The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that countries are not obliged to allow gay marriage, rejecting a bid by an Austrian couple to force the state to let them wed.
ok you've really started it......don't even go there!
The state has no right to tell consenting adults who they can and cannot join with in a committed, loving and sexual relationship.
Oh, wait. Yeh they do. For the life of me I cannot fathom why. Besides which, according to divorce rates, the deplorable amount of child and adult stupidity, not to mention the number of domestic abuse and homicide cases, the state is doing a really crappy job at sanctioning which marriages should be allowed and which shouldn't.
Horrible situation. Liberty, my azz. Hard to believe how truly stupid people are.
All this says is that this right is not conferred by the European Union, not that it doesn't exist.
It's a hollow victory for both sides.
The gay activists will never be content until they force their agenda into all corners of society "legally", even though that article said they already have specific rights given to them (just not marriage),
and for the conservatives and Christians, it means little, because the whole subject should've never made it as far as the Court anyway; it should've never even been considered a valid debate.
in canada gays are allowed to marry. i don't see who has the right to tell anyone they can't marry but if you are religious then according to the bible(at least i think so) homosexuality is a sin. if that's the case then marriage between a gay couple should only be allowed by a justice of the peace or some one like that. being gay isn't a crime but hating someone because they are gay is just plain idiosy
Just wait and see gay activists flood here like swarm of bees. Not again today..
Well since most religions denounce the whole gay thing, then gay's don't really have a right to get married, since it is a contradiciton, why would a homosexual want to be married ina union which abhors their very existence?
However I think they should have every right to be joined in a civil union. Or maybe even create their own religion which supports their personal desires (and Kylie).
Marriage is not necessarily a religious matter. It is a public contract.
I have always viewed marriage as religious, however I got married, and definitely am not religious.
Civil union doesn't sound quite the same, but if it was not for the fact that I need to show proof of relationship to the US government, a civil union would have been more likely.
I might have glossed over the point that the European court will also have included civil union under marriage under their latest rulign though!
So I guess atheist also shouldn't be allowed to marry under this worldview?
"I have always viewed marriage as religious"
Marriage predates Christianity. I don't see why everyone things Christians get to say what marraige is and who it is for. Like it is their own special right.
marriage is more about legality than about religion..
well said. i'm an athiest and when me and my lady get married , it will not be in a church. to me marriage is just a way of showing comitment to someone else.
And as such (legal contract) any one can enter into any that they choose.
You can call it a contract of ownership if you want to, but it doesn't mean that it is.
This applies to every issue !!
A thing is what it is, no matter what you want to call it.
And just cause you call it something does not mean that everyone else has to call it by that same name.
You can call my Ford Mustang a Corvair if ya want to.
Call anything whatever you want to call it, just don't try to make me call it that too.
Create their own religion-good idea. i don't understand why its taking so much attention from important issues this government need to address. They can do what they like if they can afford too. But everybody ain't going to accept this way of life. They can't me or nobody else accept that this is normal, but I respect a person's decision on what they want to do in their life. I am strictly dickly and I think thats what nature intended for most fems-but to each its on.
I wrote a proposal that solves this problem for the U.S., perhaps it can be adapted for Europe and then everyone can live in harmony. … servatives
Brilliant article, too. People should read it. Now.
Go ahead, I'll wait.
some have argued that the states in Europe which have 'congressed' with one another to form the European Union have engaged in an unnatural act
You could have phrased it less weirdly, especially the subject line.
Because too many people find it a problem when people are both gay and happy.
That is just too wrong! Funny, but wrong!
If gays are given the "right" to marry and end up with a divorce rate of 50%+ like heteros have, will the heteros then turn around and say, "See... we TOLD YOU SO???"
One of those "be careful what you wish for" deals. lol.
Then, maybe all the GLBTs/straight supporters should throw their teacups (after they drink the tea (with their pinkies high into the air, of course)) into a trash can, instead of a recycle bin in complete protest!
That'll teach 'em!
Seriously, I wonder how far the court systems/other governing entities would get without "The Gays'" tax dollars!?!
"Seriously, I wonder how far the court systems/other governing entities would get without "The Gays'" tax dollars!?!"
Do you really think there is a large enough percentage of homosexuals in society that the loss of their tax dollars would have a significant impact on the operation of the court system?
Do we as writers have nothing better to talk about than homosexuals? How about talking about the Georgia man arrested for having an orgy with three horses?
How's that Melon festival workin' out for ya?
But also, this gay marriage thing is a serious issue!
Gay people should be warranted the same equalities as straight people, as (in the past) black people were finally justified to have the same rights and white people, etc.
And in regards to the previously mentioned 50% marriage/divorce rate. Staggering, isn't it?! I honestly think straight people are just shooting for 100%, and don't want gay people to bring down their high percentage!
I'm not arguing that it isn't an important issue only that it's argued over and over and over again every day here and it isn't going to do any good. I have no problem with gay marriage, two people of the same sex marrying isn't going to hurt me or affect me in any negative way. I'm just tired of seeing this argument go on with it's never-ending supply of Energizer batteries!
See how soon, I'm seein' ya! hehe
Agreed. It is most definitely an ongoing battle. At least the Energizer stock is rising!
I don't see it dying down, though. Until the Government(s) realize that everyone must and do have the same rights (and be treated as such) then it's gonna keep going... and going... and...
Anyway, it's gonna last until everyone's equal.
Then, the next set of unequally-treated people will realize it and rise up, just the same!
LOL Yes, I know that. Sometimes though I just want to talk about something that is funny or lighthearted. Life isn't just about fighting, no matter how important and valid the cause.
Agreed, too!
I actually see light-heartedness in most things, even the gay-marriage debate.
While the subject matter is very serious, we all have to find the humor in it... we just have to.
I mean, why would any gay person want to be "tied down" (well, for other than obvious reasons.)
Why would any lesbian want to be married to a ball and chain that nags all day long, that becomes an "old lady" way before her time?
Just fine! The town's abuzz with activity. We're trying to wrestle up a sitter so we can go to the street dance tonight and we decided to close the shop tomorrow as the parade route will be blocking us anyway. It's been fun!
I haven't been there since I was in middle school, attending the TAG program at Walterboro High School. It was fun, when we went there on a field trip!
So what's keeping you from coming down again? The vendors are all set up at the courthouse, there's lots to see. The street dance is from 9pm-1am (if you can stay awake that late) and the parade starts at roughly 10:30/11am tomorrow. Then of course there is the mud run on Sunday about the same time.
I don't have the time this year. In a few minutes, I have to head over to the lake house and get ready for a family dinner we're having this Sunday. Tonight, I'll have to attend my cousin's birthday party at a night club.
AND I have to fit some time in there to write some stuff!
Well at least you're not sitting at home on your tush doing nothing! LOL Have a good time this weekend. Maybe you can plan on it for next year. It always kicks off on Father's Day with family fun day at Lake Warren.
Well, right now I am... haha... But yeah, I won't be. I'll do my best.
Thanks for the good wishes - to you too - and I'll see ya on here soon!
Since everyone here has freely commented with their opinion concerning gay rights, marriage, and civil union, I believe that I am free to do likewise as a Christian. In defense of my Christian freedom, I feel that gays who are consenting adults have every right to live their lifestyle to their satisfaction. On the other hand, however, I do not believe that the U.S. Constitution should make provisions in any of the sanctions or articles to suit the lifestyles of homosexuals and lesbians. The U.S. Constitution was founded upon moral laws. I believe that all Civil matters should be kept conservative also. If you are gay, fine. That's your choice, but nobody has to change any laws to suit your lifestyle. If I was a male prostitute, I wouldn't try to convince Congress to pass a law just to suit my alternative lifestyle. The one thing that makes me upset is when I hear gays using the same "fixed" statement over and over again, "we should have rights like everybody else." The truth of the matter is, they do. We heteralsexuals have a right to marry, and gays have a right to marry if the person they're wanting to marry is of the opposite sex. If you're a lesbian and you want to marry, you can if the person you want to marry is a man. Just follow the laws and statutes of the constitution as they were originally, and forsake your alternative lifestyle, and you will realize that your rights were never altered to begin with. Thanks.
There shouldnt be a law about who you can and cannot marry, shit ive seen an article about a woman who married her fiancee, AT HER FUNERAL. What kind ov person does that? She can LEGALLY marry a dead person ( with all due respect) but a woman cant marry another woman? I really dont see the big deal. Yes i think the gay community should be allowed not the same rights but the same freedom as heterosexual couples to marry who they choose
So you are telling gay people to marry someone they don't love?
Does the US constitution specifically mention marriage?
Only husbands. The eighth ammendment deals with cruel and unusual punishment.
"Does the US constitution specifically mention marriage?"
Not specifically, but it doesn't have to.
Amendment IX
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
And the 14th amendment (section 1):
"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."
So, basically the constitution declares that you have no right to deny gays the right to marry.
But, of course, some will argue that, um, that doesn't count, or that gay people would be able to enjoy a life of liberty if they were to only marry a person of the opposite sex, or the Founding Fathers, like Jesus, were really rabid homophobes and we must infer they would have excluded gay people, or some other BS that only makes sense to them.
Theres never going to be and end to homosexual racism, why should gays be denied the right to marry? Seriously it shouldnt matter wether your gay or straight or even bi sexual. Love is love, you dont choose who to love, well you cant choose to stop loving so falling in love is a risk, however marriage may be a religious matter but what about the roman church and all the things they have done to their followers, should they be allowed to live and preach the word of god when they've all been blasted at for rape and so on.
Maybe God didnt make adam and adam or eve and eve, but he didnt say their was a rule to who you love.
Its stupid .
Whats the point of marrying otherwise? Other then for a greencard :p
for convenience. By convenience, I mean, you can tolerate the other person enough?
I'm getting divorced. I married for sex. I think next time it will be for money.
Oh and p.s. marry for a greencard? No way. haha. I wouldn't marry a yank.
haha. Sab, you make me laugh.
Don't take it personally, I was just in a groove. I don't believe in hatred, it is a useless emotion.
I have no personal gripe with the American people at large. I do have a gripe with certain elements and those elements exists everywhere. Psychopathic nationalism is not exclusive to America but you guys are a huge country and with a huge army also. If OP want to argue in the discourse of nationalism and America as if they are representative, I will follow that discourse. Please don't assume I mean otherwise, don't take everything I say literally. It is your choice though, I am just making myself as clear as possible.
The issue in the US States doesn't seem to be if they can marry as it is the financial and social ties that are being sought/scrutinized in the union. What should divorce degrees be based upon? How will prenuptial agreements be constructed? Adoption issues? Insurance for health, life & death? What about pro-creation laws for child producing couples, will those laws be changed? What about inheritance and next of kin? Genealogies, family trees? Artificial implantation of embryos for females couples? And visitation or child-donor contact with the male or female host/donor? Parental rights and restrictions?
Seems there is a whole mess of things that go with marriage, not just the sexual orientation...
I've never heard of the phrase homosexual racism. It makes no sense. There is no such thing as homosexual racism. However, it is not the gay people who we Christians are against, it is the influence of your homosexual ideology that we are against. Just because I choose to take a stand as a Christian and an American who believes in the original values of the constitutional laws, that does not make me a homophobic. Gays are not mad because they are being denied human rights, they are mad because they cannot change the constitution for one, and two, they themselves are under a conviction of even the natural law of humanity which God has ordained. Society will not accept their corrupt view of a degraded judicial system. I will defend your right to live the life you choose, but not if it means destroying the principles of good government. Nothing happened in Sodom and Gomorrah which exceeds the wickedness and depravity which surrounds us now. There are two sides, those who define "freedom" as a liberty to do what you want to do, and those who define freedom as having the true liberty to do what you ought to do, and planting a bad seed into the ground and soil of morality, justice and decency will only grow thorns and weeds that will choke good fruit in the future. That is not what I want to see happen to our governmental laws. The world is bad enough.
Who is anyone to judge, who can marry whom? Goodness I believe our World has other things to worry about. Terrorist, Oil Spills, Rising Gas Prices, the jobless rate. I personally believe all are entitled to be with whom ever they so choose and if they shall marry then so be it, most wish to have a civil union and I believe that is fine with me, and if someone should marry in a church it certainly isn't my business, but it is just my opinon.
I wonder when they are going to stop the oil spill? mmmmm.....
The whole Gays Rights to marry isn't about marriage at all. It's about benefits. They want the Government to provide benefits.
Do you think they would shut up if the Government said to them okay marry up... just no benefits?
When Gays can make babies by sticking their ugly stick into each other... then they will be Equal.
Until then I could care less what they want to do with each other, or if they are married or not... but I sure has he)+ don't want my tax dollars going to pay for their health care.
The bigger issue here is, are they a threat to extinction to the human race and the answer I'm certain of is no where near close so there is no reason why they shouldn't be able to marry if thats what their pursuit of happiness consists of. This country was founded on freedom of choice, no?
Honestly, the government shouldn't be involved in a person's right to marry. A voluntary relationship between two adults -- regardless of gender -- should be permissible in a free society. More importantly, this should not be a federal issue. This should be dealt with solely on a state level. Keep government out of the process; start allowing religious institutions to decide for themselves whether or not they want to wed a same-sex couple.
by Paul Edmondson 16 years ago … ne_pos.phpMy wife and I have had a good time discussing. I think it's OK to marry for money.
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