… -abortion/
Great news from the Kansas television station. Would Dorothy say, " are we still in Kansas?
A resounding no over a yes against the anti-choice forces by so many voters in a state as conservative as Kansas, should have the Rightwingers sweating bullets.
This, I hope will be a harbinger of the fate of the Rightwinger in the contest this fall. Urban voters peturbed over this repeal of Roe vs Wade and the subsequent arrogance of rightwing groups since, are going to "roar", the unexpected backlash, which will have to hurt the Republicans in the midterms. An ominous canary in the coal mine for Republicans.
After the thumping they received against their preferred outcome for the initiative in Kansas, do you think the that the tyrannical GOP legislatures would ever chance putting this issue to a vote anywhere else?
How about a virtual glass of champagne?
"A resounding no over a yes against the anti-choice forces by so many voters in a state as conservative as Kansas, should have the Rightwingers sweating bullets."
Please keep in mind Kansas is largely Republican, and they made their voices heard on the issue of abortion. In my view, Republicans do not look at abortion as a political issue, but as a human rights issue. They have lived with Roe for 50 years, and many see it as a necessity in our society, as I do. I would bet this to be a majority.
The Supreme Court gave all the right to be heard, and It is promising to see the people of Kansas given the opportunity to be heard. Republicans are all about freedoms. And this abortion issue certainly falls under a freedom issue.
Abortion is a human rights issue and the legislators in Kansas left the issue to the people, and this ultimately is Democracy.
Hopefully, more states will follow suit. I do believe we may have states ban abortion via voting, this will also promote Democracy.
I don't think the abortion issue would sway most republicans from voting to keep conservatives in office. I feel the abortion issue is at the bottom of the list when it comes to their concerns.
I would predict that in most Republic states if put to a vote, the people will vote strongly to keep some form of abortion. It's a right, and we value rights, and not being told what we can or should do. freedom and less Government are what most Republicans strive for.
Conservatives and probably liberals, as well, pretty much toe the line with their respective affiliation over a broad numbers of topics and issues.
There is a distinct Right verses Left viewpoint which can be seen just looking at how most of the states are aligned.
The state legislatures in the red states obviously do not want to give a bit of wiggle room toward reproductive rights of the woman. Restriction of abortion rights is the conservative tack to this issue.
I am saying that Kansas had quite a few people that could normally be counted upon to vote conservatively on anything else who broke away from that pattern on this single issue.
So, is it overreach on the part of the Right? I bet thatif you put this to a vote in the hard line states like Texas, Oklahoma, Idaho, Missouri and Louisiana, for example, there would be a repeat performance as they are all conservative states, but the urban and heretofore inconsequential votes from the Left in those states are making themselves heard this time.
Progressive oriented people are upset and coming out of the woodwork as they did in Kansas regarding these events and can be counted to express that displeasure against Republicans this fall. Most of the "no" came from the Kansas City, Topeka and Wichita areas, which passes for urban in the state.
Beyond Kansas,
In Texas, how are the voters going to express themeselves in Dallas, Austin, Houston, San Antonio or El Paso? These issues get them upset and excited with enough urban oriented ladies upset, you can bet the Republicans will be hurt because this issue is not about politics but basic rights. That is what happened in Kansas, I suspect that there will be a stark break from the conservatives on this issue in others states and the women will be able to identify who is on their side and who is against them.
"Republicans will be hurt because this issue is not about politics but basic rights."
Yes, you are correct in some respect -- I see it differently, (just a view) I feel most conservative women have come to the realization abortion is a social necessity and a women's human right, and it should be respected as an individual personal ideology.
It just is not a political thing. It would most likely not come into play when it comes to voting in regards to who goes to Washington to represent.
I do think it could hurt individual state legislators big time. Most women Dem or Rep won't take kindly to legislators that won't put abortion on a ballot. So yes, we would see a break. I have never been sure why some feel all Republicans are automatically pro-life.
I think there is a third choice, a woman that just walks the middle line, and feels our society needs the abortion option, for many reasons.
I think many state legislators will get their walking papers due to the abortion issue. It will open the door for more Republicans that walk a middle line or slightly left line in regard to idelogies.
I don't think that the GOP is open to moderate candidates, it has been the hard line as the litmus test. RINOs are not doing well. The GOP official stance is pro-life or anti choice, and there really is no third choice.They will have no place to turn to protect their right short of voting for a Democrat.
My gut tells me most Republicans that voted for Trump in 2016 were very satisfied with the job he did, but some were very dissatisfied with his demeanor and did not vote for him in 2020.
Now, I think we are well fed up with "anything Democrat". All the fluff and puff is unattractive to Republicans. We have seen nothing but massive confusion from this White House. We have watched Biden dismantle all that we felt was positive from the Trump administration. We have been hit hard in the pocketbook, and are watching illegal migrants cross our border in massive numbers. Drugs pouring in, and drugs are now the number one cause of our children's deaths.
I would guess any Republican that runs in 2024 will take the White House. Especially if they have an America first agenda.Yes, Trumpisuim. We are not looking for the Good Old Party. Republicans will come out in numbers to try to put the Country back on a more steady course. We saw what a strong president can get done. We have seen how quickly a weak one can tear it down.
The problem is that The lunatic fringe has now become the face of the Republican Party. Look at Kari Lake, Blake Masters, Herschel Walker, Dr Oz, JD Vance and the like. There isn't a normal one in the bunch of MAGA candidates.
They are doubling down on crazy conspiracy theories, they are election deniers, they want to overturn the results of the 2020 election as well as push hardline white nationalist policies. They blur the line between church and state and some even want to see that line removed. Heck, Lauren Boebert says the church should direct the state.
MAGA is just too extreme and detached from reality.
I can't comment on the far right of the party. They are a small arm of the party. The majority of the party does appreciate America's first agenda. We are in hope of seeing a candidate that will support that agenda. I think as a party we have stepped out in a greater majority to reject the election fraud. theories long ago. However, we are on board with America first.
I do feel the far right will vote with the party one way or the other, if Trump runs or another American first candidate.
Yes, let us toast those who work overtime for the right to continue to put an end to an innocent life, let us mock and belittle those who dare to care!
Sounds very 'end of days' to me!
ab, do you at all see a form of Democracy in voting on the issue from state to state? The Supreme Court gave the states the right to pass their own abortion laws. Is it not fair to vote, and majority rule?
If we don't, are we not being unconstitutional? Don't all have the right to vote an opinion? if we don't offer citizens a vote on the issue due to our religious views, are we not infringing on citizens due to our own religious beliefs, and bringing religion into our Government? This is all covered in our Constitution. So, do we have no need for the Constitution at this point?
"First Amendment
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
Abortion is such a personal issue, as you know I lean pro-life, but I also have come to realize (due to where we have ended up as a society) that in some cases need to have the right to an abortion. I think prudent laws need to be considered and left to citizens in each state to have their voices heard via voting. I feel education is needed to stop the need for abortions, and better concealing is available to women that seek an abortion. I think it needs to be pointed out that a human being is being killed. Many that get abortions are detached from that fact.
Do you think it fair state legislators should have the right to make abortion laws, without considering the voice of the American citizens?
Yes, of course! State by state must decide on this issue, as it should have always been!
But, the voting public, especially in pro-life states, must be aware and on their toes at all times. Those whom greatly profit off of abortion and have a lot at stake...are coming after them!
They will use every tool at their disposal to confuse, to trick, to frustrate...via clever amendment wording.
My advice to all voters, be aware of trickery; study, review, research....well ahead of the time for voting.
Deception is alive and well...and desperate!
Yes, deception and ploys are alive and well. In pro-life states, I would imagine they will ban or have very strict laws on abortion. The majority will speak and make the abortion laws they feel are right for their state.
"They will use every tool at their disposal to confuse, to trick, to frustrate...via clever amendment wording."
You mean like Republicans tried to do in Kansas?
"In the thick of Kansas' contentious debate over abortion rights , the anonymous text messages arriving on the eve of the big referendum this week seemed clear enough. “Voting YES on the Amendment will give women a choice.”
The only problem: It was a lie, transmitted by text message.
I noticed the 5,000 pro-choice, pro-Kansas victory articles too when I googled. Scary!!! It is virtually impossible now to find conservative viewpoints when one searches, that should concern every single American, whatever their political persuasion!
I know that I have been repeatedly shut down, not sure why I bother to write, any longer.
Keep writing, keep your view alive. You never know who you may inspire. We need all perspectives.
The days of two sides to every story or of the conservative side/view, being seen, being heard, are long gone.....
AB, I am going to disagree. I think we have more of a voice than we have ever had. You are correct that Google is not our compadre, but social media has become our very good friend. In the past many months, the tables have well turned. The rumblings from Democrats are deafening. The tide has well turned.
I have faith in people in general, most have common sense. So you need to continue to share your thoughts, some people are open-minded, and have innate common sense.
Can't find conservative viewpoints? Look a little harder, they are everywhere to be found, ad nauseum....
Nobody is shutting anyone down, I just simply strongly disagree with 99 percent of your perspectives and points of view, that's all.
Not in a Google search they aren't, I just tested it. I challenge you to do the same.
For a group of people whose viewpoints can't be found, your people have pretty much had the run of things. Your MAGA candidates have done exceedingly well, whose knows why. Your side packed the Court with Rightwingers overturning almost 50 years of establish law and precedent (Roe vs. Wade) Your side has almost successfully completed an insurrection, while it's seems like pulling teeth to get those responsible in jail.
Next will be a major rewrite of the Constituion codifying autocratic, tyrannical prerogatives for certain branches of government heretofore not found in the document today
They will attempt to create national prohibitions over abortion, obviously the "states rights" shtick was just a ruse.
Your side poses the most dangerous threat to the American people and its democracy since the Civil War.
And yet you say, you have no voice? In the face of all this, I am concerned that my side could very well lose through indifference and underestimation of its adversary.
I will do the google search, but you have to expect in the case of Kansas that the losers are always going to be somewhat muted when compared with the winners.
Yes, toast those who trust women, their families and physicians to make these decisions instead of a bunch of misogynist legislators at the state house. … ccess.html
States that will have abortion on the ballot
Michigan Georiga, Colorado, Arizona, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, California, Kansas, Kentucky, Montanna, and Vermont.
After Kansas, four more states are set to vote on the future of abortion -- … 40711.html
It is obvious that some state legislators are doing the fair thing, and are putting abortion on the ballot.
This is a positive move and a win for democracy. This is what I had hoped would happen. In my view, this issue belongs to the people.
It will be very interesting to see how individual states vote on abortion.
This will be the opportune time to vote on one's view.
Republicans are tyrants at their foundation. Again, I would be pleasantly surprised to see if they ever allowed their signature dish ( issue) to be at risk by allowing voters to decide. They will push for a national ban and whine to the courts to overturn an undesirable outcome in a plebiscite. Exerting power and control has always been paramount to the Right, they accommodate democracy only when it is convenient.
The GOP are fearful because if they and their agenda on this issue can be beaten back in as conservative a state as Kansas, where is it safe?
First, keep in mind there are only a few states now that have ban abortion. These are deeply red states, so not sure they will turn purple due to the abortion issue. In all other states, one can get an abortion. So, policing the issue seems unnecessary. I think the media has hyped up the subject, and when it comes down to it most states still allow abortion.
I think more red states will come around to putting Abortion on the ballot. It would be the smartest thing to do with such a personal issue. Republicans can be very good strategists, and if they hope to sweep they will see it as positive to show they care about this very human right. I think we may see many red states putting abortion on the ballot. I think they know the Dems will use the issue as a big club, so they may not want to be beaten by that club.
Republicans are big pollsters. I have already been called several times on the abortion issue as a card-carrying Republic. I think they realize times have changed and many Republicans find abortion acceptable, and a necessity.
But who knows?
They are anxiously awaiting the opportunity to impose a federal ban.
From your mouth to God's ear. I keep wondering when the christian right will realize "The ends justify the means" is found nowhere in the Bible.
Yes correct! No voice in MSM and social media. It says a lot that conservatives are managing to do well, in spite of this fact.
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