They are a billion plus and increasing, yet suffer little "within," and deftly resist being involved in war in other countries.
They rule with an "iron fist" and stop internal dissonance immediatley.
There is no doubt that predatory,contemporary man "needs" to be controlled.
Their numbers of "billionaires" is increasing and even tho wages are low for the worker, they seem to be living comfortably.
Oh yeah China is the model for world government! Lol! Read this and get back to me... an no man doesn't need to be controlled by anyone!
Sometimes little keys can open big locks, China has capture world's market and they have made certain Laws to control population, they are strong and have friends in the world, their people are hard working and they have achieve a lot due to their wise thinking. We should have strong will power to do the right thing and make the right decision. GOD help those who help themselves.
In what field did you earn your Doctorate?
I wrote a long response and when I tried to submit it, it was lost due to a server failure.
Your ref. to this "god" thing is meaningless to me.
China is doing well for a nation with well over a billion people.
I graduated as an MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) from DOW MEDICAL COLLEGE, KARACHI, PAKISTAN and practice my medicine around the world selflessly and came into Politics and contested General Election as an Independent Candidate. Kindly answer my one question: Who created the world and us? Muslim,Hindus,Christians and many other Nations believe in GOD.
TY for responding to my question.
The answer to your question: " Who created the world and us?" is presumptuous.
Why would you presume a "who" (What or which person or persons)would create the world and us?
Your question is obviously, to me, based upon a background in religion. Am I wrong?
I can tell you with great certainty that no one can answer that question in any form but "opinion."
If I were to attempt to answer it, my answer would be: serendipity is the creator.
If you can prove me wrong I'll welcome your thoughtful intellectual response.
China killed well over 10 million of its people in the past 70 years.
Rule by terror is not the "right" system.
Regardless of many problems and issues with China or Chinese government (well, just as the many problems with any other governments) we are or not aware of, one thing is sure: you don't know a thing about China.
How many the US has killed? Or they don't kill anyone?
China does not get involved in wars; if the US could do the same, the world would be a lot more peaceful, ,more importantly, the Americans would be a lot more richer
WELL! my comment hit a sensitive nerve!
Pls tell me why I am "...a danger to society."
Thanks :
By 'society' he means the tiny group of super rich white males that he worships and waits beneath for crumbs to fall from the table, unfortunately he still hasn't grasped that waiting underneath just gets you the crap.
Thinking that alternative systems are by their alternate nature just bad prevents us thinking about how to improve them and our own systems. This blindness leads to the mountains of dis-information, lies and fabricated little stories - and the emotive displays about other systems - which are hypocritical beyond belief.
To talk, as someone earlier, about a few minor border skirmishes in a region famous for border skirmishes and where India and Pakistan still shell each other daily - from a position that seeks to ignore the murder and devastation in the same periods of our own countries is almost creepy in its wilful ignorance. If we can't criticise our own actions how do we deserve the right to criticise similar behaviour in others.
No way. China's policies are oppressive against the rights of the individual. It is the greatest evil to advocate birth control and religious suppression on the level that China has done. Communism is evil.
lol...that's not at all what I was referring too.
Oh well!
You said they rule with an iron fist, to me that falls under the same category. The government gets their sticky fingers involved in the affairs of the citizens on an alarming level. The people become more and more bound by the government, and that's crap.
Yes...but it's much to late to think it could happen in our lifetime.
I have really thought long and hard on the issue of a 1 world government, but who really knows?
China's system is not right, nor is the US. Both have their strengths, and weaknesses. I am disliking many of the things the US is doing right about meow, and it is really turning me off more and my as days go by. China certainly does certainly have many great attributes as well, it is so intriguing to see what is going to happen.
You guys saying it won't happen in your lifetime, you may be right, but I am certainly hoping it will happen in mine! It certainly is a possibility. Maybe I'll start my movement soon and get this ball rolling.
There is no reason that in the near future, with social networking sites and the internet, that things can't happen a lot more rapidly than they are appearing to.
Our world is going to change a lot, and I am so excited to see whats ahead of us.
Yes, get excited!
The changes that will happen will reduce the population of mankind and that's whats needed.
We are in an economic "fall out" now that we cannot fix and if we continue to exist, the children of the near future will be spending there lives trying to pay our debt that is growing like a geometric progression.
Oh yes the future will be exciting trying to stay alive.
A 1 world gov't can't become reality for a few more millenium of human life and adaptation.
I think it all depends when and if we get our act together. Which actually can start tomorrow. Something is going to happen, we are at the next stage of life. We are not at the point in life that our fathers have worked so hard for, for millions of years. I think it is about time we pay them back, and make all their work worth it.
What does our debt and paper money matter if the people take over rather than the gov'ts. I'm not worried about the Economy, it is a made up currency. As soon as we decide that that paper is worth nothing, its worth nothing.
Government is taking control more and more, and not letting our economy do it's thing. We don't need the government for many of these programs, we need our people to step up.
We already have a form of one world government Quark. That central bank system set in motion the ponzi housing bubble, culminating in Alan Greenspan's recommendation in February 2004 that you could get a "better deal" by taking out an adjustable mortgage. This was a planned central bank scam, so don't tell me one world government is beneficial or benign because it isn't. I have a hub on it.
One world government is greedy and predatory.
Hi Bg:
No doubt a "New World Order" is in the works.
As we presently exist a "one world gov't, is "greedy and predatory..." is true.
There is no chance for a "1 world gov't" to exist today.
We are a massive, fragmented species which hasn't the maturity to function in concert under the authority of such a gov't body.
There is no doubt that $ controls absolutely and absolute power corrupts absolutely!
A "New World Order" will have as its foundation corporate power.
I think we will realize that by the end of this yr.
Our "buck" is becoming less valuable and other nations to whom we are in debt are meeting in clandestine fashion to change world currencies to suit there needs.
The world is shrinking. China, Russia etc., are becoming more like America in the past and we are becoming more like them in the past.
We were manufacturers. We are now servers.
We are slipping fast and we Americans seem to be reacting very naively to what is hapopening to us and the world.
The financial order does exist today. It is not a political order but rather is a financial order that takes a chunk of sovereignty out of each nation. Even Russia and China touch bases with this order.
Of course.
As I've said in many of my responses and controls.
It's the "Rothchilds" philosophy that he who controls money controls world economics ergo, mankind!
One world order has been tried many times in history and failed. Most likely it still will fail within my life time too.
Did the message of my comment "swish" over your head?
I said it is too late for a 1 world gov't in our lifetime!
Of course it wouldn't work even if it could happen.
There are too many of us and we are much too fragmented in too may ways to even try it in our lifetime.
A population reducing catastrophe (and we are, rapidly, headed for that catastrophe) must take place before it could even be considered.
We will have been long dead and gone, not even a memory, before a 1 world gov't could be instituted.
One world government will not happen unless it's done behind closed doors without other people's knowledge.
As for China? I'm not sure China has anything right, much less it's form of government.
It could never happen in our lifetime anyway.
If it should happen during the next millenia, it would happen slowly, deliberately and necessarily.
If and when it does happen, it will have to be overpowering, dedicated and Machiavelian in style.
It's too early in the evolution of man for him to exist as a social entity and survive to become a successful species.
He, man, must be controlled by a gov't absolutely dedicated to the survival of the species.
I'm not so certain the human race will be what it is during the next millennium.
I think we're facing serious overpopulation and overuse of resources at the moment.
That depends on many factors.
Interesting... really? I'm sorry, I guess I have more faith in humanity than you do. Oh well, it's not a surprise.
Well, we're the only species that has directly killed off hundreds, if not tens of thousands, of other species.
For all the good that humanity has brought to the planet, I think we have brought a lot of harm.
Maybe we will be ok. I hope so. I hope it doesn't come at a great cost too.
China pretty much has most of it right! They are heading directly to become the next world top economy, the next superpower and the living standards of ALL its population is rising, not equally but that has never happened anywhere before either.
As an observer with little political contact or particular interest, I see little difference in their way of governing and any western so-called democracy. In the US you get to vote on which particular group of white rich males get to feed off you and which super-rich guy will be your pres. Here the local comittee both carry out the instructions from above and also send their own representation up.
Here dissent is discouraged in proportion to its seriousness, in the west any dissent is lost in the screaming of its opposition that we like to call free speach. In the US serious dissent is called un-american activity and gets the same response from your so-called democratically elected gov.
The actual difference that I see is that China has historically defended its borders but has never shown any interest in colonialisation, the bedrock of western governments and economies. China has not 'gone to war' on the other side of its world, at any time in its, at least, 3000 year history, (they claim 5000).
China has had the same basic government model for a couple of thousand years with a central body operating through satellite bodies in descending authority - now the partyat the centre and in the satellite bodies, before it was the Emporer and his minions - the structure remains the same.
What I find most interesting in any comparison is that between the times that Alexander the Great was destroying the Persian empire and the Roman Empire set out to conquer most of our ancestors in Europe - the Chinese were holding national examinations for entry to the civil service in poetry.
As to the question about one world government, the Chinese have never shown any interest in governing anything outside China's immediate sphere of influence. Regarding the idea of the world adopting the Chinese system of government - it appears on balance to suit the Chinese temperament of self discipline and tolerance, it would not suit the undisciplined and intolerant nature of most western states.
Maybe you should read the post before putting a stupid face on it. I guess you, like most westerners, know nothing about China - you should pay just a little attention when people try to give you a little information in your darkness.
Actually, I'm laughing because YOU and your post was expected.
Nothing to laugh about I think, I seem to be the only one posting here who is actually in China and who knows anything about what is happening here - of course I have to try to help point out the bull@@it that gets posted here.
@ recommend1...I was born in China and raised in the US. Thus, my world view is undoubtedly more "Western" than yours, but I have been to China and understand that it's not as corrupt as it's painted out to be. China's system is undoubtedly more efficient than many others around the world since the government can make decisions instantly, instead of spending months arguing about it. However, in the end, it all boils down to what you consider to be more important - personal liberties or order/efficiency.
For me, I would choose Human Rights any day over efficiency. I like it here in the US and I like knowing that the truth is not constantly being filtered and twisted to illuminate the government. No country is perfect, but the fact that the Chinese government has both Baidu and Google employing active firewalls to block out controversial information sucks.
Economic stability does not equal Social stability.
And beside, I think your argument can be used against you. Have YOU ever lived in a Western country? After all, how can you boast about how awesome China is if you've never experienced what another country has to offer? I don't mean to offend, but I'm saying...
Hi Marketting sceptic
You are mistaken - I am not Chinese, I just live here.
I have no particular wish or need to 'defend' China per se, but I feel obliged to counter the more ridiculous nonsense that appears in these threads from time to time. I also do the same for the west hre in China. My line is intercultural communication and exchange, and is about helping both sides to understand each other. Understanding comes through discussion - but if bull@@it is presented as fact it helps no-one.
With regard to your comment about Human rights - the record of the US is far worse, you have more people (mostly black) in jail than any other nation - you have Guantanemo and you are wreaking devastation and death in many places in the world, Iraq just the latest.
With regard to news - you get just the same twist and turn on your news, the only difference is that you get so much garbage that you cannot sort the truth from the Fox.
And I am not boasting or even suggesting that China is Awesome - it is just another country with a different set of rules and ways of living. I will admit to enjoying living here if you like.
I report what I see and what normal Chinese around me are saying.
I disagree.
I think China has far worse track record than the US, just think about Tibet. Plus, look up how China deals with drug offenders - they're taken from their homes, locked up in sweatshops to work (under the whole, hard-work will cure everything mentality), not offered any treatment to get off their addictions...and are trapped in that system for years to decades. be careful if anyone offers you anything illegal! It won't matter if you're not a citizen since China is strict! =] BBC reported awhile ago that China executed a mental disabled British man for bringing cocaine (I think) into the country.
Read this article by the Human Rights Watch: … o-limits-0
The thing is with China is that their press is government sanctioned so the people only know what the government wants them to know (unless they've actually experienced injustice first hand). Besides, the Chinese are proud that their country is rising up and becoming a dominant world I don't doubt that they'd want you to think well of them.
There's a big difference between living somewhere nice like Shanghai or Beijing than somewhere more rural or in smaller cities (where they're usually fonder for sweat shops).
"I think China has far worse track record than the US, just think about Tibet. "
I guess you can be excused for taking this line as it is a common emotive issue that gets people excited. But if you try to compare China's annexation of that territory (right or wrong) with America's record in the 50 years since that action - you would have to be totally blinded to reality or a slavering ideologue. Make the cojmparison that you put up.
China invades Tibet, builds railways, schools and hospitals. The people lose their independant feudal status and gain a massive decrease in infant mortality and general improvements to their standard of living.
Leaving out hte minor atrocities that the US i sbeginning to admit to in various small countries around the world
America goes to war in Vietnam - that consists mainly of indiscriminate bombing of whole areas including the use of massive amounts of napalm and nerve damaging defoliants.
The US continuously bomb (illegally) Laos and Cambodia killing hundreds of thousands indiscriminately
The US fund right wing thugs to terrorise South Amwerican countries by indiscriminate murder and random mindless destruction
The US attack Iraq causing hundreds of thousands of deaths and total desruction
I don't need to go on to demonstrate the total futility of your position in respect of the deplorable record of the US in Human Rights compared to the record of China.
I am NOT claiming anything in regard to China, except in comparison to the US - where they come out almost saintlike.
We seem to strayed off subject.
Recommend1 wrote:
"Quoting a news report that is pretty much correct that does not support you statement is pointless."
It's there in black & white. It's your choice to read and learn or not. Your stubborn defense of all things China reminds of a hubber called "Chinaman." His hubs are all gone and he disappeared...just about the time you appeared on the scene. I sure hope he's OK.
Nobody's buying what you're selling. The Chinese people will rise up and claim their country again. Don't burn any bridges.
We haven't strayed off subject - you are quoting a reply I made to Marketingsceptic not you.
The report you quoted says nothing about the points you made in the accompanying post.
With respect, you are not Uigur or Tibetan. The US crimes in central America were generally carried out during the 60s and are not ongoing and the large prison population in the US could be mitigated against if you shot people without giving them fair trials first. There are also very few in prison because they disagree with government policy.
China has a shocking human rights record and it's silly to try to draw a parallel on human rights between the US and China. I mean if you're goig to cite historic US actions in centrl america, then you could just as easily cite the cultural revolution in china.
I'm slightly surprised you're allowed to post on here if you're under the golden curtain too. You looked up "Egypt" on google today?!
Cagsil, wrong, read my hub about one world government. It is an economic order, not a political one. It controls the politics of almost every country.
China has a lot of dissension simmering below the surface. The military is becoming more assertive and less submissive to the communist party rulers. The new budget will increase spending on social issues, to try to keep the masses under control.
The world has put a lot of it's eggs in the China basket and if China should erupt in revolt, or if their real estate bubble should burst, everyone's economy will be in big trouble.
No, I don't think we should follow the China example.
Where do you get your information that China's military is becoming more assertive and less submissive ?
How does increasing spending on domestic issues 'keep the masses under control" ?
This kind of blanket Fox spew is patently ridiculous.
Increasing spending within China directly increases the domestic market to keep all the Chinese production going while the rest of the world economies go into seizure once again. The resulting strength overall means that they will keep up the same economic levels and accumulation of money while western economies shrink, making Chinese purchases of western assets cheaper for them, and making it easier to move into the post colonial spheres of interest that they are quietly but certainly gaining - and to the advantage of those areas in the main.
And the home consumer market has enough room for expansion to last another twenty years without any change of this policy.
And the spending on doemstic issues is steadily bringing the economic situation up into line with those 'bubble' house prices - rather than the western model where the base economy is shrinking and unable to sustain the occasional little bubble that expands and bursts so frequently..
I don't base my opinions on any one source. Here's one ref. for the Chinese "public security" part of the budget. In part...
"BEIJING (Reuters) - China's spending on police and domestic surveillance will hit new heights this year, with "public security" outlays unveiled on Saturday outstripping the defense budget for the first time as Beijing cracks down on protest calls."
They will spend more on internal security than on the military. … my-budget/
Hope this site isn't banned for you.
There's plenty of other sources for the China situation but they may not agree with your beliefs. Nice panda.
And exactly how does this lead to your comment that the military is "more assertive . . . "
Quoting a news report that is pretty much correct that does not support you statement is pointless.
As to your comment about my 'beliefs' I don't really have any. I observe and when I don't know I say so, but when I do know or have seen then you will have to excuse me if I take issue with bull@@it.
A Forbes article on China's real estate bubble, etc.
Forbes Magazine dated February 28, 2011
Prepare for a worldwide recession.
"...Regardless of China's long-term future, it's now in the stop phase of its stop-go economic policy, and a hard landing is likely.
As late as 2007 most believed that China and other Asian lands would decouple from U.S. consumers. They could grow independently even if Americans retrenched and stopped buying the exports that had traditionally driven Asian growth.
The 2008-09 U.S. consumer cutbacks disproved that theory, so China implemented a $585 billion stimulus plan in 2009. It was twice the size, in relation to China's economy, of the American fiscal stimulus that same year.
The results were quick and spectacular. China's GDP growth leaped from a recessionary 6% in the first quarter of 2009 to 12% four quarters later. But its exuberant bank lending spawned a property bubble and a spike in CPI inflation from negative territory in 2009 to 5.1% last November. Politically sensitive food prices rose 10%. China then slammed on the brakes..."
More at: … times.html
Unfortunately, if China goes into recession, the world will soon follow.
I have no idea who Forbes are - but I do know they seem to have made a very shallow analysis of the situation - a situation that is intelligently discussed by other economists around the world and extensively here in the Chinese media.
Hoping that the Chinese bubble will burst is just wishful thinking -
- from my window I can see blocks of apartments going up everywhere, alongside the new road that went through just a year or so ago, like the new roads and apartments that are appearing daily all over China.
If you don't know what Forbes is, then you should bone up. They carry different articles than the People's Daily. Try this one then.
China's Housing Bubble: … ica-2010-9
I'm probably wasting my time with a ref. since you either won't or can't read anything that doesn't support your beliefs.
...and, did you ever hear of the "Jasmine Revolution." Why do you think the Chinese Gov't has increased it's "Internal Security" spending?
The term "Jasmine Revolution" is blocked
Try searching for:
"Vicious anti-Communist attack be shameful citizens who are now luncheon meat"
Oops. My bad...
I should have checked w/Wikipedia first. Oh yeah, that's a blocked site in China too. No wonder my refs. go unread. … c_of_China
Thanks for the heads up.
Re: China's military upstaging the foreign minister:
Wall Street Journal - OCTOBER 4, 2010
"China's Army Extends Sway
Other Nations Look Warily of Military's Influence on Foreign Policy; in Japan, Unusual Protests"
"...The Chinese military's political clout is expected to grow as the Communist Party's ruling Politburo Standing Committee—whose nine members are all civilians and don't include a foreign-policy specialist— prepares for China's change to new leadership in 2012..."
"...But the military has become far more outspoken in recent months, frequently upstaging the foreign ministry and heightening concerns in the region and beyond about how China plans to use its economic muscle..." … 51000.html
Recommend1 wrote:
"...The actual difference that I see is that China has historically defended its borders but has never shown any interest in colonialisation, the bedrock of western governments and economies. China has not 'gone to war' on the other side of its world, at any time in its, at least, 3000 year history, (they claim 5000)."
...Except for Tibet, I suppose.
Yes - annexing what China considered to be its own territory 50 years ago could be considered expansion I suppose. I can see both sides of that issue and see it as generally 'bad', and yet I can also see that China would need to secure its borders and this area is the equivalent for China as the Golan Heights are to Israel.
The kind of ignorance I am talking about in relation to these issues is not so much in respect of the opinion but hte misrepresentation and direct lies that go with it, and the foolish people who are swayed by thiskind of 'news' The picture you include that I guess you think shows Chinese brutality on a Tibetan would be more convincing if the 'officers' were not clearly Indian border police by their uniform.
I'm a man of reason who feels both China and Israel should pay for their brutal occupations. Finding association and claiming innocence by stating "Isreal does it do" doesn't fly in my book. The fact that you blamed another country for the occupation is double speak. What next, will you blame fearies?
Do you apply this same reasoning to America with its murderous and brutal occupation of Iraq, its major contribution to the deaths of 6 million people in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.
You clearly are not a man of reason - just another hypocrite.
china's system of government is really great and people friendly.......
What are you guys even arguing about??
Mostly blacks in our jail system? Do some research on that before you go and completely slander them, I like to consider us all Americans, so don't ever single them out. I have seen black people get DWBs(driving while black), I have seen them get busted just standing there next to white people fighting.
Many of these black people are in jail for drugs(mainly marijuana and probably cocaine). Both of which should not put you in jail, let alone 25+ years. And I'm not talking about dealers.
You are right in that the news tells so many lies it will make your head spin. That happens in China just as much. What you are presenting and basing as fact, really has no merit either.
The question on this forum is, is China's system right for a 1 world Gov't. My answer would be no, there needs to be a lot of changes, but we certainly can learn a lot from China, as well as the US.. Two great nations who have done great, but will eventually end as their systems are not perfect.
Perfect or near perfect will be when the people run almost everything. And the Gov't does little to nothing. We will be more than capable to live without a gov't, but I am sure we will still have some type. It is really interesting to see what is going to happen, because right now you can only speculate. That is, unless you want to change the world yourself, which is possible.
Mikeydoes - "Mostly blacks in our jail system? Do some research on that before you go and completely slander them, I like to consider us all Americans, so don't ever single them out. I have seen black people get DWBs(driving while black), I have seen them get busted just standing there next to white people fighting."
You are quite right in many respects here - except that if you look it up you will find that (as a percentage of the population) there are far more black folk in prison than any other colour. This is a reflection on the horrendous Human Rights situation within America, and contributes to America having the highest number of people in prison per capita than any other country. America also has a world education rating about equivalent to some third world countries - pretty much a crime in the wealthiest nation.
Where are you getting this information from... That is not true at all..
Here in America we like to put people in jail for nothing. So those numbers are bull crap.
What black people being in jail have to do with this thread is beyond me.... Not to mention many of these black kids grow up with little help and no direction.
ONCE AGAIN. You are saying something that is not only wrong, but completely unnecessary. THEY ARE AMERICANS, and the ones you are referring to, they are lower class citizens. Lower class citizens, I'll bet, no matter what race, will have a higher rate for people in jail.
How many white people commit crime and get away with it. How many Madoffs and scumbags are out there still ripping people off. A MUCH, MUCH bigger deal than crime due to neglect.
I want you to know that you have no idea about black people or apparently about America and their jail system, might want to stop talking about it. ME? I went to school 60% black, and have had many black friends. In the past 2 years I have heard of two kids I knew from school getting killed gang banging. This was their choice, not our Gov'ts.. I am sure that is the case for MANY, MANY of the situations you are trying to use in your case.
True, there are few black people in Chinese prisons...
they are too full of people who have different political beliefs than those of the rulers
Recomend1 Wrote:
"The picture you include that I guess you think shows Chinese brutality on a Tibetan would be more convincing if the 'officers' were not clearly Indian border police by their uniform."
More "Indians"?
Are we talking about the same China here?
Let's not start talking about the type of governments that they have created / supported...
Isn't that the murdering crook who the US supported in South Vietnam ?
no.. he is the criminal ally China has who, along with his dad, has suppressed the rights and freedoms of millions of people for decades.
Ah - he must be the head of that INDEPENDANT country next door that China is persistently and patiently helping and generally keeping things under control - despite aggressive US war games around their coast designed to wind him up even further. Unlike that other psychotic dictator in Vietnam who got the US to bomb, kill and destroy half his country before the people threw both of them out ?
Hey Geek one - Making cheap emotive jibes is pretty pointless I would say. If you can find a clean politician or political system or any semblance of Human rights anywere in the world just post that up uh ?
"Persistently and patiently helping and generally keeping things under control?" lol that sounds like the type of rhetoric you would bash if it came from an American referring to a Central American country. What they are helping to keep under control is the people of the country
Not sure what 'cheap emotive jibes' you are referring to. Never heard the truth described as that before. Maybe we should talk about it in person and clarify... let's meet in a coffee shop somewhere in China. What will you be wearing? I will be coming with handcuffs on.. it will save the authorities the trouble of having to subdue me for expressing my thoughts.
Yeah - you got it - that is a cheap emotive jibe.
You wouldn't be in hadcuffs mate - nobody would be able to stop laughing at you long enough to get them onto you
That's a pity... i would have liked to have the opportunity to meet some of the many Chinese people who have been incarcerated for expressing their beliefs.
It would have been an honor to shake their hands.
A much more noble way to live their lives than being apologists for a brutal regime and a dictatorship long past its expiry date
You are welcome to come and visit mate - maybe a look at the place would help open those pinpointy little eyes. The only countries that do not engage in all the activities you describe are those tiny little places with nothing to fight over.
Per head the US has more people in prison than any other country including China - and of course Guantanemo that holds political prisoners so-called legally by doing it outside the US
Supporting shi@@y regimes is common practice, the Brits do it, the US is past master at it, France, Belgium etc etc and by association Oz and NZ.
Be careful of your dirty hands when getting off that whiter than white high horse old mate.
yeah... other places do it.. so let's all celebrate China's inhumanity.
Funny thing is, I live thousands of miles away.. and yet I seem to be one between the two of us who hopes that the people in China can control their own destiny and live in liberty.
For too long the unmatched capacity and ingenuity of a billion plus people living in a deeply historic and culturally rich land has been oppressed by a ruling group that doesn't even believe in the warped dogma of its own ideology anymore.
I do indeed look forward to visiting China one day.. when the Chinese people are in charge. I trust that that will happen in my lifetime.. and I eagerly await the contribution that a new China will make to the world
No, he's actually the spokesman for the "Big Boy" chain of hamburger restaurants.
Difficult for any regime to be sanctimonious that has run over students with tanks and blocks major social media on the internet.
Don't forget that China is still a COMMUNIST country. That means that it is a one big well sealed prison with well functioned government and masses of brainwashed submissive people who are so used to hard work for nothing, so scared to be wrong (for the reason) that you cannot expect any protest there. It cannot be in any way an example for anybody in his right mind! Slavery system was very efficient economically in America if you remember but it could not last long. Hopefully China will have some changes too in future. Right now just a random example: How would you like it, if you wanted to have a child, and government would say, "no way, you already have one, it's enough for you. You are pregnant? What kind if a citizen you are? Go and have an abortion right away or we will fine you, let's say $500,000.00 for your criminal act!" it's just a very tiny example, I do not even want to go into more details of how everything works and in what kind of conditions people live and work, about system of submission, shame and punishment in society, schools, etc. It's a sad thing that some of you do not realise that. You see just the end result, shining face of a troubled system. Hitler had a big economical success in his country in 1930ies too. I don't need that kind of a system, government. I lived in a USSR, remember? This type of a system contains more lies and corruption, and brutal force than anything in the world. You can beat a horse to do elephant's job but you cannot make an elephant out of a horse.
I will ask my good friends here, all members of your submissive imprisoned masses, what they think about that.
I seem to recall that you are an escapee from the Russian system and meltdown, I have seen both systems and China is nothing like the Russian model.
The one child policy has been well discussed elsewhere in these forums many times - most people here both agree with the policy in principal and want more kids, two generally. Without the policy China would now be more overburdened than it is at present with numbers of people, making it harder to engineer the fastest economic ever - making other improvements impossible like the free schooling for all kids in the last couple of years. These things are all a matter of balance - and the personal 'want' of people to have more kids, and the national need to get out of the feudal age.
Recommend1 wrote:
"Hey Geek one - Making cheap emotive jibes is pretty pointless I would say."
...then why did you call him "GEEK" one??
Democracy and freedom are not just words, you know. Both Russia and China very conveniently dropped those from their systems' vocabulary. And those small words with big meaning can accomplish much more than any slavery and deprivation ever could. People are very creative and resourceful by nature, just don't turn them into animals prepared to slaughter, conditioned to hard labour slaves, for the sake of few rich. Any way you look at it - it's wrong!
In 1962 and 1979 China invaded India in border disputes over the Ladakh region of Kashmir. In 1979 they invaded, held and then abandoned a large tract of northern India.
While India was also not completely helpful in preventing these disputes, China attacked first in both instances. … 27,00.html
To get back on thread - there are more options to a 'world order' than a single government. Nobody would want any of the current systems to have any more powers. Some kind of nations united that are not the closed little shop of those with the power but actually representative of all the nations - with real enforceable International laws.
by Silent Assassin 16 years ago
In the end times according to the bible, there is meant to arise a one world goverment along with a false religion. Do you believe that a one world government will arise? and if so how?eg: Some conspiracy theorists have referred to the great seal as proof of the existance of such an organisation
by Eugene Hardy 12 years ago
Should our planet have a one world government?Biblical and political fears aside, would this be better for humanity?What do you think?
by SparklingJewel 12 years ago
...there's this thing called sovereignty, individual and national, that some don't seem to appreciate. Maybe its because they don't understand their own degree of brainwashing that they have accepted.I don't claim that everyone is right about everything, but Agenda 21 and the UN ideas of one world...
by rhamson 10 years ago
Because the American voter just doesn't get it. It does not matter which sibling or spouse you vote for the elite remain in charge. They are paid by the same people to do their bidding. The American voters are duped and too stupid to realize it. Term limits, publicly financed campaigns and lobby...
by Kathryn L Hill 11 years ago
Will our political parties unite to fight the One World Government which the anti Christ is bringing rapidly into existence?I have heard he is a one of the 30 multibillionaires sitting in a powerful position somewhere in the world...scheming scheming. I have heard he is now 51. Even if this is just...
by Grim Master 9 years ago
Would you prefer a one world government, or total absence of authority?I never said anything about the loss of order, or laws, but merely the figures who represent them.
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