The Democrat Party Change of Heart On Illigal Immigrants

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  1. GA Anderson profile image82
    GA Andersonposted 11 months ago



    The point is not about Pres. Biden or which party's immigration goals are better. Or which president would be better on immigration? The point is about the change in the party's core values.


    1. Valeant profile image76
      Valeantposted 11 months agoin reply to this

      Maybe you could acknowledge the difference between campaigning and someone already elected before misrepresenting the stance of the entirety of the Democratic Party in such a distorted manner.

      1. GA Anderson profile image82
        GA Andersonposted 11 months agoin reply to this

        It was a pretty general question. Obviously, the OP infers it has, but the question was conditioned to be non-specific. It wasn't a declaration. Both men represented the Democrat party at the time (even the candidate).

        Which one do you think doesn't represent the party of their time?


        1. Ken Burgess profile image67
          Ken Burgessposted 11 months agoin reply to this

          In your defense:

          What Clinton ran on regarding the Border (re-election campaign):

          Clinton, decried  the “large numbers of illegal aliens entering our country”
          “The jobs they hold might otherwise be held by citizens or legal immigrants; the public service they use impose burdens on our taxpayers,” Clinton asserted.  “That’s why our administration has moved aggressively to secure our borders more by hiring a record number of new border guards, by deporting twice as many illegal aliens as ever before…”

 … -illegals/

          What Biden ran on regarding the Border:

          Biden Pledges To Dismantle Trump's Sweeping Immigration Changes
 … -he-do-tha

          Biden regarding illegal immigrants:
          “the idea that anyone will be deported without actually having committed a felony or serious crime is going to end in my administration.”
 … icies.html

          Something you may find interesting regarding 2024:

          UN Budgets Millions for U.S.-Bound Migrants in 2024
 … rants-2024

          "[The UN has budgeted] nearly $1.6 billion in 17 Latin America countries, can cast a broad confirming light on the cash giveaways and much more aid for 2024 ahead — with the helping hands of 248 named non-governmental organizations."  to help migrants reach America.

          1. GA Anderson profile image82
            GA Andersonposted 11 months agoin reply to this

            Stick with the "Party" point Sparky. ;-)

            The OP wasn't about either party's specific leaders or their specific actions—yet. It was about a change in Party philosophy which generally equates to a change in core values.

            The 'yet' will come after it's decided whether the question has a 'yes or no' answer, or whether it's a 'complicated' one like the Democrats' 'What is a woman?' answer.

            Once more, obviously, the OP is saying yes, there has been a drastic change (as in - extreme) in their values—relative to illegal immigrants. Whether the OP's thought is due to bias or truth is the point of the question.


            1. Ken Burgess profile image67
              Ken Burgessposted 11 months agoin reply to this

              They came up with an answer for "What is a woman?" ?

              The pillars or philosophy of the Democratic Party... Clinton vs Biden era?

              The Clinton years were when the sellout to International Corporatism and powerful Investment institutions occurred.

              This was when Glass-Stegal was rolled back, when NAFTA was crafted and enacted, when the MIC recognized the opportunity in front of it with the collapse of the USSR... when the plan to topple former Soviet allies came into existence... when the idea of NATO expansion was born.

              NAFTA, CAFTA and the continued favored nation status (in reality if no longer in name) for China was the death knell for the American Middle class and prosperity for all that America had nearly achieved by the 1980s.

              China inserted itself heavily into American politics for the first time, contributing considerable amounts (that was discovered) to the first Clinton campaign, as well as some Senate races primarily on the west coast.

              Since that time Democrats became bigger sycophants to Wall St. and Internationalism and International Corporatism than the Republicans.

              So much so that today they don't even pretend to be the defenders of the American business, workers or the Middle Class, they are the champions of Open Borders, Open Society, DEI, CRT, UN Agenda 2030... in short, they want nothing to do with the America of old, they want to tear it down, they want a Cultural Revolution that would give China a run for its money.

              The Republicans are split... the ones stuck in the party of old, the America now gone, and this new Party which has coalesced around Trump... the deplorables, the working stiffs and small business owners that were always the strength of America, but are now the ones targeted by their own corrupt government.

              1. GA Anderson profile image82
                GA Andersonposted 11 months agoin reply to this

                Oh hell, I did open the door, didn't?


                1. Ken Burgess profile image67
                  Ken Burgessposted 11 months agoin reply to this

                  Yep, distracted me from researching the devastating effects to the Roman Empire when some genius thought making everyone a citizen was a good idea.

                  I want to delve deep into that, because this is what this Open Borders, Open Society, global citizens, no nationality BS is going to get America.

                  If you are curious I am referring to Emperor Caracalla.

        2. Valeant profile image76
          Valeantposted 11 months agoin reply to this

          What question?  You made a statement that the party has changed and used video of Biden campaigning, in a primary nonetheless hosted by Univision, to do so.  My point is that there would be a skew based on that environment. 

          Even your statement about comparing the two parties not being the goal of the thread was actually a statement, just with a question mark at the end.

          Now, in the reply to my post response, you actually did ask a question.  And I don't see a pause in deportations as necessarily policy.  I think it's inferred based not on what was said - another creation of policy like Biden banning gas stoves, despite him never saying anything of the sort.

          Biden saying they were too aggressive on removals is borne out in the stats as they removed more people on average than they did in the Trump term (source: Dept. of Homeland Security):
          Year          Removals1    Returns2
          2019    359,885            171,445
          2018    328,716            159,940
          2017    287,093            100,695
          2016    331,717            106,458
          2015    325,328            129,661
          2014    405,090            163,843
          2013    432,228            178,976
          2012    415,607            231,107
          2011    390,423            322,047
          2010    382,449            471,798
          2009    379,739            582,567

          Now, do I think Biden has been lenient on those who have violated our immigration laws.  Absolutely.  We cannot reward those who managed to sneak into our country and ignore the legal process for migrating.  At the same time, our immigration system is broken and the lag in a timely processing of those looking to migrate is also an issue that Congress is failing to deal with and immigrants have realized they can work around using our laws.

          I think that we need someone tougher on illegal immigration and need to elect Congressional reps that will put country over party.  Both sides have faults in this crisis.

          1. GA Anderson profile image82
            GA Andersonposted 11 months agoin reply to this

            So it's a 'What is a woman?-type of answer.

            I read the Univision reference as saying candidate Biden's answer was pandering to his Latin audience, he didn't really mean it, or it was just campaign hyperbole. Is that wrong?

            I'm not neutral on this, but I'm not closed-minded about it either. Did the video comparisons misrepresent the Party of their times? Was Clinton's representation of the party stance correct and Biden's not?


      2. Sharlee01 profile image85
        Sharlee01posted 11 months agoin reply to this

        "Maybe you could acknowledge the difference between campaigning and someone already elected before misrepresenting the stance of the entirety of the Democratic Party in such a distorted manner."

        Hold on a second, let me make sure I've got this right. It sounds like you're suggesting that during campaigns, there's a tendency for candidates to say anything to win. However, once elected and tasked with delivering a State of the Union address, honesty becomes paramount.

        I believe you indirectly introduced the topic of discussion, which I interpreted as a shift in the "core values" of the Democratic party.

    2. abwilliams profile image68
      abwilliamsposted 11 months agoin reply to this

      Chuck U Schumer (Rush Limbaugh's handle for him) in 2009:

      1. GA Anderson profile image82
        GA Andersonposted 11 months agoin reply to this

        Well, hell, Schumer really said that? It is so different from my expectations of him that it must be a deepfake video. (joking)

        What he says rings true to me.


        1. abwilliams profile image68
          abwilliamsposted 11 months agoin reply to this

          It adamantly "rang true" for Schumer, until 2012! Could have something  to do with Obama changing his position around this time!? May require a deep dive to get to the bottom of this one.

          1. Ken Burgess profile image67
            Ken Burgessposted 11 months agoin reply to this

            Global Compact on Migration...

            The UN General Assembly adopted the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants, something strongly supported by the Obama Administration, its reported intent was to develop a global compact for safe, orderly and regular migration.

            President Obama then followed up that mega-event by hosting an additional spectacle of his own the following day called the Leaders’ Summit on the Global Refugee Crisis.

            The UN General Assembly then endorsed the First-Ever Global Compact on Migration, in 2018, urging cooperation among Member States in protecting Migrants, the US did not join during the Trump Administration.

            THE SHORT VERSION... the Refugee and Migrants compacts essentially foster a NO BORDERS world.  Those nations that choose to join it, which Biden did when he became President, make the Nation beholden to accepting and aiding any and all that come.

            For more than twenty years we have seen each and every President heralding the benefits of the merging of America with the rest of the globe. Bush Sr., Bill Clinton, Bush Jr. and Obama all steadfastly supported the emerging one world economy and UN controlled international authority.

            Those presidents each used different terms to describe this process such as “globalism”, “globalization”, “an integrated world”, “the global economy” and even “a New World Order”, it all meant the same thing.

            What they didn't state, is how this means American individualism and patriotism, our unique cultural and historical heritage must be sacrificed. Nor did they mention how Open Borders and unifying the United States into a one world economy will be painful for the American people.

            The only President NOT to move us further toward a Global NWO... was Trump.

            In December 2017, President Trump directed the U.S. State Department to leave the Global Compact negotiations, overruling his UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, who wanted the U.S. to remain.

            I believe this is one of the key reasons she resigned from the position, as pressure mounted to curb Trump's efforts to secure America's Sovereignty grew, and anyone supporting his efforts became a target.

            Trump was blasted by the Democrats, globalists, the professional compassion lobby, and of course his fan clubs (CNN, MSNBC, NYT, etc.) for pulling out, much as he was blasted by them for withdrawing the United States from the UN’s Paris climate accord, UNESCO, and other UN programs.

            America First made Trump enemy #1 on not just the Democrats hit list, but the UN/WEF who push their Agenda 2030/Great Reset Open Border efforts and trillion dollar International goliaths like BlackRock who want to socialize the world into the chattel and the elites, with 99% of the world having little more rights or control of their lives than cattle.

            President Trump at the 73rd Session of the United Nations General Assembly denounced choosing global governance and "domination" over American independence.

            "Each of us here today is the emissary of a distinct culture, a rich history, and a people bound together by ties of memory, tradition, and the values that make our homelands like nowhere else on Earth," Trump said.

            "That is why America will always choose independence and cooperation over global governance, control, and domination," Trump said. "I honor the right of every nation in this room to pursue its own customs, beliefs, and traditions. The United States will not tell you how to live or work or worship. We only ask that you honor our sovereignty in return."

            1. abwilliams profile image68
              abwilliamsposted 11 months agoin reply to this

              Trump said, "I honor the right of every nation in this room to pursue its own customs, beliefs, and traditions. The United States will not tell you how to live or work or worship. We only ask that you honor our sovereignty in return."

              I can see why the left hates him.

    3. tsmog profile image87
      tsmogposted 11 months agoin reply to this

      Which core values? Rule of Law? Does that lead toward immigration reform?

      As an aside, the two articles next by online magazine Reason discuss immigration using party platform for Republicans and Democrats from 1980 - 2012.

      Democrats on Immigration Since 1980: From Apathy to Anger to Amnesty (of Sorts) by Reason (Aug 15, 2015) … 1980-from/

      The GOP's 35-Year Devolution on Immigration by Reason (Aug 20, 2015) … immigrati/

      They together give an opportunity to see them in a timeline perspective.

      1. GA Anderson profile image82
        GA Andersonposted 11 months agoin reply to this

        Thanks for the links. The "core value" change of the OP is the Democrat stance on immigration.

        I better take a break until this 'confirmation buzz' wears off. ;-)


        1. tsmog profile image87
          tsmogposted 11 months agoin reply to this

          Just for some humor or deep thought to go along with your break . . .

          1. GA Anderson profile image82
            GA Andersonposted 11 months agoin reply to this

            That looks like Uncle Bob. He always was a bit of a black sheep.


          2. Readmikenow profile image95
            Readmikenowposted 11 months agoin reply to this

            I love it!!

    4. Sharlee01 profile image85
      Sharlee01posted 11 months agoin reply to this

      In my view, we are witnessing evolving values within both political parties. You have titled your OP "The Democrat Party Change of Heart On Illegal Immigrants" and offered two examples of Democratic presidents decades apart who share almost opposite views.  It would appear your OP is concentrating on one party, the Democratic party. I believe what I will share could be said about both political parties.

      Could we attribute the change in mindset to several interconnected factors? Such as societal changes, including shifts in demographics, cultural norms, and public attitudes.   All of the above could attribute or prompt parties to reassess their positions on various political issues.  As demographics evolve, parties seem to adapt their values to appeal to emerging voter blocs or address the concerns of marginalized communities.

      Economic trends, income inequality, and labor market shifts can influence the priorities and policies of political parties, leading to adjustments in their core values to address new economic realities.

      One last thought, before my comment becomes too lengthy -- Would not internal party dynamics, leadership changes, and ideological debates contribute to the evolution of party values? Different factions within a party may vie for influence, leading to internal tensions and debates over the party's direction and values. As leadership transitions occur, new leaders may bring new perspectives and priorities, shaping the party's values in the process.

      1. Ken Burgess profile image67
        Ken Burgessposted 11 months agoin reply to this

        Could it not be a shift in the Global dynamics, geopolitical and international corporatism?

        The critical point being the fall of the wall and the collapse of the USSR in the 1990s. With the end of the Cold War everything changed, and during the Clinton Administration the foundation of what we see today was cemented... NAFTA, CAFTA, CHINA, expanding NATO, creating a Global NWO.

        The problem now, is those in control... those antiquated relics of that 90s era... the likes of Schumer, Pelosi, Biden, as well as those heading up the Pentagon are stuck in that era and certainly the UN and WEF march on toward goals and agendas created then as if that world still exists.

        It does not... and these grapefruits we have running the country, extending this to NATO and the UN, still can't seem to grasp what we are facing today.

        Russia recovered from its collapse in the 1990s... Putin has rebuilt his nation.  Its Russia's ability to stand up to the combined might of NATO and the US in both Syria and Ukraine that has announced to the world that it is again a leader of the world, a peer to America.

        China is also at this peer level to America, unlike Russia it has not had to prove it through military means, but through trade and industrial ability. 

        In allowing China to remain as a 'favored nation' in the 90s all the way up until the Trump Administration we, knowingly or not, allowed China to drain America of its industrial might and technological advancements.

        There is nothing today that America can build that China cannot, especially when you consider Taiwan, which is the world's main source of microchips and semiconductors.  From Apple phones to Auto parts, Submarines to Space ships, anything America has developed China was granted or stole.

        Our politicians in DC are still pushing, might I add insanely... suicidally to our nation... goals and agendas formulated by the likes of Henry Kissinger and picked up by seemingly every major International corporation today via their membership in the World Economic Forum.

        The Great Reset mantra was chanted by world leaders during the COVID-19 pandemic a Great Reset is necessary to “build back better” from the crisis and create a new sustainable future.

        "Build Back Better"... that is what the Biden Administration is all about.

        This "Build Back Better" effort, the goals of the UN and WEF, Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset has one major problem... this is not the 1990s. 

        America is no longer the lone Super Power in the world.  America is no longer the dominant economic power in the world.

        And because we have such delusional, corrupt, cronies in control of America today that still want to pursue these goals and agendas... America is fast burning through its wealth and power and using up its 'good-will' and reputation.

        The Biden Administration today is, knowingly or not, doing everything possible to weaken America and the Dollar, while strengthening Russia and China, and through them BRICS.

        The Open Borders, Open Society, Global Compact on Migration, UN Agenda 2030... will bring about the West's downfall by 2030, not an egalitarian world where all are equal and prosperous... right now the only alternative to this lunacy is Trump, hopefully enough Americans wake up to this fact in time.

      2. GA Anderson profile image82
        GA Andersonposted 11 months agoin reply to this

        Yes, the OP was about one party. and yes, it could be said that the Republican Party has changed too, but that has nothing to do with the point of the OP.

        Is the observation that the Democrat party appears to have
        softened on illegal immigration—as illustrated in the OP, wrong?

        If it isn't, then the only bearing a Republican comparison would have is as defensive mitigation. If the Democrat party hasn't changed, as portrayed in the OP, then a defense isn't needed.


        1. Valeant profile image76
          Valeantposted 11 months agoin reply to this

          I think you could make the point that Joe Biden has been soft on immigration in a post-Covid era that saw multiple Central American countries become dangerous places.  His empathy in the case of asylum seekers definitely is not in our country's best interests.  Not sure that his stance is really one that the entirety of the party agrees with, however.

          1. GA Anderson profile image82
            GA Andersonposted 11 months agoin reply to this

            Damn, first post in the morning and you cause a pause.

            The thought that Pres. Biden might not represent the body of the Party isn't unreasonable. But it is arguable.

            Could its radicals have hijacked the Democrat party as the Republican radicals have theirs? If the subject was Liberals and Conservatives, not the Parties, it might be a valid point, but it wasn't. The leader represents the tone and direction of the party. They wouldn't be the leaders if they didn't.

            Consider the contrast of the reasons why we have to get control of the border between the 1995 Democrat leader and those of the 2020 Democrat leader. The change is stark. Clinton spoke to the burden and danger to the American people and Biden speaks to the humanitarian burden and danger to all people.

            Also consider the stark contrast in immigration bills. Take a look at Wiki's Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (IIRIRA or IIRAIRA) page (yeah, you made me go look something up) compared to the recently defeated bipartisan bill. One focuses on protecting American interests first and then the immigrants' interests and the other focuses on the illegal immigrants' interests first. (IMO)

            The OP might not stand if it spoke of ideology (Liberal) but I think it is on firm ground relative to the Party.


            1. Valeant profile image76
              Valeantposted 11 months agoin reply to this

              If it were the ideology of the party, it would be doubtful that they would have been able to support a bill crafted by the likes of a James Lankford (R-OK), that really gave them nothing in terms of the policies they support in regards to immigration.  If the ideology was so radical, why were they willing to try solutions that some republicans and border agents were in support of (until Donald Trump told them not to be to assist his campaign)?

              Your idea of where the party is does not square with the willingness to compromise with the opposing party for the good of the nation and international aid concerns.

              1. GA Anderson profile image82
                GA Andersonposted 11 months agoin reply to this

                We see that "compromise" differently. It's the base numbers part that makes the point for me. Insisting on a baseline number that is 25-50% higher than acknowledged crisis numbers doesn't seem like a real compromise to me. Nor does increased monies for illegal immigrant assistance programs instead of border control programs.

                If the Party hasn't changed this core value, a 'compromise' to Clinton-era policies would support your idea.


                1. Valeant profile image76
                  Valeantposted 11 months agoin reply to this

                  Weird, since the bill included money to build more border barriers, to greatly expand detention facilities, and to hire more Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Border Patrol agents, asylum officers and immigration judges to reduce the years-long backlog in cases to determine asylum eligibility. It sought to expedite the asylum process, essentially ending — in most cases — the so-called “catch and release” policy whereby migrants are released into the U.S. pending asylum hearings. And it would have increased the standard of evidence needed to win asylum status.

                  Not sure how those are 'assistance programs' as you (oddly) claim.  Seems like they would put a dent into the people entering through asylum. 

                  And the numbers needed to shut down the border might not have seemed like a compromise, but again, doing nothing does nothing.  Considering we sometimes hit 8,000 per day, giving the president the power to shut it down for a day or a week when we've hit numbers less than what we are seeing still sends a message.  Instead, we've sent the message that we will still follow our asylum laws that you can abuse because our Congress refuses to act in an effort to try and elect their (alleged) criminal candidate.

            2. Ken Burgess profile image67
              Ken Burgessposted 11 months agoin reply to this

              "One focuses on protecting American interests first and then the immigrants' interests and the other focuses on the illegal immigrants' interests first. (IMO)"

              UN welcomes Biden administration commitment to refugee protection

              "“Long a strong advocate for refugees, Mr. Biden has made important commitments to restoring the US refugee resettlement program."

              IOM Welcomes President Joe Biden’s Executive Actions on Migration
     … -migration

              “IOM is pleased to see that humane and dignified solutions for people on the move are a key priority for the Biden administration.”

              Supporting Climate Affected Vulnerable Migrants
     … te-change/

              "This program underscores our commitment to the vision of the Global Compact for Migration, including improving cooperation on international migration."

              US: Biden signs migration pact with Latin American leaders
     … a-62098275

              "Biden signed a new pact to take more laborers and offer greater humanitarian assistance to migrants."

              US Compliance with the Global Compact on Migration: A Mixed Record
     … ed-record/

              "When the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration was agreed to in December 2018, the United States was not a party to the agreement, as the Trump administration did not formally participate in its formation."

              You are correct GA, the Biden Administration chooses to "focus on the illegal immigrants' interests first"  their needs and wants ahead of and above the needs and interests of America and American citizens.

              This is a requirement written into the Global Compact on Migration and the Paris Accord as well.  America is required to increase taxpayer debt to fund the betterment of other nations, and to fund efforts of migrants to reach our borders, and then provide for those migrants when they arrive.

        2. Sharlee01 profile image85
          Sharlee01posted 11 months agoin reply to this

          One might consider, that the assertion that the Democratic Party has softened its stance on illegal immigration is a matter of perspective and interpretation rather than a clear-cut fact. While some may perceive certain shifts in the party's rhetoric or policies regarding immigration, others might argue that these changes reflect a more pragmatic approach rather than a significant softening.  Or simply two men with varying views on the issue.

          In my view,  it's essential to recognize that political parties, including the Democratic Party, are not monolithic entities. They encompass a diverse range of viewpoints and ideologies, which can lead to variations in approaches to complex issues like immigration.  Thus, characterizing the entire party as having softened illegal immigration oversimplifies the nuanced positions held by its members.

          it's important to recognize that both political parties have experienced changes in their approaches to immigration throughout history. Islandbite's article highlighting Reagan and Bush Senior's views on immigration provides valuable insight. Interestingly, their perspectives could easily align with those of today's moderate Democrats, demonstrating the evolving nature of political ideologies across both parties.


          1. GA Anderson profile image82
            GA Andersonposted 11 months agoin reply to this

            The leader of the party represents the platform of the party, and they are selected by the members of the Party. I think it's fair to say that is a fact. The nuances and comparisons of your view don't affect that fact.


            1. tsmog profile image87
              tsmogposted 11 months agoin reply to this

              Speaking of platform that is being represented by Clinton and Biden just what the heck was that? Next, is links to the Democrat's Party Platform for 1996 and 2020. They both are from The American Presidency Project.

              1996 Democratic Party Platform (Aug 26, 1996)
     … y-platform

              You scroll a little shy of midway to find Immigration in bold print. Caution or you will go right passed it as the font size is the same as the text and is actually the text rather than subheading.

              An excerpt from it while bearing in mind the Progressive influence was no where near what it is today follows next. It is the fourth paragraph. The whole section on immigration is five paragraphs.

              "Today's Democratic Party also believes we must remain a nation of laws. We cannot tolerate illegal immigration and we must stop it. For years before Bill Clinton became President, Washington talked tough but failed to act. In 1992, our borders might as well not have existed. The border was under-patrolled, and what patrols there were, were under-equipped. Drugs flowed freely. Illegal immigration was rampant. Criminal immigrants, deported after committing crimes in America, returned the very next day to commit crimes again.

              President Clinton is making our border a place where the law is respected and drugs and illegal immigrants are turned away. We have increased the Border Patrol by over 40 percent; in El Paso, our Border Patrol agents are so close together they can see each other. Last year alone, the Clinton Administration removed thousands of illegal workers from jobs across the country. Just since January of 1995, we have arrested more than 1,700 criminal aliens and prosecuted them on federal felony charges because they returned to America after having been deported."

              Now, 2020 Democratic Party Platform (Aug 17, 2020)
     … y-platform

              Scroll a little passed midway. It is a subheading in bold print CREATING A 21ST CENTURY IMMIGRATION SYSTEM

              The opening two paragraphs are:

              "Out of many, we are one. That bedrock American idea has animated our country from its earliest days, inspiring people from every corner of the earth to participate in our great democratic experiment. The Trump Administration has repudiated that idea and abandoned our values as a diverse, compassionate, and welcoming country. Instead of pursuing a sensible, humane, and responsible approach to immigration that strengthens the United States, the Trump Administration has been callous, cruel, and reckless in the extreme. President Trump's immigration policies have made our communities less safe, undermined our economy, and tarnished our image around the world.

              This Administration's cruelty and dehumanization of immigrants stretches the imagination and shocks the conscience: forcibly separating families and putting children in cages; deporting veterans who have fought to defend our freedoms; conducting militarized raids on our workplaces; endangering lives by denying COVID-19 testing and treatment based on immigration status, including to essential workers at the forefront of the pandemic response; banning people from traveling to the United States based on their faith or their country of origin; and turning away refugees and asylum seekers fleeing violence and persecution. These actions should not happen in our country again."

              As seen they are defining their position by what they are not. Perhaps, that is my bias assessment. I don't know. The section on immigration is approximately 16 paragraphs. No where in the text is their mention of illegal immigration. 

              Footnote: Yes, that was part of the reading that caused my head to spin.

              1. GA Anderson profile image82
                GA Andersonposted 11 months agoin reply to this

                Relative to illegal immigration, that comparison looks like a change of heart to me. Illegal immigration problems were emphasized in 1996 and not mentioned in 2020


                1. Ken Burgess profile image67
                  Ken Burgessposted 11 months agoin reply to this

                  Joe Biden’s Attorney General, Merrick Garland, has announced that they’ll try to end voter ID requirements.

                  Democrats are trying to get rid of voter ID laws at the same time they’re flooding the country with millions of illegal migrants.


                  1. Readmikenow profile image95
                    Readmikenowposted 11 months agoin reply to this

                    I hope you saw the article I posted about how those illegal immigrants flooding into the country are being funded by the UN.  That is a fact.

    5. tsmog profile image87
      tsmogposted 11 months agoin reply to this

      Money! Economics!

      1. Ken Burgess profile image67
        Ken Burgessposted 11 months agoin reply to this

        Nah... UN Global Compact on Migration, Agenda 2030, Great Reset.

        1990s thinking... in a 2020's world.

        1. tsmog profile image87
          tsmogposted 11 months agoin reply to this

          I'm not worried about Agenda 2030. Messiah 2030 will negate that.

          1. Ken Burgess profile image67
            Ken Burgessposted 11 months agoin reply to this

            You know, they both rely on faith and belief...

            Those pushing for the significant changes to be brought about by Agenda 2030 goals have to destroy many accepted facts and realities that got our civilization to this point in time... in addition to doing away with national sovereignty and the rights to personal property as we understand these things today.

            Some of those changes they are working to bring about go directly against the 'wisdoms' taught in the earliest stories of the Bible.

            Whereas to be that devout to believe in Messiah 2030, does not, to the best of my knowledge, require that others change how they live, how governance is structured, etc.

      2. GA Anderson profile image82
        GA Andersonposted 11 months agoin reply to this

        In politics, it's always about money and power, but this issue seems to be more about a change in ideology.


    6. tsmog profile image87
      tsmogposted 11 months agoin reply to this

      Footnote: My head is spinning with all that I have read in the past two days. ha-ha

      KISS = Keep It Simple and Succinct. Many prefer the Keep It Simple Stupid, but I don't like that one. So, I invented the first.

      The time span between the two videos is 25 years. In that time period the influence of progressives not only with the Democratic Party increased, but also with molding the clay our society is composed of. It is reflected with immigration.

      For clarity the next link is to Apprehensions and expulsions registered by the United States border patrol from the fiscal year of 1990 to 2022 provided by Statista. I offer that only to give perspective for what illegal immigration reality was at a particular time affecting our leaderships understanding of the given challenge leading to their actions. … er-patrol/

      Footnote: Yes, head still spinning. Using the above I researched what legislation was passed along that timeline.

      Keeping with KISS, I offer the article next, one of many read recently.

      Democrats Used To Talk About 'Criminal Immigrants,' So What Changed The Party? by NPR (Feb 19, 2019) … -the-party

      Just looking at the first two graphics is worth opening the link. It demonstrates the change in the Democrat Party regarding immigration. It spans 1995 to 2015.

      An observation made within the article is"

      "The makeup of the Democratic Party has changed, and its base has adopted a fundamentally more progressive attitude on immigration in a relatively short time span, which poses a challenge for party leaders."

      1. GA Anderson profile image82
        GA Andersonposted 11 months agoin reply to this

        Your links (especially the NPR one) seem to support the contention of the OP. Thanks.

        The arguments as to whether this change is good or bad, and the arguments that the other party has changed too aren't relative to the OP's point. They are relative to the defense or criticism of that change, but that wasn't the point of the OP either. Although it would be once it is accepted that the described change has occurred.


    7. peterstreep profile image81
      peterstreepposted 11 months agoin reply to this

      Core values...
      I think you can point the finger to both parties. But when push comes to shove it's the super rich against the rest. Donald Trump was born super rich in contrast with Joe Biden coming from a middle class family. Biden knows the ordinary life that we live. Trump hasn't a clue about the price of a brick of milk and was fed with a golden spoon. That's the biggest difference of all.

      1. Ken Burgess profile image67
        Ken Burgessposted 11 months agoin reply to this

        That is what it appears on the surface for sure...

        The reality however is somewhat different.

        Biden is a stooge of the system... corrupt as any politician who ever held office in DC.  50 years of being in the Swamp.

        Biden represents everything Libertarians, Conservatives, Tea Party activists, struggling Middle Class and poor, have been railing against for 25 years... the callous, unconcerned, unresponsive, overbearing, out of touch DC Swamp.

        Trump is the guy who came along and exposed the DC corruption, ridiculed them, refused to start new wars, refused to play their games (as best he could).

        The American people who have had enough of a government that craps all over them (none have done it more than the Biden Administration) have only one alternative available to them... that is Trump.

        No one else had the fame, willingness, and financing available to do what he did, and is doing.  So yeah he is rich... if he hadn't been, he would have had to be willing to do what the Swamp wanted him to do, or he would have never made it to be a Representative, let alone President.

      2. GA Anderson profile image82
        GA Andersonposted 11 months agoin reply to this

        As shown in the OP and my subsequent replies, the point was about the Democrat Party's change of position on the border issue. That doesn't exclude the Republicans from similar criticisms, but it appears to me they are at least honest about their change from Reagan's policies to Trump's.


      3. Sharlee01 profile image85
        Sharlee01posted 11 months agoin reply to this

        I understand your perspective, but despite Biden's assurances of a thriving economy, I'm personally experiencing the strain of doubled expenses across the board—be it groceries, utilities, or other everyday expenditures. It's disheartening to be told everything is fine by Biden when my own financial reality paints a different picture. Trump's critique of our economic state isn't unfounded; while statistics may show some improvement, the reality remains that costs have escalated since his time in office, leaving many of us feeling the great pinch.  I can't stand anyone standing at a podium attempting to insult my intelligence. Especially a man that I feel has little to spare.

        1. Valeant profile image76
          Valeantposted 11 months agoin reply to this

          '...while statistics may show some improvement, the reality remains that costs have escalated since his time in office...'

          Again, with zero acknowledgement of the why, just the when.  So, the plan is to vote based on timing and not causation.  It's not really insulting intelligence to state that things have gotten better since global inflation reached it's high point in a post-covid environment.  And not sure why expenses would have 'doubled,' since grocery prices have risen 20% since 2020.

          1. Ken Burgess profile image67
            Ken Burgessposted 11 months agoin reply to this

            Under Biden’s watch, inflation reached a multi-decade high.

            The Trillions spent that did not need to be spent, by Biden, are part of that.

            That prices (inflation) are no longer rising is because interest rates ARE.

            Four years ago, you could buy a new car or home at near 0% interest.

            Today you are looking at 7.5% interest, if you have excellent credit.

            THAT is inflation that their 'official' statistics regarding inflation do not account for.

            And this is merely the Economic aspects of the disaster that the Biden Administration has been.

            Trying to implement Mandatory Vaccinations, sicking the FBI on mothers attending Public School Meetings, supporting making it illegal for parents to protect their children from irreversible sex change, instigating Putin into WWIII, paying out hundreds of Billions to Iran, Open Borders (flying in hundreds of thousands of migrants) its endless... there has never... never... been a more harmful Administration to America than this one.

            The major flaw in Bidenomics has been what President Bill Clinton’s former Treasury Secretary, Larry Summers, has described as “the least responsible” budget policy in the past four decades. Specifically, in March 2021, when the economy was already well on its way to recovery, Biden chose to introduce a $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan. That came on top of the previous year’s $3 trillion bipartisan budget stimulus measures. This resulted in the U.S. economy receiving by far its largest peacetime budget stimulus on record, amounting to more than a staggering 20 percent of the country’s gross domestic product.

            To say that Biden’s public spending spree has contributed to endangering the country’s long-term finances would be an understatement.

            If Milton Friedman is right that monetary policy operates with long and variable lags of between 12 and 18 months, the Fed’s recent policy tightening could spell real economic trouble for Biden’s re-election hopes. It could mean the U.S. economy will experience an economic recession just as the election campaign is in full swing.

   … ent-biden/

            1. Valeant profile image76
              Valeantposted 11 months agoin reply to this

              Right, Biden does get some of that culpability, as does Trump.  See, I can admit our side's part of the equation.  The right should try it sometime.  And complaining about both global inflation and it's cure (the fed raising interest rates) is so on brand for the far-right.  How about picking one or the other?

              Mandatory vaccines existed before Biden, hate to break it to you.  The FBI was called for the people making domestic terror threats against school administrators.  But great job trying to change the real reason to protect domestic terrorism against school administrators.  And the misunderstanding about the transgender community is beyond laughable at this point.  Paying out hundreds of billions to Iran - to a fund that can only be used for humanitarian aid.  Another distortion of what is actually going on from the far-right.  And the only people who use the term open borders are the far-right.  Everyone else sees Biden's compassion for people in a post-Covid era allowing for asylum seekers to be able to try and make their legal case to escape dangerous conditions in their own countries.

              Yes, and the American Rescue Plan - which provided funding for states to actually administer the vaccines that were created, or to help the millions that were still out of work as the economy had not reopened fully yet.  It certainly contributed to inflation, but again, inflation was global and many factors influenced it.

              As for your warnings about an economic collapse, you've been saying it in here for about five years now.  The phrase broken record comes to mind or the boy who cries wolf.  And anyone can find some economist to back their theories on the economy as they vary drastically.

            2. Sharlee01 profile image85
              Sharlee01posted 11 months agoin reply to this

              Thank you Ken for being so diligent with your comments...  Very refreshing.

          2. Sharlee01 profile image85
            Sharlee01posted 11 months agoin reply to this

            I strongly believe that timing plays a crucial role in determining whom to vote for. In my opinion, our nation is currently in a state of turmoil, and it is imperative to elect a new administration that can effectively address the numerous crises we have been enduring for far too long. My perspective on who is responsible for many of these problems is clear, and in many comments here on HPs I have offered valid reasons for arriving at this conclusion.

            I expressed my perspective on not being overly concerned about the economic issues in other countries, as I believe our nation has historically been in a superior position economically. Additionally, I outlined several reasons for the economic challenges facing the EU. When reflecting on the two presidential candidates, I found one candidate particularly effective in managing our economy, with policies I admired and supported. Despite facing the unprecedented challenge of COVID-19, I believe this leader managed the economy well during their final year in office. In contrast, the other candidate, upon assuming office, made detrimental decisions that led to a significant decline in our nation's prosperity. Consequently, I have no intention of supporting such a failed president, who I believe lacks the necessary qualifications for the job.

  2. Sharlee01 profile image85
    Sharlee01posted 11 months ago

    GA, I removed my comment. I was so far off base. I will step away from this conversation.

    1. GA Anderson profile image82
      GA Andersonposted 11 months agoin reply to this

      I must have missed it.


    2. Kathleen Cochran profile image75
      Kathleen Cochranposted 11 months agoin reply to this

      "GA, I removed my comment. I was so far off base. I will step away from this conversation."


  3. Readmikenow profile image95
    Readmikenowposted 11 months ago

    According to the House Judiciary Committee.

    Since January 20, 2021, the Biden Administration has released into the United States
    more than 3.3 million illegal aliens.5 In a January 2024 interview, Secretary Mayorkas
    admitted as much, stating that the Biden Administration has released “more than a
    million” illegal aliens each year.6
    • Of the nearly 6 million illegal alien encounters from January 20, 2021, through
    September 30, 2023, at least 3,095,577 illegal aliens had no confirmed departure from the
    United States as of September 30, 2023.7 That is an increase of 631,153 illegal aliens in
    just the six months between March 31, 2023, and September 30, 2023,8 and does not
    include any releases from record-high encounters in the period from October through
    December 2023 or the more than 1.7 million known “gotaways” who entered the United
    States under Biden’s watch.9 According to press reports, so far in fiscal year 2024, which
    began on October 1, 2023, “Border Patrol has released more than 386,500 illegal
    • There are at least 617,607 aliens on Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) nondetained docket who have criminal convictions or pending criminal charges.11 That
    means that more than half a million criminal aliens are in U.S. communities, free to
    reoffend and victimize more Americans. At the same time, in fiscal year 2023, the Biden
    Administration removed nearly 60 percent fewer criminal aliens with criminal
    convictions and criminal charges than in fiscal year 2019.12 … cement.pdf

  4. IslandBites profile image92
    IslandBitesposted 11 months ago

    A change in the party's core values? Or differences according to the moment, situations, politics and politicians? Maybe a bit of both?

    It is true for both parties.

    This is an article from 2018, but we know what's been the rhetoric of the last 5 years.

    The GOP's Evolution On Immigration

    1. GA Anderson profile image82
      GA Andersonposted 11 months agoin reply to this

      What about those Republicans . . . 

      C'mon Islandmom. Even if the Republicans have done the same thing, how does that bear on the question of whether the Democrats have?

      In reading your link it appears fair to say the Republican stance on illegal immigration has hardened. It might also be fair to see that as a reinforcement of core values (re. border security) rather than a change. *shrug"

      But, if 'whataboutism' is a fair criticism — it also seems fair to say that, since Reagan's time in the 80s through Obama's time, the immigration crisis has continually worsened and the Democrat position has softened instead of hardening.

      That thought might be politically arguable among folks like us forum dwellers, but I'm betting Joe Public doesn't see any argument. The immigration costs are in their/our face every day and the Democrat party's (through its leaders and representatives) solution is to ramp up accommodation efforts instead of enforcement efforts.

      The framed timeline doesn't seem to support this Party policy change as reflective of a particular situation or 'moment in time.'

      Both Clinton (3000+/- illegal crossings per day) and Obama (1500-2000 p/day), (leaders of their party and its platform) call the border problems a crisis, but now, for 3+ years the Party's leader and representatives refused to call it a crisis and set 4000 as a non-crisis baseline number.


      1. IslandBites profile image92
        IslandBitesposted 11 months agoin reply to this

        "Whataboutism" was not the point.

        But hey

        1. GA Anderson profile image82
          GA Andersonposted 11 months agoin reply to this

          Then why mention and link to the Republicans? What was your point?


    2. Sharlee01 profile image85
      Sharlee01posted 11 months agoin reply to this

      Great article! I found it very insightful. I feel I got your subtle point. The examples of Reagan and Bush provided in the article really got me thinking. It's evident to me that there have been shifts in both parties' attitudes towards immigration. Interestingly, the ideologies employed by Reagan and Bush seem more aligned with what one might hear from Democrats in Washington today.

  5. Valeant profile image76
    Valeantposted 11 months ago

    The conspiracies in here are comical, and such a waste of time.

  6. Kathleen Cochran profile image75
    Kathleen Cochranposted 11 months ago

    Times change.
    Circumstances change.
    Priorities change.

    Sheeze - for most of his life Trump was a Democrat.

    1. abwilliams profile image68
      abwilliamsposted 11 months agoin reply to this

      Okaaaay....but did he leave the Democratic Party or did it leave him?
      Was he for illegal entry at some point or has he remained consistently opposed?

    2. Ken Burgess profile image67
      Ken Burgessposted 11 months agoin reply to this

      Very true.

      Many people were former Democrats, back when it was the Working Class party, back when it was the Peace Not War party.

      What the Democratic Party used to stand for and believe in is long gone.

  7. Ken Burgess profile image67
    Ken Burgessposted 11 months ago

    Here is a Big Change:

    Elon Musk says 'the groundwork is being laid for something far worse than 9/11' after Biden administration ADMITTED flying 320K unvetted migrants into the US has national security 'vulnerabilities' … tacks.html

    1. Sharlee01 profile image85
      Sharlee01posted 11 months agoin reply to this

      We can only hope and pray that such a scenario doesn't come to pass. However, I can't shake the feeling that if any subversive group were planning an attack, they might seize the opportunity while the conditions are favorable. With the nation deeply divided and many expressing dissatisfaction with what they perceive as a weak administration, it's not unlikely that terrorists might see this as an opportune moment to strike.

  8. Kathleen Cochran profile image75
    Kathleen Cochranposted 11 months ago

    "What the Democratic Party used to stand for and believe in is long gone."

    Might be said for both parties.

    1. wilderness profile image90
      wildernessposted 11 months agoin reply to this

      Something is wrong.  Once more I whole heartedly agree with you.  Neither party stands for the country nor its people.  Just themselves, power and money.

      1. Sharlee01 profile image85
        Sharlee01posted 11 months agoin reply to this

        This has become very clear at this point.

      2. Kathleen Cochran profile image75
        Kathleen Cochranposted 11 months agoin reply to this

        "Neither party stands for the country nor its people.  Just themselves, power and money."

        That's where our agreement parts ways.

  9. Perspycacious profile image66
    Perspycaciousposted 11 months ago

    The candidates who are the most important in the 2024 National Election have not even been named yet (unless Nikki Haley is one of them).  I am referring to the Vice Presidential candidates who will surely break ties in the Senate, and very likely take executive control of the country, if and when anything removes Trump and Biden from office.

    1. Sharlee01 profile image85
      Sharlee01posted 11 months agoin reply to this

      You make a valid observation. Although Vice Presidential candidates hold the potential to break Senate ties and step into executive roles in the event of presidential vacancies, their significance in the 2024 National Election may be pronounced as you suggested. While President Trump has a strong well-liked pool of candidates to choose from, President Biden's options appear less favorable. His current Vice President faces low polling numbers and lacks widespread respect among Americans.

    2. Valeant profile image76
      Valeantposted 11 months agoin reply to this

      I'm putting my money on Kristi Noem.  She appeals to Trump's most shallow way of thinking, appearance.  Elise Stefanik, Tim Scott, Kari Lake and Marjorie Taylor Greene have shown they would do anything for MAGA, but Trump won't get any satisfaction from breaking them to the point where they abandon all previous morality.  Whereas Noem is supportive, but hasn't fully gone subservient yet to his cause.  That will appeal to his malignant narcissism in a way that Stefanik, Scott, Lake and Greene do not. 

      And I believe Trump absolutely has to choose a woman to offset the damage from Roe.

      1. Kathleen Cochran profile image75
        Kathleen Cochranposted 11 months agoin reply to this

        He can try, but it would be such a manipulation it would probably backfire.

  10. Readmikenow profile image95
    Readmikenowposted 11 months ago

    NYC is experiencing the benefits of being a sanctuary city.  One of them is exploding crime.  It is so bad in NYC the governor of NY is deploying state police and the National Guard to patrol the subway system.  Since NYC started accepting all of the illegal immigrants subway crime is up over 45%.  That is HUGE.

    Maybe letting thousands of illegal immigrants into your city then taking care of them instead of American citizens may not be such a good idea.

    "Following a series of high-profile crimes in the New York City subway system, Gov. Kathy Hochul announced plans Wednesday to send hundreds of National Guard members to patrol and search passengers’ bags for weapons at busy train stations.

    Hochul is deploying 750 members of the National Guard and 250 state troopers and police officers from the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, a state agency, to assist city police with bag searches. The plan is an effort to "rid our subways of people who commit crimes and protect all New Yorkers whether you're a commuter or transit worker," Hochul said at a news conference Wednesday.

    "Overall, crime was up 45% in the month of January, and that 45% increase was driven in large part by grand larcenies, pickpockets and property theft crime," Kemper told NY1. In response, the mayor sent 1,000 officers into the subways in February, which he said caused crime to go down by 15%.

    Recent incidents on the subway include a shooting that broke out on an elevated train platform in the Bronx, killing a man and wounding five others in February. And just last week, trains were delayed after a train conductor was slashed in the neck as he put his head out a window to make sure the track was clear." … 872117007/

    1. Sharlee01 profile image85
      Sharlee01posted 11 months agoin reply to this

      The ambitious liberal endeavors have undeniably faltered. While I acknowledge the efforts made in Sanctuary cities within Liberal Democratic strongholds, the stark reality of increased crime, soaring costs, and the ensuing chaos demands attention. Perhaps this serves as a wake-up call for Americans nationwide to recognize the perils of ill-conceived experiments. It's time for us to prioritize well-considered, common-sense decisions to uplift our nation. The responsibility lies squarely with the leaders of these once-promising but now crime-ridden Sanctuary cities. One wonders if Joe will address the alarming situation in these locales. We certainly need a change of administration not only in Federal governing but in many states.   Gosh, National Guard in subways... Unbelievable.

      1. Readmikenow profile image95
        Readmikenowposted 11 months agoin reply to this

        This puts things in perspective like no other.

        "The total number of illegal immigrants who have entered through our Southern Border is greater than the population of 36 states. Including;
        Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming."

        1. Sharlee01 profile image85
          Sharlee01posted 11 months agoin reply to this

          Surprisingly, many Americans seem unaware of the dire crisis at hand. From my perspective, the ramifications of this substantial surge of inadequately screened migrants have yet to fully unfold. Looking ahead to 2024, there's a glimmer of hope for a Republican president to take charge and implement pragmatic solutions to address the chaotic situation that Biden has burdened our nation with. The polls indicate each month that citizens are becoming very concerned about the many problems we are currently experiencing.

          Biden's blame game would truely be a hard sell at this point. He has had the power of Congress to change immigration laws and ignored that important fact. Now when facing reelection after 3.5 years he blames Republicans. That did offer a pretty good law a bit back to get a handle on the border. Biden from day one sent out a welcoming invitation for migrants to come to the border. He continued his invite up until a couple of months ago. He has single-handedly caused this crisis.  Not sure if he was calling the shots, but he was the one who delivered the words that encouraged migrants to make their way to our borders.

          1. Valeant profile image76
            Valeantposted 11 months agoin reply to this

            Had the power of Congress?  When did he have 60 votes in the Senate from his party?  As for single-handedly caused this crisis, as we have shown, the numbers were growing from 2017 to 2018 to 2019.  The pandemic slowed it down for a year, but then made the issue of people wanting to leave Central America worse.  It really hasn't mattered who was president, people are coming.  Congress needs to shut down asylum for a while, by law.

            1. Sharlee01 profile image85
              Sharlee01posted 11 months agoin reply to this

              I've been advocating for a temporary closure of the border as an emergency measure. This closure is necessary until we can effectively address the backlog of cases and implement sensible laws to prevent such crises in the future. Immigration should be managed in a safe and orderly fashion, with clear regulations determining who is eligible to enter and who is not. I think some forget we are a sovereign Nation, and have the right to make and enforce our laws.

              There is no questioning Congress is at fault, and neither side has truely come up with suitable new laws. What I have seen are weak bandaids regarding both side's bills.  These problems have been around for decades, and it is clear that the voices of the people are not being heard. We are sending the wrong people to Washington, in my view.

              1. Valeant profile image76
                Valeantposted 11 months agoin reply to this

                A day of agreement.  Just wish your vitriol for Biden matched what should be vitriol for Congress on the issue.

                1. Readmikenow profile image95
                  Readmikenowposted 11 months agoin reply to this

                  Maybe the biden administration shouldn't fly illegal aliens across the border.  This didn't happen under the administration of President Donald Trump.

                  "The Biden Administration has admitted to flying as many as 320,000 illegal immigrants on secret flights into the U.S., in an effort to decrease the number of illegal immigrant encounters at the Southern Border."

                  1. Valeant profile image76
                    Valeantposted 11 months agoin reply to this

                    Yeah, he tried to make asylum claims easier on border patrol by using technology.  And you'd think that would be safer for migrants to not have to use coyotes and smugglers, something the far-right always complains about.  So, what this proves is that the far-right will complain either way because they are...complainers.

                  2. Willowarbor profile image59
                    Willowarborposted 11 months agoin reply to this

                    "The Biden Administration has admitted to flying as many as 320,000 illegal immigrants on secret flights into the U.S., in an effort to decrease the number of illegal immigrant encounters at the Southern Border."

                    But the reality is...Migrants are not being flown into the U.S. randomly. Under a Biden policy in effect since January 2023, up to 30,000 people from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela can enter the country monthly IF they apply online with a financial sponsor and arrive at a specified airport, paying their own way. Biden exercised his “parole” authority, which, under a 1952 law, allows him to admit people “only on a case-by-case basis for urgent humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit.”

                    The migrants are not coming in from “parts unknown,” as Trump claimed CBP vets each one for eligibility and publishes the number of airport arrivals from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela.

                    Trump almost always misrepresents or outright lies.  Does he really believe that people  don't know how to fact check??  Or does he just believe that his supporters don't fact check?

                    These people aren't "illegal"  that is a gross misrepresentation

                    I suppose that if anyone doesn't like the law, maybe they should talk to their representatives and senators.

           … -107867894

              2. Willowarbor profile image59
                Willowarborposted 11 months agoin reply to this

                I think  history shows us that immigration reform has been incremental.  The idea that is being put forward by some politicians and media that we can obtain massive sweeping changes is just not realistic.  Especially in light of narrow margins in Congress. Anything that is to be done will be done in a bipartisan fashion.  MAGA does not want to accept that.  I think it is extremely unwise of them to pass on the bipartisan immigration bill.  It is an incremental step in a positive direction. Democrats made concessions that won't be seen again, particularly if Trump wins the white house.  They threw DACA and pathways to citizenship under the bus.  Under a Trump administration they will demand it.
                I don't understand what supporters of MAGA feel they can obtain under Trump.  I think they are leading supporters astray with the idea that a president alone can make meaningful immigration changes with the swipe of a pen.

                If that were the case then Trump would have done so during his time.

                If that were true, Biden could use his pen to secure re-election. 

                But it's just not true.

                And I agree, we are sending the wrong type of people to Washington. Anyone who shows that they do not want to negotiate and work in a bipartisan manner doesn't belong there.

    2. Willowarbor profile image59
      Willowarborposted 11 months agoin reply to this

      "Recent incidents on the subway include a shooting that broke out on an elevated train platform in the Bronx, killing a man and wounding five others in February. And just last week, trains were delayed after a train conductor was slashed in the neck as he put his head out a window to make sure the track was clear."

      Migrant  or native born lunatic?

      An NBC News review of available 2024 crime data from the cities targeted by Texas’ “Operation Lone Star,” which buses or flies migrants from the border to major cities in the interior — shows overall crime levels dropping in those cities that have received the most migrants.

      Overall crime is down year over year in Philadelphia, Chicago, Denver, New York and Los Angeles. Crime has risen in Washington, D.C., but local officials do not attribute the spike to migrants.

      "But as the migrant numbers have increased, the overall crime rate has stayed flat. And, in fact, many major categories of crime — including rape, murder and shootings — have decreased, according to an analysis of the New York Police Department’s month-by-month statistics since April 2022.

      I would think people would be applauding the governor's Swift and strong action in response to recent incidents. 

      It's interesting that when mass shootings happen, many quickly divert to the issue of mental health.  But that seems to be nowhere in play when there's a possibility of migrant being blamed. 

      I don't see any evidence that the latest stabbing or shooting in subway stations was attributed to any migrant though.

      My money is on one of our own mentally ill being responsible.

      Nothing in the data, at this point, suggests any broad-based or wide-scale increases in crime is being driven by the arrival of tens of thousands of migrants in NYC

      A few high profile incidents don’t make a crime wave. … e-nyc.html

  11. Readmikenow profile image95
    Readmikenowposted 11 months ago

    So, since things look bad at the border, and the biden administration is determined to destroy the United States with illegal immigrants, he has chosen to fly hundreds of thousand of illegal immigrants into the United States.  You can't make this stuff up.  biden and his team are that crazy.

    "The Biden Administration has admitted to flying as many as 320,000 illegal immigrants on secret flights into the U.S., in an effort to decrease the number of illegal immigrant encounters at the Southern Border.

    According to the Daily Mail:

    “It means that while record numbers of migrants were flowing over the southern border last year, the Biden White House was also directly transporting them into the country.

    Use of a cell phone app has allowed for the near undetected arrival by air of 320,000 aliens with no legal rights to enter the United States.

    It comes after a controversy over a 2022 transportation program in which the administration used taxpayers money to move migrants throughout the country on overnight flights.”

    MAKE NO MISTAKE: Joe Biden’s border crisis has turned every community into a border community, jeopardizing our national security, and destroying countless American families. House Republicans know that border security is national security. That is why we passed the strongest border security bill in history, which Chuck Schumer and Extreme Senate Democrats have refused to bring for a vote.

    Since Joe Biden took office:
    There have been 8.7 million illegal crossings nationwide.
    There have been OVER 7.2  MILLION illegal crossings of our Southern Border.
    The total number of illegal immigrants who have entered through our Southern Border is greater than the population of 36 states. Including;
    Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming.
    There have been 1.8 million known gotaways who evaded U.S. Border Patrol. 
    Since the start of FY 2024 there have been OVER 1 million illegal immigrant encounters.
    In January, there were 176,205 illegal immigrants encountered at the Southern Border.
    January was the 35th straight month, where monthly illegal immigrant encounters have been higher than even the highest month seen under President Trump.
    Under Biden, over 340 of these individuals whose names appear on the terrorist watchlist were stopped trying to cross the Southern Border.
    So far in FY24, there have been 58 individuals whose names appear on the terrorist watch list who have been stopped trying to enter the U.S. illegally between ports of entry.
    This total is more than the encounters in all FY17, FY18, FY19, FY20, FY21, and FY22 combined.
    Over 20,000 Communist Chinese nationals have illegally crossed the Southern Border since FY24 began in October.
    Communist Chinese nationals are exploiting Joe Biden’s failed Far Left open border policies at “record-breaking figures,” becoming “the fastest-growing demographic entering the country illegally.”
    The surge in Communist Chinese nationals encountered at our Southern Border has raised serious concerns that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is exploiting the Biden border crisis for nefarious reasons.
    Biden’s Far Left open border policies are to blame for this historic crisis.
    There are OVER 60 instances of Joe Biden and his Administration taking actions that undermined our nation’s border security, including halting the construction of the border wall.
    In August 2022, Biden and his Administration decided to make the border crisis WORSE by formally ending former President Trump’s successful ‘Remain in Mexico’ program.”
    The Biden Administration announced on May 10, 2023, that it would allow for the release of some migrants into the U.S. with no way to track them.
    Biden’s Department of Homeland Security has now admitted that 40 percent of catch-and-release migrants have disappeared.
    Despite this historic crisis Joe Biden has only visited the Southern Border ONCE, and it was widely panned as nothing more than a photo-op.     

    Force the Biden Administration to restart construction of the border wall.
    Deploy technology to the Southern and Northern Border.
    Increase the number of Border Patrol agents and provide bonus pay.
    Require transparency regarding illegal crossings from the Department of Homeland Security.
    Strengthen current law to protect unaccompanied children from human trafficking.
    End catch and release.
    End abuse of executive immigration authority.
    Strengthen and streamline the asylum process." … mentID=742

  12. Sharlee01 profile image85
    Sharlee01posted 11 months ago


    Your comment certainly brought a smile to my face—don't you think we've reached a saturation point by now? It's quite amusing to see folks come up with excuses for the influx of migrants into America. And of course, let's not forget the obligatory mention of Trump. Despite Trump no longer being our president, it's fascinating how his shadow still looms over discussions. However, let's not forget that statistics clearly indicate the surge didn't happen during his tenure. As for Biden, well, one would think with a Congress that seemed ready to pass just about any law, solutions would be more forthcoming. Yet, here we are, still grappling with the same issues. Funny how that works, isn't it?

    This issue has only become important due to his failing polls, and his failing job performance.

    1. Willowarbor profile image59
      Willowarborposted 11 months agoin reply to this

      I will just come back to the laws and policies as they stand today. Would you rather these people come in an orderly, vetted manner, with sponsors, paying their own airfare,  applying from their country of origin or  in a chaotic manner  at the actual border?
      I think that many people don't want to see them come at all but our laws do allow them to come.

      I am certainly not making up excuses for the influx of immigrants. I thoroughly understand that many factors push people from their country and that our laws currently  pull people toward our country due to the fact that they can claim asylum. 

      Right now, it is a management situation.   Managing whatever number shows up at the border under the current tools we have available by law. 

      Of course Trump will be mentioned, he is the Republican nominee. His past performance will be scrutinized.  His prior administration does not exist in a bubble.

      "However, let's not forget that statistics clearly indicate the surge didn't happen during his tenure."

      A surge didn't happen under his administration?

      From 2019....

      "The surge of migrant families arriving at the southern border has led the Trump administration to dramatically expand a practice President Donald Trump has long mocked as “catch and release.”

      With immigrant processing and holding centers overwhelmed, the administration is busing people hundreds of miles inland and releasing them at Greyhound stations and churches in cities like Albuquerque, San Antonio and Phoenix because towns close to the border already have more than they can handle."

      "OVERWHELMING SURGE AT THE BORDER: President Donald J. Trump has warned repeatedly that our border is being overwhelmed and, as the numbers show, that is exactly what is happening."

      "United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) engaged in more than 100,000 border enforcement actions in March – the most for one month in more than a decade.
      Total enforcement actions were 516 percent higher than in March 2017.

      Oh no, not this...

      "THE BROKEN SYSTEM DRIVING THIS CRISIS: Congress must act immediately to fix the broken immigration system and address the root causes of the crisis at our border. "

      Does the statement apply to Biden currently or no?

      Was Trump responsible for the surge at that time?   If I am applying the same logic that those apply to Biden today, Trump must have done something to cause that surge.  Of course I'm not though.

      The truth of the matter is, that Trump had the same issues during his administration but his supporters just didn't care. … 02bc43e1d6 … is-border/


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