The future of Foreign Policy. Compare/Constrast. Trump vs Biden.

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  1. tsmog profile image85
    tsmogposted 3 months ago

    The organization Foreign Affairs published two articles on the future of foreign affairs on June 18th. One the Trump vision and the other the Biden vision. Opportunity exists for a compare/contrast.

    The Return of Peace Through Strength
    Making the Case for Trump’s Foreign Policy … ESPNZ004U3


    A Foreign Policy for the World as It Is
    Biden and the Search for a New American Strategy … uthor-info

    Note: Both are around 5,000 words so at average reading speed (250 WPM) about 20 minutes per article.

    Foreign affairs sits at about 5th or 6th for top issues. Does it matter what each envision?

    Did the articles offer perspective?


    1. Ken Burgess profile image70
      Ken Burgessposted 3 months agoin reply to this

      First thought, regarding the first link:
      The Return of Peace Through Strength
      Making the Case for Trump’s Foreign Policy

      If anyone has been paying attention to my posts the past couple of years, it was a lengthy summarization of all I have been trying to convey.

      And it is spot on.

      In the Biden Administration, filled with new think Woke, Progressivism, Feminism dominating the doctrine and ideology driving it... one of the huge problems is the concept of "my truth' or 'my reality'.

      The idea that if a man thinks he is a woman... we need to respect 'his truth'.   Or the idea that a 5'2 woman can be a strong and capable as a 6'5 man in a job like firefighting because we are trying to attain 'equity'.

      This denies reality, for feelings, for what is believed to be 'right'...

      That doesn't work, at all, when deciding how to deal with foreign nations, when forcing the continuation of a war that cannot be won... when forcing away an ally critical to one's own economic wellbeing because you don't like how they run their own country.

      I don't think we can undo the harm done by the Biden Administration, certainly not in the short term... Trump had Iran on its knees, Biden made it stronger than ever, while at the same time critically alienating Saudi Arabia.

      Biden has pushed Russia into China's arms, and the two nations combined with their new allies in the UAE and Saudi Arabia are more than America will be able bully around, eventually becoming more prominent than us on the global stage.

      The worst President America has ever had, in terms of how much harm has been done to our National interests.  When historians look back on this time in 20 years, or 200 years, it will not even be in question, this will be the pivotal Administration that led to America's downturn.

      I will comment on the second link later.

      1. Miebakagh57 profile image72
        Miebakagh57posted 3 months agoin reply to this

        I agree with you, Ken. Right from day one, biden, sold America into the hands of powerful enemies and they allies.

  2. Ken Burgess profile image70
    Ken Burgessposted 3 months ago

    Love that first paragraph:
    “America is back.” In the early days of his presidency, Joe Biden repeated those words as a starting point for his foreign policy. The phrase offered a bumper-sticker slogan to pivot away from Donald Trump’s chaotic leadership. It also suggested that the United States could reclaim its self-conception as a virtuous hegemon, that it could make the rules-based international order great again.”

    Put another way, the delusional out-of-touch with reality Biden Administration thought it could destabilize and do-what-it-wished to Russia, via Ukraine… thought it could insult and intimidate Saudi Arabia into being America’s b-tch, and get Iran’s compliance by giving them access to hundreds of billions of dollars that the Trump Administration had denied it.

    Biden didn’t restore the “American Hegemony”… every move he made helped destroy it!

    Trump quieted down North Korea, negotiated a peace deal between Israel and its neighbors…

    Biden’s actions alarmed other nations so much India and China but aside their differences, becoming closer than ever, Russia and China have become bosom buddies, Russia has joined with North Korea in an official military alliance… Saudi Arabia and the UAE went from being closely in alliance with America to now being part of BRICS and no longer trading oil in the dollar alone.

    The shift of power away from America and to Russia and China could not be overstated.

    The damage done in terms of international affairs by the Biden Administration may only be topped by the delusional spending spree this Administration has been on that has doomed America to a severe Depression just ahead… if we are lucky that is what it will be… it could be the complete collapse of not just the dollar, but the international eco-system that is dependent on it… which is probably why so many nations have been scared shitless into joining BRICS.

    And I am only one paragraph in...

  3. Ken Burgess profile image70
    Ken Burgessposted 3 months ago

    OK, I have to give the author Ben Rhodes - White House staffer and former Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications and Speechwriting under President Obama credit on being able to weave a good tale.

    That was a wonderful blend of facts woven into fiction woven into rhetoric and wishful thinking into fearmongering... just the perfect balance to it all, so that it is very hard to attack, very hard to pin as a solid lie for Biden.

    Its worth a re-read just to appreciate his ability to blend the tale to the type.

    OK, re-read it... I double down on giving the author credit, love how he uses words to paint a picture.

    If I were not so well informed, probably more than most that don't delve into many of those issues unless its part of their job, or they have a passion for foreign affairs and military matters, I would have bought quite a lot of what he was saying.

    The ability to put plausibility to the perspectives he painted, when I know for fact that it is false, is damned good writing.


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