In the USA, "White" is about to become the "minority."

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  1. qwark profile image60
    qwarkposted 13 years ago

    What are your feelings and opinions about this "fact?"

    1. Ruben Rivera profile image61
      Ruben Riveraposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Life goes on, some will be pissed, some will not, some will not care

    2. profile image0
      Brenda Durhamposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Then I guess it's time for a White Caucus in Congress and picketing in the streets for White Rights and to pray for a special advocate to rise up like a White "Martin Luther King" so's us Whites will be properly represented.
      Why not?   Hey, almost every other ethnic group, religious group, age group, sexual-fetish group, gender group, etc., have now joined the ranks of those who want their "special" rights,  so we might as well be fair about this.

      I've actually been saying it for a while now, just everyone laughs at me.  (Well, not everyone, but most people; I don't wanna claim ....gulp.....intolerance and discrimination without total proof)........

      I figure the minority I fit into will go something like....

      WATCHOUT  (White And Totally Christian Heterosexuals Only United Together)

      There are many possibilities.

      Time for us Whites to start bein' activists like our dear President!    Heck, the Islamists and the Mexicans and the Gays are way ahead of us.  We sure do need to start lobbying for some of that government money that gets shifted to all those other special interest groups.  And hey, there's an LGBT group in almost every state school system now, so yeah us Whites (especially us White Straights ((mind you, that's a small unique category these days worth even seeing about if we can get us some FREE legal representation)))  sure do need to get our act together if we're not gonna fall through the cracks in the Great System. 

      It should be easy.  But come to think of it, maybe we could ride the coattails of the gay movement...........If'n we make a group called Whites Who Love Weird Sex or Whites Who Want The Rights To Pick Our Noses in Public And Anyone Who Says Anything Against It Will Be Prosecuted For Hate Speech, or sumthin', we might catch the ear of some great wonderful activist who will further our agenda quite quickly.

      1. Ruben Rivera profile image61
        Ruben Riveraposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I think it's been tried by the KKK and all white supremacist groups but the problem is that the first thing they advocate is violence and theories about how superior they are.  Maybe if they start a peaceful group then it might work.

        1. profile image0
          Brenda Durhamposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          The KKK was a horrible offensive terrorist group, not a defensive one.

          Qwark posed the idea of whites becoming a minority.  To which I propose that we WILL (if we aren't already) become very oppressed and harrassed and intimidated just like the legitimate black race WAS and just like the fake rights movement of others who claim minority status.  We will have to put ourselves on the defensive and protect our poor oppressed butts.   And I'm sure we'll have to never ever pose the idea that we're actually PROUD of being White, 'cause remember this generation and all others to follow must be held responsible for slavery that our forefathers perpetuated. Already condemned guilty just because of the color of my skin  ...roll

          1. Ruben Rivera profile image61
            Ruben Riveraposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            I'm telling you make it a defensive one and you're in.

          2. Cagsil profile image70
            Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Proud of being white? roll

            Be proud of who you are, not what you think you are. hmm

            1. profile image0
              Brenda Durhamposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              I was being sarcastic!

              But actually there's nothing wrong with being proud of being white.   If there is, then there's something wrong with being proud of being black or brown or red or whatever.

              1. Ruben Rivera profile image61
                Ruben Riveraposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                Of course there is, we should all be colorblind

                1. profile image0
                  Brenda Durhamposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        's not okay for blacks to be proud of their race?  And it's not okay for a Mexican to be a "proud" Mexican?   And what about Indians?   Are they allowed to be proud of being Indian?

                  1. Ruben Rivera profile image61
                    Ruben Riveraposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    Of course it is wrong.  It leads to conflict, stereotypes, hangings, wars, if we all bypassed it life would be simpler but of course we the mighty human race have to complicate everything.

              2. Cagsil profile image70
                Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                Under no circumstances should one be proud of their skin color, it leads directly to being prejudice of other people. wink

                1. profile image0
                  Brenda Durhamposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  AH!  That's the point I was trying to make, actually.

                  I've never been "proud" of being white.  It's just a fact of life that I AM white.  Maybe others ARE proud of being white, I dunno.

                  However, I'm not ashamed of being white.

                  What I'm asking is what people think of the people who say they're proud to be black, or Mexican, or Indian, etc.

                2. Jeremey profile image60
                  Jeremeyposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  So true!

            2. Rochelle Frank profile image91
              Rochelle Frankposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              There's no reason to be "proud" of who or what you are, and no reason to be ashamed. Did you have any choice in the matter?
              There may be a small amount of pride in making the best of the hand you were dealt-- making good choices in life, but even in this respect it is a matter of the opportunities you have been given.

              1. profile image0
                Deborah Sextonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                It doesn't matter that we have no control. We can be proud of who we are.
                Pride is not wrong, it's actually a good thing

          3. JOE BARNETT profile image59
            JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            brenda i don't think anyone is or will be holding you responsible. but everyone knows or remembers how whites acted when they had the chance and that is a stigma that can be removed only with time and a change in behavior.

            1. S Leretseh profile image60
              S Leretsehposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Absolute NONSENSE. No people in human history have ever done more in generosity & given more in charity to another people than the completely unrecognized (and for the most part unappreciated) white toward black.

              Black crime -  black racism - has also exploded against the white population  - a stigma , I believe, the black race will be forced to recognize.  The victims are there. They will ONE DAY have to be recognized-  and most likely compensated.  Telling blacks a lie  that they are - or was - victims in America is irresponsible & only provokes them.

              1. Ralph Deeds profile image65
                Ralph Deedsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                You mean allowing blacks to vote and attempting to outlaw discrimination in employment and housing?

                1. S Leretseh profile image60
                  S Leretsehposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  --prior to 1965 Blacks always had the option of creating their own political environments (cites) . And lack of voting rights in some states in no reason to do violence against that group. Also no reason for continues - never ending - monetary compensation

                  --My research: blacks were generally hired in every urban area in America by white people approximating their local population percent.  No laws pre1964 made them do it.  They just did it. Blacks produced virtually no jobs for white people.  A sore spot for sure for whites.

                  No reason to do violence against a people for this issue.  People living among their own people is no stigma or wrong.  Blacks were always free to build their own urban housing. The white tax base also created tens of thousands of public subsidized housing to aid them in seeking new employment opportunity in the urban centers when they left (mainly) the rural South.

                  I see a continued and sustained history of the vast majority of white people only trying to better the livelihood of the black race.  As I said, tho, it is largely unrecognized & unappreciated.

                  1. Ralph Deeds profile image65
                    Ralph Deedsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    You are not in touch with reality. I'm tempted to call you some very nasty names.

                2. profile image0
                  Deborah Sextonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  You're living in the past.
                  Wake up! it's 2010

                  1. S Leretseh profile image60
                    S Leretsehposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    My purpose here on the Hub pages is only to re-write the history of the black experience from 1865 to 1968.  Forced integration was created by the fed. gov't in 1964; and across the forced integration was solidified with the 1968 Fair Housing Act.

                    I'll leave it to people like you to handle post 1964...

                    There is no question white people will be a minority in / around 2050.  In CA, those under 10-years-old,  the majority are non-white.  Since 1960, the white population has increased about 30%.  The black race has doubled. In 1960, there were less than  1 million of Mexican (Latino) descent in America.  In 2010, this number is over 44 million.

                  2. Doug Hughes profile image61
                    Doug Hughesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    He's not living in the past. What he describes never existed.

                    He doesn't admits the domestic terrorism of the KKK.
                    He doesn't admit  the racial economic disparity that still exists..
                    He doesn't admit the institutional educational discrimination pre-1960s
                    He doesn't admit the Jim Crow laws which prevented voter registration.

                    It's a complete whitewash (pun intended) that won't hold up under the most casual inspection of history. Revisionist history for racists. Maybe there's a market for it, but the author only has one follower.

              2. JOE BARNETT profile image59
                JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                i don't speak of only whites with blacks. i mean whites with anybody. any country , anywhere on this planet with non-white people.

            2. uncorrectedvision profile image60
              uncorrectedvisionposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Yes, whites outlawed slavery all over the northern states, long before the Civil War, enacted manumission laws, established abolition societies, editorialized, lectured, preached, wrote, taught against slavery, established routes for escaped slaves to reach Canada and risked their own prosperity and freedom to free others.  Whites died in the hundreds of thousands, killing hundreds of thousands of other whites to end slavery in the south. 

              We are supposed to act like all whites were oppressors, racists and slave holders and pretend that is not, itself, a racist attitude.  We are supposed to plaster all whites with the same brush, the same guilt, despite the fact that a huge percentage of white Americans are descendants of immigrants who came long after the end of slavery. 

              I feel no guilt for slavery.  If a man is inferior it is a function of his personal choices and his own self-destruction not his skin color, his national origin, his parentage, lineage or any other characteristic external to himself.

              1. profile image0
                Deborah Sextonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                Well said

              2. JOE BARNETT profile image59
                JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                well it's a good thing they came when they did huh? let's see, about 150 years later, whew boy that was quick. seriously not discounting what they did, we appreciate,very much. i am from the north(michigan) and am well versed in the history and see the obvious differences in attitudes between the north and the south.i do wonder why those people ever agreed to slavery in the first place.

                it once was called by james baldwin a great black author" the rascism that rascism caused".true enough, but in this instance it's plain to see which came first the chicken or the egg.
                you let the bad ones ruin it for the good ones.why?

                it's the greedy,cruel swindling ones that ruined it for everyone and that created this stereotype.  what i've noticed is that if the field is made level,only they,see it as unfair(reverse discrimination)make me laugh! putting a gun on someone does not make them inferior. in any given field they always excell far above the standard and are able to accomplish it even with the rascist obstacles thrown in their paths.whats inferior about that? everyone knows this. if it were true they wouldn"t try so hard to make them fail.

                whites had set a frame work that practically hands it to them and if anyone else gets a chance. they are the biggest whiners i have seen to date and deserve an oscar for playing victim. it's the cheaters that cry the loudest when the table starts to turn. hmmph interesting!

                what this reflects uncorrectedvision are symptoms that of a psychopath e.g.Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt,Paranoid,irresponsible,Goal of enslavement of their victim(s),Ultimate goal is the creation of a willing victim, Shallow Emotions and these are just a few of the symptoms that they reflected for hundreds of years. so we know it wasn't just a fluke, this is how they roll. in modern form they would be called republicans

      2. kerryg profile image83
        kerrygposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Just because somebody's a minority doesn't mean they're oppressed. Look at South Africa under apartheid, or Ireland under the British

    3. profile image0
      sandra rinckposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Awesome, when everyone is all mixed up people can stop being racist! lol  Seriously, who cares? I don't care, it's not like I am going to give my friends and family special protection from my mom though I think my dad would probably have loved that before they got divorced. DOH! lol lol

    4. sirrot profile image60
      sirrotposted 13 years agoin reply to this


      1. profile image0
        Brenda Durhamposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Who cares??

        Well, obviously MANY people care.  Otherwise there wouldn't be a Black Congressional Caucus and a Mexican Caucus and Islamic Groups in our government, etc.    So....apparently it's okay for everyone EXCEPT whites to get special treatment....

        1. profile image0
          sandra rinckposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          "whites" have always gotten special treatment.  People want equal rights and now you feel somehow hurt by it.

          1. couturepopcafe profile image61
            couturepopcafeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Only the good-looking ones.  cool

          2. S Leretseh profile image60
            S Leretsehposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Sandra: "whites" have always gotten special treatment.

            I think you you mean blacks have always gotten special treatment (since post civil war). In my research I have found, pre 1964, they were given jobs in the white communities generally equal to the population they represented. They were paid the same wages as white people. There were virtually NO JOBS created by blacks for whites (again, pre 1964). The American gov't, run by white people, gave blacks equal access to all federal gov't programs and even funded a school of higher learning for them (Howard University - still on the gov't nipple to this day). The federal gov't also fully funded Aberdeen Gardens, a community built by black exclusively for blacks.  Many , many other community housing projects were built just for blacks at taxpayers expense pre 1964.

            Post 1964, blacks have been given affirmative action programs, which includes double standards, contract set-asides & hiring quotas.  Blacks continue to cash in: black farmers bill just passed ... giving ONLY black males (about 90 thousand) at least $50,000 in FREE money.

            1. JOE BARNETT profile image59
              JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              are you from another planet ha ha ha ?

        2. couturepopcafe profile image61
          couturepopcafeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Brenda - not many people understand this.  We have to constantly walk on eggs (as a collective) so as not to offend anyone.  I want to be Miss White America!!!!!!!!!

        3. Anesidora profile image59
          Anesidoraposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          When the governing body becomes overwhelmingly gay, communistic and asian then yes, totally christian and straight whites will likely want to form a collective to make their particular special needs known to congress.

          I'm certain noone would object. Do not worry, self-righteous idiots will still have a voice. This is America, after all; you will be tolerated, and we will not stifle your divisive hate speech.

          You'll see. It'll all be okay. We won't run you out of town, castigate your children, or even burn you at the stake. Nope, not even a little bit, nor will we burn and decimate your places of gathering. Nor will we censor your books of corruption and violence or attempt to force oaths upon you which you cannot honor or create laws which impose upon your morals and personal freedoms.

          It's okay, Brenda. Think about it. You're already a huge minority. Even most other straight white christians think straight white 'totally christian' christians are barbarically behind the times. You guys have been the minority for generations now. I'm sure the last dinosaurs loudly bemoaned their fate as well. You know, when Noah told them there was no room on the ark.

          Anyway. Point is, I don't think you have anything to be afraid of. After all, why would anybody be mad at you guys?

    5. profile image0
      Stevennix2001posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I say who cares to be honest, as I prefer to adopt Martin Luther King's philosophy which is not to judge a man for the color of his skin, but for the content of their character.  Therefore, it's not a problem; regardless of which race is a minority.  Besides, no minority in the United States has it worse anyway than the American Indian, so we might as well stop griping. 

      Are you afraid that whites won't get equal treatment in the U.S. if they are the minority?  Is that basically why your asking this qwark?  I'm just curious.

      1. qwark profile image60
        qwarkposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Are you following the responses in this thread?
        I wrote about 30 lines in answer to your question.
        Scroll back up and find my

        1. profile image0
          Stevennix2001posted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Well Qwark to be quite honest with you, I don't read every single response in a thread, as that would be too time consuming and ridiculous.  Besides, I doubt seriously everyone that's posting in this thread or any other thread has ever read every single post.  However, I'll scroll back to read some of the responses that YOU posted, since you insist.

    6. profile image60
      logic,commonsenseposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      A minority in skin color is nothing to be concerned about.

      1. qwark profile image60
        qwarkposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        History has not proved that to be so.

        1. profile image60
          logic,commonsenseposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          True in the past it may have been an issue but we have since become a much more homogenous society.

          1. qwark profile image60
            qwarkposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            logic and common sense tells me it is better, but will never, in my lifetime, disappear in these United States.

    7. profile image0
      Deborah Sextonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      It's not a fact
      As of May 2010
      Seventy-five percent of the population of the United States is Caucasian
      The predominant race in the world is caucasian. 88.8 percent

      1. qwark profile image60
        qwarkposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Hi Deb:
        When you read, read completely and with understanding.
        I didn't say "now." I said it is coming.
        Predictions are that in about a generation and a half, Latinos will outnumber "whites" in the USA.
        I also sent a site that would back me up. Evidently you didn't open it.

        1. profile image0
          Deborah Sextonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Definition of "About"
          about to do something intending to do something soon or close to doing something very soon

          1. qwark profile image60
            qwarkposted 13 years agoin reply to this

   figure it out.
            I'm not into didactics on Sunday   smile:

            1. profile image0
              Deborah Sextonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              You don't have enough knowledge to teach me.

        2. profile image0
          Deborah Sextonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          No I didn't read your link, nor anything you said.
          I've never found anything you say to have any meaning for "me"
          And I'm just stating my truth.

    8. Ralph Deeds profile image65
      Ralph Deedsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Suck it up! What goes around comes around.

  2. Ultimate Hubber profile image73
    Ultimate Hubberposted 13 years ago

    It would be very helpful if you can provide some proof to this fact.

    However, some 3-400 years back white people didn't even exist in the US, so being in minority will be much better than that.

    1. qwark profile image60
      qwarkposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      ...check the latest stats on the rise of latinos in the USA.
      The "Browning of America" is a reality.

      1. sirrot profile image60
        sirrotposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I really don't understand...why is this bothering you? 


  3. SiddSingh profile image60
    SiddSinghposted 13 years ago

    Is that a problem?

    Do you think being in minority is a disadvantage?

    1. Druid Dude profile image60
      Druid Dudeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Come join the tribe. We don't mind the skin. I'm white on the out, red on the in. Wife is red on the out, and white on the in. We make a fine pair of barber poles, and really stand out at X-mastime. smile

    2. qwark profile image60
      qwarkposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      ...I'm asking you...?

  4. Uninvited Writer profile image78
    Uninvited Writerposted 13 years ago

    It is meaningless.

    1. qwark profile image60
      qwarkposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Writer...why is that your opinion?

  5. Reality Bytes profile image71
    Reality Bytesposted 13 years ago

    Exactly what shade of color is considered white.  I have a little color to my complexion, am I white or ?

    1. Druid Dude profile image60
      Druid Dudeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Ever hear of Johnny and Edgar Wynter? That's white. I'll bet Michael Jackson was whiter that any of you. smile

    2. wilderness profile image95
      wildernessposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I think it's up to you.  I am pure unadulterated white, except for the black, red, brown and yellow (and now we find neanderthal) mixed in.  If I missed any, I'm sure I have them too, as do 99.99% of the world's population.

      Define yourself as you wish - everyone else does!

  6. qwark profile image60
    qwarkposted 13 years ago
  7. Cagsil profile image70
    Cagsilposted 13 years ago

    Hey Qwark, as UW said- it is meaningless.

    "Minority" is only an applied word, usually used to distort truth.

    Almost anything can be made to appear as if it fits into a "minority".

    Just a thought. hmm

  8. Eaglekiwi profile image75
    Eaglekiwiposted 13 years ago

    I dont have a problem with it smile ( not that I see it as any kind of problem)

  9. Rochelle Frank profile image91
    Rochelle Frankposted 13 years ago

    Does that mean they will be getting special advantages?

  10. profile image0
    sandra rinckposted 13 years ago

    You will probably never hear me agree with Brenda ever again but she is right, there is nothing wrong with being proud of who you are, white, black, red, yellow, brown etc. 

    In all honesty, being proud of being white is stigmatic because of America's past.  As long as a person doesn't believe that their color is superior, then there is nothing wrong with it.

    I am brown and proud of it, you got a problem with that? smile

    1. wilderness profile image95
      wildernessposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Just a simple question - if brown is not superior, what's to be proud of?  Mediocrity?

      Not trying to be an a$$, but it seems to me that pride should be something connected to an accomplishment, not to the amount or variety of skin melanin that your genes produce.  You have not "earned" that melanin and have done nothing to produce it and thus have no reason to be proud of it.

      1. profile image0
        sandra rinckposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Who cares! If you paid any attention to what I wrote before that then you would have also read, I am proud to be me.  Too bad you have a problem with that.

  11. Uninvited Writer profile image78
    Uninvited Writerposted 13 years ago

    Debates like this are the reason why it is meaningless. There is always someone who has to bring up racism and "special treatment."

    1. profile image0
      Nelle Hoxieposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Pardon me, for busting in here, but I need UW's opinion on a literary matter - please see my question on Girl with a Dragon Tattoo in Entertainment forum. And besides you said when you came back you were going to avoid this stuff. Don't want to lose you again. Okay I'm leaving. Sorry for the interruption.

  12. qwark profile image60
    qwarkposted 13 years ago

    I was just studying various subjects today and I read that in 40 - 50 yrs, maybe less, that the "latino" population in the USA would exceed the "white." That they would constitute over 60 % of the population.
    "White" down thru the ages has been considered, by "Whites," to be the "privliged." As such over the past couple hundred years or so, we've played he role.
    It doesn't bother me at all. I'll probably be pushing-up-daisies before it happens. I just thought it might be an interesting subject to "chat" about.
    I'm for the amalgamation of all ethnic groups.
    Why should we be concerned about the gov't contrived classification: "race?"
    We're heading down the road to oblivian anyway, so what the hell, lets conjugate not subjugate.
    We can all, joyfully,hold hands as we approach the river
    "Styx" and Charon the ferryman will escort us through  the portals of hades.
    They play alota cards down there but the beer is warm....yuk!
    Anyway, just biding time , wiling away the hours waiting patiently for us all to turn "brown."

    1. profile image0
      Stevennix2001posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Oh okay, Qwark.  I understand your query now.  I didn't read this response, as this explains your intent.  Personally, I do agree with you, but we'll all be dead before that happens, as I doubt me or anyone here is going to be alive to see it.

      1. qwark profile image60
        qwarkposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        NP my friend!  smile:

  13. mikelong profile image59
    mikelongposted 13 years ago

    Brenda doesn't realize that these "others" exist because there is a group already operating on that level equal and opposing them...

    Brenda doesn't see white privilege because her eyes are closed...

    Brenda ignores American history, and if her ideas and perceptions were to become dominant we would be doomed to repeating our past errors...

    Just imagine a United States where Brenda's ideas reigned supreme...

    Who's ready for 1800?

    1. qwark profile image60
      qwarkposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Right on the money Mike!

    2. Uninvited Writer profile image78
      Uninvited Writerposted 13 years agoin reply to this

    3. profile image0
      Old Empresarioposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Yes; in some states of the deep south, whites have been the minority for some time, yet are still oppressively in charge.

      On a more positive note, it certainly seems that the southwestern United States is re-claiming its traditional heritage prior to US conquest in the 1840s: that of a former Spanish colony. Out of five marriages of friends and family I have witnessed over the past two years (including my own) all five Anglo-Americans married into Mexican-American or other Hispanic families. I find that fascinating as we are seeing a new cultural mixture forming in America as the new wave of immigrants assimilates.

      1. qwark profile image60
        qwarkposted 13 years agoin reply to this


        "...I find that fascinating as we are seeing a new cultural mixture forming in America as the new wave of immigrants assimilates."

        ...and I love it!

        1. MissE profile image76
          MissEposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Dearest Qwark,
          See....we can agree!!!! big_smile


          1. qwark profile image60
            qwarkposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Of course we can!   smile:

      2. Ralph Deeds profile image65
        Ralph Deedsposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        The gene pool is being strengthened and interracial tolerance is increasing.

    4. S Leretseh profile image60
      S Leretsehposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      "if her ideas and perceptions were to become dominant we would be doomed to repeating our past errors..."

      You mean like in Compton CA?
      65% of the population of ONE people have been denied a single political office in the city by the minority 35% of another people.   Just goes to show you that 'some people' will attempt to return to the old ways - racism - if we're not all vigilant.

  14. Eaglekiwi profile image75
    Eaglekiwiposted 13 years ago

    What we need is a great big melting pot-lol

    Wait- we already have it, and its been churning out coffee coloured people by the score smile

  15. S Leretseh profile image60
    S Leretsehposted 13 years ago

    USA is becoming majority non-white? I never heard this before. WOW

    Well, if it is true, I think it's the GREATEST news since the US conversion to fiat money.

  16. Len Cannon profile image85
    Len Cannonposted 13 years ago

    finally, apartheid.

    1. qwark profile image60
      qwarkposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      APARTHEID? (segregation?) I THINK NOT!
      How did you come to that conclusion?

      1. profile image0
        sandra rinckposted 13 years agoin reply to this


        1. Len Cannon profile image85
          Len Cannonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          No, not really.

    2. Beege215e profile image58
      Beege215eposted 13 years ago

      In the film "Cry Freedom" a judge asked Steve Biko why he calls himself a "black" man, when in fact he appears more brown. and Steve Biko replied that the judge was correct, but he wanted to know why the judge would refer to himself as "white" when he was in fact more pink. The judge had no answer. I am not white, nor am I black.  When asked for my race I always reply that I am a member of the "human" race.  My skin color should have no bearing on my humanity.

      1. qwark profile image60
        qwarkposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        "Race" is stupid!
        It's the gov'ts way of classifying folks. Nothing scientific about it.
        Correct! We are just human beings. Our looks, demeanor, mores etc., adinfinitum are all the result of natural selection.
        Adaptivity has differing results.

      2. S Leretseh profile image60
        S Leretsehposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        "The judge had no answer."

        I thinks that's because the one who wrote the script intended it to be that way.

        I think maybe what the judge was trying to impart to the "black" man is that color does not define a "people" - other than "white people" that is.  Blacks are Africa-Americans

    3. Evan G Rogers profile image59
      Evan G Rogersposted 13 years ago

      First off, define race.

      I was born half Romanian, 1/4 German, 1/5th italian, and the rest was a big blob of other stuff.  Am I my own race? or is that just "white".

      If I'm just "white", why is that the case? I take offense to being called "white" the same way that a Japanese person would get mad if they were called Chinese; I'm a unique breed of "races".

      But on top of that, where does the definition of heritage end? If we follow the theory of evolution, we all were born in Africa - and thus we're all Africans.

      Race has no definition, and thus is mostly nonsense.

      1. qwark profile image60
        qwarkposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I just defined race!??
        Evidently ya didn't read it.

      2. JOE BARNETT profile image59
        JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        hey evan you stated locations on the map, not races. i guess thats similar to me saying that i am half texan and half tennesseean

    4. Ben Evans profile image64
      Ben Evansposted 13 years ago

      The color of our skin or our ethnicity has nothing to do with who we are.  We are individuals first.  For us who are white, it is really only a category which means nothing.

      We will have a hard time changing people who are racist but we as individual can decide not be racist.  We can also decide to not be sexist or to judge people by any superficial quality which has no bearing on who are as individuals.

      If whites become a minority, it wont matter one bit unless we make it matter.


      Maybe we will think of ourselves as a part of great mixture of cultures instead of the only culture that matters.  Who knows it may change our attitude for the better.  smile

    5. CoachJeffBryant profile image61
      CoachJeffBryantposted 13 years ago

      I believe you are right about the government.  They classify people so that there can be someone (some party) that is not on their side and how they can save them.  On either side of the aisle, you need to create fear to get a vote.  It's a shame.

      Melting Pot . . . no problem here.  Immigration . . . LEGALLY, sure.  Ignoring skin color . . . we are all humans.  Social, cultural or government programs that favor any "race" over another is discrimination regardless of the group it favors and it fuels segregation.  If you are white and are part of an all white organization or all white college that promotes whites only, then you are doing this country or humanity no good.  The same goes if you are black, brown, yellow, pink or purple.  Just a simple opinion from a simple guy.

      1. qwark profile image60
        qwarkposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I can't argue with anything you offered.
        WEll said!  smile:

    6. habee profile image92
      habeeposted 13 years ago

      I figure in a few centuries we'll all be the same color. Of course with human nature being what it is, we'll still find a way to discriminate and hate. Maybe it will be about hair color, eye color, or height.

      1. qwark profile image60
        qwarkposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Hi Habee:
        ...couple centuries?
        Remember me? I'm the eternal pessimsist.
        We won't last that long!

    7. prettydarkhorse profile image63
      prettydarkhorseposted 13 years ago

      there is also a rise in intermarriages between races because of Internet and their children are mixed, so brown color is increasing,
      it is inevitable
      they are all beautiful mixed, white, black, brown, yellow etc..

      1. qwark profile image60
        qwarkposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I couldn't agree more! :-)

        1. prettydarkhorse profile image63
          prettydarkhorseposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Hi Qwark, there is a but here..

 according to that data there are still almost 80 percent white

          and in Texas 82 percent white, amusing isn't it

          the way they frame the questionnaire, a mixed baby like mine is considered white there is no mixed race. I am brown and her dad is white

          about the definition of race - is all biology, 10 percent of this and that and that - what do you consider yourself?

          1. qwark profile image60
            qwarkposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Hi Pretty:
            White, according to my birth certificate, but it also says I'm "human." lol
            My mother was German/Cherokee Indian.
            My father was British.
            But I'm just a human born in the USA.  smile:

            1. Jed Fisher profile image71
              Jed Fisherposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              "White" keeps growing becase everyone wants to be white. Just ask Chris Rock or Dave Chappell. All those Scotts, Italians, Irish, so on and so forth, to include Jewish, all jumping on the bandwagon. Some day some genius will look at a map of Europe and see that it includes Spain, so everbody with a Spanish surname will wake up "white" the next day. So anyway, enjoy this video.
     … re=related

              1. kephrira profile image60
                kephriraposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                Funny thing you know, most of us in Europe do think of the Spanish as being white.

                And I don't know what you are talking about with the scots and Irish - how could they not be white? I don't think you can get whiter than a scottish person - they only see two afternoons of sunny weather per year.

              2. couturepopcafe profile image61
                couturepopcafeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                OMG, Jed, you are such a redneck -  I think.  Or a Nazi or something.  Scots, Italians, Irish, Jews?  What?  Really?

    8. qwark profile image60
      qwarkposted 13 years ago

      I'm gonna hit the sac...ttyl...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    9. profile image0
      Deborah Sextonposted 13 years ago

      People who start threads like this are just looking to stir up trouble.

      "Whites" founded this country.
      Yes, Indians were here first and did not want to share the land.
      Whites however, allowed everyone in.

      Whites have never had special treatment, they have always been hated by those they let into the country.
      Whites educated themselves and put their dreams into action in their own country.

      Just like the other races are growing, so are whites.

      Hey look, I'm white..and proud of it by the way.

      1. qwark profile image60
        qwarkposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Hi Deb;
        "Mother Nature" will not allow the "obtuse" to survive.

        1. profile image0
          Deborah Sextonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Are you saying white people are bad people? And you think we are stupid?

          I'm sorry if you don't like your race, but that's your problem.

          Get an education and pursue your dreams.

          1. qwark profile image60
            qwarkposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Hi Deb:
            I'll stick with this comment:
            ""Mother Nature" will not allow the "obtuse" to survive."

            1. profile image0
              Deborah Sextonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Who would ever care what you think about anything?
              Certainly not me.

              You are just trying to stir up trouble and I think your thread should be shut down.

              1. qwark profile image60
                qwarkposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                Hi Deb:
                My goodness! You are a "sensitive" and emotional "female."
                You project such disgust in your words!
                I kinda thought that you, having existed in past lives, might have gained some insight and patience in dealing with those whom you consider to be "lesser" than you. Seems I'm wrong.
                Redundancy is necessary when speaking to those,such as you, who think of themselves as being so "complete" that considering the thoughts of others would be an act of regression, so I must  repeat myself and reiterate this: "Mother Nature" will not allow the "obtuse" to survive."
                Sit down. Have a cup of nice hot "green tea" and relax.
                You'll be ok!
                Reading some "tarot" cards may help. Just a suggestion.
                Qwark   smile:

                1. S Leretseh profile image60
                  S Leretsehposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  Unnecessary condescension Quark ... She has a valid point

                  1. qwark profile image60
                    qwarkposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    ...her valid point is?

                2. profile image0
                  Deborah Sextonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  You say all those things with intent to be condescending and I am the sensitive one? I am the one with hate?

                  What I do in my life is my business.
                  But people speak bad of things they don't understand.

                  Increase your education and follow your dreams and you too might get ahead.

                  1. qwark profile image60
                    qwarkposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                    Ty Deb:
                    ...but I'd first like you to read my future in your tarot cards, maybe rattle and throw some bones and read 'em..ok?
                    Then with all this "gained" knowledge I'll challenge the world seeking success!
                    Are you taking appointments?

                    qwark smile:

      2. Doug Hughes profile image61
        Doug Hughesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        "Whites have never had special treatment, they have always been hated by those they let into the country."

        Deborah - White landowners did not 'let' Africans into this country for equal treatment - they brought them in chains on slave ships. I am not ashamed to be white, but I despise what some whites did to other humans of other races in the name of Christianity. One large slave ship was called "The Jesus" and was owned by the Church of England. 

        If you want to post on a thread about race, you might avoid humiliation if you mix a small portion of truth in your post.

        1. qwark profile image60
          qwarkposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          She is above that!

        2. profile image0
          Deborah Sextonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Humiliation? You have got to be kidding.

          It was money, not race. Even the rich black people had slaves, you might want to read up.
          It was the Spanish that brought slaves to America, not whites.
          You might want to insert some truth. (I've heard both Spanish and black say they don't consider Spanish white)

          But I am really speaking of my lifetime, not yours

          1. Doug Hughes profile image61
            Doug Hughesposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            The word you used was 'never'..  in the quote  -

            "Whites have never had special treatment, they have always been hated by those they let into the country."

            "LONDON (AFP) - The Church of England apologised for its historical role in the slave trade, accepting it was directly implicated in it. At a meeting of the Church's synod in London it recognised "the damage done to those who are the heirs of those who were enslaved".

            It voted to apologise during a debate on the "dehumanising and shameful" consequences of slavery, abolished in Britain in 1807.

            The Church was implicated through its Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts and the properties it owned overseas, notably in Barbados in the West Indies.

            The Reverend Simon Bessant, from Blackburn in northern England, recalled how slaves owned by the Church had the word "society" branded on their chests."

            I am not saying that the Spanish were not also involved, but your denial is becoming ridiculous.

            1. profile image0
              Deborah Sextonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              Big deal, so England apologized for having slaves. And? We're still apologizing for it today.
              It was the rich people who had slaves, even rich black people. The poor white people didn't. Do you actually think that there were slaves in every white household?
              It wasn't just the blacks who were slaves, there were Whites, Germans, Indians, and Irish etc. You might want to read up on it.
              It was also white people who fought to free the slaves.

              It's people like you who like to enforce these erroneous ideas. You seem to want to stir up trouble.
              I haven't done anything to anyone, and if you have, apologize for it.

              1. kephrira profile image60
                kephriraposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                That is a good point. Europeans didn't just import slaves from Africa, they imported the whole concept of slavery.

                The reason most of the slaves were black was because there was a long tradition of taking people into slavery in Africa, where most people are black, and there was no such tradition of taking people into slavery in Europe - therefore most of the slaves were Africans just for that reason.

                1. JOE BARNETT profile image59
                  JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  wrong! they had indentured slaves first. they were supposed to work seven years and then release. but they would escape and could blend with the population and couldn't be found. so, they came up with a new idea. black ones would not be able to hide. . . and you know the rest of the story.

                2. Daniel Carter profile image62
                  Daniel Carterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                  Any conquered nation was captured by its oppressors and made slaves. Even early in the history of the 12 tribes, it's documented in the Bible the tribes went in and took over land, cities and people and made it their land and home. Survivors of the take-overs were made slaves even to the tribes.

                  It DIDN'T start in Europe, it started in the earliest civilizations of mankind. The crime and tragedy is that it was perpetuated at all.

                  Fear of "pollution" of local traditions and customs, intolerance of ideas different from their own are also a couple of reasons why people have warred and taken over whole countries.

                  Apparently, we have progressed in some areas as humans, but definitely need a great deal of enlightenment in other areas.

              2. JOE BARNETT profile image59
                JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                deborah- no one is picking on you. we are simply discussing history. we know that you didn't do it and by the same token we know who did. i am not a slave but my great great grandmother was was born into it near the end. the stories were passed down.

                the only time it looks bad is when people try to deny it. they try to say anything to make it go away. it won't, it can't. it would be like people trying to say that the twin towers fell because building it wasn't maintained. that's absurd! blacks are amazingly not bitter. . .at all. slavery is a part of americas dna and has created a keen since awareness among blacks of what to watch for.

          2. JOE BARNETT profile image59
            JOE BARNETTposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            do you know what the spanish are? their white! their european. people that want to defend this always go to blacks had slaves to. practically a myth. it was called benevolent slavery. there were 3777 supposed black slaveholders that you speak of but the accounting of this was so bad that it states that they didn't know if the count reflected the number of slaves or the slaveholders but probably both and some of those 3777 were whites. they took them in to protect them. freed slaves had to pay a higher tax than anyone. so blacks would take them in as a slave to help them.
              yes it was money, greed that created slavery. big business , they never want to pay,. . . anyone. if it's not slaves, then it's child labor, then the male work force, now women and if they can't do that, they pack up and go to a third world country where the really don't have to pay.

      3. profile image0
        Stevennix2001posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Deborah you are aware that Native Americans HELPED the settlers and pilgrims to live off the land and how to hunt for food when they first got to America.  Plus, where do you think the art of "guerrilla warfare" came from?  Many European countries used to fight where all their soldiers would meet up in broad daylight on a battle field.  However, it was the Indians who taught settlers the art of guerrilla warfare, that gave the settlers a particular advantage during the revolutionary war later on. 

        Indians back then didn't have a fair comprehension of land ownership.  This is particularly how the settlers were able to coerce many Native Americans out of their homes and land, as to them nature was god. Hence, to them, they didn't understand how anyone could own a piece of god.  Plus, if you look throughout history, they were often forced to relocate various times, due to American expansion.

        Your right that today's modern American society and government was founded by "whites", but to say that Native Americans didn't want to share the land with anyone is a fairly naive statement.  If that were the case, then wouldn't the Native Americans have sooner not helped the settlers at all when teaching them how to live off the land?  Wouldn't that make more sense?  I'm not saying your wrong, but I just thought I'd correct you a bit in that statement.

        I think this statement depends on which era in American history we're talking about.  Obviously, if you go back to the earlier settler days when slavery was legal, then you'd be wrong in that statement.  Heck, if you just go back to the 1950's era, then you could find a lot of fallacies in your statement regarding that. 

        However, I do see your point when it comes to TODAY'S era, as it does seem that the affirmative action practices are getting out of hand.  Heck, it seems like minority groups are getting too overly sensitive these days to the slightest hint of an insult or stereotype is enough set off Al Sharpton and other minority rights leaders.  Take in mind, I'm part hispanic, native american and half chinese, so I'm not being a racist by saying that either. 

        I'm merely stating observations.  Take last year's disney film, "Princess and the frog", that starred disney's first minority princess and prince.  One would think that people would just enjoy the movie, as a simple harmless kid's film. WRONG.  If anything, many minority groups including Al Sharpton deemed the film as racist saying they portrayed the people involved in the religion of Voodoo in a bad light.  I'm sorry.  Wasn't this a harmless kids cartoon?  I mean for pete's sake.  This is almost as bad as Christian parents who are petitioning to have the "harry potter" books and movies banned because they believe it condones and supports the art of Witch craft. 

        I just think that a lot of minority groups need to develop thicker skin when it comes to stereotypes.  Seriously, I know there was a lot of racial controversy in the past with our ancestors, but that doesn't give any of us the right to claim our ancestors' pain in their place

        Deborah, I think no matter what your born as.  White, purple, blue, indigo, green or whatever.  Everyone should be proud to be who they are.

    10. Uninvited Writer profile image78
      Uninvited Writerposted 13 years ago

      Yes, it brings out all the apologists for the poor put upon white race. Where did I leave my tiny violin?

      1. profile image0
        Deborah Sextonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Ahhh, yes act like the white people have never had problems.

    11. mikelong profile image59
      mikelongposted 13 years ago

      "Whites have never had special treatment, they have always been hated by those they let into the country.
      Whites educated themselves and put their dreams into action in their own country."

      Wow....this is utter nonsense.... 

      Why not start with some substance first.... … r_embedded

      Just a beginning...

      1. profile image0
        Deborah Sextonposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        I've lived it. I don't have to read about it.

        Whites have always given to people.
        If we got ahead it was from effort, and if others didn't it was their fault.

        No one today is a slave and no one today enslaved anyone

        You're living in the distant past

    12. mikelong profile image59
      mikelongposted 13 years ago

      Deborah....why don't we begin the "enslavement" with the places the American goods come from....  What does "Nike"...or "Made in China, India, Mexico, Honduras" mean?

      I will say that "white" is a myth...a concoction of very wealthy men in this nation to fight through racism the true against true freedom/democracy in this nation....

      From the first Virginia Company racial laws that divided the inter-racial indentured servant work-force.....the first violent branding of fear into the American psyche..

      The "overseer"...the "paddyrollers"...the creation of the new "middle man" positions that worked to define "whiteness".. These are the propaganda of "whiteness" that was solely devised to create a buffer between the oligarchy controlling finance, commerce, and our political system... This would evolve over the course of several generations into racial hatred....

      But, I think of the first indentured servant revolt....the Bacon Rebellion...and realize that the same forces,the government sponsoring (and vise versa) of elite interests at the cost of those generating the wealth and justifying the government,are here working today..

      I think of the Kansas-Nebraska Act, and the way, time after time, our government has proven itself to be a tool of monopolistic, harmful, and dangerous minds.... 

      "White" was that little sense of comfort that was advertised when residential areas carried racial restrictions...when schools were directly segregated by law, or indirectly sheltered from "the others" through residential price-based exclusivity...

      "White", I have to say it, is the quiet optimism that people held for 8 years that Bush would do something right...and that we wouldn't crash and burn.... I say this because I see clearly "Black"...which is the absolute intolerance for Obama represented across this nation based on far more baseless categories than his policies...from the "hidden Muslim" to the "non-citizen" and so on....

      "Whiteness" makes Palin appear as if she is a legitimate contender to Obama...

      After 8 years of Bush....his "whiteness" enables him to still have a legacy...and not face prosecution for his crimes....

      Obama has had a more harrowing 2 years than any president I have been alive to observe...

      1. qwark profile image60
        qwarkposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        EXCELLENT! TY!

    13. mikelong profile image59
      mikelongposted 13 years ago

      Leretseh....Blacks did build at least one city in the south...

      Washington D.C...

      As for the ability to remain separate.....let us think to wasn't that long ago..

      Leretseh, I think there are some errors in your logic...but, having read your profile, I'm not surprised....

      Your assertions are baseless, and the "white race" is a hoax... 

      Keep perpetuating falsehood......

      1. S Leretseh profile image60
        S Leretsehposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Black males built Washington D.C.? mikelong, are sure about that one?

        --Rosewood. You've inspired me mikelong.  I'm going to write a hub about this 1923 "event" .  The true record (not Hollywood's version) needs to be told.

        "some errors" ?  Like?

        I agree with you that the  "white race is a hoax."  These people , pre 1964, were the recognized "Americans.'

        One of the many purposes of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was to strip these people of their national identity.  It's worked. I don't like to call them by a color, but they've been mentally conditioned to accept it as their group designation.

        The only people on planet earth today whose group designation is a color are those "white people" of Western Civilization countries.

    14. profile image0
      Deborah Sextonposted 13 years ago

      Isn't it awful when white people talk back?
      You had hoped we would sit around and take all the abuse.

    15. qwark profile image60
      qwarkposted 13 years ago

      When the "truth" is offered, the receiver will corrupt it to meet its needs and desires.

    16. Daniel Carter profile image62
      Daniel Carterposted 13 years ago

      Everyone is a minority in some social circle. If it's not skin color, it might be economic class, religion, etc.

      It's a big "So What" for me.

      English may be the most spoken language in the world right now, but in a few more years, English speakers in America *could* be outnumbered. The irony of it all.

    17. Greek One profile image64
      Greek Oneposted 13 years ago

      One day, we will all live in a world where people will voluntarily submit to their superiors.. namely those with naturally larger private parts.

      I can guarantee you all that I will rule benevolently and with mercy


      1. Daniel Carter profile image62
        Daniel Carterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        You do err, mighty Greek ruler.

        Those big parts probably are located just under the neck and society will become matriarchal.

        I dare say that shadows of this prophecy are even occurring in your home now!

        Beware.  wink

        1. Greek One profile image64
          Greek Oneposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Naturally, although I will rule the world, I will still have no say in my own home....

          For it was from the beginning a matriarchy, and I have no rights granted to me, only responsibilities and labor


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