McCartney's tears for Obama
Sir Paul McCartney fought back tears as he and Stevie Wonder sang Ebony And Ivory for U.S. president, Barack Obama - because he was so proud to be performing for the country's first black leader.
The Beatles star was honoured at the White House earlier this month, accepting the Gershwin Prize for Popular Song from the Library of Congress.
At the presidential concert, McCartney teamed up with Wonder to sing their 1982 hit - the first time they have ever sung the racial harmony duet live - and McCartney admits he was moved to tears by significance of the moment.
He tells The Sun, "We had a big hit with it but I'd never performed it live with Stevie until that night - and in front of the first black President. When I wrote the song it was a much more troubled time for civil rights, so it took on a significance I'd never dreamed of. I was welling up. I think Obama's doing great. He's a smart guy."
And McCartney was delighted to meet Obama for the first time - because he's admired him from afar for so long.
He adds, "It was such an honour. I'd heard of the prize - it's the biggest for popular music in the U.S. When the President gave it to me, I was so touched. I'm a huge Obama supporter. I really love him.
"When it was the election I was praying he would win. I'd read Obama's books and had an opportunity to talk to him there, in the White House, where I'd never been before. It was amazing to be chatting away, just him and his family." … _for_obama
Did you know that Ann Cee reversed is Eecnna. Eecnna is the ancient Mesopotamian word literally meaning 'lack of light' or darkness.
In 1783 a ship was wrecked off the coast of Cornwall. When the debris washed ashore, a piece of timber was discovered with the word Eecnna scorched into the wood. A ring was later found with the same word engraved on it.
That ring was kept and stored as part of a historic collection of Cornish artefacts by the then duchy of Cornwall.
During WWII, the German Luftwaffe was forbidden by Hitler from bombing the Southwest of England (Cornwall). Documents were uncovered in 1982 that show that Hitler intended to invade England and search the area for something 'Großmacht' or of 'great power'.
The historic collection of Cornish artefacts now belongs to the present Duchy of Cornwall, also known as Prince Charles.
Prince Charles has said on record that we should go back to 'old fashioned' values before it's 'too late'. It's also been suggested off record that a previously unknown parchment was found with the timber and ring in the historic collection. The contents of that parchment has been the subject of much debate, and mystery . . until 2009.
A researcher for the British Museum uncovered the parchment which is written in Aramaic. It says:
"In latest [or last] days, there will be [unreadable] one. The sky [unreadable] befall them. Light [or lightness] will be covered. A herald will speak of end days and will appear [or be] Eecnna. The words will be freed [or released] on the foums at, where people will read them and wish they hadn't just wasted 5 minutes of their life reading a load of old bullshit".
Spooky huh.
this is funnier than the original post! … re=related
OMG! Wait 'til Mahrud Adnerb hears that. She'll swear Obama's a roadie for Led Zepplin.
stairway to heaven, who doesn't love this song? oh wait, I know who doesn't!!
But then Paul McCartney thinks the world of Aleister Crowley too.
Crowley was the Master Satanist of the 20th Century
The hierarchy of the Secret-Societies have been deeply involved in the Black-Occult since they have existed. This includes the ritual sacrifice of children and babies. This knowledge has been kept from the minds of society at large until more recently. It is now only a matter of time when the masses of the people become fully aware of the real agenda behind the secret societies and the true purpose of why they exist.
Aleister Crowley — Initiated to the highest levels of Freemasonry and high priest of the Golden Dawn, said: "A white male child of perfect innocence and intelligence makes the most suitable victim."
In the US each year 400,000 children are reported missing.
In the UK,98,000 children are reported missing.
Crowley's Large Influence Upon Rock Music (and it's fans)
Lest you think that Aleister Crowley (born Edward Alexander Crowley, 1875-1947) was just some crazy fool that no one took seriously, think again. Crowley has had a large influence upon modern rock music. Unbeknownst to most Americans, much of the Hellish music which they idolize was written and sang by devout followers of Crowley and his Satanism.
Guitarist Jimmy Page of Zeppelin is a devout follower of Satanist, Aleister Crowley, who proclaimed himself as "The Beast 666". Aleister Crowley was also a 33rd and 97th Degree Freemason and is recognized as the master Satanist of the 20th century. In 1971, guitarist Jimmy Page bought Crowley’s Boleskine House on the shore of Loch Ness where Crowley practiced his hellish, satanic sex-magick rituals, including human sacrifices. Guitarist Jimmy Page actually performed Crowley magical rituals during their concerts. Their song "Stairway to Heaven" carries the reference "May Queen," which is purportedly the name of a hideous poem written by Crowley. Page had inscribed in the vinyl of their album Led Zeppelin III, Crowley's famous "Do what thou wilt. So mete it Be.’ Page and Robert Plant claim some of Zeppelins' songs came via occultic "automatic handwriting," including their popular "Stairway to Heaven."
The cover of the Sergeant Pepper's album by the Beatles showed a background of, according to Ringo Starr, people "we like and admire" (Hit Parade, Oct. 1976, p.14). Paul McCartney said of Sgt. Pepper's cover, ". . . we were going to have photos on the wall of all our HEROES . . ." (Musician, Special Collectors Edition, - Beatles and Rolling Stones, 1988, p.12). One of the Beatle's heroes included on the cover of Sgt. Pepper's was — the infamous Satanist, Aleister Crowley! Most people, especially in 1967, did not even know who Crowley was — but the Beatles certainly did.
You seem to know a lot about ol Crowley there. Where do you get that info? I understand that lewellen publishing is his own son, have you heard that?
Thanks for the info AnnCee.
Not much difference between the two men, huh?
I've not heard of McCartney or Obama attending Bohemian Grove....
Bush on the other hand has, as has Cheney as had Bush daddy and Reagan> You want to go there, do you?
But why are flies attracted to Barack Obama???
During the 2008 campaign, an LA Times reporter assigned to follow Obama described the following creepy scene on a campaign stop one hot summer afternoon in Iowa:
“Obama was flipping burgers at a backyard barbecue, in what the campaign hoped would be an exquisite photo opportunity. A fly began circling his head. Then more flies. Pretty soon flies were swarming him, the burgers — everything. It was awful to watch. But in rhythmic fashion he began waving them off with his hand.”
Then on June 16, 2009, while Obama was being interviewed in the White House, a fly kept buzzing around his head. Without a moment’s hesitation, Obama killed the fly with his hand.
Did you know that ”Lord of the Flies” is the literal meaning of the Greek word (βεελζεβούβ) for Beelzebub?
I'm just sayin . . . .
Obama swats a fly while cooking raw meat on a barbecue...
...and is thus Satan?
Holy ****.
Are you actually saying this out loud?
By that logic, Australia is "throne of Satan" - more flies than you can imagine...
Beelzebub is not a Greek word
Our septic tank has lots of flies around it at this time of year - therefore, Ozzy Osbourne must be living in there or something.
Time to go and burn some evil, satanic rock albums - Tipper Gore will be proud
Flys? You reckon you got flies there Sufi? In outback Australia, the smaller flies beat you up then hand you over to the big ones who just stomp on ya till ya squashed flat as the Nullabor!
Yeah, this is great.
Paul McCartney sings for Obama and is now a Satanist.
What's wrong with appreciating the sentiment of the moment? Like or loathe Obama's policies, he does represent a high water mark for the civil rights movement - in and out of the US.
What's the actual motivation in posting a story about Obama and civil rights and seeking to deligitimise the sentiment by linking McCartney with Crowley?
Note: Any logical basis for this view should be disregarded completely. As a fan of Led Zeppelin, i'm undeniably marked by a link to Crowley - and thus a Satanist.
Isn't it great that people can say things so extreme and objectionable that they themselves are ashamed of what they've just said, but then they can slide sideways out of their self-made cesspool by appending the magical phrase "I'm just sayin . . . ."
not to mention the ever-popular all-purpose handy-dandy smiley face.
i just read the report, from the link, about Paul McCartney nearly in tears. Someone has put a comment that he is blind, Obama is not black at all he is half white. Any comments from a true black person, do you find it offensive...... this is a very interesting thread, what?
I don't think I'm a true black person, but the One Drop Rule is the standard I was told applies to all people put in the Negro category. Of course this rule was established by Europeans.
Paul was not crying. His eyes were all wattery from just smoking a joint.
Most people recognize the Satanic hand sign which John Lennon is making at the bottom right; but, few people realize that the "ok" sign which Paul McCartney is making at the bottom left is also very Satanic. The "ok" sign is actually three 6's, each of the three vertical fingers forming an individual 6. 666!
Crowley has had a great influence on rock & roll. The International Times voted Crowley “the unsung hero of the hippies.” One man who helped popularized Crowley’s work among rockers is avant-garde film artist Kenneth Anger. He claimed that his films were inspired by Crowley’s philosophy and called them “visual incantations” and “moving spells.” Anger considered Crowley a unique genius. Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones and Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin both scored soundtracks for Anger’s films about Crowley. See “Led Zeppelin” for more about Page’s enthusiasm for Crowley.
Crowley’s photo appeared on the Beatles’ Sgt. Pepper album cover. The Beatles testified that the characters who appeared on the album were their “heroes.” John Lennon explained to Playboy magazine that “the whole Beatle idea was to do what you want … do what thou wilst, as long as it doesn’t hurt somebody” (Lennon, cited by David Sheff, The Playboy Interviews with John Lennon and Yoko Ono, p. 61). This was precisely what Crowley taught.
Ozzy Osbourne called Crowley “a phenomenon of his time” (Circus, Aug. 26, 1980, p. 26). Ozzy even had a song called “Mr. Crowley.” “You fooled all the people with magic/ You waited on Satan's call / … Mr. Crowley, won't you ride my white horse…”
On the back cover of the Doors 13 album, Jim Morrison and the other members of the Doors are shown posing with a bust of Aleister Crowley.
David Bowie referred to Crowley in his song “Quicksand” from the album The Man Who Sold the World.
Graham Bond thought he was Crowley’s illegitimate son and recorded albums of satanic rituals with his band Holy Magick.
Iron Maiden lead singer Bruce Dickinson said: “… we’ve referred to things like the tarot and ideas of people like Aleister Crowley” (Circus, Aug. 31, 1984). Their song “The Number of the Beast” said, “666, the number of the beast/ 666, the one for you and me.” Crowley was called the Beast.
Daryl Hall of the rock duo Hall and Oates admits that he follows Crowley. “I became fascinated with Aleister Crowley, the nineteenth-century British magician who shared those beliefs. … I was fascinated by him because his personality was the late-nineteenth-century equivalent of mine—a person brought up in a conventionally religious family who did everything he could to outrage the people around him as well as himself” (Rock Lives: Profiles and Interviews, p. 584). Hall owns a signed and numbered copy of Crowley’s The Book of Thoth (about an Egyptian god).
Sting, formerly of the Police, has spent many hours studying Crowley’s writings.
Stiv Bators, lead singer for The Dead Boys and Lords of the New Church, had a song titled “Do What Thou Wilt/ This Is the Law,” after the philosophy of Satanist Aleister Crowley. In another song Bators sang: “I heard the Devil curse/ I recognized my name.”
LSD guru Timothy Leary was a Crowley enthusiast. He said: “I’ve been an admirer of Aleister Crowley. I think that I’m carrying on much of the work that he started over a hundred years ago … He was in favor of finding yourself, and ‘Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law’ under love. It was a very powerful statement. I’m sorry he isn’t around now to appreciate the glories he started” (Late Night America, Public Broadcasting Network, cited by Hells Bells, Reel to Real Ministries).
OK that is it.
I breaking out my LP player and putting on LED Zeppelin Stairway to Heaven and playing it backwards.
We are doomed!
Oh, wait, those guys are no longer in charge.
Nah, PP, except for Aleister Crowley's daughter, Barbara Bush, they are all making the Dallas Cowboys sign. It's a steer.
Barbara Pierce Bush got it right though. Her mother Margaret Pierce spent time in Europe with Aleister Crowley and friends.
Now, that was really a good collection of photographs, enjoyed them.
So in that last posted picture where a comment is made about the hand sign John Lennon had up.. did it pass notice that his thumb was sticking out? Looked a lot like the ASL for I LOVE YOU.
Sheez.. people will dive at anything to scandalize anything or anyone.
I heard about the Aussie flies - they do sound vicious.
Mind you, you only have yourselves to blame - if you allow that Satanistic, Crowley-loving AC/DC band to wander around the country attracting Obama's flies, what do you expect?
Exile AC/DC and the fly-infestation problem will be solved
Paul McCartney is a fool. His music has become irrelevant as is he. Certainly his opinions are uninformed.
Thank you for the irrelevant,uninformed, foolish comment.
Your welcome! Thank you for yours as well.
And your background and experience in the music industry consists of what? It must be fairly extensive for you to make such a bold statement about one of the industry's most famous members.
Tell us all about your qualifications to do so!
Aettrebeel is right.
Paul McCartney has no right to interfere with our God-given right to hate Obama.
Well I've listened to music all my life so I know what I like and therefore am well qualified to comment on my feelings regarding a washed up loser like McCartney.
This is exactly what I thought! No personal experience in actually creating music and calling one of the most successful musicians in history a loser. Yep, sounds about "right."
What does his past success have to do with his recent accomplishments or lack thereof or his political expertise or his personal opinions or his phony staged emotional outbursts?
And how does my lack of professional experience creating music preclude me from having an opinion?
A shame you can't tolerate those you don't agree with.
How do you know his actions were staged? You just don't like his viewpoint, which is your right, but criticizing his musical ability when you have none is laughable. I'm sure Paul would be devastated you don't like his music! LOL! What great things have you done to make you think you are a good judge of him?
LOL Randy, can you judge if a car is good or bad without being a car designer?
Lee is generalizing of course putting down his personal opinion as an absolute truth, but this does not mean your position makes any sense, sorry...
Yes you can, Misha, if you also drive the car and work on it too! You don't think the designer would have a better grasp on the inner workings of the car than someone who merely drives one?
I spent many years in the music business and do know the difference in the skill required in producing music versus merely pressing a button to listen to it! But you may be proficient in producing music, I don't know.
On inner workings? Resounding yes. On consumer value? Resounding no. And Lee is talking about consumer value.
I'll bet Paul has way more consumer value than those criticizing him. His music will continue to make money long into the future when you and Lea are worrying about keeping your Depends changed!
Now you just lost me completely... I guess I need a translator...
Which proves my point, I hope! One can have an opinion about something they do not understand, but the opinion may be completely worthless to those who do understand! "Depends" are adult diapers! Now do you understand? HA!
Ah, ok, thank you.
So now I know how to look at your opinions on political and religious issues. You probably are not a politician, and you definitely are not a God. So much for validity of your opinions
I'm quite sure a politician would not put as much stock in my political opinions as they would someone with experience in the particular issue. I am also positive god's chosen do not give my opinions as much weight as they do a preacher's. I have no problem with that.
I would respect your opinion about Russia more than someone from Florida who only knows they do not like caviar! Should I? But anyway, that is just me!
So far I was sure hubpages forums are not musical professionals forums, as they are not political professionals forums or religious professionals. Am I missing something here?
If not, then Lee voicing his opinion on a recent performance of a certain musician is as valid as you voicing your opinion on a recent performance of a certain politician.
As for the caviar - I am pretty happy with Americans not liking it, it helps us to avoid yet another asset bubble. Just think about it - stocks, commodities, real estate, gold - and now caviar
Thanks Misha- This is the typical attitude of the left, either you think like them or you are condemned! Shame I have no desire to be a part of their collective!
You are welcome But to tell you the truth, in my experience such attitude is as typical on a right side, too... Looks like it is just typical to humans, in general..
Humans are flawed, we don't like to be wrong, and we don't like to lose, so we tend to guard our beliefs with great vigor.
I never said Lea voicing his opinion was invalid. But neither is mine. Lea is using his opinion of McCartney's musical ability to disparage his political views. A musicians political views, or even religious or social views for that matter, has no bearing on whether his music is good or bad. If you cannot understand that then too bad!
You didn't answer whether the Floridian who hates caviar would know more about your country than you. I would still take your opinion even if you couldn't carry a tune in a bucket!(translation-tone deaf)
Absolutely no bearing, we are on the same page here. Yet I understood Lee a bit differently - that Paul has to use every PR opportunity to support his popularity, once his musical production is no longer capable of it. Does not mean that I agree to that, I don't have an opinion on it - but this is how I read Lee.
Translation: You're getting old.
Glad to help
"criticizing his musical ability when you have none is laughable. "
That makes no sense. If a player on your favorite pro sports team is playing horribly, you can't criticize him unless you are a pro athlete in that sport? You can't criticize a Congressman unless you are serving in Congress? Nonsense.
Sure you can criticize anyone you like! But it doesn't mean you know what you are speaking of when you do it! This case is a prime example of such criticism!
Again, nonsense. You don't have to be a pro ball player to know when a pitcher sucks, or a Congressman to know when a representative is not voting according to the wishes of a district, or a music producer to know what music you do or do not prefer.
Oh please! Paul McCartney has never been as good without the genius of John Lennon to support him. It's obvious now that he is trying to make himself relevant by doing shows with the likes of Justine Bieber, meeting with Obama, etc, all just ways to promote his brand, marketing pure and simple. Sure he's a professional, he knows the business, he's got money past success, and credibility, that doesn't mean he isn't a phony or that he produces good music. He's got a fan base sure but let's face it his music is bland and out of date as is he. That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.
Oh, so this was an endorsement of his right to have an opinion?
As for the Russia and caviar - I think it's still the same - my expertise on Russia's inner matters has nothing to do with you liking or disliking caviar that Russia produces, and you voicing your opinion on it
Let me see if I understand you correctly. You think the opinion a person from Florida who doesn't like caviar has just as informed opinion of Russia than you? I find that hard to believe, but if you say so I will accept it because you should know.
But about music or the ability to create it? I doubt either of you understand much about its production. So we disagree, who cares!
"Let me see if I understand you correctly. You think the opinion a person from Florida who doesn't like caviar has just as informed opinion of Russia than you?"
It means he has an opinion about caviar, and he doesn't need to be a professional food taster to have one.
Unfortunately that was not the question asked! Not that answering questions is your strong point anyway!
LOL Randy, I am starting to think I have to re-take an ESL beginner course, cause I obviously fail to get the message across. Giving it one more try, before giving up.
May be rephrasing what you just said into what I meant could help. So,
I am saying that opinion of a person from Florida who does not like caviar and opinion of a person from Russia who likes caviar and knows how to produce it are both valid, as long as those opinions are about whether they like caviar or not. Their opinions about how to make caviar are not as equally valid.
This was my last try, cheers
Barack Obama is clearly using techniques of nuerolinguistic messaging.
I have just realized that I can go into pretty much any thread here and post the simple comment "It's amazing how truly stupid people can be" and have it be completely appropriate to whatever topic is at hand.
Do you really want to open that can of worms?
what is the matter with everyone, no one likes Michael Jackson, Paul Mc Cartney is out of favour....... These forums are getting a bit grumpy i must say.,
I think Paul McCartney is brilliant. Don't care for Heather Mills.
All that music from the mid '60's seemed to be a real departure from anything that had come before. It had real transportative power and seemed to open doors to other dimensions.
Did anyone else experience it that way?
Because the affect of the strangeness of 1960's has definitely, in my opinion, turned out to be destructive to the social and political fabric of the United States I am willing to entertain the idea that it's origin was evil.
We now have in power people who were swept up in the anti-American movements of that time.
Mostly I'm just pressing buttons on this forum, mostly for fun, just to shake things up, but in truth I think we are in dangerous times and we need to be aware.
I too believe Satan is everywhere, and he will just use anything he can, to try to attract people to him.. Many are just tools in his hand, but they don't know it........... Yes we are living in dangerous times, hoope it improves, anyone think it will...................
Neither does he, any more.
Evil? Blimey, that's putting it a bit strongly.
Although I will say one thing - whenever I hear John Lennon's "Imagine", it irritates me beyond belief. "Imagine no possessions"... yeah, right! As if any of the Sixties pop stars still alive today and enjoying their royalties would be prepared to give those up.
It's always struck me how often the people who are rebels and rabble-rousers in their youth seem to turn into establishment stalwarts when they reach middle and old age. Perhaps in their case the rebellion was only ever on the surface - a sort of token rebellion if you like, encompassing things like drugs, partying and weird clothes but not any deep intellectual enquiry.
Ann Cee Said: "We now have in power people who were swept up in the anti-American movements of that time."
Not sure who you mean. I was in elementary school in the '60s and I'm older than the president.
The most anti-American person of power I know is Dick Cheney. He was/is a movement unto himself! M
Speaking of neocons (of whom Cheney is of course one), several of the leading lights in that particular movement actually started out as Trotskyites... kind of bears out what I was saying in my earlier post.
Barack Obama was raised by communist grandparents and mother. Didn't you hear him call WWII The Great Patriotic War a term coined by Stalin after he and Hitler had a falling out.
He thinks there are 57 United States and he calls WWII the Great Patriotic War. Sheesh.
How did we end up in bizarro world?
McCartney is a great artist, but when it comes to real life, he is a moron.
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