With forum posts about the good and bad, mostly bad of Obama, Obama voters are constantly harassed by the question, "Are you sorry you voted for Obama." Honestly, no I am not. Look at our choices during the last presidential campaign. As I've stated before, giving what was given and promised, voting for Obama was the right choice.
The right question Independent conservatives, Tea Baggers, and Republicans should be asking is:
As an Obama voter, having voted him in on his Change & Hope platform, do you feel let down?
It's my opinion he is too poll driven. He doesn't seem to have the balls to get the job done, and done right. It takes gumption to be a mover and a shaker. Obama, I feel, has fallen short. Fellow hope voters, what's your view? Do you feel let down?
Besides, if Palin were VP, she'd have to resign to be on camera as much as she is. That's how she became the EX governor of AL
True. You know it is quite ironic how the "conservative white male" loves her, while their wives and the rest of America hate her. That right there should tell us something.
She is such a joke.
On the contrary, Obama has done everything he said he would! I think he has a remarkable record of getting legislation passed especially legislation that much of America was opposed to!
It is precisely because of what he's done that we are where we are and it's apropo that his popularity is declining along with that of the democrats that together are destroying our republic.
It's no surprise those on the left aren't satisfied since they were hoping we'd be a socialist country by now. Looks like that won't be happening!
"It's no surprise those on the left aren't satisfied since they were hoping we'd be a socialist country by now. Looks like that won't be happening!"
It is my opinion that this quote of yours couldn't be more wrong.
It's total crapola! Where are all the socialists? This is McCarthyism in a Tea Bag.
Just pick any democrat... they are all socialists!
Yeah, isn't it incredible how we hide in plain sight? You're amazing, lady, that you can sniff us out like that. You should be a spy or something.
It's true! The left used to be about liberty, tolerance the free exchange of ideas, lower taxes...they used to be for the people, now they want to establish a separate political elite class to run everything and control the distribution of wealth.
Obama isn't perfect, but he's accomplished an amazing amount in his first two years in office despite the lack of help from the Party of NO!
Yes, he's done amazing damage with his amazing corruption and ineptitude and it will be amazing if we vote him out in time to put the country back together.
I agree, an astounding amount, more then every other President in the history of the country combined.
You are talking about accumulating debt?
I voted for Obama as well and would do so again. But like you, I am disappointed even though he accomplished what he said he would.
1. He managed TARP such that only half of the $700 billion authorized was actually spent and the final cost will be less than $6 billion. I call that a success!
2, From March 2008 through August 2009, the period that reasonably can be attributed to the Bush administration, over 6.5 millioin jobs were lost. Obama instituted the Stimulus program in March 2009. Giving the Stimulas six months to get on its feet, one needs to look at the period from September 2009 through September 2010. During that period a total of 100,000 jobs were lost; 1,600,000 lost Sept 2009 through Dec 2009 and 1,500,000 GAINED since Jan 2010! Have you ever tried to stop an avalanchen in less time than it took to create it? It seems that is what the Republicans and apparently the public expected the Democrats to do. It seems to me the Stimulus was a Success as well!
3. He passed a comprehensive Health Care bills taking completing a task that both Republican and Democratic presidents have been trying to do for 40 years. It guarantees most Americans the right to health care for the first time in history and finally gets the insurance companies out from between the patient and the doctor. All one has to do is read the bill to know 99% of the Republican propaganda is pure lies.
What I am disappointed about is President Obama wasted considerable political and personal capital in the way he accomplished all of this. He and the Democrats handed the Republicans control over the Message on a silver platter and they are paying the price. The Democrats had a historic chance to do great good as well as undo the great harm their predessors did; they blew it! In-fighting, wanting everything now, no planning squandered away a once-in-a-life-time opportunity. I am so disappointed.
So true. Notice how much camera face time Joe Biden gets? Palin would never stand for that kind of obscurity. Maybe she didn't realize that when she signed up to run for Veep.
Of course, if McCain had won, his back would be so full of claw marks from Palin he probably would bleed out (I'm surmising he's on cumadin for his heart ... I mean, at his age and all).
Am I sorry I voted for Obama? Has he disappointed me? I agree with you, IE. I think his motives are correct and he wants to do the right thing, but nothing seems to be done at the right scale.
It will be interesting to see how well our economy rebounds in 2011. That and only that will determine if he gets a second term. Well, that and if the GOP is dumb enough to put Palin on their ticket. Or Glenn Beck.
Obama's failure is that he failed to accurately gauge how little the american people are willing to "pony up" to get out of the mess we are in. As long as recovery requires cash, we don't want to pay, but try fixing a bridge, roads or apartments and houses w/o it. Takes money to make money.
I would say that it would have to rely on how the "money" is spent to "make money".
The main problem is that there are fewer people who are "making money". The general public, most uneducated on how to best use America, to get what they want out of life or living here.
America's economy is more than just what appears on TV/Cable. It is a way of life for people to implement into their life. Yet, fewer people are actually doing it, because they have been led to believe something that which is wrong. I call such things as misconceptions.
To fix the Economy is not a matter that the people will not pony up to pay- the public already knows that government cannot properly spend money, so why print more and go further into debt.
Many cannot wrap their mind around the concept that is "how" it should be spent- "education" is key, not spending the money on big business in the hopes that they will hire people. It's just wrong.
From a business aspect, he was right to feed the ecomony. That doesn't bother me. However his failed foreign policies, his lack of backbone against the Koreans, the simple fact that his decisions seem to be "poll or bipartisan" driven, is what bothers me.
Sure do I want to get along with the other side, yeah I guess. Is getting along with the other side a means to change? NO!
He simply lacks a freakin' backbone, and the leadership qualities that he demonstrated time and time again in the debates. So, I honestly feel let down. But this is just my opinion. I know the economy is a sore subject for a lot of people. Fortunately for me, I was smartly invested, I don't have credit card debt, and I don't live outside my means. So I haven't been hurt too bad. You know, I am fortunate to have a solid business sense, and a good handle on financially living life smart. He had to feed the economy. I understand the economics behind that decision, and whole heartily support his decisions on that matter.
But that healthcare bill he passed, what a bunch of backstabbing, "pork" filled nonsense was that? I mean, he didn't stand his ground. He lacked the leadership to lead it successfully, and in the best interest of the American taxpayer. I need health insurance. I have a $10,000 deductible, my family is self paid. Our employers don't have to offer healthcare. They are small business owners.
Therefore, I pay out the nose for my shitty healthcare plan. OMG! Where in that mess he passed, are individual Americans needing healthcare going to get it? Wasn't that the purpose of passing a healthcare plan? Well it does NOT exist in that bill. Trust me. I'm still stuck.
I feel so let down.
Infrastructure, schools, as they say, "shovel ready" projects, JOBS, JOBS, JOBS!
Yeah, I completely agree with this statement. However, in the state of Missouri, our politicians couldn't decide on what "political isle" they wanted to stand on. They wanted the money, but, didn't want to take responsibility for accepting it, and instead let it go to waste being indecisive.
One thing we all learned from Regan is the tickle down effect does work. Indecisive leadership in Obama, means indecisive leadership all the way down the ladder.
Why didn't Obama police that money better? Why didn't he insist that states take it? Why didn't he lead the movement better? Just as I do with my personal finances, I research where it goes and who handles it, and what it is doing from there on out. Where was this type of fiscally responsible "policing" of that money?
Politics isn't my thing. I'm not that smart on the subject. It's over my head a bit. But I do my best to vote responsibly. Still this kind of leadership I'm speaking of is basic human interaction 101. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to be a great leader. It doesn't even take a Harvard graduate. A used car salesman in a hand-me down suit, can be a great leader. I just feel like he missed the mark a bit.
I hope I'm making sense. I think us Americans are in a very difficult situation, and I quite frankly don't have the answers anymore than the rest of you all hubbers do. But man........., is just me or does he keep missing the mark?
His legacy might very well be, "Oh so close, but yet so far." How disappointing would that be?
"Oh-so-Close Obama"............. Ouch!
I'd rather be dubbed the worse than not good enough. Not good enough means you didn't try. That cannot be said of Bush. Oh he tried, he just failed. There is a big difference.
And on that note, I just received this tweet:
"Leadership experts give Obama a B for execution" http://bit.ly/chT7wQ Especially the way he's executed economic growth, the middle class...
I don't know, maybe it's just me.
"Why didn't Obama police that money better? Why didn't he insist that states take it? Why didn't he lead the movement better? Just as I do with my personal finances, I research where it goes and who handles it, and what it is doing from there on out. Where was this type of fiscally responsible "policing" of that money?"
I just want to address the misconception that the money was not "policed" as you put it. I worked for an agency that received a pool of stimulus money to distribute on a local level. There was a precise process required and if the money wasn't spent within a certain time frame it was returned to the pot to be given to someone else. In our region we made sure we found projects, which was easy to do; it was harder to find projects that could be done quickly, but we did.
If any available money was not used on the local level in your area, it was because the local politicians and/or bureaucrats did not do their jobs.
All of the stimulus money was required to be tracked and reported as a condition of receiving it and is shown at www.recovery.gov. The information is quite detailed. You can drill down all the way to the project level and the data includes the recipient, the dollar amount received, and the number of jobs created.
"So true. Notice how much camera face time Joe Biden gets?"
Notice Joe Biden is a moron?
Hey IE,
A lot of the problems continuing to happen in the U.S. is because there are simply not enough people doing what they should be doing.
There are not enough responsible business people.
There are not enough responsible politicians.
There are not enough responsible citizens willing to change their way of thinking and set in their ways.
There are not enough responsible citizens being self-responsible about truths of life.
The simple fact that it comes down to blaming one person who has been in office less than 4 years is meaningless.
The damage of 200+ years cannot be undone in a 4 year term, nor could it be done in two 4 year terms. It would require much more substance from citizens to make the transition possible.
I'm sorry you are disappointed. I'm sorry that many people see Obama as a disappointment, however, on his behalf, there is only so much HE(Obama) can do against the millions of people who are directly against him.
Those who are homeless, actually have no power to help even themselves, because the entire system has been manipulated.
Just a added thought.
You know, your thoughts are absolutely correct. Obama is leaps and bounds better than W. There isn't even room for comparisons. Bush........., oh my.
However, there are those few areas, which Obama, himself, decided to a stand for that he has fallen wayyyy short on. The healthcare issue is one such issue. Maybe he tackled it too soon. I don't know. I'm just a common American.
Still though, I was taught that if you are going to do something- do it right or don't do it at all.
If he wasn't ready, he should have let it be. As it is- he has given us a national disaster, or better yet a, 911 medical trauma to deal with. I'm sicken by it. The fact that he passed that heap of junk tells me, he isn't the man for change he claimed to be.
Don't know if anybody will ever come back to this, given its age; too bad, good responses.
To Lady_Love way back there, you were about 20% right, Obama has accomplished over 50% of what he has said he would. According to Polico.com, of 506 promises made, he has kept 175 and failed at 40. 70 are stalled and 219 are in the works. Two are not rated yet. This done in the first two years, of what is probably the most difficult presidency that any new President has ever faced by an order of magnitude, thanks to the Republicans. It is also clear that you do not have a clue as to what Socialism is. Nazi's had a socialist form of government as did Communists and even England not too long ago, but not today. In fact, none of the European countries are socialist either! Now, go look up the definition of Socialism and you will see why I am right and you are wrong.
IntamatE - I am a small business owner (35) and do provide good healthcare coverage, $1,500 deductable. Obamacare was a necessity, regardless of what form it came in, it just needed to get on the books in some form that had some meat to it and, although I know you don't think so, this one does. Enough meat so that in two years, your health costs, if you are still buying your own, will be down quite a bit because, for the first time, you will have access to group plans. There was a lot that was lost in order to get the votes to pass something usable, but there are a lot of great features if you sit down and read it.
BTW, Lady_luck, I would be in the company of such great liberals such as Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, and John Adams who worked so hard to make America a reality and Abraham Lincoln who was responsible for keeping it that way in spite of the best efforts of your anti-federalist brethern whom he fought and those who voted against that most Liberal and Progressive of documents, the U.S. Constitution you ironically claim to believe in.
My Esoteric, Nazis and socialism were about as far apart as is possible on the same planet! They had a nationalist government and that is not in any way socialism.
I am glad to see someone was still following this hub after 5 months,
While I could point out the actual name of the Nazi party was the National Socialist German Worker's Party or Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, for short, I won't; because what is in a name? Right?
However, what is more important, which I hope LadyL went and looked up, is the definition of Socialism, to wit: the public ownership and control of a nations means of production and the allocation of its resources. This, I believe, fits Nazi Germany and Communist Russia to a 'T' while not applying to Obama, even remotely. NIxon came closer with price controls.
"truths of life"? What are these "truths of life"?
If Obama was the better choice, of bad choices why would you vote for him?
If the candidates suck, its better to vote for a third party candidate. Thats voting for change.
No matter what there will never be a "great" president if republicans and democrats can't shut up and stop attacking eachother and just do their jobs.
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