So many of us are feeling unsure about the upcoming election. Our instincts, our senses, our gut feelings, are telling us one thing, while the constant noise is telling us quite the opposite.
But, that's life, right?
It is so easy to get caught up in the lures and the traps, and we sometimes forget that God is still in control!
My prayer is that God isn't finished with us yet... that he isn't finished with this experiment in self-governing which has stood apart, while playing a crucial part, as it has changed the world!
I believe that our system of Government is the best, the one to be modeled, and is still relevant!
God may be close to giving up on this Republic of ours, but he will never give up on us. We the People, are first and foremost, His Children.
"God's Will be done On Earth as it is in Heaven".
God Bless America, land that I love!
I believe God doesn't follow a strict timetable, and sometimes it seems He teaches us lessons in difficult ways. These experiences often help the majority recognize the difference between right and wrong, guiding us toward what is just and beneficial for everyone.
When considering the current state of our great nation in relation to the upcoming election, I recognize that we are a nation in progress. Mistakes have been made, and undoubtedly more will come, but I believe God continues to guide us as we move forward. The fact that our nation is so divided should be a clear indicator that God hasn’t given up on us. Instead, it shows that there’s still hope and potential for healing and unity. It's a reminder that, despite our challenges, we still have the opportunity to learn and grow together.
Our problem is that we have forgotten how to "progress" in the ways which matter, and honor God.
When your national heroes become the villains in the story...
Be they those long gone... like George Washington...
Or those currently alive... like Elon Musk...
You might want to consider how it is we got here...
Yep. I think we all figured out just how screwed up we had become as a Nation during the so-called 'Summer of Love'.
A Constitutional Republic in which the people don't know (and don't care to learn) about its Founding, its History. When even George Washington and Abraham Lincoln aren't off limits from destruction, it's an epic fail!
So true... Have you noticed how they're targeting Musk on MSN? They're calling for investigations—it's laughable! If he decides to play "an eye for an eye," Russia might just go back to being our ride to space. Plus, imagine what would happen if he moved his business offshore and took all his satellites with him. Musk doesn’t strike me as the type to put up with any nonsense. He’s direct, quick to make decisions, and approaches things with common sense. He won't get caught up in the games these clowns are trying to play.
The problem is people have become entitled without exerting effort. People are making deleterious life choice yet they complain about the dire consequences of their actions. They further expect a positive lifestyle although their actions & behavior are negative. They expect other people to carry them.
These same people are envious of those who strategize & exert effort to become successful. Oh yes, these are the people who hate meritocracy. If they don't succeed, they blame outside factors instead of looking inward to themselves. They want others to "give them a break", failing to realize that they have to make the opportunities, no one else.
There are people who have pity parties. They are the dramatics who want people to feel sorry for them. They whine incessantly so that others can give them a pass. It has gone from ask not what your country can do for you but what YOU can do for your country to ask not what you can do for your country but what YOUR COUNTRY can do for you.
And, magically with the snap of a finger all will change with Trump as president?
One thing about Republicans- they believe in tough love. Either pull yourself by your bootstrap or STARVE. I agree with that 100%.
Yes, some people just give in and settle for less, and it’s dragging us down fast. My mom used to say something that I think I finally understand: some people have "paper asses." I really think we have plenty of those in our society today. It’s tough to figure out how to fix this.
Tim, I am recalling the sermon which I shared on the other thread. Trump is far from perfect, but aren't
we all? And.....
"Jesus isn't on the ballot".
Magic will have nothing to do with the revitalization of this Country.
It all comes down to:
Who do you believe can lead us best, back from the brink?!
Not sure what you are sharing? Hopefully, it is not a vote for the status quo overtaking a gamble. I think we now face a wall, to say we gamble or deteriorate more.
People need to buck up and have the guts to try, or else we’re going to end up settling for what we’ve seen in the past four years. It’s amusing to see how fearful some have become—it's not a good look. Personally, I refuse to sit back and watch everything collapse out of fear. Oh my God, Trump had a very good tenure!
So true Grace about the pity parties and the blame games and, no doubt, JFK would be campaiging with Donald Trump, if he were here today.
"God may be close to giving up on this Republic of ours,
but he will never give up on us."
In my mind, to give up on the republic is to give up on us.
In my mind, God will not give up on the United States of America.
And we must HELP HIM!
In my mind, if Kamala gets into office, it will be the consequence of our ignorance. Have we educated our children and ourselves according to God's Word, Moral Laws and Natural World?
It is very beneficial to reflect in a positive way on our nation founded on the principles of our inalienable Rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. By Happiness, we mean the Happiness that exists on a Spiritual level, not on a level of egoity.
Thank you, abwilliams. You have saved my morning.
"Thank you, abwilliams. You have saved my morning"
Thank you Kathryn, for always fighting the good fight.
~ saying that, led me to this:
Watch the video! Very interesting! … of-dittos/
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain inalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness."
Declaration of Independence of 1776
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
September 17, 1787
Proud ditto head here.
I miss him every week day between 12 and 3.
When the government is corrupt... and about to get way worse:
Joe Rogan Experience #2223 - Elon Musk
Knowing where things are going, that is half the battle.
"My prayer is that God isn't finished with us yet... that he isn't finished with this experiment in self-governing which has stood apart, while playing a crucial part, as it has changed the world."
He isn't finished with us! He hasn't given up on us. Thank you Lord!
God Bless America!!
God Bless America, and God Bless our Great People, and God Bless our new president, please lord, keep him strong. ( God has put the wind to this man's back --- I have never witnessed a man with more strength and resolve.) What a wonderful day!
Wonderful that a campaign of anger, hate, division, fear and lies headed by a man with abhorrent character has prevailed?
Very much looking forward to holding him to the same standards Biden has been held to over the past 4 years. He made a lot of day one promises that will be near impossible to follow through on. I will literally be looking for my energy prices to drop by 50% the day after he takes office, along with gas prices and food prices falling immediately.
Remember, he has promised to "fix" everything.. and have it done very quickly.
The clown car of characters he's assembling is also not very inspiring.
"Wonderful that a campaign of anger, hate, division, fear and lies headed by a man with abhorrent character has prevailed? "
He never showed anger, hate, or division. His character is exemplary, with the spirit to fight through challenges that most wouldn’t even consider. He’s now a well-loved political figure who has been willing to fight for our democracy. He stands for American values and has stepped up, saying he will work to make a better America that respects those values. Unlike the Democrats, who have sought to tear down those values since Obama, he has always offered to stay on the path that made this country great and work to improve it.
Trump never promoted hate or anger; he showed incredible courage in pointing out that we were drifting away from the foundation we’ve built over more than two centuries. It’s clear that you’re bitter, and it’s also clear that you don’t see what the majority of Americans have voiced. You seem to continually predict negative problems that you believe will occur, but you refuse to face what has already happened under the administration you support. This is a red flag. Ignoring the real issues we’ve experienced is a clear sign of avoiding accountability, and it’s hard to move forward when we can’t even acknowledge the problems we’re currently facing.
I have nothing in common with your attitude, and I have no intention of going back and forth with your hand-wringing. That kind of negativity is part of the problem with the division we see today. I’m not willing to engage with the sad negativity you share. I’m stepping away from those who hinder the healing of our divide and reaching out to those who are working to mend it.
Trump has called Democrats “demonic,” “evil,” “dangerous,” “fascists,” “Marxists,” “lunatics,” “scum,” “vermin,” “garbage,” “the enemy of the people,” and “the enemy from within.”
And yes I am expecting him to address everything he has promised on day one, no excuses from anyone. I will be holding him to the same standards the folks on here have continually and rigidly applied to Biden.
You've never stopped holding him accountable!?! You can pretend he was the one screwing everything up over the past four years, but that's ALL
on you and your kinda Government!
He not only WON, he won BIGLY!! When all is said and done, I believe he will have over 300 Electoral votes. He already has won the popular vote.
I didn’t expect you would be "inspired", but I thought you might have, at the very least, taken off your rose-colored glasses in order to see Kamala's true colors!!
She didn't make an appearance last night, not in public, not via a video, or a phone call (she's big on those) nothing, nada from her!!
A spokesperson told the crowd (waiting for hours) basically, she's not speaking, go home! Doesn't that tick you off just a little bit? You are mad at the wrong person, the wrong people.
Well AB, I very much look forward to holding Trump's feet to the fire on every fantastical, unrealistic promise that he has made. Starting on day one. No excuses. Our economy has recovered, under Biden's administration, from the pandemic. All trends are headed in the right direction. Trump, if he had any sense, would ride the trend as he did with Obama's economy... But he's made y'all a lot of crazy promises that literally every expert believes will tank the economy. He's got some tough choices ahead of him.
Not exactly...
We are spending (as a nation) $1Trillion more every 3 months than we are taking in... that adds to debt.
We have a WORLD that is disconnecting from the Dollar as its reserve, and finding alternatives to SWIFT.
BRICS has added the UAE and Saudi Arabia into its ranks, nations that used to solely trade Oil in the Dollar. Now they don't want to use the Dollar at all.
If by recovery you mean everything is now 25% more expensive than it was 4 years ago... then yes, we have... and I think Americans are struggling to survive and get by in this new 'recovered' economy.
We were salmons swimming upstream.
The current has changed direction in our favor. REJOICE!
Congratulations to all of us fighting the good fight.
Now, we have to keep up the good work:
Prayers, positivity and common sense.
Amen Kathryn... I am loving this new direction!!
"We are spending (as a nation) $1Trillion more every 3 months than we are taking in... that adds to debt"
Lol have you seen the multitude of analysis' of Trump's "plan". The lack of revenue it creates and the fact that his plan would increase the debt by $7.75 trillion?
Ken, I was so shocked to see the debt Biden would be leaving, sort of escaped me, but wow! It looks like he will leave about 8 trillion.
I find it concerning that there are signs that some countries are moving away from using the U.S. dollar in international trade. Nations like China, Russia, and several others have been exploring alternatives, such as using their own currencies or regional currencies for trade, and some are even considering digital currencies. The world moving away from the dollar and finding alternatives to SWIFT, is concerning. This shift could weaken our economic influence and impact our financial stability.
We now have a strong man that solves problems not create them and then ignore them. My faith remains strong as it was with the American people to make the right decision and put him back in office. I think his strength will pull us out of this huge mess Biden has created.
Is it as shocking to see the debt that the Trump "plan" creates?
Each president inherits the National Debt of the previous president. Therefore, Trump's debt will start where Biden's debt ends. The same thing with the economy. The stock market, not withstanding Trump, it's at an all time high with low interest rates, and low inflation rates.
However, Trump will claim them as his stats as soon as he steps into office and his supporters will believe him because of his smoke and mirrors act.
Oh yes, the same stats will be considered wonderful, attributed to Trump's sharp mind lol. Many of his followers seem to have a shaky grasp of economics. Biden has successfully steered this country through the economic hardships brought by covid. And the upward trends, I believe, are only going to continue... Yes only for Trump to take credit just as he did when he rode the coattails of Obama's economy. The Right has been griping about grocery prices ad nauseum, I haven't seen anything in Trump's so-called plan that addresses those costs. As soon as he takes office, and costs remain the same, do you think we'll ever hear them complaining again? Nope.
Seems like they're all excited for the Trump tariffs though.
"Biden has successfully steered this country through the economic hardships brought by covid."
With this I would agree. I hit every pothole he could find and hit the ditch a few times, but he steered! There was massive, unnecessary, damage to us all, but he steered!
Agree, the fact is we are paying more for everything, food utilities, housing, insurance, cars, need I go on. It is odd anyone could feel Biden steered us through the incredible price hikes we are still under and no relief in sight.
What is Trump's plan to reduce grocery costs? And housing? I did hear him claim that he would reduce our energy cost by 50% so I'm expecting that rather quickly.
Trump is being handed an economy that is on the upswing. He will not be given credit for the continuing trends. If he can put in place actual policy and there is data to eventually show that the policy added to the positive trend, then that would be another story. But he's pretty low on policy. I mean besides tariffs that we as consumers will bear the brunt.
I will be looking for demonstrable data, numbers to compare where the Biden administration leaves the country in terms of key metrics and where they go under Trump. And I will be looking to couple them with policy that has been enacted during Trump's term, not just rhetoric. Not just riding the current upward trend that would really just continue. Hopefully those who are able, will do the same
So agree--- Ya know I have had an epiphany this morning. I am not going to have back-and-forths with those that promote unrealistic negativity... I hope you continue to share here... Because I feel so good this morning like I dodged a bullet. And I have given up on many here. And I can count on one hand who I feel comfortable conversing with here. And you are one I enjoy sharing with.
It is the same for me Shar!
Keep it positive. Keep it real!
Or maybe just keep it accurate...truthful
Always have. Always will!
PeoplePower may be looking for you.
" I am not going to have back-and-forths with those that promote unrealistic negativity."
Hey, we can take that high road. I mean is it not useless and only aid to spread negativity with back and forths? The debates here have become toxic.
... and as you mentioned, we can avoid "giving air." (~ providing oxygen for their vicious flames.)
I really feel this way. I think I have been attributing to the Great Divide by giving air. I mean I have given it my best, not willing to continue chopping at the divide. I mean I think we are in for some really great years under Trump. I wnt to enjoy these years.
You all strap in and hold on. Here comes project 2025. He will burn down our democratic republic and be your king. Let's watch his massive deportation of immigrants on day one.
How can a man that tried to substitute a fake electoral slate into the certification of a duly elected president not go to jail for election tampering?
If Mike Pence would have done "The right Thing." Trump would have been an illegitimate president by overthrowing our democratic process. And now he is being absolved of all those wrong doings, but none of you care. You just think he is going to make your lives better. I hope you are right for your own sake.
Take it elsewhere. Do you have Willow's number?
His comment was exactly what I was talking about—negativity, and spreading falsehoods. TDS is, in my view, beyond cure.
You can't deal with the truth. It was right in front of your eyes. Let's wait and see. Trump is actually beyond cure. You know as well as I do that TDS is a made up symptom by your fellow Trumpers.
However, Trump does suffer from malignant narcissism, is a pathological liar, and in my view a master con-artist. His being president does not remove any of those maladies, in fact he will probably get worse.
Why the Left’s Obsession With Donald Trump Will Backfire … l-backfire
An interesting article. I did learn.
I like this quote from it . . .
"We cannot connect meaningfully with others if we believe that we have a monopoly on truth."
So true of both sides of the isle or at least of some of the members. Both sides or at least some members are so embed into righteousness they have lost sight of the goal, the vision, or the American Dream.
Yes indeed... too many in today's world, IMO.
Yes, and when I evaded a useless back-n-forth, he name-called. What else is new?
I noted that--- who said "When they go low we go high? " Oh yes, that was M. Obama... It is very clear which side slings derogatory labels, That's sort of why I thought it better to ignore their comments. It serves no purpose to go low. I just have little in common with those who feel themselves righteous enough to call names. Maybe if left to their own, they will run out of steam.
Something to do with ignorance and my intelligence...
Are you doing a survey?
I don't think using the phrase 'ignorance is bliss* is a personal insult aimed at one's intelligence
He was responding directly to me... and I don't remember asking for your input.
That's very intelligent. Ignorance can be bliss.
I recall multiple calls in 2017 for electors to ignore their sworn duty, ignore the law, ignore the wishes of their state residents and vote Clinton into office regardless of their responsibilities.
Trump learned fast, didn't he? It's funny, but most of the "evil" political things he did came right from the Democrat's playbook.
I remember that and still remember several that stepped up and --- Looked up a few, the list was long.
Michael Baca - He was a Democratic elector from Colorado who attempted to vote for John Kasich, a Republican, instead of Hillary Clinton. This was part of an effort to convince Republican electors to choose an alternative Trump. Baca’s vote was nullified, and he was replaced by a Clinton-supporting
Bret Chiafalo - An elector from Washington State who,
Polly Baca (no relation) - Also a Colorado elector, Polly Baca supported the movement to encourage electors to vote against Trump
Faith Spotted Eagle - A Native American elder and activist who received one electoral vote from an elector in Washington state.
What you are talking about is a false equivalence. Trump recruited governors who were standing by with a fake slate that showed him to be the winner. Don't forget them chanting "Hang Mike Pence and the gallows that was built for him. The sad thing is Trump is going to pardon all those low life people because they filled a need in his sick narcissistic ego.
I have no plans to engage with you any further. Save your energy for directing insults elsewhere, as you did with AB. From now on, I'll be more deliberate about how I share my thoughts.
The reality is clear: we have a new president, and he won with a significant majority. I see no reason to doubt that this majority made the right choice. Democracy has spoken, and it spoke loudly. Maybe it’s time you listened.
I've moved on and am committed to fostering unity instead of staying stuck in the past. I will continue to judge Trump based on his actions and the job I supported him for. I was highly satisfied with his work during his time in the White House and have developed deep respect for his tenacity and courage. My hope is for the country to heal and move forward, rather than stay trapped in past rhetoric.
You need to also take a long look at what the Democrats as well as left media have called and labeled this man, some of the most vile labels one could imagine. You don't seem to do that, do you? So, should you be tossing around the words " That's very intelligent. Ignorance can be bliss." ?
It's OK for Trump to insult everybody under the sun who opposes him. It's called freedom of speech. If he can do it, then I have the right to do it as well. I never mentioned ab's name. She told me to go play or follow Willow. That's a really intelligent reply to my comment..
I am afforded the same rights as him am I not? Besides I like to use him as my role model when it comes to freedom of speech. He hollered "Fire in a theater" when he said that there was no money left in FEMA for those who were in the flooded regions. He made a mess out that situation for FEMA, first responders, and the flood victims.
You and Trumpers don't care about his lack of character, but I do. So you and your merry band of Trumpers just forget about his lack of character because you think he has great problem solving skills, and just continue to make excuses for him.
Trump won the election because he convinced people that Biden's economy is bad when it isn't. It's the corporations that are price gouging the people.. Trump made Biden look bad because he killed the bipartisan immigration bill...nothing more nothing less. I have to give him credit, he convinced all those people who don't know any better. I can't wait to see what he does with mass deportation, Tariffs, and reorganizing the who government structure.
I can't see that you are forming any kind of Unity other than defending Trump as you always do and making excuses for him..
I am not going to do this back and forth. This member of the "merry band of Trumpers" is moving along, on her merry way!
You obviously cannot do that and need to continue venting and belittling us and President Trump. Willow is in the same boat. Thought ya'll might want to commiserate together.
The Trump followers will quickly begin to understand the reality of the situation concerning food prices and the fact that our nation has immigration laws that can only be changed by Congress. . Trump has made big promises on both, neither of which he will be able to keep.
"I am afforded the same rights as him am I not?" Yes, that is true.
As I have the right to remind you --- I have no plans to engage with you any further. Save your energy.
"I've moved on and am committed to fostering unity instead of staying stuck in the past"
Why unity now? Your posts have often centered around how very different"mindsets" are and how ideologies very far apart. Honestly, sometimes giving the impression that Democrats and Republicans are different species of human. I can't recall any posts calling for unity under Biden.
What do you think Make America Great Again means? That's past tense. It implies, let's keep America stuck in the past. In my view, America has always been great. Germany was decimated after WWI and Hitler used the same slogan to rally his people: Make Germany Great Again.
Pinpointing negativity is actually destructive to hopes, wishes and will: The latter being the most powerful force of progress and power. Negativity only serves to put bricks on momentum.
I say.
Yes, me too. I wish he could have taken over on November 6th.
Me too! I wish he could start right now. It would be a huge relief to move on from the person whose poor judgment led to all these issues and who isn't fully capable mentally of handling the problems he caused... But I know that’s not realistic at the moment.
I had strong faith in the American people’s innate good sense, and they really delivered big time. I have the same confidence in Trump. He fought tirelessly to keep his promises in his first term, which is why I fully support him. Maybe that’s why such an outstanding number of Americans cast their votes to bring him back. My God In my view, he is most likely working feverishly to get a head start. I never question God's plan...
I mean Angie, could you not be happier today -- I have had an ear-to-ear smile non-stop for two days now! Sunday, I will host a celebration to celebrate our new president!
Hi Shar, sorry for not responding earlier, but for some reason my feed isn't updating?! I have had to search out any and all responses on every forum discussion I am involved in!?!? Have you ever had that happen? I have sought assistance from HP, so, hopefully, I can figure out what's up!
In the meantime,
YES, I am ecstatic!!
Haven't felt this good after/and about, an election, in a long, long time.
A Celebration Party, I love it!
HubPages was down for awhile. Now it is back up & full functioning.
Angie, no, that hasn't happened to me. But I'm really excited that President Trump just appointed Susie Wiles as his chief of staff! History is being made, as she will be the first woman to hold this position. I truly believe we’re on a path toward a better America.
"President Trump just appointed Susie Wiles as his chief of staff! "
The sexist PIG!!!!
We can't survive four more years of this!!!
Yes, I wonder if Mark Cuban can get his foot out of his mouth. I am really pretty excited about sending Trump back to the White House. And can't wait to see who he takes with him. I am hoping for young, old, and yes some women. I think we are in for a history-making 4 years. It has been reported he has already received calls and made calls to many world leaders. I have my fingers crossed he will be bringing in Tulsi, I mean I have a list. LOL
I’m eager to see if Tulsi Gabbard gets an appointment—maybe even as the first female Secretary of Defense? I can hope! I’m confident she’ll be joining him when he returns to Washington. I was so pleased to see he appoint Susie Wiles chief of staff. The first woman to hold the job! We are making history!
"We are the Champion!"
I will be both disappointed, and consider it a very troubling sign, if Tulsi does not have a prominent role in the Administration.
We need people with experience and fortitude, with a backbone willing to stand for what is right occupying as many high-ranking positions as possible... none are stronger or more pro-American than Tulsi.
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