When Trump was deciding to run for President in 2015, he interviewed with Romney. He decided Romney was too weak to run for president and he was right. He also decided the rest of the 16 declared candidates cannot win either. That was why he decided to jump in. The rest is history.
Romney just won the Senate seat in Utah. He has just proven Trump right.
This man, which I respected, and voted for in 2012, cannot win in the current environment. What do I mean? A good person is not the test to be President on 2012 or 2016 or 2020.
It takes a tough person to withstand the attacks coming from all sides including the biased media. Romney is barking up the wrong tree. His latest OP ED shows that he has not learned from history...his own. He want to be liked by the press but they will never support him. By attacking Trump, he is doing their bidding at the moment but wait till he try to run again...
No republican candidate will be elected as POTUS after the farce Trump has made in the Oval Office, Jack. I don't believe you have to worry about Mitt or any other candidate from the right for a few years after DT's fall from grace.
After all, there's over a dozen investigations into him, his family, and his cronies going on as we speak.
Yes, and no Russian collusion.
I would not make these bold predictions...
Remember your history.
They said this in 2008 when Obama was elected. They said the GOP will never win another major election...
8 years later, they lost everything...such is politics.
The Russian collusion will turn out to be Trump's downfall. Among many more transgressions, that is.
I feel great about my predictions, Jack!
You are delusional. There was never an inkling of Russian collusion. The whole affair was made up by the DNC and the FBI to protect Hillary. They wanted an insurance policy in case Trump won. That is how they plan it to take him down. These investigation by Mueller will end with a dud. Mark my words. Come back here in a few months.
You're dang right I'll wait a few months to prove which one of us is delusional, Jack. Where do you get your inside info about Mueller's investigation to date as he's notoriously tight lipped about the entire thing? Fox News more than likely...
No, I don’t watch Fox news. I rely on Fox Business Channel, Drudge report, Michael Savage and Mark Levin and the Great one - Rush. These are the people I trust for reliable news. You might want to check them out.
Michael Savage is an independent Conservative. He has written many best selling books and have been on the air 20 years.
He is actually friends with Trump. If anyone knows Trump, the real Trump, Michael does. He does not mince words. He will decide issue by issue. He is like me. He supports Trump when he does good and calls him out when he does wrong as we all should with any President. Don’t you agree?
Well, this explains a lot.
Drudge Report, Michael Savage, Rush Limbaugh, Levin - everyone one of those people is an alarmist, lying sack whose history of lying is well-documented. People have written books about their inaccurate statements and paranoia.
To use those guys as the basis for your world view is sad beyond belief. No wonder you like Trump - a screaming, paranoid blowhard. It would seem you admire screaming, paranoid, blowhards. These people don't work in the news business. They work in the alarmist, entertainment, exploitation business - and in that sense, they are doing nothing wrong. They are not hiding their intent, but it's like getting your news from E!
Clearly, no need to respond to anything you post anymore.
Here's the skinny on Rush, for example:
Only 5% of what he says is "mostly true". Hilarious. Here's another:
https://www.politifact.com/personalitie … rely-true/
But you are ingesting and regurgitating this stuff as though it's true. Scary. More good stuff:
https://washingtonmonthly.com/2018/07/2 … -and-fear/
https://www.amazon.com/Way-Things-Arent … 156584260X
https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics … afdd6ba01b
https://www.carrollcountytimes.com/g00/ … i10c.dv=15
http://web.mit.edu/activities/thistle/v … baugh.html
https://www.forbes.com/sites/chrisladd/ … 6822f62883
https://newsone.com/16051/top-10-racist … gh-quotes/
Sure, believe what you want. That is why you are mis guided. Rush has an audience of 20 million listeners daily 3 hours a week.
He and Levin and savage and O’Reilly have written numerous best selling books on the infamous NYT best seller lists. Though they refuse to review any conservative books...
Keep you head in the sand and watch CNN and MSNBC and tell me who is trusted...
Drudge was the one who broke the news about Bill Clinton and Monica...
Crank was correct. Anyone who puts their faith in these guys doesn't deserve a factual conversation. They are all simply talking heads with no political experience at all. You seem to like these types, Jack.
And I have no doubt there's 20,000,000 idiots listening to Rush....
You have to wonder who is being fooled here.
You or the 20 million which by the way includes all political stripes...
Also, checkout Rush’s best selling books... and his award winning children’s book series of Rush Revere...it is history come alive for kids.
You know nothing except of what propaganda the left has spewed.
Both of us can’t be right.
It is clear cut.
It is either you or me.
I bet on Rush...he has more political astuteness that most experts on Washington politics. He doesn’t even live in the washinton bubble.
I listen to Limbaugh every day on the radio, Jack. Savage as well. Unlike you though, I listen to them for their absurd claims for hilarity instead of factual political views. Apparently you think they are real news people. You'd be wrong as usual...
You just proof my point. Rush Limbaugh is an entertainer. He has command audiences...
Why do you suppose there are so many out there trying to attack him?
They listen to his every word and try to distort his message and take him out of context...
They tell other’s about how bad and nasty Rush is...and tell them not to listen to him...
For someone who is so bad, why do they bother? And go to extremes to attack him?
The answer my friend is simple. He is their biggest threat.
If more people listen to Rush, the left would have little power.
He is exactly right about liberalism. So is Dr. Savage. “Liberalism is a mental disorder”. Only liberals would espouse policies that self destruct.
I listen because I like to know my enemies as well as friends, Jack. You listen because you actually believe the morons. Do you even know what kind of doctorate Savage has? Certainly not political science....
He was a medical research in the study diseases and nutrition and received a Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley in nutritional ethnomedicine.
He has more knowledge of politics and our government than anyone. He has been a proponent of borders language and culture before it was popular. He knows what a country is. Do you?
Yeah, Jack, just like Trump saying "no one knows more about technology than me"
The political Right will be relegated to the dust bin of history, courtesy of Donald J. Trump
In case you are interested to learn more about who Michael Savage is...
He is well versed in many disciplines and an excellent speaker and a great writer.
That is one difference between you and me.
I can be objective about someone even if I disagree with their politics.
Case in point, Tom Friedman of the NYT is an execellent writer and I readily admit it, but I disagree with his positions on many issues.
Can you say the same about your political opposition?
No wonder you're so ill informed listening to those idiots, Jack. Check out Savage's bio if you haven't already. Rush is a moron who will say anything to make a buck, just like Donnie boy.
Another bit of wisdom for you. Impeachment of a President is a political move. It has nothing to do with the law or crimes that comes under the law...
Just like Bill Clinton survived impeachment even though the evidence was over whelming.
In Trump’s case, there was never any underlying crime. If he would be impeached by the Democratic controlled Congress, it would be because they want to hurt him politically... and they would fail just lime with Clinton.
The country was doing well economically speaking under Clinton just as they are dojng well now jnder Trump. Impeachment would be highly unlikely...
Here is another good laugh for you ...
My tribute to Rush Limbaugh -
Hey, Randy -
What do you think it is that leads people to listen to Rush Limbaugh and his ilk and then believe him? There has to be some common denominator. Fear? Lack of intellectual capacity? Lack of education?
I don't think it's the latter. And I have conservative friends, but they don't really follow Limbaugh. They do, however, push back against the liberal media narrative, which I respect.
But to buy into his stuff hook, line, and sinker. Is it just a bit of everything? Paranoia, fear, racism?
Try ignorance, Crank! Some do not want to know the real facts and that's where the likes of Limbaugh and Savage come in. Unlike those of us who check many venues--even those we don't agree with--we try to get the whole picture.
I've found those who listen to Rush and the other talking heads do not do the same and prefer to hear what they want to hear and what the facts are. So yes, willful ignorance fits the bill.
I like what president Donald Trump said about Romney. "If he fought Obama as hard as he's fighting me, he would have become president."
I thought that was the best response.
Each time you start a thread it seems to always be overwhelmed with those with serious cases of TDS.
Forget the wall...we need to have some public money to find a cure for this public problem.
Haha...you are so right. Trump has brought out the worst of the TDS and expose these people for who they really are...
They just can’t help it.
As I said, if Trump came up with a cure for cancer, they would be against that...
You and Mike do realize those who you claim have TDS are actually "Too Damn Smart" for either of you, right?
Not surprising from a couple of Limbaugh fans though. (face palm)
Jack, a wise man once said "It's not how you handle winning that matters, it's how you handle losing. Anybody can handle winning. How you handle losing will reveal more about who you are than winning."
I think losing has revealed what mentally and emotionally unbalanced children are on the left and control the Democrat party. It is a shame to see.
I do hope President Donald Trump continues with his tweets and comments. I like watching the children on the left throw their fits. It is who they are.
Hmmm. There are babies on both sides. When Obama won the presidency, it took all of a few minutes for Republicans to call for him to be hanged and memes to come out showing just that. Do I have to repost that one? And what about the Republicans who called Michelle Obama a transvestite? And what about the Republican who yelled out "liar" during Obama's address to Congress? Had any Democrat ever done that to a Republican president? Just a few examples off the top of my head.
Gee, a quick look at the news will reveal that Obama didn't experience a fraction of what President Donald Trump and his supporters have experienced. I don't recall a republican member of congress yelling "We're going to impeach that mother F***ker." Do you have any idea of the things that have been said about President Donald Trump's family? Whoa, I could write a lot about that topic. Ever seen the memes about President Donald Trump? A Bernie Sanders supporter shot Republican congressmen. Donald Trump supporters have had eggs thrown on them, chanted by Democrats until they leave restaurants, had their MAGA hats taken, beaten up and more. The main stream media was then and is now an extension of the Democrat party. Sorry, Obama had a rather easy ride compared to President Donald Trump.
When it comes to who received more harsh criticism there’s no question.
However, Trump is not the first Republican president in history and the previous ones have not received anywhere near the same level of criticism.
To pretend that the way Donald Trump is viewed and treated is simply a result of Democrats being sore losers is silly. It’s him, as a human being, that repulses people.
Couldn't disagree with you more Aime. He's the first president since Ronald Reagan who is willing to fight against the biased media and those who attack him on the left. It is him, he's a fighter. Now, because the children of the Democrat party get their emotions hurt and like children say he's a bully, so be it. I hope he continues and I'll continue laughing at the fits thrown by those on the left.
You’re not really disagreeing with me at all though, are you? You’re acknowledging that it’s his behaviour that elicits such a response. The difference is that you see it as acceptable and put a positive spin on it where other people see it as being crass and inappropriate for a leader. You are free to enjoy his behaviour just as others are free not to.
My point was that it’s not some inherent quality of the left that causes an uproar every time an election is lost - it was this particular election and this particular president, because he’s divisive and he’s an instigator and the right thrives on that just as much as the left hates it.
Still disagree with you. I see a president who is not going to be pushed around by the media or those who attack him. He fights back and that is what the left hates him. They don't like it when someone doesn't accept their views and disagrees with them. When the left matures to a point where they realize many people disagree with them and see them as wrong, then things between the left and right will change. I hope President Donald Trump has taught the left they don't get what they want because they throw temper tantrums. It is a lesson the left needs to learn.
The political right collectively advocated for Obama to be hanged (or, they didn't object much to such memes)
What has happened to Trump that's worse than that? And what did Obama do to deserve such treatment other than to be black? Trump has done quite a bit to deserve such vitriol.
Obama and his minions corrupted the system...
https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video … oming.html
A summary of the abuses by the FBI..
A most disturbing interview...by Alexandria Cortez, new Congresswomen from NYC.
https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/alexan … 019-01-06/
Is this the future of the Democratic party? Is this the future of our country?
Is this the thoughts of the millennial generation?
No wonder we are so screwed up. Yeah...Yeah...yeah...
It isn't "we" who are screwed up, Jack. It's those of you promoting a crude con man who fit that description.
What, exactly, do you find to be "disturbing" in that interview?
I found her lack of knowledge of history and economics and general attitude to government and governing disturbing.
She is bright and educated and full of energy and passion. All good qualities...but focused on the wrong direction and fixes.
The solution to Washinton’s problems is not bigger government, and more control, like western Europe. It is less government and less spending and less “free for all” and more emphasis on individual responsibility.
Taxes at 70% have been tried in Europe and failed.
Why would we want to repeat failed economic experiments?
The laffer curve. Look it up.
Yes, I'm beginning to see that Ocasio-Cortez is becoming the right's boogeyman, second only to Nancy Pelosi
She's scaaarrrryyy!
A quote from a former president may be appropriate -
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
― Ronald Reagan
Prettypanther, Aime F,
Do you agree with Ms. Cortez that America should be more like Sweden?
Do you know Sweden is not a socialist economy or Denmark?
Do you understand how wealth is created?
Adam Smith - Wealth of Nation required reading in school back in my school days.
Do you know what our Constitution say about limited government?
You might want to take a basic course on Civics...
Do you know what socialism philosophy is and why it failed everytime it was tried even in China and Russia...
The best book on this topic is “Free to Choose” by Milton Friedman.
I first read it back in the 1980s. It changed my whole thinking on economic matters.
Jack, ya got me. I'm a blithering idiot who knows nothing about the Constitution, Sweden, socialism, civics, or economics.
I will be more than happy to teach you. My lessons are free...
Many thanks, Obi Wan! It's brilliant you are...…
You guys proof my point about the human spirit. They just want to do their own thing and believe what they believe and live their lives best they can...
Why do you think socialism fails every time? It forces conformity and wants everyone to be equal...
Not even liberals want that, do they?
They may want it for everyone else.
But Jack, what makes you feel superior to us guys? Offering to teach us things the way you see them. I would never allow anyone who believes what Limbaugh and Savage sayto teach my dog.....or my pet rat, for that matter.
Thank you but no thank you. Mansplainin' ain't my thang.
Yes Mike, while you on the right love his dishonesty because you can relate. See, I can cast aspersions on folks just as you can.
That would be impeachment, Mike. The cure I mean...
Gee Randy, I hate to point this out to you, but you can impeach President Donald Trump all day, every day, but unless the Senate convicts him, he will stay in office. Since it would take 60 senators and the Republicans have 53, I don't think that will work. I guess you can still dream.
For that very reason, impeachment is probably a waste of time and Democrats are stupid if they pursue it.
A Massive Blue Wave of Democratic Righteousness was primarily hired by the people in our last midterm election to CANCEL Bozo Trump's / republican's atrocious Corporate Welfare Tax Cut Scam which unconscionably transferred trillions of our money to the filthy rich while exploding our deficit, to fight for Medicare for ALL, PROTECT Social Security and Medicare, PROTECT our environment, to Raise the minimum wage for ALL workers and of course to hold Bozo Trump accountable and if that means IMPEACHMENT which it looks like it does because his behavior is beyond insane and corrupt with court docs indicating he is essentially an un-indicted co-conspirator, it must be pursued along with indictment to ensure and re-affirm the USA is STILL a land of laws and no man or woman is above them:
Yes Mike, but if the evidence of his corruption is bad enough, then the senators who didn't vote for impeachment would sign their own retirement forms. If it's shown Trump had a deal with Putin to help him win the election in some manner--we already know they did--would you still want him to be in office?
Besides, he will be indicted anyway when he leaves office and there's no hard and fast law which says a sitting POTUS can't be indicted. It's simply a policy the Justice Dept. made and can also unmake if they deem the crimes serious enough.
We'll soon see, Mike. Mueller just extended the grand jury session for 6 more months and this bodes ill for your idol.
Well, I'm not worried.
It's a beautiful Saturday and I intend to head outside here and do some bushwacking. That is hiking off trial and navigating through the woods using a map and compass. I taught a guy in his 20s how to do this and he really liked it. So, I hope you have a good day and the weather is as nice where you are at as it is where I'm at right now.
Using a map and compass is indeed useful, Mike. I love to wander our forests on the farm and only got lost one time on a foggy day. I love practicing survival skills and using what you find in the wild as the Native Americans did.
Enjoy your day!
Meaning two years of hard searching has found nothing, and he wants another 6 months of the spotlight and the fat paycheck.
Not sure how that bodes ill for anyone.
Once again Dan, where do you get your inside info on what Mueller has? Or are you psycho....er….I mean psychic?
It's called reason. It's called deduction. Ass opposed to your own "I hate Trump" crystal ball that continues to tell you that he is guilty of everything under the sun without a shred of evidence.
And there's also those indictments of his cronies and the dozens or so investigations into Trump's businesses and charity. DOH!
Or it may backfire...the danger for Democrats is if they push too far, more of their illegal activities will surface...and demostrate to the American people how corrupt they were...including President Obama...
We still have not found out what happened with the IRS scandal...
Now the FBI and DOJ is under the microscope.
After the committee's request that Trump order an FBI investigation of Kavanaugh, and his action in doing just that, it seems apparent that the President can order an FBI investigation at will.
Will we now see 20 or 50 of the lead people pushing for multiple "investigations" (read: dirt finding missions, using the FBI as a tool) under investigation themselves? That would be most interesting!
No, I deduced this all by myself.
For you reference, Rush was on vacation last week and has a guest host...
Unlike most Democrats, some Republican conservatives take time off from politics. Just like Savage and Levin. We take time. To enjoy our family and friends over the Christmas holiday and attend church and thank God for our blessings...
Yes, I heard the stand-in idiot while Rush was gone. He wasn't as hilarious nor as conspiratorial as the oxycodone doctor-shopper, but I suppose he kept you guys ill informed enough till he returned.
Whats wrong with you? Here we are having an adult conversation and you have to denigrade someone just so you can feel good.
For your education Rush had a serious back problem and he got addicted to a pain killer as so many other people. Instead of being compassionate like most liberals claim they are, you have to attack him because you disagree with his politics?
Well it just make you look petty and small. Rush is a successful radio talk show host and entertainer who just happens to have the pulse of the nation. Which is an asset in most books.
What a hypocrite Rush is, Jack! He was badmouthing drug addicts while at the same time he was addicted himself. What a sweetheart you go to for your info. No wonder Trump pulled you in so easily. Geesh!
Randy, no one is pure as snow...even your leader Barack Obama. He smoked weed and even sold drugs in his youth.
As for being President, when the whole truth comes out, you will see...Obama has corrupted some of the federal agencies including the IRS, the FBI, the DOJ and The NSC and the EPA...
Cool Jack, how bout a link proving Barack sold drugs in his youth. Not from Rush or Savage, of course! Or are you simply "Trumping" it?
And also some reputable links to the corruption you falsely claim? I'm sure you can pull them up in an instant.
Also, if Barack was corrupt, does it make it okay for Trump to be?
Here is a story...
https://downtrend.com/71superb/did-anyo … ing-drugs/
LOL this is your proof of Obama being a drug dealer????
Not proof... but he even admit to it in his own biography...Dreams of My Father...
He was also close friends with Bill Ayers... the American terrorist.
Obama's background was scrubbed clean before the 2008 election. Very few paper trail exists about a person who attend Harvard law school...
He was a community organizer before being a law professor and then a jr. Senator. He voted mostly present in state legislature.
He also claimed to be a foreigner in one of his early writings...
He admitted to being a drug dealer? Really? You’ll have to point me in the direction of that admittance because I certainly can’t find it.
I see that he admitted to using drugs, but using and dealing are not the same thing.
Randy, politics aside, put on your thinking cap for a minute. Do you think with all the people involved on the Mueller team and many are Democrats, that none of the damaging information has leaked out for two years...? How is this possible?
People have been leaking including Comey and others...all along...
If you watch the House of Cards on Netflix, you will know how Washington works...
Nothing in politics happens by accident...
People plot and deceive and back stab and corruption is rampant...even murder and criminal activities...
House of Cards? You do realize it's fictional show, right? But then, if you believe Rush and Savage...…
Mueller hasn't leaked as shown by the tactics he used after he received Trump's written answers. Now Donnie's stuck with the answers in writing. Yeah, Bob's an idiot all right!
Did you missed this piece of news -
Bill Clinton believes...
https://www.businessinsider.com/bill-cl … eal-2015-3
Not just Bill. That was one example. There are many Washington insiders that believe the same thing because they live in that bubble.
Insiders such as whom? Limbaugh and "Doctor" Savage?
It takes a 2/3rds majority of the Senate to impeach. That's 66 votes; 47 Democrats and 19 Republicans. Or the equivalent with a few independents thrown in.
Rather unlikely.
The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.
Article I, Section III of the US Constitution
Mile, that depends on what Trump of accused of, the GOP Senate will be protection for Trump being removed for other than substantive charges. That is OK. But if he goes too far, I would not rule out some Republican Senators supporting Democrats in favor of his removal from office.
Credence, what did you think of the Trump economy now? Does the 320k jobs and the 63.1% participation rate give you some confidence?
With regards to the Mueller investigation, if there was something real, it would have been leaked by now...
Mitt goes whatever the way the wind blows. He is an old-time politician. Tell them whatever they want to hear". He is the last to know no one buys into that any longer.
Here is a list of the corruption of Obama in just his first term in office...
https://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/p … nistration
Randy, there are many more...
I am shocked you know nothing about this?
Sorry Jack, your links suck! No wonder you believe what Rush tells you to.
Believe what you want...it is a free country.
Here is link to story...
https://www.americanthinker.com/article … rther.html
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