… o-success/
Lol!This is hilarious because it's sooo true!
All politicians are for big government. Not just Obama.
Again, you and your attack from one side to the other. It's obvious, you'd have it your way or the highway and that mentality is what put this country in it's position as it is now.
You are not any better than politicians. I find that kind of sad in and of itself.
Have you a personality disorder???......Why these endless silly scare mongering posts. "O Obama is a socialist, big government is BAD," IS your mind so full of clichés, can't you think for yourself, ...........and you are taking over the forum!!! If you thought more clearly and deeply your posts would show that.......
.......The big small government thing is a sham...........1) If America was a democracy and the government really was controlled by people then big government would be a good thing...........
I think you are taking the fig leaves away from one oppressor and fanning another,
Democracy is never a good thing. We are a republic.
Why are you so intent on imposing it on everybody then?
A democratic republic based on the power of the citizens is achievable and can run effectively, as well, as efficiently.
If you cannot see that, then that would be a problem. The government operates in a specific capacity that is derived from the best interests of the citizenship.
To create a more perfect union between citizenship and government, so as to avoid tyranny. Corruption is a problem.
Yet another example of your hatred for our country's founding principles.
Just to change things up, please tell us what you hate about Antarctica and its inhabitants. Your vast cesspool of hatred surely spills on the little socialist penguins too?
I actually owe you an apology too. I didn't mean to write such a blustering post.
But still..........The tea Party????
Democracy or Republic. Both are poorly defined terms, in Ireland for instance the terms are interchangeable. What are the difference according to you? The word democracy is used by both Republicans and Democrats very frequently.
One would hope you were actually addressing the OP and not my post?
Please do clarify. I wouldn't want to assume you've lost your mind.
"I would argue that a murderer has more integrity than a slanderer, because the intention is clear: to destroy a life. Slander is also called character assassination, and although the intention is less clear, it is just as valid. So to all slandering cowards I say that you are not fooling anyone whose mind is still open, and those who cannot create are the ones who wish to destroy the ones who can."
PR firms pay people like her to troll the forums and "attempt to control the online dialogue." Each post, and I mean every single one, is propaganda, with no substance, and usually posted using misinformation. She is a paid troll dude. You are essentially arguing with a paid liar. Don't waste your time.
A paid liar? That would moreso define the President's current Press Secretary and his predecessor Robert Gibbs. Perhaps you could go call them out on the carpet, instead of trying to take away the free speech of a fellow hubber.
So says the tin hat liberal media matters hit man blogging in his underwear from his mommy's basement! Lol!
They can use fighter jets too though, to bomb other people who can't really fly...!!!
I am a republican and, of course conservative. I have to say that I don't agree with criticizing our President the way we do. Even if he is a liberal Democrat. He was voted in fair and square. In a few short months we will get another chance to vote.
I know it is cliche, but until you put yourself in his shoes...
Have you seen what that office does to our Presidents? It seems like 4 years in office puts 20 years on them. Here is the deal, we are all Americans. With all of the crap going on in the Middle East we should be grateful we live in this Country. I do not agree with Obama's politics, but he is my President and I will support him. I did not vote for him before and I will not vote for him in the future. Again, he is our President and, I do not think it is fair to compare him with the likes of communist dictators.
Ah, the voice of reason! You won't last long
"In a few short months we will get another chance to vote."
What will we be voting on in a few short months?
If you follow politics Jim, the next presidential race has already started. The election is of course 20 months away to be exact. That to me is not very much time. I don't believe it is to other people as well. Hence the media already covering 2012 elections. Did you take that picture after you read my post? I did not mean to make you upset.
The election can't come soon enogh and the ouster of Obama and the dems in the senate is critical to the survival of the American idea. We must return this country to the path of freedom and righteousness and purge the socialists from our midsts that wish to enslave and oppress us!
Please explain exactly what you mean by 'purge the socialists from our midsts'.
A campaign of political 'ethnic' cleansing perhaps?
What a charitable person you are.
Lol! Don't be ridiculous! We need to VOTE the evil out! For too long much of America has been apathetic, and too caught up in their own lives to be engaged with the process, the real responsibility for maintaining our freedom, to become knowlegable with the issues and what the government is doing. This has allowed the socialists democrats to gain a foothold, to place their boot on the neck of liberty and impose their will against the wishes of the people. Now we must put a stop to it and we will! We will turn out in greater numbers than 2010 and we will oust this socialist progressive scum from our system!
evil no more governs usa...he is busy selling books and is how can one vote him out...he is already out...
Yet yours is not the rhetoric of politics. It is the rhetoric of pogrom.
It's just as well nobody takes you seriously
Yet I was serious. If a public figure started spouting forth about 'purging' the country of a group of people there would be an outcry.
You can do it with impunity only because you have no influence.
An outcry? Yes but only by those that need to be purged. Most of America agrees with me... we want our country back!
It's 12% of the population. And the only reason you have so much power is because of the big money behind you.
It is not your country.
It belongs to everybody.
OK, so you still haven't defined purging.
Some folk exercise the right to speak publicly and persuasively from a left of centre agenda. They refuse to be silenced. 'You the people' don't like it! What exactly are you going to do? Arrest them on trumped up charges? Send in the goons like they did in Bahrain?
Dissent is normal. Calling for purging is foul.
I explained quite clearly in my initial response... we will vote them out. I guess you missed it... or maybe you're like others on the left that prefer to encourage argument over anything other than the subject at hand... divert and distract so you don't have to defend or respond.
OK, I'll humour you with further explanation.
Purging them from our midsts does not translate to voting them out, because the two 'thems' are different. The first 'them' is the socialists in society whom you wish to purge. The second 'them' in your backtrack response are elected representatives who are not 'in your midsts' anyway.
Vote out whomever you can - that is democracy. But they and their supporters will remain in your midsts forever - that is society. You have a pluralist society which is something to celebrate, not something to fear. Still less something to purge.
So, again I say - please tone down the rhetoric.
I think you missed the fact that we voted the Republicans out!
Since 08 it has been nothing but obstuct,obstruct,obstruct.
Then when Dems obstruct you, you act like they deserve jail time!
"There there now little pubbies....mommy knows."
You would be lucky if you actually knew what the "American Idea" was to begin with.
This I have a problem with. The path of freedom is good, yes there is no doubt- however, the path of righteousness? You can stick where the sun will never shine. That is just speech for "religious" rule, which is tantamount to tyranny. Which defeats freedoms. Keep religion to yourself and you'll learn to create less conflict in your life. Try to spread it or enforce it upon others is a violation of their rights.
Purge? How do you suppose that would happen? Without setting America and IT's Idea, back 250 years? Reducing individual rights down to something that would be virtually non-existent? Last time I checked, that IS enslavement and by all accounts IS oppression.
Yes I did take the picture after reading your post.
It was truly upsetting.
I feel better now.
Thank you.
JM Heller,
It is a pleasure to have a reasonable voice here. You are so right about what the office does to our presidents. They deserve combat pay!
Thank you for bringing a breath of fresh conservative air to our forums!
While Mr. Heller's presence on these forums is appreciated, it is a little disingenuous of our friends on the left to be so congratulatory on his sense of "reason" and "balance" when so many of them have been incredibly over the top in their criticisms and accusations against George W. Bush.
I don't recall hearing many voices from the left saying "respect the President" when Bush was in office.....
for that Bush had to respect post of president...anyways bush was never popular president or respected president any where..he was feared because he lacked intellect and had top most post in the world...
See how quickly the left jumps to say "Well, Bush deserved it!"
So much for respecting the office,.....
i think you didnt get it...bush because of his unique abilities could never get respect from any one in the world...he was feared off...all president/prime ministers of other countries feared him...he was sitting on top of deadliest military power...lacked sense of what that meant and lacked intellect to understand what usa means to obviously feared...obama on other hand is respected globally because he has got better sense of world than bush jr... no body disrespected clinton or bush sr and neither world disrespects obama.....only because he did iraq and he brought usa from no1 position to no2 in powerful country list , ruined usa's economy, unfortunately bush cannot be forgotten...otherwise authors of history would love to forget him...
I would respond to this if I could follow it for even a minute or two....I'm guessing English isn't your first language.....
They did respect him. Remember his nearly 80% approval rating following the attacks on 9/11? We were ready to support him, but then he squandered that support with his arrogance, impulsiveness, and single-minded pursuit of the "war on terror" in Iraq.
Q: But don't you believe that the threat that bin Laden posed won't truly be eliminated until he is found either dead or alive?
W: Well, as I say, we haven't heard much from him. And I wouldn't necessarily say he's at the center of any command structure. And, again, I don't know where he is. I -- I'll repeat what I said. I truly am not that concerned about him.
No we did not, in fact the way they treated Bush was pretty $h!ty. So do we do the same to Obama? What good came will come out that? If you notice, the only person on the right not criticizing Obama is Bush! Why? Maybe he knows a few things that we don't. Things we will never know. To sit here calling each other names and pointing the finger is counter productive at best. Each party is at fault for the situation our country is in now. The best thing we can do is admit it, take responsibility for ourselves, and move forward.
This is no different than my 4 and 6 year olds saying "I didn't do it, I didn't do you it" We have children running this country. To say that one party is right or wrong is CHILDISH. We need to let our elected officials know that if they continue to act like babies and not do your jobs, YOUR FIRED! No crying, no complaining, YOUR GONE!
Does it bother anyone else that we are paying these people? We as Americans are perpetuating the problem by participating in their crap! If the arguing is going to stop, it has to start with us.
Unfortunately one side IS right and it's not the dems! For 2 years we've done it their way and things aren't better and they're only getting worse! The dems refuse to admit their ideas and policies are a failure in fact they wont even take responsibility for them! They continue to blame Bush! They deserve the criticism yes they have even earned it!
What are you doing Lady_Love to fix the problem? I understand your concern, but you are not helping. I am a republican and, I can't defend you! Don't you see a problem with that? I have read your profile and looked at your forums. Do you have a single thought of your own? You are reading and referring to tons of blogs. Where are yours? It is people like you that make us look bad. In fact if I was not sure, I would swear you had a seat in congress!
I am not trying to pick on you Lady, I just call it like I see it.
What an I doing besides voting and spreading the trut h abou the left? I support grass roots organizations with my treasure write and call my representatives. What are you doing besides calling for compromise? What is the compromise for liberty? Some liberty? How much liberty is enough? Who decides, a bipartisan commission? Frankly I'm not interested in compromise I'm looking for people of principles willing to fight for what's right no matter what I want leaders that actually take the oath of office to heart and will protect and defend the constitution from ALL enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC not a bunch of party hacks willing to compromise and pass unconstitutional laws in the name of progress or to appear as if they are doing something useful.
How has that been working out for you? Stomping your feet screaming "I want an umpa lumpa now daddy!" will only turn people off and, it certainly will not get you what you want. Again, we are all Americans are we not? The only way to solve these problems is to compromise. I don't like it, but that is the way it is.
And what has compromise got us? No thanks! There is NO compromise for freedom!
Unless you're a woman. Then your body belongs to the state.
The constant criticisms of Barack Obama, his mysteriousness, his policies, his leadership style, his spending have helped to curb his enthusiasm and that in my book is a very, very good thing.
You don't seem to understand, we really truly do hope he fails to push his progressive agenda through. We really truly do think it is destructive to this country. We honestly don't want the fundamental change he wants for us. So we will object. You won't shut us down with your constant whining.
It comes with the territory don't you think, Democrats? What do you want a love fest like you give Republican presidents?
By the way, do you suppose he's hoping Hillary will take the heat for Libya?
Here's a treat.
From what I've seen through your own post and that of Lady_Love, you're both on similar pages of a book that is in the trash. There is nothing wrong with progress, because it usually brings growth and expansion to the table, instead of being stuck in the past, like so many people live now.
The Path of Peace can be seen. Can YOU See it? Probably not.
Yeah, and what you think you know is what scares people, because all you do is complain and provide no solution. Therefore, you don't know sh!t.
The "fundamental" change required is the breaking of the "status quo" in America. If you support the "status quo" and it's control over freedoms and wealth, then you've again shown that you rather damage society than help it.
Constant whining? You're the one complaining and yet you're calling other people "whiners"? How pathetic and sad is that.
I would rather you show something more than pathetic complaints. Try a solution for once? Try proposing a common ground initiative, so progress can be made forward. Sitting on a perch complaining at the top of your lungs isn't enough.
The only way to work through the "slog" that has been created for us is to work together....
But Lady doesn't understand this idea...
SHe is working as hard as she can to stay atop the political forum list.....vanity vanity....
I asked her once what she would do if she was president, and she said that she would tell me once she was elected....
This is the proof of the pudding..... She is simply a charlatan in hubber's clothing....minus the hubs, of course..
I am right there with you Mike. I am done talking to her.
I wish I could say I was heartbroken but then that would be lying.
Ah, I think at heart your a lonely girl who needs to be told she is loved.....Your hatred is a cry for help lady love
Lol! Yeah sure and you're just the man to do it!! Lol
I don't hate anyone nor do I need your help in the love dep't!
You want to get rid of all socialists and democrats but you don't hate any body, yeah sure!
That must mean that you also feel pretty unloved too
Yes I want to get rid of them but its out if love! I want them in Cuba where they'd ll be happy!
"The only way to work through the "slog" that has been created for us is to work together...."
Work together Miguel? You mean like your DEMS did in Wisc. & Ind? Sure. Gotta love the the DEMS desire to work bipartisan. Oh, almost forgot. Remember Pelosi and her bully tactics when the DEMS had a super majority?
REPUBLICANS are ready to roll em over , so get out of the way Miguel
What the Lady calls "divert and distract" most would call cross examination....
But, whether discussing globalization, evils like redlining, or the corporatocracy that has dominated this nation over the past 30 plus years....Lady calls out "distraction"....
When it is pointed out that labor organization in America is older than the United States she still harps on the "socialists" and "leftists" opposed to American traits and characteristics....
The Poor Lady has forgotten that Americans are of very different stripes, politically, socially, and economically.....for she would like to see governance that favors only one caste.....
The more I think about it, the more Lady's ideations on "republicanism" falls closer in line with the minority, hardline control that left its mark in places like Saddam's Iraq....
Hussein's way....or the highway...with plenty of purges along the way....Kurds....Shiites....they're not really "Iraqi" anyway..... Right?
I am glad that she would never ever be taken seriously in any run for political office.....which is why, I suppose, she works so hard to stay atop the political forums section here at Hubpages....
It's too bad that ranking system can't be left up to a vote, based off the best writers, as opposed to those who basically spam (guess who?)...
And.when its pointed out that only 12% of workers are union in this country and the bulk of them are government workers and that actually is why there is a demicrst (socialist) party mike talks about the myans origns in meca and how gold was once believed to come from lead and the pyramids were built by slaves... geesh! ! How can anyone respond to your drivel??
Wow! After that babble there is no way that you can ever accuse me of rambling...
I give off coherent, organized thought.....while it appears you are struggling to find any coherence at all...
Well said! I would love to see you become President, just so I could watch you embarrass yourself and your supporters on national and global television...
Your hypocrisy knows no bounds...
by SparklingJewel 14 years ago
By Wayne Allyn Root, June 6th, 2010 Barack Obama is no fool. He is not...
by Credence2 11 months ago
I was disturbed by an article I had recently read. The main theme emphasizing similarities between the current administration and the period during the 1920's after WWI and before the deluge of Hitler's ascendency in Germany. Yes, the article is from Salon but its content is still food for thought....
by lady_love158 13 years ago … party.htmlAs well they should! In spite of that dumb a** Reid saying they are going away, they aren't! They will be a force to be recend with as anyone can see in these budget negotiations and in the republican candidates for president!
by Daniel J. Neumann 14 years ago
What is the advantage of a dissenting voice in a democracy?I think it's great for shifitng your vantage point or, at least, it gives the opposition something to attack.
by tobey100 14 years ago
The Federal government has sued a sovereign state, Arizona, claiming its law and policy regarding illegal immigration usurps the authority of the Federal government and violates Federal Law and guidlines. At the same time the Federal Government turns a blind eye to those illegal immigrants...
by lady_love158 13 years ago this is the Muslim Brotherhood's work and we can expect more of this in the coming years. We kicked Mubarak to the curb and helped radical jihadists to power and well do the same in Libya because that's what Obama wants!
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