I'm concerned about his positions on many things. First of all because I have no idea where he stands, he keeps changing his positions. As a retiree I'm concerned he will follow up and eliminate social security, medicare and disability as we know it. His medicare plan would raise the cost about $5,000.00 a year. I don't know about you, but that would make it unaffordable for most retirees. As a parent, his position to eliminate the pell grant and raise tuition 50% means a lot of kids won't be able to pursue their college goals. Please convince me otherwise.
He also has a plan to pitchfork babies and pile them into dumpsters. I hate that one. I also am opposed to his Blenders for Puppies and Kittens proposal that will mandate all puppies and kittens be blended into smoothies. He's truly terrible, and has nothing but the most evil plans to completely ruin everything.
Shadesofbreath - do you have anything of value to add to the question, or just hyperspsychobabble about stuff you like to make up?
Obama is the dog eater - not Romney.
OMG really!??!?!?!?! All this time I thought Obama was a vegan!
President Obama eating dog meat proves he's not Muslim. It's eaten by serveral Indonesia's non-Muslim minorities. The Islamic faith considers the meat of canines to be ritually unclean, along with swine.
He was given dog meat to taste once as a child.
And it's all because he's from Michigan and he's a Mormon. Will America never learn?
Hey, I'm from Michigan and I'm Mormon! Mitt and I should be BFFs!
It's because he's from Michigan, and he said the auto industry should go bankrupt.
But, of course--he supported TARP.
You clearly have never been to Detroit or lived in Michigan or been to a GM plant or driven one of their hunk-of-junk cars for a year until it breaks down and has to be scrapped. You clearly have never been harassed and insulted constantly simply because you were driving a cheaper, better made foreign car that had been in your family years and years before the auto industry bailout....
The auto industry is its own responsibility.
There are many Americans who would offer a diverging opinion related to the "Quality" of American made vehicles verses other brands and furthermore, It's inaccurate to claim the auto industry is "it's own responsibility" when estimates conclude 1 in every 10 jobs in the U.S. is directly or indirectly connected - An answer like this is reminiscent of a simplistic, uneducated "Dubya Bush" or "Mitt Romney" response to a deeper, more complicated situation or issue -
The same ludicrous rationale is used by the Republicans who call for the "Failure" of major banks - Anyone of credibility understands the solvency of Major U.S. Institutions is of critical importance to ensure our economic foundation and ultimate success -
The only sure thing Romney has unquestionably accomplished with his ignorant "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt" solution to the Michigan Auto Industry, is to ensure roughly 2 million hard working American Auto Workers avoid his name like the proverbial plague when they walk into the voting booth in November -
By all means, you keep encouraging the government to rescue Detroit. Hopefully next time I go there, maybe something will have been done to try and save it. Maybe next time I won't be an eighteen year old mugging victim outside Detroit city limits in broad daylight on a commonly used street (where most Detroiters have fled). Maybe Flint will be the new Detroit instead. Maybe I can go back to Detroit and Blight Busters and I won't have to clean out burned-down meth labs. Maybe they'll find something worth saving in Detroit... who knows?
Living in Detroit for almost half my life, I sure don't have your optimism about the ability to salvage it. By the way, most auto plants are outside Detroit city limits-- why do you think the city is dying? Those 2 million workers work in small towns like Lake Orion, or larger towns like Lansing or Flint (which by the way, is going to be the new Detroit, if not already). Let Detroit go bankrupt (it's going to anyway) and use the money that would have been spent on it to help boost the auto industries in the other towns that need it more. Use it in Flint so it doesn't go the way of Detroit, but don't use that money to save a city that's growing emptier and emptier day by day as residents flee.
that kinda comment will get you to Hell regardless of what religion you are!
I agree and I live in Canada? And curling is most definitelya sport
That's the absurd attitude which creates a massive divide between the Republican 1% "Let them go Bankrupt" attitude, from the remaining rational Democratic 99% -
It's not so cut and dry nor humorous when there are working class families involved out on the real world who actually rely upon a job to support and feed a family - Jobs of which were decimated by your desperately greedy, unethical, possibly even criminal Mitt Romney - You have the typical "Paul Ryan" attitude - Someday hopefully you'll learn through education -
As for your other allegations or assertions, violent crimes can and do occur anywhere at anytime, so I guess now the Republican view is just to let all cities and towns in the United States where crimes are committed, go "Bankrupt"? And who will make that determination? ridiculous -
Calm down! I actually lean more liberal than I do conservative, believe it or not! I'm just throwing out a little food for thought and playing devil's advocate-- nothing bothers me more than people who routinely slam one particular political party as if it's the cause of all the woes and ignore their own party's faults.
Both parties have huge faults, and any man who runs for office or gains office is going to have huge faults as well. Those who refuse to recognize their own party's shortcomings are just as bad (if not worse) than the party they so adamantly bash.
With attitudes like yours, no wonder nothing good ever gets done in government!
I grew up in Michigan! The most fun we had as kids was driving past the big goodyear tire on our way to the Motor City.
I grew up proud of Michigan, and the auto industry.
And I'm super glad President Obama helped them out with a loan. No one else would.
Apparently, Romney wasn't proud of the autuo industry....only the trees.
Shows where his heart is.
pro-TARP/anti-Auto, anti-Stimulus
Pro Citizens United/ anti-Roe v Wade.
Couldn't be much clearer.
I have divided thoughts on the bail out-- the plant in my hometown Lake Orion was shut down when the industry plummeted and I watched a lot of my friends move out as their father's lost their jobs. I watched a lot of homes in my neighborhood suddenly empty out as stickers from the banks appeared over the changed locks. It was really sad and the empty GM plant that was the center of our town was really sad as well.
So Obama did do a good thing in saving the auto industry, because its failure would have killed my little hometown.... my only concern is that it's an uncomfortable amount of power for the government to wield. It raises some interesting questions that we as Americans need to carefully consider: Should large, but failing companies be saved? Should we let the nature of economics (supply and demand) run its course or should we intervene? How far are we willing to rely on big business to be the standard of health for our economy?
I'll be more comfortable when GM pays the government back.
Power? I don't see how.
My boss has power...because he pays me.
So, if you take a loan, you live by the rules. No one forced them to. It was their last hope.
Supply and demand is BS, if you ask me.
There is plenty enough of everything to go around on this green Earth.....I'm sick of people playing around with our lives as if they're Gods.
Supply holders make the rules of who lives or dies.....Hoarders, Some kind of sick disease.
Supply and demand is BS? Oh you wound my economics majoring heart! D:
As a fellow economics major (a long time ago) I think we both know that supply and demand is not BS in the sense that supply and demand set price, but that is not what LMC is talking about, she is talking about the supply of necessities and how that supply is regulated to keep prices high and she is completely correct, how can food be unaffordable to most and unattainable to many when according to the UN more than enough transportable food is created every year to feed the world comfortably. The fact of the matter is that people in charge of the means of production do intentionally limit supply to raise the price, so to suggest that supply and demand are the guardian gods of the free market controlling the price and unaffected by schemes is untrue, so supply and demand works just fine and rules the market but supply and demand is not an independent force it is a controlled one and it does not control the value of things those who decide on what the supply will be do.
The question was raised to shed light on opinions of Romney's plans if elected President. Obviously you don't know one way or the other? I would guess if you did, you would defend or provide proof to my concerns.
No, my point is that posts like this absurd original post are silly and should not be taken seriously.
To suggest that Romney (or Obama, or George Bush before him, or Clinton... or whoever it will be next time...) is going to gut all the institutions that are part of the fabric of how it all works, is just, well, dumb.
First off, the president doesn't have the power to wave the presidential scepter and erase all the laws of the land.
So, to pretend like somehow Romney will be able to single-handedly wipe out all parental rights and kill all the senior citizens is just as stupid as pretending like Obama wants to force school children to have gay sex with each other or any of the other ridiculous rhetorical crap that fills the internet.
THIS kind of forum is exactly why the political climate in the U.S. has degraded to emptiness. So, I ridicule it. Go ahead, pick your side. Argue why Romney is satan. Or why Obama is. Do it.
I just hope that I can stop at least someone from picking a side based on lies that pretend the sides are what is being described here. You pick a side in THIS debate, you have already lost.
In all seriousness, I want to be just like you when I grow up.
Me too, and I'm 30.
I'd vote Shadesbreath for HP forum mod.
I've actually written to them several times over the years and volunteered. Not even kidding.
I would say, Shadesbreath, that people in the U.S. do not seem able to have a discussion about their goverment without taking sides. That's how they are taught to think--which is what you're getting at. There is the option to withdraw, which is what independents seem to do. And your other point, I was thinking about it today: Are these questions on Hub Pages a waste of time because they are so polarizing? ... Thanks for stopping to explain yourself!
You should be far more concerned with where Barack Obama is taking this nation and the democratic process with it. You concerns on Social Security, etc can still apply and should. Never listen to what Obama says...look at what he does. His outward concern for Social Security is nothing more than lipservice which he will throw under the bus as soon as the need suits him. Don't be distracted in the process of releasing this country from the clutches of an abject failure. WB
The question was designed to bring to the surface how people are swayed by media opinion and talking points instead of substance and fact. And btw, those are your words.
Romney has one problem. He claims to be about equality and equal rights, but not on an individual level, but on a business level.
If you're not in business for yourself, then you are SOL. If you run a small business, then you will pay homage to the upper 1%, while they graciously allow you to do business within America's border. However, you will have to deal with the upper 1%'s tools, better known as politicians and heavy regulation, in order to even get your business off the ground.
You see in America, citizens are not in power. The World's UPPER 1% are in control of almost every natural resource available, in some way or another. No Country in the world is going to go against the power the upper 1% presently maintains.
On a World stage, Romney is a prime example of stupidity in motion. He may be a Mormon, but his double talk is just that, double talk. He once claimed that he wanted to change Massachusetts Constitution, proclaiming life begins fertilization and it would end the abortion debate altogether. Which means, he doesn't support Women's Rights. Thus, HE doesn't support Equality or Equal Rights.
Enough said.
@Cagsil, I appreciate an intelligent response. As for some of the other responses, instead of tom foolery, I would have preferred a response to either confirm what I've heard or a response explaining Romney's positions on the items I mentioned.
Slow down when you read mine, and you'll find a perfectly serious response.
Scott Walker's reign has led to job loss, workers rights gutted, education gutted, and huge tax breaks for foreign companies doing business in his state.
Dems tried to make a law that these companies have to provide America jobs for the priviledge...No such luck.
Romney said Walker is his hero.
Republicans are running on state-sponsored rape on women, and NO say in their own lives.
Cutting taxes for Uber rich.
Gutting programs for the middle class.
Selling America off.
Romney will do all this...and more. Corporations are people without the responsibility....that is dangerous and does not represent American values.
Rich seniors will be fine. Poor ones will choose between food, heat and medicine. Kids will have to help provide for their parents, while they struggle to survive with their own families.
College will once again be a purvue of the wealthy.
All so the rich can pay no tax, and people at the top can make huge profit.
Prices going up, war with Iran, Bush on steroids.
Social Security has to have some reforms so that it will be viable for the future. Romney is for reducing benefits for wealthy Americans. Mitt agrees with Obama about SS money in private accounts.
http://2012.republican-candidates.org/R … curity.php
Romney also agrees with Obama on reducing student loan debt, even though most of the GOP doesn't.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/ … _headlines
Now he does. Problem is before he wasn't onboard with President Obama at first. I've no idea what his stance is on any matter anymore. He keeps changing his views.
So does Obama. Should I post links of his flips?
Sure why not. This guy changes his stance every other day. No one could possibly know where he stands on any issue. He's against something one minute and for it in another minute. He's so out of touch with everyday Americans its not funny. If you have kids in college I'd be worried. If you're on SS, medicare or disability, I'd be worried. If you're retired, I'd be worried. If I was a vet, I'd be worried. His stand on women's rights should scare you if yo;u have daughters or grand daughters. I understand you're not wanting to give up on your candidate, seeing how much you've endorsed him, but? The economy is improving, unemployment going down, healthcare for all on the horizon, safeguarding veterans and students. And he can actually relate to the average American. Can Romeny?
Jumping the gun a bit?
First of all, don't you think it would be prudent if we as a collective, responsible nation find out conclusively, if this intellectually impotent Flim Flam Flip Flop man of a Presidential Candidate actually belongs in prison before discussing his anti-working class / senior citizen policies, values, beliefs, and or agenda?
When the independent investigation into Mutt Romney's Tax Evasion issues is concluded, hopefully before the commencement of the GOP convention. maybe then we can move on to discuss other critical life altering aspects like how he vehemently supports and unequivocally endorses presumed anarchist Paul Ryan's dismantling of Social Security / Medicare in favor of another massive monetary gift to the wealthiest, greediest 1% of our collective population -
Legitimate Concern Number #1 -
Was the money secretly deposited and stashed in his foreign offshore accounts traced back to its origination? If not, when will this essential element be fulfilled -
Is Romney and his spouse, Corporate / Tax Evading Criminals? We all know the bulk of their wealth was attained by unethical means, were there criminal elements as well?
If found to be a Tax Evader, are there any additional related charges?
You can make light of these serious issues if you wish, but they need to be addressed sooner or later -
I do not like Mr. Romney because as he is a Mormon, he is bound by his faith (as I understand it), to eat baby chipmunks.
No, no, no, you've got it all wrong-- misinformation! We don't eat chipmunks-- that's sick. We eat baby squirrels-- but we won't say no to baby snakes either.
I promised your parents you would not put anything in your mouth that I did not first approve.
Your parody of "Mormonism" is definitely amusing -
The true story however is considered by the vast majority of Christians to be even more absurd & bizarre -
You guys should read it sometime -
Just make sure you absorb the entire story and not just sanitized versions or snippets -
Bush passed huge tax cut, mostly benefiting rich. Romney’s tax cut plan is 4x larger, more heavily tilted to the rich. http://thkpr.gs/Ir6pfP
The right wing is too distracted by racism to be concerned about how anyone would be running this country.
Romney is a walking, talking social adjustment disorder who does not relate to people or to this nation. He simply sees another transaction that he must complete for personal advancement: getting into the White House.
The Etch a Sketch candidate will take any position and will back any reprehensible scheme to serve himself. He has no empathy, remorse, guilt or shame and he, like the vast majority of the extreme Right, lies glibly, then becomes aggressive, temper-mental and stubborn when confronted.
I fear that this empty suit will do everything to rip off veterans, the disabled, and social security recipients, many of whom have children and grandchildren to care for.
This is because Romney will roll over for the extreme right who have lied again and again to redefine veterans contracts, SSDI and retirement insurance as "welfare burdens".
He will continue to loot the SS trust funds that people have paid into, then whine that the system is bankrupt. Then he will cut all other programs that would help people after their earned and promised benefits are stolen.
Then, with no one left with money to buy his corporate overlord's products, he will whine that someone else caused the problems.
@Xenonlit, I agree, this guy is all over the place. He tells one group this and another that! People need to wake up and smell the roses. Many of the bills he's for work against people on ss, medicare, disabiltiy, college kids, healthcare, veterans and the list goes on! I'm wondering if he's running for the people or a family legacy of becoming POTUS.
Or the Koch Bros and Bibi Netenyahu.
Give them alllllll the freedom they so desire within the confines of the US gvt.
"possibly even criminal Mitt Romney"
I believe this to be true. Money-Laundering at Bain.....wouldn't be anything unusual.
All involved in Octopus. Read The Last Circle....I was never the same after reading that.
...more on...
more on this latter,gotagonow////////
Okay, here are just a FEW. Believe me, you can find plenty more. I'm not saying Romney hasn't flip-flopped on some issues, but so has Obama. I know you don't want to believe your guy isn't always sincere and completely steadfast, but he is human, after all. And he's a typical politician - not any different than the rest, although much of the US thought he'd be when they voted for him in 2008.
http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/nileg … lip-flops/
http://swampland.time.com/2012/02/07/ob … onsistent/
http://www.therightsphere.com/2012/04/p … lip-flops/
http://articles.sun-sentinel.com/2011-1 … econd-term
http://www.mysanantonio.com/news/articl … 224877.php
http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-shepp … -media-mum
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ft_Mb-4n … re=related
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BckykC3N … re=related
So what about the rest of my question? If you have kids in college I'd be worried. If you're on SS, medicare or disability, I'd be worried. If you're retired, I'd be worried. If I was a vet, I'd be worried. His stand on women's rights should scare you if yo;u have daughters or grand daughters. I understand you're not wanting to give up on your candidate, seeing how much you've endorsed him, but? The economy is improving, unemployment going down, healthcare for all on the horizon, safeguarding veterans and students. And he can actually relate to the average American. Can Romeny?
We obviously see the two men, as well as issues, differently. I relate more to Romney than to Obama. If we don't reduce our deficit, there won't be much of a future for my children or grandchildren. My oldest daughter is a Dem, although she is very against abortion. She'll probably vote for Obama, however. My middle daughter is a nurse and is against abortion. The doctor she works for tells her that Obamacare is a nightmare. I'm not saying he's right, but she's a strong Romney supporter. My youngest daughter graduates from college next month, and she's been looking for a job for months - all over the state. Her degree is in the healthcare field. She's had no luck finding a job, even though she has great grades, working experience, and excellent recommendations and references. She's also supporting Romney.
Every woman I know personally is supporting Romney, except for two. One is voting 3rd party and one is writing in Hillary's name. Granted, I live in a red state. Well, actually, we've been changed to pink - leans Republican. lol
I don't disagree with Obama on everything, and I don't agree with Romney on everything. I just think Romney has more economic and managerial smarts.
I'd like to read about Romney's stopping disability and taking away my retirement check. Would you post some credible links?
BTW, I'm glad we can debate without ranting and raving!
So if the bills Romney supports, like changing social security and disability is okay for you? That the money, im sure your daughters paid into social security will be lost is okay with you?. If god forbid you or one of your daughters have to get disability, it won't be available is okay with you? And his speech minutes ago, saying how the wealthy will create jobs and wealth for all is believeable? Sounds more like the bs I bought into when I voted for President Bush. He said give tax breaks and they will invest. Hogwash! It never happened. He had a bill to combine same type businesses together for healthcare group rates. Did he sign it? no And you still believe in your guy? So by eliminating programs that benefit your kids will benefit them? By his speech tonight of school choice (my guess charter schools) will be better for your grandkids? One of us is surely wrong.
You know that at the present rate, SS will be insolvent in just a few years, right? Without reform, my kids will never get back the money they've paid in. We can't just keep borrowing money from China. I like Romney's plan of reducing SS benefits for the very wealthy - they don't need it. I also don't have a problem with g-r-a-d-u-a-l-l-y increasing retirement age, either. People are living longer now.
Romney is for charter schools? I'll have to tell my Dem daughter. She's a big advocate of charter schools. A group of retired teachers in my community is trying to get one here. They've invited me to the meetings, but I haven't had a chance to attend one yet.
They won't get the money they paid in anyway. And to think they will start and maintain their own ss account for retirement is hogwash for most young people. Especially giving the price of everything today. Are you retirement age or close to it? Do you have a health plan? How many years until your retirement? Your guy, wants to reduce taxes under the pretense those with the money will create jobs. Haven't we heard that before from President Bush?
I retired early due to nerve damage. I have private insurance and Medicare. After Obamacare was passed, my oxygen was taken away. I was told it was because of the new healthcare law. I have no idea if that's true or not, but that's what the service provider told me. I'd been on oxygen therapy for years.
Obama promised that his healthcare law would lower insurance premiums, but mine have done nothing but increase. Will they go down once the full law is implemented?
I thought republicans were against entitlement programs? Do you have private insurance or SS disability?
Don't get me wrong here! I believe anyone who worked and becomes disabled should be given benefits. I only wish I had insurance to check myself out. I'm definately a candidate for SS disability, just unable to afford a doctor to generate the paperwork. I live in constant back pain.
No - I'm all for some entitlement programs! I'm not a Libertarian. lol
What's wrong with your back? I have foramenal stenosis, among other problems. I get SSDI and Teachers' Retirement. If you ever need any tips about filing for SSDI, I'll be glad to help.
Yeah there is no reason why Obama-care would take away your oxygen it's rubbish probably done to maximize their profits, precisely the reason they can't be trusted to run something so important.
Managerial smarts -- Yes, no doubt Romney does have those.
However, I think people overestimate how transferrable private sector skills are to government.
Arnold Schwarzenegger failed miserably as The Governator here in California because he thought he could blaze in like the Terminator and run the show his way. We (and yes, I voted for him!) wanted him to do just that.
Unfortunately, the stubbornly and dysfunctionally entrenched powers that be in our state assembly showed HIM! (and us all).
Then we could have had Meg Whitman, the CEO of e-Bay. We chose instead a veteran politician who understands the nature of the beast and the value of compromise.
Romney is reminding me way too much of Meg right about now.
Actually that's a serious misconception which should be addressed before election day - His managerial skills revolve almost entirely around the reliance upon accountants who crunch numbers to ensure he and his small group of unethical partners made a profit while selling off companies regardless of how many jobs and or familys were indiscriminately discarded in the process -
There are so many examples of his impotence in the financial world -
I know he expressed several conflicting flip flop positions which is of course par for his course, but go back and listen very closely to what Mutt Romney said "On Air" via public television about simply allowing our revered auto industry to FAIL along with millions of jobs directly and or indirectly associated -
His ludicrous statement was of course articulated prior to the ultimate decision to finance a recovery in this deeply rooted sector, and long before President Obama's subsequent decision to re-affirm his commitment to SAVE the industry along with the millions of jobs directly and or indirectly associated -
Anyone who is now drawing a paycheck from within the auto industry or innumerable secondary / tertiary suppliers, can thank President Obama, then fall to their knees and thank god "Mormon Romney" was nowhere near the oval office when all this transpired - And that's a fact -
Romney's comments and proposals were and are absurd - He can't even figure out how the bankruptcy process works and the subsequent consequences - Anyone of credibility would find his so called "Business Savvy" a considerable detriment after reading his general "Let Them Fail Solution" to everything -
P.S. - As imbecilic as Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger was and still is, unlike Romney, at least he made his massive fortune in legitimate fashion -
http://www.kansas.com/2012/04/03/228142 … -with.html
There are many references to disability, so a search.
Romney supports the Ryan plan.
Medicaid and Medicare are two different animals. Ryan wants to turn Medicaid over to the states.
And, BTW, Polifact gave the Dems' claim about the Repubs ending Medicare the "Lie of the Year Award."
http://www.politico.com/politico44/2012 … 21376.html
http://www.usatoday.com/news/politics/s … 54088346/1 (excerpt below)
"Obama also attacked the Republican budget's plan to give seniors premium-support payments and a choice between traditional Medicare and private plans, beginning in 2023. But the president's claim that the plan would herd older, sicker patients into traditional Medicare isn't necessarily true. That's a matter of debate. Ryan's plan would require private insurance companies to take all comers, regardless of their condition, and it includes risk-adjustments to give incentive payments to plans that end up covering less healthy individuals."
Also, Obama and the Dems are the ones who raided Medicare, to the tune of $500 billion, to fund Obamacare.
That's just one reason why the massive retiree population residing in states like Florida, California, etc are running away in droves from the insane "Romney / Ryan" Social Security "Voucher Type" program -
Romney will indeed dismantle Social Security as we know it, if we as a populous are gullible enough to allow him to buy his way into the White House - Just like numbskull Bush tried to do, take away our senior citizens flowing, uninterrupted benefits in favor of tax gifts for the wealthiest 1% -
Unlike Mitt & Ann Romney, our senior citizens have earned the right to live with peace of mind and enjoy their golden years without worrying about some radical anarchist style representative like Paul Ryan, or disconnected, greedy flim flam man like Romney getting their sweaty little hands on a government run health benefits system that has worked for decades and will continue to work for all future generations with a few minor adjustments -
Can you imagine if we allowed a less than swift President like "Dubya Bush" get his mitts on a complicated, intricate system like Social Security / Medicare? - And now, some actually believe hard working Americans should consider turning over the reigns to an airhead like Romney ? - If you do, you must reap the effects -
We will agree to disagree. Romney will bring more of the Bush year same. Hope I'm wrong if he becomes POTUS. The south doesn't lean Republican, they are Republicans. I do know the economy and job creation is on the upswing and small businesses that adjusted are doing well.
I don't think Mitt will be the spendthrift that Bush was. I hope not! Anyway, I think Obama will win. I've always kinda liked rootin' for the underdog. lol
Mittens is no underdog. He is the big dog with all the money.
And once they really start using it---I hope we can withstand the awfulness they will unleash.
Obama has way more campaign $ than Romney. The amounts for each was just reported this week.
Koch Bros and such have called this the fight of their life.....they have the $$ to wage that fight. Unions and regular people are no match for that.
Even Hollywood is peanuts compared to 2 of Mitt's boys..Adelson and Freiss. Billionaires, not millionaires.
Just wait and see that's all.
I don't believe that for a second. Mitt is a hider. He hides his agenda, and he hides his money. Nothing out of his mouth is true. It's contrived to get your vote. IMO IMO
Adelson/Freiss/Frick and Frack....Billionaires with no taxes--so plenty to spend on making it more free for them to plunder: As corporate raiders do.
Yeah, these numbers are prolly skewed. You know what a right wing rag the Times is.
Doesn't matter what they say now....Romney has all the money. Banks, Chamber of Commerce, Mormon Church, and Adelson will go over to his side once Newt officially drops. This guy has 21.5 billion to spend. And all the Likudists who want war with Iran--the PNAC crowd--they will go to Romney too.
Once it's all solidified, an he is "officially" the one...it will be a flood. Of hidden money and lies. IMO. And I know every one dismisses me as some kind of ranting kook...but my feelings on Romney are not solitary. And I lived under his rule already --don't forget. He's a creep.
"Romney is not just strange; he’s a mean SOB"
http://www.veteransnewsnow.com/2012/04/ … structive/
and while you all blast me...just remember that 2 women here in the last 2 days have called Obama a racist.
And I saw not one comment about that.
Didn't see you comment when Romney was called a "sack of $hit," either. But actually, I didn't notice the comments about Obama. I don't believe he's a racist.
I'm not telling everybody to be civil either.....and it's always this way around here.
I get told all the time to "tone it down"...."be a little calmer"...."don't be so harsh".....
And yet all these nasty comments on the other side just slip right on by.
Obama is running a gangster gvt...did you know that?
Yet, when I call Bush a criminal---I am called a hater...a hater of R's, a hater of Jews, a hater of myself and my life even!
But all you around here can bash Obama to heart's content--bash muslims-- bash liberals-- and never ever is that hate, right? Right. Double standard!
I understand how detrimental it is to a child to not be able to get into college or not to be able to afford college. However, the dream has become a bit absurd. I myself am going to college, however, looking at the larger picture there are a great amount of people currently enrolled in college. There are more people every year that graduate with a degree, that inadvertently affects everyone of us. My husband is an engineer certified through the military, but now everyone wants an engineer with a bachelors degree in engineering, so even though he went to military schools and got an education the influx of degree carrying engineers has grown so much that him being an engineer isn't even an option unless he wants to go back to school. Women who were certified in nursing have a hard time getting a job now because everyone wants someone with a DEGREE in nursing. If college was harder to get into or harder to pay for there may end up being more jobs available for the people who don't have a degree.
What concerns me about Romney, as a parent? That his mom decided not to abort!
That's true-- we talked about that today in my econ class. It used to be that going to college was what set you apart from everyone else and gave you an edge. Now it's going to be almost required that you go to graduate school as well, otherwise your college degree will be about as useful as your high school diploma.
It's similar to the minimum wage problem. Nobody wants people living in poverty, but when you raise the minimum wage, it's an economic fact that unemployment rises as well. It's absolutely fascinating trying to find a way to balance fairness and general well being for everyone without dragging that level of well being down to a less tolerable level. I wish my econ class moved faster so I could understand it better.
A lot of things concern me about Romney. He's a wealthy liar. He has a senior advisor, Bay Buchanan, who is 'scarier' than Sarah Palin. Now Romney will use his platform, are you better off now or 4 years ago and blame it on the President.
He's forgetting to tell everyone that, of course, he's doing better along with the rest of the 1%.
I can't seriously understand how a retiree or one approaching retirement can endorse Romney.
As a parent and a teacher, I'm concerned about America's plan for educating our youth. Student loan debt exceeds all credit card debt. It now exceeds 1 trillion dollars. To cut pell grants will make it impossible for many to get a college degree.
He sure doesn't look like he believes what he's saying here.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwI2dvvN … r_embedded
The voting process comes down to trying to figure out poker faces and reading semi-decent intentions while listening to long monologues that consist of 90% bulls**t and 10% bad acting.
I disagree. Actions have consequences. Had we had Romney for pres....GM would have gone belly up. If we get Romney, college loans will cost more, and cause more debt--due to the give-away to the banks.
If Ryan's budget succeeds, we WILL have more hunger and poverty in America. More suffering seniors and sick people....that is fact.
Women will have their reproductive rights ended...what scraps there are left now, and we will once again be owned by the state.
In New Hampshire..they had a Republican sweep in 2010...A Democratic legislator there said it will take decades to undo the damage those R's did in 2 years time.
Actions have consequences. The parties are NOT the same.
And in my view---a vote for the Republicans is a vote to destroy America.. no lie, no hyperbole...honest feeling. And I am going to fight to the end to voice it. Because, Silence = Complicity.
by Jack Lee 6 years ago
When Trump was deciding to run for President in 2015, he interviewed with Romney. He decided Romney was too weak to run for president and he was right. He also decided the rest of the 16 declared candidates cannot win either. That was why he decided to jump in. The rest is history.Romney just...
by Jimbo'daNimbo 12 years ago
All this yelling and screaming about Mitt's tax returns!!!!!Fine...I hope he releases more.In the meantime how about you on the left lobby Barack for some personal transparency?We knew all about GW's drunken binges as a frat boy and every time he changed his socks but there is a force field around...
by Ray Williams 12 years ago
At this point, who are you voting for? Romney or Obama?I realize it's a pretty redundant question, but I'm wondering what some of my followers(and hopefully new followers) actually think. Give me some legitimate reasons why you chose who you chose, and please try to refrain from...
by Skarlet 12 years ago
Why does the mainstream media continue to attack Mitt Romney?Now that we know Mitt Romney has paid MORE than his fair share of taxes and donated millions to charities, why do people keep demonizing him? Obama came out after four Americans were murdered and said, "well, we've had a bad...
by Allen Donald 12 years ago
Can Mitt Romney beat Barack Obama in the next presidential election?Given that Romney is the front-runner, perhaps it's worth pondering.
by David 12 years ago
Why did Mitt Romney lose the election?Why do you think he lost? Was it his policies, VP, Sandy or???Let's please keep this political and not get into name calling or other non-productive things.
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