Seems Ms Pelosi has gotten her feathers ruffled. Pelosi has her own agenda with this Health Care Bill. Come Hell or High-Water, She plans to force this Bill through at any cost.
Be ready to have government forced health care Taxes (oops, not suppose to say that, let's call, insurance coverage. People are not smart enough to figure it out.) Call it "Mandate" or whatever you choose. It is forced taxation with promise of Fines/Penalities if you Do Not Pay Up!
Pelosi-Back Health Bill Even If It Hurts
Sounds like Pelosi sees the writing on the Wall that She and many of her co-conspirators will be voted out in November so she is challenging them to Pass this before the "People can have a voice at the voting booth" and kick them out.
Both parties are corrupt, but this message from Pelosi is sickening. Shows her true colors publicly. Reminds me of a phrase I heard once: If I am going down, I am taking everyone with me.
Hi Michael. I understand your frustration with our representatives in government. I would not complain about the plight of health care reform going on right now in Washington unless I had a better solution. I already know what medical coverage I want for my family. I want the same coverage members of congress voted for themselves. Why do they, as public servants, have better coverage then the citizens who pay their premiums? Why not ask your representatives in congress to answer that question?
Exactly! I would love to have the insurance plan and Rates the congressmen have. They will not talk to the public about that or even think about putting that on the table.
Think about it Every one would like to have a plan like congress ( paid by someone other than themselves )
Hypocrisy in the highest
Today on one of the talk shows (FOX) a senator said '' by passing the healthcare bill we will increase the insurance pool hence healthcare costs will come down ''. He is a political brain dead idot.
Healthcare costs go up when the pool payers drop out. People out of work losing their health insurance ( unemployment 10% )decreases the pool hence costs goes up for those able to pay.
Congress can't figure it out.They wasted a year on healthcare instead of getting the private sector back to work. Government took care of the unions and state workers .Government is hiring.
I agree with you there. Time wasted looking for ways to Take money from the people instead of finding ways to put people Back to work.
If Insurance companies are so worried about lost revenue from the economy and job loss, it makes sense in the long run to "lower cost" to make policies more affordable which then gets more people to sign up for insurance!!! Then more people with coverage the loss will balance out.
I would rather sell 10 items at 10 cents to get a dollar than sell 2 items at 50 cents to get that 1 dollar. Over time more will be sold at the 1 cent than the 50 cents because it is more affordable.
True, they want All they can get right now!!! And it is more than just the Insurance Companies.
What I mean is that they are not just selling an item and then moving on to the next customer. There is a very real possibility of a cost much greater than the amount earned. It's kind of complicated.
I get where you are coming from on that. And a lot of that is brought on by themselves.
Now don't forget that in 2012 or 2013 everyone must be Verichiped- that is also in that great health care package they are wanting to push onto the American people.
What really doesn't make sense here is Obama is signing something into law that he can NOT do unless he is and proven a U.S. citizen with an origional birth certificate. Inwhich he had sealed .
Oh no, Pelosi is safe. She has the brainwashed masses of the great city of San Francisco who will back her. It's everyone else she's willing to sacrifice for her political ideals.
It's funny; last year everyone, especially progressives, were talking about the death of the Republican Party. Could be this November, we're talking about the destruction of the Democratic Party. Not that I'd shed any tears if both parties went away. Quite the opposite. In order to regain our nation, both political parties will have to go.
You have it backwards tech - Pelosi is the product of the San Francisco Bay area.
Her secret to getting fellow Congressmen to see things Her way! Favors or Scare tactics. lol
lol, your are welcome! I may watch a Nightmare on Elm Street to see if I can shake that thought also.
Oh, wait....might not work...I might think about Nancy Kreuger instead! Yikes!!!!!
Eh, that's like arguing chicken and egg. From what I gather there are conservative Californians, most notably in Orange County but elsewhere they seem to be just slightly outnumbered by Progressives. It'll be interesting to see what effect the Tea Party movement has on those poll numbers in the future.
When is she up for re-election? Someone needs to take her place for sure.
I live in the Bay Area right now. It didn't used to be like this. Imagine an entire area of the country that thinks, acts, and talks like Pelosi
But the good news is that if you call them on it they just crumple up. They need the internet to really spew their hate. But hey, change is on the way . . .
The "Parties" control this nation. It is no longer We the People anymore. Pelosi is one arrogant bit.....! She needs to go as soon as possible.
LOL, love that!!!! Where did you find that?
My crazy artist sister brought it home from work along with a ton of others. It cracked me up!
I also write a blog for a TV web page and want to use that pick.
It's a shame we don't know the original artist. Creativity like that should be cited and encouraged.
I see USA Today has changed the Title on the link page. Guess Nancy got upset about it. lol
How can that be? We all know there is not such thing as a liberal media bias? In fact, Hillary Clinton once exposed a great right-wing bias in the media. :snicker:
I knew I couldn't say that with a straight face.
What I wish I could find is a line-by-line statement of all the Health Care Bills. Just list the issues addressed and a one line statement for their so-called solutions. 2,000 pages is a joke.
If you have tired to read these, you get repetitive mumbo-jumbo paragraph after paragraph.
I am sure someone in Washington could write a "Cliff-Note" version that Americans could read and understand.
WAIT.......that wouldn't work!!!! What am I saying????? People read and know what is going on????? No way that can be allowed.
Hi...I'm Donotfear from the South. I'm radical and out of control clinging to my God, my guns, my country, and my hound dog!
So do the world a favor and go shoot yourself.
'k, now THAT is an AWESOME picture! it has "America" written all over it...
In a conversation online I am having with others about the Health Care Corruption Summit this past week, this is a statement this person made online from the Summit:
Sen McCain says "Mr.President, my constituents are largely against this bill." Obama says, "You know what, I don't want to hear nothing more than how to push this bill forward."
WOW, real Compromise there, Mr President!
The government is going about Health Care Reform the wrong way; this is true. But, not doing something about the real problem that does exist is not an option either. Meanwhile, the fatcats in the Insurance Industry sit back and laugh at all of us 'common' citzens for bickering amongst ourselves. Yep, laughing all the way to the bank.
And they will laugh even louder if these Bills pass through. Mandate = money to the Health Industry.
Third-party, non-profit regulation of the Healthcare Industry is a good start. Do I think that there is a comprehensive program in place? No. I don't give a damn about any party's ideologies here, folks, I'm talking about a possible solution, not more of the Status Quo.
You don't know much about simple economics and supply and demand do you?
Hmmm, actually you are missing my point but is that to say you side with unethical business practices then I wonder? Supply and demand has nothing to do with naked greed. Simple economics? Seriously? I take it then, that noone close to you has ever been subjected to the doings of any Big Insurance Company, hmm?
No I'm not missing your point. You seem to be one of those airheads who know nothing about economics, what it is and what it tells us. You just prattle on with your psuedo-Marxist nonsense and sophist rhetoric and don't really care about solving real problems as long as you can prattle on about how stupid everyone else is.
FYI, moron, I happen to be diabetic so the chances of me getting insurance by myself are nill. Let me clue you in on something. There is currently technology out there that is used for monitoring O2 levels in the bloodstream. With a little work, it could be adapted by a medical device company to monitor blood glucose level. Now with insurance you'll pay about $50 a month for testing strips and needles. Without, well you can double that.
The modified O2 monitor would pretty much end the need to poke yourself with a needle and keep you from buying strips. Oh yeah, one last thing, strips are about 80% accurate, these new monitors are about 85% accurate. The FDA won't allow these new monitors to be sold. Why? Political pressure from makers of old style blood glucose meters. They practically give away their meters because they know they'll make it back in strips. In that way they're kind of like a disposable razor blade manufacturer.
Rather than just blame Big Insurance, you might ask yourself how they got so big and why the game is rigged the way it is. The answer might shock you. Or you might not care and continue to drift in your Progressive, leftist la-la land pretending to care about people, but really not giving a rat's behind.
WOW Dude,You are Harsh!I'm a Diabetic to.How about a link so I can study up on that monitor.I hate those frigging lancets!
Sorry you think I'm harsh, I just have a problem with idiots who say "It's the Big Insurance Company" and leave it at that. The reality of the situation is far more complex. It's the ignorance of airheads that is keeping any real work from getting done on stuff like this. … toring.php
That should give you a listing on various meters and how invasive they are. Several are in the prototype phase and it has been some time since I studied the subject, but we should have had non-invasive meters two years ago.
Thanks.I inject 4 times a day,thats enough holes without the Lancets.
I hear you, I'm Type 2, but my fiance is dual diagnosed. I'm hoping to stay off the insulin and think I've done pretty good. I've lost a good 30 pounds since my diagnosis, but I still have bad days. I have noticed that I don't crave sweets or starches nearly as much as I used to.
It'll be interesting to see how my diet will adjust when these new meters finally come to market. It should change a lot of things if you're able to get your readings in real time. You'll be able to see how what you eat impacts your glucose level and how long it takes to spike your glucose level.
You are talking about the tip of the iceberg here, the principle applies to a huge range of stuff from medical things to not so noticeable daily life issues.
You have now prompted me to find out how China deals with diabetes. I had some warty looking things on one leg and went to the cancer hospital to get them checked out and removed, they told me they were a 'type' and so benign and then sent me off to the small clinic down the road where it was one tenth of the cost to get them lasered off.
Okay. For starters: did I attack you personally to deserve such a personal response? I am not either from the left or right. However, your reply is typical of Politics on both sides. If someone disagrees, you go on the assault. Moron? Airhead? Pullease. I never excused Government's role in this, but, to be fair, if someone hands me a gun(fully-loaded), I don't necessarily need to shoot you now, do I? La-la land? You don't know me from a hole in the wall; you've no idea what actual views I hold on this whole mess, rather you just go on the offensive regardless of what is said. Now, you can go on bashing whomever you please; I could give a rat's ass, but exercising a little humility along with a bit of civility probably wouldn't hurt you any.
I know all I need to know about you from your writing. Your assumption that I side with unethical business practices was a massive assumption on your part and your further assumption that I've never known anyone hurt by insurance companies is stupid.
You take offence with my tone. Tough. You might consider looking in the mirror and considering your own faults before you start lambasting other people for theirs. Everything you just pointed out about me, I could say about you, except that you started this little tussle with your assumptions, not I.
Does anybody here have a more realistic photo of Nancy? I mean one where she's clad in a leather bustier, fishnet stockings, thigh-high leather boots, and brandishing a fifty-foot bullwhip? comical as that may sound, it is also Scary!
hey Jenifer....I found that picture you asked for. It is posted in a reply higher up in this thread. lol
Again after seeing that pic, I shutter!!!!
Like I said, I'm curious to see how this Tea Party movement is going to change things. Since at least the end of WW II, if not before, politics has been a pretty predictable thing. It's consisted mostly of trying to get as many people to accept your version of reality as possible to get elected. Well that and bribing the electorate with federal tax dollars, but I digress.
What I find extremely funny is how Progressives think that the Internet is a great way to get their message across. Progressivism, like any aristocratic movement, absolutely requires that the perceptions of the public at large be controlled. That's why film, radio and, later, TV were such great tools for autocrats. You could spread your message to the masses and without any other source of information, it was generally believed. That's how places like the Soviet Union functioned for 70 years and places like North Korea operate today.
Then came the Internet. It's amusing to me that what started as a military system has evolved into the greatest tool for the exchange of information and freedom since the invention of the printing press. It's no accident that the invention of the printing press was followed by the Enlightenment. Once those behind the Iron Curtain could talk to one another without fear of the commissars, it was only a matter of time before the Evil Empire collapsed.
It would be one of the supreme ironies of history if the system we developed to protect our communications against nuclear attack were to save us from an impending Progressive takeover of America. Whatever happens, the results should be interesting.
Let's see.
We have a bill that will reduce the deficit by 100 billion over 10 years.
It will provide coverage for 30 million Americans who are without coverage, hence without health care.
We have a bill which will endthe discrimination against people with pre-existing conditions and a rapid impartial review if claims are denied by insurance companies.
Subsidies for individuals & small businesses in an exchange which will leverage the buying power of the individual and small business.
An average reduction in premiums.
A variety of programs to bend the cost curve down.
I can sure see why you are all against it.......
Hi Doug. Like most Americans, I’m trying to see past the bias rampant in most of the rhetoric about this proposed legislation. You make six interesting points in support of this bill but you say nothing about the negative aspects. Are there any? “An average reduction in premiums” means that some will pay more and some will pay less. Please tell us whose premiums will benefit and whose will suffer under this bill.
Quil - Good question. first - here's the CBO report folks on both sides are talking about. (I don't make this stuff up.) … emiums.pdf
Most people who are in group plans would see their premiums go down slightly - as opposed to the usual increases. The minority who have non-group plans would also see premiums go down if they stay in the plans they have - but most who are eligible for subsidies would buy better coverage.
The reason is people who can't afford quality insurance are buying crap policies that have caps or high deductibles. These defective policies are where a lot of medical bankruptcies come from. People who become eligible for subsidies will buy 'real' coverage and their premiums would go UP 10 to 13% - not because the insurance is more expensive per se but because they would move up to comprehensive coverage.
CHECK THIS OUT, hoping for some answers.
On Saturday 3/20/10 LIVE from Washington EXCLUSIVLY on Fox News cable at 10:00am to 12:00 ET time
A SPECIAL program regarding HEALTHCARE REFORM '' LIVE AND UNCUT '' direct from Washington , hosted by Neil Cavuto.
Members of both parties will be interviewed.Maybe we will get a separation of fact, fiction or the truth of what's in the bill.
Try not to miss the program, it's for Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Conservatives, Liberals and all Americans.
Looking forward to comments.
I wouldn't believe a Fox "reportor" if he or she said the sun arose in the east. I doubt both parties will get equal respect. You can keep your "fair and balanced" news. Birthers, deathers, corporate sponsored Tea Parties, and every ridiculous conspiracy theory, lie, and disrespect comes out of this noise pollution. Thanks but no thanks. I get my news from five or six other unbiased sources which give me the facts and allows me to decide.
The negatives in the bill are the sweet deal Obama reached early on with the drug companies to buy off their opposition and the fact that the bill sends 32 million uninsured Americans into the clutches of the health insurance companies without a government option alternative. That said, the positives in the bill greatly outweigh the negatives, in my opinion. One other "to do"--find more effective ways of curbing the skyrocketing cost of Medicare. The bill takes some cautious, promising cost reduction measures, but leaves much to be done. And some of the measures will take some time to produce results.
Oh my, the outrage when a political leader acts political. Where was the outrage when GOPs got their marching orders that they had to vote "no" to everything? Shouldn't we be talking about McConnell and "Boner"?
The fact is that the bill that Pelosi sent out of the House was excellent and covered most of what you have been talking about. No one likes the mandate; it was a GOP demand but could have been offset by a public option which was a plan to set up a non-profit exchange which would take the middle man out of the equasion. There is a lot of GOP junk in the bill which the senate adopted as a ridiculous attempt at bipartisanhip.
What Pelosi has done is called leadership. What the GOPs have done is called authoritarianism, or what you would call Obama if he did it, Fascism. The fact that the GOP's plan to have the minority party rule the senate is failing is just torquing you out of shape, isn't it. Boo Hoo. Pelosi is the best a politician can be. If we had more like her, our government would not be failing us.
Her house has produced hundreds of bills which the public needs passed yesterday, and they are sitting in the senate while the regressives (conservatives) play silly buggers and complain of missing ball games. They are despicable.
And enough with the crap about birther, deathers, v-chip. You are really a bunch of ignorant morons. If you don't know what you are talking about, it would be a good time to get informed or shut the hell up. You are not helping this country.
WAKE UP, the HEALTH CARE REFORM bill was 60 in the senate and 220 in the house.
Obama and the Dem's own the bill lock stock and barrel.
They can only hope that the bill will not be found to be unconstitutional.
Pelosi and Reid got the bill passed only after buying the needed votes.
The people need jobs in the private sector,not talk but action.
It is easy to claim you know things and sling mud when one really doesn't. I am with you Jon on this one.
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