California does not give me a half way decent choice for Governor of Senator so, after thinking it over and over, after researching all the candidate, I decided that IN GOOD CONSCIENCE I can’t vote for any of them
Choosing again and again between Bad and Worse got all of us into the mess we are in. I have enough of it and I will no longer prostitute myself
Petra it is really sad that in a state with 40 million people that this is the best we could do.
Go with fall colors...Brown. Oregon likes re-runs of old dramas too...GO Kitzhaber! Anyone care to jump off a bridge?
I didn't do it. We're in Bizarro World. Samantha, the wriggly nosed witch is running... I mean Christine. Then there's Rand "Where'd you get that HAIR" Paul, over whom I had a nightmare that Aquaman was really god. Link that all up with Barack "We're on the road to recovery" Obama. The Road To Recovery...when did they decide to remake Bob Hope/ Bing Crosby movies? Maybe Recovery is someplace in Utah....hmmmm. Could be the destination for a bunch of druggies. Bizarro World.
A woman of principles! That's great, and even better for republicians!
Are you saying you consider both candidates "EVIL"?
Remember, if you don't choose someone else chooses for you and you've got nothing to say about it.
Actually, you would be right in one aspect of what you said- someone else will ultimately choose an elected official.
However, as a citizen- it is my DUTY to uphold my elected officials to the same standard that I hold myself to. And, if I choose, I have the right to NOT vote, if I cannot support a candidate.
That inalienable right- doesn't diminish my weight as a citizen of America or my right to voice my thoughts on topics. So that makes the second part of your statement meaningless.
I have more to say on the topic, because I have the right to do so. You have TWO choices with voting- either you do or you don't.
BOTH are a right of citizenship. The DUTY of a citizen is to the greater good of the country. Putting 'evil', regardless of the lessor of the two, into office- isn't productive.
If someone foolishly squanders their right (and responsibility) to democratic participation as a responsible citizen then they have silenced themselves and have nothing to say because they threw away the most fundamental means in a democratic system to say it.
In other words, if someone throws away a hard-earned right, then they are letting others choose for them and have nothing to say about the government they get. It's not only a shame, it's an affront.
And, as usual, you miss the point about right NOT to vote? Or, does that not register with you.
If I cannot support a candidate, then I'm not voting. It's my right to hold my vote- it's a protest against the election process which is obviously tainted.
It's already common knowledge that business is in bed with Congress. If you didn't know, then wake up dude.
If not a single citizen, outside of politics, didn't vote, then someone would be elected anyways. The "power" of the vote? Where is it that every citizen outside of politics could not vote and people still get elected to office?
That's pathetic.
You also have the "right" to lay down on the street and let everyone walk all over you because you don't consider your options in life perfect, but that is a stupid idea too.
If people choose to silence themselves then I don't want to hear a peep out of them about it later.
If no one voted there would be no elections and no democracy. I agree with Sab Oh for once that if you don't vote or participate in the process you lose your credibility to complain about the result.
You fail to realize that I said, that if no one voted, outside of the political arena, then people would still get elected to office.
There is NO value in the vote, when politicians continue to prove there is no value in the vote.
Not sure the word "elected" would apply. Our democracy has been corrupted to a large extent by money, but not completely. We have a duty to do our best to change this. Elect Feingold!
Politically we are probably almost polar opposites, but you generally have the right idea about the duty of citizens.
Feingold is one of the few politicians that still argues the point and votes his way. Did you know that this guy gives back his pay check. He's been working for free up there. I read that he'd agreed not to accept pay and that he is also frugle with his supply expenditures and returns all the money he doesn't use?
"Are you saying you consider both candidates "EVIL"?"
It's a bit of a stretch to call Brown or Whitman or Boxer or Fiorina "evil." Imperfect, yes, evil, no. Your attitude is one of alienation, not constructive.
Whoa...wait a minute!
If i vote republican...i can be damned the democrats.
If i vote democrat.....i can be damned the repubs.
But...if i don't vote for either...i can be damned both parties...uhh...well at least that seems to be the norm here.
So often in the majority of our elections the voter’s choice seems to always come down to evaluating the lesser of two evils. These candidates that “rise” to the top, invariably are nothing more than party backed popularity contest winners that have “earned” this position by nothing more than “voting booth” name recognition driven by millions of dollars spent in the media and voter apathy.
Your quandry is one that we all face, clearly evidenced by the last Presidential election.
And that is exactely why I will not vote anymore.
I have explained all my motives in a hub I just published today
You're abdicating your responsibility as a citizen. Your are sacrificing the good in pursuit of your concept of the perfect.
Petra, I can not remember if I mentioned, but I do have to say that as a result of our local election here, I doubt if I will ever go to a poll again.
The election commissioner was found dead in burning car and had been shot.
That is cause enough for me to not put myself or my son in the line of danger that could have happened at the poll.
That will really help improve the situation!
Ralph, no, it won't help anything.
I understand I am not suppose to let fear guide me.
I think one pont Petra is pointing out is simple. Mildly said, even if no vote was to be cast, the "chosen" candidate would still be elected.
Companies use to be proud of their product. Remember the oats people who always put little glasses or sometimes dishcloths in their boxes? Today what do we get? A higher prices item. What is the cause for such increase, even though 50% of their cost had been deleted, could it possibly be a step to power or is it just greed?
Would you think it is fair to think that the politians would go out of their way to have us to think one way when in fact the truth is the total opposite?
Ralph, what would help?
Interesting topic presentation in light of Obama's strong remarks to Latino voters today who are apparently considering not voting....... Obama seems to think at the very least you should vote on a single issue and vote against "your enemies" - presumably whether you agree with the politics of this supposed enemy. Barf, hard to believe our President said this, or many other things the past few days, I suppose I should just sit quiet in the back of the bus, but then that's not following that highly espoused Liberal 'Golden Rule' that is being tossed around and bastardized and hijacked and unbelievably used by so many in this country to justify lies and chaos and crap - not you Petra, just on my mind.
I do wish the guv'ment would buy me an new computer, mine crashes every day, stays down for days, and now I think it is permanent, thank ...someone, that I have a 10 year old slow Joe that I can pull out and stick a monitor on and get online for a little while before it chokes -- whose fault is that??? Did I not buy enough computers for the guv'ment when I was gainfully employed??? So it is Joy Behar retribution???
Californians need to simply vote for real change -- to go with the status quo is serving no one, not California, and certainly not the USA. (And my screen has grayed out twice while I was writing this comment ...... the Golden Rule working??) Naw......just life, and I accept that, and it is up to me to make my life what I wish it to be, and my computer.
KFlippin... I just heard yeserday of some of things being said out on the ole trail.
I am not sir-prised.
For sure, the news hitting the past week or so it enlightening.
And if Dems were so truly big on giving the money to the people, then why aren't Pelosi and Reid and Dodd liquidating their assets and distributing them to the People........their politics are a sick joke on the American people, and the likes of Joy Behar, their heroine of the week, is equally a very twisted individual who should be fired, thrice over.
Having lived in CA for about 12 years I finally came to the conclusion that CA is a lost cause. When Arnold put common sense propositions on the ballot to help fix CA and the voters voted every sing one down, I realized there was no hope. Now CA just voted in old Moon Beam as Governor so that now you have a Liberal House, Liberal Senate and Liberal Governor in CA. Now every bill, every social program and all the spend spend spend will just fly right though. What a bunch of idiots.
This would make a very interesting hub, bskinny. That is, what can one do under these circumstances? Move? Continue the conservative fight? Hope that 2012 will wreak unholy devastation? California is doomed to a slow fiscal death. Brown is secretly hoping for a federal bailout. But even then -- assuming the fed monies are there -- nothing will change unless the problems are fixed first. However, I choose Option Three: a cataclysmic horror of destruction in 2012.
third largest state in the US in terms of size and largest in terms of population, WOW there is no viable candidate?
Look at it this way, democrats (or progressive republicans like Arnold) led CA to where it is today, I think it's time you try electing the other guys... they can't possibly make it worse!
Progressive republican. Isn't that like "living dinosaur"? Face it, Dems suck, repubs suck, and the only tea partier that doesn't suck is a mad hatter.
Leave it up to Meg and Fiorina and THEY Will Make it WORSE
sad there -- maybe this is related … erry-brown
Rick Perry is still it again here in TX, Bill White might pull a surprising win here ..
Do a write in - make a statement, vote and showcase they are not bringing in the right leadership.
Remember, women fought for the vote and it was finally awarded in 1920 - voting remains a privilege in the world today.
Send a solid statement to the "leadership" of your state.
That will do me a lot of good, right?
My statement against their money will really make a difference, I am sure
Find a Libertarian or Constitution candidate
Please don't not vote. I'm sure there are other candidates locally that warrant your positive vote. And then there are the initiatives. Voting is your right and (I believe) responsibility.
Not voting helps Whitman and Fiorina.
Hooray -- let's send ALL our jobs to China! Let's repeal Roe v. Wade in all cases! Let's keep our billionaire fat and happy (and not creating jobs) but let the rest of us suffer with unemployment and foreclosure.
Yes, those two are fine specimens.
Go ahead, call me sexist if you dare!
We should have mandated another choice on the ballot associated with each race, during any election, that choice should simply be “None of the Above.”
If “None of the Above” receives 30% of the vote or more (or 23% in races with more than 3 candidates), the original candidates are excluded and new candidates for the office can run in a special election held within 60 to 90 days.
The Office for which the election is held, should be vacated, until filled by the winner of the special election. This clause would eliminate an advantage for the incumbent retaining the office, effectively allowing the voters to “fire” the incumbent and choose a viable representative.
This addition to the process also has the ability to limit party power and PAC money polluting the "popularity contest." Which in the past has seen campaigning begin up to two to four years before an election, as was the case with Barrack Obama whose ambitions can be tracked back to the keynote speech at the democratic convention in 2003 or Marco Rubio’s candidacy in the present Florida Senate race that began when Mel Martinez announced his retirement almost two years ago.
Vote libertarian - there's gotta be a Libertarian (or Constitutional) candidate on the balot!
Libertarian - taxes are theft and involuntary
Constitutionalist - We actually want to follow the Constitution.
Why not put your own name on the ballot, you may be the only one to vote for you but at least you got to use your vote to make a statement. By simply not voting you are not sending any sort of statement to anyone, you will instead be considered among that part of the population to lazy to vote or not allowed to vote.
Petra, even if there's no candidates you want to vote for, there will certainly be someone you want to vote against. Also, consider that there might be a ballot proposal that you might want to support or oppose.
Just because the candidates are all substandard (I doubt that they're actually evil per se) doesn't mean that voting is entirely futile.
Futile? IF you KNEW that you knew that you knew, that casting a vote (either way) WAS futile, would you take your time, use your gas, soap to get cleaned up with, and put up with long lines, listen to contless people tell their story of their favorite, then, when the last vote was cast, the chairman got up, hung the "polls closed" shingle and emptied all the cast votes into a shredder and thanked everyone for their participation.
Jeff, I think there are a lot of people who, and with legit reasons, think that theirs as well as everyone elses vote is just an (hey, look at them, they really think they have a say so) insult.
I know for myself, 20 years ago, I would not be having some of the thoughts I am having today. Things like, teachers that teach, not nick pic. I could go on but things are not always as they would want us to think.
That is sad too.
All ballots need a choice:
'None of the above'
and if they get the most votes, go again until someone is electable.
Indipendents have no chance of being elected. Casting a vote for them is no better than not voting at all and refusing to be part of the charade
You can pretty much write most of California off. It's going to be like Detroit but bigger. Anyway, you guys can still enjoy the sand and the surf and the nice weather.
and that's all we have left...surfing on the sand under nice weather
I quit voting last election.
Until the "2 party system" is replaced by a fairer multi-party system, until money cannot decide who runs, until the "common man" has a chance to be elected, until we get rid of the "electoral system" and the "popular" vote is instituted, until an NPA can vote in local gov't on and on and on!!! I will not vote again!
Even IF ALL of the above came to pass, in todays world, money talks and corruption stalks............all elected politicians!
The current system is absurd!
what a coinsidence that a holliwood star like Mr. Anold probably knows when is judgment-day and not cuz he was in the movie but for the simple reason that he is the governor of california,let hope that what is happening in the federal reserve is not going to take us all the people to a hyperinflation because the real question is...
Are you prepare for this armageddon thats coming?
all of you should do so google search and know
what im trying to tell you
God bless us all
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