population 67.39 million)
                    •    Italy Covid Death Rate = 85 daily average (population = 59.55 million)
                    •    Austria Covid Death Rate = 54 daily average (population = 8.917 million)
                    •    Spain Covid Death Rate = 32 daily average (population = 47.35 million)

                    But when you adjust for population size, then Austria has by far the largest covid death rate at this moment in time; which is why Austria are making the vaccine mandatory.

                    The above data shown below, population adjusted, for comparison, using the UK as the baseline:-

                    •    UK daily average covid death rate = 119

                    •    Austria (population adjusted) daily average covid death rate = 407
                    •    Germany (population adjusted) daily average covid death rate = 302
                    •    France (population adjusted) daily average covid death rate = 100
                    •    Italy (population adjusted) daily average covid death rate = 95
                    •    Spain (population adjusted) daily average covid death rate = 45

                    1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                      Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                      I prefer to boil things down to per capita of population to get a more accurate figure of the harm of the Vaccines have on the entire world. Going all over the map is futile.

                      I said the death toll of Europe is the highest death toll of all continents. Wasn't comparing it to Just America that you dislike so much. They are to me, no better or no worst overall. Some UK citizens and US may think they are the very best.

                      UK has the second largest death toll next to Russia in Europe.

                      Asia has a total population of
                      Europe 746 million that's more than 6 times the population of Europe.

                      When Europeans has 250 million more covid deaths than Asians. That is a hell of a difference, no where near a ballpark amount of deaths per capita.

                      Plus Europe is about 80% vaccinated and Asia is 47% vaccinated.

                      Going by rate, death toll and per capita vaccinated.
                      European vaccinated loose on all counts.

                      Close my case.

            2. Nathanville profile image90
              Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

              No you are not into science and medicine, you ignore all the scientific evidence on the covid pandemic, and you’ve admitted yourself many times that you don’t trust doctors, that you would rather treat yourself.

              Rubbish, most of what you spout is classic anti-vaxxer propaganda found on the anti-vaxxers websites and conspiracy websites.

              Who’s back tracking?  I and others have pointed out to you time and time again that the ‘death rate’ has fallen significantly since the rollout of the vaccine programme.

              It seem to me that you are back tracking, you’ve stipulated for weeks that the death toll will be around 6 million by the end of the year; now, all of sudden (for the first time) you’re saying it will be 5.86 million – which is half a million more that it’s likely to be by Christmas.

              1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                My math skills are excellent in serving me in staying within my needs for 45 years.

                Jeff Bezos math skill are excellent in stealing from the poor and building wasteful living units in space.

                My ball park math skills may speak to aliens some day. As much chance of Billionaires, Pharmaceutical, banks and politicains of being honest.

                1. Nathanville profile image90
                  Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                  Then why don't you learn and understand the difference between 'death toll' and 'death rate'; a very elementary maths skill that kids (at least in the UK, are taught in primary school).

                  1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                    Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                    Ran out of space .

                    I look more at what people choose to  ignore or hide. Which tells me more about the dark secrets they refuse to confront.

                    Europe is the king of covid death toll in numbers of all continents in the world. Sure America is per capita is little higher yet in the ballpark range of Europe.

                    Asia on the other hand.
                    Has a total population of
                    Europe 746 million that's more than 6 times the population of Europe.

                    When Europeans has 250 million more covid deaths than Asians. That is a hell of a difference, no where near a ballpark amount of deaths per capita.

                    Plus Europe is about 80% vaccinated and Asia is 47% vaccinated.

                    European vaccinated loose on all counts. Then show the immune system is far superior and Asia location started whole thing funded by Fauci.

                    1. Nathanville profile image90
                      Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                      Castlepaloma, you finally concede that the death toll in American is higher than Europe, and then go on to claim that Europe’s death toll is the worst in the world?  What sort of logic is that?

                      Plus, at least get the basic maths right when making an argument; you stated that the covid death toll in Europe is 250 million; where as in actual fact it’s 1.4 million.

                      As regards you main thrust of the argument, comparing Asia with Europe is like comparing apples and oranges.  You’re asking the wrong questions and making the wrong assumptions.  You’d be better off either, comparing Europe with America or asking why there are differences between Asia and the Western world, rather than making up things that just don’t fit the scientific evidence.

                      With regard to the latter, factors to consider include:-

                      •    Demographics e.g. Europe has an ageing population, a high proportion of ageing population more vulnerable to covid death.

                      •    China, which is a third of the population in Asia, has always been tough on fighting covid, to preventing it from spreading; far tougher covid restrictions where and when required than anywhere in the Western world.

    8. Readmikenow profile image95
      Readmikenowposted 2 years ago

      Vaccine only lasts six months?

      Read an interesting article about getting Covid boosters.  Fauci claims Americans will have to just deal with booster Covid shots.  When reading his statement, it appears he is claiming the initial vaccine only lasts six months.  That's it.  Why are governments around the world pushing a vaccine that only lasts six months?

      As I said before, this isn't about the vaccine.  It is more about government control over the lives of its citizens.

      "I’m hoping from an immunological standpoint that that third shot of an mRNA and the second shot of a J&J will give a much greater durability of protection than just the six months or so that we’re seeing right now," Dr. Fauci said.

      He added that it's possible that the booster shot could "dramatically" increase the level of protection." … -americans

      1. Castlepaloma profile image75
        Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

        Hell of alot of maybes when the covid deaths are multipling since vaccines first came out

      2. hard sun profile image79
        hard sunposted 2 years agoin reply to this

        Then you say the jabs are experimental and you are censored. I cannot understand how so many people do not see how much this is about control. Some of them are quick to tell people, like Trump supporters, that they are brainwashed, and then they can't see this? The hypnotizing runs deep for sure.

        1. Castlepaloma profile image75
          Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

          I've got very little or no Chance with totalitarianism like Nathan. Good chance in the long run with 40 to 50% that just go along with the narrative. There will be very little change of what I say. It will be from the ever increasing abuse from Government and crooked :Wealthy Friends R-US dictatorships:.

          I'm not a conspiracy theory rightwing nut job, that most cancel me out as. Being Anarchist cancel that one part out. My understanding of the plandemic comes from the background of knowing from decades of great results of urban farming, housing and the arts which I'm renowned for. As I build living models for lifestyle I can clearly see when a models for very social beings we are, is seriously flawed. At least Nathan confronts better than most. Yet totally hypnotized by the institutionalize limited Prison world he must defend or offend with his tin hat. No need from me to force anyone to do anything they don't want to do. Either way I'm fixable with depopulation of the world. They are starting with the obese and the old as they steal from their social security. It's like living a Steven King horror movie of what they are doing with our kids.

      3. MizBejabbers profile image91
        MizBejabbersposted 2 years agoin reply to this

        Mike, this is not a challenge to your answer, it's only a simple question. How do you compare (possibly) having to get a yearly covid shot for protection to the various mutant strains that might be prevalent that season with having to protect oneself with the current strains of flu by getting a yearly flu shot. I'm just wondering about this myself.
        Of course, some people don't get the flu vaccine either, so it may be a moot point.

        1. Castlepaloma profile image75
          Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

          Most people don't study the both sides of the Vaccines history. Also I study the doctors and scientists intensely because it's a strong part of my business of alterative nature medicines,  organic foods and healthy housing lifestyles.

          Personally experience with no flu shots means, no flu. As for many who did get the  flu shots, got the flu for many seasons there after. In Canada in my lifetime more people would have died from flu shots than covid deaths of today. Flu shots been going on for 100 years and assume 40% effective today. Is covid the new great profiteering thing?

          1. Nathanville profile image90
            Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

            Castlepaloma, now don’t tell ‘porky pies’:  No you don’t study the doctors and scientists; you are constantly dismissing their evidence because it’s contrary to your beliefs.

            1. Castlepaloma profile image75
              Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

              Not only do I study natural biological scientists and naturalpath doctors. Because I work with them professionally all the time in natural history museums and many of my natural foods and medicines products, I make and sell.

              Many of the other doctors are sold to the higher bidder, of soul & all.
              Like other totalitarianism.

              1. Nathanville profile image90
                Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                Castlepaloma, as you’ve stated many times in these forums, you only believe in ‘alternative medicines’, you believe that modern medicine kills more people than it cures.  So as I said above “you don’t study the doctors and scientists; you are constantly dismissing their evidence because it’s contrary to your beliefs.”

                1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                  Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                  I don't have a belief system, it's a way of thinking and I like to know things. Until I make a mistake, then, just make an adjustment, my life is based on good sense. Don't box myself in with narrow mind or very limited thinking.

                  Yes, I think the medical mainstream profession is the leading cause of death in the world.

                  And yes I trust many of other establish doctors and scienctist who opposes the corrupted billionaire and
                  political corrupted pharmaceutical frauds system.

                  The most common thread for any greatness in any profession is 10,000 hours of practice. I have plenty of that and all the top client or partnership professional I work with have that. I don't care what sinking papers they carry, too many papers only shows me how much they have been indocinated and  or maybe how vaccinated like a pin cushion they are.

                  Like a PHD are like a professional student
                  PHD Piled-Higher&Deeper

                  1. Nathanville profile image90
                    Nathanvilleposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                    Castlepaloma, I didn’t say “belief system”, I said “beliefs”.  Of course you have beliefs, everyone has beliefs:-

                    •    You believe that it’s not covid that kills people but that it’s the vaccines.
                    •    You believe 1% of the world’s richest people control all the governments in the world.

                    You might like to know things, but you don’t like to know the truth if where it differs from your beliefs.

                    Yeah, some of your “life is based on good sense” e.g. healthy diet and life style - but beyond that; not wearing masks nor getting vaccinated to protect you and others from covid is NOT good sense.

                    And, yeah, you said it, to quote “Yes, I think the medical mainstream profession is the leading cause of death in the world.” In spite of the fact that the medical mainstream profession is the leading cause for saving most lives in the world.  The medical profession saves millions, if not tens of millions of lives each year.

                    What you call “other established doctors and scientists” are not always what they are made out to be, some are pseudoscience, some alternative medicine, some fake, and some just don’t get their theories peered reviewed.   

                    The reality is, you don’t accept anybody who disagrees with your beliefs, regardless to how professional or qualified they are.  But a crackpot who agrees with your belief, you welcome with open arms.

                    1. Castlepaloma profile image75
                      Castlepalomaposted 2 years agoin reply to this

                      One's fixed beliefs are more dangerous enemies of truth than lies. ... When you say something is a truth, it means you believe or accept it to be true.

                      I'm not a truther or Guru of any kind. Just, I am what I think.. And that is forever changing the truth like my sandcastle of time. Or these insane mutations horrible monsters the Government
                      keeps creating and then claim they are the only ones who can kill this horrible monster.

                      They can poli- tricks most of the others, just not me.
                      Most people will rediscover (like history repeats)  the Government and their Dr. Evil friends  Are the true horrible monsters.


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