Will our political parties unite to fight the One World Government which the anti Christ is bringing rapidly into existence?
I have heard he is a one of the 30 multibillionaires sitting in a powerful position somewhere in the world...
scheming scheming. I have heard he is now 51.
Even if this is just far-out conspiracy theory do you think our political parties will ever cooperate with one another? What are their common concerns? Can our Founding Documents help toward this end as we march forward in time?
Someone's tin foil hat is on too tight.
My concern, had I heard all these things, is who your sources are.
Stop with the jokes, I have a cramp. You heard he's 51. LOL
What if we could wrap our heads around this concept for a minute?
What IF the "anti christ" is those persons who are "anti spiritual" and doesn't believe that God gives and takes away life. I would much rather look up into the sky to see what the clouds are doing and look for something so unexplainable glorious! I would rather listen carefully for a trumpet sound. Why would anyone chase after the evil one? Pray that you will be given grace and spared from that which is yet to come.
Wars, rumor of wars, floods, earthquakes, disease, famine.
Did I read this correctly? Do you want to label atheists the anti-christ? You think that makes more sense than looking for Satan as a single identity? What's next, do we round up all the non-believers and burn them like witches?
No you didn't read it in the context I mean it to be. I am pointing out that I don't think it is a good idea to look for trouble! That is in effect what one does when they are looking for satan. Non believers continue to not believe. I am not telling or suggesting anything. so back off, please!
Okay sorry, I guess I read your sentence "What IF the "anti christ" is those persons who are "anti spiritual" and doesn't believe that God gives and takes away life." incorrectly?
yes, you did. It was a question not a comment. the reason for me asking is I have some people in my circle who are "anti spiritual". And one of them thinks this is the group of people who help usher in the anti christ. whew!
glad we have that worked out!
I'm even more confused now. Why would an anti-spiritual person think any group can usher in the anti-christ? It seems to me that if you believe that the anti-christ can be ushered you you must be spiritual as the anti-christ is a spirit.
I don't know. Believe it or not, I do sometimes just listen and pass it on. I will ask next time subject comes up. I will have to get back to you on that one.
First ask yourself if it makes sense. Why would those that don't believe in heaven or hell or of the spiritual world think they can user in Satan? Usher in something they don't think exists? It's kind of like me saying that I think Christians will one day user in the easter bunny.
wow, Rad Man I didn't know you were so patient! \
BTW Thanks for the info about Canada's contribution to and from America's energy sources. I would really rather not see doom and gloom on the horizon.
Theoretically speaking, what could be done about a conspiracy that is basically in control of the entire world? I mean if it were you, what would you do? I don't mean if you were rich and powerful, or the leader of a country with an army at your back... I mean YOU, personally. What would you do?
Also, what would you do if you found out that these people in control of it all were worshiping Satan, and receiving instructions from him and his fallen angels? And that their whole reason for continuing to do it, is that no one is stopping them?
Telling other people about it is all you can do, and even then what do you have? What do you tell people, in order that they more easily believe you? How do you say anything less than the truth, no matter how crazy it sounds?
1 John 2:16
For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride in possessions—is not from the Father but is from the world.
Why would a president restrict the retrieval of natural gas, shut down coal mining, prohibit off shore oil drilling and prevent oil exchange with Canada? Why would he want his country dependent on foreign and terrorist oil? What is the reasoning behind the obvious and observable pattern that is emerging?
Is it all for the banks of the New World Order?
Our political correctness keeps us quiet for fear of having targets on our backs.
Could it be.................................SATAN?!
Well that depends on what is being done to the environment to retrieve the natural gas.
Again, the environment.
Again, the environment, you don't remember what happened in the Gulf of Mexico a few years ago?
Running a pipe line from Northern Canada to Texas could cause environmental problems, this they are working on, let's hope it doesn't pass through your back yard.
In 2011, Canada’s energy exports were valued at US$120 billion (CAN$119 billion), with virtually all (90%) of it going to the US. In addition, Canada:
Exported 2.7 million barrels per day of crude oil and refined products to the U.S., representing 24% of total U.S. petroleum imports;
Supplied approximately 20% of the uranium used in U.S. nuclear power plants;
Provided 90% of all U.S. natural gas imports, representing 13% of U.S. consumption; and
Imported $55.6 billion (CAN$55 billion) of energy products, of which US$(CAN$18 billion) (33%) was from the US. Canadian natural gas imports, which now stand at almost 3 billion cubic feet per day, have tripled approximately since 2006. With the exception of very small amounts of natural gas imports, Canada purchases most of its natural gas from the US.
Where do you get your misleading information from?
No, the banks are greedy, they don't want to give control away to anyone who may restrict the greed.
O.K. I heard it on Coast to Coast, of course!
Then I picked up a book at a thrift store titled, "Are We living in the End Times?" By Tim La Haye and Jerry B Jenkins. I was planning to go to town in this Forum with quotes from it. Shall I begin?
Here goes nothing:
"In the nineties, the world planners starting talking about a 'world tax,' a 'world court,' a 'world police force,' a 'world standard for nations,' a 'world economy,' and even a 'world religion.' page 176.
These authors explain that the end times are bringing forth a one world government to be run by this guy, (Mr. A.C.,) who will be in charge of the world. Of course, they back up their predictions with excerpts from Revelations.
You can imagine my concern when I heard from one of the guests on Coast to Coast... (AM640 in CA..) that Mr. A.C. is already behind the scenes in world affairs!
scheming, scheming...
and then when you consider all the crazy things going on... women in the infantry, no government resistance to the policies of the CFR, the lack of development of homeland energy sources, which include natural gas, oil and coal... government regulations which take away the nation's economic capacity, the steady trend toward a cashless society...the general weakening of America and the diminishing of the power of its people....class warfare, and all the other internal issues dividing us...
It all started looking suspicious....
Well if it says so in a book it must be factual. Some people write books targeting a specific market that they can take advantage of. You are that market, and you are being taken for your money because you have been primed by religion to be gullible in these matters. A little critical thinking is in order.
I have heard Coast to Coast early in the morning driving to work, one guy was talking about how his dad taught him to time travel. I went ahead and changed the station since I already know how to time travel.
I don't quite know where to begin. The end times have been upon us, according to Christianity, since the ascension of Christ. Doesn't that strike any of you as odd? Two thousand years and counting. Each generation sees all of the signs. Each generation sure the end is near.
Will there ever come a day when Christians will stop hoping for a cataclysmic end of the world? I can only imagine the despair that drives a desire. But, to answer the question; no I don't believe there is a fifty one year old billionaire Anti Christ plotting to take over the world.
Wait how old is Bill Gates? And what has he been up to? Oh no, he's been feeding the hungry. Can't be him. What about Richard Branson? No he's in his early 60's. What can we say?
Brazilian Eike Batista is 52
New York billionaire Nicholas Berggruen is a 47
Canadian David Thomson is 51, but he's Canadian!!!!
how do you know he isn't? He sure is good talking from his forked tongue! I would kind of feel afraid sometimes watching him talk. He tries to hypnotize you with his eloquent words.
We know he's a millionaire from the sale of his books and the fact that he discloses his tax information.
He certainly does speck wonderfully, it's almost like it's a gift from God.
He claims to be a Christian, shouldn't we take his word for it? Would you like someone claiming you are the anti-christ? I know I've been called that and I didn't like it. It implies someone with evil intentions and I don't see any evil intention in Mr. Obama.
You got a point.
He is a politician, you know.
OK. I don't normally share this information because it will cause mass panic if people know too much but, you are so darn close to the truth I think you have a right to know. The Anti Christ is an organization of billionaires, not simply one person. They are easily recognized since the last letter of their last names spells Satan. They are:
Bill GateS
Eike BatistA
Warren BuffetT
Wisam Al ManA
David ThompsoN
You might wonder why the last letter. Because it is easily hidden. Most people will count the letters in the name, look at the first initial, look up the value of the letters; among other things.
But, it is the last letter because they represent the powers at the end of time.
See? You are so perceptive. The cats are in cahoots with the billionaires. An evil species spawned by Beelzebub himself.
Of course she was, but the post a few before this one wasn't.
Rad man, in an attempt to abide by my expressed wishes, is blowing a smoke screen. Hide from the truth if you like, but the Anti Christ gang won't stop simply because you think it's far fetched. The whole thing was told in the Googleth scrolls believed lost. Revelations is simply a poor attempt to recap information contained in them. John the Usurper probably stole them himself so he could get the glory.
uh? do not share this? kind of late eh?
I cannot believe you openly admit to reading a private communication between myself and radman. And then have the audacity to comment on it.
Have you no shame?
what? what are you smoking? A private conversation? In the forum?
whatever! pass over what your having so I can understand.
and Rad, what do you think I am "lacking"? never mind, I don't really care what you think. who are you anyway? you don't know me.
Oh, I didn't mean to imply you were lack anything, just as you didn't mean to imply non-believers are the anti-christ. I'm not judging you as you are not judging Mr. Obama by suggestion he is the anti-christ. I just found it humorous that you didn't see the humour in Emile's post.
I just wish I would of never allowed myself to be "caught up" in his eloquent words. He says one thing and does something different! I didn't call him the anti christ either. No one knows who it is. And any suggestion I may have made doesn't imply a personal belief. I was trying to keep my end up with the dang conversation.
Tell me what he does that is different than what he says?
I would. But I have apparently let my mouth override the delete button.
I took quite some time in pulling together evidence on something and asked that it be looked into. I was told it would be. Nothing! Not a comment from a press seceratary nothing from no one! How can I hear "yes, I will look into this", and get back to you". Then be told nothing. ignored and thrown down the rabbit hole. He is like every other politician! Say what the people want to hear, and do exactley the opposite!
Did Mr. Obama tell you directly he would look into it? More importantly can you share what you asked the government to look into?
I'm not saying he's perfect, but you did imply he was the anti-christ and that he says one thing and doesn't something else. That sounds like every politician. Remember G.W. Bush saying God told him to start a war with Iraq. That was truly scary for so many reasons. The least of which is that God would instruct people to go to war, wait I take that back, according to the OT God instructs Jews to go to war.
It is none of yours or anyone else's business! I came in here to post my thoughts and got attacked, because it doesn't feel comfortable to those who want to be hateful, spiteful and attack me for my view point. Oh, I so can't wait for the day when all your Stuff comes falling to the floor instead
It's amazing how people make the Anti-Christ represent everything they disagree with politically...
Or religiously...didn't you know that the Pope is the anti-Christ? Apparently, every single Pope in history.
"Will our political parties unite to fight the One World Government which the anti Christ is bringing rapidly into existence"?
Whenever I hear someone talking about a one world government as mentioned in the bible I ask myself exactly where is this mentioned? Or is this concept but an interpretation of an interpretation.
And whenever I hear about "THE anti Christ" (a single person) Where is this mentioned in scripture, that this single person is in controll of a One World government ?
First and second John.
Just answering the question.
You caught my attention. I just looked those books up. Where, exactly, does it mention a one world government controlled by the Anti Christ in those two books? I don't see it with a quick scan of the material.
I don't know that it says anything at all about a one world government, it just mentions an anti-Christ.
Most likely referencing Revelation 13 which describes the anti-Christ forcing every person on earth to pledge allegiance to him by accepting his mark, (most commonly thought to be a computer chip or bar code), without which you are excluded from all commerce. Eventually all who do not worship him are killed. So for that to be possible requires a one world government, answering to anti-Christ.
Do you think they thought it would be computer chip or a bar code at the turn of the first millennium? (1000)
No. As with much of prophecy, it would have been inexplicable back then. There was no way any one person could have ruled to such a degree that they could force everyone to comply or cut off their sustenance. Nobody would doubt that technologically, with all the world's resources under one point of control, it would be possible now. All they could know is that it would be some sort of identifier that allowed the control. My best guess is they would have expected a brand or tattoo.
Thanks for the earnest answer. I didn't really deserve that, as I was being facetious. I apologize.
I am just so baffled by the fascination that folks have with the end times. I would think that those who trust their God would not be worried about how it will all go down. I don't know. Maybe I don't take it seriously enough, but I trust that God has it handled.
No need. I'm used to it.
Funny thing is prophecy is not meant to be understood by unbelievers anyway, yet they frequently ask about it. If you can't trust the bible for our origin, why inquire of it about our destiny? Just for the fun of having sport with it I suppose, and who am I to deny them their entertainment?
There's some truth in that, I guess. But the majority of the folks I know who are...obsessed (for lack of a better word) with end times issues are usually believers. I'd think they'd be more likely to trust than I perceive them to be. And, yup, I think the non-believers play with that.
You are right Motown! I have had to tone down my obsession with the end times. I still pray that I will not get left behind. And yes, it is true from what I understand it being around others (use to be) that are more trusting then they should. non believers do play in this way because for them this is their entertainment. to each his own.
When people believe one interpretation this leads to further misinterptetation of the next situation which leads to further misinterpretation.
After a while the origional message is lost under a mountain of false interpretations.
I have never read any scripture which I understand to mean anything remotely similar to "A" antiChrist being in controll of a One world government who is also in controll of a one world religion; ...
I shouldn't, but I do get frustrated when hearing so many interpretations of end time prophesy, When we look at the sourse of these interpretations we find that the origional message is nothing like what is being taught.
It is as if These false interpretations have taken on a life of their own.
According to Tim La Hayne and Jerry B. Jenkins in their book, Are we Living in the End Times, from the ages past, mankind came into the Church Age (beginning with Christianity.) They explain that we are headed toward a new age or Millennium, (a period of time lasting 1000 years.) There is a passage way into this New Age. It is a 7 year Tribulation period of great suffering. However, the beginning of this period is marked by the Rapture which is a feeling of intense joy / the first appearing of Christ who presumably "brings believers to heaven." The end of this 7 year period is marked by a Glorious Appearing / Second Coming of Christ. Sometime during this 7 year period of the Tribulation, Mr. A.C. Shows up.
According to these authors, all this information is prophesied in the bible in the New Testament. They explain that there are more than 300 references in the NT regarding the Second Coming.
According to the prologue of Revelations, God sent an Angel to John to deliver information about "what must s o o n take place." (Mind you, this was more than 2000 years ago.) And if you check out 2 Thessalonians 2-12 you will read all about Mr. A.C.! ( A.C. is referred to as the "lawless one," say these authors.) His coming, (according to Paul in the bible) 9 "will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all sorts of counterfeit signs and wonders and 10 in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved..." Okay, why stop now. 11 "God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe 12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness." 2 Thessalonians 9-12
In this book, the authors declare, "...we examine the signs of the times and conclude that the Tribulation could be rapidly approaching."
C o u l d it be...?!
The tribulation has begun as there are more people suffering today than ever before. The population of the world is larger today than any other time and those suffering exceed those who are not. The end was predicted to include a leader who would eliminate evil ones while expanding his own evil. Many people before WWII believed this to be the period when Hitler ruled, but in our current global situation, many believe that it is happening today as the leadership of the USA has been covertly dismantling the greatest nation on earth. Through continued extraction of the Christian principles, the USA is becoming filled with deranged people who jealously attack others both mentally and physically. With the latest events of the world, the once moral nations are being destroyed by deceit. Therefore, the end may be near.
It is not going to be fun. From what I have been reading, the end will be awful...President Reagan himself said, "We see around us today the marks of a terrible dilemma, predictions of doomsday. These predictions carry weight because of the existence of nuclear weapons and the constant threat of global war...so much so that no president, no congress, no parliament can spend a day entirely free from this threat."
At some point, perhaps, it is only Jesus that can save the world... literally!
My question is... if the angel came to John and told him what was to be in the future, (and there it is... right there in Revelations,) why the churches do not inform their congregations with more urgency???!
Especially, in the light of over-use and dependence on pharmaceuticals for children thru adults, overuse of technology for our very young children, immunizations for pregnant women, the plague of autism, the genetically modified food we have to eat...the continued problem of AIDs and STDs, poverty in all nations. We have so many problems... The last thing we need is an Anti-Christ to come an try to enslave the world for his own ends. It is enough to make you want to s e r i o u s l y pray!
doom doom doom. Show me a nation that doesn't call it's own the greatest nation on earth.
Babylon seems to be the key. In the OT, it existed in Mesopotamia, just north of modern-day al-Hillah in Iraq. It was the capital of Babylonia, situated between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. It was extremely wealthy and powerful, especially under Nebuchadnezzar II in 605 BCE, during its golden age. (Its foundations were uncovered by archaeologists in the 1800's.)
Genesis 10 explains that at one one point God had to "confuse their language" so that they would not become too powerful. "If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them." Gen. 11.
Well, apparently, Mr. A.C wants back the power he lost in Babylon.
This is what I am reading is scripture.
This thousand years is mentioned in scripture only once that I am aware of. Satan is bound in the bottomless pit AND the saints; probably the 144000 who are redeemed from among the living, the (Rapture) AND all of those whose names are written in the book and brought out of their graves.
They reign with Christ IN HEAVEN! But before this happens… the two beasts (organizations) described in Rev. 13, rise to power. Satan gives the first beast his power and his seat. Satan is then bound in the pit. And AFTER the 1000 years are fulfilled, Satan is released. Satan, and the Beast and False prophet are seen in the dried up river Euphrates when the sixth bowl is poured out. ???
This would mean that the 42 months given to the first Beast is a greater period of time than a 1000 years.
THE 7 year period mentioned in Daniel 9 has nothing to do with anything which happened after the End Of Days came for that Hebrew Nation which ceased to exist around 138 AD. The seventy weeks mentioned in Daniel was directly associated To The Hebrew people.
For me this is not just entertainment. I am trying to get a feel for the future. The bible has predictions of the future. Why?
How can we live our lives if we do not have a sense of purpose. If I can avoid misery, by knowing the truth of the matter, then I would like to know the truth.
I think that even politically, we need to get a feel for what we're up against.
Thanks Jerami, for your input.
God gave us free will to make up our own minds, but he has knowledge of the future? How can he know the future if he doesn't know what choices we will make?
Well, He is apparently concerned about our choices. and this is really a very astute question you ask.
It seems He has a plan for those who don't want to heed the truth. Now, I think that atheists do want to know the truth. (When I was one, I did.) So I don't think they are included in the group of people who are willingly lawless. But do you think that some people do not want to be restricted in say the amount of money they can make or the amount of power they can have? These are the followers of the "antichrist" within their own beings. If God loves us, he wants to save us from ourselves or others who would lead us astray... and some of us do need saving. (Probably not you, because it is within you, naturally, to have love in your heart and common sense.)
This may be the first and last time I agree with you. LOL. Some may need to think they have someone watching us and checking to see if we are naughty or nice. I do think for some Religion is needed. I have been asked many times, what would stop you from killing someone if you don't believe in God? For those that ask that question I leave alone. The ethically immature.
The bottom line seems to be justice regarding lawless, greedy and power hungry people who stop at nothing.
What about those who have no boundaries (those multibillionaires who are determining to own and control the world) vs those (of us) who are n o t
"ethically immature," as you say.
To be perfectly honest... I suspect they (the multibillionaires who have been scheming for a One World Government) have their tentacles in our government.
I am afraid our citizenry is being or will be brainwashed and loose that which makes us peaceful and happy here on earth / in this country.
( To digress, since it is Sunday...I hate that phrase, we are here to get out of here. If that is our ultimate goal...then, how do we get out of here?!?
-cuz I sure don't believe in the Rapture!
...and if there's no Rapture, there is no Tribulation, and if there is no Tribulation, there is no Anti-Christ. And if there is no Anti-Christ, then its just us who happen to be born into the world and then die.
But, I still feel there is some great purpose for us to be here.
Otherwise we would not be here!
Back to square one per usual.
We do have purpose even without a God telling us what it is. My life's goal is to raise three caring, happy boys to become good people and enjoy life with my wife. Eventually I will no longer be here and I'm Okay with that. I'm not afraid of death, I'm afraid of those who would suffer as a result of my early death.
No, a greater purpose, than just being here surviving, becoming successful, having fun and suffering on a random a** level.
it seems you have provided a very small boundary to your life.
so, you should be able to achieve it rather easily.
Name one billionaire who are determined to own and control the world? It seems even Bill Gates is doing a good life's work.
Saddam Hussein for one. Oh, was he evil... according to my book, he began rebuilding the city of Babylon using billions of dollars of oil wealth. It was to be "a monument to himself." It was reported that he "blew the brains out of one of his generals for leaving a staff meeting" to go to the hospital where his wife was having a baby. He hated Jews and Christians. You really do not think there are others with similar temperaments today? He was president of the Arab Socialist Ba'ath party and he had plans to take not only Kuwait, but UAE, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Jordan, (all enemies of israel) and the very countries owning 70% of the world's oil. What would've happened if he had been able to control all the oil? If (or when... ulp) anyone does invade and capture the countries in that area, he (or they) could actually control the world through control of the oil.
But yeah, this is farfetched.
Where did you get this information from? It's my understanding that he wanted nothing to do with Osama bin Laden. Sure there has been some how want to take over the planet, like the Christian Adolf Hitler, but Hussein seems to have had no desires from what I can tell.
"There is little doubt Saddam Hussein sees"... (saw) "himself as the replacement for Nebuchadnezzar, as the man whose destiny it is to rule the world." "He could be, however, the forerunner of the one"... (or group of men) "who we believe is soon going to emerge on the world scene to take control of the United Nations, (or its successor,) move the commercial and governmental headquarters of his world government to Babylon, and rule the world from what we call... New Babylon" 1
1 Are We living in the End Times? Tim Lahay and Jerry B Jenkins. Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. Wheaton Illinois.1999.
Now, if you read Revelations in the bible, it goes on and on about Babylon and how wicked it is ... in the sense of being in the future! But, Babylon is destined to fall. The angel shows John that it happens. (In Revelations 18 and 19.) So that is good.
lol Babylon
Like anyone's ever going to take a nation of the Middle East seriously ever again.
They take themselves seriously... very seriously. They have a way ancient culture and history... and they ain't goin away any time soon.
Why did you mention Osama Bin Laden???
A meat cutter distributing "cards for Jesus" on all the cars in the Ralph's shopping center where I live, told me: "Tribulation is coming! " I said yeah, "I think so too." Then he started telling me that all the meat he had been cutting lately was full of tumors. He has been cutting out gross tumors out of the meat where he worked... at Ralph's. He said, "This is where cancer is coming from!" I told him I am a vegetarian. He said, "Good, you are safe...!"
But, am I?
I eat Monsanto's genetically modified corn (we all do) ... How can I give up tortilla chips, corn bread, corn tortillas, and tamales...? (Corn provides an important amino acid which vegetarians need for complete protein combining.) Europe has banned genetically modified foods. Why haven't we??
But, we can sure force businesses to make known how many calories are in what we eat! I went to a fast food place and I saw (on the price board) that a tostada has 1000 calories! (That is way TMI!) It is the risk (and fun) of buying fast food... Why have Mc Donald's and all the others been f o r c e d to reveal the calorie content? If I wanted to know, I would bring along a calorie counting book! It is another way to needlessly regulate business (and control the people). How dare the government make these fast-food businesses list the calories! Plus they had to pay for new price boards... and probably pass the cost to the consumers.
Yep, the Tribulation must be near!
If the left could get behind what Senator Marco Rubio had to say on Fox tonight, maybe Left and Right could unite to fight the tentacles of new world order which threaten (what he called,) "the economic freedom" of this country.
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