White European Slavery in North America. Should we know more?

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  1. Readmikenow profile image95
    Readmikenowposted 21 months ago

    "The result is that between 1530 and 1780 there were almost certainly 1 million and quite possibly as many as 1.25 million white, European Christians enslaved by the Muslims of the Barbary Coast.

    Davis said his research into the treatment of these slaves suggests that, for most of them, their lives were every bit as difficult as that of slaves in America.

    “As far as daily living conditions, the Mediterranean slaves certainly didn’t have it better,” he said.

    While African slaves did grueling labor on sugar and cotton plantations in the Americas, European Christian slaves were often worked just as hard and as lethally – in quarries, in heavy construction, and above all rowing the corsair galleys themselves.

    Davis said his findings suggest that this invisible slavery of European Christians deserves more attention from scholars."

    https://news.osu.edu/when-europeans-wer … -believed/

    1. Credence2 profile image80
      Credence2posted 21 months agoin reply to this


      North Africa did not have this vaunted Constitution that spoke of the inherent rights of man and all of that. I did not expect a great deal from pirates and a Muslim hoard. I also read that whites and blacks were enslaved in that circumstance, so it is not just white Christians that were targeted. The thing that makes North American (US) slavery beyond the sheer numbers so much worse was the hypocrisy associated with its maintenance and the appalling way the freemen were treated after emancipation.

      So, how about the rest of the story?
      How are dem apples?

      1. wilderness profile image88
        wildernessposted 21 months agoin reply to this

        I read that as a "No".  Does that mean that only black slavery should be discussed; it is fine to enslave Caucasians?

        1. Credence2 profile image80
          Credence2posted 21 months agoin reply to this

          No, who is advocating slavery for anyone, discuss it all but understanding of origins and differences of the slavery where it was found also need to be appreciated and understood.

          1. wilderness profile image88
            wildernessposted 21 months agoin reply to this

            Yes they do.  As well as that NO race is free from both being a slave and owning slaves.  It is a sad fact of the history of Homo Sapiens, and one we should never either forget nor minimize.  Including by pretending that only Caucasians took slaves and only Blacks were slaves.

            1. Credence2 profile image80
              Credence2posted 21 months agoin reply to this

              No one pretends that it is all whites against blacks. Slavery goes back centuries, we all know that, Wilderness.

              But that does not absolve America and its hypocrisy regarding the "peculiar institution" and the torment subjected to the freedmen over the next 100 years after it ended, how does that figure into the conversation? That vindictiveness goes beyond just slavery into a legalized caste system within what we all thought was a democracy.

      2. Readmikenow profile image95
        Readmikenowposted 21 months agoin reply to this

        So, would you support reparations for white individuals who had ancestors that were enslaved?

        1. Credence2 profile image80
          Credence2posted 21 months agoin reply to this

          At the same level that you would support reparations for descendants of African slaves living in America today......

          White slavery in North America, I thought the focus was on North Africa?

          1. Readmikenow profile image95
            Readmikenowposted 21 months agoin reply to this

            "I thought the focus was on North Africa?"

            "European Christians enslaved by the Muslims of the Barbary Coast."

            By those standards, ancestors of European Christians would qualify for reparations.


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