Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton railed against supporters of former President Trump during a new CNN interview, comparing those who still support the former president after the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection to members of a cult.
“Maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members,” she said in a clip released late Thursday.
“And sadly, so many of those extremists, those MAGA extremists, take their marching orders from Donald Trump, who has no credibility left by any measure,” Clinton added. “He’s only in it for himself.”
My view --- The idea of formally deprogramming a segment of our society, as suggested by Hillary Clinton, is concerning and potentially dangerous. While it's crucial to address issues related to extremism or radicalization in a responsible and effective manner, the notion of "deprogramming" most likely half the country raises several concerns. her comment was radical, uncalled for, and truely unintelligent at best.
Firstly, the term "deprogramming" often implies coercive or manipulative methods to change individuals' beliefs, which can infringe upon their fundamental rights to freedom of thought and expression. Such approaches can lead to ethical and psychological concerns.
Secondly, labeling a group of people as "cult members" can be overly simplistic and stigmatizing. One with half a brain would realize It's essential to engage with individuals respectfully and constructively, recognizing the complexities of their beliefs and experiences. But Hillary sends out a shocking sick Hitler-like statement. In my view, her statement served as a bit of hate served up on a platter to those who thrive on hate. Yum Yum!
Instead of seeking to "deprogram" individuals, perhaps she might recognize many Americans are very much in support of an American-first agenda and perhaps would respond to her rhetoric with disdain.
It would seem that Hillary has concerns in regard to extremists. Would it not have been more productive, as well as sensible to focus on prevention, education, and open dialogue as strategies for addressing radicalization or extremist ideologies? Encouraging critical thinking, promoting tolerance, and providing opportunities for individuals to engage in meaningful discussions can be more effective in countering extremism while upholding democratic values and human rights. Instead of a non-sensical suggestion to reprogram millions of Americans.
In my view, the context of her statement was meant to promote hostility and encourage a form of prejudice against a large segment of our American population.
So what is your view on Hillary's latest words of wisdom?
Mrs. Clinton is not proposing "deprogramming" in spite of the terminology. What is being proposed is a most definite "programming" to accept the status quo, to accept that she and her cohorts have all the right answers and should be followed without question.
Thank you... I found her statement oozing with hate. Unacceptable, and needs to be well noted. That was my purpose for posting it.
This kind of anti-social behavior needs to be put on display. Perhaps some will move past how tasty it is, and realize that are eating swamp slime.
The problem is that the advocacy of those opposed to the status quo are not trusted with the answers either. Thus the division....
This is the problem I have, how do you trust them?
Really, the evidence of all the evil being done is right out in the open, so how can anyone trust them?
Credence, you say you want to work within the system to create change, but when the system is controlled by the wealthiest .01% and not the people... how are you going to make that change?
You despise Republicans, they have come to embody everything evil you see in the world.
What difference is there between Bush, Clinton, Obama and Biden?
None... powerful DC lifers... Bush Jr was just the carry over from his father, a front man for the string pullers, just like Biden is.
Trump for his many flaws and corrupt concepts was not part of that establishment, not part of the corrupt DC cabal that has been running the country into the ground for the last 35 years as they pursued their NWO global redistribution to enslave humanity.
This group pursues the agendas of the Corporations and incalculably wealthy (IE- those families that control the Central Banks of the Western World)... they don't pursue equality, they SAY they are, the words typed or spoken may SAY this is the goal... rather its more like the goal is control and subjugation to their authority... not equal opportunity, not liberty for all.
The short game is to tell you the platitudes you want to hear Credence, their goal is to divide by race, to give you everything you have dreamed of, the comeuppance of the white man and his oppressive system.
Didn't the founding fathers want freedom from the Crown, from the rule of nobility, to system based on meritocracy and self-determination?
How is forced equity, how is corporatocracy which will control everything you see, hear, and are allowed to do, better?
The system which for two hundred years progressively worked to lift up all people is today being used to enslave, being changed by those in control to base others on the color of their skin, not their ability.
That's pretty clever of them, don't you think?
Supporting evil... whether it is stemming from leaders of the 1930s or it is stemming from the leaders we have today, is still the same... they tell you what you want to hear, they villainize a populace and make it so that the most inhumane acts against them are acceptable to a controllable amount of the population.
Jews and non-whites in Germany.
The educated and nobility in Russia.
Today the focus is on White men in our society... strange considering that it is predominately white men running the nation and benefiting from all the chaos... but it seems to be working just fine for the corporations and billionaires like Gates and Bezos.
The point regarding Trump vs. the rest is spoken to here fairly well:
Fair questions, Ken
The examples of the evils being done has always been in the open, and goes back over a couple of generations and over more than a couple of Presidential Administrations.
I cannot change the fact that inordinate wealth has far too much influence in our governance . But, the Republicans have always been the more resistant of the two parities to the need to get the influence of this wealth down to a minimum. Yes, I distrust and find little pleasure in the Republicans, their ideology and their policies The Democrats do not walk on water, but again it is and always has been the choice of the lesser evil. I am going to work with those that at least do not embrace the abhorrent problem.
So, in the larger scheme of things, what was the difference between LBJ, Nixon, Carter or Reagan?
Yes, DC lifers, influential politicians and politics. Such men have always been around and have been part and parcel of American politics. Remove the lobbyist money, corporate influence of bribe and graft and perhaps impose term limits. There is nothing wrong with government that a removal of "big money" wouldn't fix. I don't necessarily buy off on all of these NWO conspiracy theories.
I don't want a flawed and openly corrupt man as President of the United States. Trump speaks of authoritarian concepts and takes anti-democratic stances to our problems and that is a non-starter for me. He has every flaw of being dumb, lacking in depth and experience. He deceives people in thinking that he is on the side of the common man, he is anything but. Truly, a phony populist. I will take my chances with traditional candidates that do not throw their glaring negatives into my face.
What is all the alternative to the platitudes, the right wing group that confess to rob our communities of equality and justice in broad daylight? What we have obtained over the last 50 years was primarily the result of Democrats and liberal politics, so why should I listen to an adversary? Too often, what gains were made came at either the point of a bayonet or th bang of a gavel. I don't know what system you speak of that struggled to provide equality to all, and even if I did recognize it, it certainly hasn't been over 2 centuries. Things really only seriously turned around in the last 75 years, before that was virtually terrorism. Who would think that I would not be aware of that?
"Didn't the founding fathers want freedom from the Crown, from the rule of nobility, to system based on meritocracy and self-determination?"
What the founding fathers wanted and who they intended it for were two different things.
"The short game is to tell you the platitudes you want to hear Credence, their goal is to divide by race, to give you everything you have dreamed of, the comeuppance of the white man and his oppressive system."
If his "oppressive" system continues to provide him with eternal structural advantages from the start then the struggle must continue.
"Supporting evil... whether it is stemming from leaders of the 1930s or it is stemming from the leaders we have today, is still the same... they tell you what you want to hear, they villainize a populace and make it so that the most inhumane acts against them are acceptable to a controllable amount of the population."
From OUR point of view, that defines America for the better part of 2 centuries after its founding.
Yes, the focus will always be upon the sources of unfair advantages and inequity and I don't have to go to the billionaires to find that a true point in American life.
I will check out the video, thanks....
I agree with DeNiro. I say that Trump was a phony and so called toughness was just more narcissistic bravado.
This is more the Trump that I see... He is a coward, Ken, how can he be "tough"? … imani.html
Such an eloquent statement leaves no room for me to advance it. Kudos! I never was a fan of Hillary. I didn't vote for her.
Just one thing, a passing thought. Isn't the media especially the likes of CNN and FOX doing the job of programing? Along those lines the impact of political cartoons and memes with social media are using a time proved method of programming.
Comic books were used during the WWII era. Remember Captain America? There are a multitude of articles written about the subject. Some are how to campaign with cartoons and memes.
While I have not watched Cable/TV MSM in years now, I am certain they are doing everything to program the people that they can.
Social Media has taken up that effort for the younger generations, who only know of TikTok and Youtube. Which is totally devoid of anything resembling world news and events, unless you really go searching for it.
If you want to have a rational conversation with someone, one must start with knowing if they watch CNN, MSNBC or the like, if they do, they are programmed, they are the cultists and they don't even know it... so don't bother with the attempt. For all others, the effort may be worthwhile.
What people who watch American news fail to understand, is that they are told falsehoods and half facts.
The latest example is the Hamas attack on Israel, which was a massacre of hundreds of families.
Who funded it and made it possible... the "news" is never going to tell you.
In February Secretary of State Blinken had bragged that not only had the Biden administration resumed massive aid to the PLA cancelled by Trump, but cumulatively transferred $1 billion to them.
They did this knowingly even as Palestinian authorities bragged that they would continue to pay bounties to the families of “martyrs” (i.e., those killed while conducting terrorists attacks against Israel).
Hundreds of millions of American dollars also went into Gaza, run by Hamas despite the Biden administration’s efforts to keep mostly quiet the resumption of such inexplicable support.
The Biden Administration funded and supported this attack as surely as they fund and support the war on Russia today.
It is getting to the point where the only words one can use for this Administration's efforts are woefully inadequate... evil, warmongering, just does not do their efforts justice.
Understand such words as we see here from Clinton, are not slips, they are the controlled, the made for public consumption, of what they feel about you and I... you know, us common Americans that have to work for a living, us Deplorables.
Ken, I was going to start a thread on the new war in Israel. But, to tell you the truth, I know I would not be able to keep my cool with what I clearly see as once again another horrendous problem that Biden has caused by his stupidity. I am furious at Congress, and the writing is on the wall they are good with sitting by and watching this nut destroy America. It is clear he is unable to govern, he has made serious mistake after mistake and should be asked to step down or impeached due to being incapable of doing the job.
Biden also aided in Iran being able to sell oil once again. After Trump all but stopped their oil sales. Biden is weak, he is stupid, and he once again has caused an astronomical problem --- that he will try to blame on someone else. He is badly compromised, not only mentally, but perhaps bought and paid for by our adversaries. He has literally screwed up much of the world with his ineptness.
"October 6, 2022 | Claire Jungman and Jerry Canto
United Against Nuclear Iran’s (UANI’s) ship-tracking data and research shows that the Trump and Biden administrations had different impacts on Iran’s oil sector. The Trump administration sought to drive Iranian oil exports to zero and deprive the regime of a vital source of revenue. The Biden administration, by contrast, in focusing on negotiations to revive the nuclear deal, eased the pressure from sanctions via lax enforcement. As a result, Iran’s oil exports and revenue have drastically increased, enabling the regime to continue to engage in its malign activities. Additional evidence of this came on July 26, 2022, when Iran’s economy minister reported a 580% increase in income on sales from oil and gas condensate between March 2022 and July 2022, compared with that period last year. This blog elucidates the impact of former President Trump’s “maximum pressure” campaign, and the consequences of President Biden’s lax sanction enforcement." … dent-biden
China Is Buying the Most Iranian Oil in a Decade, Kpler Says … #xj4y7vzkg
Iran Has Illicitly Shipped $22B in Oil to China Since Biden Took Office
An Iranian "ghost armada" is sending an average of 829,260 barrels of oil per day to China, totaling 337,882,520 illegal barrels worth about $22 billion since President Joe Biden took office, The Washington Free Beacon reported Tuesday. The shipments, reported by United Against a Nuclear Iran, a group tracking Iran's fleet of illegal tankers, have critics denouncing the Biden administration for having ''turned a blind eye" amid sanctions against Iran. The administration is attempting to renegotiate an Iran nuclear deal — known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA — and critics believe that might be the reason it is not aggressively enforcing sanctions, according to the report. … ook-office
Biden Admin Won't Let Authorities Seize Sanctioned ...
Free Beacon
May 9, 2023 — The Biden administration is blocking authorities from seizing ships carrying sanctioned Iranian oil, a move lawmakers say helps fund the ... … l-tankers/
Biden is dangerous -- and has more blood on his hands. How could anyone support such a man?
The answer, as I noted, is brainwashing.
How do you take goodhearted, goodnatured people and turn them into people who support evil regimes that we have seen throughout the last 100 years?
How did Germany do it in the 1930s?
This is exactly what we have occurring in America today.
We have a political party and their supporters who consider ANY who oppose them as domestic terrorists, enemies of the state, and they can barely hide the fact that they don't want a two-party system, they don't want to compromise, they don't want accountability... follow their rule, or be treated as the enemy.
The courts and the Media will be used against you, the ability to speak on social media or elsewhere will be restricted.
Those who buy into and believe the programming they are being fed from CNN, MSNBC and the like are the cultists and they don't even realize it.
In most cases you can't even blame the people for it... how are they supposed to know?
It takes a strong mind to be able to digest the fact that our government, our media, is so duplicitous, so willing to spread falsehoods and deceptions.
It takes even more strength and courage to stand up against such corruption and deception. It doesn't go well for those who do... look at what happens to those who have?
I would be foolish to argue that the media is all about programming. And they are doing a great job of it are they not?
Some years ago not many would have even accepted such a statement as anything but a really inappropriate thing to say. But today --- anything goes.
However, this is the second time Hillary has outwardly directed her Hitlerism comment toward others. I mean who the hell does that?
Clinton/Obama/Biden ... The Current Administration.
Funded the terror we are seeing unleashed in Israel.
Funded the terror we are seeing unleashed in Ukraine.
Support the anarchy we are seeing in our streets, the decriminalization of crime, the defunding of police, the open-border bus and house them all across the country policy.
And clearly, in 2015 they felt it would be clear sailing until Trump stepped in... It is very clear what has been done, and we are at a real precipice. I don't think under any circumstances they can let Trump win.
Ken, and in reality it was so easy to pull off. I have come to feel you are right there is nothing anyone can do at this point. How in the world can some be this blind?
Could Israel be just another piece of the puzzle? Hopefully, they will strategize on their own, and act quickly to show the enemy they will not be a punching bag as Ukraine has become. All the death and destruction, and none of the elites that planned this party have a hair out of place.
The world war you spoke of is becoming a reality.
Uniparty? Hmm..
It always seem to blame Democrats and their policies.
Israel is not completely innocent in regards to the controversy regarding Palestinian rights and their side of the story.
Why did Hamas and Islamic Jihad launch the attack?
The exact reasons for the attack are not clear, but there has been growing violence for months between Israeli soldiers and settlers and Palestinians in the West Bank. Armed settlers have attacked Palestinian villages; militants in the West Bank have attacked soldiers and settlers, and there have been repeated IDF raids on Palestinian cities.
During the past week, some Jews have prayed inside the compound of al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem’s Old City. The area around the mosque is known to Muslims as Haram al-Sharif and is the third holiest place for Islam after Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia. To Jews, it is known as Temple Mount, and is venerated as the site of the biblical Jewish temple. Jews are not permitted to pray inside al-Aqsa compound; to do so is highly provocative. Hamas has called its current offensive Operation al-Aqsa Deluge.
The longer backdrop is a 16-year blockade of Gaza by Israel and Egypt that has almost destroyed the strip’s internal economy and has caused hardship for the people living there.
Do I approve of what took place as a result? No.
Just more "cowboys and Indians" on a Middle Eastern stage.
Many of the old American cowboy movies were produced and directed by the Jewish. It was written base on real stories on how Jewish lived in Russia.
True, Castle, that cannot be denied.
"Many of the men who created Hollywood were Jewish. Adolph Zuckor, one of the three founders of Paramount Pictures, was a Jew from Hungary. Another Jew from Hungary, William Fox, founded Fox Film Corporation."
Why does anyone think it matters to those of us who can rationally think for ourselves and come to conclusions what Hillary Clinton has to say? Lol she doesn't hold any more weight for me than my neighbor does.
Most people would laugh at the idea of being in a “cult.” But that’s crucial to the sort of mind control you find in a cult. When people are being brainwashed, they think they’re making their own decisions, they think they’re doing 'God’s work', they think they’re saving the world. And above all, they think they made a conscious decision to do all these things all on their own.
Malignant narcissism is a characteristic of destructive cult leaders. These are people who have a deep need for grandiosity, to be the center of attention, who need to control others, and who lack empathy and lie without hesitation. These are psychological traits perfectly attuned to manipulation and projection.
The malignant part is about sociopathic tendencies. Almost every cult leader thinks he’s above the law, which is why he’s allowed to persecute and harass or harm anyone he wants. When someone really believes this, they can rationalize all kinds of destructive behavior.
Trump is a malignant narcissist. Actually, watching him and listening to him reminds me of Sun Myung Moon. Both have a kind of God complex where they’re the only one with the answers, the only one who can fix things. Moon was going to create a theocracy and Trump was going to “drain the swamp.” But the way they carry themselves is similar.
There is this blind-faith aspect to the whole thing and an unwillingness to look at any inconvenient facts. That’s all very cult-like in Trump supporters.
I see very sophisticated mind-control techniques being used through the media, through religious broadcasters and radio talk-show hosts. It’s a black-and-white, all-or-nothing, good-versus-evil, authoritarian view of reality that is mostly fear-based. And there’s a deliberate focus on denying facts in order to protect the image of the leader.
These are universal mind-control techniques common to all destructive cults. Irrational fears are drilled into people’s minds so that they can’t even imagine leaving the group or questioning the leader without terrible things happening to them.
For people to believe in him and follow him religiously and not question anything he says even when it’s obvious that he’s lying, that’s where I stop and say this is very cult-like.
I really want to make the point that not everyone who voted for Trump is in a cult, and not everyone who supports the Republican Party is a mindless follower of Trump. But those who buy everything he says, who think he’s some kind of savior or a gift from God, whose loyalty is both unquestionable and irrational, I do think they’re behaving more or less like cult members.
But in my view, Trump is an example of what a 21st-century cult leader looks like. Take it or leave it. Look up qualities of cult and decide for yourself if you feel you fit that definition. Many people find solace in being a part of a group. A group that defines membership and what to think. That certainly is your right. Hillary Clinton isn't saying anything different than a lot of us out here in the world have been saying for a long time. Nothing new here.
I would surmise that they listen to Hilary because she has been a major figure in politics. She and her beloved president husband have held the Democrat's support for decades at this point. What she says matters because their followers are still grasping for significance.
~ Willowarbors' Opinion ~
"Trump is a malignant narcissist. Actually, watching him and listening to him reminds me of Sun Myung Moon. Both have a kind of God complex where they’re the only one with the answers, the only one who can fix things. Moon was going to create a theocracy and Trump was going to “drain the swamp.” But the way they carry themselves is similar.
There is this blind-faith aspect to the whole thing and an unwillingness to look at any inconvenient facts. That’s all very cult-like in Trump supporters." Willowarbor
I have no response to this kind of opinion. There really are no words.
Just one little emoji face says it best:
~ ~
I agree, However, this is a chat, and views are shared.
... okay, chat equals conversation.
I am afraid to voice my opinion regarding Trump. But I guess I should.
For the sake of sharing views.
My view is this:
Trump has good intent.
He is not a narcissist. He is grossly misunderstood by Democrats in particular. His personality is what it is, but his actions as a US president helped America.
To discuss the beneficial actions President Trump took, would be beneficial. But to continue to assault his personality is useless in finding common ground and solutions to the dire problems that lie before us.
I will also join in and add my view -- President Trump displayed several positive personal characteristics. One of his most notable traits is his confidence and charisma, which allowed him to connect with his supporters effectively. His ability to communicate his message clearly and passionately resonated with many Americans.
Trump has demonstrated resilience and determination throughout his career, often bouncing back from setbacks and adversity. He is a strong man, period.
Furthermore, his loyalty to his family and close associates is a trait that his supporters admire, and shows he is a loving dad He often emphasized the importance of family values and had his family members actively involved in his presidency.
Trump's personality traits are often divided along political lines. Some people may view these traits positively, while others may have a different perspective.
... yes, if you want to discuss personality at all, but actions count more than outer appearances, in the final analysis.
Q. What actions has Donald Trump taken that have been especially detrimental?
A. __________________________________________________
Oh Kathren you know what's coming what a brave girl... Trump did this, and that too!
So, here is just a bit of the positives Trump did --- His actions, not words or fluffy promises but accomplishments.
President Donald Trump exhibited several positive qualities during his tenure. His administration implemented tax reforms, including the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, which aimed to stimulate economic growth and reduce unemployment. Trump also prioritized criminal justice reform by signing the First Step Act into law, which aimed to reduce recidivism rates and provide opportunities for rehabilitation to non-violent offenders. Additionally, his administration's Operation Warp Speed played a crucial role in accelerating the development and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, contributing to the global fight against the pandemic. Trump's commitment to addressing regulatory reform and his strong stance on border security were other aspects of his leadership that resonated with many of his supporters. He also kept us out of conflicts, and we had a great economy and low unemployment. He provided the world with the Aberham Accord and got a good trade deal with Canada and Mexico. Middle-Class family income increased nearly $6,000 – more than five times the gains during the entire previous administration. Lifted nearly 7 million people off of food stamps. Created more than 1.2 million manufacturing and construction jobs. The DOW closed above 20,000 for the first time in 2017 and topped 30,000 in 2020. And Massive Deregulation. Gosh, I could list so much more... I keep this list to copy and paste...
For Reagan: "The focus was on eliminating waste and inefficiency in the US Federal government. The head of the commission, businessman J. Peter Grace, asked the members of that commission to 'Be bold and work like tireless bloodhounds, don't leave any stone unturned in your search to root out inefficiency.'"
For Trump: "... the phrase referred to a specific attack he was making on Clinton, an accusation that she was a leading force in a self-dealing culture, enriching herself through her political position and insulating herself from an FBI investigation through connections." … story.html
Q. What a c t i o n s has Donald Trump taken that have been especially ...
A. __________________________________________________
If I am honest, I feel it was detrimental when he did not accept the election results. I think even though he believed and still does that he won the election he should have presented evidence that would be provable. Otherwise, he should have just accepted the results.
The country became even more divided after the 2020 election, that is the only issue that I can consider detrimental to the country. I feel while he was in office, he did a good job, I can't think of mistakes that were detrimental. Trump seemed to be well-organized, and very good at solving problems. The country ran like a well wound clock.
Can you imagine the horror of waking up to the election results in the morning after he went to bed the night before thinking he had won? His visions of this nation where the economy would continue to percolate and the people of America and the world would live in peace were obliterated. This injustice had to be devastating and shocking. They used Covid 19 as an excuse to use voting ballot drop-off boxes. I always thought he should have put off the election. I knew it would not be fair.
Alas, he couldn't.
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