Todd Akin,Rep Dipstick:
"This thing is really two visions of what America should be. Do we really want to become a sniveling entitlement state, or do we want freedom?"
Of course, since freedom in this case just means that I'm free to live out my old age without adequate medical care, maybe I'll be willing to put in an little time sniveling.
Republicans are trying to solve our economic problems by proposing spending cuts that threaten massive numbers of jobs during a fragile, jobs-challenged economic recovery. By lowering taxes for the obscenely wealthy and paying for these tax cuts by cutting programs that benefit the elderly middle and working class? Explain to me, please, how any of this will help the economy - without making me laugh.
And while you're explaining that, tell me why GOPers like Akin assume that all they have to do to make the case for a proposed policy is point out that it won't affect anyone right away (i.e., in the case of Medicare, anyone over 55). If it's a good thing to do, shouldn't it be a good thing now? Conversely, if we are asking folks in the future to endure something bad, shouldn't those older than 55 right now have to make the same sacrifice? If it's not good enough for me, why would it be good enough for my children and grandchildren? Don't try telling me that by phasing it in, we will change expectations and, consequently behavior - particularly, if you plan on cutting benefits without actually doing anything to address the underlying issue of spiraling health care costs."
There is it: COST. Another name for PROFIT.
You snivelers who complain just because you have to suffer so Me, the Great CEO can get stinking rich....what kind of Americans are you?
Sniveling old people....
You should be grateful we supply your viagra.
That Palin is some babe, huh?
Spot On!!! These teabaggers are not in touch with reality anymore. They have lost the independant vote already, and many of their own in the Rep party. They now want to balance the budget on the backs of the poor, weak, and defenseless. Capatalism without some regulation is immoral as much as any socialist state maybe considerably more.
Yes, it kind of makes you wonder about them...they must know that people will be upset by this....
I don't understand what they are thinking.
Unless, it's just a grand plan to F everything up so badly?
I do not get it.
If we are SO in debt....why add to it with the tax cuts? Why have 0 cuts for military in your budget? Why cut funds for a program that provides birth control????
It makes no sense.
Hi love,
You quoted, "This thing is really two visions of what America should be. Do we really want to become a sniveling entitlement state, or do we want freedom?"
This does set out very nicely the two visions for America's future, doesn't it?
Then you wrote, "Of course, since freedom in this case just means that I'm free to live out my old age without adequate medical care, maybe I'll be willing to put in an little time sniveling."
Why do you believe that anyone will have to do without medical care?
"Republicans are trying to solve our economic problems by proposing spending cuts that threaten massive numbers of jobs during a fragile, jobs-challenged economic recovery."
Which jobs, specifically, are being threatened by living within our means? Government union jobs? Jobs for the same privileged class that, in conjunction with the corrupt democratic party, have pushed us toward this crisis? Those jobs?
"By lowering taxes for the obscenely wealthy and paying for these tax cuts by cutting programs that benefit the elderly middle and working class?"
Karl Marx would applaud you. You have his lines from his discredited economic theory down. Who are the obscenely wealthy? How much wealth do they have? Why do you believe you have a greater moral claim to wealth they have created than they do?
"Explain to me, please, how any of this will help the economy - without making me laugh."
That might be impossible.
The government spends too much. It taxes too much. It regulates too much. It is no longer constrained by the Constitution. As the level of tyranny increases capital flees. It goes to where people appreciate it. Lowering the enormous costs of government, lowering the tax on achievement, reducing obstacles to the creation of new wealth directly encourages economic activity. And economic activity means more jobs. And more tax revenues. And now we have a history now of tax rate reductions leading directly to greatly increased tax revenues. So there are no more excuses.
"And while you're explaining that, tell me why GOPers like Akin assume that all they have to do to make the case for a proposed policy is point out that it won't affect anyone right away (i.e., in the case of Medicare, anyone over 55). If it's a good thing to do, shouldn't it be a good thing now?"
It should be. But it is not always possible. So people who have already paid in and are close to being on the program or already on it will get what they were promised. But we do not want to continue to enslave the young. So they will have control over their resources instead of the government controlling their resources. It is about freedom. It is about liberty.
"You should be grateful we supply your viagra.
That Palin is some babe, huh?"
Got a fixation there, love?
11.5 million is too much money for one guy to make. He should at least pay FICA on all of it.--if they all did, boom! SS problem solved!
Cutting gvt means gvt workers OUT OF A JOB...and in case you haven't noticed, there's not many jobs going around out here.
Your policies outsourced 2.5 million of them...and now you want to make more unemployed?
The tyranny is not being able to pay your bills no matter how hard you work. The tyranny is having to work 3 jobs because employers don't pay, and the cost of living is out of wack.
Wages for most of us have been stagnant since the 70's---if you look at the coli.
Rich can certainly pay more...they have benefitted from the past 30 years! IN particular, the last 10!
Poor and middle class need a break, not you.
Hi love,
You wrote, "Ughhh."
Well said!
"11.5 million is too much money for one guy to make."
Really. What level would you allow? And how do you know that is too much?
"He should at least pay FICA on all of it."
Why? FDR knew that if this was just another tax it would never fly. But now you are suggesting that this is just one more way to wrest another individual's wealth away from them. Do you not see what a great evil you propose as a result of your envy? You would gladly steal from another human being because you don't thing they should have all that they have earned.
"--if they all did, boom! SS problem solved!"
Well. No. Not really. The promises made are worth trillions. Even if you took everything the rich have, every dime, it would not be enough. Not even close. This is how greedy and evil the government and the greedy geezers have been. And this level of greed is why we are in this mess.
"Cutting gvt means gvt workers OUT OF A JOB...and in case you haven't noticed, there's not many jobs going around out here."
Putting 5-6 million government workers back into the productive economy might make quite a difference. I think we ought to try it just to see what happens. If you are right that all good, all research, all novelty comes from the government then those people should be grabbed up by industry for what they know. Let's do it.
"Your policies outsourced 2.5 million of them...and now you want to make more unemployed?"
This makes no sense to me. President Obama has been in office for several years now. The economy we have today is his economy. When the economy crashes far, far more will suffer. This must be fixed now.
"The tyranny is having to work 3 jobs because employers don't pay, and the cost of living is out of wack."
Let us examine that for a moment. Employers pay a huge amount to comply with federal regulations. They are hemmed in all around by rules, regulations, bureaucrats, who constantly harass them over trivia. Unions strike. Cities punish.
And you are paid what you are worth to the employer. He or she is in business to generate wealth. You get paid to the degree that your effort brings in profitable revenues.
So if you want to earn more you must do the things that bring in more profit to your employer.
"Rich can certainly pay more...they have benefitted from the past 30 years! IN particular, the last 10!"
And once again you stand in moral judgement, deciding that you have a greater moral claim to the wealth they have created than they do. I do not understand this. And you have not explained yourself.
"Poor and middle class need a break, not you."
You are waiting for a break that will never come. You must decide what you want, determine what it will cost to have it and then begin to pay the price. Nothing else is going to change your life.'s easy to see what's going on. Just have to have no attachment to greed, and you're home free.
Representative Dipwad was in response to President Whatever...
What'd you think?
"Entitlers" You mean the people that paid in their whole life? This pisses me off every time I hear it
Yeah, and SNIVELING ones at that!
Like that blowhard fat stiff Graham(Phil), called America a nation of whiners.
That fat chub probly triple-dips, and his wife works for the gvt too! What's he talking about?
First, the poor, then teachers, and now seniors. Is there anyone the far Right won't attack? Its totally bizarre.
They won't attack rich people or corporations...
Or churches or the military.
Americans for Prosperity
Global banks
oil conglomerates
Insurance industry
Grover Norquist
The Federal Reserve...
Basically anything with about 9 zero's on up at the end
You're wrong on the NRA. Many wingnuts criticize them for not spreading death and mayhem fast enough to suit them.
Somewhere there's a 5 year-old girl who's never had a gun pointed at her...
Yes, but they made a serious booboo....
They tangled with the sacred cows.....Social Security and Medicare....
They are toast.
They have NRA and AIPAC, but they messed with the AARP!
dun dun du dun du du du du du du duuuuuuun
*sniffle* *sniffle*, it almost makes you want to cry, when you think about poor Ryan and Palin being boooed by audiences.
Kind of like the bagger-bullies did to dems during the healthcare debate!
Oh, it's true....what goes around, comes around.
With dwindling resources, the powerful, meaning rich, feel it is in their best interest to eliminate much of the population THEY consider as 'in their way.' The powerful do not want to share dwindling resources with the poor or the elderly. Women's rights has them up in arms because they have 'lost control of their women.'
You know that America is going down the toilet, when you have people like Donald Trump wanting to run for president, while he raises the issue, that President Obama should not be allowed to continue being president because he wasn't born here.
Well Trump, I don't think one of your ex-wives was born here, should we stop you from being president because it's a conflict of interest? Not that I would ever vote for you loud mouthed pig. Do we really want another billionaire to be president? Hell NO!!
But, this is what we are constantly up against, is these millionaires who think they know what is best for the country, while they secretly sink their money into the war machine that keeps the oil dollars going into their wallets, and other pet projects that they will benefit from by being President. Not too mention our insulting congressmen who are trying to force their own values on the average American without care of the outcome.
While people who are pushing for freedom smashing bills, line their pockets with millions in corporate donations.
We are supposed to be a free nation, and one of the wealthiest according to the powers that be. If that is the case, why do so many American's feel helpless, and that their so-called great government could give a rats ass about us? While they try to squash everything we have tried so hard to gain? And, the big question is. Why do we put up with it?
People aren't putting up with it,the crowds of protests in Michigan were legendary.
But, due to Bushco, the money-bags now have the Supreme Court...and that is where the action is!
Also--they do stealth politics. They never say what their real agenda is, until they get in there.
Who would ever vote for Walker, if he had been honest?
Same with all of them...they said they were concerned with Jobs and the deficit...when really it was cutting taxes for their buds (increasing the deficit!) and getting their social agenda through.(NOTHING to do with jobs!) Talk about wanting to change America!
They are stripping away rights left and right.
Hi love,
You may not believe this but I like you.
I want you to have the best possible life you can have. To do so you have to recognize that many of your beliefs about the way things are are wrong. They are founded on wrong principles.
Consider my questions. I am not asking them to irritate you. I hope that you, and others, will see that you hold most of the power over your lives. You just have to let go of your envy and your hatred of the people who are more successful than you are.
Then figure out what you want. Determine what it will take to get it. Then start paying the price that success requires.
Indeed, I'm arguing from the point of taking more control of your life.
To say that these people aren't intrinsically better than me and no more deserving than me.
BTW--you know a good babysitter who will work for free, any time day or night?
Unless you do--nothing can help me for another 5 years.
That's reality.
Hi love,
Really? When I lost my job I spent the next half year learning an entirely new skill set. Maybe you cannot do it all at once. But you can make a plan and take one step each day.
It is corny but there is a saying:
By the yard it is very hard.
But inch by inch, it is a cinch.
First figure out what you really want out of life. This is the hardest step. This is exactly what I do for my engineers. For two of them, recently, this changed their lives. No additional charge for you. :-)
I'm trying to tell you, I am not free to just "do what I want!"
For example..this is Easter vacation week....
I have only been able to work when my boyfriend or mom can watch kids....Week before, kid home with stomache flu...can't take to school, or daycare....or mom,as she is older and cannot afford to be sick....can only work when boyfriend can watch them...
This is why it is ridiculous for people to claim you can just "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" can't always.
Sometimes, YOU have to come second, or third, or fourth.
That is why I stay at my job, because they work with me. That is why I hate to hear single moms degraded, because it is an impossible situation, and people just act like they can do whatever they want, when they want. They can't!
Hi love,
You are smart, articulate and engaging. Of course you can do it.
I can help you.
There are always ways to start. And starting is very often the hardest part. It does not take very much to start.
What I have found for many is that they do not begin with an understanding of their own goals. I have discovered that many have carried their goals over from their parents or other significant people.
Two weeks ago I was coaching a very senior engineer. I told him what he already knew. Mathematics was his first love. I asked him why he had not pursued it. He had all sorts of reasons. But in the end he knows he will not be at his happiest until he is doing what he loves. The difference from one day to the next surprised me. And two weeks later he still gets it and is far happier even though he is still not doing what he loves.
I want to help.
"You are waiting for a break that will never come. You must decide what you want, determine what it will cost to have it and then begin to pay the price. Nothing else is going to change your life."
Government policies let all the wealth flow to the top.
Government policies can give it back to the earners.
My life was changed when George W Bush was elected....had NOTHING to do with me.
If a hedgefund mgr who makes 3 million dollars, pays taxes at 15%, why does a school teacher, who makes $65,000, pay at 35%?
Why does the hedgefunder get a break like that?
Tax laws!
How is it that GE, who (personhood) earned BILLIONS, not only did not pay, but got money back??
Tax laws! Loopholes! Creative accounting!'s not hatred and envy, it's outrage at the imbalance!
Laura Flanders: Citizens United Allows Workplace Propaganda
Hi love,
Then perhaps it is time for you to join me in working to repeal the 16th Amendment and replace our very horrible tax system with a far more fair tax based on our consumption instead of our incomes.
There will be way fewer opportunities for political mischief.
Join me.
I don't like that idea because it also favors the rich over the poor!
Example: if you go to buy a car, and it's taxed at what...10%??20%??
That is not a problem for a millionaire...not at all. But, someone who makes 30,000 is going to have a REAL problem with that!
It's still basically a hardship on the poor and middle class.
I say if we just even it up, we will be OK!
No more breaks and loop-holes and give-aways.
Remove the cap on god, you would have a huge flow of money.
Tax based on income, not type of money.
Hedgefunder--pay 35% like teacher, or teacher, pay 15% like hedgefunder!
I mean, and I really much is ever enough for people?
But here's a smile for you too Anon....
And that's actually very good advice.
Well actually-I already know what I want. I was working towards a degree in Art History--going to work in a museum in Boston.
It's just been put on hold for 5 years.
Unless I can come up with $900.00 per course per semester...IF I go where i want to go, WAS going, until they boosted the fees so high!!!
Went from $600.00 a course to $900.00. Could go to a state school, but then there is the work/daycare situation...or do it on-line.....but to be honest, I struggled with job/school/kids already...this time I gave the school up.
5 more years, and the kids can be on their own for me to follow my dreams.
Awesome. Don't wait.
Maybe you cannot go to school right now. But you can nourish your dreams. You can develop a roadmap to add to your store of knowledge. The net is an amazing resource. School just validates what is in your mind and in your heart.
This is poetry! I love it.
I agree--the net is AMAZING. A real God-send for us humans.
Could probably learn all you need to know about art hisory right here!!
But, it's nice to have the expertise of a teacher.
Yes. I spend lots of money with the Learning Company. I also search out podcasts. I learn constantly.
Lat week I decided to become an expert in Excel. There are 4000 videos over 4 minutes long on using Excel. And another 44,000 that are less than 4 minutes.
HA! I need help in even putting pictures and music on Hubs!
It's frustrating, because obviously it's not hard...just takes time too.
But yes...I hope they don't make the internet harder to get....keep it free and available.
And you can know anything you want to know!
I'd actually love to work with animals too....since we're getting personal
Like a zoo, or a water-world in Fla.....with dolphins.
lots to do, just have to give it time.
We call our home Mylastname's Arc.
We love our animals. We feed the raccoons. They are amazing. Everyone is an individual. We worry about them. At least one has many bites. But they are healing. I suspect a medium-sized dog.
And we enjoy watching the opossums and the skunks. We even have seven deer.
We also have two cats.
I had a fascination with dolphins. But I am not in a position anymore where I can observe them.
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