Gun control activists storm Tennessee State Capitol in Nashville after 'Trans Shaman' joined occupation of Kentucky legislature - as fears of a left-wing uprising loom ahead of Trans Day of Vengeance
Gun control activists were seen storming Tennessee's State Capitol Thursday amid rising fears of a left-wing uprising at a rumored protest in Washington, DC
Footage of the ongoing insurrection was posted online just before 2pm, and shows protesters attempting to enter the building while being batted away
Such dramatics were not exclusive to Nashville- as feelings of unrest continue to boil after a recent mass shooting at a school involving a transgender gunman
Gun control activists were seen storming Tennessee's State Capitol Thursday amid rising fears of a left-wing uprising at a rumored protest in Washington, DC.
Footage of the insurrection shows progressive protesters battling with cops as they attempted to gain access to the legislature in Nashville. Hundreds of people were seen inside the lobby and yelling from the gallery at concerned lawmakers.
The protest against guns comes after transgender shooter Audrey Hale on Monday gunned down six people, including three nine-year-old kids, at a Christian school in Nashville. … -loom.html
How much property damage, how many people were hurt? The video shows mostly young people, young women involved. None of the lawmakers were harmed, I would not be as confident to say that about the rightwing melee of J6, if they could have found any of them.
You are laying out a red herring, no protest mob does dirt like a Rightwinger mob does dirt.
It matters not Cred, if one single cop had felt threatened by one single unarmed female and made the decision to shoot her dead, it would have been justifiable.....or so I have been told!
Sorry, AB, like I said before that if I were there I would have emptied my revolver upon the mob. I would not have known what the intention of the mob were and who was armed and who was not. They were breaking windows and damaging property to gain access. A well placed bullet or two might have dissuaded others. I was charged with protection of the members of legislature, and I guess that I would have to go “Dirty Harry” to do the job.
Regardless of what the Right claims what occurred in Tennessee it could not possible be relatable to what happened on J6.
"But the Tennessee Highway Patrol has said the protest was peaceful, with no property damage or arrests. Democratic lawmakers noted as much and blasted Republicans for mischaracterizing the Tennessee residents — some children — who came to the Capitol.
Come on already people. Do you not see that MANY Republican politicians LIE to you? Do they really think people are that dumb?
"It was a loud demonstration but resolved peacefully," said Lt. Bill Miller, THP public information officer. "It was resolved with no arrests and no damaged property."
Compare that to what House Speaker Cameron Sexton, R-Crossville said
"And what they did today was at least equivalent —maybe worse depending on how you look at it — of doing an insurrection in the Capitol.". LAUGHABLE … 069440007/
We do give law enforcement that ability don't we? They are on the front lines making split second decisions of life and death. I highly doubt that partisan thoughts are flashing through their brains on those fleeting seconds. The partisan crap gets spread on after the fact by the media. I thought conservatives supported law enforcement?? Having a tough time understanding conservatives feelings toward the police these days.
It is an ongoing discussion between Cred and I.
I have always supported and have been a defender of the police, especially when leftists were marching and chanting "pigs in a blanket fry em like bacon", I knew no good could come of that.....and didn't! Things got real bad for them for a while, I hope that has changed.
I had a big problem with the person {that probably shouldn't be a police officer} shooting into the crowd willy nilly on J6, and killing an unarmed, non-threatening, veteran, a woman, named Ashli Babbitt.
Yes, the police sure do have a problem with acting willy nilly. The murders of George Floyd, Tyre Nichols, Breonna Taylor are just a few examples.
Gee, where was the outrage for Tony Timpa? … 024452002/
Yes, and we won't even begin to describe the vast numbers of unarmed Hispanic, white and even Asian people shot by police. Because in the liberal mind, they don't matter.
Liberals suffer from something known as "Selective Outrage." If you are not a member of their select group, the police and killing you will go unnoticed by them.
Sounds like we agree there is a police brutality problem
Can we agree that liberals have a track record of selective outrage?
I see selective outrage in both parties. I think it is something practiced equally by those on the fringes. I think people who are of the independent mindset are taking in all the complexities of various issues while the people who jump to selective rage would like to view issues in absolutes. No gray just black and white. I think some in our government would like Americans to think VERY simply.
Or that the right doesn't get outraged enough when it's white people that the police brutalizes. Black activists get these incidents publicity.
Another case of non-interest in a serious discussion.
As Mike has pointed out, it seems to be about selective rage these days. Police can murder human beings right before our eyes and it's crickets from the far right. But Babbitt gets risen up to martyrdom? It's bewildering that so many Americans are letting political ideology dictate their views and response to virtually everything. Follow the party line no matter what.
Martyrdom? The current King of martyrdom, George Floyd, was a career criminal, who resisted arrest and died because he had fentanyl in his system.
I don’t know of anyone attempting to make Ashli a martyr, her name has been brought up because the left, DEMOCRATS, have insisted that numerous people were murdered by Trump supporters on J6 and yet……she was the ONLY ONE killed that day and she was a Trump supporter.
"The current King of martyrdom, George Floyd, was a career criminal, who resisted arrest and died because he had fentanyl in his system."
Thankfully the jury saw it differently. And I'll support our legal system of due process any day.
Jesus. Even the cause of death of George Floyd exists in some alternate reality despite a conviction after the hearing of evidence.
These posts continue to put on full display how misinformed so many people are who post to this site.
I have never given the Police Officers, in particular, one who obviously took things way too far, a pass. But, everything I've stated is a fact, deadly fentanyl was in his system!
This doesn't entitle him to martyrdom and his death certainly didn't justify the destruction of millions and millions of dollars of property damage, many livelihoods forever altered, nor the targeting of police officers which followed.....they still aren't safe!!!
Go back and read your words - you said 'he died because he had fentanyl in his system.' He died from cardiopulmonary arrest from law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression - that from the medical examiner.
Floyd was another in a long line of people killed by police in denial of their due process rights. Being among that group did make him a martyr to many, especially those in the black community. We can agree that trying to enact policy change does not justify rioting or attacking police, hopefully in the same way we can agree that ignoring court decisions and experts stating that 2020 was a free and fair election does not justify attacking police and trying to hang the country's Vice President.
I will go back and attempt to find it, but there was a report done by CNN in which it was determined that heart disease and fentanyl use caused his death.
If it has been confirmed that he did, in fact, die from the restraint itself, then I stand corrected.
I'll take the word over the medical examiner over CNN. There were early reports that the fentanyl could have been a contributing factor, but at the trial, it was made very clear that the asphyxiation was the ultimate cause of death.
Okay, you are right and I am wrong, if that is, in fact, the case.
However, this doesn't change who he was, a career criminal...not a saint!
How so? Pointing out the differences in activism against police brutality between different races is more than valid to the discussion, where Mike sees it as a hypocrisy, while I see it as a lack of organized publicity between the sides.
That's fine if people want to dismiss the opinions of others that challenge their alternate realities. It's their right. It just seems like it could be done without publicizing that closedmindedness.
Maybe rioting and causing billions of dollars in damages and having police and other people killed is not the answer.
Which is a statement those black activists and the left have been agreeing with.
It's the right that seems to want to whitewash their riots into tourist visits. That there were groups among the right that planned to riot and stage seditious conspiracy.
As long as we agree they are false equivalencies as long as the right refuses to be outraged by anything Trump does. Still supporting him? Seriously?
...and here I thought you were looking to have a serious discussion.
One single unarmed female? That's a pretty yuge distortion of the facts of the shooting. One person advancing towards elected reps, after being warned not to, leading a crowd that had already physically attacked police. These distortions are getting comical.
No distortions V.
Cred had stated that the Police Officer was justified in taking the shot and the life of Ashli Babbitt. He took it even further by suggesting that shooting into the crowd, if a Police Officer feels threatened, is reasonable.
I was just reminding him; no distortions, no comics.
Why do you deny the findings of not one, but two, investigations into the matter that came to the same conclusions that Cred did? Why is it so hard to accept those findings for you? That is a clear distortion of what happened. Even saying she was one single unarmed woman is not even close to the truth.
And you believe it was shooting into a crowd that Cred was suggesting while many others can read those words and believe that after being attacked that it is the belief that had there been an earlier use of their weapons that the occupation of the Capitol might have been avoided.
Just a quick note. The Daily Mail is not considered a reliable source of news details. It wasn’t when I Iived in Britain. I did a check before I created this post. It hasn’t improved its reputation.
Thank you for calling them out. As recently revealed, neither is FOX here in the U.S.
"The Daily Mail is not considered a reliable source of news details."
According to who?
IF so, tell me which part of the story is wrong.
Just show me.
The part where they 'stormed' the Capitol is a gross exaggeration. The police moved the crowd back when the reps came through and the Daily Mail used that moment to claim that the Capitol was stormed. And you just ran with it to try and make your usual false equivalency to try and excuse the events of January 6.
AliciaC: Please don't go to any time or trouble to find a source for Readmikenow. You'll be wasting your time.
I agree. They're aren't any reliable sources to confirm such a statement.
"While the crowd—primarily made up of people in their teens, according to video from inside the statehouse—did grow heated at one juncture, photos taken within hours of the protest showed the halls of the statehouse were cleared of protesters a little bit past lunchtime.
"Right now, the capitol is basically empty except for members (in session), some staff, a few protesters, and scattered media members," Jackson Lelle, legislative staffer, tweeted early Thursday afternoon after the protests subsided. "Please do not spread this disinformation."
Other video and images from inside the statehouse show law enforcement clearing a path through the crowd wide enough to allow lawmakers to enter and exit the chamber without incident.
I've yet to read that any law enforcement was beaten with poles or bear sprayed.
Given all the evidence available, there is no indication that the rally was organized by transgender activists or amounted to anything near the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.
Sounds much like the j6 riot with two exceptions. First, cops fought the crowd rather than inviting them in and giving a tour. Second, it was done by liberals so down-played and ignored by most sources.
Possibly it didn't get the same coverage as Jan 6 because it wasn't violent.
From the link in the OP:
"Gun control activists were seen storming Tennessee's State Capitol Thursday"
"Footage of the insurrection shows progressive protesters battling with cops as they attempted to gain access to the legislature in Nashville"
Not sure what you would need to see to call it "violent" but both of these would count to me even after adjusting for medias propensity to exaggerate.
"But the Tennessee Highway Patrol has said the protest was peaceful, with no property damage or arrests. Democratic lawmakers noted as much and blasted Republicans for mischaracterizing the Tennessee residents — some children — who came to the Capitol.
"It was a loud demonstration but resolved peacefully," said Lt. Bill Miller, THP public information officer. "It was resolved with no arrests and no damaged property."
Compare that to what House Speaker Cameron Sexton, R-Crossville said
"And what they did today was at least equivalent —maybe worse depending on how you look at it — of doing an insurrection in the Capitol.". LAUGHABLE … 075823007/
Yes, and the Portland police said the violence and burning buildings were not a riot, too, when it was impossible to stop it.
Personally I would take it that the truth lies somewhere between the exaggerations of either police tasked with maintaining the peace and the comments of the Speaker building Republican Power. Perhaps a few bruises or minor cuts, perhaps a few broken windows, maybe a damaged doorway or cop car somewhere.
That there were no arrests does not surprise me, not in a solid blue city. It has become the norm for liberals to ignore violent riots...unless it threatens the politicians and leaders.
Are you really saying that Tennessee law enforcement are lying about what happened? I'm taking these officials at their word. The police said there were NO arrests and NO damage. They aren't being honest?? How so?
Wilderness will avoid being pinned down on any point, it is like nailing jello to the wall.
The statement made by him is unsubstantiated and has no foundation in reality.
Did you also take the Portland police at their word? Or is there a vast difference between cops of Oregon and those of Tennessee?
You may believe anything someone says that supports their doing a great job; I'm disillusioned enough that I seriously doubt them in such a case.
I would point out that Portland cops made no arrests after declaring a violent riot a "disturbance" or some such as well. THAT I would believe; if there is no riot there should be no arrests, either.
But no damage? No severe damage I would believe, but as I already said a few broken windows would not surprise me at all.
There are no records of arrest of anyone protesting at the Tennessee Capitol.
Portland has nothing to do with Tennessee.
No protesting? Why were those people there and what were they doing? Standing quietly and bird watching? I don't think so. The caption in the OP link says "Footage of the ongoing insurrection, posted to social media just before 2pm, shows progressive protesters attempting to enter the Nashville legislation building"
Ah. So the cops in Portland are not to be believed while those in Tennessee are because it fits your purpose to believe some but not the other? Why DO you believe one set but not another?
Or do you actually believe Portland cops in the middle of a riot when they say it isn't one because they didn't have the manpower to respond (and yes, they eventually made that clear)?
That was a typo. No records of anyone being arrested.
Portland and Tennessee are 2 separate issues that you are confounding. The actions of police in Portland have no bearing on those in Tennessee
Although if I wanted to say there was no protest at the Capitol I could easily do so. I could use your very argument that your sources aren't to be trusted and that they've manipulated the situation some how. We live in the world of make believe these days.
The point was that those people talking about their job will present the best picture they can...and that includes the police. You choose to believe that a large group of people battling with police to enter a building didn't even step on a rose bush; I do not.
You're misrepresenting my position. I said no one was arrested. Nothing more. You've made far too many assumptions about what I may believe. I feel certain that the police would have arrested anyone breaking the law that day. Obviously no one met the criteria.
Tennessee House speaker calls for expulsion of three Dems who led gun control protest: 'We cannot allow' this
Gloria Johnson, Justin Jones and Justin Pearson joined protesters who disrupted House proceedings
Three Tennessee state Democrats were pulled from committee assignments after disrupting the state House floor in Nashville last Thursday during protests for stricter gun control measures, but the three activist lawmakers could soon face expulsion altogether.
Tennessee House Speaker Cameron Sexton, R., says Reps. Gloria Johnson, Justin Jones and Justin Pearson will have their chance for due process at an upcoming House vote where they will face expulsion from an overwhelmingly Republican majority for disrupting House floor proceedings to lead protesters in the overhead balcony.
"I want to make sure everybody knows this has nothing to do about the protest outside the House chamber or the protests outside the Capitol," Sexton told Fox News' Bill Hemmer on Wednesday.
"This is about these three members' actions on the House floor, how they shut us down, and how they led protests from the House chamber to those [people] in the balcony," he continued." … nnot-allow
Rep. Johnson (one of the 3 facing expulsion) said she spent some time with the protestors inside the rotunda before the session started, talking to a few about why they were there. She said the three wanted to welcome and honor the protesters on the floor but said their voices were shut down.
"And then there was no opportunities to speak on the floor, and to even address it then. And then we had a bill about vouchers. And they wouldn't call on several of us to allow us to speak on issues affecting our community. And at that point, we just said, you know, between the next bills, let's walk up to the well, and acknowledge that there are people out there that care deeply about their children and their community," she said.
Johnson said the three anticipated their microphone being cut, so one of the members brought a small bullhorn with them to continue speaking. In an interview with 10 News, Johnson said that the three knew they were breaking a House rule.
"I fully acknowledge that. But I broke that rule in order to fight for Tennessee's children, Tennessee's teachers, Tennessee's churches. We have got to address this issue. And we have got to make sure that both sides of the aisle are talking about this issue. And I will break protocol if I need to to fight for Tennessee kids," she said. "2000 people were outside the doors begging us to talk about gun violence. The least we could do is acknowledge that they were there... that they cared and they're fighting for their community."
Yep. Admirable. "I broke the law because the law is bad and because my cause is just.".
What if we ALL break laws we don't like or laws that interfere with our personal cause? The term for that is "anarchy", and is not very pleasant to experience.
A rule was broken. Not a law.
The Republicans also broke protocol by refusing Democrats their time to speak.
Good answer. Although there are always 1,000 reasons to break laws and rules. Starting with "My cause is just" or "But it's important to me!" and ending with "He did it first!". Both are at about elementary school level thinking IMO.
So is the rabid red Republican legislature thus excused from actually serving the people that put them there by presenting a deaf ear to their concerns?
What laws do they adhere to?
The Republican lead Tennessee house is moving to expel the 3 ELECTED reps that spoke out of turn. When you can't silence your opposition just get rid of them?
It's their game, they get to make the rules. However, and once more; 'just because you can doesn't mean you should.'
Presumably the rules and decorum of the legislature.
I may be wrong - I haven't really looked at this - but I gather that those three aided idiots in the balcony that attempted to disrupt the session using a bullhorn. If that is true they should be removed; they are not there to play to the media OR loud voices; they are there to run the state.
You are wrong, theatrics are hardly the sole purview of Democrats. Ask why Republican senators and representatives were accessories to the J6 riots, were they expelled? This is partisan and I want the Republicans stomped flat over it.
Republicans still think they can muzzle contrary ideas by silencing the voices, but instead of whispers those voices will come through with bull horns, if necessary.
The rules of decorum are used to intimidate Democrats while the Reichstag framers themselves are free to ignore them, isn't that what Republicans do?
"republican senators and representatives were accessories to the J6 riots"
Are you sure? Is there any proof of this?
That's baloney. There is no comparison. I don't think there were any Representatives in the crowd that 'broke' the established rules in the J6 action. From media reports, Representatives preplanned breaking the rules. They knew the mic would be cut so they brought a bullhorn/megaphone. They were more than involved, they were leading the action.
It is only one perspective that Republicans are silencing voices, another would be that 'voices' don't have 'a Right' to be heard wherever and whenever they want and the three in the fire knew that and decided, as has been pointed out, their cause was just so to hell with the rules.
Surely that doesn't work for you?
As a side note, just to offer a perception: The young Black Rep that is getting all the news time is going to hurt more than help. He looks like he's channeling Revs. Jackson and Sharpton. He looks like he's insincerely acting.
This situation is ironic.
When it was believed that President Donald Trump was responsible for January 6th event, the Democrats went for blood. They actually impeached a president who had left office. They formed a commission and had hundreds of people put in jail.
Now, the tables are turned. The democrats are blatantly involved in leading a protest against a capital, the Republicans punish them, and the democrats are going berserk.
This is a perfect example of the hypocrisy of the democrat part on display for the world to witness.
I have to laugh.
They formed a commission and had hundreds of people put in jail.
Those hundreds deserved to be place in jail for assualt against law officers and destruction of federal property. Considering the larger intent of all of this, their penalties were lenient.
No irony there.
There is LOTS of irony.
They went after the person they thought was responsible for Jan. 6 with a crazed vengence.
Now, democrats blatantly stirred up a crowd that stormed the state capital and this is okay.
It is ironic, double standards and hypocrisy all rolled up into one.
Except your assertion that they stormed the Capitol in Tennessee is complete BS. Most of those inside the Capitol went through the West Gate, through security managed by officers of the Tennessee Highway Patrol. Your media showed the moment when the police moved the crowd back to allow reps to enter the chamber. And that is what your media called 'storming.'
This has been explained to you already and you refuse to accept actual reality in continuing to cling to your claim that this is an equivalency to January 6. It'd be comical if it was so troubling how the far-right media can convince people of such falsehoods. … 075823007/
Baloney? I doubt it. It is just more rancid red meat from the Republican side of the isle.
Strange that..
"Republicans, in turn, vowed to override the three members’ election by holding a vote to expel them. The move has shocked many Americans, who questioned a legislature that had, until Thursday, expelled just two members since the Civil War, and had failed to take action against other members accused of sexual harassment or violating campaign finance laws."
There is more than one voice, it is Republicans that burn books with ideas and concept they cannot appreciate or agree with. It is several voices, you can believe that. I also know that for those that like to suppress others there is never a correct time to express a grievance.
While Jackson and Sharpton remain the nemesis of the political Right, I usually herald their involvement as bringing in the glaring eye of the television camera and national attention when and where it is needed.
I will have to look further into the background of the young black Rep to see if he is actually bringing coals down upon his head.
Yep. The voices from the left come through bullhorns rather than through their designated voice in Congress. And through burning buildings and trashing cop cars rather than through their designated voices. And through toppling statues rather than those voices.
But theatrics are hardly the purview of only the left; the right is nearly as good at it. Not quite, for they don't have the massive voice of MSM, but they do try.
Don't forget about Fox, the foghorn of misinformation for the nation. Quite frankly, I think that Rightwingers have long perfected the art of theatrics.
You can say that after watching liberals hire media experts to put on a fake impeachment, an impeachment of a President on the way out in a few weeks anyway? That's not theatrics?
The whole world takes a back seat to liberal theatrics in the US.
Doesn't seem like either party serves the people any more - just themselves and their contributors. Certainly it doesn't do the country or its people any good to invite hundreds of thousands of foreigners to feed off our pocketbooks. Or demand that males and females share the same changing rooms and compete in the same sports.
Presumably the ones in the law library for their state. You know, the same ones that liberals violate and ignore at will.
Colton: Yes it was admirable - and it will be remembered in the vein of "Profiles in Courage" and examples of "Good Trouble."
When you live in a state with a GOP controlled legislature, you know what it means to see politicians misuse their power just because they can. I live in Georgia. I know what it means - and then some.
Just a question, but what is your opinion of the results of disrupting that congress and the work they were doing? Did that bullhorn and disruption actually cause anyone on the floor of the building to change their thinking, their votes?
What is your opinion on that? What was the end result to the the actions they wanted taken - do you believe they accomplished anything there? Or was the only real result the loss of 3 voting members that were presumably on their side?
They were representing their constituents who were not being heard. They broke the rules of the house. They should have been disciplined but expelling them was overreaction in the extreme. The TN GOP just humiliated themselves for no good reason.
Of course they were being "heard"! The were even provide a microphone to use.
But then they decided that being heard was not enough and the bullhorn came out and they began chanting the same few words over and over and over. They aren't concerned with "being heard" - they demand that the session be shut down and that their wants be met regardless of what others might want. That is NOT "being heard"; it is disrupting Congress.
As far as the 2 expelled, I might have agreed...until I saw the video of them, apparently ono the floor of Congress, shouting into a bullhorn. If their concept of running the state is to shut down the legislature until they get their way they have no business there and SHOULD be expelled. Just think of how little will get done if everyone on the floor behaved so poorly.
But you didn't answer the main question; did they accomplish getting their wish for gun control, or did they accomplish something else?
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