For the Love of God.....

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  1. gmwilliams profile image82
    gmwilliamsposted 10 months ago
    How has Biden damaged America & put the future of this wonderful country in peril?  How has Biden ruined the economy & other social infrastructures?

    1. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 10 months agoin reply to this

      Ken Burgess and Sharlee have documented Biden’s failures exceptionally well. I will only say that if Biden is elected again, we may as well say goodbye to America, and all the freedom she entails. 
      (That being said, I imagine that the Democrats will insert Newsom as the nominee at the last minute).

      Those on the hard Left who denigrate Israel, and say that they deserved what they got recently (from Hamas) “to a certain extent” and who deny having strong antisemitic leanings toward Jews) remind me of the Nazi’s who believed Jews were rats. I have zero respect for such people. They are (one part of) the people who are destroying our Republic for their own selfish purposes. The other part are those they elect to high offices.

      However, such individuals will suffer as much as the rest of us freedom loving Americans… because hatred is only rewarded in the short term. History tells us that.
      For anyone interested, consider reading “The Gulag Archipelago” by Solzhenitsyn, if you want to know more about where America is headed under this administration.

      1. gmwilliams profile image82
        gmwilliamsposted 10 months agoin reply to this

        Well said, couldn't have said it better.  Thank you, Savvydating.

        1. Ken Burgess profile image71
          Ken Burgessposted 10 months agoin reply to this

          1. gmwilliams profile image82
            gmwilliamsposted 10 months agoin reply to this

            Ken, there is a youtube video called Dance With the Devil.  It is a metaphoric story about a girl who went to a school dance against her mother's wishes.  Her mother warned that the dance was for the devil.  The girl refused to listen & was insistent on attending the school dance.  Well, a dark stranger was at the dance & asked the girl to dance with him.  She danced with the stranger who revealed himself to be the devil.  She danced with him all the way to hell.  Well, this is a metaphor of people who believe politicians who appear to solve the problem but instead they have exacerbated the problem.   Think of Hitler-he promised the Germans a new nation.  He further stated that Germany would be unrecognizable in a few years......

            1. tsmog profile image85
              tsmogposted 10 months agoin reply to this

              What I 'always' bear in mind is Dante's Divine Comedy and Inferno. Inferno is about Hell and its nine levels. Each level is for more heinous sins. The Eighth Circle of Hell is for those who commit fraud, particularly to corrupt politicians.

              I ask what politician is not corrupt? Once the ninth one is passed through the bottom is reached with Satan awaiting. Politicians are pretty close having passed the seven preceding levels in one fell swoop.

              1. gmwilliams profile image82
                gmwilliamsposted 10 months agoin reply to this


                1. profile image0
                  savvydatingposted 10 months agoin reply to this

                  I believe there are a few good politicians, maybe only a handful, but they exist and they are trying to expose the lies.

    2. Sharlee01 profile image84
      Sharlee01posted 10 months agoin reply to this


      From the outset of his presidency, Biden's decision-making, in my view, has raised very serious concerns. He reversed many of the policies aimed at achieving American energy independence that were put in place during the previous administration, most notably by undoing the progress made under President Trump. Subsequently, he initiated a significant spending spree shortly after the nation had struggled through an economy-devastating pandemic. Economists had warned that his expansive spending measures could lead to severe inflation, and indeed, we have witnessed record-breaking inflation levels.

      President Biden also shifted his focus to foreign affairs, which culminated in a disastrous situation in Afghanistan, resulting in the tragic loss of 13 American soldiers. Simultaneously, his immigration policies appeared to extend open invitations to individuals from around the world, leading to approximately 7 million approaches and the unaccounted-for fate of about 85,000 unaccompanied migrant children. Concerns have been raised about the safety and well-being of these children. Yet, it would seem no one in his administration cares. It has been reported that many hundreds of migrants apprehended were on the Terrorist watch list, and the head of the FBI has put out a dire warning that our threat level has gone up. I consider Biden has truely put American citizens in danger, due to his lack of ability to solve the problems that have gotten so much worse on his watch.

      Despite his promises of unity and healing, President Biden's comments on matters related to race and discrimination have, in my view, exacerbated societal divisions, deepening the divide. Furthermore, the rise in drug overdose deaths, a surge in homelessness, especially in left-leaning major cities, and a concerning increase in street crime are troubling indicators of the state of the nation.

      The administration's approach to the growing influence of China has been criticized for its lack of assertiveness. We all certainly recall Biden letting a Chinese spy balloon cross our nation...  Additionally, President Biden's handling of international conflicts, such as Russia's aggression towards Ukraine, and the situation with Iran, which has seen the removal of certain sanctions, have sparked significant concerns. These actions have, in some cases, created conditions that pose a threat to global stability. He supplied Iran with the ability to make hundreds of billions in oil revenues to support terrorism. Ultimately, Biden's poor decision to lift sanctions on Iran has contributed to the genocide we witnessed in Israel.

      In sum, in my view, Biden's decisions and policies have been detrimental to the United States, contributing to a range of challenges in a relatively short period. The future remains uncertain, and many are closely watching for what comes next.

      Because I have no doubt he is not finished with us yet.

      For The Love Of God Vote Him Out!

      Thank you for posting this thread. Your questions are so important, and all should address them. The time has come and gone to defend this president. Time to face facts. He is dangerous.

      1. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
        Kathryn L Hillposted 10 months agoin reply to this

        totally worth repeating:

        "For The Love Of God Vote Him Out!

        The time has come and GONE to defend this president. Time to face facts.

        He is dangerous."

        1. Ken Burgess profile image71
          Ken Burgessposted 10 months agoin reply to this

          He will be voted out.

          It won't matter.

          Who counts the "Mail In Ballots" is all that matters.

          Worked in the past, will work again.

          Why do you think he is so cavalier about his re-election?

          Why worry about things that are already decided?

      2. gmwilliams profile image82
        gmwilliamsposted 10 months agoin reply to this

        I had to post this thread in opposition to that other "thread."   Biden is messing up this country.   There are people who refuse to see this, even glorifying him.   A blind person can see how Biden is sinking this country, deeper into the abyss into hellfire.

  2. Kathryn L Hill profile image81
    Kathryn L Hillposted 10 months ago

    How has Biden ...
    1. Damaged America?
    2. Put the future of America in peril?
    3. Ruined the economy?
    4. Ruined other social structures?

    A vacuum has been created and it wasn't all Biden's doing ... He is a symptom of what has happened to America, once the land of the free, a democratic, representative republic.

    Without faith in a Divine Creator who loves, cares and wants the best for us, we will fall for atheism, marxism, socialism and communism.

    We need to focus on He who has given us boundaries and guidelines for happy lives.
    We need to embrace the goodness and wholesomeness of God.

    For instance, I knew that Biden was a bad choice. How did I know?
    I am not empty. I am full of understanding and knowledge.
    I am full of the knowledge of enlightened thinkers of the ages and the knowledge of believers of Jesus and God. I am not a vacuum, intellectually or spiritually, as I have always searched for truth and reality.

    I hate Socialism/Communism because it takes away the value of the indivudual by prohibiting independence and forcing dependence. Does one not cherish the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Would one rather live a life without choices and end up in a position in of obedience to the tyranny of a government which has no problem using its citizens as slaves?

    Perhaps Trump should try to make America Free again. Not Great.
    Maybe that word, "Great," is his downfall. We instinctively know that only God and his kingdom is great. And good.

    Ideally, we strive for our rights and our liberty within the boundaries of laws based on love and fairness. Yet, every single day we let Biden get away with the breaking of laws: Every single day the border is open, every single day he and his son's shady financial dealings are overlooked and ignored, every single day he empties the coffers by sending money we do not have to  where it should not go. The DOJ is weaponized, the FBI is weaponized,
    The public schools are weaponized.

    How do we fight the injustice that now exists all around us?
    By finding Justice.
    And enforcing justice.

    What is justice?
    Well, that's what we must discover, search for, research and apply:
    Truth and justice ...
    and fill in the void/vacuum of darkness and ignorance.

  3. Kathleen Cochran profile image75
    Kathleen Cochranposted 10 months ago

    Give it a rest.


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